Sex With Emily - SWE: Beautiful Girls, Bicurious Men, and Baby Mamas

Episode Date: October 6, 2013

Questions answered: Are you bicurious? Should you give up your marriage because you aren’t having sex? What happens when his baby mama catches you having sex with him in his trailer? How do you date... if you have social anxiety? Should you tell women they are beautiful when you first meet them? Why do some people  seek relationships with people who are unobtainable? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Emily from Do you want to less longer in bed? Promesson is the only FDA-approved treatment for premature ejaculation. One in three men suffer from premature ejaculation, but they don't have to. Go to to get the desensitizing spray that will allow you to have this sexy deserve. Look into his eyes. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex Eyes that mock our sacred institutions Betrubized they call them in a fight on me. Hey, Emily You got a boyfriend because my man E here. He just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute The girls got everything. Oh my the women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common? What do you mean like laundry? It shrinks?
Starting point is 00:00:42 Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm on fair so. Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between for more information go to where you can listen to a
Starting point is 00:01:05 gazillion podcasts read our blog posts which are pretty amazing and they're gonna tell you everything how to groom how to give a blowjob how to perform oral sex how to have sex how to make a sex tape I could go on but just go to and you can learn all the important things you need to know to have the sex life that you deserve so I just want to thank all my listeners because we've had crazy numbers. So many downloads already this month like a hundred thousand more each day than we usually get. It's crazy. And so I love my listeners and I love hearing from you and thanks everyone for
Starting point is 00:01:41 emailing me at feedback at and I'm trying to get to all of your emails. And actually, today we're trying something kind of new. I record the show. I'm here with Anderson, if you've been listening, Anderson is the engineer for Love Line, the long-running radio show. And we, so I record the show in the Love Line studios before I do Love Line. So tonight we thought, hey, I got a phone here. We just gave out the phone number earlier and we'll see if some people call in. It's the first time I'm love line. So tonight we thought hey, I got a phone here. We just gave out the phone number earlier We'll see if some people call in it's first and I'm doing it, but just just know that Thursday nights
Starting point is 00:02:09 Between 9 and 9 30 Pacific standard time You're gonna be able to call in what's the number right? Anderson do we know? It's 1 800 Loud 1 9 1 loud 1 9 1. Yeah 1 100 loud 1 9 1 like how I get really loud sometimes. Love also works if you want to do love, but that's just the official love line. That's the official love line. So it's going to bite.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Okay, got it. We can't really do love one. But it works. It works. I just checked. However, people are listening live right now. So what is this for next week? This for next week.
Starting point is 00:02:39 All right. I don't know. I don't know. I did tweet something. Just now. Now I'm Twitter is sex with Emily. And if you don't follow me on Twitter, you should be when that right now. You could, I did tweet something just now. So, but now I'm Twitter is sex with Emily. And if you don't follow me on Twitter, you should be doing that right now and Instagram sex with Emily because that's, that's, I'm a good Twitter.
Starting point is 00:02:52 I gotta say people love my tweets. They're funny, they're informative, you like them, change your life. That whole thing. So that's what you need to do. And also I want to say that today's show is brought to you by our lovely friends at Ting who have changed my life. They've actually changed my bank account because it's gone up because I changed my plan to
Starting point is 00:03:12 go with Ting because they it's an amazing service that they have no contracts. It's basically unlimited devices on one plan. How do you explain it, Anderson? How would you explain Ting? How it's changed by that? Teng, it's just, it's one of those things where we're paying for way more things and we're actually using on our cell phones
Starting point is 00:03:31 or so many hidden charges and things like that. And Teng came along and said, you know what, there's a lot of people that need relief in various areas. And the cell phone is one of the main ones. So what they did was they partnered up, I don't know if it's a true partnership, but they use the Sprint Network.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Exactly. And we get to use the Sprint Network and we only pay for what we actually use. Right. And I love the savings calculator. Like you go to the website, you go to, um, go, actually, if you go to Emily dot, you receive $25 off your first device purchase or $25 in service credit if you're bringing your own device. The thing that won me over was that I went there and I put in my current calling plan,
Starting point is 00:04:07 my current provider, and my bill, and they log into my account and they're like, whoa, you can save 75 bucks a month. I'm like, holy moly, I'm getting charged for all this stuff I don't use. And there's no bundling, there's no overcharge or penalties, there's no mysterious line items in your bill, there's no weird charges, they have great customer support, plus they have a new relief plan. So you know how you want to leave your current provider and you can't because you're like, well Emily, I'd love to do TANG but they're going to charge me $6,000 to leave before my... It's usually not that much.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Well, it seems like a lot much sometimes. But now they have a relief program, it's an ETF relief program and basically you'll get 25% off what they paid up to $75 back in Ting's service credit. So if you cancel the other your other contract they're going to credit you. So it's awesome. Go to receive $25 off your first device purchase or $25 in service credit if you bring in your own device. Check it out. You'll save some money like me which I love. So anyway today's show I'm going gonna be reading your emails that you sent to feedback at
Starting point is 00:05:08 because I figured we're getting so many emails lately and I just wanna help everybody. And these are all, I try to pick out emails that really speak to a lot of, you know, a lot of the people's questions that are coming in. So one woman, she wants more confidence with the shimettigay, she fell in love,
Starting point is 00:05:23 she's thought, I think she loves them, they had an amazing kid make out and she's like freaking out and doesn't know how to crack the guy code to start talking to him again, another guy doesn't know how to do a girl, a couple doesn't know how to sex, doesn't know how to initiate sex, so we're going to talk about all of that today. And Anderson. Yeah. So I just want to tell you that I had this date last night.
Starting point is 00:05:43 And I want to tell you about, even though we don't need to talk about this stuff, but I need to talk to him. No, I hear about your date life. It's usually in a very crude and uncomfortable fashion because Mr. Mike Cafferwood is asking about it. He asks about my like sex party experience when I, that kind of thing. Right, right. But let's get to, I'm sure that the listeners would definitely like to hear all about
Starting point is 00:06:00 your date life. So this is okay. So I had this date with this guy and and we went to the second date. How did you meet him? I met him through. Oh, oh, it's a great story. It's actually great story. So I met him through a mutual friend that said, no, this is what happened.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I was in Las Vegas two weeks ago for the sex conference, which I love. International Andre show, sex conference. And this guy comes up to me and waiting in line at Starbucks in the convention center. And he says to me, are you Emily? And I said yes. And he said, we're supposed to, we were, our friend is trying to fix us up. And I said, really?
Starting point is 00:06:33 And it turns out my friend Ann had texted me the night before in Vegas and said, are you single? And I said, yes. And she said, I've got someone for you. So she doesn't know you well? She doesn't know me that well. Yeah. Why?
Starting point is 00:06:43 Because she asked if I was single. Right. Not a great friend, but like an industry friend. Like, I see her that well. Yeah. Why? Because she asked if I was single. Right. Not a great friend, but like an industry friend. Like I see her at the sex conference. But I go to the sex toy conference. So anyway, this guy says to me, I recognize you from your picture because we were at the bar last and we were at the club googling you and I saw your picture and you look much better
Starting point is 00:06:55 in person, which is nice. I think it's kind of a compliment. It's kind of weird. I was like, oh no. My first thought of being a woman is like, I better go change on my pictures on the Internet. Absolutely. You don't look good. 2 two D if you're not.
Starting point is 00:07:05 I've got to delete the inner web. I got to delete everything about Emily Morrison, the inner web right now because seriously, I look bad online. But anyway, he's like, you look better in person. And he's like, and I recognize you. He's like, I was 100 feet behind you. I saw your calf, your calves. I was wearing a short dress.
