Sex With Emily - SWE: Ask Someone Out Already

Episode Date: March 16, 2013

Men do not ask women out enough. They are terrified that they will get rejected. Well, you might get rejected but you'll survive if that happens and you'll find someone else to ask out. Emily's cohost... Menace demonstrates how to ask someone out by calling up a woman he's interested in and asking her out. You're never going to get out of the friend zone if you don't ask them out! Menace also shares he's secrets for lasting longer in bed. Please support our sponsors: Max4Men, Masque, and Good Vibrations. Use coupon code Emily25 at checkout for 25% off your purchase at Max4Men. Use coupon code GVEmily20 at checkout for 20% off purchases of $100 or more at Good Vibrations. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. I need to tell you about one of the great companies that's keeping our show free for our listeners. Max for men. That's Max the number 4. Men is a product line all about maximizing male pleasure, performance, and attraction. So basically, everything men want but can't figure out how to get. One of the most popular products is the Max Arousal Pleasure Gel. It has ingredients known to arousal penis and increased male libido,
Starting point is 00:00:31 maximizing your pleasure during sex or masturbation. If you want to get the Max Arousal Pleasure Gel or any of their other amazing products, go to That's the number four and use coupon code Emily25 for 25% off anything at Max for That's the number four, and use coupon code Emily25 for 25% off anything at Max4Men. That's coupon code Emily25 for 25% off anything at Or you can visit and get all the info you need there for better sex. Hi everyone, thanks for listening to Saks with Emily. I no longer have the Friends with Benefits program.
Starting point is 00:01:08 My podcast is completely free so that you can always enjoy Saks with Emily. Thanks for listening. I'm gonna get the eyes of a man obsessed by sex Eyes that mock our sacred institutions Bit-roof eyes they call them in a fight on me Hey, Avaline, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken, he thinks you're kind of cute The girls got a hair stand, oh my The women know about shrinkage Isn't it common, but what do you mean like laundry? It's shrink?
Starting point is 00:01:40 Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm off God, I feel so drunk. Being bad feels pretty good. But you know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information about sex with Emily, go to
Starting point is 00:02:09 We've been listening to our podcasts. Center for Emailing List, our RSS feed, and all that fun stuff. So thanks everyone for listening to the show. Happy holidays. This is our 15-minute show. We'll be reading the emails that you sent to feedback at, or a lot of people hit me up on Facebook on my fan page with this, which is sex with Emily. Some of the topics include a stagnant sex life, what to do.
Starting point is 00:02:31 How to less longer during sex and STDs and a few other things that we're going to see we can get to men is. Hi. How are you? How are you doing? We have important biz to take care of right now. Yes, we do. So on the last show, we were talking about asking women out and my men don't do it and how they just need to do it I think that men create all this drama in their head like I want to screw up, but she may reject me
Starting point is 00:02:53 But so men is gonna ask someone out right now. We're calling her. We're gonna call She answers me to what she usually picks up Because she likes you From well, she doesn't even know it's me oh right see this works uh oh damn it you asked someone else out huh is anyone else you can ask out
Starting point is 00:03:22 uh I don't want to ask anybody else out I'm so sad she's not answering. She's probably like menace, delete, delete, come on. Do you want to leave a message in ask her out? I'll text her. We'll continue on that next. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:33 So we are going to start reading some of your emails. But first I want to thank our sponsor, Adam and Eve. You know, sex toys, I've been experimenting with a lot new sex toys lately. And there is a huge discount here with Adam and Eve and it's a perfect time to buy any sex item sex toy if you need more loob, if you want to get a vibrating ring, if you want to get a hotachi magic wand, whatever you want, they're all at Adam and Eve, they're offering 50% off most items
Starting point is 00:04:00 to all the loyal sex with Emily listeners and they'll even throw in three adult DVDs and a free gift and free shipping. Yay. Go to Adam and and to keep on code Emily at checkout. It's that easy. Take advantage of this deal. Today, there are sponsors. If you want to buy a toy, we totally appreciate you supporting them and we love you. We love them. They've been loving you for a long time. I know. They love me because people are actually like doing stuff and interacting with their website That's good. I love it people need a comment more. We just before we started Recording this there was a ton of comments, but keep on keep on coming you know coming on the website you mean
Starting point is 00:04:36 Yeah, sex with only dark. Yeah, go to set. Okay, so I'd like to drive more traffic to my site Because a lot of people just go to iTunes or they was an unstitcher which is awesome. Yeah, go to my website and check it out and here we go and do a comment. Okay, here we go. She's calling you. Hello. Hello. Hi. You're you're being you're being recorded. Why? Why is that okay? Yes. Yes. All right. I'm here doing the show with Emily the sex with Emily show Hi, hi So pretend I'm not here. Oh, no, no, no, you go you tell her what the topic is okay? Here's the topic so what we've been talking about is that men do you live in San Francisco?
