Sex With Emily - SWE: Chasing vs. Waiting for Sex

Episode Date: August 28, 2013

I'm answering Sex With Emily listener's relationship questions, with a few sex questions sprinkled in for good measure. In this show, Menace and I debate the male and female perspective on people's common relationship issues. We tell you when to move on from an unhealthy relationship and when to stop licking your wounds in a bad breakup. We also teach how to have courage to change, and have better relationships. Sex with Emily listener's Relationship Questions: When should you let down your guard and commit to someone? How many times do you try to make a relationship work before calling it quits? How do I get over the girl I'm still in love with? What do you do when you and lover can't agree on places to meet? Is is worth it to wait to have sex? When is the right time to lose your virginity? How many dates should you go on before having sex with someone? Why do women like giving double blow jobs so much? (someone has been watching a lot of porn.) Why does eating certain things make semen taste differently? Girls like the chase, right? But when is it an exciting pursuit and when is it stalking? When should the guy give up ? When is his pursuit cute and when is it creepy ? When should he fear a restraining order? (FYI. Throwing rocks at her window in the middle of the night isn't cute, unless you're a character in a teenage Romantic Comedy.) What do I do if I queef? (Hint: Do not run away screaming or hide under a rock) Sex isn't neat and tidy. It's messy, just like relationships. You can't run away the second you start feeling vulnerable or exposed. On the other hand, you shouldn't stay in a relationship because you think you'll be lost without it. Great change requires some personal struggle. The key to relationships is finding the right person to let yourself be vulnerable with, and having the courage to leave when things no longer fit. Oh, and try not to stalk anyone. As much as women like the idea of "the chase," we usually make time for people we are interested in. If you want to change your love life check out: Promescent, Crazy Girl, Max4Men, Masque, and Good Vibrations. Use coupon code Emily25 at checkout for 25% off your purchase at Crazy Girl and Max4Men. Use coupon code GVEmily20 at checkout for 20% off purchases of $100 or more at Good Vibrations. Or use coupon code Emily for 15% off anything at Good Vibrations. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Look into his eyes They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex Eyes that mock our sacred institutions Betrubized they call them in a fight on me. Hey, I'm only you got a boyfriend because my man He here. He just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair stand Oh my the women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common only? What do you mean like laundry?
Starting point is 00:00:26 It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god. I'm so grown. Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just playing with. You're listening to Sex with Emily.
Starting point is 00:00:38 We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to where you can check out all of our podcasts. Sign up for our mailing list because we'll be sending you lots of interesting things, tips, tricks, all the things you need to have better sex, which is probably why you're listening to the show and better relationships. So thanks everyone for listening. I'm here with Menace. What's up Menace?
Starting point is 00:00:59 What's going on Emily? How you doing? I'm doing really well. How are you doing? I'm good. What is going on Emily? How you doing? I'm doing really well. How are you doing? I'm good. What is going on in Southern California? Is it hot? It is so hot. Here's a thing. I feel bad because I lived in San Francisco for a long time and I complained a lot about the weather like everyone does, right? Especially the summers in San Francisco, they're freezing. It is so flippin hot here every single day like 80 degrees sweating. I'm sweating right now. I have sweat dripping. I'm wearing like nothing. Like,
Starting point is 00:01:31 you know, I'm naked. I'm naked in sweating. That's why I'm wearing. You know, you always see women on television, they're living in Los Angeles or Southern California, and they're all dressed like Bohemian like Like they they belong in Roman times would just barely any just like cloth, you know exactly like scantily clad women That's why I got everyone lives in Los Angeles. It's like scantily clad women and like flip flops and no clothes and sweating their asses off. And it's hot and sunny every day.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Like I just said this to Kelsey, my assistant, I was like walking outside and like, damn, it's hot here every day. Because you'd Sanford, don't do, okay, what's temperature in Sanford to score right now? Freezing, right? It's like 57, 60 degrees or something like that. It's always, oh, it's 67, that's good.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Because I believe that the average temperature there is always 57 degrees. Oh No, that's what I said 57. Oh 50's 5.7. Yeah, you're always an and the thing is you're in layers You can't see women's bodies. You should come down here more often and that just go to this Everyone to stay is fat and pasty and the only skinny people are the ones that are vegans and They're they're far to smell like freaking Many people are the ones that are vegan and their farts smell like freaking worse smell ever.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Oh my god, it's so funny that you just said that menace because one of our topics, wait a minute, what do you mean vegan chicks their farts smell bad? Because one of our questions today is about sweeping and another one of our questions today is about changing the taste of semen. So you're right on point. But I'm telling you right now. All right. I'm telling you right now, vegans have the worst smelling farts ever, ever.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Okay. You can't make that blanket statement. Okay. How many vegans do you know? How many vegans do you know? I live in goddamn San Francisco. Emily, you should know this that I'm surrounded by vegans do you know? How many vegans do you know? I live in goddamn San Francisco Emily, you should know this that I'm surrounded by vegans. And it's just the fallest smell ever. But how many of your friends are vegans?
