Sex With Emily - SWE: First Base

Episode Date: October 20, 2012

Emily and Menace talking about going to first base-- tips from first dates and first kisses. Emily also answers listeners emails about swinging, gym fantasizing, and party etiquette. Hosted on Acast. ...See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, can I see a question? How are your balls feeling right now? Are they super clean and dry? Does your partner complain or is not always willing to go downtown? If so, I've got something for you. I've just launched a new product called Down Under Comfort for my brand Emeline Tony. It's really unique. It's a cream to tap yoga powder formula that is designed to keep men fresh and clean down
Starting point is 00:00:23 under or wherever they need. And girls can use it too, under their brush, the lower back, anywhere they want to stay fresh. So how keep this podcast free and your balls dry? Use code Emily to get 20% off your first purchase. Check them out today at Emily and Trust me and you're welcome. I Into his eyes Then the eyes of a man obsessed by sex
Starting point is 00:00:50 Eyes that mock our sacred institutions Betrubized they call them in a bygone way hey, I believe you got a boyfriend because my man in here He just got his heart broken anything she kind of cute girls got a hair stand Oh my the women know about shrinkage. Is it a common moment? What do you mean like laundry? It shrinks. And we not talk about sex so much.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Are you kidding me? Oh my god. I'm all for our sound. Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information go to where you can listen to all of our podcasts.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Check out our blogs, check out our videos, and really just get your sex education on. You want to get your sex and relationship education grew on? That's where you got to grow on down to. Today, I'm in a great mood today. Oh, good. I know do you love it? Yeah. First thing I'd say. I think I know why know why why you think I got laid. No, oh good Today's show is brought to you by Audible Please visit the audible link on my website to download a free audiobook today I've been reading 50 shades of great trilogy. Mm-hmm. It's awesome. So I just got to say that What else? Well, why do you think I'm in a good mood? Well, you've already said it on other shows, so.
Starting point is 00:02:08 What? You're no longer dating people. This is when Emily's happy because she doesn't like to be committed to anyone. Well, I'm just throwing that out there. Just throwing that out there. And I'm not saying that it's not hard going through a breakup or and I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings but
Starting point is 00:02:25 there's something that's weird about you. It's about you not anybody else. I feel rejuvenated when I break up with someone. That's what you say. Yeah, and not that you were in a bad relationship at all but there's just something this your history like when you're not dating somebody anymore you feel like I don't know, a tanker truck has been lifted off your chest. It's sad to me. I don't even know why in the first place
Starting point is 00:02:53 you even feel like you have a tanker truck on top of you. That's the part we've been trying to figure out for many years, and you'll never probably be able to explain it. No, I'd never accept it. But I just feel free. I feel like my wings get clipped in a relationship
Starting point is 00:03:06 and I'm dying inside. And that's hurtful. I feel like death. That feels hurtful that you're so joyful because of this. That's not true. I'm hurting inside. It's a little bit. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:03:16 And I'm moving to LA for three months. What am I going to do? But he wants to, like, I don't want to get into it now. But he kind of wants to reconcile. We'll see what happens. Cool. And I'm moving to LA. And I'm excited for three months. I don't want to get into it now, but he kind of wants to reconcile. We'll see what happens. And I'm moving to LA and I'm excited for three months and I just, I don't know, I just walk in down the street San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:03:29 I lived here a long time, but I'm excited to check out a new city and a sunny city. It's not foggy and gray like San Francisco. It is foggy and gray today. It looks more like, really again, but I was just in LA the last few days I was shooting the Jeff Probe show. Freaking awesome set.
Starting point is 00:03:44 I have to tell you, I've been on four shows now. It's a new talk show. Jeff Prope's was the host of Survivor. And they're just the most lovely people. You go in there, like I said, you've your own green room, the refrigerator, stock full of food and drinks, and they're like, can I help you in their hair? Make those people are awesome. I just want to hang out in the green room.
Starting point is 00:04:02 I don't want to do anything. I'm not talking about you. I'm not talking about me. I need time. Tell me when you're shooting again. Next week, I think they want me back. Are you serious? When? They're living.
Starting point is 00:04:10 They're liking me. I don't know yet. They haven't let me know. Tell me what day I swear to God. I'll find out that just to hang out. Really? I'd never been on a TV set like that before. Seriously?
Starting point is 00:04:20 I've only worked in new. Oh my God, honey. You are, if I could do anything for you, which I would love. I would love to do that Just to sit around and watch the audience. I swear. I won't make fun of you I promise I'll be really I'll be quiet Okay, I promise you because I know you don't like me bringing her bringing me around in front of other people It's gonna rip on me. I'm gonna rip on you, but I promise you, I know it is your time to shine, so I will not do that.
Starting point is 00:04:46 I will sit back and watch you shine. When you come into LA, I love you. When you come into LA, next. Well, whenever we gotta do some shows, I'll be out there. I mean, it's the flights or nothing. Nothing. You can get flights for nothing. Exactly. I'm excited. I wanna do that. Okay, you can comment really, really fun and they're so cool and just good to make connections with the producers I don't even you know me. I don't want to pursue TV. That's not my thing. I want to pursue I want to pursue
Starting point is 00:05:13 The dot com world. I want to be the 30 something year old that has three million dollars in the bank because his dot com that he was a part of got sold That's what I want to be if people I mean I mean having fame is fun. Don't get me wrong. It's cool. Right. But it's very hard to have longevity. Right. And to make money. And to make money. So my focus is I rather do And I'm not saying TV is not funny. And I believe that you will have longevity. Once you get your doctorate in tall. I know.
Starting point is 00:05:45 March 2013. The doctor Emily thing will happen. Yeah. And all know what I'm saying is in full crap. I'm not full. Yeah. And I believe that you will have longevity after that. Mommy too.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Yeah. I hope so too. So that'll be great. I'm going to be in doctor Drew. You can come down to that. I would love that. I love Drew. He's the nicest guy ever.
Starting point is 00:06:02 I know. Love him. He's so nice. And so there's a bunch of shows coming up in the next few weeks when I'm down there So I think that you should come and be my person. So your big birthday party tonight. It's not your birthday, though It's not my birthday. My birthday is October 28th But if people are listening right now and serious xm 165 and you still have a couple hours The party doesn't start telling 9pm. Okay. And it is at Willow Den in Willow
Starting point is 00:06:25 Glen, California, which is right by San Jose in the 48 welcome to come by and just come party. Oh, we got that so fun. I wish it was here though. I know. Are you going to do another party here? In the city? Yeah. Probably not. The thing is about San Francisco. When you're on the radio in San Francisco, all your listeners aren't in San Francisco. Yeah, I know they're like in San Jose, East Bay. East Bay, South Bay. They're in the surrounding suburbs. Why is that though? Because people in San Francisco are freaking freaks man and they just want to be super indie and oh I'm very anti-corporate radio and stuff like that. You know what? That's cool if that's your thing but don't be like that just because you feel like you have to fit in.
Starting point is 00:07:08 I listen to you every morning when I'm driving to the gym and I listen to you, your car commercial, I mean your auto insurance. Yeah. I love it. I love that. I like AIS, I'm like, give me a pitch, I'm like, give me a minute.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Yeah, A55 AIS, KITS, tell me I'll send you. There you go. So I was listening to that. I love listening to it in the morning. You and Megan, you guys are so cute. Like one of five, if you ever in San Francisco, six to ten, listen to men. Yeah, I was getting ready for the show this morning. Megan calls me gunner cracks in it.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Why? What happened? I don't know. She crashed her car. But she's still down to party tonight, of course. She is. She's okay. Yeah, she's cool.
