Sex With Emily - SWE: Best & Worst Dates

Episode Date: May 30, 2012

Happy Hump Day! Emily takes the guy she's dating to her ex's birthday party over the weekend and is celebrating her birthday with a Kegel Kegger. Emily and Menace discuss the top ten cheap date ideas ...from roller-skaing across the Golden Gate Bridge to going to a dive bar. Also, the worst places to go on a first date. Never go to dinner and a movie unless you have no interest in talking to your date. Hopefully the movie will at least be entertaining. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music Look into his eyes Then the eyes of a man obsessed by sex Eyes that mock our secret institutions Betrubized they call them in a bygone way Hey Evelyn, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken, he thinks you're kind of cute The girls got a hair standard, so much
Starting point is 00:00:23 The women know about shrinkage Isn Isn't it common all the way? What do you mean like laundry? It shrinks. Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god. I'm so proud. Being bad feels pretty good.
Starting point is 00:00:33 You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to where you can have all your sex questions answered and listen to hundreds upon hundreds of amazing podcasts that we've done. You can masturbate too. You can masturbate to them if you'd like. Whatever turns you on, whatever floats your boat is fine with me.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Yeah. Yeah, baby. Happy hump day. Happy hump day for you too. I hope you hump today. It feels like yeah, you're saying before we started the show that we haven't done a show together. Right.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Because it was a moral day. Yeah, so we had extended holiday. extended holiday. What the hell happened with you? What did you do? It was awesome. Well, of course I worked a lot, but Saturday night, this guy that I dated before the guy that I'm dating now had a birthday party.
Starting point is 00:01:23 I rate on like this, the start of the sentence. And I took my current guy to my ex's birthday party. What? And it was fine. We all got along. We had a great time. Oh, God. Why are you putting through all this torture?
Starting point is 00:01:37 I don't know. He was already jealous of the guy, remember? Yeah, why would you do that? Because I wanted to go to his birthday party. How many ex-girlfriend parties have you taken? Has he taken you to? One. Really? His ex is like his best friend and he's like the mother of her godfather to her child. Oh, come on. Come on, when you live this long, you're in San Francisco, you date someone for a while, you become friends,
Starting point is 00:02:06 and then you just bring your new lovers to the party. It is weird, but that's what I did, and then there's a lot going on right now. Also, there's 75th anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge. Oh yeah, there's fireworks. Did you watch them? Yeah, I can see them from my house. I actually can see the Golden Gate Bridge
Starting point is 00:02:22 from the window from a house, which is kind of cool. That's awesome. My friend had it. I've come up in the world. You have come up in the world. Yeah. That's really nice. My friend had a place right there where you can see the bridge too. So he drove down there and watched the fireworks. That's cool. Celebrate our favorite bridge. I did that and then I, yeah, basically just like worked and preparing for Miss Advised, which is airing on June 18th. The promos are playing like mad on Bravo TV.
Starting point is 00:02:48 I know, it's crazy. It's all the time. I would like Texan call you every time they play. I don't mind. It's on again. It's on again. And my mom saw it for the first time. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Is she scared? She's like, you're cute. You were dancing in your kitchen. No, she wasn't scared. She likes it. Your brother is your brother prepared because he's going to have a big second in there. He is going to have a big segment in there. My whole family is very, very excited about the show.
Starting point is 00:03:10 So we're talking about my reality show, Ms. Advise, on June 18th, which is airing very soon. And my birthday is coming up having a big party tomorrow night. Are you coming to the Kaggle Kaggle? Tomorrow, yes. I will make it out there. Okay, it's seven to ten, dude. You can do that. If you're're in San Francisco tomorrow night go to project one. It's 251 Rhode Island Street And I'm having a Kaggle Kegger and it is sponsored by good vibrations Which who's awesome? They're one of our sponsors and you don't have to do Kaggle or Kaggle But there is going to be alcohol and stuff like that. Yeah, it'll be fun. Oh, man You were telling me also before the show,
Starting point is 00:03:46 speaking of the television show that you had a bunch of interviews. Yes, I had a press interview this morning, and junk it. Junk it. Yeah, how'd that go? It was. Because I usually delete those,
Starting point is 00:03:57 so I want to know what type of people are interviewing. Okay, did they have lame questions or was it actually good? No, no, no, it was good. It was like nine papers. It was like Hollywood reporter, access Hollywood, Detroit Free Press and the New York Daily Post, daily, like a bunch of big, big, big, big, big, yeah, I'm excited about access Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:04:18 I love them. Yeah, I know. And so they asked us all, there was the three of us. There's three women on the show, Amy, Julia, and myself. And they interviewed us. They asked questions like, what's your biggest, your number one piece of dating advice that you'd give to present? You're all on the phone at the same time.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Yeah, but we each took turns. Oh, okay. So it was a conference call. And we're all on the phone at the same time. They said, what's your number one piece of dating advice? What you learned from this? What makes you an expert? Which everyone asks to meet?
Starting point is 00:04:44 And you decide to say yes to everything. I just say, I have hands on experience, and this, what makes you an expert, which everyone asks to meet? And you decide to say yes to everything. I just say I have hands on experience and that's why I'm an expert. Very handy. Very hand on experience. But it was super fun. And I thought it was interesting when they said, you know what's your bit, but number one dating advice.