Starting point is 00:03:34 I don't know, I don't know that I believe you, but it is true that a healthier diet can help your semen taste better, but maybe not your farts. So we'll get into that. But I decided today, Menace, just before the show, I was like, you know what, we are getting so many emails from people, feedback at sects with And then also online, I was like, let's
Starting point is 00:03:53 just do a show where we're answer people's questions, because every show we've caught hundreds of them, we've covered a million topics, you can find them on iTunes, and we'll still be picking topics for shows. But I thought, let's just answer the people's questions So we've got some quick ones that just came in on Facebook and Twitter and then we've got some questions that people email But I thought we should get to today just to help people help people have better sex and relationship because that's what it's all about right Even though you even though you might need to the device what you say? Why are you always talking about my advice? What about you and relationships?
Starting point is 00:04:23 Jesus I. I know Badgering me about my life when I say I'm I'm perfectly happy currently There is there's no problems in my sex life or my relationships and you are in constant turmoil But yet you deflect deflect on to me I am not in turmoil. I'm not in turmoil. I just I'm not I'm not in a relationship because I choose not to be in a relationship, but it does mean that I've been like your entire freaking life. No, I've been in and out of relationships my entire life. Therefore, I'm an expert on relationships because I can give a really good advice. You on the other hand, I believe are blocked in your relationship and there's gotta be something going on.
Starting point is 00:05:07 It can't be the most perfect relationship on the planet. But that's okay if you don't wanna tell me. No, I'm not saying it's the most perfect relationship on the planet, but there's not like, you know, it's not like the real housewives of Atlanta in my house where I constantly have drama going on. I know, I know. Speaking of real housewives,
Starting point is 00:05:26 did you see that Teresa from real housewives New Jersey might be in jail for like 50 years. She has so many charges against her. It's crazy. No, for what? What she do? It's lying on forms to get loans about, how much she actually made. Oh.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Tax evasion and all kinds of stuff. No way. Her husband, yeah. Now, were they already embroiled in all this before they were on national television? Like, is it all stuff that happened years ago? Or is it all like, since they thought they had to live a certain lifestyle?
Starting point is 00:05:59 It started brewing in like 2009 when it started coming up. But they like apparently lied on, this is, you know, all hearsay, I don't know if it's actually true, but they said that they lied on like how much she actually made on the show and all kind of crazy stuff. And they're facing some big time, some big time charges and to stay in jail for a really long time. Wow, she and the husband? Yeah, and they're both out on bail on a half a million dollars each. Wow, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:06:36 I know. I do that because they have kids and if they do end up going to jail, then who's going to raise the kids? Hopefully the brother. I really like her brother, her brother, her brother, her, her, whatever, sister-in-law. Sister-in-law, even though they don't get along. Even though they don't get along,
Starting point is 00:06:55 I think they should be the ones, the stuff really goes down to raise the kids and stuff, because at least her daughters can be together. Right, that's true. We're talking about how their kids should be raised. We don't even know. I know. I can't believe it.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Widen and this news just came out like today because I'm not on the news today. I'm been working on other things. No, it's been out for a couple of weeks, but I just there was like some update today about it. Right. Okay. I didn't know. Any other updates today that I need to know in celebrity news.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Celebrity news. Somebody from the bachelor died. I saw that. I saw that. I did see. She died. That's sad. She killed herself. Yeah. Well, they weren't saying that, but then yeah, they said, the update is suicide by hanging. How the hell? I don't understand what people hang themselves like I don't understand people kill themselves but like hang themselves like I would just take a bunch of pills but I guess that's not guaranteed I mean I'm not gonna kill myself either but yeah well that's how that guy that guy from the Real Housewives Orange County the guy that killed themselves was it Orange County or Beverly Hills Beverly Hills yeah it, Beverly Hills. Yeah, it was Beverly Hills. The guy, he hung himself too. Look people, no matter how bad life gets,
Starting point is 00:08:12 there's no reason to kill yourself. You can turn things around. I used to live in my car. I know when I met you. When I used to bet Emily, I lived in my car no one even knew about it. You know, I had like no money. You can turn things around. Now I live like in the one of the most expensive neighborhoods in San Francisco. I know. So it's like it's like no better. How bad things get you can always turn around. There's no need to dwell on things, just try to stay positive and just keep moving. That's true.