Starting point is 00:07:43 She was her birthday party. Check that. Oh, her birthday party was awesome I thought you're Instagram pictures. Were you guys raging all day? Oh all day all day. What'd you do crazy stuff? We went to I don't know something from the Muppets like some some Some bar place. It doesn't have any Muppets at it But it's called like Dr. Tooth or something like that and I don't know what the F But it's named after some Muppet thing. But they specialize in Tater Tot like.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Okay, like something that you would hate because you like fancy places. But I loved it. They had a thing called Tachos. So it's Nacho Tach... Tater Tot? Tater Tot's so good. I love it.
Starting point is 00:08:22 I don't even get it, super cheese on the Tater Tot. Huh? You put the cheese on the Tater Tot. Yeah, everything that's supposed to be on nachos was on the tater tots. That's hilarious. I think that's funny and kitschy. Yeah, and then we went to the Lourdes Park. Beautiful day. And then we, uh, we bust it open of pignata and drink beer. And do you know what's so weird? What? So I bought a bunch of beer. I bought like 50 cans of beer, like way more than we were supposed to have. And you know, there's thousands of people in the lower part. Right. It's a big park in Jemisco where like everyone hangs out on the weekends when it's sunny. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:56 And we decided, okay, we're going to leave. I forgot where we're going next. Oh, we went back to the bar. Right, at first. But I had all this extra beer and I can't bring the beer into the bar. So I started yelling out a free beer free beer and I was just looked at me like I was a crazy person. Why did I thought you were the calmest and pointy and I'm the only one.
Starting point is 00:09:12 And then so one person said oh yeah I'll take some and then once they took it everybody starts running up and taking the beer. Of course free beer that's what that's what's crazy about. Crowd mentality well yeah San Francisco and the Bay Area where we live in versus like the East Coast and even the middle of the country. That's what I what I love visiting Chicago because people are so outgoing. Right. You know here that's why I believe that women say it sucks to date here. Right. Because the guys not that they're not nice. They're just freaking pussy's man. You know, they don't ask people out. They don't ask people out in San Francisco. That's everyone says.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Every town has its stigma. They say in San Francisco, the guys don't ask you out, which I agree. When I'm in LA, I get asked out like every five steps. Like I was staying at the Roosevelt hotel last week in in LA this week, which is so nice. It's right in Hollywood. And I was walking out the street and granted it's a lot of tourists and whatever, but they're like, hey, you do want to do what you're number? What's going on? Like, I didn't give it my number, but people
Starting point is 00:10:11 here that never happens, like no one ever approaches you. But then I learned in sex school last week that they were measuring the water. What is it? They would filter it. They've every town city filters their own water. And they were figuring out what is still in the water of San Francisco and in L.A. and in other cities and in L.A. what they they found traces of a lot of antidepressants
Starting point is 00:10:32 of the water. I guess people take a lot of antidepressants in L.A. In San Francisco, they found a lot of estrogen in the water. So I feel like a lot of men here do become a little soft maybe because of that. That's a real study. And I always say that the men in San Francisco are gay and less proven straight, which is a joke because I don't feel that everyone here is gay. But you know what I'm saying? I was like, so maybe it's the estrogen in the water.
Starting point is 00:10:52 You all become real soft. And then you don't ask the women out and then when we get pissed and moved to Newark, because guys ask you out there. So if you're in San Francisco, just forget to ask someone out. And if you're anywhere in the world listening right now, if you see someone that is attractive, I'm telling you, you don't have to say, hey, let's go out, but just say, hi, smile and say hello. That is the best icebreaker. I'm not going to give you a fancy pick-up line. I'm not going to tell you that you got to the, you know, compliment her shoes
Starting point is 00:11:15 although sometimes that's nice. When a guy to compliments my shoes, I appreciate it. Um, just say, hi, hey, what's up? How you doing today? Because, you know, then you're going through life saying you're going to email me and say, can't meet someone, what's my problem? And it's because you're not saying hello, and you're not talking anyone. Don't you think? Totally. To say hi.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Yeah, it's not gonna hurt you. And can I, you bring up a good point. The point where you say you're gay and tell proven straight, I had something happen to me last night. Uh-oh. So I was with two lovely women, and we were at the Forever 21,
Starting point is 00:11:44 and there were some panties that had Mickey Mouse on it and I thought it was hilarious so I took a picture of it and I posted it on my Instagram. I'm Menace on Instagram by the way Menace and I posted it on there and then some guy gets on there and starts commenting like oh you dude what the hell's wrong with you you're freaking sick man Why are you why are you posting women's shoes on Instagram? Do you cross dress? Do you do you work at Asia? Saf now, ages
Starting point is 00:12:16 Asia SF in San Francisco is a a tranny bar, right and all this stuff and this going off on me about You wanted you blocking. Yeah, I blocked it, I don't care. But the thing is, as a man, I can't post things like this. I think, okay, I think, dude, I appreciate women's fashion. I like, even though I'm not very fashionable, I wear a hoodie and a t-shirt every single day. Every single day. But I love women that are fashionable. They don't have to have fancy clothes,
Starting point is 00:12:44 just as long as they have a style Right, like everything. Yeah, I appreciate that and I like to like take pictures of stuff like that And I think making us wonder what first all it wasn't shoes. Yeah, but I did I did post some shoes like East St. Laurent shoes All those with the spikes. Yeah, with me. Yeah, because chicks like that stuff And you know what? I'm into chicks. I know. And if I'm posting stuff like that online,
Starting point is 00:13:07 and chicks are into it, you know what? What? That's cool with me. That is cool. I love that you're into that stuff. You wouldn't take you for a fashion, I can't. But men are questioning my sexuality because I post stuff like that online.
Starting point is 00:13:20 And they think that I'm crazy dude. Then they think that I'm like cross-stressing and stuff like that. I love menist that you are fully menist whoever whatever that means You do whatever you do you march to the beat of your own drummer and I love it Thank you. He posting pictures of long ray whatever. Yeah, I'm not gonna change that But it's so funny that look if you're a man and you you can appreciate stuff like that I mean don't feel afraid to like tell people right
Starting point is 00:13:43 I can't believe you got real on Instagram. But there are crazy people on Instagram that say things and do things and you just get blocked. I didn't really do. You can block people on Instagram. I'm sex with them on Instagram and Twitter. And Facebook and same with menace. I mean, I'm telling you fellas, if you know stuff about that, when you're going to love
Starting point is 00:13:59 you to death. No, they know about clothes. I don't care if I got my guy knows. I just want to know like there's my you know, yeah, yeah, but can't you have a link to your conversation if he even knows like the brands and all that kind of I've never date. No, I've never dated a guy who's really knows the brands and knows the thing. Really? Not really. No. We'll see the thing came because you know, my parents got divorced when I was six and then so I just all I did was go shopping with my mother almost my entire life so I know all the brands I'm
Starting point is 00:14:28 sorry I can avoid it I know what's what you know that's a little medicine this shop and sitting in the dressing room while your mom got dressed all product has these shoes by the way for guys that are like these loafers that have air they're like air Jordan type loafers air bubbles it's really weird that's amazing you should buy them. Yeah. I don't want them. They're like ridiculous amount of money.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Yeah, but you're rich now. So what the hell, you know? Oh, almost there. Almost there. Trying to get rich. Me too, man. Me too. So today's show we're going to be talking about first base
Starting point is 00:14:57 kissing and some other things. But we also are going to be reading your emails that you send to feedback at and speaking of first base, as you know, people are going crazy about like baseball, the giants, the Tigers, my home team. Yeah. The home team baseball team from Detroit. They're like in the world series or something.