Starting point is 00:04:57 What's your number one piece of dating advice they asked each one of us? And that is. Mine was what I said was be confident. Confidence is a sexiest thing for men and women. And if you don't embody confidence and you should make it your life work to become more confident and love yourself. Because if you don't love yourself, no one else is going to love you. Yeah, no, that's totally true. Women will have confidence. A confident man is so sexy. I just got wet thinking about it. I swear to God.
Starting point is 00:05:27 You always see the guy at the bar. You always see the guy at the bar and you're like, how is this guy pulling all these chicks? You might not find him attractive, but he's just pulling chicks left and right. It's because he's confident he's not afraid to go through the pool. Not afraid. You've got to be confident. You've got to embody yourself, be you, whatever.
Starting point is 00:05:44 And then, so what did the other girls say? I don't remember what they said, my advice with the boss. Yeah, yeah, that's it. So that, yeah, exactly. What would you do? Did you go back to Vegas or something? No, Vegas. I actually, and it's funny because something
Starting point is 00:05:58 we tweeted about the saying how humble I was. I had a, I know, I had to do an appearance at a junkyard in my hometown Oh my god of newer California and Appearance is basically, you know, they pay me to go out there and I tell everybody to come out and check it out and stuff like that The junkyard is called pick and pull and people like Just go there. Yeah, and they just pick and pull parts. It was it's pretty hilarious, but then I just like so sexy So I just did like a grand tour of my old neighborhood How was it? Did you cry? Yeah, it was cool. I mean a lot of my friends run town because of the weekend so we
Starting point is 00:06:35 Just got all together and we reminisced about a lot of stuff all the good Drunken time that we had and they've like a playground named after you or something? No, but people have been trying to get the key of the city for me You got to yeah, that'd be cool I actually talked to the mayor about it and the mayor said that he he's talking to the city The city manager because they've only done it twice in the history of the city of New York, California. Oh my god That'd be a big deal. It would be a big deal. What would you do it that key? Oh, it just wear it as a chain up in the club. I'm like, I got the key to the city. Up in the club.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Up in the club. I got the key to the city, bitch. That's cool, maybe I help you get that. Yeah, so then I watched two movies. I saw, I saw what is it? Dark Shadows, which was good. It's a Johnny Depp. It's basically like Adam's family type thing.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Right. I enjoyed it. I liked it. And then I saw the dictator. Oh, was that good? I want to see that. It has some funny dialogue here and there. Okay, but not great. Not the great song. So I'm still trying to get the Avengers and men and black down, but I haven't had time for that. He's got time to watch all the movies they want to watch. I want to watch everything. And then this weekend, I have a major concert that my work is done. Oh, it's the big one. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:07:48 So is my birthday weekend. Yeah. And then the next day, Sunday, I'm flying out to Disneyland for the day. Just for the day. For the time of the year, why? Because I get to go to the Pixar cars, they're opening cars land.
Starting point is 00:08:04 I guess we'll check that out. Oh, that's cool. That's fun, man. I'll be there for 12 hours. Any dates or anything. I'll be there for 12 hours, people. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or anything. Any dates or. Any Okay, please don't tell me fly a kite wasn't we talked about like there was some Some good idea and somebody brought up fly a kite are you serious? Like bad idea if it's a beautiful day you are not the one that would do that I wouldn't want a fly kite and it's my birthday my birthday Saturday I think I'm gonna get some bit you're not gonna be here, but I think I'm going to get, I mean, tomorrow night I have my big party, but that's like a big party. And then Saturday day, I think I'm going to do a picnic in the park. Picking in the park?
Starting point is 00:08:52 Yeah, that's me as a perfect birthday. Okay. With all my buddies. So, okay, I've got a little bit of sex in the news for you. What is going on? Okay. Students, sex, video video shown at graduation. No.
Starting point is 00:09:09 It was only a matter of time. A student in Denmark shared a lot about his high school experience when a videotape of him having sex was played during his graduation. The hidden camera video footage lasting 30 seconds was of him having sex with an unidentified girl. It played during a photo slide so presentation in front of 400 shocked attendees. It probably was a prank, right? I'm sure. Of course. I don't think he would probably do it himself.
Starting point is 00:09:34 No, that's horrible. That's like Trauma. That's trauma. He's going to be like in the institution or something. That's traumatic. Okay, sex toys sparked siege in England. Fifteen heavily armed officers were calling to control a man allegedly wielding a firearm. In his England home, the armed cop was wearing bulletproof vets and carrying machine guns. The weapon, the man was packing, turned out to be a dildo as he was in the middle of a domestic quarrel with his wife. He was a charge of position of an imitation of firearm. Okay, meanwhile, this is the third story we've had in two weeks about people attacking
Starting point is 00:10:13 cops with dildos. Yes. I don't know if it's a trend, if it's the quickest thing you got around that looks menacing. I'm not sure, but that seems to be a trend lately. I think it was Philadelphia. Did you hear about the two naked guys and the one naked guy Was trying to bite the other naked guys face off? No, yeah, but no No, it's a Biden's face off and they're just naked in the middle of the city
Starting point is 00:10:35 I didn't hear that story. It was all over Dude jeez You know, I don't know stuff like that. Okay, I got a good one. Man bites face off. Oh my god. Did he bite the face off? Uh, yeah, I think he bit some pieces off and they, they started shooting the guy in the guy didn't even react. He must have been like, hi on PCP or something like that.