Starting point is 00:07:19 And he said, when we were at the club last night and her boyfriend, you both know me, said, you know what? And he says something about these hot chicks. He goes, those chicks are hot over there. He goes, that's Emily's body. She has that same body. He said, so I saw your calf from a hundred feet away. And I sped up to meet you at Starbucks. It sounds really creepy, but he knew that it was me from my calf. That's a little creepy. He didn't tell me that until our first date, though. What would be worse? Caffer foot. Well, foot, I think, like foot fetish.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Maybe it's not fetish. I don't know. Immediately. But we had this date last night. The first day we went for sushi and it was good. And there was no making out anything. It was nice. We went to Nobu in Malibu.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Oh, yeah. I heard a little bit about this last night from her turn. Right. So then, but our second date was interesting. It was last night. So we went to dinner dinner went to an amazing restaurant West Hollywood and it was fun and we're just like getting to know each other and then he wanted to come into my he lives like In Venice or whatever but he wanted to come and he's like let me come to your place and I've got this like cute little guesthouse
Starting point is 00:08:16 Today has moved in you but I haven't unpacked it. It's kind of a mess. I haven't anyone over I've been there two months But I have no time to unpack so anyway I invited him in I've been there two months, but I have no time to unpack. So anyway, I invited him in. Second day, Emily. Come on. Oh, because we know wherever. And so it's so dirty. My place, that's a dirty, just messy.
Starting point is 00:08:30 So I lit candles. And you know, I have my Emily and Tony, my new massage candles. Wait a minute. So he follows you into the house. Second day, he's asking to come over. Yeah. You walk in and immediately start wanting around the house lighting candles.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Well, because I don't want the, okay, I have a thing about overhead lights. And you all should pay attention to this. You know your apartment, if you have an apartment, like I don't want the, okay, I have a thing about overhead lights. And you all should pay attention to this. You know your apartment, if you have an apartment, like I don't have a nice house, the track lighting, and fancy, like if I did, I would have dimmers and the whole thing, but I don't have that. I just have the pretty turnlannets,
Starting point is 00:08:55 fluorescent and ugly, and I never work, I always work with like lamps or candles, but I don't even get a chance to buy lamp yet. So the point is, I mean, it was real, I mean, he and I were kinda like, I could tell like maybe we'd make out. So I decided to light my candles, which are amazing. If you go to Emily and Tony dot com, they're these amazing aroma therapy massage candles, which I will explain to you in a moment. So, oh, no, you use them last night.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Yes. For the first time. I know. This is going to sound okay. So I lit the massage candles. So the thing is, they come in three cents. It's vanilla, cocoa, and fougère. So you light them all together actually and it smells amazing and it was kind of sexy. If you're lighting the massage candles, you might as well just plug in your vibrator to the inside of your chest. I know, he did, okay.
Starting point is 00:09:35 So throwing some porn. But I figured, in my mind, I've been thinking, I've only used, because the thing about these massage candles are, and you know you have one, and I hope you've used it on your wife. I have. Yeah, I told you about it when she a whiplash from a car accident. I love that did she love the half of the one-mile. Yeah, it just works. It makes so much sense because it smells nice. It sets the mood and you can just dip your hand in there and
Starting point is 00:09:55 use it and it's not greasy and gross either. Exactly. It's a fantastic idea. It's one of those why the hell didn't I think of it? Right, and I did and that's why when everyone buys it, I'm going to get rich and then I'm going to buy track lighting for my apartment. So I don't have to think of it? Right, and I did, and that's why when everyone buys it, I'm gonna be rich, and then I'm gonna buy track lighting for my apartment, so I don't have to awkwardly like candles, but I did. So, but yeah, it's perfect. So that's the thing, it turns into this really warm massage while it's not hot, and then he's like, well, let me give you a massage, which is so, I know that it's such a gaseous, a massage
Starting point is 00:10:19 is such a gateway to intimacy. Like, I remember like being 18, and the guys being like, can I give you a massage, and they try to do the side boob thing, and I was like, oh that's kind of hot. So I was like, okay, I'm going to let him get a massage because I actually want to feel my massage candle because I only use it in the morning as a moisturizer because you can use it as a moisturizer because it's coconut oil and soybean oil. It's all good for you. It's not what. Am I slut? What? It's just such a obvious rationalization. I let this guy in the second
Starting point is 00:10:45 day give me a massage because I wanted to see. I did. I could never take my own hand and put some on my own. I've been putting it on my body for a month since I launched it, but I've never gotten a massage with it. I'm sorry, it's product testing. I figured he was like a good guinea pig because he's not like a serial killer. But the oh, the only issue is we became Facebook friends at dinner and we have no mutual friends. But you have the one that introduced you to be. Yeah, but no Facebook mutual friends and that makes me nervous because then there's no connection. Andies in my house give me a massage because I was thinking this is all okay. I can get a pass to this like I'm a big brother in the
Starting point is 00:11:21 situation because she just met him. She had just met him in there. Yeah, then you got to get him out of the house immediately blow out the candles. What are you thinking? Unplugged the vibrator. What are you doing? There is no vibrators. But there is a massage.
Starting point is 00:11:33 But like I kept my, I just like lifted up my shirt. It wasn't like sexy, but I have to tell you that the vanilla, it smells amazing. And he never used a massage candle. And he gave me a very nice massage with my candle. And then we started to, okay, so, okay, so he was giving me massage, and so you pour the hot oil on your body, on my body.
Starting point is 00:11:52 He pours it on my body, and he uses too much, which is fine, because it's not goopy, it's just oil, it turns into massage oil. And then he's massage me, and then I realized, okay, this is cool, I'm getting massage my candle. I got to remember, this is so funny, this is so great, This is so cool. I made a candle and someone's using on me And then I thought oh, but I'm not really into him at all and then he tried to kiss me I'm fast. You're not into him. No, but you're doing all your lead letting all this I needed to test my massage candle
Starting point is 00:12:17 The acid I write a lot and I come up with characters and I'm getting really sad now because I'm thinking of this amazing Character that I could write about and she has this product all these these products for couples but she can't use any of them but people love them and she assumes they must be good because she makes money off of them but she has no one to use them with and it's such a tragic character. No, it's not that I don't have people to use them with. I could but I figured I like this guy. I do.
Starting point is 00:12:42 He was nice and I became over and I lit the candles and it was fine and whatever But then he would share the kiss and not that I would ever rule a guy out completely for kissing But we just it just there was in chemistry and then I kicked him out how I was like I'm really tired of a really early day. That's what I always say, but he's true He probably realized right? Yeah, I think so because the guy will never do that no No, okay, they covered that on sign filled Yeah, and I gave him a hand massage with it to show him how great I gave him a parting gift. I gave him some down under comfort ball cream. But you just handed that to him. I did not rob it on his balls. When
Starting point is 00:13:14 I when you're giving a guy a hand massage, that's a little weird when you're doing the fingers, right? Because it's so similar to giving oral sex mean? No, just or hand like old fashioned. Oh, yeah, yeah. Like every time your hands going up and down the finger, you're thinking this is exactly what it would be like. If I was had this penis in my mouth. Or your hand. Oh my hand.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Yeah, and this penis. I'm comfortable. I'm comfortable, kind of. Yeah, but I wanted him to feel it because it feels so moisturizing and luxurious as you know. So anyway, that's my story about my date and I just wanted to share that with you Anderson. No third date.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Because that's interesting. You know, maybe I'm not ruled out by, I just didn't feel like I felt like I was already escalating by having the massage thing happen, because I'm like I wouldn't normally do that. I swear I thought you were like, you know, I had to try the product. I had to try the product. I mean, I've tried it again, but I haven't I liked them every day, but I didn't have anyone actually give me massage. So if anyone wants to buy my candles and you want to spice up your love life or you
Starting point is 00:14:03 want to just feel good and rub it on yourself Which I do all the time you can use coupon code Emily and you get 25% off. Oh is that what you get? Yes, 20% off your first purchase these coupon code Emily So that was my night and I am but I have another date this weekend and I don't think it actually would be kind of funny to have a Series of guys give me massages and then like do some kind of funny filming of that. I like the idea of you like kind of wearing glasses where you can't see it all you just go off of the massage go on the full day. And the blind lady guy who gives me right he was good.