Starting point is 00:05:18 You live in the Bay Area men do not ask women out They just don't not hear and also not not anywhere. Men get scared about it, become it's a whole thing they create. The drama in their head, what if she rejects me? Would if I don't say the right way, I have me the right moment. The stars need to align. And I'm saying, guys, just need to pick up the phone or when you meet a woman you're interested, just ask them out. That's the topic right now. I agree. You definitely should, and it doesn't happen. Don't you agree? Like, you're like, this guy was totally into me.
Starting point is 00:05:46 He was buying me drinks all night and then he was like, bye-bye and you're like, don't you want my number? Right. No. We were just talking about that actually earlier. Um, we're at the apples store and my friend is getting definitely hit on by the guy working there. Oh. He ends it without saying, like, can I get your number or anything? Right. Just kind of a dead end conversation exactly He's gonna go home and he's gonna be really bummed out and this is speaking to men right now who are like
Starting point is 00:06:11 You we've all these experiences where you met a woman I think men have and women you're like oh, I didn't get the number Why didn't I do it and you beat yourself up? I'm saying don't even those thoughts in your head that are stopping you Just push those aside and even if you don't feel like it's the right moment. Just ask woman out so So on that point, may I take you out on Wednesday, next Wednesday? That's a week from now, right? I don't know, it's Saturday. So we've got a week from now, of course.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Is that okay? Yes. Cool. Have you guys ever gone out before? Yeah. Yeah, we've gone. I've put it never like a date date, right? So where are you gonna take her on the date? I don't know we just came up with this So I gotta
Starting point is 00:06:53 Men, don't you prefer sweetie? Don't you want him to kind of have a plan? Like if you showed up at your house And he was like, hey, are we going out? What do you want? What do you want to do? No, I already know how he is. He's definitely gonna come. He's a very well planned. Is he? Yes. Have you guys ever fooled around? No. No. Menace answered first because he was afraid that she would say yes. No, I'm sure to go. No, no, no. So maybe this will be your big night. I'm not saying you should fool around. You should not have sex right away, but you can make out. Oh my God. And then when you come on the show and talk about it, I think this should be a whole segment. No, no pressure, sweetie. I'm glad you're going the show and talk about it, I think this should be a whole segment. No. No pressure, sweetie.
Starting point is 00:07:26 I'm glad you're going up, men. He's my favorite person. Oh, yeah, definitely. The best part is this is all happening as I'm on the beauty bus right now. Oh, that's so great. You're on the bus and say, we're just going to go. I love it.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Have you ever been asked out on the beauty bus on live? On, on, on, on, on, on speaker radio? Radio, best phone. That's amazing. We sound sound very cute I'm glad you guys are going out I hope you have a great time yeah we probably will I'm sure oh good thanks for saying yes because I would have to nurse him back to health if you said no okay awesome thank you okay okay see it's that simple people that was cute men is just get it done So why what's the deal with you guys?
Starting point is 00:08:07 We've gone out a few times you've never made out unless you're lying to me, which I can see that happened I swear to God on everything they made out no. I swear we haven't I swear so what are you waiting for she sounds cute? No, we've always you know Got in the front of friends and then you know got in the front of right and then you know just lived in different areas and dating different people and then I finally I think I had like an opportunity but this is where I was I was drinking too much and I just and you've stopped drinking now so much I'm so part of you I can't I can't remember last time and drink probably I
Starting point is 00:08:50 Can't wow that's great. I know I have but it's maybe you're better without drinking. Yeah, I'll call some flour. Yes Okay, let's get into some emails now from listeners Emily I know you hate long emails, so I'll keep it short my wife and I have been married for 15 years and together for 18 and our Sex life is stagnant at best We're both in our upper 30s and my libido is just as strong as it was when I was in high school and hers is nearly nonexistent. I thought I would try to spice things up a bit and try to introduce some toys. I would love any suggestions you can give. I know you recommend a vibrating rings in the past, so what kind would you recommend and
Starting point is 00:09:18 how exactly are they most effective? She had a vibrator in the past and it was too strong for her. She had a very sensitive clitoris, so anything so strong won't work well. So could you suggest a vibrator that you think would work for us? Lastly, do you have any suggestions for other toys? She loves it when I hit her G-spot, so anything along those lines would be great. Thanks so much. I love your show and listen to it on my iPad all the time. As for the great hand job debate, goes, I'm squarely in menace's corner.