Starting point is 00:15:14 And something about the giants are almost no world series. That's all I know or they could be. You don't know about sports either. We are so. Again tonight tonight. Okay. And then they'll decide, but I don't know what to do. The giants play my Tigers. Like would I before I love my tigers
Starting point is 00:15:27 So anyway first base is kissing and that's what we are going to be talking about But I also I the giants are not playing the tigers. They're playing. No, no, no But the tigers we already know are the world series and now we're deciding. It's gonna be playing I think so right is that right? No, no, no, my friend told me yesterday the tigers were in the world series for sure, but maybe I'm not. Maybe I'm not. Okay. Maybe we're just sorry. We're going to change the channel now because they're going to be like, what the hell are you guys don't know anything about sports? No, but my friend from Michigan was like, oh, yeah, the tigers and world series and then my begins to giant. So why would you say that? That's not true. Okay. What apps? I don't really care about sports, but I just thought I'd make that analogy since we're talking about first base.
Starting point is 00:16:03 But here's another interesting thing that happened to me today. I got interviewed by the Chicago Tribune and the story's going to run. I got to write this down November 6th. And she wanted to, you're going to love this. I got a blind email from her and she just said, hi, I'm a reporter from the Tribune. I'd like to interview you about relationship history and what you should tell your partner. Should you talk about your past and you know that you and I are obsessed with that. And so I was like, Hell yes, let's talk. So we talked for an hour today about it and it was
Starting point is 00:16:28 really interesting because it wasn't just about, because KK, let me break this down. When you're in a relationship, you should never, ever reveal the number of partners that you've slept with in the past. I know that your partner is going to ask, I know that you might want to tell them because you want to just be nice and answer, but you can never win. It's either too low, it's too high, you're too slutty, you love enough experiences, it goes for men and for women.
Starting point is 00:16:51 I do not think that the only thing that you should reveal about your sexual past is if you have any STDs and your sexual health. That is it game over. But the interesting question that the journalist asked me was, why do people want to know? Because it's sort of masochistic because you know you can't win and it's always going to end up in an argument. You know what I mean? It's sort of like, if it's too many, then you start thinking, oh my god, like if I'm a woman and I ask you and we're saving together,
Starting point is 00:17:16 you're like, I've slept with a hundred women, I'm like, wow, wow, are they better than me? I've only slept with three men and that's weird. And so it just never leaves you down any good path. And I would say, just don't ever have that but then the other thing we talked about was Relationship history like should we even talk about why you broke up with so much? Did you talk about your past relationships like my ex was crazy or all that stuff? No, I never talked about it. I said do not do not talk about your past now now The only reason you should talk about your past relationship is if you talk about it in the context of your present relationship.
Starting point is 00:17:49 So for example, if we're dating, you're like, so why did you break up at that last dude? And I would say, you know, I, he wanted to live in the city and he wanted to live in the country and I wanted to live in the city and I just felt like, you know, I kept to be with someone where we have the same values moving forward or, you know, and I'm glad that you want to live in the country and I wanted to live in the city. And I just felt like, you know, I kept to be with someone where we have the same values moving forward. Or, you know, and I'm glad that you want to live in the city.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Like, you take it back to the positive, you take it back to the present and how it relates to current relationship. Or I could say I wanted to date someone more ambitious, he didn't have a job, but I love that you have a job to my current partner. So if that does come up, it's okay to discuss like why you broke up with someone. I think that's okay. But again, try to make it relevant to your current partner and show that you've learned a lesson from the past. Let's say you cheated on someone. Maybe she knows that or he knows that. And you were cheated in your past. You could say something to the effect of, yes, I cheated. I realized that I wasn't happy
Starting point is 00:18:40 in the relationship, but I've learned a lot from that. And I'm not going to cheat again. And I love you. So some things you might have to reveal, but again, always just bring you back to the present. Don't reveal more than you have to. And then the final thing is that no matter what, I don't, none of this stuff should come up in the first three dates. Like, I don't think you should ever talk about your acts or your past relationships because
Starting point is 00:19:01 those dates should be about learning about your partner and should be learning about each other and what you like and what it gets excited and what you're all about, not about your ex. So the more that you talk about, like my ex is Maxette and even if you say, I love my ex or best friends or I hate Max, she's crazy, they're both bad because either it shows that you're still attached
Starting point is 00:19:22 in some ways, don't talk about your ex. That's my story. We talked about it for an hour today, so I'm all pumped up. It was like an hour, usually these interviews are like 20 minutes, but this was like an hour about that. Yeah. And I just, I don't get it. Why people never learn their lesson when it comes to that.
Starting point is 00:19:35 I do not know. I hopefully it's going to be a big story in the Tribune. Chicago Tribune, and everyone's going to learn from me. They're going to learn with God damn less. And finally, I'll tell my friends in Chicago to pick it up. Okay, perfect. And it's also gonna be online. So another thing I gotta talk about is,
Starting point is 00:19:48 we did this really fun video. Have you seen our claymation? Our kinky software. I heard about it. It's kinky soft clork claymation. We did it. It features mask. Mask, it's,
Starting point is 00:20:00 mask is these strips that you use for a lot of women, perform all sex on men, they don't love the taste of semen. They just don't, nothing wrong with that. And they come in for flavors, watermelon, mango, strawberry and chocolate. And you put in your mouth, it's like one of those breath strips.
Starting point is 00:20:20 And it lasts like 20 minutes. So anyway, we did a funny thing with claymation. Like I was out and my assistant and my video in turn, they like made a claymation. They like did all these claymate these in different, you can check it on my website. But it was like all these claymations is different sexual positions. Then it was for it was for mask sexual flavors. And you got to go to your and check it out. But everything you can find out my website So that was looking fun. I'm looking for it. It's really cute. Like, I'm so impressed with the work that my people
Starting point is 00:20:49 do. It's on It should be there by now. But if it's not, I want to kill myself. But it should be. It should be on the video page. But if it's not, it's on YouTube. New Center video podcast. Yes. Okay. Let's get into a little bit of Okay, it's under It's under video go to sex only calm click video and then Emily everywhere And it's fine. It's like claymations characters doing like a hundred different sexual positions, which I think are awesome Okay, so we've got some sex in the news today Hulk Hogan just announced he's doing for more than a hundred million for his leak sex tape good
Starting point is 00:21:24 He talked about the Hulk Hogan just announced he's doing for more than 100 million for his leak sex tape. Good. He talked about the Hulk Hogan sex tape last week. Not Hulk Hogan. The bubble love, bubble love, bubble love sponges. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Hulk's attorney says the rest are seeking 100 million in damages from gocker stemming from the leaked footage.
