Sex With Emily - SWE: Different Orgasms

Episode Date: September 22, 2012

Emily shares at least seven different types of orgasm’s for women (sorry gentleman). Oh the many orgasms yet to come! Emily gently, but not too gently, guides you through how to achieve orgasms, no ...matter if you prefer Combination or Blended, Multiple or Serial orgasms. Hopefully we can all agree that real orgasms are the best kind of orgasms, and fake ones don’t serve anyone. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, can I see a question? How are your balls feeling right now? Are they super clean and dry? Does your partner complain or is not always willing to go downtown? If so, I've got something for you. I've just launched a new product called Down Under Comfort for my brand Emeline Tony. It's really unique. It's a cream to tap yoga powder formula that is designed to keep men fresh and clean
Starting point is 00:00:22 down under or wherever they need. And girls can use it too, under their brush, the lower back, anywhere they want to stay fresh. So how keep this podcast free and your balls dry? Use code Emily to get 20% off your first purchase. Check them out today at Emily and Trust me and you're welcome. Book into his eyes Then the eyes of a man obsessed by sex Eyes that block our secret institutions
Starting point is 00:00:49 Bet through eyes they call them in a bygone way Hey, Aveline, you got a boyfriend? Cause my man E here, he just got his heart broken, he thinks you're kinda cute The girls got a hair stand, oh my The women know about shrinkage Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean like laundry? It's shrinks? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:01:06 Oh wow, I'm so dumb. Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex, relationships, and everything in between from more information go to where you can listen to all of our podcasts and check out our cool content that will improve your sex life Absolutely certainly 100% sure of that. Hi, menace. Hi. How you doing? So good to see you It's been like weeks it feels like We're how the hell where hell what are we're in the hell happy? I was in Las Vegas Let me spit it out Las Vegas. I was thinking about you because I know you love Las Vegas love Las Vegas I'll be there in November. I was there for you because I know you love Las Vegas. Love Las Vegas. I'll be there in November.
Starting point is 00:01:45 I was there for five days, which is a little long, but I had the best time ever. I was there for the International Laundry Show, which is where all the Laundry people go in adult lovities, sex toys, hundreds of booths of all of my favorite toys, and then the makers of the toys. You meet the engineers and the brilliant minds who came up with the idea for like, enjoys this company, they make these steel dildos that are like heavy. Like it was like the heaviest thing in my suitcase.
Starting point is 00:02:11 It was like five pounds, it feels like, but it's not. But I haven't used the app on the plane. Oh my god, I brought like, like, so much on the plane. I brought, I had to bring two extra bags of toys and products that I got. And we got to hang out with like,
Starting point is 00:02:22 there's all these sponsors that we have that I love. But you know how it is you're going to business trip? And we were got to hang out with like, there's all these sponsors that we have that I love, but you know how it is you're going to business trip. And we were just like parting and like love them all, like Michelle from Crazy Girl Maxx for Men, you know that fair moan stuff that I give everyone at T Radio V, which is a video show that we do, a video podcast we do on Tuesdays.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Met her, love her, crazy drunk dancing up at the voodoo lounge, that we are staying at the Rio Hotel. Now, Grin, the Rio Hotel is not the best hotel but that's where the conference was. So we were all here. That's right, we were at the palms. And we were here. We went there one night. And so we put on like she's got the most amazing product. We put on like diva dust and we went out and now she's like when you
Starting point is 00:02:59 be FF. And we also, I don't like sign my books for people. Nice. I went to different booths and I just saw all these new amazing sex toys coming out. I met the inventor of the rock box. I told him we talk about it all the time, which is the world's most powerful vibrator that I'm afraid of. Stronger than the touching magical. It blows out for giants people.
Starting point is 00:03:20 He told me that it does. He's like, you have to be careful. I'm like, I'm not even using it once. It looks like a power to a literally. And there was a recall on them. Really? I'm so glad I didn't use it. I would be like sticking to the ceiling right now. Anyway, it's as crazy. Anyway, Vegas was fun. I went with Kelsey, my assistant, and we just went all around. And then I was like, yeah, I was at Sinclair Institute, signing books for them. And I got to meet the people from there. And it was just all good. Good people. Sweet. Sometimes like people in the industry. I'm signing books for them and I got to meet the people from there and it was just all good good people
Starting point is 00:03:45 Sweet. Sometimes like people in the industry. Didn't you go to LA or? I'm going to LA tomorrow or Wednesday. Oh Wednesday. Right, going LA. I'm going to be on the doctor's TV show. Sweet.
Starting point is 00:03:56 And I'm going to do a bunch of media type things. Talking about 50 shades of gray, which I finally read, which I thought was good, but not great, not well written, but 50 shades of gray, you know, is like the whole crazy phenomenon. So we're gonna talk about like bondage, my favorite topic in massage candles, the Jimmy James massage candles, which I love. We're giving away, I shouldn't tell this because secret, but we are gonna give them weight everyone an audience. Nice. Yeah, it's good. How have you been? What's new? I went to San Luis Obispo, California where they have a place called Pismo Beach There's a college called Cal Poly there too For my buddies two-day wedding. Oh Jesus
Starting point is 00:04:33 But it was so Pismobitch is beautiful. Okay. It was a warm. It was warm It was nice. I like about we're just like on the side of this cliff by the beach And you know my buddy has this very small ceremony and it was really cool and It was really quick though, right so then I decide well, you know, I'm in San El Subispo, I'm not here often I might as well check it out So I went to downtown San El Subispo and it was really cool to have like all these cool shops and stores and things like that And they have this thing that I always want to check out is called bubble gum alley
Starting point is 00:05:09 Well, it's it's this tiny little alley that people have just stuck thousands of pieces of bubble gum on It's up on my Instagram By the way announcement and I knew you were upset by this I am upset by it. I don't even look at what. I just feel like I just know you in a different way. I don't know. Anyways, I have switched my Twitter name and my Instagram name just to menace. Why did you drop the white menace? It just everyone just calls me menace all the time.