Starting point is 00:14:36 He was like, but some guys just aren't comfortable. He's like insecure whatever, but he wasn't inappropriate and didn't try to grab my boobs. And so it was all a lot of that too is chemistry. I mean, if he's comfortable with you and he likes you, you guys are handed off, then he's gonna be okay. Yeah, I think he's fine. I just didn't, I really was tired.
Starting point is 00:14:52 And I just wanted a massage and wanted him to leave. He probably thought that I was gonna give him a massage in kind, but I did not. So, okay, I have one sex in the news story. So Anderson, you don't know this, but I used to always do sex in the news before in my show. But this one I had to talk about. I've heard some of your shows.
Starting point is 00:15:06 I've heard some of your shows. I've heard some of your shows. I go back and listen. I love that you listen. People can listen to your shows too. Let's give a shout out to your shows, Anderson. The film vault and the afters after. Namely the film vault where we talk a lot about movies
Starting point is 00:15:18 and that's an actual legitimate show, which I've said on this program. In fact, I have a very good movie recommendation later in the show that pertains to relationships and it's in theaters now. Oh, good. Okay. Let me know. Okay. Well, you'll do that. Okay. So is it ever okay to masturbate in public? One court in Sweden says yes. Of course, it's Sweden. A 65 year old Swedish man was acquitted of sexual self after pleasuring yourself on a beach in Stockholm, June. This district court tossed out the charge on the grounds that he didn't look at anybody while fondling himself. He did not look at anybody.
Starting point is 00:15:50 The court ruled he had committed no offense as he did direct his activities at any particular target. Regardless, the ruling may serve as a precedent in Sweden or some uncomfortable public exchange may be imminent. So it's okay to masturbate in public if you don't look at anybody. That is crazy. Could you imagine people would be masturbating all over the place of the bus, wherever, I mean, there already are. All right, everybody has a little voice in their head, right? Unfortunately, mine is Dr. Drew.
Starting point is 00:16:17 That's the voices in my head all the time, whenever I hear things that work with them for so long. So I hear him freaking out right now, thinking, talking about how Sweden should not be a part of the United Nations anymore. Exactly. In fact, you should bring this up with him later. I will. Interesting for a for a for love line. However, part of me also thinks that maybe they're just way more evolved than we are. And there is something to that. But then you got to think of the children and that's going to scar
Starting point is 00:16:38 it. Yeah. No, it's scar. No, it's no kids there. I am all for it. Yeah. Let them do whatever if you don't. You know, maybe it's a, it's a Swedish. No kids beach. No, I if there's no kids there I am all for it yeah let them do whatever you know maybe it's a it's a sweetish no kids beach no I doubt there's no sweetish speaking that evolved that'd be great I mean we should have places where kids aren't allowed I we should have lots of places where kids are I'm sorry do you kids we should have lots of places where kids are involved it evolved like parties that I go to so anyway um that is very I mean that says a lot about the country I think right I think so too it's a lot about Sweden like why are they so cool with it?
Starting point is 00:17:05 Whatever masturbation. And I think is I do think we shame masturbation and we don't talk enough about a masturbation. Like, I'm actually pissed at the at the at the government at the US educational system because I personally never learned about masturbation growing up. And for some reason, I'm one of the women who never even thought to touch myself down there That's strange. Yeah, so I was like 19 and everyone's I went orgasms. I'm like what the hell are you talking about? You think that still happens? Yes, I don't know if it does because I'm talking about like spinning It's like everyone's masturbating so people a little curto them in a way. I'm like, okay I get it. I think people know about sex at a younger age than ever before now. Do they know about masturbation?
Starting point is 00:17:43 I don't know. There's porn everywhere. I think you'd have to live a pretty sheltered life, not to figure it out by the time you're like 12. I know, but I didn't know. Like no one was like, so when you masturbate, I was like, master who? And it was my mom. I was like, you should masturbate and bought me this book.
Starting point is 00:17:56 And like, yeah. And the only sex device she ever gave me was my mother said that because I couldn't have orgasms first, because I didn't masturbate. She said, she said, maybe you should try getting high and having sex. That's she's a stoner, but she thought that pop would relax me. She's not Swedish. No, but that was the only sex that I should ever get.
Starting point is 00:18:16 That's true. A couple of weeks ago, actually, ironically, I was talking about how the only advice my dad ever gave me was to go to Sweden because they think of sex like chocolate over there. Remember just a couple weeks ago. Yes, I did say that. And then here's this story a couple weeks later. And I think that that kind of proves his point. I didn't take him up on that.
Starting point is 00:18:31 You never went to Sweden and stuff of people. You did. I never went to Stockholm in the summertime as a single man. That's what he always told me. Why didn't you? I mean, that's good advice. No, it's not like he had a plane ticket for me. You just said, hey, if you can write.
Starting point is 00:18:44 He's like, you should go paying a bunch of, a bunch of Swedes when he got a chance. You're. You said, hey, if you can write, you want to talk to me. You said you should go paying a bunch of sweets when you get a chance. You're probably shut off. Oh, well, you're married and I'm sure you're being plenty. So she looks like a dark-haired sweet. I'm OK. Yeah. Oh, that's good. I love that.
Starting point is 00:18:56 OK, so here's a thing. Emails. We're going to get in to emails from the people. Feedback at Thank you, everyone, for emailing me. Okay, dear Emily, this is for the guy who said women in their 50s don't enjoy men going down a mem. What
Starting point is 00:19:16 planet is he from? I'm my 50s and I love it and all my friends do as well. So that's so what the hell? I love getting and giving it. Love the show Debbie. Debbie that was a great comment. You're right. I don't know who said that women in their 50s. What was he like 12? I mean of course how I hope people love oral sex until the end of time until you can't get out of bed until you can't do. I don't know even if you're on bed doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:19:40 You've pissed still of oral sex. A woman just wrote in danerson cuz you're on Debbie she said that some due to my show said that women in their 50s don't enjoy men going down on them which is the dumbest thing ever. Some dudes said that. Someone on my show or something on your show. She's responding to like I think it was an angry. She's pissed. She's like what do you mean we don't like it? Who doesn't like it or all sex. I mean some women don't like it. The
Starting point is 00:20:02 guy is going down on the 50s. Probably don't like I'm just kidding. I'm just joking. Come on. That's not nice. Yeah, how could anyone not? Yeah some women don't like it. The guy's going down on the 50 year olds probably don't like. I'm just kidding. I'm just joking. Come on. That's not nice. Yeah, how could anyone not? Yeah, it's not like you hit a certain wall where you're just like no more. No, I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:20:13 It's a surprise to some young. Some. You don't remember who said it on your own show? Well, no, I think it was a cause. She said I'm responding to the guy who said women in their 50s. And I must have been reading an email from a listener who said she just wants to get the word out that yeah I want some kind of lingus hello send me up that's all she's saying and I and I just want to say that I appreciate it however guys do get to a point where
Starting point is 00:20:35 they can't you know perform anymore right I'm so glad you said this to me because I have another funny story. Yes, there comes a point where men need Viagra. Now, I know that Viagra can also get blood flow going down there for the ladies, but to do they, this sounds like a very ignorant question. No, ask me, it's fine. I got her metapause, it's sex kind of. Yeah, no, it's not over for women, but women need to do see your doctor.