Starting point is 00:21:40 It's unclear what he's seeking from Bubba and Bubba's ex. So in suit, Hogan claims he has a reasonable expectation of privacy in his consensual intimate activities in a bedroom and reasonably believe that his privacy was safe and protected. Yeah. Every freaking day, there's a set like, okay, can we just break down this whole thing? Maybe I should do my dissertation on this. Like, what is it with people wanting, like, releasing these sex tapes and wanting to even be filmed having sex? I mean, I get it. You do it. You make sex tapes, but
Starting point is 00:22:10 and you keep them. Thank God. None of yours is like, yeah, until I break into your apartment. But is it really that fun? Is it really that great and that great that titling to what titillating to watch it? I've never made a sex tape. Yeah, I guess they are, but this is a different situation. No, but they're all trying to capitalize on it. Like it's like, no, it's like the gold rush of sex tapes. See, do you know what's, I believe this sex tape is totally different because all the other sex tapes that have been kind of released recently are two people that know what's going
Starting point is 00:22:41 on. This was a total hint camera thing. Right. And that was bad. What is the whole, what is the benefit of that? I don't understand. This bubble that loves bunch, it, Hulk Hogan is supposed to be one of your best friends. And I mean, what are you doing? Are you trying, you're trying to make money off it? Yeah. What is, what is the benefit of that? You're going to ruin a friendship, even if you had a falling out with a guy, you still had a relationship with them.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Right. You should, it's just discussing that you would do something to somebody like that. Exactly. I think it's over. I think it's over. I think that guy's always been a dirt ball. I don't even know. He's on Howard Stern for years, right?
Starting point is 00:23:20 Is he still on his shirt? I don't even know. Right. I don't even know how it's turned felt bad because the guy got fired from some radio station, I believe. Right. And so Howard Stern got him a gig at serious. So, but I don't know if he's still, you know, cool with that guy or whatever, but I think it's terrible. And I feel bad for Hulk Hogan, even though it's kind of weird that he was sleeping with his buddy's wife Well, buddy just like closes the door and says have fun, you know, whatever whatever
Starting point is 00:23:50 What's your belt? I mean not everyone but you If you want to sleep with that chick and your buddy's cool with it then whatever what can I say right exactly? Yeah, it's weird. Okay, so the next one's Arnold Schwarzenegger's baby mommy spotted reading Arnold's book. This is from TMZ. So you know how Arnold Schwarzenegger's baby mom are mildred, Banna, who he had the baby with his, who's housekeeper. So apparently she shamelessly bought the book out to a cafe in Bakersfield, California in full view of a photographer who just happened to be there. She may have finally learned the steamiest parts of her fare were chopped from the final version
Starting point is 00:24:30 version of the book. What? That's the only reason people want the book. I know. When Arnold brings up Mildred in the book and recall the name of the book, he goes from she worked in the house right into when she gave birth to the child completely blowing off the dirty details of the courtship. And all he said about this, so if you don't know Arnold Schwarzenegger, the actor, the governor of California, he's our governor. And you're still just aren't you just still amazed at that even though it's been years. I'm like, really, he's our governor. So he had sex 15 years ago, right? Or I think the kid just turned 15 with his housekeeper and had a baby and no one knew until recently that she revealed that the father was Arnold. So all he said
Starting point is 00:25:11 in the book was, Miller had been working in our household for five years. And all of a sudden, we were alone in the guest house. When Miller gave birth, the following August, she named the baby Joseph. That's what he said, like nothing about the affair, how many times wow the guesthouse wants yeah pretty big gap but Mildred can fill in the rest for herself so wait until she comes out with the book
Starting point is 00:25:33 yeah exactly exactly so yeah she probably will I mean she's a housekeeper okay I mean she's a housekeeper still do you know he still keeps her employed I think he does not he must give her money though yeah oh right this child but he all keeps your employee? I think he does. No, he must give her money, though, because that's his child. But he all these years, and now he's saying he wrote the book because he wants Maria Shriver back. Really? I don't think she's I don't think she should go back to him. No. No, he's pretty set in his ways. And there's all those stories of Ireland's source. And you're groping women on the sets and doing all that
Starting point is 00:26:00 stuff. I heard a lot about that too. No,, as if it's true, I just heard it. Okay. Okay. Final story here for sex and news. A study finds young women are riskier about sex when they're on the pill. So young women using hormonal contraceptives, pills, patches, and shots and rings, they often stop using condoms. So when they start using it, they start using condoms, and when they start, plus when women
Starting point is 00:26:24 stop taking hormonal contraceptives later, they tend, they start using condoms and when they start, plus when women stop taking hormonal contraceptives later, they tend to not resume using condoms, putting themselves at risk for pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. This is a study at Stanford. And so all I'm saying is people, even if you're on the pill, you're dating a woman, you should still use condoms because you can still
Starting point is 00:26:42 get a sexually transmitted disease. That is very serious. And if these women are like, oh, I'm on the pill, it's cool you can still get a sexually transmitted disease. That is very serious. And if these women are like, oh, I'm on the pill. It's cool. It can't get pregnant. Yeah, but you can still get herpes. And then it'll go away. That's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:26:53 You can't burn them off. I can't burn them off. It's so funny. It was technically a mom yesterday. I was like, well, it's not like you have herpes or something. I was like, mom, I don't even remember what we were talking about. But it was funny. You know my mom.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Polarious. Okay. Okay. Okay. We are going to read your emails. I love hearing from everybody. Thank you for emailing me at feedback at And the first thing I have to already laughing at me, first thing I have to say is before
Starting point is 00:27:20 we get into emails, I want to thank our sponsor, Audible. If you're not familiar with Audible, it is the internet's leading provider of spoken audio entertainment. They have over 40,000 titles to choose from. Go to Audible link on my website and you can get a free audio download when you sign up for the service. And if you're wondering which book to get with that free audio download, well, I'm really into Fifishade's degree, if you're a woman, even if you're a man,
Starting point is 00:27:45 this book has taken over the world. I listen to it. I'm loving listening to books right now because I don't have free time to read and there's all these books that I have to. So like I go to the gym. I have the audible app on my phone and I just download a bunch of books and listen to them.
Starting point is 00:27:59 I'm working out and it just goes away. Like in the time goes by and I've read a book. I mean, sort of, I mean, you read it. It's seamless and read same thing So there's tons they they will make recommendations every book that you want to read is unautable So go to section the only dot com click on the audible link and get a free book Because you should all read more anyway. Yeah, audible is audible is like really cool They I think they did something with Ricky Trevace like Where they had him do a couple
Starting point is 00:28:26 podcasts on there and it was big. Really? Yeah. I love Ricky Trevace. He's funny. How is his podcast doing? He said, let's podcast podcast. I don't know. I think it's too big. Too big now to podcast. He might do some stuff once in a while now. How could you be too big to podcast? We love podcasting. I'll never be too big to podcast. Good. Okay, I said that here. Okay, these are the emails. Dear Emily, my question for you is this. I have an open marriage and my husband allows me to sleep with other men. I now have my eye on a seemingly unattainable, drop dead, gorgeous, wonderfully fit guy for my CrossFit classes. I can't help but fantasize about tracing the contours of his abs with my tongue when he takes off his shirt during our workouts. Here is the problem. He is rather religious and he knows I married.
