Sex With Emily - Surviving, Thriving & Sexy With Dana B. Myers

Episode Date: May 8, 2020

On today’s show, Dr. Emily is joined by founder of Booty Parlor, Dana B. Myers to talk about love during quarantine and sexy ideas for Mother’s Day.The two talk about the ins and outs of planning ...novel sex and new bedroom experiences. Plus, advice on what to do if your kids need you 24/7 and you don’t know how to fit in “me time” - let alone sex with your partner! Other topics include dealing with partner resentments and challenges Mother’s are facing right now during this global pandemic.For more information about Dana B. Myers , visit: http://www.danabmyers.comFor even more sex advice, tips, and tricks visit Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Right now, I think if couples can make a date for sex once a week, that's it. Make it high quality. Take the pressure off. Just once a week, you know, masturbate if you need more, but just once a week together, I feel like is the thread that's going to keep couples kind of satiated and together and not, if you're having less sex and that it's likely to create a wedge or some distance in your relationship right now and you don't want that Hey, Emily you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken, he thinks you're kind of cute.
Starting point is 00:00:49 The girls got a hair standard. Oh my! The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common, but only? What do you mean, like laundry? It shrinks? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I want to feel so drunk. Being bad feels pretty good.
Starting point is 00:01:03 But you know, Aveline's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex, relationships, and everything in between. From our information check out, find us on all social media. It is sex with Emily across the board. All right, intentions with Emily. For each show, join me in setting an intention.
Starting point is 00:01:24 So maybe when you're listening, think about, what do I want to get out of this episode? It could be, I'm feeling like my kids need me 24, 7 right now. How do I find the me time? My intention for the show is, this reminded me of this during the show, and I think, and I want to inspire you to know that if you really want to have healthy intimacy in our lives, we can't just wait for the urge to strike us.
Starting point is 00:01:49 It's up to us to keep our pilots light lit. All right guys, enjoy the show. I'm just going to jump in now because I'm so excited to welcome my guest. I've been looking forward to this one because we all need to chat about this. We all need her help. I've been looking forward to this one because we all need to chat about this. We all need her help. And this is on her mother's day. And for all the people out there, Dana Myers is here. She's here to help us talk about, well, a lot of things. Some of the challenges that mothers are facing right now, we want to help you during sex
Starting point is 00:02:18 and dating and relationships. And what are couples facing like? How can we deal with our quarantine squabbles right now? How do we even make sex interesting during a global pandemic? Well, I've known Dana for years. I'm a huge fan. She's an entrepreneur and author a media personality founder of booty parlor and creator of the satisfied Momma online course We need that more than ever now Dana Myers. Thank you for joining me. Thanks
Starting point is 00:02:46 for having me, honey. It is always good to see you and be with your crew. It's awesome. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. I love to see your face. I mean, usually we could do it in person. This is sort of our annual, like, what can we do right this time of year Mother's Day? And now there's a lot more to talk about. So how have you been doing there? Like, if you're two kids and your husband. Tell me everything. Mom's are struggling. We've lost the alone time that we had,
Starting point is 00:03:13 assuming your kids are in school. And I think a lot of moms are feeling the same kind of acute pain that they felt in their early postpartum days, when their kids need them 24-7. And so suddenly, this freedom that we had gotten used to, kind of reclaiming our life, our energy with the kids at school, now that they're not at school, it's almost like as if the taps of our freedom and our sensual inputs got, you know, squeezed tight, right? So when all this started happening,
Starting point is 00:03:48 I thought, why do I feel so unsexy? And it's because I lost my me time. I lost my ability to go to my pole dancing studio and get my mojo on. I lost my girl's nights out. I got swarmed by my kids. I'm now suddenly around my husband 24 hours a day and you know you need that space to create erotic energy. So I felt like this total shriveling up
Starting point is 00:04:11 of my vitality and my energy and then all the moms I was talking to they all felt the same thing and then everyone stopped having sex. Well the parents, well the parents stopped. We're talking about exactly parents I'm having sex, but I'm hearing sex is down. Sex is down. Sex is down. Sex is down. Exactly. Like sex is down. It's not canceled like everything else, but it's down and people are not as inspired.