Starting point is 00:09:43 No thanks, I might as well just do it myself. Yes. A lawyer listener who prefers not to be named. Okay so sex toys so she her sex life is not as your hers it's stagnant it sounds like. So suggestions if you want some suggestions there's these vibrating rings are called vibrating whatever the man puts more his penis and New ones. Yeah. Have a little mini vibrator on it. So the vibrator I'm telling you men have reported that the vibration feels really good on them and It's placed in such a way that it directly hits the women's clitoris So she's getting pleasure and you know what the good thing you said she doesn't like a lot of women don't like a lot of intense Pressure on their clitoris and some vibrators can be so too strong. Typically since this is a small little
Starting point is 00:10:27 vibrates, a small vibration, it's not too intense. Plus she can move it from side to side and adjust it so it's hitting her on the right place. And this is great because I think it helps everybody, helps the man, it can help them stay harder longer and it can also, it also feels good the vibrations. So I recommend that. As for G-Spot Vibrators, I would just go to and I would look under actual G-Spot Vibrators. There is a whole slew of vibrators that are just for the G-Spot and read the reviews and see what people say.
Starting point is 00:10:55 But I've had those, I've bought them, they were, I mean, some of them are really good. And you, they hit the G-Spot. They have a little curve on the end. I'm a little afraid of over simulation on the G spot. They have a little curve on the end. I'm a little afraid of over simulation. What do you mean? On the on the guys perspective that I am going to be I don't know being a one minute man. You know that I'm going to get there too fast. You get that you are afraid of that a lot. I'm afraid with with these type of things that with the ring, like it'll feel so good. It feels so good. And you know what 30 seconds later it's over. Right. I don't think that
Starting point is 00:11:25 that's the case. I think it's just an extra I know exactly what you're saying that there are some things that have been during sex were men are like uh uh uh uh like usually when a woman starts moving faster or she starts saying things that really turn you on. But I think with this it just kind of feels good. It's like a little added. It's like a little you know it's like if someone's giving you massage and then they add some really cool oil to it or something. It's like a little, you know, it's like if someone's giving you massage and then they add some really cool oil to it or something, it's like, I'm talking about the fact that the vibrating ring feels good and then it's like, oh, a little vibration, that feels nice too, but it's not, I don't think it's the vibration is the kind of thing that's going to send you over the edge.
Starting point is 00:11:58 It's just a nice bonus, like, oh, I've never, my balls don't usually vibrate like that, that's kind of cool. And I think that a lot of men have experienced the effect that a lot of pleasure. The nice little treat. It's nice little treat. But you're afraid it, but yeah, but the good thing about the ring is that the reason why
Starting point is 00:12:15 they invented these rings before they made them, you know, they make all these rings that are stretchy and that have the vibrator on it for the woman. But the reason why these rings were invented for the man's penis is because it helps him stay hard longer. Okay. So, in a way, the vibration and the helping stay hard longer, at the ring-runner penis, you might be golden.
Starting point is 00:12:33 It's the ring viagra. It's the ring viagra. Oh, I saw this. It was so funny. I saw the movie Little Fockers and in the movie while I shouldn't give it away. But there's a little situation where he's taking pills. And that's pretty funny. I'm dying to see that movie because meet the Fockers.