Starting point is 00:29:14 I'm also terrible at flirting and although I think there was a mutual traction because he showed interest before he realized I was married, I have given him no indication that would be okay to flirt or hit on me a married woman. I would love to smell hint to him that I am interested, but I don't know what to do, what to say or do. Furthermore, CrossFit is my life, and I'm afraid of being turned down by him, which would be embarrassing and make workouts with him unbearable. Please help, I'd love to know your thoughts on this. How do I suddenly tell this man that yes? I'm married, but I'm also interested. Okay, so this is what I'm thinking. It's difficult for a lot of people, many people, most people to morally understand and accept open marriages,
Starting point is 00:30:00 especially if they're religious beliefs, the support of these types of alternative relationships. especially if their religious beliefs support these types of alternative relationships. So I would try to work out your sexual frustration during your cross foot workout. You don't have to completely shut them out, but you shouldn't have high expectations for it happening. Now, if you can't let that go because his abs have just seemed too delicious,
Starting point is 00:30:19 there's nothing wrong with saying, hey, let's grab coffee after, you know, after the May, after CrossFit class, which I hear are amazing CrossFit classes. And, you know, go to the local coffee shop and you can just say, hey, you know what, I find you really attractive in my husband and I have a special arrangement. And I'd be open to going out with you one night. What do you think? I'm sorry, but the people who are the most religious many times are the people who are most down for fun. Oh, for sure. Right? I believe that religious is the front.
Starting point is 00:30:47 So I don't think that you should totally, I mean, I can understand you could tell that, you know, you could just, you could just let it go. And I also understand it's just like sleeping with someone you work with. Like, what if it doesn't work out, then I got to go to work every day. And my friend Amy from Miss Advise, she will not date anyone from the gym, although she did on the show, but she says, because I love my gym, she's obsessed with her gym and she's like, what if I go to the gym and put it up, but you know what, you work it out. So I think that you could subtly have coffee and very casually throw out there.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Would you like to have dinner one night? I know I'm married, my husband and I have a special arrangement. See where the conversation goes. And because, oh no, no, I could never do that. I'd be like, yeah, what are you doing tomorrow night? So I think if you can't get your mind off his abs and you have to do it, there's nothing wrong with making it just because he's religious. I wouldn't judge him and say he's religious. Therefore, he wouldn't be down with being with a woman in open marriage. Don't make a judgment.
Starting point is 00:31:37 These religious people will surprise you every time. Okay, do your Emily. I'm a Twitter follower of yours. I love following you. I haven't had the opportunity to listen to your podcast yet. I just started following you. And by the way, you can follow me at the Sex with Emily on Twitter. So if you've covered this, I apologize. My wife and I have been together 17 years since we were in high school. For the last six years or so, we've been in the swinging lifestyle. We really enjoy it,
Starting point is 00:32:06 and while we do have our ups and downs, it's made our relationship stronger. We don't do it all the time, but when the opportunity arises, we jump on it, or them. So as a relationship expert, what are your thoughts on swinging? I know it's a fine line between sex and love, but isn't life about exploration? Not just with one partner, but with the people you find attractive, if your partner is okay with it, love Kyle. Okay, Kyle, my feeling about swinging lifestyle is good, sounds like it's working for you. I say go for it.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I have no problems with the swinging lifestyle as long as you guys communicate, communicate, communicate. You have to have rules before you get into the swinging lifestyle. Like what is acceptable? What's not acceptable? communicate, communicate, communicate, you have to have rules before you get into the swing lifestyle. What is acceptable? What's not acceptable? There's a lot of people who won't allow sleepovers, won't allow kissing, won't allow, more than they only want to do it once a month.
Starting point is 00:32:57 They only want to approve of the partner. Whatever it is, but I think you're telling Mikhail, and this is more data for me, that it's made your relationship stronger. And I think in many many cases it does make your relationship stronger. And in many, many cases it does pull your relationship apart. You're swinging, your partner falls in love with the person they're swinging with and then it you know ends your relationship or jealousy rears it's ugly head and your partner can't get over the fact that you're dating someone who they perceive to be hotter than they are or whatever it is. But as long as you continue to talk to your partner about it and communicate and you have
Starting point is 00:33:34 rules or you have what parameters, boundaries, it sounds like it's working for you. I do believe that life is all about exploration and I don't believe that we are all meant to be monogamous. Some people are, some people aren't, but I think at your core, you guys, New Kyle, you've been together 17 years, that it sounds like you made a good decision and it's working for you.
Starting point is 00:33:53 So just keep doing what you're doing until it doesn't work anymore. Man, what do you think about swinging? You don't have an issue to you. If that's what you're into and you're cool with it, I'm cool with it. I'm down, we don't judge. I'm not a judgemental person.
Starting point is 00:34:04 You're definitely down with the swinging lifestyle. You support it. I'm cool with it. I'm down, we don't judge. I'm not a judgemental person. You're definitely down with the swinging lifestyle. You support it. I'm not saying that I'm like, oh, it's awesome. Everyone should try it. No, I'm just saying, if that's your thing and you think you can get through it, then go ahead. Yeah, I'm glad that it's working for you. I want you to call into my show sometime, Kyle.
Starting point is 00:34:19 It was so funny. Well, it wasn't swinging, but it was like an open relationship. I was watching these two kids are really good at documentary filmmaking. And they made a documentary about them making an independent movie, which I became obsessed with. It was in 2006. It was called Foride Bonsers. If you want to see videos just type in four-eyed monsters on YouTube and they would just make these incredible videos. But after the movie was released, they're like,
Starting point is 00:34:51 okay, well, what's their next video about? And then they released a video about how they're going to try an open relationship. And then the girl in the relationship just starts going out. And she just starts, you know, just dating a bunch of people. And like, I just like always at home, you know, like feeling bad, wondering where she's at. And they put phone calls that he, like messages that he left, left like, hey, just want to hear where you're at and all this stuff. And then he said, one day, I met a girl and then I started hanging out with this girl
Starting point is 00:35:30 and then his girlfriend started freaking out and started calling him like crazy. Right. Where are you at? Jealousy. And she started freaking out once he started dating somebody and then they ended up just like calling it off and just getting back together. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:50 I mean, it's just, yeah, I guess when you're on the one side, you're on one side and everything's cool with you and you think that you have this person back home and they're not going to go do anything. Right. Then you're going to enjoy, you know, you're going to think that you're a cake. You needed to to but then once the other person starts dating yeah you get jealous you know some people are I don't know some people are like totally cool with it I don't know
Starting point is 00:36:15 how they do it I know I don't know how they do it at all you do I feel like I could do it I mean I haven't been in a committed relationship that's gone on long enough that we've actually got to the point of talking about swinging, but in a long time, but whatever I'm down, I think it works for some people. I know well, there's a huge swinging community here in San Francisco every town in San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:36:36 So, okay, hey, Emily Menis, love the podcast, and I'm so excited to watch from the sidelines as you two get more and more successful with everything that you do You both deserve all the great things coming your way But I wrote in because I have a time sensitive issue Halloween is coming up and I was invited to a party with my best friend The only problem is that her ex-boyfriend who crushed her heart will be there as well
Starting point is 00:37:02 She's off for the I want to make him see what he's missing plot. Because she still loves him deeply, despite the fact that he's a gigantic asshole. I know however that anytime you sit out to make your ex want you back again, you're asking for a chance to crash and burn. And am I wrong thinking this? Well, I want her to feel sexy and empowered.