Starting point is 00:21:03 There's certain hormones and stuff you can take because it is true that after a certain age, women's libido takes a dive. And that makes sense, biologically, because you can't have kids anymore. So what's the point of being maged by this urge to have sex? It's annoying though, because they want to sell sex and they can't, but they don't want to as much.
Starting point is 00:21:19 So a lot of women talk to me about this. And there's a lot of things that you can do about it, just talk to a doctor and that's a whole other show. But you don't have to live without sex. Okay, so what's the other story? So the Viagra thing. Okay, so Viagra, yes. So first of all, Viagra has been an amazing pill for men to maintain erections and stay harder longer. And, you know, Cialis is also like a knockoff of Viagra. It gets cheaper. So some guy says to me that we were kind of flirting at this party last week.
Starting point is 00:21:46 And he thought it was not, it was a guy that I know that I've been with before. Okay, actually it's an ex-boyfriend. I'll just be honest. It's an ex-boyfriend that I dated in the past and we always hang out a lot. But we haven't had sex in the longest time. And he thought things were kind of going,
Starting point is 00:21:58 he's like, oh, he's like, can I come back to your house? He's like, I took a Cialis and I was like, you took a Cialis? First of all, he's like Cialis and I was like, you took a Cialis? First of all, he's like 40. And like, why'd you take a Cialis? And why are you telling me that? And absolutely not. He thought that would like get me like,
Starting point is 00:22:13 I would feel bad for him that he had a raging boner right now. And so therefore, I should like pity fuck him. Is that how he said it? Was it like, I took a Cialis? I took a Cialis. Yeah, he's like, I took a Cialis. And like, why do you even need a Cialis? You're're 40 and that's not hot and I'm getting in a cab and
Starting point is 00:22:28 sorry you different directions by that's a pretty sweet pickup line that was funny I was very pretty that was a very funny pickup line okay so here's to me males that we're going to read Emily I love your personality and thank you for great voice for radio I listen to you and love line I love that and the chemistry between you and Mike awesome I radio. I listen to you and love line. I love that. And the chemistry between you and Mike, awesome. I have something I'm struggling with. When I see a beautiful girl, I like to tell them that they are beautiful.
Starting point is 00:22:51 I don't mean anything too much in depth, but I'm just trying to flatter them so they like me. But recently, I heard that this simple statement of flattery means something totally different to women. What I heard is that the woman takes it as a power dynamic and they find it damn demeaning. I don't quite understand this reaction,
Starting point is 00:23:08 but as a typical guy, it does not make sense. Isn't telling a girl that she's beautiful? A good thing? Your fan, Daniel. Daniel, wonderful question. Here's the issue. If you're telling a woman that she's beautiful, she's assuming that you just want to sleep
Starting point is 00:23:25 with her. She already knows that you want to sleep with her, even if you just said hello, but that is just kind of objectifying her and just saying, you're beautiful. And she's probably heard that a lot. And it is a turn off for a lot of women. Maybe after you're dating for a while or on the first date, you can be like, God, I really think you're pretty. But I think your first opener to a woman,
Starting point is 00:23:45 if you're just meeting her, should be an observation. So wow, yeah, the pumpkin lot, spice lattes. I love these. They're only around this month at Starbucks or how is the salad here? Or I read that book. That's an amazing book. Or you know, whatever it is observed like umbrella. Yeah, you're smart that you brought your umbrella. I mean, I'm telling you, it's not rocket science. But don't go up to a woman entirely that she's beautiful because automatically she's like this guy wants a bomi and I don't want to talk to you. And they feel it up. Do you agree, Anderson? Yeah, for sure. I mean, it shows no incentive or initiate or imagination or creativity. I mean, you're pretty. Yeah, you're pretty. And I'm not saying that this guy says it like that, but
Starting point is 00:24:23 right. Yeah, I'm sure you're awesome. I'm sure. Yeah, I need you. You can tell them that they're pretty. Yeah, you're pretty. And I'm not saying that this guy says it like that. Right. You know, Daniel, I'm sure you're awesome. I'm sure. Yeah. I need you can tell them that they're pretty with your eyes, too, just by looking at them. Not like, you know, in a lascivious, gross fashion, but just, you know, if you're staring straight at them and keeping eye contact, we're going to think that you think they're pretty, especially if they have any kind of confidence. Right. And if she already knows that you're talking or she probably knows that we know a variety that you think you're pretty, you think that we're pretty, if you're talking to us, we're going to come on. Imagine this. Imagine if you're talking or should probably know is that we know a variety that you think you're pretty. We're you think that we're pretty if you're talking to us, we're gonna get to know that. Imagine this.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Imagine if you're like an incredibly handsome man and like, you know, girls that are like in a five range come up to you like every day and say you're handsome. I mean, it would get kind of imagine that. Imagine that. I mean, I like when guys tell me I'm pretty like I like it, but I don't he's not the guy that I want to be with. So I think it's that kind of serve you. If a guy comes up to you, he's beautiful. I'm like, oh, thanks. And then, you know, my ego likes it, but I don't, he's not the guy that I want to be with. So I think it's not going to serve you. If a guy comes up to you, he's beautiful. I'm like, oh, thanks. And then, you
Starting point is 00:25:08 know, my ego likes it, but I'm not going to bone you. So, bang you. Boney. Bang is better. Either one. Okay. Oh, funny. There's two love line. Okay. So I'm a huge fan and listen to love line regularly. I've tried to analyze myself and I wanted to know if this makes sense. So in middle school, I had a long distance relationship, never actually met with someone across the country. We had plans to meet each other, hang out,
Starting point is 00:25:30 yet nothing ever came of it, even though we were both really into each other. I had a girlfriend from Canada that went well for a while, but ended up not working out. I seemed to unconsciously look for women that are far away. Could this be because the relationship in middle school never was fulfilled? And am I looking to fill that void?
Starting point is 00:25:49 Signed rule. I don't know, Drew. This might have to do with some kind of intimacy issues that you are always like that. Maybe you don't want to commit to someone who's close by to you because you feel like maybe you are not ready to be in a relationship or you're not sure what to do. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:26:07 I mean, we do develop a lot of our dating patterns and a lot of our love patterns at a young age. But I can't imagine that middle school is the only reason that this is happening. You know, it's unconsciously look for women that are far away. I would say just amazing that you recognize this pattern and then just like cut it, like try to look for women who are local, have a normal healthy relationship with somebody who's into your vicinity. I mean, I get it.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Like, I used to love long-distance relationships. I actually used to prefer them because of, I was like, oh, they don't want to commit. I mean, they, you know, I can't commit because they're so far away. And it's perfect. And I can see them whenever I want to. But I don't I can't commit because they're so far away. And it's perfect. And I can see them whenever I want to. But I don't see them all the time. And then I can focus on my career. I mean, that was me.