Starting point is 00:10:55 What would PCP do? PCP makes people do crazy stuff like that. There, um, there was this one famous rapper. Well, not too famous, but he was decently famous. But anyways, he was high on PCP and he killed his roommate and started eating his roommate and they found him in the middle of the street, all bloody and naked.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Like that stuff makes you go crazy. So what is the PCP derivative? What is it exactly? Hallucin, a gentleman. Yeah, I think it's like, I think it's like something of a crack to take any PCP. Oh my God, there's a new speaking about PCP and card court
Starting point is 00:11:31 drugs and stuff like that. There's a television show. I know you are not big in the TV, but hey, you're going to be on television, so you're going to start enjoying TV. There's an absolute amazing show for women called Girls. It's on H.P.O. Oh, I wouldn't be dying to see it. It is. It's awesome. It's about like hipsters in New York and their sex life and stuff like that, but it's really, really good. And there's a lot of bunch of awkward sex scenes and
Starting point is 00:11:57 stuff like that. That's what I heard. Yeah, there was this one that I just watched where there's a main character of the girl. She was visiting her parents and her parents were having sex in the shower and the dad like fell over and hit his head and passed out so she had a walk in while the parents were naked and like helped them out. Oh my God. She's like put a towel on your penis.
Starting point is 00:12:23 That is so crazy. I get movie. I mean that, put a towel on your penis. That is so crazy. I get movie, I mean, that TV show's gotten such great reviews. I don't know HBO though. Oh, it's got a good HBO. That HBO, it's on the list, it's on the list too. Yeah, so if you do have HBO, check out the television show, Girls, it's on, it's on demand.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Okay, is it? Yeah, so you can just try and get on demand HBO. If I don't have HBO. No, no. Maybe, maybe, maybe, can pay for episode. I'm not sure maybe can download it. You can maybe download it for my tune Solve problems for you. You can download anything for my tunes, right? You do self-homes. Yeah, you're amazing Okay, well, I yeah, I'll do that So we've got some emails from the people if you'd like to hear them. Oh my god
Starting point is 00:13:04 I totally skipped over the part the whole reason I brought that up what so they're at this Warehouse party in New York girls Yeah, and they're like, you know being hipsters and stuff like that and when the girls Thought she was smoking marijuana, but she actually smoked Salvia that had cracking it and she just went crazy smoked Salvia that had cracking it and she just went crazy. Oh my God, wait. And what her friends was chasing after through the city of New York and the girl
Starting point is 00:13:33 totally took off her pants so she was naked the waist below. And finally, the guy caught up to her and she's like, get the F away from me and kicked him in the nuts and he fell on the ground. But the creator of the show, she's like, this the F away from me and kick him in the nuts and you like fell on the ground. Oh my God. But the creator of the show, she's like, this is an actual experience that happened. Like our friend thought she was smoking marijuana and she actually smoked crack and she was crazy.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Oh my God, that's freaking hilarious. Be careful, trust to you smoke the marijuana for. Watch the show, you'll love it. There's a lot of nude and nude scenes and such. Who's gonna TV with Emily soon? Soon, yeah. Yeah, you'll love it. There's a lot of nude scenes and sex scenes. So I'm gonna go. I wish you TV with Emily soon. Soon, yeah. Yeah, because I really do want. That'd be like a side podcast.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Yeah, it'd be a short show, because I'd be like, no, didn't see that. Didn't see that, no, didn't see that. No, I was drinking wine and Sonoma. You didn't want to drink anymore, I got mom. I haven't seen the news in three weeks. I know, I didn't know the guy had the guy's face. Okay, we've got, sorry, honey, missed it. Okay, we've got some emails from the people. You know, you didn't know the guy had the guy's face. Okay, we've got, sorry, how many missed it.
Starting point is 00:14:26 We've got some emails from the people. You know, you can always email us at feedback at sex with And we try to get to all your emails that are interesting, unless they're not interesting. Now, usually they're all great. Hi, Emily. First of all, I wish you the best on the new bravo show. I hope you get the chance to answer the questions, this question for me if you could. On a show a few weeks ago, you addressed alpha males versus beta males.
Starting point is 00:14:51 You said that secretly, alphas are threatened or jealous of betas. Can you tell me why that is specifically? I've always considered myself a Dean Martin rather than a Frank Sinatra who is a prime example of an alpha. I found that some guy friends are jealous and threatened by me, which is really puzzled because I'm a very modest man and don't have a jealous born in my body. I wish the best for you and really enjoy your show.
Starting point is 00:15:13 I've been a listener since your early days in the radio in O7. So I'm thrilled by your success. Wow, take care of Frank. Oh Frank, thanks for listening since O7. That was a long time ago. That's about time minus I met menace. It was actually, it's not an insane time.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Okay, so we said that alphas are threatened or jealous of betas. I don't remember, I might have said that, but I think that the whole thing between the alpha and the beta male was that the alpha male is the, you know, the dominant guy who's like at the attitude and whatever, and that he is threatened or jealous of betas,
Starting point is 00:15:48 maybe just because they truly, it's just a front and they're really truly insecure. And so they are threatened by the beta males because they feel more like they should have some more of those qualities. If you're a total alpha male, you're kind of always putting on a front. Like I don't think that you're really real.
Starting point is 00:16:05 You want to see a more real side to them. So if you're always acting this front, like I'm so alpha, I'm so alpha, there might be a part of me that is envious of the guys who are more, you know, a beta male, they are more sensitive to women. They're more, you know, available. They're just all the things that you're not.