Starting point is 00:37:20 I know seeing him again will have the opposite effect on her. How can I support her at this party since convincing her not to go isn't an option? What's the best way to protect her ego from this guy again? Thanks so much, guys. Kelsey. Okay, Kelsey, here's a deal. You can't protect your friend. What? No, I can't wait to answer this. Okay, you can't protect your friend from anything. And I mean,
Starting point is 00:37:47 there's a lot of women. And I don't know, I've never been that girl is like, let, well, I guess I have. I've known a guy, my ex is going to be at a party, but not because I want him back. I just want him to see the how hot I look. Yeah. So I just think you have to have help her watch her alcohol intake that night. If you can, why do you even have to see my thing is why you even have to do that? Yeah, why is she in charge of her friend? Yeah, look, Emily, you're a woman.
Starting point is 00:38:10 You understand this? You're gonna tell your friend a bunch of things that she shouldn't do. She's gonna go ahead and do them anyways. And you know what, you're just gonna be there babing her the entire night. You know what, if your friend is, sorry, dumb enough to just go to a party and know that she's going to act a fool around her ex, then why even around that? You should be going to your own party and enjoying your own life. Exactly. You know, it's
Starting point is 00:38:35 cool. I know. I understand. It's your friend. You want to look out for them. Believe me, I always want to look out for my friends too, but sometimes I just got to, you know, take the scissors and cut the leash. Right, right. It doesn't sound like you're going to have a good time, Kelsey. I'd say pick another Halloween party and send her on her own way.
Starting point is 00:38:51 It sounds like, I mean, you're a really good friend and that you're writing in its time sensitive and I agree that it's time sensitive. Halloween is coming up and it is very exciting, but I just think that women are going to do this. She might get drunk, make a mistake of it. I think, yeah, just, and you know what the salsa reminds me of? She says, how do I protect her for making the mistake again?
Starting point is 00:39:12 And this reminds me of the ass call theory. Remember someone who lived in the last week and they said, someone who asks for advice but never takes it is an ass call. Yeah. Love that. A lot of women and men ask for advice over and over again and they do not take it about their own relationship until they're ready. And it's not that you're not planting the seed by telling whether this guy is an asshole and that she shouldn't care and she shouldn't get back together with them. She's probably hearing you, but it might take a long
Starting point is 00:39:34 time. And she might make a fool of herself and Halloween. And I honestly think, Kelsey, you should go on your own merry way and have a great time the night and not worry about your friend. Yeah. Like Minnesota, I think you're right. I mean, you can worry about her and you can try to talk her, but it doesn't sound like she's going to listen in this case. Go find your own dude. Have fun. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:39:53 She wants his ex back. Yeah, anytime you're in this is another thing. Anytime you're setting out to make your ex, you want to get your ex back, that often doesn't work. They're not going to be like, oh, 95% of the time. 95% of the time that you're like, he's going to see me and he's going to go girlfriend. Oh my god, it doesn't happen.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Because it's not about your luck. Because your ass looks great in those jeans. They're easy to get back together. So that's what I'm talking about that. OK, Halo and the Eminus. I wrote you the other day. Sex come back. I guess was the name of the email.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Unless the intershow got me talking to my wife. We agreed to have more sex and just to try things to get closer and refine our complicity. We are planning to order your book, this hot sex over 200 things you can try tonight. That's my book, you can all buy it on Amazon. And the Better Sex video series from Sinclair Institute. I also want to surprise her with,
Starting point is 00:40:43 and Sinclair Institute, let me just say this before I go on with the email. Sinclair Institute makes these amazing better sex education DVDs. It's not porn. It's real people having sex that you can watch. It's still titillating. You watch with your partner. You pick what you want to watch.
Starting point is 00:40:59 It could be, you know, how to perform better all sex. It could be their sex bluration series. And it really helps you. Like, it's a really a good educational guide better oral sex. It could be their sex glorations series. And it really helps you. Like it's a really good educational guide to better sex. So use coupon code Emily 50 for 50% off any item. or just go to my website and click on the banner. Anyway, he's going to get this in clear videos. I also want to surprise her with one or two vibrators for
Starting point is 00:41:22 Christmas, one for a clitoris, one for her G-Spot, or one for both. Listening to your show, I'm realizing that we think a lot, that we think a lot, we have good, we think a lot that we have good communication in a relationship, but if it's difficult to talk about something as basic as sex and relationships, we are not merely touching the surface of true, free communication. And you are not only living with an idealization of the person you love. People change, evolve, get older, not communicating, digs, gap, because life goes on. And at one point, you don't really know the person you're with, because you are stuck with an image that is no longer true. In that respect, thank you for your show. I realize that I've changed and that she has changed, but we still strongly love each other. And this is something we can definitely build on. Merci beaucoup, Alexandra.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Okay. Oh. Oh, that's sweet. He wants my vibrator, my favorite topic ever. Okay. So, my recommendation for first time vibrator, okay, you want to get her a clitoral vibrator. First, I would recommend the form two or the form three from Jimmy Jane. Go to my website, check out, or click on it on my website.
Starting point is 00:42:30 And these are great gifts because they're beautiful vibrators, they're award winning. And they fit in the palm of your hand or the palm of her hand while you're having sex. So a lot of women during intercourse, as you know, need extra clitoris simulation. And Form 2 and Form 3 three but I like to form two the best is super powerful fits in the palm of your hand it's really cute it charges in the charger like I love it you can leave it on your nightstand it's pretty and it's powerful and it's cool really cool starter vibrator I think so I would also check out my products page on my website for more suggestions but as far as an internalator, I would say if you would like something really fun
Starting point is 00:43:09 for the both of you, the Wii vibe is they say the most popular couples vibrator right now, and it's shaped like a C. So it goes inside of her and it hits her G spot and her clitoris at the same time, and she can wear it during intercourse. And you can feel the vibration as well. So a lot of couples are just going crazy for this because you know I'm telling you I you heard it here. A lot of men like vibration on their penis. What? No they do they do they feel good. So check out the Wevibe, check out the form too you can can find these all in my products page, and I also have other suggestions.
Starting point is 00:43:46 It's at So that's all the emails we got time for, but we're going to move into our topic right now. Well, let me ask you real quick. Good, let's talk. What are you doing this weekend? Okay, this weekend, thanks for asking. What you are going on?
Starting point is 00:44:00 I'm packing. I'm going through my, I have to pack up my office. This is not exciting. I have to pack up my office. I have to pack up my house. I have to figure out what is going to LA, what I'm getting rid of, what I'm keeping. Are you driving a U-Haul yourself down there? I think I'm just going to pack up my mini. What? And then ship some stuff. How do you do the U-Ha all thing? How does that work? You got a you haul I mean, I mean the attachment because I want my car so can you just buy those little attachments where you can throw stuff in it
Starting point is 00:44:33 So you want to pull you want to pull that's stupid for me. I can barely drive my car. Yeah, yeah That wouldn't be good for you So I think I'm just gonna ship a bunch of stuff and I'm gonna drive down the clothes and I'm staying at the most I have the nicest loft in Venice. Nice. I know. So I'm going to do that. I've got a birth.
