Sex With Emily - SWE: Hot Moves For Guys

Episode Date: September 6, 2012

Emily runs through a list of hot sex moves for guys, many of which are questionable in their hotness, even if they're well-intentioned. Menace gives some dating advice to a thirteen year old that does...n't go over too well. The pitfalls of married sex and libidos are discussed, and Emily is upset to find out the rather banal things married women want more than sex, like reading and sleeping. Emily is getting a lot more done on her man-atorium. Listeners have problems with terrible oral sex, breaking up, and dating single moms.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So you know I'm obsessed with candles, right? Have you ever heard of misogyny candles? Okay, so get this. I always like candles when I'm enjoying glass of wine with friends, and recently they were over and I lit three candles from my new line called Emelene Tony. My skin felt really dry, so I went ahead and poured some of it on my hands, and I gave myself a quick massage. My friends were stunned that I did this and immediately were obsessed.
Starting point is 00:00:22 And here's why. See, these candles are really aroma therapy massage oil that when warm like a candle, they melt into the most luxurious body oil that is super hydrating, leaves your skin feeling and smelling amazing, and it's perfect for massaging your partner or yourself. You can use during foreplay, and you know me. I'm a firm believer in foreplay. They come in delicious flavors like creme de vanilla,
Starting point is 00:00:45 cocoa and fujero. Not just that, they look great in your home. So help us keep this podcast free. Check them out today at Emily and And you're welcome. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex Eyes that mock our sacred institutions Bet through eyes they call them in a bygone way Hey, Evelyn, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken, he thinks you're kind of cute The girls got a hair stand. Oh my! The women know about shrinkage Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean like laundry? It shrinks?
Starting point is 00:01:20 Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm feeling so proud. Being bad feels pretty good. You know, Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. Hi, you're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information about sex with Emily, go to where you can listen
Starting point is 00:01:48 to our podcast, sign up for mailing list by sextoys from And you can also download my iPhone app, 101 sex tips from sex with Emily. And you can also find more information there about my Facebook page and Twitter and all that good stuff. So thanks everyone for listening. I'm here with Menace, my producer. Hello. Hi Menace. How you doing?
Starting point is 00:02:05 We can find you a white menace. my Facebook page and Twitter, all that good stuff. So thanks everyone for listening. I'm here with Menace, my producer. Hello. Hi Menace. How you doing? We can find you at Yeah, I never asked you about your website. Do you actually get to have sex with Emily? I do own sex with Emily.
Starting point is 00:02:16 No, do you get to, if I go to the website? No, you don't get to have no. I've not had sex with them. Anyone who's just come to the website randomly. You should say you did. We can get some extra downloads. But go ahead. Yes, I have sex with sex with them. Anyone who's just come to the website randomly. You should say you did. We can get some extra downloads, but go ahead. Yes, I have sex with everybody who downloads. Everybody download the show.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Now, we've been getting a lot of down, our numbers are way up. So thanks everybody for downloading the show and telling your friends. And we're also looking for advertisers. If anybody, if you actually people sent me some leads for advertisers, so I appreciate that. If you knew anyone who wants to advertise,
Starting point is 00:02:44 we have a significant number of downloads and hits to our website. And there's also the donate button. I'm just going to get it out of the way on our website that you can donate through PayPal. We know we don't get any money for the show. And so if you would like to support it giving you $10 or whatever you can, we'd appreciate it when we met us. Yes, we would. That would be so nice. And then I would like to think that the people at Stitcher, we stream at and it's a mobile web app, or just an app where you can stream the show. So a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Yeah, stream through there. So if you download the app for your mobile phone, just search Sex with Emily and you can hear the podcast. It's funny. I've gotten a lot of letters in the last few weeks from people who said they found us on Stitcher. So and I like to listen to the show and I'm like doing the sound check when I listen to the show Which I rarely do but when I do listen to it I listen to it through stitcher on my phone when I'm just driving with my headpiece on yeah and all the new Ford vehicles
Starting point is 00:03:37 Have stitcher in them so you can listen to it in your car without having to have a bunch of different cables or anything like that That's really cool. Sex with Emily everywhere. Yes, we're taken over the world and listen to it in your car without having to have a bunch of different cables or anything like that. That's really cool. Sex with Emily everywhere. Yes. We're taking over the world. I like it. Yeah, how are you this week?