Starting point is 00:08:47 And get help. And here's another thing. A lot of our listeners, whatever, they're all different ages, is that I've also hit several rock bottoms in my life ever since you know, we're probably trying to get to monetize sex with Emily so it can become my career. It's been hard too. You know, I had to move out of my apartment and see if my friends couched for a few years and had no money and it was a very was a very bad place and this was just like
Starting point is 00:09:07 four years ago. So all I have to say is that if you are feeling down like you can get help, talk to therapists, talk to your parents, sometimes you might need to like take some medication or do something to make yourself feel better, but it does get better. It's only temporary. I feel like we're like self-help with Emily right now, But if you are feeling like any kind of depression or any kind of thing, like just know it's temporary and it passes and you always get to the other side. So do not hang yourself or do anything drastic. Recharge your friends and family. It's for real. I get, I mean, I get really upset with, I get kind of angry when I hear people committing. I know me too because you just think of like their parents and you know all that stuff. So it's very.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Yeah, it's like you affect everybody around you. It's crazy. I know. It's crazy. So on a lighter note though, speaking of some things you've talked about, this is just an email that we got this morning that it made me laugh and it's about me and you. So I thought you'd appreciate it. Yeah. Okay. Deer Emily and Menace. First first thanks for the great show. I just recently started
Starting point is 00:10:07 looking for podcasts for the first time with my new job and stumbled upon sex with Emily. I downloaded as many episodes as I could to my iPhone and each shift I listened to five to eight shows in a row. I absolutely love the topics and banter between you and Menace. I have to agree with some of your other listeners. When are you and Menace just going to hook up already? It's really cute the way. When are you and Menace just going to hook up already? It's really cute the way Emily makes herself available to Menace, but for some reason he always acts uninterested. For example, Menace will say, I'm doing Blankety Plank this weekend, and Emily will
Starting point is 00:10:36 reply with, oh great, I wanted to go there, see there, do that, can we go? And Menace never jumps at the opportunity. He always manages to change a subject. Surely I'm not the only one who sees this. I thought this was funny too. Well we are on the topic of Metis. Mate, buddy, pale, what's the story? You're on Sex Family, probably the greatest sex education podcast out there, and you're
Starting point is 00:10:58 about as reserved as my parking space at work. Live a little dude, expand your sexual horizons. I think you're a champion and you're comments crack me up, but I find it mind-boggling how you can have such a traditional and vanilla interest in sex, especially after all these stories of music festivals, DJing, and being in the limelight. And I didn't actually get into his question because he has a really, really long, like, seriously, like a three-page email question by him and his girlfriend, which I'll answer another time. I couldn't even get around to editing it because it was too long, but I thought all that was really funny It made me smile what I mean do you want me to respond to the sea? Yes, please respond. Oh, he's from Australia
Starting point is 00:11:36 Okay from Australia. Oh, I want to visit Australia one day I Wish that we could travel the world and do this podcast together that would would be so much better. Would you, okay, Menace? Okay. Would you really do that if we could do that? I would totally do that. If we had like a tour bus where we could just go tour places and you know, record the show and special, you know, areas and stuff like that, that would be amazing, you know?
Starting point is 00:11:59 Okay. Because I know like Dr. Drew does it with Adam Corolla. He's in New York like this week or next week traveling. Yeah, I mean, we're not the number one podcast yet and I need to get we need to get like at least not even a broadcast TV show but just like a YouTube reality show where we travel the world and do our podcasts and talk to people that'd be amazing. Okay, let's do that. That's on the list. Let's talk to anybody. Anybody know anybody at YouTube hook us up. All right.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Yeah, hook us up. Okay, respond. My response is that, okay, A, I know a lot of people that listen to this podcast want to bang you. So of course, they're really, oh, and why don't you want to hang out with Emily all the time? Did Emily, I love Emily to death. The only thing he is in a setting of an event, Emily gets really excited.
Starting point is 00:12:54 She gets really loud, she's talking every, blah, blah, blah. And if I'm ever at an event or something like that, I'm just kind of working. I'm a little more low-key. Right. So I'm not really out there. It's not that I'm vanilla.