Starting point is 00:05:38 No, whenever I say menace, menace alone is a premium domain. And if I was able to obtain it, menace alone is a premium domain. And if I was able to obtain it, I might as well just do it. Can you get I can't. I've been trying for 14 years. Who has it?
Starting point is 00:05:53 I won't give it up. Somebody in like for junior or something like that. Maybe them. But so I go there day one, check it out, eat, hang out. Then I had a drive all the way back to San Francisco Stay the night and then day two of the wedding was in Modesto, California, which is back that isn't saying another two hours away Sounds a bit supposed three hours. Why would they do this?
Starting point is 00:06:26 Hey, hold on I had to do all that driving like everyone. Yeah, and I had to get back up and I had to put on the suit again and do the whole thing and take photos. It was that part. Did you bring a date or not to this one? I can't remember. Yes, but that part was this that whole wearing thing over again. It was a nightmare and I had a, you know, but we went in a party bus. We had all this fun and a lot of our old friends were there and our buddy was DJ and he's a buddy from my school.
Starting point is 00:06:43 He's an old radio buddy. Okay. And our buddy who does like parody songs was there and he was like singing uh to with a Mary Archie man and all the stuff. hilarious, but this this is so awesome. At then the night they play Katy Perry's. You're a firework, right? Right. They had fireworks like for real. That's awesome. That cool that was going along with the music it was pretty cool that's pretty cool fireworks are awesome at a wedding i've seen that that's awesome and then so afterwards we said let's go back to the hotel and party there's a hotel bar we walk into the hotel bar there There's a 1982 class reunion happening
Starting point is 00:07:26 So I'm with my day and I'm with My good girlfriend of mine and her boyfriend and I was like oh, we all decide we had to go to the restroom first So go to the restroom and then the girl on the restroom and all these Ladies that were in the 1982 reunion were just firing on me left and right like what's out what are you doing here? They're hitting on you? Yeah. Oh my god they're like wasting their husband's room.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Yeah, and they just like wanted to get down. Really? Were they any of them cute? I would say I swear like within a five minute period, six different ones hit me up and I would say like two of them were good. Okay. Oh my god, menace. You could even just have a baby go with it. What happened with the girl?
Starting point is 00:08:10 Nothing. Was it fun? Yeah, it was cool. And then we just, like, partied and then we hit up Denny's at 3 a.m. in place that you would never go. I've been to Denny's. I get that grand slam or whatever. Yeah, but it was amazing.
Starting point is 00:08:21 And, you know, you get to see people are in love, love But it was so funny because and I got to give credit to this I was actually talking to another friend of mine this morning about this My buddy has been with this girl Say about maybe seven years now and they already had a kid together. All right That's initially like why they were together. My buddy was like He he wanted to be around for his kid. But he didn't know, okay, this is the person that I want to marry. Right. So he like tried out a relationship for quite a while and he ended up having another kid with this girl. Wow. So they've had this relationship
Starting point is 00:08:55 for seven years and then he'd finally decided like, hey, this is you know, the girl that I want to be with. So I got to give him credit that he didn't totally, he didn't get just married right away just because he had a kid with a girl like he went through. And they're still in their love and all we're going with the kids. That's good. I love to hear that. Because a lot of times you can have a kid and think that you should get married and you have people do that. People do that all the time. That's a wrong thing to do. Today's show, we will be talking about toy gasms and different kinds of orgasms. I didn't get to say that at the top. So if you're wondering when we're going to get sexy and dirty, we are going to do that
Starting point is 00:09:28 in a second. What part of relationships is part of sex, you know? No, it's important here that people are happy and getting married still in the world. I know. I'm very, I do. I do. I hope people get married and have happy weddings and happy lives. But it's funny, you know, at this convention that I went to because it's like so many who
Starting point is 00:09:47 own the sex industry, everyone's like into all their weird, just what you think, like not weird, but alternative lifestyles. So people who were just like, I have like weirdos are like, you know, married men and like everyone hitting on everyone's doing their thing because they're away from home. I don't know, it's just going on in Vegas, but it's kind of sketch. It really is. But I really like I said, it was really, really fun. We shot a bunch of videos that we're going to have up and like just fun people. My fun, you know how our new Loub sponsor, Honey
Starting point is 00:10:13 Love and Loub, who comes in the bear. Yeah, you're posting on Instagram. Yes. And then this hot little beach woman dress like a bumblebee outside and their Loub is amazing. They've they've like 10 flavors. Check it out on my website, click on the Honey Love and Loob. They've like, Tara Masou and Smore's flavor. And I got to taste all the flavors. And I know and glow in the dark. No one makes glow in the dark loob.
Starting point is 00:10:36 So check this out. Pioneers. I met the engineer and how he came up with it and all this stuff. And it's a really good lubricant that like actually has like things in it that can you prevent HPV and all this stuff, and it's a really good lubricant that actually has things in it that can prevent HPV and all this stuff. So it was cool, it was fine. It was just like all of our peeps.