Starting point is 00:16:22 So we often get threatened by what isn't our own, what we don't possess in ourselves. That's what makes us jealous. We look at someone else, we think, oh, I want that. So maybe I was just saying that alphas are sometimes threatened because they're like, I'd like to be more like that because I don't possess those skills. But it sounds like you're enough, and you're not jealous.
Starting point is 00:16:41 That's good. You don't have a jealous point in your body. I don't have a jealous point in my body either. I'm not a jealous person. And people live their life like ruled by jealousy And I just think it's it's you know wreaks havoc on your life to be a jealous person Yeah, and you don't even want to be around a jealous person at all Like I can't stand it. I know with you. Oh my god I would never work out if you had to date somebody that was jealous. No, I can't date a jealous guy
Starting point is 00:17:07 I mean it will be over and I've done it. I've done it and it doesn't work at all because I'm a flirt flirtatious, I'm so you were there at the park that day that I got flirtatious and gotten trouble. No Oh my God, I know it's bad. The worst But Frank, you know I know you being no, I'm annoying today. I know it's bad. The worst. Mm-hmm. But frankly, you can't find words. I don't know. You can't find words. I know. You can't find words.
Starting point is 00:17:29 I'm annoying today. And I'm not even a jealous person. But I make people jealous because I'm just flirty and open and touching and feeling. And it doesn't mean that I want to sleep with you. It just means that I'm like affectionate. And you have to be someone who's super, super confident today. And I think I found someone like that. Good.
Starting point is 00:17:44 For now. It's good. It's all good. Yeah, so you're getting married. So I hope I answered you know, I'm not getting married. I'm not getting married. Sortacious stuff. I'm gonna get married. Gonna have a kid. Yeah, it's all gonna have to stay tuned. Okay, hi Emily, this is Jeremy. I heard you a couple times and I have to say you guys are really doing great. Keep up the good work. I'm 47 and a few months ago met a beautiful young woman at a club hanging out. We got along really well, of course, and I ended up having sex that night. I've been seeing her regularly since then and although initially just used her for sex, I now think I really love her.
Starting point is 00:18:21 And I don't want to lose her. The problem is that she's less than half my age. She's 22 and she thinks I'm in my 30s. Eventually, oh, he's 47. Eventually she will find out I'm not. What should I do if I tell her the truth? Will she freak out? How should I go about it? Please help Jeremy from Amin Jordan.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Has he, I wonder if he said that he's a certain age? I don't know. I'm wondering, wow. I mean, that is a huge age difference. And the truth is, you've got to... If you look, if you're 47, you look like you're 30s damn. Good for you. I mean, like, good for you.
Starting point is 00:18:53 But now you're in love with her. I think you have to tell her sooner than later, because it's the elephant in the room. I mean, she might not be wanting to settle down. She might not. You guys are in totally different places in fact, you're different generations. And so I think this soon you're tired, but you might be surprised. You know, age gaps have worked in relationship before. And she might say, you guys are in totally different places in fact, you're different generations. And so I think this soon you're taller,
Starting point is 00:19:05 but you might be surprised, you know, age gaps have worked in relationships before and she might say, you know what, that's fine with me. But she also, she might not be okay with it. So I think that you, she might, you might, she might freak out if you tell her the truth, but you still have to do it. Don't you think?
Starting point is 00:19:22 Yeah, I mean, if you don't wanna to cut off, you know, getting laid. Yeah, let me say this. Let me say this. If you lied and said that you're 30, then eventually you're going to just get caught, and it's going to end anyways. If it's never, if it's never been brought up, she never said what age you were, then I would just say, hey, just wait it out
Starting point is 00:19:49 until she asked you. You don't need to just stowed in there for no reason. Well, I'm not sure. He said she thinks I'm in my 30s. We don't know if he told her she was in her 30s, but honesty is always the best policy. I'm sorry, you just gotta be honest. You know what's funny?
Starting point is 00:20:03 You're just saying that and I was thinking about what I saw on television last night. They're interviewing the three old ladies that are watching the Kim Kardashian point out. Right. Right. And all the all the women are married. They've been married forever. And they go, Oh, who is been married the longest in the one ladyway racers or hand? And they go, how long have you been married? She's at 65 years and I'm like, what is the key to saying marriage?
Starting point is 00:20:30 She's like, just lie. She's like, you don't have to tell them everything. Well, I think that's true. Not a lie, but you don't have to tell everything, but at the age that he's 25 years older than or whatever. I mean, again, I wouldn't, if it's never even brought up, when it's time that they bring it up, then yes, tell the truth.
Starting point is 00:20:51 But I don't think it's information that you just have to throw out there, right away, for no reason. Right, but I think they've been seeing each other for a while now. So, um... So you're just gonna say for, oh yeah, by the way, I'm this age, what for?
Starting point is 00:21:04 Is not asking. Exactly, but I think 47 the way, I'm this age. What for? It's not asking. Exactly. But I think 47 and 22, like our parents are going to freak out. It happens. Yeah. But it's going to have to, he's going to have to tell our student, okay? Yeah, their parents and not going to be happy. Not happy.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Hey, Emma, you guys are great. I dig this show and have questions. My wife and I got married in November and she isn't as aroused as before we got married. Any helpful tips I could try? Thanks. Titus from Idaho. Clean the house. Well, it is true.