Starting point is 00:04:34 It do, to do it. And you're right, we need the space. So Dana, how have you been making the space with two young kids at home and your husband? Because you're always an expert at helping couples figure all this out, but right now, how do you make this pace? If you're doing it, we got to learn from this. So, you know, you have to get real strategic. I sort of put on my like generals hat, you know, when I get my Mac about, you know, make my military plan to get some alone time for myself. And then also some
Starting point is 00:05:02 privacy for my husband and I. Last week, I was feeling super irritated and frustrated and I texted my best friend. I said, I really hate my husband right now. And then the next line said, and for no good reason, right? And then, you know, about half an hour later, I was tech supporting my son and I got really fed up and I couldn't finish the tech support. So I called Charlie in my husband and he came and he looked at it and then he came out and he said you know I know that I shouldn't have been you know senior tax but I saw that you texted your boss friend and said you hated me. Oh no you know this is the problem because now my passwords are on my kids
Starting point is 00:05:41 computer so my taxicom up and in that moment, what I realized, I hated him again for no good reason, but I hated life because I had no alone time. And it all kind of fell into place for me at that moment. It was like, I need to connect with Charlie, but I need a alone time first. And so it all came out in that moment of communication where I was just like, I don't feel sexy, I feel locked up, I feel irritated 24-7. I'm doing more dishes than I've ever done. I need some alone time. So would you just take the kids out for 90 minutes? I don't care if you have to stand dodging people in masks. Get them away from me. And then I will think I'll hate you less. And so what I did
Starting point is 00:06:28 I love 90 minutes, which look in pre-pandemic life, that's like a scrap, that's like a morsel, but now 90 minutes of alone time is like, oh my god. So I meditated, I danced, I masturbated, I had two orgasms. I read my book. I wrote my journal and that 90 minutes of alone time to nurture myself and kind back to my relationship and be like, okay, let's have sex again. Let's make a date for it. And then you make a date. I mean, right now, I think if couples can make a date for sex once a week, that's it. Make it high quality.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Take the pressure off. Just once a week, masturbate if you need more. But just once a week together together I feel like is the thread That's gonna keep couples kind of satiated and together and not Look if you don't have yeah, if you're having less sex and that it's likely to create a wedge or some distance In your relationship right now and you don't want that There's so much to impact with that Dana first off It might my best friend every day is like, I'm bringing hate.
Starting point is 00:07:45 And she says his name. She calls me and she's like, I hate him. I'm like, well, you hated him last week too. And the truth is, when she feels better and then you just need to have sex, we've been best friends for 30 years. And she's like, you're right.
Starting point is 00:07:54 But we forget. We forget. And I love that you're just like, that had to happen. And then you kick him out and it's an hour and a half. Especially as busy moms, you have time and you're like, I don't deserve it still. So just dropping into yourself love practice
Starting point is 00:08:07 is incredible, you know, how do you do that? It takes discipline. And look, I've been, you know, practicing this kind of a self-love ritual for good 20 years now. So I know like, F the dishes, the dishes can wait. Don't fold the laundry. Don't pick up anyone's shoes because your whole family's leaving the shoes everywhere you want to kill them. So don't do any of that.
Starting point is 00:08:29 And just find a way to transition yourself. I'm always talking about the transition. Let's talk about that because I think we all deal with that. I've had to put in its discipline, too. This is what I've been really been working on, especially when we're all home. They'd all stretch into one long day, one long 60 million days we've been at home. It's really thinking, okay, what do I need? Like what are gonna be those triggers to light me up and get a little spark? Maybe it's a physical, you know, you need that physical spark.
Starting point is 00:08:57 So maybe just plant yourself in front of the mirror and put on some tunes and just start doing some hip circles. You don't have to do a full performance, but just start doing some hip circles and seeing if you can bring some blood flow into your pelvic area, you know, where it needs it the most. Like see if you can bring the energy into it or maybe you're more visual, you know, and you want to look at some porn or you want to look at like half-naked pictures of your favorite fantasy celebrities who if you got a whole pass, that's the one you'd want to make love to.
Starting point is 00:09:28 So thinking about, what is it that's going to turn me on? Maybe it's erotic, maybe it's smoking a joint, maybe it's challenging yourself, but really proactively, not waiting, not being reactive and being, well, is the desire just going to strike me out of the sky? No, it's not. It doesn't. No, but we all think it's going to. So it's like what I love about the self-pleasure
Starting point is 00:09:49 practice for all of us is that sex begets sex. So you're going to, if you feel good and you feel those pleasure hormones, you have an orgasm, you're going to remember why it felt good, but we, it's weird. It's like every month with PMS. You're like, it's terrible. I think I'm, you know, is that it? And then every month, you're like, yeah, that's what it was. So it's like every month with PMS. You're like, it's terrible. I think I'm, you know, is that it? And then every month, you're like, yep, that's what it was. So it's almost like, no, that if you're not craving right now, your libido's low,
Starting point is 00:10:09 that give yourself some pleasure. That works. So it'll, it's like a little mantra. Don't wait, create. You know, just don't wait, create it. So do what you gotta do. And you're so right. It's muscle memory.