Starting point is 00:10:49 I loved it, I loved it. But, and then we got LA, it's gonna be crazy. So all is well in my world, and I hope yours is too, but we can get into a little bit of sex in the news, but I feel like there's more I had to tell you about Vegas, but I'll probably get back to that in a second. I'm gonna be in Los Angeles Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:10 I'll be there too. Another fucking freaking wedding. I mean, Friday, today, sorry, I'm totally lost all the time. But no, there's a comedy festival, I'll be there. How fun. I'll be interviewing comedians and stuff like that. That's so nice. I'll ask them some sex questions.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Ask them some questions. Well, you know, they're usually tormented comedians. Yeah. I wonder if comedians, comedians probably get laid a lot. They travel a lot. Yeah, they're celebrities. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:38 So they probably hook up. For sure. Yeah. They love sex questions, ask them sex questions. Oh, you can always email me. We're going to be getting to your emails in seconds that you send to feedback at You can also find me on my website, just email me straight from there or on Twitter and Facebook, sex with Emily.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Okay. X, boyfriend, and the addict. This story came out last week. Oh, I sent this to you. Yeah, you sent this to me. Oh my God. Okay. I didn't read it though.
Starting point is 00:12:04 No. A Ghoulish sound coming from a South Carolina woman's addict turned out to be coming from Yeah, you sent this to me. Oh my God. Okay. I didn't read it though. No, a Ghoulish sound coming from a South Carolina woman's attic turned out to be coming from her ex-boyfriend who had been hiding there. Tracy, a mother of five, heard a loud thump last Saturday night and began to see nails falling from the ceiling. Something just ain't right. There was some poltergeist stuff going on with Tracy's initial reaction around 2.30 a.m. Tracy's ex-boyfriend of 12 years
Starting point is 00:12:29 had been hiding in her attic near the heating unit for two weeks. Sonic cops filled with urine and feces were found in the attic, nook, as well as a rigid ceiling vent so that the man could look down at Tracy in her bedroom. The suspect fled the scene after we can discover it
Starting point is 00:12:45 and it's still at large. That's friggin' crazy. Change your locks when you break up with somebody, people. Change your locks. This guy was living in the attic. I thought from 12 years ago. Okay, I thought like he was living in there for 12 years when I read the time.
Starting point is 00:13:00 No, ex boyfriend of 12 years, the date of for 12 years, living in her attic with feces and discuss. Yeah, that good. South Carolina attic. Yeah, so change the locks. It's so funny because I've keys to like my ex-boyfriends place, but we share dogs, so I need the keys, but everyone's got keys to his house. Like all of these girlfriends, like things could happen. People could break in and kill do that. You gotta be careful. Okay, a sex researcher's son arrested for exposing himself. A prominent sex-reacher's son, sex-reacher's researcher's son, tried to say that 10 times fast, who had been cited for public masturbation in New York City Central Park early this year, has been arrested for exposing himself in a rural Michigan sting operation. He's 60. He yelled for the attention of two undercover female officers
Starting point is 00:13:47 kayaking. He was completely nude and making obscene gestures with his exposed body parts from the back of pinnabog river. The Huron County Sheriff's Office have been investigating four similar events in the area before arresting masters in an undercover sting operation. Masters of third is the son of the late Dr. William H.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Masters, you know, masters in Johnson, like the big sex researchers is being charged with aggravated indies and exposure and a $2,000 fine. What is it with these compulsions of men just to get naked and and and masturbate and have people look at them? I really really want to interview somebody like that. Yeah, I want to call these in general. I'll have somebody else interview them and say, why do you do this?
Starting point is 00:14:27 I don't know, but we'll get off on it. They think it's, you know, that's what turns them on. That's their fetish, that's their thing. I hear about this with women and public transit. That's why I don't want to go on because like. You hear that women are masturbating and... Oh, guys are doing it. Yes, I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:14:42 I don't get it at all. But I told you it happened to me twice in New York when I was little when I was like, you know, visiting with my mom, two guys were masturbating in the movie theater and I was like so freaked out and they got up and they were like zip their pants up and they had all their they had a newspaper where you know that they wow. It was gross and I'll never forget that. Okay, couple filmed having sex at a Yankees game. Two New York Yankees fans scored a home run at this weekend's game against Tampa Bay Rays. A horny couple couldn't wait until halftime
Starting point is 00:15:12 to get intimate and were discovered having sex and a bathroom stall under the left field bleachers during the second inning. As on-legrous took pictures and videos of the couples having sex, they must have been drunk. Nothing seemed to churro stop them from consummating their mutual affections. They didn't even notice the cheers and screams coming from the gathering crowd.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Wow. People were jockeying for positions outside the stall to take picks, either over understanding of the stall. The Yankees are believed to be aware of the situation but have declined to comment. How could you in a bathroom stall under the left field bleachers? So it's a bathroom stall under the bleachers, but wouldn't they still be inside the bathroom? Like how could you in a bathroom stall under the left field bleachers? So it's a bathroom stall under the bleachers But wouldn't they still be inside the bathroom like how could you take pictures of it? I don't get it Well people probably heard what was going on and then Right, sorry talking about sorry talking about yeah, I mean, yeah, I just be careful. We haven't sex people Why are people a bit of sex? I mean, I understand outdoor sex, but you just gotta be gonna be careful
Starting point is 00:16:02 You gotta pay attention. They're probably drunk. Yeah, if you move too many beers, right? understand outdoor sex, but you just gotta be careful. You gotta pay attention. They're probably drawn kind of too many beers, right? Okay, so then, oh, something I have to announce that I'm doing a sex experiment. I'm doing a sex experiment. And that is we need couples, email me, feedback at
Starting point is 00:16:18 If you wanna spice up your sex life, things haven't been going great, or maybe you just wanna take it to the next level. We need couples, you have to email me why you should be considered for this. To take Forda, Forda is our favorite Canadian to make sexual enhancers. And they are like libido enhancers, they have women, they're 100% organic, the number one seller in Canada, and we're going to provide you with some forda. They have it for men and for women, and then I want you to come out, you're going to call
Starting point is 00:16:48 them to the show, and you're going to document your experiment with these enhancers. It's 100 percent organic and natural, and Canada goes crazy for it, and it's just coming to the States. And so we want to see, does this work? How does it work for people? Does it enhance their sex drive, their libido? A lot of people take it just like before they go out of the day, give them confidence that it has all these good ingredients and stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:10 And so I just want to see, you know, forda. So email me feedback at if you want to be in our sex experiment. It's clever, right? Sex experiment? Do you want to be in it? Will you take some? Forda? An enhancement product?