Starting point is 00:44:51 I've got an engagement party on Sunday, which I'm sort of whatever. I don't have the couple, but I hope that I don't know. No, it's fine. And then tonight I don't know. I'm still I'm trying to be been trying to do so. Brought tober. Few friends of mine. So I haven't really been drinking at all or doing anything this month boring but I've gotten a lot done. I'm super efficient and I'm getting just so much done work wise packing. It's a lot of work. So when
Starting point is 00:45:16 do you official day that you're in Los Angeles November 1st? They're done gone. I'll be here for Halloween though. What are you gonna be for Halloween? Well, this is what I don't know. I don't know. I want to do my lap. I want to go out with a bang. My final Halloween in San Francisco after all these years. I mean, not that I'm not coming back. I'm just going for three months to LA.
Starting point is 00:45:35 But what do you think I should be? You liked my Queen Midas thing. Then do you know what? You should do a different version. You should be poison ivy. That'd be so cool if you were all green. All green? Oh, I like that. I can do a green metallic too. Yeah. The Castro has so I was walking on the Castro last weekend. We have tons of fans in the Castro P.S.
Starting point is 00:45:55 misadvised our television show on Bravo. So many fans in the Castro like I spent the whole because my gyms in the Castro district in San Francisco, it's predominantly the gay district San Francisco and I was like, oh get a manny petty. I'll walk around So many guys are like, oh my god. I love your show like you and menace Did you guys really work there in that building and do you really did that and they were just like crazy about the show? But the point is the Castro is just amazing Halloween costumes Yeah, I can imagine cuz people go all out and they have like, I love, I love, I love Cliffs Variety. Have you been there on Castro Street?
Starting point is 00:46:30 Cliffs Variety. Yeah, it's amazing store. It has like all these fabrics and costumes and whatever. And I just, I want to just think fab, what are you going to do? I don't even know yet. Are you going to get dressed up? Probably, there's this concert that my work is throwing at the Oral Corina in Oakland, California, 18,000 people.
Starting point is 00:46:47 So they're all going to be dressed up. So I should go on that night of Halloween. No, on the 26th. Okay. So everyone's going to be dressed up. So I'm sure I'm going to have to. And you can't wear your teletubby thing. I wish.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Why you retired it? I mean, it's been there. Don't that. You were telling me. I mean, not like I don't have it still We played an old show because sometimes we we've got 700 shows And we play a throwback Thursday best off episode and we put it we played yesterday. I think Was the hamburger glor episode. Yes, when menace
Starting point is 00:47:21 Dars me, okay, so this is just a recap So I go when menace um i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i I said, what about if you met the love of your life? For some reason, your head overheels over somebody. This has never happened to you before, that you were just totally in love, totally down with this person. But this person asks you, when we have sex, this once in a while, can you dress up as the hamburger glider from McDonald's?
Starting point is 00:48:01 And you said, no, that you wouldn't dress up as the hamburger gl the doll because I wouldn't feel like a hamburger hamburger I don't think I would feel like a robber and but a thing is see I make it why you make it about you It's not about you. It's about what the person wants. I know what I'm you're trying to please your partner who Somehow became the lover your life, the man of your dreams. He wants you to dress up as a hamburger. You're trying to flip it to be about you. It's not about you.
Starting point is 00:48:33 But if I'm all bogged down in a big furry jail costume that looking like a hamburger. It's not a furry jail costume. Well, can I make it sexy? Yeah. You know what? I am going to be the hamburger this year, but I'm going to be a sexy hamburger. I'm going to wear like a mask I'm going to wear like a tight black and white suit. I wear like black tights and high boots I've got these black high boots with top done. I'm going to be the hamburger just for fun and I'm going to wear it to your birthday party. Go for it
Starting point is 00:49:00 What are you? You know, you got to have a birthday party local state side, city side. No. Oh, my birthday is on a Sunday. And I got a bus kill. Yeah. And that happens. Okay. Well, um, anyway, it makes me laugh. You can take me for a water before you leave. Oh, oh, dude, done. But when we leave here, we are going to flower. We are going to we are going to set a date for next week. Next week. Yeah. I'm going to set a date for next week. Next week.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Yeah. And we take you for your birthday. I love that idea. That's the best idea I've ever heard. Which is the 27th. Let's do it after the show. We don't have to compare our calendar. I'm pretty fast. I think. Think. We can go Monday. I have a friend in town from New York Tuesday Wednesday Thursday.
Starting point is 00:49:41 We'll talk about that in a minute. Okay. Also, we've got this sex spirit going on for to Check them out. I'm giving weekly tips and tricks every Monday to start off their week. We get so many. Okay. So there has been a trend. We get a million emails to feedback at But for some reason, the last month, every single guy is emailing saying, my husband or wife won't have sex with me. So we're just giving them some tips. People are taking their net. They're 100% natural enhancing libido supplements for men and women. There's plenty on the market now. But this is the number one seller in Canada. And you're finally going to be able to get it in the States. And it's called our sex experiments. So just pay attention to that because it's awesome. Okay. We'll move into our topic. What were you laughing about?
Starting point is 00:50:30 I was laughing that I get to see you in the hamburger after it. I'm going to wear it when we go to flower water. Oh, I love it. I'm going to combine it all because you might not see, no, I'm leaving on the first. So yeah, we've got to do before then. Okay, so it's the first base. That's what we're talking about kissing. Be a better kisser. So a study, I saw how you think, okay, we've talked about this before. Kissing, I do not think if you kiss someone the first time and it's not good, you should not write this person off because kissing can improve. How do you practice kissing if you don't have
Starting point is 00:50:58 a partner to kiss? Oh, what about that? Kiss your pillow. Really? We have a partner to kiss. No, but let's say, you know, kissing is very important and then you are courting somebody you haven't kissed them yet. How do you practice beforehand to make sure?
Starting point is 00:51:12 You can't practice beforehand. It's like a dance. Do you like kiss your palm or your hand? You can probably, I bet St. Clarence, too, has a video on it and kissing, but I think that you can't really practice beforehand, but it can kiss your mom. Is it a good dance? No, don't do that. All time? Just go in. No, is that what you're going to do? It's not.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Your mom, maybe, not mine. My mom's cute. So, okay, be a better kisser. A study at Rutgers University showed that when kissing, men are actually trying to detect estrogen to judge a woman's fertility and to give her a sample of his testosterone in an attempt to stimulate her sexuality. In an attempt to stimulate her sexually, this is some background in kissing, which is so true because in sex school, as I'm getting my doctor right now,
Starting point is 00:52:00 we talk so much about, you know, so much of what we do sexually has to do with procreation, finding a mate, all that stuff. So that would make sense that you're swapping fluids. Your bodies are looking for chemicals that are just the right combination of each other. That's why the first kiss is important. And it's one of the first activities in a relationship, but in reality it's one of the components that can actively enhance your sex life.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Because women, we need kissing to warm up before sex or to wind out after. And I'm telling you, kissing is also like the first thing that goes in relationships. Like after you're with someone for like six months to a year, you just start having sex and you don't kiss anymore. And that pisses me off.
Starting point is 00:52:40 And I think if I'm in a long-term relationship, which I have been in before for me long-term, I'm like, let's kiss every night for you to bet. Like I think you need to kiss before you go to bed every night. What do you think about that? I think that's important, yes. Do you do that? Yeah, and do you know what? Our buddy that we talked to all the time from T radio V, right? Who's been married forever, he always says that you can't go to sleep, Matt.
Starting point is 00:53:01 You cannot. You cannot sleep. You just gotta work it out. And he goes, you know, you kind of fight it out and say, okay, who's just gonna just bow down and suck it up and just work it out? Because you don't, exactly. Because you don't need, you don't wanna go to bed angry.