Starting point is 00:12:52 I think the first 20 minutes of that movie are some of the funniest best cinema I've ever seen. Really? It's hilarious. Nice. Yeah. I could quote it, but I'm not going to right now. Hey, Emily, I'm a new fan of the show. A couple months now. Listen to all the podcasts and recently think you're and really think you're great And I look forward to the podcast my new BTP boyfriend type person turned me on to the show and we listen to it together
Starting point is 00:13:16 Keep rockin. I'm also spreading the word to my clients and everyone I'm around in New York City to get on board and to download your show So I want to say the reason I read this is because it's awesome and I love when people love the show I'm around in New York City to get on board and download your show. So I want to say, the reason I read this is because it's awesome and I love when people love the show, but I've had a lot of people tell me that they listen to the show with their partner because it's a way to bring up a lot of topics that you already issues perhaps that you're having with your partner and it's a way like I'm going to bring it up for you.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Like if you're listening to me and I'm like, man really need to touch women's breasts more, for example. And then she could say, yeah, I kind of agree with Emily, or you could be like, I touch your breasts all the time. And she could say, no, you don't talk about touch my breasts all the time. It just can stimulate conversation. So you don't have to do yourself
Starting point is 00:13:55 because I know it's really hard to talk about sex. So, never say, I really appreciate your email and thanks for telling your friends. And everyone who's listening, if you love me and you love the show, show email out to 10 friends tonight Yeah, put it on Twitter posted on Twitter. We like I'm listening to Emily Morris right now I'm a section of Emily with Emily a menace and they rock we'd appreciate that because we don't do any promotions really We don't
Starting point is 00:14:18 It's on a list of things to do but I haven't done it so Yeah, okay. Thank you. All right, one more. Okay. Hi, I've downloaded all this for you, Menace. Oh, no, don't. We've actually, we've actually gotten asked this question a few times, but I feel like it's a good one because it comes up a lot in menacea, you're the man for the job. Okay. Hey, I've downloaded all your podcasts and I just reached episode 111. In this episode, Menace casually said that when he's having sex, he can stop when he he wants to insinuating that he can go for hours however he didn't break down how he does this how does he do this teach me damn you haven't he hasn't gotten to the show yet so
Starting point is 00:14:56 I figured you could just say it again because this comes up a lot uh well it kind of has to do with Well, it kind of has to do with alcohol. For some reason, we have the effect where alcohol. The opinions of everyone on the show do not necessarily reflect now. Yeah, for some reason, I don't get the thing they call whiskey weiner, where you're not able to get it up after drinking. But you've also talked about pre-gaming. Pre-gaming. Yes. Okay, all right, here's the whole situation. Break it down.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Break it down. You read game, which pre gaming is you master bait. A good, you know, good. I'll say three hours before you go out on date. Three hours. Okay. Then you, um, then you can assume a lot of alcohol before the date before the date. Menace, do you know, sorry, not before the date. What are you talking about? Just don't do this. I'm sorry. Can we edit this?
Starting point is 00:15:53 Yes. Because you know why? Do you know why I'm slowing down on thinking about what I'm saying is because you know how I just asked the girl out on the podcast. Yeah. She's totally going to listen to this. So I'm screwing myself. But anyways.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Or not. Then, you know, you consume some alcohol on your date and you're able to last a long while. So you're saying that men, if they're having sex and they're worried about ejaculating too quickly, if they masturbate at home that day. Yeah. They're subtle.
Starting point is 00:16:22 That's like a known, like that's kind of known. But the alcohol just kind of enhances it What if you're not a drinker then you're not a drinker then Seeing see if pre-gaming alone just helps you out. Yeah, pre-gaming can help and there's also exercises You can do there's breathing exercises. I mean, there's a lot you can do I think we did a show on this a few months ago about how men can last longer. Yeah, so you should go look for that show Okay, that's what we got time for right now in our little quickie show. All right. Okay, men is happy, uh happy almost New Year and holidays and all that stuff. Who knows when this will post but it will be after New
Starting point is 00:16:53 Year's. But that's cool. It'll be after New Year. Happy New Year. Happy New Year. Okay everyone thanks for listening to Sex with Family. Was it good for you? Email me. Feedback at Sex with Family. So email me feedback at Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. I need to tell you about one of the great companies that's keeping our show free for our listeners. Max for men. That's Max. The number four, men, is a product line all about maximizing male pleasure, performance, and attraction.
Starting point is 00:17:22 So basically, everything men want, but can't figure out how to get. Men need to overcome their fears and embrace the amazing pleasure of the prostate. Max G. stimulating prostate gel is perfect if you're just starting to explore the male G-spot or if you're prostate veteran. It increases both sensation and arousal. If you want to get the Max stimulating prostate gel or any of their other amazing products go to That's the number four, and use coupon code Emily25 or 25% off anything at maxformen.
Starting point is 00:17:54 That's coupon code Emily25 or 25% off anything at maxformen. Or you can visit and get all the info you need there for better sex. Thanks for listening. at and get all the info you need there from BetterSex. Thanks for listening.

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