Starting point is 00:17:24 No. Not enhance, it doesn't enhance. It helps your, helps men stay harder longer, helps women with their libido, stuff like that. Sounds good. Yeah, right? Not that you have any challenges. I'm sure in those parmines, but you might want to take that.
Starting point is 00:17:37 I don't know, you might want to check it out. Just for fun. Just for fun. Okay, I've got some emails that we get into. What kind of emails do you have? I have got some sexy emails already. Hi Emily, I've written once before. I'm a 29-year-old from Atlanta with a Friends with Benefits issue. She is 34 and bit a friend of mine for the last eight months. Recently she came by my apartment and things happened, started with kissing and manual stimulation, no intercourse. We've discussed a Friends's benefits relationship, which I am fine with.
Starting point is 00:18:08 One problem. She told me after a weekend together, she was sleeping with a man from our office, unprotected. She wants to know if I'll sleep with her with protection. She's also dating another man as well. My brain tells me these are flags, but another part of me is telling me to go ahead and see with her. What do I do? 29 in Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:18:26 P.S., I bought your book Hot Sex, really enjoying it. My book is called Hot Sex, over 200 things you can try tonight, and I promise you, it will blow your sex life through the roof, so check it out. Okay, anyway, friends, benefits. Yeah, honey, 29 in Atlanta, there's lots of red flags there. She's sleeping with a bunch of people. Do you want to be one of her, one of her, her entourage that she's sleeping with?
Starting point is 00:18:48 Do you want to be part of her posse? Part of her pussy posse? I was trying to think of an alliteration and I couldn't. No, but really, it sounds like if you're okay being, this is what happens in friends' benefits relationships. She's sleeping with people, you're sleeping with people. If they use protection, I guess it's fine. If you really like her and you'd like this relationship to go somewhere else, don't
Starting point is 00:19:10 sleep with her. Don't even get started, don't do it, don't continue the relationship. Because she's a human with three other guys. But if you're like, I'm down with that, then I can date other women and it's fine and you're both in the same emotional page. See when friends with benefits relationships go wrong, it's when one person wants more than the other person, and then they don't talk about it and then the other person gets upset. So you're calling her sleeping other people flags and I'm saying in friends with benefits relationships, everyone's sleeping with other people. So I'm not sure that you're
Starting point is 00:19:36 ready for this. I think you might like her more than that and make sure I'm comfortable to just sleeping with other people. So it's probably not a good idea. And where are rubber, dude? Yeah, I mean, she said she's having unprotected sex with one guy. She's having, and then she wants him to protect sex. So yeah, you should definitely, or I actually read a study day,
Starting point is 00:19:54 you know, you're always joke around. I'm just telling you guys, just don't try this at home. You're like, oh, yeah, don't wear one condom, wear two condoms. In fact, wearing two condoms is less safe than wearing one condom because the two condoms can rub together and rip. It's friction. So don't ever wear two condoms. You might. No, no, no, no. I'm always making jokes about it.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Oh, you better double bag it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just don't ever double bag it because there was a study that said it's not good. Yeah, but I think people shouldn't, they know that by now, right? I don't know. I didn't know. I think so. I just read that today. So anyway, so don't you think I mean he's half her. She's a friend. They've been friends for a while. I think if he just wants to hook up with her, then just wear a condom. Yeah, don't worry about it. If you're like, oh, I can maybe make the chick buy a girlfriend one day. That's never going to happen. I mean, you mean, she might, you might be the last man standing.
Starting point is 00:20:48 I don't know, but I wouldn't, I wouldn't go into it thinking that she's going to just all of a sudden decide that you're the one. So it seems like you know that already. But it's hard when you're half for someone and you're been friends for a while and you want to sleep with her. I understand that, but just make sure that you are in a mental place that can handle it. Okay. Dear Ali, I'm losing my mind.
Starting point is 00:21:05 I need someone to talk about this. I need someone to talk to about this. I don't know what the hell I was thinking. Seriously, what the hell was I thinking? I did the peanut butter thing on the Vajay J and let the dog lick it off. Wow. Literally, like a minute. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:21:21 I'm so disturbed that I did that. I'm having a hell of a time getting through my days without thinking I am some horribly nasty person. I've never ever done anything like this. Help. How do I get this out of my head? Am I really the only chick who did this? Oh my God. I'm more to far with my laughs and judgment. Help losing my mind Sam. Well Sam, I mean is it awkward down between the dog when you look at each other? Yeah, exactly. I'm just wondering if your dog is behaving more or not behaving more? I mean, people have laps and judgments all the time. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:21:51 I know this might take a while to get out of your head, but you know. It's don't worry about it, Sam. I mean, that's why you've heard of it. It's because people actually do it. So I wouldn't worry about it. I mean, did it feel good? I want to know. I mean, you think you're going to do it again?