Starting point is 00:13:11 I just, I'm focused and I have something to do, you know? So I don't, I don't even like having people around me that I have to entertain when I'm doing things. Well, we don't have to entertain, okay, right? So what does that have to do with me? I know you don't have to entertain, but then what things. Well, you don't have to entertain. OK, right. So what does that have to do with me? I know you don't have to entertain. But then what's the point? If you say, oh, I want to go with you and hang out,
Starting point is 00:13:30 and then I'm not going to even see you. Oh, I just say it. I know that's true. I get it. And I don't feel hurt by that. I think it's funny. You know, I just say that I'm like, I want to go. But I don't really think I'm going to go.
Starting point is 00:13:39 I've known you for 10 years. And we never go anywhere. We've gone to a movie once, which you thought was miserable because I talked and Talked to the movie It was a terrible movie Okay, and then and then what else vanilla sex. Okay, people wait hold on hold on people see this is this is the type of thing To for you to understand what I'm talking about
Starting point is 00:14:01 The movie the movie is a perfect example. Okay, so I'm going, when I'm going to an event, I'm doing something like, I'm not just going to music festivals to go hang out and watch music. It's part of my job stuff, stuff that I do outside of sex and Emily. So, this movie that I take Emily to, it's, it's a pre-screening with movie critics and like TV people, so they can do reviews of the movie, okay? So there's like people in the broadcasting industry there in front of us sitting with us and Emily's talking out loud through the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:14:40 So what do I look like? I look like the guy that brings the girl that talks through the whole movie. It was the worst movie on the planet, Mattis. It was the worst movie ever. I know, but it doesn't matter. Everyone's there to give their comments after the movie. Okay, whatever. So we've never gone to movie again. That's fine. Okay, we got to get into some of our emails, but over our other emails. I thought that was entertaining. Unless you'd like to comment on your sex life, which you would not. So I'll move on. But that was a funny day in medicine. You know that I'm still fun to hang out with and you don't have to freaking entertain me ever. Because I'm fun. I'm good.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Okay. So first of all, here's some of the emails that we got. These are some that just came in over Facebook and then we've got some of your feedback emails. Okay. How many times do you try to say, I like these emails because they're one sentence because people just wrote it on Facebook So it's not like long I mean that but I don't love the long detailed ones But how many times do you try to make a relationship work before calling it quits? Okay, so that's a great question because I have a theory and that is if it's if it's if it's more than two times You probably should end the relationship. I don't even think that when you are in a series of relationships where you break up,
Starting point is 00:15:49 you get back together, you break up, you get back together, I just, I don't believe that that works. I believe that is a sign and they don't work. So I don't know what's happening in this person's relationship, but I believe that you're asking if you should call it quit. If you're asking if you should call it quits, you probably should call it quits. Because what happens is, I was talking about this on Love Line the other night too,
Starting point is 00:16:09 which is a show that I host on Thursday nights. Everyone can check out Love Line with Dr. Drew. Is that people call in and they're like, you know, people are like, oh, what do you think? Should I, you know, how long should I make it go? And I think after you break up with somebody, at least women do this, I was explaining that we tend to glorify the person after we break up with them.
Starting point is 00:16:26 We miss them. We think of all the good things. And then we think, oh, maybe it's a really good time to get back together. But it's not. Usually, because we're forgetting all the bad stuff, at least a lot of you have like amnesia, like relationship amnesia. So then you think, let's get back together. I miss him.
Starting point is 00:16:41 And then you get back together. And same stuff happens. Unless the person, unless the issues that you were having problems with unless you really tried to make them work and you've worked on those particular issues like let's say he drank too much or never cleaned up his clothes or he had financial issues or she did this she never whatever she never wanted to have sex unless you actually worked on the issues don't get back together with someone just because you missed them you know I I'm saying? What do you think, Manus? How many times before you make a relationship work
Starting point is 00:17:09 before calling it quits? Twice. Twice, you agree? I'm one and a half times. I believe that too. One and a half times. Okay, next question. How do I get over a girl that I still love? Well, you're being another girl. You got to get under to get over a girl that I still love? Well, you're being another girl. You got to get under to get over people. Oh, that's the favorite thing. You got to get under to like you got to bang someone else. You got to get under to get over. You got to get under someone else. No, but that's the only way. I mean, but it is true. Honestly, that we all tend to think about our acts until we have someone new to think about. So that's just what happens
Starting point is 00:17:44 because there's been no one in our brain to to to replace this person. So we think about our acts. But I think how you get over it if you can't what? Don't spend time alone either because that's all you're going to think about. Exactly. Hang out with friends. But don't I hate one chicks. Hate one chicks do this. They like go over the top with it when they break up with somebody. Oh girl, we gotta go out, get wasted. You know, walk in the streets without our high heels on barefoot. It's gross, disgusting inside the clubs. You know, artists rambly hook up with somebody right away.