Starting point is 00:10:22 If you have an orgasm with yourself, you know, and also like use your voice., we have so many emotions to express right now. I'm telling you what I'm masturbating right now. I think God the neighbors are a ways away. Because I'm screaming at the top of my just like, just like, I've got bottled up anger and fear and panic and I'm holding it in my body. So I'm kind of using my orgasm as to like a cleansing, you know, ride. It's like a cleansing joy ride.
Starting point is 00:10:59 It's a huge, it's a release, it's so healing to use, to use your voice. And I think that maybe we sort of trained ourselves and it's not sexy or someone's gonna hear us, but it is such a good thing for us. Or use our voice in a certain way, right? Like in a performative way, like that, you know, that we see in a lot of traditional porn, but just, you know, just find your voice.
Starting point is 00:11:19 That took me a while too. Like that started, it took a while, but then when I did, I'm like, oh, this is like this guttural deep. Oh, it's vast. I love that you're saying it. Let it roar. Dana, your kids are at home. How are you having like a date night? I keep getting asked that too. Like, what do we do? We don't want to just watch Netflix. We don't want to just do that. What do you do? What we've been doing a lot of is Zoom double dates with friends, which is really fun.
Starting point is 00:11:47 So we'll make a nice dinner. You know, we'll make some strong gin and tonics because, you know, I need them to be strong right now. And you know, my kids are six and nine. So they will, I can say like, okay, it's 7.30. I'm gonna put a movie on. You watch a movie for a couple hours and then I'll, you know, I'll sort of have our Zoom date.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Then I'll come in, I'll do a quick tuck-in, I'll negotiate with them, right? I'll be like, I'll let you watch for extra, but then you're not getting any books, you go and straight to back. So I'm making plans to manage my energy, so that I know I'm not gonna get exhausted having to tuck in and read books and blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:12:22 It's like quick tuck-in, night, night. And I still have energy to come back and the gym tonics will have been working. And then the kids are in bad and they're asleep and then we'll have sex. But I on those days, this is so important. I am managing my energy. So I will take a 20 minute nap, you know, with my ear plugs and so I can't hear my kids. I will, again, I won't do too much laundry that day. I won't overwork myself because I'm thinking, okay, I need to manage my energy. I need to be present tonight.
Starting point is 00:12:55 I wanna try to bring my fun tonight for the sake of me and for my husband. Because I think a lot of people are going to come out of this wanting a divorce. Yeah, well, that's what they're saying. They're saying they, you know, if you look at China, there was like so many divorces after this. But my sense is that if you're a couple that there was already cracks in the relationship. And you were having a crack. Yeah, still can turn into caverns pretty freaking quick.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Exactly. So what do I do about that though? You're not having any fun together, and then you're also not having any sex together. And let's face it, like 90% of our sources, external fun are gone. Date nights, movies, concerts, shows, you know, parties with friends, double the all that is just,
Starting point is 00:13:45 who? So the fun is fun. You don't have kind of that third person, which is fun. And you're like, 30 is fun. And we were all having a threesome with fun and now COVID fucked it up.
Starting point is 00:13:57 I just, two of us. We were, we're in fun go. Yeah, three so with fun is gone. There's no fun. I had four concerts I was going to do. Like at the last few, where people have tons of things they're missing. But I'm like, oh yeah, it's on my calendar.
Starting point is 00:14:11 I'm like, oh, that's not happening. And so yeah, finding this fun. And then also like a little bit of right don't you think like taking the pressure off ourselves? So it might, I look like how it was before. But the other thing is, you know, that sex just making sure you have intimacy. Like redefining what that means too, because maybe it's is, you know, that sex just making sure you have intimacy, like redefining
Starting point is 00:14:25 what that means too, because maybe it's not, it's not just the old in and out. Like there's other ways to build an intimate, redefining, redefining, redrocing to what it actually is now under the circumstance, it sounds fun. Yeah, and you know, one of the questions, because a lot of couples are like, well, how do I broach that?