Starting point is 00:22:01 Is that what you're afraid of? Do you think you're going to move on to other animals? Then we have a problem. Now, if this is something that also embarrasses you, do not share with anybody that you know. Yeah, don't tell anybody but me. Mine already have, but just don't. I mean, if this is something that's going to hurt yourself as team, if it got out, then please don't. Even if it's the person you trust more than, you know, cost your heart, hope to die type thing. Just don't do it.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Just don't, because you're going to judge you and you already feel bad enough. But let me tell you, it's just not safe. I would say just have the dogs, just from a health standpoint, probably not the safest thing to have the dogs saliva down there. So I would just, that's another reason to get you to stop from doing it again.
Starting point is 00:22:41 But you're fine. You have no diseases. I'm sure you're fine. And don't beat yourself up. We all do things that we regret. And I just, you got to let it go. And how do you let it go? You're asking me how? Just stop thinking about it. Write it off. Make yourself feel fine. Like we all do things like that. And you're experiencing. And maybe one day, you know, you'll laugh at it with yourself by yourself. Because you're not going to tell anyone about it about me. So I really wouldn't worry about it. You want to know something embarrassing?
Starting point is 00:23:06 I have to poop naked. How about that? Oh, thanks for sharing. You have shared that. You have shared that. He has to get all naked even if he's in his office. Yes, completely naked. So how about that?
Starting point is 00:23:17 There you go. Sam, men's gets naked. I wish, yeah, I don't even know to say about that. I forgot about that one. I do remember it, though. I didn't forget, but I remember. I can't go in public places unless it has a full door. A full door?
Starting point is 00:23:30 I don't know why. I'm just more like a little bit. What do you do at work though, really? They have like stalls. You just don't go. I just don't go. Wow. That's why I live close.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Do you go home in the middle of the day? If I have to, yes. I've driven an hour just to go back to my house before. That's I don't understand what your issue is. I don't know, but I've put this out there before and people say that they have the they have the same issue. Well, I don't even know if it's an issue. It's just like a comfort factor. Yeah, that's not an issue. I'm not going to judge you minus because you drove an hour to take a poop, but that's I'm really not. I'm really not. There's nothing wrong with it. with it but um see what I mean people do all kind of you should try you should try
Starting point is 00:24:09 it and feel and see how feel it feels it feels very freeing have you always been this way since you were young child yeah interesting I don't even know what to say like my relaxed do you fall asleep now wish Do you fall asleep? No wish. I should give an embarrassing thing but I don't have any. Oh excuse me. Little miss perfect. No I'm not perfect. Definitely pops my head I'll share it just because I feel like we were it's like a combi hour all coming together. It's tough right now. I don't have anything but I'm also in Zimbabwe for five days so so I'm all tired. Forte makes all natural sexual enhancers called fortifermen and for women that help with imponence and premature ejaculation, vaginal dryness low libido,
Starting point is 00:24:52 and they even intensify orgasms. So if you need a little boost in the bedroom, or just curious about sexual enhancement, you literally can't go wrong with fortat. Their supplements not only increase desire and blood flow, but can help your spleen, kidneys, and lungs. And seriously, what sexier than a big healthy spleen?
Starting point is 00:25:12 So if you want to keep our show free and have some hot sex in the process, check out Forta Online that's F-O-R-T-A. Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. I promise your sex life will improve. Okay, dear Emily. Okay, this is a little embarrassing. Here's another embarrassing one. Uh-oh, but I can't masturbate.
Starting point is 00:25:31 There is no amount of touching myself in any way that will turn me on. I have no problems with the partner stimulating me, but when it comes to special loantine, I'm so out. You know what that means, right? I'm now in a long distance relationship where I'm dying without the sex. I want to try a vibrator, but I don't know what kind of stimulation I like because I can't masturbate anyways.
Starting point is 00:25:51 I don't even know if a vibrator will work. What advice do you have for the situation? Liz. Well, you get a dog and some peanut butter. No, no, no, no, no, Liz, don't do that. I'm wondering, do you have orgasms with your partner when you're having sex? Is that the deal? Because I'm wondering if you have orgasms fine during,
Starting point is 00:26:08 and of course, what feels good to you when you do that? And you can do that, you can simulate that with a vibrator. So there's many different kinds of vibrators if you're thinking of doing a vibrator. You could get a clitoral stimulator, you could get one that goes inside you that could give me a G-spot vibrator. We saw so many of those in the show.
Starting point is 00:26:27 There's so many G-Spot vibrators on the market now, so if that's how you orgasm, if you want to go to good vibrations, click on my website, go to the products page. You can see my favorite toys. I've got the Pocket Rocket, I think is a great beginner vibrator. If you want to try something,
Starting point is 00:26:41 the Hattachi Magic Wine is a more advanced vibrator, but if you can't have an orgasm then alone, I would try that. That is a sure thing and see how that works. But I would also say maybe with your partner you could try to have Skype sex. See if that gets you going. If it's a long business relationship, why not have Skype sex and get you in the mood and you start touching yourself in front of them and see how it goes. But I would say that it might take time if you're not able to orgasm. I would take a bath, I would touch your body, I would do things, I would get yourself
Starting point is 00:27:09 in the mood like take a few days or a few weeks to really like make this like a commitment that you're going to figure out what makes yourself feel good and how to master it. Because really you should know this as a woman, it's one of your life's work to know what makes you feel good because no guys ever going to come along or no woman who ever you're with, whatever, it figure it out for you. You're going to figure out yourself. So I would say just start touching yourself. There's 8,000 nerve endings in the clitoris.