Starting point is 00:26:50 And I don't know how old you are. But I don't think that's you. I think that maybe you just happen to find a few girlfriends that are not living in the states. But if you do think or living near you, but if you do think this is an issue, and you don't like it, and you do actually want someone who's by your side and you can see and go to the movie. And it's a thing about long distance relationships.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Long distance relationships are like vacation relations. That's what I always call them. It's like your on vacation the whole time. You're like long weekends and you're hanging out and it's like Friday to Sunday and you're doing all these amazing things. And so of course those relationships are amazing. Of course those relationships are great. Long distance relationships. Because you don't have room to be like honey,
Starting point is 00:27:26 your socks on the floor, why didn't you do the dishes? There's none of that, because everything's perfect in your on vacation. So while long distance relationships can work temporarily, I don't think ideally it's a good thing. So true, I mean, unless something happened in this relationship
Starting point is 00:27:39 that might have psychologically, like if she did something with you, you could always go into therapy and see it, but I don't, I don't, I can't imagine this is what's keeping you wanting women. And that's an intimacy thing. And then you should go into therapy. How old is he?
Starting point is 00:27:52 She doesn't say, but he thinks. That's a big part of it. I know. People tell me your age when you email me. Feedback at whenever you email me. And you know what else? You tell me where you're from. I love knowing where you live.
Starting point is 00:28:02 I just want to know. Hey, we got a caller on the phone right now. I don't know who you're going for you. Let's do it. I just want to know hey We got a caller on the phone right now. I'm gonna look at it for you. Let's do it I was gonna go in there, but it's like so far away and I didn't want to start the computer and everything Okay, do what officially is I can just tell you his name's Rob. He's 49. He's calling from North Carolina Okay, he's online once go ahead great. I don't know how to do the phones in here. We're just click on I will do that for you. I love it. Hello. Hey Rob. How you doing? Thanks for calling Hey I'm doing okay. I love it. Hello. Hey Rob, how you doing? Thanks for calling. Hey, I'm doing okay.
Starting point is 00:28:26 What would be more? What's up? Tell me everything. I'll tell you everything. Well, I've been sexually active for about 32 years and I've always enjoyed giving oral sex to the ladies I've been with and only in the past 10 years or so has I don't know things have gotten by curious and I've not acted out on it yet but I'm very interested to get some suggestions on how to go through with that.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Oh, you're interested in experimenting with men. Yes. Oh, okay. And where do you where do you live North Carolina? Is that what you said? North Carolina, yes. Okay, got it. So I would say they could do have any friends who are gay or you know, running those circles at all. I do have one friend. Okay. And do you ever hang out with them? Not lately. I haven't seen him in a while, but I've tried to get his phone number from a mutual friend of ours. Okay. I mean, how far...
Starting point is 00:29:35 I mean, it's just the kind of thing that you think you just want to... You want to experience... Like, how far do you... So you're not in a relationship now, and you've only been with him, but have you had... Like, tell me about this. I do fantasies about men. Have you... Yes. Okay. And my most recent ex-wife was really into the fantasy of it, the idea of it. She thoroughly enjoyed using her toys. You know. Right,
Starting point is 00:29:58 and see it, right, Analy. Panatrated you, Analy, and it felt really good Well not so much anally, but just the oral aspect of it What do you mean that you she used sex toys the orally? She would put her sex go in my mouth right she really was excited by watching Oh, I see and then that got you going I mean yeah, I would say there's lots of um, I mean I would say go hang out I mean honestly I would go hang out with of, I mean, I would say go hang out. I mean, honestly, I would go hang out with your gay friends or go, there's like gay bars that you go to. I know that can be really uncomfortable. There's also dating sites, but that might be another way, you know, to meet someone.
Starting point is 00:30:35 But if you're so new and this is such a new thing for you, I would say that I would start to just kind of, I'm sure we all have gay friends that we, you probably aren't even thinking of right now that you do have. And I would just, maybe just hang out with them, like go to one of their parties. And, or if you just meet someone to me when you're out and about, like, what do you do for living? Are you ever out? Do you meet other people? Do you meet people during your daily life?
Starting point is 00:30:59 Uh, yes. A few. That's a really hard. I mean, it's hard, right? Because you've never done it before. I mean, I would just say it's great that you're talking about it's great that you're admitting it and that we're talking about now. And I would just. I would start to like open that up now. Like think about it. Like where do gay people hang out? It's like a gay part of town. Yeah, there's there's some areas of town where that's a little more prominent. Okay, maybe you go there, get a cup of coffee one morning or get a drink at night and just start talking to people and just see what happens.
Starting point is 00:31:28 I mean, I know it seems like it could be like, oh, it's gotta be this whole thing and whatever, but I would say like, you know, there's websites and stuff, but I don't think you wanna do that. I think maybe you just start to make some gay friends and just start talking to them and see if there's an attraction and see something happens, I mean, game out of the butt. I mean, you might just, then there might be an attraction.
Starting point is 00:31:45 And I mean, game end love guys like you too, actually, you know, who would have never had it. You're their favorite kind. No, not all game end. But many game end would probably just like, you know, just take a friendship, like I wouldn't make it so heavy and just be like, hang out in the game, or I'll be like, no, just hang out having a drink.
Starting point is 00:31:59 And I'm sure you can just be like, I've been, they're so open, people are drinking, you can be just like, yeah, I've been curious, no, I'm straight, but you know, hey, I'm open or whatever. And I bet you you will have a lot of opportunities. So I would just start and it could even be, I'm not even saying the first time because it might be a little intimidating for you. You might be a little nervous.
Starting point is 00:32:15 You could just go to this part of town and just like walk around one night. And then like the next night, decide to get a drink or walk around the bookstore or go to a restaurant, you know, or do you have any guy friends that you feel comfortable with that you would talk to this about? Am I the only one? Yeah, there's a couple of guys that I've thought about that, but I don't want to risk losing the friendship over bringing up a topic that you might want to be willing to talk about. Exactly. I think that meant, and do you you any good girlfriends that you could trust?
Starting point is 00:32:49 What's that? Do you have any good girlfriends close girlfriends that you could be like come with me to this part of town We're gonna get a drink Because if you go to a gay bar with a woman Or go to just walk around this town, you know me just so you're not alone Right, and you can be like I just kind of want to check it out Do you have any friends like that like if I was there I totally go with you Yeah, I don't really have any current friends like that. Okay, I would just go and just hang out and just check it out and like do it like maybe once a week or twice a week and see how it goes and I'll bet you you seem like a friendly
Starting point is 00:33:15 guy and you're sitting there people are friendly and you just start talking and it doesn't have to mean anything but I think that getting yourself there and making some more friends it could lead to something quicker than you know it. Okay, well I also want to tell you that I really appreciate your input on Love Line. That's how I found your website and all that was from listening to Love Line. Oh, I'm so glad. That makes me really happy Ron. That's really cool. I really think that's great. Like I love that you heard me on Love Line because I love being on Love Line. There's a lot, everyone wants to listen
Starting point is 00:33:45 and this podcast that everyone can download now too. So thank you and good luck to you. Keep me posted what happens, okay? I love that you're going after this, at this time in your life. Just don't make it so heavy, just go hang out. Okay, thanks. Bye.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Have a good night, Mark. Okay, another call? Yeah, why don't you take Nick there. Okay. Hey, Nick. Hey, Nick. Oh. Nick? 33 in November. I'm married. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:17 We were married for about a year, and then she ended up getting pregnant by mistakes. She was on the pill and somehow she still got pregnant. It's been two years now, almost two years in November since she had her child. He has autism, they think. Okay. And before she got pregnant or even had her son, we had a very sexual relationship all the time, like she wanted all the time I did too. And you know, I know that's kind of how it is, like in, you know, the first, you know, a couple of years of marriage. Right. is like in you know uh... you know the first you know couple years of marriage right and that died down a little bit but she's like completely doesn't want any type of sexual or emotional relationship with me
Starting point is 00:34:51 uh... it's got to the point after two years now i sleep in my bedroom which was our bedroom on one side of the house and she sleeps in the fair bedroom which is on the totally opposite of how we basically are like roommate uh... she doesn't get any kids or say i love you and to leave or i call on the phone yet and the point i met i still love her and care for her and i love our fun and i don't want to not be in his life because i have another son through another woman and she lives in florida
Starting point is 00:35:18 and i have no relationship with my son because i can't travel to them so i love being in the same house as my wife and my son because i can see them interact and i get the interact with him and him being autistic is right right and that's really hard to have a having an autistic son and that's really just want that you know loving relationship from maybe another woman so i kind of want to bring up maybe dating other people to her right i don't want her to get pissed off and like kick me out of something i know i totally understand and you know what before I answered the
Starting point is 00:35:45 call since we're new to phones here I kind of missed the first two you started talking and you weren't so just tell me how long you've been together again you're 32 and you've been together a total of about three and a half years okay our son is turning to in November so that kind of okay got it so okay so you okay so most couples after child you know that this is normal that a lot of people you know this but now you have an artistic couple after trial you know that this is normal that a lot of people you know this but now you have an artistic son you know you're more like a mom exactly and it's hard right but how right so you know that but you also have an artistic
Starting point is 00:36:15 son and you have other stuff going on which is more of a challenge I'm curious have you guys talked about this at all I mean we brought it up pretty much to the point that like she tells me like I'm like you know what i really need like intimacy with uh... my female partner and my wife i want to be intimate with me and she just kind of says well i'm not really interested in that i just want you know what we have now you know you're the father my son i'm more interested in being a mother than being you know a sexual person for you to take care of your needs. It's like our son has greater needs than you. And I understand that. Right, but that's not, yeah, you guys need to connect.