Starting point is 00:21:29 That's a good point that women do get turned on by men doing house work. Yeah, washing dishes. We talk about that. Washing dishes, helping around the house, doing things that gets women going. Try it out for a month. First thing, if she doesn't give you more vagina, then stop. No, I mean, I wouldn't say that some one thing. The other one thing is that she could get checked out by doctor.
Starting point is 00:21:51 That's always the first thing you should do. There could be some arousal issues. She could be taking some medications. She could be doing something she might have a lot of stress in her life right now. Couples have to keep the spark alive, though. And you do have to plan for it. They can't take their sex life for granted. You just can't take it for granted.
Starting point is 00:22:09 That's just going to happen. You have to work at it and plan for it inside out the bedroom. So I'm wondering, have you just been complaining to her? Are you trying to do things differently in the bedroom that will turn her on and make her feel good? Do you know what turns her on? Have you talked to her about it? I mean, it is women's
Starting point is 00:22:25 sex drives take a dive as they get older and as there with somebody, as there with somebody for a while, so you really just do need to work on it. You can plan on surprising her sexually. If she's expecting to have missionary sex, for example, you can ask her to sit on top of you so you can like look at her. You could tie her wrists with ribbons to the bedpost, give her oral sex, that's always really hot. I mean, maybe you need to do something that is aligned with her fantasies or that would make her feel good, but if you're just trying to have sex the same old, same old way, it's not going to work for you. Touching more often, if you just touch her, caress her, give her kiss when she walks in the door, that produces a rouse over women. You go up
Starting point is 00:23:04 through it and you put your hand in her vagina, or your hand on her breasts, she's not gonna be turned on, she's not gonna be a rouse. But if you touch her and you comfort and you support her psychologically and physically, that could do a lot. You could also engage in a new activity,
Starting point is 00:23:19 try to bring back date night, try things you guys haven't done together. There was a study that came out that couples who do an activity together, like, you know, they learn to go kayaking or something or whatever together and they do it, then they run a race together that it turns them on. But there's also stuff you could do. There's hot rocks. We're a huge fan of hot rocks. It's a natural libido enhancer. It's hot rocks, R-A-W-K-S. It's a certified Afro-DGYAC for men and women. For women, it gives a more energy, stronger orgasms and natural self-generating lubrication. And it's awesome. And it's 30-day money-back guarantee. They've got the most amazing testimonials
Starting point is 00:23:59 from people who sex life is totally turned around. So check it out at Hot Rocks, R-A-W-K-S. That's what I'd say about that. Can I say something real quick? Yes, please. And your story that I forgot to share? Oh my God, yes, tell me. Catholic Gifford, did you see what happened? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:16 She was interviewing Martin Short, just recently. And she goes, oh, how's your wife? His wife died two years ago. It was on national television live. Oh, my God. Yeah, the internet now went crazy earlier today. It's like she died. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:36 And then go look it up, people. It's brutal. Did you watch the video? No, but I've seen some some. She must have been like, oh. I've seen some, some, she must have been like, oh! I've seen some written things about it. You think she would have prepped for the interview? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Oh my God. But maybe they met in like a couple years ago and he was with his wife and stuff like that. It's kind of an innocent mistake. Oh my God, but that's a bad one. I mean, I haven't seen any Martin Short news in a long time. No, no, I didn't hear that his wife died or anything, but she's still, oh my God, Kathy Lee Gafford, I was on her show.
Starting point is 00:25:11 They really do drink all day. Yeah, that's amazing. And they start drinking it like 9 a.m. I wanna drink. Right now? Yeah, I think it's an honest mistake, but the internet's being... It is an honest mistake, but it's not very good. The internet is being brutal right now about it right it is being
Starting point is 00:25:26 brutal okay well I will check it out I want to see the actual video when or her face is his his response yeah when we go and he's like she's dead she died two years ago she'd be like so what else what do you go what do you work it on next you know like what do you even do I mean how do you segue out you segue you're like oh okay well I'm sorry to hear that. Anyway, so you have a movie coming out. Exactly, that is bad. I've got to check that out.
Starting point is 00:25:50 That's hilarious. Okay, topic 10. That's the hilarious that she's dead. No, it's hilarious that you did that, but it's not funny and sad. He was probably like more fun. And that's why you have producers. They prep you.
Starting point is 00:26:01 I mean, I always wish I do a producer's sort of. I know, but how long, I mean, how often do they bring up the spouse you know a lot who has person who's married I don't know do even knew that Martin short was married nobody knew and nobody knew that she died so while he wasn't the most boisterous relationship but still you should do your research hope I never mess up with that but I'm sure I'm sure I have to have and I with that, but I'm sure I have too. Haven't I? I'm sure I've even known. I'm sure I've been told that many of people without even knowing.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Exactly. Okay, we've got our topic. Topic is. It's our first topic, 10 cheap date ideas. People are always emailing us like what's the best first day, what's the best worst day, blah, blah, blah, what should you do? And you know what? Right now, it's summer. It's beautiful out. You don't have to spend a lot of money. The economy is tight right now.
Starting point is 00:26:49 And there's some things you can do. You could go to a dive bar. Dive bars? I love dive bars. You probably don't think I do minutes, but I do. It's a great place to have a few beers, play tunes on the jukebox, and play pool. If you don't know how to play pool,
Starting point is 00:27:04 this can be a great learning or bonding experience for the two of you. Like I said, when you're played dark, so whatever. When you do something together with someone that you both never done, it creates an adrenaline, it creates an attraction, so do something that's fun like that. Same thing with roller skating, you can try going roller skating. You can bond with your date, get the adrenaline rush,
Starting point is 00:27:22 and say, we're not skating. I would love to go roller skating. Roller skating. Yep. Okay. Here's a little fun fact real quick. You know how you watched the whole 75th anniversary of the Golden Bridge?