Starting point is 00:27:31 I'm sure if you start touching yourself down there, you're going to feel something. One of those little nerve endings is going to make you pop eventually. Like I have my infamous story about my friend took 30 days, every day, masturbated every day for 30 days until she finally had orgasm. Might take you that long Liz, but it's important to you. You'll make it happen, right? Okay. Hi Emily. I've been in a relationship with a man for 10 years older than me for about five months. And just recently, has his best mate,
Starting point is 00:28:00 oh, just recently his best mate started showing interest in me. So silly me start showing it back and we both start sharing dirty Oh, just recently his best mate started showing interest in me. So silly me start showing it back and we both start sharing dirty texts and intimate thoughts which we get with each other on the phone. One night we arranged to meet in his place. We have the most amazing sex I've ever had in my life. The next time we had sex, he didn't even want me to, the next time we had sex, he didn't even want me to come over and the sex wasn't as good.
Starting point is 00:28:24 He is really affectionate person and tells me how amazing I am, but there is another woman in the picture. Anyway, I decided to break it with my current partner, so I'm as I'm feeling so strong for his friend. I was wondering if you could give me some advice on how to get this man's attention or respect if I've lost it and how do I have more appealing than this other woman. I don't know whether he is just after the sex or whether he wants more, he's giving me mixed messages. He's worried about losing the friendship
Starting point is 00:28:48 with my current partner. I know that I should back off and have decided that for talking to a friend that I should back off completely. Can you please give me advice? Act sex, act sex, beth, P.S. He also told me that night he might come to love me but seemed worried about the risk, thanks.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Oh, beth, Beth. Okay. This is not looking good any which way. I think you should listen to your friend and just end the situation because you've been dating this guy. You've been in a relationship for five months. Then you start cheating on him with his best friend. Then the best friend is being wishy-washy with you. In the second time, it's not as good.
Starting point is 00:29:21 So you're just remembering that first time. It's like you did drugs with him one night and and you feel amazing, and you want that high, and that connection that you had with him. But I'm here to tell you that that is the only thing that you know about this guy, you had an amazing amount of sex, and so you're just obsessing about it, and you, because your PS tells me that he could love you
Starting point is 00:29:38 that night, men say a lot of things to women when they want to get in their pants, right, menace? Oh yeah. Men say some things. So I'm sure that night you said, oh, you're someone I, right, menace? Oh, yeah. Men say some things. So I'm sure that night, you said, oh, you're someone I could love and you're amazing, but then you go back to him and he says he's dating someone. So he's not even available.
Starting point is 00:29:53 He's your boyfriend's, your whatever, ex-boyfriend's friend, and he's kind of blown you off. And you know what, if a guy's into you, he's gonna show it that he's into you. He's gonna be like all over the situation, and he also is right to say that it's going to be tricky with his friend. His friend, you know, those guys have bonds.
Starting point is 00:30:10 And he already F go over his friend by saving a few. Probably doesn't want him to find out. So I would just say you've got to move on from this. And it's good that you broke up with the other guy. I'm proud of you for that. Because if you were still cheating, going back and forth, that's not a good thing. But I would just move on from both these dudes.
Starting point is 00:30:24 And I'm telling you, if you don't engage with the other guy, you will meet someone else soon enough. You're just gonna, you just date for a while or do whatever. But don't go down the path of sleeping with the friend who's already blowing you off. Yeah, and yeah, a really good friend that does giving you some good advice. So listen, see, that's what I always say.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Women don't listen to advice. And they don't. They don't. Women don't tell their rule in the face. I have some friends that I don't even give advice to anymore because I know they're not going to listen to me. Like, I know you're not going to listen to me. Why would I tell you something? You're not going to listen. And so, but, but Beth, you took the time to email me and I'm really glad you did. So please listen to me and don't sleep with this guy again. I mean don't guys do that all the time? Jesus Christ. Okay. We can get into our topic now. Yes. Different types of orgasms. Okay. We get lots of questions about orgasms. Why are you looking like that?
Starting point is 00:31:26 I'm just a winger what you're gonna say. I've never heard you bring up this thought before. Different types of orgasms. You're lying, you've never heard me. Why are you just talking about different ways that you can get orgasms? Yes, well I'm talking about everything. Antoygasms, we're gonna talk about toys and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Okay, I say. Internal versus external orgasms. Okay, okay. You're talking about the process of getting external orgasms. Okay, okay. You're talking about the process of getting an orgasm. Yes. I thought there was like a new type of orgasm that I didn't know about. You would know. I would tell you if there was a new type of orgasm,
Starting point is 00:31:56 you'd be the first guy to know. All right. So internal versus extort, so most women require external or clitorial stimulation to achieve an orgasm. As I was telling the person just wrote in that there's 8,000 nerve endings in the clitoris, which is actually way more than the penis. I think the nose is another part of your body that has lots of nerve endings in it, but really it is your clitoris and a lot of women, more than 70% of women need to have clitorial stimulation
Starting point is 00:32:28 to have an orgasm. So it doesn't mean you can't have an internal orgasm as well, but you also need to be touching your clitoris or maybe just to get going, you touch your clitoris and then you can have an internal like a G-spot orgasm. So the clitoris is the female pleasure center. It's like the penis, but it's even more pleasurable. And there's a minority out there, less than a quarter of all women who can climax through internal stimulation alone.
Starting point is 00:32:55 So, only a quarter of women do not need clitoris anymore. That's why I'm always talking about touch yourself during intercourse. If you're not having an orgasm, have your boyfriend touch your clitoris. Show them how. You touch it. Use a sex toy, there are so many, oh my god, we saw so many amazing couples toys, I was just saying at the beginning that I was at this laundry show where they had all these sex toys and stuff in Las Vegas, which is where Alice would you have a sex show. And there's a lot of great, like the Jimmy Jane Form 2 is amazing. Jimmy Jane vibrators, I love them.