Starting point is 00:36:51 So couples need to connect on an intimate level. So any time that I hear couples say, or one person says, we don't need it anymore, it's not important. They're wrong. So that's not correct. You can't stay married to someone because otherwise you are roommates. If you're not having sex anymore, you are roommates. And intimacy is so important in a relationship. Like you have to have the intimacy and you have to connect on a sexual level. Um, excuse me.
Starting point is 00:37:15 So I would say, yeah, and I would say also like, I would say that it's your approach. If you're like, I need this, I need this. She's like, why not? I'm not about your sexual needs. So maybe she needs to be warmed up a little bit and she needs a little maybe there's some needs of hers and she's not feeling loved how do i address that because i've tried to address it like i would know how to address it like you know asking her like what do you need for me if you know i initiated or and i should want to kiss me when she leaves the house or
Starting point is 00:37:40 it's like it's to that point where we really are just roommate right no kissing i cut her into like i don't touch me i just want to be let alone that type of this is so common and i mean this is so common couples i would say i mean do you guys ever been to a therapist before because i would say she was the mayor to have any insurance i have medicated medicare because i'm disabled but she has no insurance so um the majority of counselors i called won't take us both if unless she has insurance providers but So the majority of counselors I've called won't take us both
Starting point is 00:38:05 if unless she has insurance providers. But I think it's worth, but you know what, it's worth it because if you want to save this marriage, I think that you have to go and talk about it. Because I mean, I could tell you a million things to talk to her but I could say, you know, this, that, but she's made it up in her mind. I mean, she might be going through some depression.
Starting point is 00:38:21 She might be, you know, something she could, you know, her libido might be low, she should get checked out by her doctor, but I think the fact that she's just 30, that she's young, she's your age as well, she's 32 and she doesn't want to have sex. I mean, that's not. Well, I mean, she's like two years older than me.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Okay, but still, that's not normal. I think that maybe she feels the burden of having a child and it's harder to have sex, but you guys, I mean, just tell her that it's crucial that you need to, you absolutely have to connect. And this is something that needs to become top priority Because a couple of students don't have sex. It becomes it becomes the biggest issue in the relationship after a while They think it's not they push it aside, but you know this Nick and no I would not bring up seeing other people yet
Starting point is 00:38:56 I mean I would just I would rather that you got divorced and And I mean to other people I wouldn't I would not recommend that I would I really don't want to see other people. I just want what we have to work. Of course. You know, me have what I like as well. You know, I want to live an adventure never now and again. Well, try exactly. Of course you do. You need attention. We both need attention. So she's not taking care of your needs and you're not taking care of her needs and the truth is, she probably doesn't even know what her needs are. She probably doesn't even know how to tell you what they are because she's probably so about the kid
Starting point is 00:39:24 and isn't even remember what her needs are. so that's why I think of marriage counselor and even if your therapy won't cover It's like the best money you can spend like it really is like even if you have to pay out a pocket It's it's just it will save your relationship because either way if you commit to going for six sessions to say or eight sessions You could say okay? We're gonna fast track this're going to know if we should be together or be a part. But most couples who seek therapy, it's a mediator. And this person can help you guys break through and have a conversation that you're not able to have in your own. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:54 I think that's something we can definitely work out. Do it Nick. One thing I do have to ask you, like if we do go to that point and we go through the counseling and she's still where she's at, I mean, are there relationships that work toward, you know, the, like, I could still live here in the house with her and we could both have to the counseling and she still works is that i mean are there relationships that work toward you know that like i could still live here in the house with her and we could both have like a relationship outside i mean we get divorced still live in the same house sounds like a sick home it was yeah it sounds like a sick home but but i mean i
Starting point is 00:40:16 know relationships were that work but i think for the kid it's really tough for the children so i know open relationships work and i know that you want to keep your family together right now but typically like jealousy comes in and the kids are seeing people come and go, I don't think it's gonna work honey. I would just say make it your top priority right now to connect with your wife again,
Starting point is 00:40:34 even if it costs money out of pocket. Okay, good luck to you. Bye. Hey, what's with therapists? Not seeing the couple of wonders that I'm insurance. I don't understand that. That's kinda dumb. I think he's got a Collins Insurance company
Starting point is 00:40:44 because I don't even believe that. I feel like they should just let her come into the sessions or I think she's part of it. Because she's part of it. I know that, but like, it's like if someone has a fear of like a phobia of dogs or something and I could charge the dog to come into the room. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:40:57 Exactly, I don't get it. She essentially got a phobia of his wife or an issue with the wife. So she has to be there to help him. Exactly. Let's go to a L Island, yeah. Okay. Hello.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Yeah, let's take it with us. Ready, ready, ready, go. Okay. Hi, L Island. Is this a life with Emily? Yes. That is. Is this thing online or over the radio?
Starting point is 00:41:18 This is on the world. This is going to be a podcast that will be played in a few days and we'll let you know when. Podcast. Oh, podcast. Sex with Emily. Sure. I'm at this guy who had a. Oh, I'm on my day. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Good. Yes, tell me everything. I'm very. It's okay. We don't have a lot of time. So go. Okay. So I'm sure in this guy, 10, 15, 10.
Starting point is 00:41:44 I'm sorry. Say the guy who what? I met a guy on 10, 16, 10. What is that? The date. It's a dating website? No, it's a date. October 16, 2010. Got it.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Okay, go ahead. So he had a seven, he spent seven and eight months at the time, and they had been broken up for a few months. He broke down a wall of mine that I didn't even know existed. I went out of town for about two weeks, and then I came back and we had talked and did up to me together in Icel and I was like, you know, let me know right now if you're in this for a long time,
Starting point is 00:42:24 like I love you, I'd rather you know died Don't be without you The first time he broke up with me is because his baby mama and move to galley and had some in him for child support Okay, I bet it's a hard time understanding what you're saying Lila and sounds exceptionally depressed. Yeah. I think she called a doctor. He would say you should get treatment from the press.