Starting point is 00:27:34 Yes, I did. The fireworks. The day before it opened, they let people roller skate across the Golden Gate Bridge. They did? They never. You could have did a date 75 years ago holding hands with some people.
Starting point is 00:27:44 They never, oh 75 years ago, they love you, they'll do that. I would love to go. Yeah, the day before I had opened. I would have loved to have done that. Yeah. Okay. So. But who roller skates you more?
Starting point is 00:27:55 It's all about inline skating, man. Is it? I mean, I don't have roller skates, but how are rollerblading do people do that anymore? Barely, but inline skating is rollerblading. Okay, I would love doing that. Yeah, why? Because you used to ice skate, that's why.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Yeah, I was in a skater machine. Now in a way. And I'm good at it. Ice-cane, huh? Triple luck, so all that? Yeah, no, no, I'm not that good. But I can't, can you ice skate? Yeah, I can ice skate.
Starting point is 00:28:19 It's fun. I had a very awkward dream the other day that it was ice skating. And it was just insane. I was actually involved Bravo. It was really weird. You want to tell it to you real quick? Yeah, but you should just wear it to people's dreams.
Starting point is 00:28:33 But okay, it was so, I don't even know make sense of it. But the, we had to go there to go shoot something, right? And the Bravo producers were there and they're like, oh, you got in the love, they said you got in the love, they said, you got in the love fatter since the last time it's all like, right? I was like, okay, I was like, all right, cool.
Starting point is 00:28:51 And they're like, oh yeah, we gotta tape you at this ice skating rink. So you gotta go on the ice skating rink, but then I go on to the ice and I'm really good ice skater. Right. But my legs is kept on crossing crossing and getting stuck in the field. Oh, wow. I couldn't ice-keep for crap.
Starting point is 00:29:08 And then there was all these crazy grunge-looking children, the grudge-looking children. I don't know if you know that. But they have, they're really scary. Like, girls looking. No. Kids, and they're all skating around. It was just effing awkward, right? That is weird.
Starting point is 00:29:22 It was so scary. I don't know what it means. You couldn't go. You had to do something and you couldn't perform. Yeah, but I do have one other quick story about ice skating. I was ice skating on a lake in Montana and I knocked myself out completely cold. How, we drunk? No, no, no, this is when I was a kid. I knocked myself out and I woke up and I was in my aunt's car and they were driving me home. To the ambulance. Yeah, and I had like my nose started bleeding and started crying.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Because the ice you hit the ice. Yeah, I had sex on the ice once. Really? I was ice skating and we had sex on the ice. I was like 18. What? Yeah, I was my boyfriend at the time. But I did it.
Starting point is 00:29:59 I just out in the open wear. It was a pond in Michigan. There's so many lakes. They called the Great Lakes State. Yeah, yeah. And we had sex on the ice, but it was cold on in Michigan. There's so many lakes they called the Great Lakes state. Yeah, yeah, and we had sex on ice But it was called on my butt. Yeah, yeah, we didn't open just out in the open so many must have thought it was a It wasn't that public of a lake. It was a little tiny lake But I did have sex on the ice. That's one of the strangest places I've had sex
Starting point is 00:30:20 So you can never share that story with me before I think I have no I swear Oh honey, I love when I tell you things because everything else you've probably heard a million times. Okay, another thing, these are cheap date ideas and I don't want you to come across me like I'm trying to save money that I pay but these are all sweet things that you can do
Starting point is 00:30:35 that don't have to cost a lot of money. Cook his or her favorite childhood recipe. This is a sweet bonding opportunity to stay home with your crush with their favorite home cook meals. So if I mention to you that I love macaroni and cheese and you're like, oh, I'm making macaroni and cheese. Oh, I made the best macaroni and cheese. Do you? Yeah. Amazing. Oh my God. I love macaroni and cheese. Like it's world or noun. Sure. Like seriously? World or noun in your parent building. Yeah. No, no, no. I mean,
Starting point is 00:31:01 I've showed people how I make my macaroni and cheese and then that's the only way they make it for For now. How do you make it? I know that I'll ever make it but people like to put like milk in it and stuff like that I don't use milk. Okay. Oh God Thatning yeah, but it's delicious. I'm sure no, I'm sure it is delicious. Yeah, okay. Another thing I've been doing this lately is indoor rock climbing Because it fosters healthy competition and can always be felt by essential shower. Anything that produces a adrenaline is a great first thing because it connects you. Okay, go stargazing, head to the highest point in your town and snuggle up with some blankets
Starting point is 00:31:38 and look up at the stars. It's a fantastic opportunity to share thoughts and stories. There was a really big make out spot here in the area in Hayward, California. It was called top of the world. And it was, it's a huge hill that you can see at the entire Bay Area. Right. And you can go up there and start gazing.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Oh, did you do that? Yeah. Man, I had a girl take me up there once and wanted to make out with me, but I, I was just too much of a pus. Yeah, but who I had a girl take me up there once and wanted to make out with me, but I, I, that was just too much of a pussy. Yeah, but who was that chick? I can't even remember. Oh my God, you should wanna make out with you
Starting point is 00:32:11 and you're like on your phone. I was a pussy. I know the man wasn't phoenix, but whatever, that's not cool. Yeah, it was, it was real. She took me there, like, what's wrong with you, man? Can I just go back in time and like shake myself? I don't get it, I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:32:23 I'm not gonna make up a little message. She took me there to the top of the world and I didn't do anything because I was a pussy. Look at the star, look at the Cupid's arrow. Oh my god, this is great. And then we sat in our car for a little while. I'm like, I knew this chick wanted to make out. I mean, why didn't I? Because you were scared to make the move.