Starting point is 00:14:43 Like, you know, my husband, my husband, he's penetration every time. He wants to finish in the same way every time. But I might not be into that, but I still want to connect intimately. And the question to talk about is, how can we co-create a sex life that feels compassionate and exciting right now. And I always say the right now is the most important two words,
Starting point is 00:15:09 collaborate is pretty important. But the most important two words in that sentence because right now it looks so different than two months ago and hopefully it looks so different than maybe two or four or six months ahead. So right now intimacy can mean something different and can we be compassionate about each other and about what each other needs and wants and you know one another's boundaries right now or or willingness. And then it becomes a
Starting point is 00:15:34 collaborative conversation instead of a pressure and rejection cycle but you know is really easy to fall in. Do you actually probably are communicating more right now? not less? You probably have those skills, although we still get frustrated and hate our partners. So what are some ways of couples to have this, the ones that we already think you might be hiding towards divorce? Are there any, like, ways that you found like that you guys have been able to deal with, like, resentments? We all have resentments, but how do we really, um, resentments just become devastating in relationships? Resentments are what kind of,
Starting point is 00:16:04 I'm always talking about resentment and how that's like the biggest libido killer and it's on the opposite side of the spectrum, attraction and affection. Um, you know, one thing I always read that means let me say that again. That's great. Hold on. I want to say in a Myers resentment is the other side of attraction. Like if you are resenting your partner, they didn't help.
Starting point is 00:16:24 They didn't do this, they didn't show up in time, they're not doing all the things that you're pissed about. You're not going to be attracted to them. Like you're just not like that. Cancel it out. It's like pulling pouring water on your attraction. There you go. It's out.
Starting point is 00:16:37 The fire of your attraction just went out. Okay. I love that. So what the hell do we do? How do we not be resentful? There's so many reasons why. You're not already talking about resentment in your relationship. If it's not already a hot conversation in your relationship, you've got to bring it up.
Starting point is 00:16:53 And you've got to say, I'm feeling resentment. If I'm feeling it, I imagine you're feeling it back to me as well. You always have to hold up the mirror and make sure you're not being the dick who doesn't look at herself. And you know you say I'm feeling unsupported, would you help me with the kids every Saturday? And just really think what is it that I need to help produce the resentment? Is it more childcare? Is it more help around the house? But being really specific about your needs? And I always say this tool, I'm sure I've said it on your show and asking, saying, would you or will you?
Starting point is 00:17:30 Because it poses an opportunity for your partner to be your hero. Instead of saying, can you just take the kids for an hour? And they're like, how come you never take the kids, right? Right? Right? Your suspects are like, well, of course I can. You're questioning my ability. You know, it doesn't give them a choice, but would you? It's like, yeah, of course I will. And it's pretty even direct. And you start airing out your resentment, asking for help in a proactive way,
Starting point is 00:17:56 in a way that your partner can respond positively to. And then you start getting that help. And then you say, okay, what can I do? How can I make your life better? You say that in return. And once you get that conversation going, you start to air out some of the big resentments. And then what I say is just do a resentment, check, and once or twice a month. And that's just like, hey, I'm resenting you
Starting point is 00:18:19 because of this. And it could be the silliest things. Like, I swear to God, or Charlie, I was like, I am resenting you because I do not like the way You are loading the silverware into the dishwasher and I want it loaded this way and I've asked you twice and you're not doing it my way And I'm really resent that that's annoying nothing more annoying than that. What is it? Thank you But at the same time
Starting point is 00:18:47 But at the same time, harboring resentment on it is even more annoying than the fact that they're in there in the wrong way. So just getting it out and with practice, your partner can start to receive that without being defensive. And then you can also start to receive their feedback without being defensive. And then suddenly you're just airing it out and you're able to move on. You know, you fight fast, you forgive, you move on, you air out the resentment, you move on. All right, we're going to take a quick break and we can come back even more with Dana Myers. My friend Dana Myers, DanaB is hanging out with me right now.