Starting point is 00:53:18 You wanna go to bed with a kiss. And I'm gonna talk though about how kissing can improve though in a minute, but these are just some basic facts. So when you kiss your partner, especially if it's a full body contact kiss, your body's released hormones that make you feel happy and connected. So settle down on the couch with some low lighting and music and get to make it out.
Starting point is 00:53:36 So first, OK, let's talk about getting warmed up. You can start with the lips, slightly parted, and kiss her lower lip with your upper lip. Spend some time kissing without using your tongue. This is important. The first kiss, you don't want to just go and shove your tongue right in. You've got to just, we've got to work up to the tongue. You have to let yourself get warmed up. And if the moment allows, feel free to light out a light moon while you're kissing her. You can stop kissing her and look at her before you continue again.
Starting point is 00:54:01 it moan while you're kissing her. You can stop kissing her and look at her before you continue again. Mix up your kisses. You want light kisses with longer and more passionate ones. And remember, this is important. You are not restricted to only kissing her mouth. Feel free to kiss other parts of her face, like her earlobes, her cheeks, her eyebrows, or even one lip at a time.
Starting point is 00:54:23 I love when a guy kisses my cheeks and my neck and my forehead and my nose. It's so cute. Why is the kissing just about the lips? Kiss everywhere, right? The bottom of your feet. Yes, the feet feels good. Feet feels good.
Starting point is 00:54:38 So here's a warning. Little kiss ass. Yes, kiss my ass, kiss my ass, baby. Here's a warning though, men forget how much bigger their mouths are. Their mouths are than the women. So be sure not to engulf her whole mouth with theirs. I'm telling you, I had a friend recently who would
Starting point is 00:54:54 on a date with a guy and she was like, oh my God, he tried to swallow me with his mouth and I couldn't go on anymore. Oh, I'm gonna tell you how you can improve kissing in a second, but you shouldn't write someone off the first 10 and they're bad. But I'm going to tell you how you can improve kissing in a second, but you shouldn't write someone off the first time they're bad. But there are those guys who are just like sloppy and they want to like inhale you. Like you feel like you're going to fucking be vacuumed up.
Starting point is 00:55:13 I had, you know, girls that like bite my bottom lip. I don't like that. Push them off me or like they like kiss too high. And then they're only like kissing the upper lip like No, like that's how they try to kiss like I've kissed some bad kissers out there I've kissed some wonderful kisses out there. Well, what? I should call them and thank them. You should what were the wonderful kissers?
Starting point is 00:55:37 What do they do that was so wonderful? There was just it was just like a perfect it's like a dance. Yeah, it's just like a perfect match, right, you Yeah, it's just like a perfect match. Right. You know? It's true. It's a dance. So I'll just get to this now. But the one thing is, because I keep talking about how you can improve your kissing is, if you're with a partner and everything's great and you love everything about them,
Starting point is 00:55:57 but the kissing is not up to par. This is what you do. First, tell your partner to kiss you the way that they'd like to be kissed. And then you switch. And then they kiss you the way they'd like to be kissed. And then you know what they want. So you know if I showed you minutes of we kissed, like we kissed before on a national television. Yeah. Um, yeah. And you're a terrible kisser.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Both fun. I'm not that so mean. I'm so not. I'm a good kisser. So, um, so, um, anyway, so do you get it though? Like, is then you can show your partner? This is what I want. This is what you want. And let's create like an amalgamation of kissing together. Let's create our own kissing dance. So that's what you do. So roam your body so you can make your way down her neck and collarbone and shoulders. Start on her fingers and kiss your way back to her mouth. Make sure to spend some time and just a few key sensitive parts.
Starting point is 00:56:59 Don't forget about the wrists inside of the elbow and on her neck just below the jawline. A great tip is to use your tongue as you travel across her body then blow air on the wet spots you created. That's hot. That feels so good when a guy does that. Licks you and then blows. Do you ever do that? No.
Starting point is 00:57:19 No. Oh, my. Okay. You don't have to kiss every square inch of her. You can create a chill and using sensation by lightly dragging your teeth or brushing your lips over her skin as well What would you be? I like to be kissed and some from the side a Say this is how I like to be kissed and some from the side a
Starting point is 00:57:51 Delicious taco from Taco Bell just comes in and the side in between your lips as you're kissing Just like and then you both enjoyed the taco at the same time That would be you would have an orgasm on spot. Yeah, that would be delicious Taco Bell Like a delicious are we each eating each end of Taco Bell and we mean? No, no, no, not like Lady in the train. No, we're making out with a taco. We're like making so we're like making out what I I raised like my right hand and in my right hand is a delicious, you know, just a standard Taco Bell Taco and it slowly enters into the side of your mouth, both of your mouths at the same time. And then you're both chewing it on it and eating it as you're making it. Would you be something, would you be into something like that? No, definitely. I brought that to the table. No, I'm not. You're enjoying a meal
Starting point is 00:58:36 at the same time and you're eating and kissing, killing two birds with one stone. Yeah, but then it kills, yeah, it kills your eating, you're satiated. And then you're also kissing. I say it's a time table. Nope. Not hot. So it's like tacos Mexican food always makes me sick. Every time I eat it. Oh my God, Mexican food is the best food made on the freaking planet. I mean, I eat it alive. I know. I wish. But every time I eat it, it makes me sick. I eat fat. I makes me sick. I hate to fat. I don't know what it, I hate beans.
Starting point is 00:59:07 So good. Oh my God. I'm sorry. Some enchiladas, I would put my penis into some delicious enchiladas. It's all right. I'm sure you already have. Red sauce with some extra cheese on it.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Oh my God. Oh my God, crazy. You're crazy. See, I can talk very sexual. Oh, I wanna get it. That was actually the hottest thing you've ever said. Oh my God crazy. I can talk very sexual. That was actually the hottest thing you've ever said. Oh my God. But okay, so we, I've got to go in a second, but I want to say that you need to spend some time teasing. Kissing is a perfect teasing mechanism. Don't laugh. Menace doesn't
Starting point is 00:59:36 understand teasing, but women want to be teased. So going for the kiss and right before your lips touch, pull back. So you go in and you pull back. That's a very hot move. It sends an anticipatory wave of excitement through the body. And then you go in for the kiss again. And this time, just barely brush your lips, but don't make full contact. You can spend some time brushing lips, gently touching your tongues together.
Starting point is 00:59:59 And when neither of you can stand it anymore, you go for the full kiss and shove a taco down or throw. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Go for the full kiss and gently sweep your tongue in the mouth. Warning, do not shove your tongue down or throw. That's the fastest way to ruin the moment. Keep all tongue movements soft and light.
Starting point is 01:00:18 So that's why I got to say about kissing. I want to thank everyone for listening to Sex Emily. I want you to download my new iPhone app called Emily's Sex Drive. It will totally improve your sex life. I promise you I've got another app, Kegel Camp, that also will improve your sex life. Check out my book, check out my podcast, go to, and thanks everyone for listening. Sex toys aren't just for women.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Go to slash flesh light to discover the best sex toys for men. The flesh light, a lot of guys say it feels even better than sex and it helps build stamina, meaning a last longer in bed. Go to slash fleshlight to see my fleshlight recommendations and get one tonight.

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