Starting point is 00:32:39 What an effing idiot. Wow, old video. Come on. Guys are nervous. I feel bad for guys because you guys have to make those friggin first moves when you're young and it's really hard. Like come here. Like maybe look around on the crop of the fish. Somebody give me a delorean so I can fix all the problems in my life. Exactly. Okay, go wine tasting.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Wine tasting. Take a tour of a winery together together after all alcohol as a social lubricant some vineyards even offer free tastings Would you ever do that, man? Why tasting have a picnic? This is what I'm doing birthday I Had the best date with the guy once on a picnic. It was one of our second dates We went by grinding over the Golden Gate Bridge. He packed a whole lunch He packed like wine and food and he like we got to the top of this mountain And he spread everything out and we had a little picnic. Why are you looking at me like that? It was so nice. Did you had you had something similar in your I did in the promo for the TV show?
Starting point is 00:33:37 Yes, I went in the promo show I asked I had another date with a guy who who made all these homemade sandwiches and homemade chocolate milk chocolate hot chocolate in a Thermos he was like really organized and I like didn't bring anything but of course of course go to museum Museums have a free day once a month so they can be totally free boring Yeah, that's true, but they have an indoor bistro cafe spending the museum steering interests Yeah, that's true, but they have an indoor bistro cafe, spend at the museum, sharing your interests, and finally have a movie or TV marathon at home. I am down with that.
Starting point is 00:34:10 We have some popcorn, snuggle on the couch, have a movie or TV show marathon of your favorite series and discuss your favorite character scenes. I want to do that like tonight. I'm so behind on television. Yes, you should do that. But those are some cheap dates that they don't, you don't have to go all over the top.
Starting point is 00:34:23 In fact, I feel like in my life when guys have, they'll take you to a fancy restaurant, whatever, I'm like, I don't want that. I want to think fun when we can engage and then, and you notice that going to a movie is not on here, because I think it's a bad first date. Well, and do you know what me, dude? Like, I have such cool hookups.
Starting point is 00:34:41 I never had to spend any money. I know. Like, there's all these amazing places like first. You can find it everywhere. Yeah, I am very blessed when it comes to that because I never really have to spend money. And drinks or anything.
Starting point is 00:34:52 No, just my friends have like really cool jobs. So like just going and hanging out at their office is just amazing. Just being, you know, that's cool. It's cool. Girl would be lucky to date you. I know, right? All the free stuff that's gonna happen to cool. It's cool. Girl would be lucky to date you. I know, right? All the free stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:05 All the free, all the blessings. All the blessings you bring to table. Okay, here's some not so good date ideas. Yeah. And I agree with this one. Going to the movie theater. You might not agree with me, but you can't talk to the person.
Starting point is 00:35:19 You're sitting next to that. Yeah, well, you gotta do, you gotta do like other stuff. Yeah, you can take, you can have, take a break in the conversation. I know, but do the show popcorn on your first date? I don't know, the whole thing's weird. I don't know, popcorn has been bugging me lately. Me too, it makes me sick, but I love it. It can't stop beating it.
Starting point is 00:35:37 I just can't even eat it now. I love popcorn. I could, I feel like I get obsessed on it, but then it makes me sick. But I think if you least do a dinner before movie, kill some time, then you hit the bar after have a couple more tunis. Mark Tunis. And then you just go back to the house.
Starting point is 00:35:53 And that's all good. And go to the bank town. Go to the pound town. I know, I just made up my mind. I think that's cool though. Okay, I don't love a movie. But if you're going like picking up, going straight to the movie,
Starting point is 00:36:03 you're just asking for disaster or never talking to you. I agree. You should do some other stuff for us. Okay, sports games. This can be a great for a couple that shares passions are on sports, but it's not an ideal for a first date because you can't talk because you're paying more attention to the game. Yeah, you got to definitely only bring a chick
Starting point is 00:36:25 that's really passionate about the horse. I know. She's obsessed with sports. She's like, oh my god, I'm dying to go see the giants or something, then you take her. But yeah, if you don't know it, don't get tickets to the game. Okay, talking about your acts, this is what something I told them
Starting point is 00:36:38 I remember on the press called today, you asked me some questions of what you shouldn't do on the first date. Never talk about your ex. This is a big no-no. It's perceived as not being over the relationship. When you go on a date, talk about something new, appear emotionally available for love and new experiences.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Talk about what makes you happy and passionate and excited in life. Bagging on your ex-wife, your ex-girlfriend, your ex-boyfriend is not hot, doesn't work. We feel like you're not over them. It's too much information, TMI. Total TMI. Total TMI. Okay. I don't wanna hear about your ex-boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Ever. Ever. Like, the guy I'm doing now, I could care, even though I take them to meet them all the time. He doesn't wanna hear stories. No one ever wants your stories. Oh yeah, we had this great time, we went on a vacation to Hawaii.