Starting point is 00:19:25 She knows all about how to get your mojo and your mama, mama, mojo. She's founder of Bootypoller. She's got a core satisfied mama online. And we are talking about COVID motherhood, keeping it hot during COVID. And if anyone knows, Dana's got some great tips. What the hell do we do? What are we doing? How do I believe we're bored? Right now, yeah,
Starting point is 00:19:46 we're not feeling it, but we're so close. We seem all the time. It's not hot. There's no space. There's no time for me to get turned on. You know, what do we do? Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, again, I'm always about like, what's the most practical and strategic way, because all the sort of ooey-gooey essential inputs that we're used to just aren't available to us right now, nor is the space from our partner, as you just mentioned. As I said earlier, like, planning to have sex once a week, I think, is really effective. It's not too much, so it takes away the pressure, and the point of planning it is that you're like, okay, I know when it's coming. now I can think about what
Starting point is 00:20:25 I want to wear, how am I, I want to feel, what am I going to try, you bring in this level of anticipation and planning, it's like, oh, I'm going to a party, right? So you want to pick your dress or this, you're that, you want to pamper yourself before. I mean, I literally think of sex as I'm going to an event, right? So a way to kind of bring newness is with that ritual in yourself.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Because look, let's we haven't been dressing up lately, right? So get dressed. Go through your lingerie drawer, pull out something you haven't seen in a while. You know, and be kind to yourself and you look at yourself in the mirror. Also ask your partner to like spruce it up a little bit as well. Like it's also down. So ask this is what I've heard you know a great pair of boxers or trim or grim so that you both kind of feel as the other one is making an effort right and then you're putting in a little bit of like pampering and and preening and prepping and picking an outfit that feels really good on your
Starting point is 00:21:23 skins you're starting to warm up in your body. And then when you're in there, don't just go to the same one, two, three, kissing, touching, penetration. We're done. I get to go on to Netflix. Like if you're there, your goal should be to make it high quality sex.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Right? You're gonna do it, make it high quality. You showed up, like, go get it, get it, girl. You know, so what can we do to make it high quality? And especially now, like adding in a little bit of fantasy of novelty of imagination, like we all just want to get out, right, and the way to do that is through our imagination. So, and I'm not saying you have to go like crazy,
Starting point is 00:22:05 extreme fantasy, but I call it sort of fantasy light, or playing with erotic energies. And so Charlie will be like, what are you in the mood for? Love. And I'll just kind of say, you know, whatever I've been thinking about, like, I want to wrestle. And it was that I've been watching Blow on whatever channel that's on. And I like the physicality of it
Starting point is 00:22:31 and outfits. And I wanted like some more physical body to body contact energy almost like the wake me up. Yeah. And so that was just the energy I wanted, right? So that created just those four words I want to wrestle. That created like a newness between us and a new energy in that sexy moment. You know, I was wearing everybody's wearing pajamas, right? We're all buying pajamas on Instagram late at night, right? Ooh, that looks comfy. I'll buy it.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Exactly. And I got these new yummy pajamas and I'm all slink Instagram late at night, right? Ooh, now that looks comfy, I'll buy ya. And I got these new yummy pajamas, and I'm all slinkin' around the house in my jammies. And he Charlie's like, all right, so our weekly sex date comes up, and he's like, well, what are you in the mood for? And I was feelin' my body in these jammies, and I was like, I want you to pet me like a cat. And it was just, again, that phrase just set the tone.
Starting point is 00:23:29 It was a different energy. And so it doesn't have to be like crazy positions or whips and chains, it's just thinking of different and expressing some new energies that you could bring into the bad drum. Yeah, I love this, because we're all thinking like, it's so true that it's just without the space, we start getting lazy, we start thinking like,
Starting point is 00:23:49 oh, we're just getting it over with. And we have to, it's like your kids playing, right, they have the imagination, they're playing the fantasy games or whatever. I mean, that's what we're kind of saying as well. If we all know we can't leave, we don't have the space. But your choice is either to figure out a way to bring that energy right now and make your sex interesting and different. By just even
Starting point is 00:24:10 setting a tone is a lot better than saying, well, I'm just going to resent my partner, we're partner, we're not going to have sex, or it's going to be the same old boring sex. And then we're going to get divorced because miserable. No, like let's just, we're just saying it's like a matter of even just thinking about it ahead of time, even for an hour or even saying, baby, it's been really, you know, right now it's been a really rough week. Saturday night, we're doing it. The kids are going to sleep at this time. And even saying, I had a time thinking to yourself and saying, putting on your schedule