Starting point is 00:18:22 It's just so annoying because women do this where they automatically will go crazy for one night and be freaking depressed the next day and then try to contact their boyfriend again. Yeah, that's true. They start texting them. And then your boyfriend finds out all the the freaky nasty ish that you did because you went crazy and and then they don't want to mess with you no more either. So think about the consequences of your actions. Men do this too though. Men I feel like men. We're not out. We don't broadcast it to everybody. Neither do women. I don't know what you're talking about. But I don't think about. Well, you're not. Who are these women that are? I don't know what bars're talking about. I don't know what you're talking about. Who are these women that are, I don't know what bars you go to. There was women walking around with their hair flip with their shoes on.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Oh my god. You just don't even spend any time online to even see it. You can see it all the time. I can always see when a woman just broke up with somebody by a single photo that's posted online. I can always like a glam shot and she's wasted doing shots or something. Yeah, or she's like up in the club because they'll be like, they'll be all about their boyfriend, did it, did it, and then suddenly they're up in the club with all their friends and they're like trying to show like, oh, you know know I'm over it already when they're really not you know
Starting point is 00:19:48 Well, I think the real answer to this question is I know that you're stupid wine drinking friends don't do that You're just call my friends stupid wine drinkers Jesus Christ men is I don't know what you're talking. I've been a glass of wines since I moved to LA first of all I mean that's actually not true. I had wine with my agent last night. Okay, but you're old San Francisco friends. Everyone drinks wine, damn it's okay. Okay, but let's just answer this question for real. The fake hippies.
Starting point is 00:20:15 The fake ones. Oh my god, you don't know me or my friends. I don't even know what you're on today. What are you smoking? Because seriously, so this dude wants to know how to get over the girl that he still loves. I think besides getting under to get over, you need to not isolate, like menace said, don't spend time alone and just go out and find other things that are interesting.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Don't sit home and stalk her on Facebook, don't pine. I mean, you can spend a few days mourning, but just keep busy. Do something that you don't want, that you have, you've been wanting to do, that you haven't done in a while, and just keep putting yourself out there. I mean, it takes time to heal all wounds, so you're still, you know, there's no magic pill, so just, you know, keep positive and know that you'll meet someone, and if you've got to be bummed for a few days, that's fine, and then if you got to sleep with someone else, that might help too. And I don't know what you're talking about, all these crazy girls at bars doing shots. I mean, maybe 20-somethings. I don't know. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Okay. What do you do when you and your lover can't agree on places to meet? That's interesting. This is another one from Facebook. You should like my Facebook page, which is Sex with Emily. So what do you do when you and your lover can't agree?
Starting point is 00:21:21 I think you compromise. I think that you either say he wants to meet and watch the sports game at the bar, watch the game at the bar and you want to go to the new hot new restaurant that you switch off every other week. And that's what you do, right? Compromise. Aren't relationships all about compromise? It's also like you ask them, where do you want to go eat? Well, I don't care, right? And then you make some suggestions and they go, I don't really feel like about, I don't feel like eating there.
Starting point is 00:21:53 And then you go, okay, well, do you have an idea? Then, you know, I'm open to anything. It's so goddamn frustrating. People are so afraid of freaking make decisions. I know, And it's actually the right or even afraid to speak up on what they really want. I know. I know. If you like three options and you say no, then you better have a freaking option. That's true. I totally agree with you. And I think if the man does the asking on the date, he should always know exactly where you guys are going. So when I was I was talking to this
Starting point is 00:22:25 woman last night, I was having drinks with her and she said, you know what? And this is what she likes this new guy. She says, and this is how she told me she said, I went on a date with him. He picked me up and he had researched places to eat. And he said, Oh, I asked all my friends in the Venice area because she lives in Venice. And I think this rest, this restaurant was just be great. And she's like, she, that was like how she led the conversation about the new guy. She appreciated it so much because she's gone out with so many men who show up without a plan.
Starting point is 00:22:53 And they're like, oh, I don't know where to go. I even thought about what you want. You want Chinese or I don't like Chinese. You're like Italian and Italian's bad. I had Italian last night. Just make a friggin' decision. But as far as lovers who can't agree on places to meet, I mean like I think maybe you each write down your top 10 places that you want to go and you see if there's any overlap and then you just pick those you can kind of find an amalgamation of
Starting point is 00:23:14 something that's, you know, commonality between two different places. But I don't know. I mean, you gotta have a plan if you're a dude or if you're the woman did they asking have a plan Women appreciate it. Don't you think man? Yes, don't show up without a no and then the woman and if you do as the woman Always have a woman a woman woman won't tell you what they really want. They won't do it Because you're a man you're supposed to Yeah, when you're different. I am different than most women I think most women should be more like me not the women that you know per se because I honestly
Starting point is 00:23:48 Man is like I don't know these women that you talk about that are like I don't know what you want like I got every every guy that's listening to this podcast right now is Screaming and so either they're their headphones or their speakers because they know exactly the women that I'm talking about. And you're like saying that they don't exist. I'm saying they do exist. They do exist, and I just, I guess, I'm not friends with them. But women, if you're the women listening, say, have an idea.