Starting point is 00:37:21 No, no, no. No, or even if, oh, he's a total psycho, they don't wanna hear it. Oh, you dated a psycho, you must to Hawaii. No, no, no. Or even if, oh, he's a total psycho, they don't wanna hear it. Oh, you dated a psycho, you must be psycho. Like, there's no way that sharing information about your ex is a good idea. Another not great first date thing is getting too drunk, menace.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Dammit. Having a few drinks can definitely loosen things up, but being slashed, stirring your words and pukeying and not attractive. Well, I'm the phantom puke, like you'll never know when I puking. I like, oh, I gotta go to the restaurant real quick. Then I puked my brains out and come out and I looked totally fine. Oh god, you're carrying mouthwash or something?
Starting point is 00:37:54 Huh? Who needs it? Oh, bro, you've done it. Oh, a billion times. A billion? I've never thrown up from drinking and you have a billion times gone in the bathroom far from the restaurant. I've done it. Oh drinking and you have a billion times gone on the bathroom far and did a rest. I've done.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Oh yeah, this dumpsters full. You got to stop drinking so much. I haven't drank in a while. I went, I mean, I had a little bit on Saturday, like I had two drinks and then some beer. You're not drinking for a while? I'm, I'm, I'm the same. Like I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not drinking. I'm just a spinshinker. Yeah, it is go hard on the weekends right your fin's drinker. Exactly. Okay, then I you know
Starting point is 00:38:31 I you can the bathroom and then I'm instantly sober then I just drink some more doesn't make you instantly sober to birth Most of the time yeah, okay, cuz I never have thrown up. Yeah, okay? If you reveal too much information bad, don't talk about personal grooming habits, your meditation, medication, your rap sheets, or your mental illness you have. This is the best way to end a date before it starts. Keep the veil of mystery around you and don't talk too much or too little. The secret to a good date is to leave them wanting more. Yeah, here's an idea.
Starting point is 00:39:03 What? If a girl tells you on the first day, there's nothing wrong with going to a therapist date is to leave them wanting more. Yeah, here's an idea. What? If a girl tells you on the first date, there's nothing wrong with going to a therapist, okay? But if she brings it up on the first date, when she's like, oh, my therapist, blah, blah, blah. That is a sign to run. Why? Because that means if she's bringing it up on the first date,
Starting point is 00:39:21 that means that she has a lot of FN issues to even be bringing it up on the first date. Yeah means that she has a lot of FN issues to even be bringing it up for sure. Yeah, that's true. My therapist said, I usually like to the second age, so I go to my therapist, but not on the first date. Run like the road runner.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Okay, you're right, that's a really good point. Don't talk about any of that stuff because I know that we all, like, we talk about being, I know that this could sound conflicting because we talk about being honest and open and don't lie until your two stories. And all this stuff, there's also just some stuff that you don't have to share with the person right away.
Starting point is 00:39:49 You want to get to know their best side, not that you're lying and just putting up best front, your best foot forward, but you should just, that other stuff isn't relevant on the first day. It's going to kill it. Okay, don't make up lies or exaggerate. This is obvious. There's no need to impress your date with our Regislizer claims. Don't tell your date you invented Post-its because there's a possibility you could be
Starting point is 00:40:08 busted and look like an idiot. Always watch out for your date doing this to you. It's best to listen to your date with an open mind, but be wary of anything that seems exaggerated. This person might be delusional. And then finally, minus this one's for you. No cell phones, texting or tweeting. No, if I'm really into a check, I don't have the phone.
Starting point is 00:40:29 I'm on the phone, swear to God. Really? Keep the phone on the pocket. Resist the urge to update your status, text friends, or post in your timeline that you're on a date. There's nothing worse than taking calls, even business ones, ignoring your date to other person.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Yo, he's going, hey, is the internet still working? Yeah, I go, I always go to the bathroom if I want to text. When I go out to the bathroom, then I'm like checking my phone. But I try not to do that. I try not to. So that's what we got for you today.
Starting point is 00:40:52 It's a wrap, people. It's a wrap. All right, so anything else? Check out my app, Kettle Camp, my book, hot sucks. Check me out on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, sex with Emily. We're at the Stitcher Studios in San Francisco, California. Download the app it is totally free.
Starting point is 00:41:06 STI, T-C-H-E-R, Stitcher. They have it for your iPad, your Android, everything. You can feel it. Whatever it is, ease the sweat, listen, sex, Emily. Download it for free. Here's a little tip though. A lot of people don't know this. Don't tell them I told you.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Go to slash listen. You can listen on your desktop. They don't really put that in. If you want to listen on your computer, you can listen to it all ways. And then all once you do that, all you got to do is search sex with Emily and I'll just start instantly playing. You don't even have to download the actual MP3 all this stream. It's cool.
Starting point is 00:41:37 It's the best ever. I love them. I love them too. Okay. One more thing I got to say is today's show is brought to you by Jimmy Jane. Use coupon code spring for $25 off purchases of $100 or more. Okay, so I've been touting Jimmy Jane for a while, but I just got the form too, and I always talk about that's the best one, but I used it years ago and then I lost it, and then I got
Starting point is 00:41:57 a new one, whatever long story short, it's rocking my world, the form too. So go check it out on the website. That's all I gotta say for you today. Thanks everyone for listening to Sex with Emily. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at

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