Starting point is 00:42:48 I think, yeah. Are you depressed? No, I'm not depressed at all. I actually, it's been about six months since he ended up getting married to her. Okay. This guy got married to someone else that you were dating. Here's baby mama. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:02 The baby mama. I'm just sorry. It's hard to hear you because you're not speaking as clearly okay but we had been together and she was supposed to come see me and she had gone the whole book to his phone and said I just got married to blah blah blah and I hadn't seen her talk to him since and about a week ago I ended up going to his new trailer, which his baby mama had purchased. And you went to his what? I can't hear you went to his what? I went to his trailer.
Starting point is 00:43:30 His trailer, okay. Right, his baby mama had just purchased about a week ago. You went to the trailer, okay. Right, and we had then ended up sleeping together. Right. In the trailer? In the trailer? The baby mama's baby?
Starting point is 00:43:44 Was the baby there? No, the baby was not there and the baby mom was the baby mom of flesh was at work. Okay, so you slept together and now what? Right. And he thought that there was a little bit more time than what there was before she ended at good thing home and we ended up having me and her baby mom the flash wife and it had some works together. Okay, I'm sure she was exact. Were your clothes on? Yeah, were you naked? My clothes weren't on. I was actually the only part of me that was not covered were like my eyes and my nose
Starting point is 00:44:18 and my teeth. Was, were you Arab? Okay. My clothes weren't on but I literally just gotten out of the shower and you could tell by the hair. Oh, okay. Okay. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:44:30 So she was like, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. And we have this code word and I texted it to him and it is like shit really hit the fan. Text you later. And I have been drinking tonight. I can tell you been drinking because your heart, it's hard to understand what you've been saying. So what is the problem now? Have you heard from him? The problem now is he is technically,
Starting point is 00:44:47 as he says, they both have rings, but I've checked throughout the entire state, all the counties of the state that I have been it, that I live in, and they say they've never heard of those two people. Okay, but it doesn't matter. He's with her. He lives with her.
Starting point is 00:45:01 They have a baby together. There's so many other men out there for you to sleep with. This guy does not sound like a news. Let me finish. Okay. He was pretty much pressured by his family to marry this guy. I'm sure, but that's his situation. They're right. And that's the situation he's in and he's living with her in a trailer with the baby. And this is not. I understand. Yeah, you're done. I really don is gonna be this is going to be do go back over there to the baby mom is trailer make sure you put the signs of the trailers are rocking don't come back in yeah perhaps baby mom will stay at the exactly good luck to the one i just think that i you gotta keep you gotta keep up find some other guy
Starting point is 00:45:38 this is just a drama okay hey john what's up yeah i'm going to be good how are you? Well, I'm good. I wanted to ask a question. I have like a social awkwardness issue. I'm in this career, I guess, I could say that, I'm pretty much, I pull myself back out there. I honestly, I'm like in the media or whatever and because of my past issues from years ago it's kind of like following me around and it's kind of affected my interaction at home, you know, my social life. I mean, I have no problem. I'm an ex-rover. I have no problem. I'm a very confident person but because of- What are your past issues? Yeah, it seems to have been etched and you know,
Starting point is 00:46:22 like it seems like a lot of people in the business know about it. What is it? You got to tell me what the issue is. The issue is like, 10, 11 years ago I said, I said, I said a bunch of emails I guess and I was breaking a law. So I guess I went to jail and I did the parole and that's all cleared up and stuff. And then when I was ready to leave this sabbatical and just get back into the networking and broadcasting stuff,
Starting point is 00:46:57 the stereotypes were still there and stuff and I was being tested. And I'm thinking like these options, we could like family members support me, these options, we could like my family members, you know, support me, but there's no support, there's no support in my family, I'm like on my own. And, you know, because of that past, my mother doesn't want to like, you know, get my back. Right, so, right, so what's your question, your question is how can you get back out
Starting point is 00:47:19 there with this reputation that you think that you have? I want to read, I just want to redeem myself and stuff and just kind of like clear space and just like, you know, send a positive message and just like, you know, just say I'm not this person aware. But as far as dating is concerned, it depends on like, you know, meeting different girls. It's the same way too.
Starting point is 00:47:39 It's like, you know, you can either, they have no problem with it, or they might have an issue with it. You know, I've had, I've had problems in the past. But it was like 10 years ago, I think that you have to find someone who doesn't have an issue with, but also do they need to know, like, do you need to open up with that?
Starting point is 00:47:54 Like, is it, could you Google yourself and they're gonna find out? Well, I've done that already. It's like, it's like everybody, you know, everybody, you know, know that's just that I get mocked a lot and stuff. And I have no problem with it I'm this is I'm relevant right now but as far as like you know integrity loyalty and honesty or whatever it's just like it's like a head game and stuff and it's like it's yeah I would just get you got to just live in your confident place and be like that was me in
Starting point is 00:48:17 the past I'm totally different and you walk the walk and you talk the talk and you be who you are and you like live that life like I think that I think that you're probably in your own way because you're thinking that people care they might joke with you about it. But I don't think that people care about as much as you do. I really don't. I think this is still your stigma and you're thinking this is what's holding you back. When really if you just like let it go and you're like that was me I'm a new man this everything I've been doing and you just don't give any time because if you're like if you
Starting point is 00:48:41 make a big deal out of it to the woman you're like listen this is my past that's it to should be like whoa but if you're just like yeah you make a big deal out of it to the woman, you're like, listen, this is my past, that's it, she'll be like, whoa, but if you're just like, yeah, this happens, this is who I am now, I'm in a mistake, we all make mistakes, you know, my friends sleeping guy who is in jail right now, and she's like 10 years ago, he's in jail, and she loves them, and they're together, and I'm like, really?
Starting point is 00:48:55 Like he was in jail, like that's okay, but whatever happens, so I think it really, it's true, and I'm just, it doesn't live in a trailer. Doesn't live in a trailer, no, but I'm saying, people, people, people, everyone I've made a million mistakes in my life Like I don't think you should live your mistake and like it don't live from that place like live from where you are now Yeah, I don't even put that out there
Starting point is 00:49:11 I don't want you know give that message or anything that's it like just I'm trying to be myself It's sometimes I guess it's sometimes some people it just like it's like they have a hard time trying to get the other Head but I try to be who I am because I am why i am you know exactly that you don't want to hang out those people people who are accepting you for who you are now and are so hanging on the past are not people that you want to be around i agree i totally agree really just have to like change your social circle then like those are not the people you want the people are like oh i see that you've changed on like you moved you evolved your great that was like decade ago who
Starting point is 00:49:41 cares that that makes sense nor really wait're really waiting for them to respond. Because when I'm always going to put one of the person's always the one that's chasing around and after a while they just don't chase. So like, yeah, let it go. Don't even think about like seriously, you're a new person that was so long ago. You're the one who keeps bringing up. It's like childhood stuff. The people don't get rid of my parents are abusive. Well, eventually you get to start needing to let all that to go because like life goes on.