Starting point is 00:24:18 No, I don't like Italian, but I'd really love a good steak tonight. Don't be wishy-washy. No one should be wishy-washy. Be all of opinions. And it serves you in life to have opinions about things, to know what you like, to know what you want to do. Don't be that girl or that guy. Okay, don't scream into your headphones. I understand these people exist. I'm just not friends with them. Okay, next question. Is it worth it to wait
Starting point is 00:24:40 to do the deed? Now, this question can go both ways. Either, it may mean for the first time this could be a virgin, so is it worth to wait to do the deed? Yeah, wait until you find someone. Don't go pick up a hooker and have sex with them or some don't get someone really drunk enough sex for the first time. That's something like if you're a virgin, just wait until you meet someone and don't trip on. However, if you're dating someone new, I believe it or not believe that it's better to wait as long as you can as long as possible before you have sex with someone. Because I believe if you have sex with someone too quickly, then sex becomes the thing,
Starting point is 00:25:15 you get it gets comes into the equation and then you can't think of anything else and women and men, we get attached. We get attached prematurely sometimes and we have sex too soon. In literally, it's chemistry. It's the oxytocin. It's hormones. It's like oxytocin is the cuddle hormone. We get attached when we're like, oh, we at sex already, but you barely know them. You don't even know his goddamn last name. Why just sleep with them. Get his penis out of your mouth. The whole thing. Like, do not rush into sex. Get to know someone first and wait. If the person still likes you, like I think there's also a lot of peer pressure and people think, oh, I should have sex with him or he won't like you. Well, F him. If he doesn't like you because you don't want to have sex with him, then he's not
Starting point is 00:25:52 the guy for you. I like, I think it's better to wait personally. Yes. Man, that's what do you think? I totally agree. Good. I love when we agree. This is so easy, man. I see life can be so easy. Okay, this is an interesting one. Why do women like to give double blow jobs? Do you know what a double blow job is? When one girl sucks on a guy's balls and another sucks his penis at the same time. Two girls, one penis. This person watches a lot of porn. Yeah, that's an porn and free sums. And I think that's the point. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Uh, yeah. I don't know why they like to do it. They probably, you've probably seen it in porn or if you had a free sum. That's probably why. That's one of the perks, I guess, is that you get two women sucking on your penis. I know. Who would have want that? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Um, I thought that was an interesting question. That was on Facebook as well. Okay. How, why does eating different things make semen taste different? Okay, so we've talked about this before, but if you've done like the quickest search on semen on the internet, it says you'll find a lot of advice, they talk about changing your diet, you know, like bananas, pineapple, honey, strawberries, lots of water, full vegetarian diet, or the key. And if you avoid alcohol, red meat, cigarettes, smoking, all that stuff that your semen will
Starting point is 00:27:10 taste better if you avoid those things. But there's a lot of studies that are inconclusive. They say that, you know, it actually doesn't matter. That stuff doesn't impact it, but I really believe that you are what you eat and it will affect your semen. And former porn actress Annie Sprinkle, who has tasted hundreds of men's semen, says that vegetarians taste best, that eating fruit and drinking fruit juices a few hours before sex improves the taste and that smoking alcohol meets any sparigas makes semen less palatable.
Starting point is 00:27:39 So if you really want to mask the taste of your semen seam, you can try mask sexual flavor strips. You know I love masks. It's at Basically, they're like those breath strips that you put in your tongue. If a woman is performing oral sex on you, she can pick one of their four delicious flavors. When she performs oral sex on you, it will taste like a chocolate milkshake. That's Check it out. And it
Starting point is 00:28:05 really works. And it's tingly and it feels good on the man's penis. So get some mass sexual flavors. You'll like them. Does anyone ever do you worry about the taste of your semen menace? Is that in all your worries in life? Is that what you do you ever worry about that? I do not worry about that because I'm not I'm not a vegan or a vegetarian. So yeah, but you need a lot of me and you drink a lot. So maybe you should worry about it. I don't have any, experience or anything like that. What?