Starting point is 00:33:25 They're toys that you can get if you go to my website and just click on the Jimmy Jane Band or use coupon code summer for $25 off orders. Over 100, the Form 2 is like a little rabbit. You can easily hold it over. It's not like the rabbit, it's like the ears of the rabbit, the famous rabbit. And you can put it in your clitoris and it feels really, really good. You'll love it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:46 So some women experience simultaneous internal and external orgasms. Do you even know what kind of orgasms women are having when they're having them? Do I? Yeah. You can tell? Yes. External and internal, I know. But how can you tell when she's having it? What is it where it's coming from? I'm just wondering if you I know. But how can you tell when she's having it?
Starting point is 00:34:06 What is it where it's coming from? I'm just wondering if you guys know that I can tell where it's coming from. Do you know if she's having like a cheese pot? I know but can you? Because you know that she's been robbing her clear. Like would you find in your experience that most women need that? I would say at least half of them do. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Okay. Just wondering. Unfortunately, not all women are the same. They're all different. Yeah, I would say at least half of them do right Okay Just one unfortunately not all women are the same. They're all different put a hundred women in the room and they're all gonna Orgasm differently. It's the truth. I'm sorry. I'm here to tell you people that it is the 100% God's honest truth You need a manual. You need to just give out a manual. This is how It's the manual for this is me Well, that's my iPhone app my new app working on oh I have an app that you might want it's called Kagel Camp and you can do your Kigel
Starting point is 00:34:49 Exercises They're for men and for women anyway this app is Yeah, it's like the manual of me you give it your partner like this is what I need this I do it kiss my neck undress me slowly It's good. I'm pretty good. It's water when I'm thirsty. Yeah Like yeah, it's really important don't you wish that a woman would just hand it over to you? undress me slowly. That's good. All the things that really give me some water when I'm thirsty. Yeah. Like, yeah, it's really important. Don't you wish that a woman would just hand it over to you? I would love that.
Starting point is 00:35:11 So anyway, these women experience these simultaneous internal and external, it's called it's a blended orgasm. You can begin by using your fingers or an external vibrator like the form too. Twice is nice vibrator, such as the rabbit pearl from good vibrations are a great way to experiment with this. So again, go to my website, go to the products page, good vibrations, and use coupon code Emily ship
Starting point is 00:35:37 for free shipping. And you can experiment with these to try out. Like a lot of women don't naturally know where their G spot is, but I mean, I'm telling you it's a sex pressure like there's a million toys that people are making that are just targeting the g spot and just like that dildo I got that still one it's g spot I'm gonna do it I'm gonna sit home I now I always use vibrator and it's just doesn't vibrate I'm just gonna see what happens it's heavy wow is that amazing I'm gonna let you know about my g spot I don't know how you got
Starting point is 00:36:03 through airport security with that still I don't't either. You're right. You could you could knock someone out with this. Totally. I don't know how you'd either. Okay then there's single versus multiple orgasms. Single orgasms can last anywhere from a few seconds to a minute and unlike most men, you can't have multiple. You you require a refractory period. You have to build up again to have that second regatta. Women, we can just keep going and going and going and going. With little or no pause in between. And even with women who have multiples.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Yes. And it's tough for the guys just like you said, because we can't, I mean, once we're done, we're done. We got to wait. No, I'm not sleeping already. Right. We got to wait. At least how long does it take to for a guy? I think they say like at least 15, 20.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Yeah, at least 15, 20 minutes for a guy to do that. So for a guy to have an orgasm again. Okay. So multiple orgasms come in forms. Sequential and serial. Sequential orgasms that occur after one another with a few minutes in between. And additional stimulation is often
Starting point is 00:37:06 required to get from one to the next. And then there's serial orgasms, one experience immediately after the next and the next and the next. And this is a wild ride for those who can achieve it, which is not many women. But there's all these classes and courses and bibrators, things I could do to learn that. I want to do that. I'm going to take the time. What the hell am I going to do that? You need gonna take the time. And the hell am I gonna do that?
Starting point is 00:37:26 You need to take the time to do a lot of things, actually. Like what else? Like watch TV? Yeah. Relax. Yes. Have fun. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:35 I don't know what you do in the evening. I don't know. Is you're working on your brand all day? That's why I do a night. Work on your brand again. What do you do a night? Finally a night. That's when I have my time to just hang out watch TV which I'm cutting into now I'm really sorry you are cutting into my TV and well I usually go to bed by like 8 a.m. What are you watching at 8 p.m. Me what are you watching on TV these days anything Anything good that need to know? I haven't watched Honey, Baby, or whatever.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Yeah, I mean, that's hilarious, but you probably won't like it. I'm telling you, you need to watch the newsroom on HBO. Oh, yeah. I saw my list. It's totally on my list. I'm going to do it. I promise. And there's another hilarious show that you would not like, but I think the listeners would like it's called Workaholics. I was hanging out with some people this weekend that work on that show and it's, it's one of the funniest shows on television, but I don't think it's your humor. You don't want to like, but newsroom is, new rooms like smart.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Yeah, you love it. Okay. Newsroom is your show. You have to watch it. It's very like politics and news and stuff like that, but it's funny and there's sex in it too. It's, yeah, I'm going to go watch it tonight. Please, please. I'm not. My stylist is coming over. I can't do it tonight, but I'll do another
Starting point is 00:38:48 night. I promise. Have it on in the background. That's what I do. I'm gonna do more. Everything. So upsetting. Okay. It's all ridiculous. It is. I know. It's ridiculous. Okay. You are not a, I don't think you're a multi-tasker. I think you freak out when you have multiple things going on. No, I am a multi-tasker, but I'm really, really bad at it. So I'm a really bad multi-tasker and inefficient. And so, and they actually say like studies have come out that it's not good to multi-task, unless you're trying to give someone an orgasm
Starting point is 00:39:20 in different ways. But really, you're not, that it's a do you multi-task all the time, you've been multi-castle. I have to. Yeah. That helps your brain. I don't know if it helps my brain, but I like knowing that I have things going on.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Right. If I don't have anything going on that I'm pacing. Right. You always have things going on now. Yeah. OK, so another other orgasms are real versus fake. OK, studies indicate that as many as 80% of women have faked an orgasm at one time or another, there are many reasons from wanting are real versus fake. Okay, studies indicate that as many as 80% of women have
Starting point is 00:39:45 faked an orgasm at one time or another, there are many reasons from wanting to boost our partner's self-esteem to feeling bad about being unable to achieve an orgasm or just being too tired and wanting to call the night. You've probably heard it before but it's worth repeating, nobody wins when you fake it. You cannot fake your orgasm. It's just not a good thing to do. So that's how we got time for today. That's it. That's it, baby. All right. Anything else? Speaking of faking orgasm, I watched this movie just recently. Damn it. It was so good. It was the guy from the Muppets and he was all from Savings Silverman. Damn it.