Starting point is 00:24:35 like it is like something else you're planning for, a Zoom birthday party, for example. You've probably said that person a present, whatever your kids are doing their homework, how do we plan for sex? And so by planning for sex, because I'm imagining some people thinking, well, I wouldn't even know what was on the menu. Or if my partner said, I wouldn't know Pat me like a cat, but that's for some good, Dana. So, you know, I guess for some people, it's like even thinking about, oh, I guess I could think about what I want to wear is great, what I want to, what positions I want to try
Starting point is 00:25:02 are getting curious about it, like doing some research, getting a book, reading a rata, together, getting inspired sexually because it really is our mind, our brain is the largest sex organ. So right now more than ever we have to get creative with it. We really do. Yeah. Yeah. I love all the ideas. Yeah. You know, I spend a lot of a fair amount of my time, you know, personally, I get this is what I do professionally, but personally, I spend a fair amount of time thinking about my own sex life and, you know, keeping it interesting because I'm in it to win it. I would always rather choose pleasure. And, you know, let's make it great. And the flip side of that is that you wanna like, also save this inner space to know that,
Starting point is 00:25:53 yes, you wanna make it great, but it doesn't have to do the best sex ever. Like, you can allow some room for error as well. You know, you can both maybe show up and you think it's gonna be great sex but you're actually both really tired, but you still make it through. That's still something to really be proud of because you both put in in an effort to stay intimately bonded during this really, really difficult time. It is. It's all great points because you got to, because once you let it go for a week
Starting point is 00:26:23 or a few days, whatever your regular schedule is, it's hard to get a pack. Keep it going. It's like exercise. So this is my question for you day and two, look, what about Mother's Day? Like, what do you want for Mother's Day? What's a great gift? What could we do for moms now who have like triple duties, you know, then they had before? What what's the best gifts right now? I mean, you know, I don't know if this I this view is widely shared by my inner circle. I don't know if it says as widely shared with mothers who may be more maternal than I,
Starting point is 00:26:53 but I just right now I just want to break from everybody. I would love to you know have breakfast with the kids. And then I would just be so grateful to receive like from noon until 6 just alone. And of course the challenge is like, you know, where is he going to take them? I don't know. I don't really care as long as it's somewhere else. And with that to him, I want to read. I want to put her around the house alone, I want to bathe, I want to masturbate, I want to meditate, I want to, you know, I got you. Really unwind, I want to really unwind. Yeah, that's what a lot of us need right now.
Starting point is 00:27:37 I think that's brave asking for it because I was thinking about like my mom was, you know, when you're a kid, you think, oh, she wants to be with me all day long, you know, she wants me to do all these things for her. But yeah, at the end of the day, you just probably need time now more than ever. Yeah, smart. I know that I am a much better mother when I have the alone time that I need and deserve. Yeah, Dana, it's so inspiring. Tell me what people, okay, how can they find you right now? They could take your course, is your course out right now. Yeah, tell me about that. I just actually, I just launched it today. It's a brand new.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Congratulations. Oh, great. Based on what's been going on, and everyone was sort of just saying, how can I access my desire at a time like this? And how do I find that attraction to my partner at a time like this, and why is it even important to keep into the CLI? And that's when I realized like I need to do
Starting point is 00:28:26 something for people. And so I put this bundle together. It's three central movement videos. It's three sexy meditations to kind of get your mind in a more central space. And then it's it's basically I chose 10 lessons from my satisfied mama course. Like the 10 most effective lessons to help with the very acute problems we're experiencing right now. And it literally, like you were saying,
Starting point is 00:28:50 people don't know where to start with creative ideas. It's all mapped out in there. Oh, seven different sexy experiences that you can try out in the bedroom. There's at-home dates. Oh, date, all these great online resources. Like my best resources. So let's a guide to call it survive, thrive and keep intimacy alive during COVID-19.
Starting point is 00:29:11 And so it's live now. It's available. $97. So it's like quarantine, pricing, because I know that people are, I know that's awesome, Dana. And you're so fun to watch and you're so inspiring. Like I love learning all this stuff from you. It's inspiring and I think that we all need that right now. I love that, Dana. It's like literally your guide to giving your stuff to X-Life alive for sure. Okay, how can we get, how can everyone find it?
Starting point is 00:29:35 And we'll put it in our show notes as well. Awesome, it's slash thrive. We're all gonna be thriving now, Dana. Thank you so much for being here. I love seeing your face. I can't wait till I'm in LA. We'll do an event together. Something fun. Yeah, I would love that. We need your help, Dana. You can find her also at And all of our Dana, Dana Myers, exo, exo on Instagram. Alright guys, thanks for listening to the show.
Starting point is 00:29:52 It was a good for you. Email me. Feedback at Thank you for coming. I'm going to be back. I'm going to be back. I'm going to be back. I'm going to be back.

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