Starting point is 00:28:34 Experigus. Okay. You don't need to be experienced. That's good. Asparagus asparagus is bad. As we know. Okay. So here's another.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Okay. Watch. I was going to tell you random thing. Have you watched this? It's a tell you random thing have you watch this It's not on topic, but watch this video that Lady Gaga released where she's naked No, she's completely naked. I saw something about I might have I might have talked about this on on the last podcast No, you didn't you didn't tell me I did But there's this performance huge performance artist out of New York that's starting to get artists to do
Starting point is 00:29:05 Like crazy things like Jay-Z performed his song one song six hours straight inside of art gallery and That the same performance artists that Came up with that got Lady Gaga to be in the woods like naked on camera. Wow Did you see it? It's all over the internet. Yeah. Is it good?
Starting point is 00:29:28 Does she look good? She looks kind of weird in some of the shots. She's like, I don't know. She shaved her head to make her forehead look really big. And yeah, it's really obscure. So you might feel a little bit weird after watching it, but it's not, you know, it's, I guess it's supposed to give you a motion, because it's considered art.
Starting point is 00:29:58 So. Did you have any emotions? Did you have any emotions? I just felt a little bit weird after watching it. So I guess that is an emotion. Oh That's good. Not as an emotion. So good. I should watch it and have an emotion. Yeah, I think if you just type in lady Gaga naked on Google you will find it. Okay. I'll check it out. Thank you darling. Okay, so dear Emily I recently found your podcast through the Stitcher app. We love the Stitcher app.
Starting point is 00:30:26 And I absolutely, yes, everyone should download the Stitcher app for any smartphone and you can listen to any podcast you want, especially a section of Emily. So Emily, I recently found your podcast through Stitcher app. I absolutely love it. I have a question for Mattis. What in the world do you guys think when girls queep? And I don't mean a little too I mean the all-out never-ending Fantastic queeps that keep going for the duration of the penis insertion and sometimes give you a few little surprise farts afterwards
Starting point is 00:30:53 I got admit makes me giggle a little I know Emily you spoke about it in in an episode But men's was completely silent for that discussion what's you men think about the major queepage? Thanks Allison, so let me just clarify if you don't know what a cuif is. I don't know we have people from all different countries listening. It's the sound and action of air being emitted from your vagina. Although it's considered to be a far from your vagina, there are no intestinal gases being expelled. There is no odor. They happen when air is pushed into the vagina and then it's
Starting point is 00:31:24 expelled. You can predict it, but they happen when a finger or penis move in and out of your vagina, trapping air inside of you, what goes in must come out. So they don't smell. It just sounds like a fart and so it can be embarrassing. So menace, what do you think? I mean, I've encountered this in my life. Actually, a funny side story is when I was doing a morning radio show probably about 10 years ago there was this girl that called in that could do it on command. And then the craziest part is I found out the girl that called into the radio show I I knew from high school, it was pretty insane.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Out of, you know, seven million people that live in the San Francisco Bay area, I happen to know the female that can queefe on command. That is amazing. So that's just a side story. But my thing, I kind of just, when it does happen, I kind of just act like it doesn't happen. I don't even acknowledge it, you know. But, but the girl is always acknowledged it and they either laugh or make a comment about it, but I just like, you
Starting point is 00:32:37 just gotta laugh it off. I mean, you just gotta laugh at something deal. And if you're with a dude that cares, f him, you don't want to be with him, like, whatever, you know, if you, if you, your partner gets into each other's bodies. There's lots of noises that happen and that's what happens So you make noises it's human and that's why we're all beautiful I mean it's like what what do you really want me to say? It's not something that you control I'm sure you wouldn't do it if if you really wanted to you know, so Right, I mean yeah, but you can't help it. It happens. It means that you're having sex. That's a good thing. Like, I think that you're,
Starting point is 00:33:10 a lot of times, we're all caught up in the moment and no one's even cares about it. So I don't think it's a big deal, Allison, and, uh, Menace wouldn't kick you out of bed for queuing, right, Menace? No. What about, if a guy just rips a big old, big old juicy one for you I don't think that's happened. I mean that's happened. I think you just keep going I mean during sex you just keep going you're like a