Starting point is 00:50:04 You're a new person. Totally. Yeah, totally agree. That's going to do that. Well, but eventually you get just her nature to let all that to go because like life goes on. You're a new person like totally. Yeah, totally. That's why I do that. Okay, John. Well, good luck to you because we got to go now. But thanks for calling in. All right. It's a good day for me. Thanks John. Good luck. Keep living your life. I hate that when people can't keep a can that go. When they pigeonhole you, you know, I had such an issue with that growing up. What'd you do, Anderson? Are you a slot in high school? Well, not even that. Just like teachers always, you know, like from one year to the next, I'd be a better kid the next year. And I was always a bad kid in their eyes.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Right. Right. Same with the slut-ness. We were slut too. I would see you big cute. You like, bit of a slut, yeah. Yeah, that happens. It's a really a slut, but you know, I tried.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Yeah, you tried to get slow. I tried to get slow. Yeah, but I was really awkward. You are. Guys are all, every guy listening now is 18. You think you're awkward. Everyone thinks they're awkward in high school. Well, because they are. And you are. You are awkward. You're guy listening now is 18 you think you're awkward everyone thinks they're awkward in high school Well, because they are and you are you are awkward. You're awkward and it's okay
Starting point is 00:50:49 Don't have regrets. Just don't ever know regrets life. I have no regrets in life I've won regret in life that I didn't buy real estate in San Francisco when I could have there's like 15 girls That I would have loved to have kissed that I could have at least kissed in high school, but I just I Post out. Yeah, we all do that. It still keeps me up at night sometimes. I'm married and I still like, what the fuck? What's wrong with me? Why did I kiss Mary Jane when she was wearing her and cheerleading outfit?
Starting point is 00:51:10 Mickey Dima on their book for good by so. Seriously? I mean, guys are so funny about stuff like that. Yeah, so this, that's a good lesson. Do you know what it is? The guy you awkward dudes in high school, which is most of you, kisser, just try. I'm telling you, most women are not going to be offended.
Starting point is 00:51:24 I say this all the time and I do not think I'm wrong. That even my close guy friends that have tried to kiss me and Matt would say is about 100% of them, I'm like no dude, we're best friends. I'm not mad at them, I get it, I'm a chick, you're a dick. But you're super cool, you can't use yourself as an example. I can't, I have super cool. And you know what, I did try and kiss a girl once
Starting point is 00:51:41 and she did one time and she turned her head. That did happen to me once and there's no feeling worse. Yeah, there really isn't. I know that you think I was just a little bit honest. I think I was just a little bit honest. I think I just a little bit honest. I think I was just a little bit honest. I think I was just a little bit honest. I think I was just a
Starting point is 00:51:51 little bit honest. I think I was a little bit honest. I think I was just a little bit honest. I think I was just a little bit honest. I think I was just a little bit honest. I think I was just a little bit honest. I think I was just a little bit honest. I think
Starting point is 00:51:59 I was just a little bit honest. I think I was just a little bit honest. I think I was just a little bit honest. I think I was just a little bit honest. I think I was just a little bit honest. I think I was just a little bit honest. I think I was just a little bit honest. I think I was just a little bit honest. I think laying up and lying awake at night thinking of what's her name that you didn't kiss the one that you tried to kiss are they both equal sorry they're both equally painful but the one at least I know that I tried exactly they're both equally painful but I'm and they're both shameful too they're shameful yeah
Starting point is 00:52:15 a little bit yeah people you're young trying kiss whoever you don't be a fan don't only stick your tongue down someone's throat and like be aggressive in a way absolutely don't do that because no I because, no, I mean, but kiss them and try. I just think that if thirst, if you're hanging out with someone, you can be like, I really find you attractive or whatever. Just try to kiss them. I don't think it's a bad thing. I know I say that people are going to be buying it, man.
Starting point is 00:52:33 I mean, but I think it's a good thing. But we're going to have to wrap up in a second. I got to do the movie thing though. I'm going to tell you about a movie. I'm going to tell you about a movie. No quick. There's a movie out right now, which I almost didn't see, but it's with James Gandalfini and Julia Lewis-Dreyfus from Sign From The Jew Sign From The Jewel and she's on Vip now. She's amazing. I don't watch TV
Starting point is 00:52:49 so I don't really see her in that. But the first movie she's been in and maybe almost ever. And it's a really, really good movie, especially for the older folks, because it's about two divorcees who get together. There's a whole twist and turn that goes on with it that I found out by watching the trailer, which kind of made it not as good as a shoot a bit I know what's it called but it's called enough said okay, which is not a very good title But it's a very good movie and I highly recommend it so I love Julia Julia Julia She's amazing okay and people can hear more about what you think about films at film on the film vault You're right. I also talk about Don John on the film vault, which I saw, which is another good movie
Starting point is 00:53:25 but for the younger crowd. And that one's incredibly uncomfortable. Don't go on a first date to that one. OK, no first dates. I think first date movies are always a bad choice, though. Oh, yeah. It's terrible to do that unless you're going to hate the movie and you're 15 and you're
Starting point is 00:53:37 going to sit in the back row and make out. Exactly. Then goes to a bad movie or something. Do that. But that's good, Anderson. So everyone, check out his podcast, because it's good. And you should do that. Listen to my podcast and his podcast So everyone check out his podcast because it's good and you should do that. Listen to my podcast and his podcast.
Starting point is 00:53:46 You can find them all at podcast one or an iTunes. The other thing, oh no, I gotta do one more thing. Okay, I thought you were rapping up. Well, I am rapping, well, I thought we had to rap up. Yeah, we do, kind of like in a couple of minutes. Okay, good. So I can still talk about something else. So earlier, I talked about my awkward,
Starting point is 00:54:01 I was just my awkward massage last night that I coerced a man into giving me massage with my own massage candle. But crazy girl has warming body massagers that are amazing that you could use with my candles. You know that I love crazy girl You can always, there's these warming heart body massagers. I actually had them on the Chris Jenner show when I was on.
Starting point is 00:54:25 And you click it, it has this little metal thing in it. It looks like an ice pack, but it's not cold. You crack this little metal thing and it turns hot. And it turns into like a heating massage pad. And they instantly heat up. You can crush your partner with a warming massage that relieves tension, reduces stress, soothes, and gets your partner into the mood. People are going crazy for these hearts.
Starting point is 00:54:45 And I think it's because I had it on television. I think it's because I gave one to Chris Jenner and she freaked out about it. So use coupon code Emily for 25% off anything at And also, um, okay, Emily and I'm going to say it one more time. If you love me and you love the show, you're getting all this information for free and I would love to keep doing the show for you all the time. Go buy the products, use coupon code Emily, get 20% off.
Starting point is 00:55:11 We have a ball ocean called Down Under Comfort, okay? You think your ball smell fine? They probably don't. You've been all day out and about and you want to get ahead of your girlfriend. She's not gonna do it unless you use it down under comfort. It's a cream to a powder. It feels amazing. It's just a fresh and, Anderson, you have some.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Wearing it right now. You're wearing it right now. Fresh and dry all day long and women, you just, you won't have to worry that you are stinky and you don't need to use talcum powder, which is nice. They could buy it for their, their boy. They could buy it for them. Yeah. For the guy.
Starting point is 00:55:40 But women buy it for your boyfriend. It's a great gift. And check it out at And I love you, Anderson. Thank you for doing the show. I love you. I love you. I'm so glad.
Starting point is 00:55:48 So if you have any products that have been laying around for a long time and you have like some kind of blowout sale. Oh, a blow to me for you. No, just for anyone. It would be really funny if you had like 69% off instead of the 20% off. Oh, I should have said it. But it's a lot. So it would have to be like, I've got a ton of vibrators at my house.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Oh, if you want to win a massage candle from me, Emily and Tony email me at feedback at sex with Emily dot com. Tell me why you want this candle. Okay. You heard me describe what it does. I will send you one. I'll send a few to people. So email me feedback at sex at Okay, everyone. Thanks for listening to the show. And was it good for you? Email me feedback at sex with Emily dot com. Hi, I'm Emily from What if giving oral sex tasted like strawberry is our chocolate? Masks makes these delicious strips like a breast strip. Only better, they make oral sex taste like chocolate, strawberry, water-mountain or mango. Make sex more pleasurable for you and your partner by going to
Starting point is 00:56:41

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