Starting point is 00:40:24 It was so good, but he fakes an orgasm. Okay. What happens is the whole plot of the movie, it's really good, where there are a couple, they meet and they date for a couple of years in San Francisco. Okay. And the guy, he's a chef. And so he can go work wherever he wants,
Starting point is 00:40:46 but he's like getting his dream job and his significant others trying to get a job at Berkeley, but she doesn't get the job at Berkeley. So she gets a job in Michigan. So he goes, all right, I'm a chef, I can go with you. Let's do this. They just recently got engaged.
Starting point is 00:41:02 And he's trying to adjust the life in Michigan and he can't getting good jobs at restaurants and like the restaurants are laughing at him. Like you left San Francisco, like top end job to work here. This is what? This is a this is a movie. Okay. God damn I wish I knew the name of the movie. Oh you don't even know the name of it. There's no punchline. I can get it. But it's so it's so good because he like tries to adjust to this life that he doesn't want to do just for love and then he starts acting super weird. So she ends up cheating on him with somebody.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Oh my god. Yeah. And then he breaks out and he moves back. Well, it's all based in San Francisco. I think I've seen it. Really? They came out a while ago. Yeah, I came out a littleALGO. But then they end up
Starting point is 00:41:45 getting back together. Yeah, yeah. Feel like I've seen it. So from there. Today's show I have to mention real quick that I love the St. Clair Institute. They make educational DVDs so they're like it's not porn. It's like people having sex but it's like things you can actually learn and they have this new 12 ways to boost your libido and 10 ways to go longer and stronger and they're really popular and they have a live better love better series. So if you've been wanting to spice it up, you're like, God, I really want to be better at all sex or I really want to tie my partner up or like anything that you can think of, you can go to Sinclair and suit by one of the DVDs. Just
Starting point is 00:42:21 click on the banner through my website, And yeah, you can learn the tool. You can learn a tip or a tool or something like that, because I know I tried to teach you everything I can, but maybe sometimes I miss out. Maybe you haven't heard all my 600 million shows I've done. And you want to learn something, go to St. Clarence too, you love it. And the St. Clarence too is like real people
Starting point is 00:42:39 having sex, but it's not porn. It's not porn, so you don't feel dirty and gross. So it's awesome. Not that you do feel dirty and gross, because nothing's wrong with porn. I'm not saying that. I'm saying. In you shot a video hanging out with them. I did. At You can check it out. I got tons of videos. I've got apps. I've got things. I want you to subscribe to the podcast. You can listen to it every single week of this the first time you're listening. I do have more stuff that I could go into if you'd like me to.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Do you want to? How do you feel? I'm trying really find the name of that movie. Oh, you're obsessed. Okay, I can get into toyazums, which is another thing that a lot of people really, really don't know about toys. They don't know, like, there's this, oh my God, I'm at the hottest chick. She's like, I want, she might be Tiana for you now, but she's so smart, like, I wanted to hire her and she was selling these bras that are all like strapless and cool and I have to remember the name of it.
Starting point is 00:43:36 But she never, she, oh my God, she gave me all these really cool bras and so I said, I'm gonna send you a sex toy, what kind do you want? And she's like, I don't know, I've never used one. And so I think it's important for people to learn how to use sex for a man and women. And we've been writing about them a lot on the website and talking about a lot on the show. And it doesn't mean that you people who are like the people who are resisting toys a lot
Starting point is 00:43:58 of times the people who need them the most. And so I'm just saying that and we're getting this actually, I'm not getting in this now. All right, you're going to save it. I'm saving it and it's the movie is called the five-year engagement Oh, I don't think I saw it. You gotta see it. Okay, everyone. Okay, I'm really trying to adjust to Each other's live to like staying in a relationship. So I Suggest you know, I like I like using movies for Inspiration for like Did you find it? I like using movies for inspiration. Exactly. Tell them to. Good.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Did you just find it? No. It's on demand. Okay. It's called the five-year engagement. Who's in it? Like famous people? Yeah, famous people, but I just can't remember.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Oh, Jesus. Okay. Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend and a great life and everything's going well and you have lots of orgasms and lots of fun sex. And we've blunted it. What? Oh, Emily Blunt. I feel like I saw it.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Okay, everyone. Thanks for listening to Sex Family. It was a good for you. Email me. fun sex. build stamina, meaning a last longer embed. Go to slash flashlight to see my Flushite recommendations and get one tonight.

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