Starting point is 00:33:33 big knowledge You know not during sex. I just try to be in the moment But if we're like lying in bed together and he does it I'm like, oh, but I haven't been with a guy who does that in a really long time like lying in bed together and he does it. I'm like, ew, but I haven't been with a guy who does that in a really long time. A really long time. In fact, I think I used to have boyfriend. Nope. I don't think I've been with the guys who do that in so long. In fact, my last few boyfriends, I don't think I've ever heard them do that, which is good. Yeah. And yeah. So, but I think, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:01 some people think it's endearing. I would prefer if a guy would just go to the bathroom and excuse himself But if anything that happens during sex listen sex is not supposed to be neat and tidy It's a messy and sex is a beautiful thing It's a beautiful messy natural thing and you love someone and you're having sex or you like someone and whatever You're in that moment. So don't worry about all the noises and all that stuff. It's all okay Okay, that finally emailed feedback at Dear Emily, I never miss the podcast. I listen while I'm out of my mail route delivering the mail.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Here girls like the, I hear girls like the chase. I know millions of women love the movie the notebook because it clearly dramatizes that. But when is it a pursuit that excites her and when is it stalking? When does the guy give up? When is his pursuit cute and when is it creepy? When should he fear a restraining order? I know that that last question is extreme, but I'm betting many men would like the ground rules better laid out for them. Signed Terry. Okay, Terry, that's a really good question. I think that
Starting point is 00:35:02 Okay, Terry, that's a really good question. I think that it's clearly that when you're pursuing someone, you know, it's kind of a give and take. You send an email, she emails you back, you call her, she calls you back, maybe you call her twice and she doesn't call you back. Three times, she doesn't call you back. Then you stop. If you call her four, five, six times, you post on her Facebook Facebook wall you send her a tweet and you show up at her doorstep that leads to stalking. I think that guys don't know oftentimes when to stop
Starting point is 00:35:33 pursuing someone. For example I talked about this last oh maybe I just tweeted this. I can't remember if I talked about it but I went to a dinner party a few weeks ago and I met this guy that I thought was kind of interesting. However yeah you talked about it. Yeah, I got up in the morning, it was a Saturday morning, he emailed me, then he called me, then he emailed me again later in the day, then he texted me the next day, and then he so and then he texted me, then he emailed me and now I've just completely ignored him because I don't want to even go out with him, I want nothing to do with them, he
Starting point is 00:36:01 just contacted me too much, I don't think he's stalking and I really actually wasn't that interested in him, but still that was a little overboard. Like wait for me to get back to you. It was a little aggressive. But the girls do like the chase, meaning like I think they want to feel pursued by a man. But it's it's it's it's it's a, you know, it's a slippery slope. It's really you got to be gentle with it. You got to listen. You got to pay attention to what to how she's responding. And if she's not getting back to you, she's probably not into it. But you don't want to be all like crazy
Starting point is 00:36:27 obsessed either. So if this guy had just like set me one email and wait for me to respond, I might have gone on a date with him. But the fact that he did all those things, it didn't happen. What do you think, Ms? Yeah, I, that's a little overboard. And I think maybe maybe I don't know like contacting them maybe two and a half times that's it and there's no response then out out the door. That's the door. Move on to someone else. I think a lot of times guys have time moving they have a hard time like moving on.
Starting point is 00:37:00 They have a hard time just starting like oh you know what maybe this you know maybe she like maybe she didn't get the message blah blah blah. No, she got the message. She's not available. Yeah, well, let's let's let's take it down to just two times. Okay, two times two times. Two times. Reach out to maybe reach out two times. That's it.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Exactly. Then you get a restraining. Maybe their phone. Maybe their phone was dead the first time, but second time no response to Move on my friend. Move on move on move on. Okay, that's what we've got time for today I have to give a shout out to crazy girl. We've got a new video coming out next week I love all their products especially. They're one of the naked shave cream because it gives you a killer shave It's called it used to be called the kuchi cream
Starting point is 00:37:43 It's kind of the same product, but it's one of be naked and it's fair monofuse and it just is amazing close shave and use coupon code Emily 25 for 25% off anything at and they've got the coolest products there So they've got like all this fair monofuse really cool stuff and great gifts and check it out So sweet manus anything else that you've got for me. I yeah. I'm gonna see too. All right, I will. All right, everyone. Download the Sitch, you can download it for your iPhone or your tablet or your Android phone. You can listen to your car. This integrated into a bunch of cars. And all you gotta do is type in sex and you'll be able to listen to sex Emily. Exactly. And you can also subscribe.
Starting point is 00:38:42 It's amazing. It's amazing. It's an amazing app. And you can also subscribe to the show on iTunes I went to iTunes say we've got like 250 shows up there. So people should check. I know so people should check that out Also check on my iPhone app kegel camp or my other I'll Emily's sex drive. They both will improve your sex life So thanks everyone for listening to sex with Emily was it good for you? Email me feedback. It's sex with Emily dot com sex with Emily was it good for you? Email me feedback at All right, I gotta make another call.

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