Starting point is 00:03:51 I'm good. What's new? I wanted to ask you something because last night, you know, I do a radio show here in San Francisco. It's a music show. So you're not going to find any sex there. But I had a- Except for when you talk about your sex life.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Yeah. And I had this- I had this 13 year old boy that called into my show. Okay. And he goes, I wanna dedicate a song to this girl. She's my best friend. She just moved away to another city, which wasn't too far away.
Starting point is 00:04:18 And you can get there by train within like 10 minutes. And I go, she's not really your friend. You really like her. You know, don't come on, don't play with me. And he's, she's not really your friend. You really like her. Don't come on, don't play with me. And he's like, yeah, you're right. I do like her. I go to do, just go for it. Just go for it, ask her out.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Ask her to be your girlfriend. I go, don't worry, nothing's going to happen to you. She says no. And then you call me back and tell me how it goes, right I get a call back an hour later from this guy and he goes yeah she said she just wanted to be friends oh no oh no yeah should I have done that it's 13 it's kind of young it's kind of young 13 take her down because you know we'd give that advice on the show a lot of people were were like, just ask, you've got nothing to lose. But he did say he kind of liked her more.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Yeah, then a friend, she wasn't really a friend. It was the girl that he liked. Right, he liked her, but a 13. Yeah, then I said, all you know what, she's just scared and shy. Right, she really does like you. Don't worry about it. I think that's okay.
Starting point is 00:05:20 And I thought I was city he lived in, so I go, oh, I know they have indoor sky diving in the city And I go oh I know the guy I'll hook you up with some oh that's nice. I know honey that's sad I was hoping you'd call me back and you'd be like we're going to the junior prom or something. Oh Man I was heartbroken for him. Oh Poor guy got shot down 13. I think that's okay to give it but I don't know I don't know if I would push it on a 13 year old maybe 16 13s
Starting point is 00:05:47 a little young this was like seventh grade eighth grade to say people are just starting to date them or to boys and girls are trying to go steady or whatever they do bad and then I was like yeah you know when you're 13 sky diving dating a girl it's just the same I think you just kind of you kind of can't clean with that like he's like like to go skydiving, forgot all about the girl. And now that you hooked him up with Guy diving, he was really excited about it. There you go, honey.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Done. When you're 13, it's like sex, guy diving, whatever same thing. OK, good. I wouldn't worry about that. But I like that you're giving dating advice. I'm trying to do the Lord's work. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Trying to do the Lord's work, sex, family work. So last week's show was hilarious. I loved it with charisma, our swinger. Yeah. She's so funny. We got a lot of good feedback from the show. If you guys listen to it or you want to download it from the website, it's with charisma, who's a swinger.
Starting point is 00:06:33 And she talked all about it. And she was cracking us up. It's going to do some more video with her. I did a headline to make people click it because I knew the show was really good. But I put in the headline on Twitter, I said, I think F's strip clubs are f'ing stupid and see me battle, hear me battle it out with the stripper here.
Starting point is 00:06:52 And I would have liked that. You did? That's hilarious. So like it would entice people to listen, you know, it really wasn't much of going on with it. No, but there was a fight. I just knew the show was so good that people want to mind a lot of people click through and they listen to
Starting point is 00:07:08 you tell how many you know that that's awesome that's i love that you did that because you know menacely they did kind of fight about it it was hilarious okay so i want you to listen to last week's show and thanks to everyone for writing we'd be getting so many letters and i really tried to read all of them during the show and i don't get to always email people back but I just appreciate it so keep listening because I do get cheer letters eventually. So I wanted to start out that I found this really disturbing article today that came out
Starting point is 00:07:34 what it's called what married women want more than sex. It was did the survey. Diamond money shoes. Study indicates many women with happy sex lives would rather read watch movies are sleep than have sex. So they're married and they much rather, and it says they're have, they rate their sex life. So it was 2000 women ages 18 to 49, and they say that 77% say that they're really happy with
Starting point is 00:08:02 their sex life, but 63% of them would rather sleep watch a movie or read than have sex. That's kind of upsetting. And then I posted it on my Facebook page. I mean, it's predictable. It's not like shocking news, because couples get into the same hum drum routine, and they just don't have sex anymore, which is what we talk about all the time. But I got a lot of, I posted it on Facebook today, and this woman said she's a MD and she said the rate is actually higher in her practice if the women don't want to have sex. And then another guy posted that you think it's bad here in America, you should see what it's like in Japan.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Apparently, there's an epidemic of complete post-marriage sexual shutdown. Wife pops out a kid or two and that's it, Nata. Then they go on compensated dates with teenage school girls. That's what the Japanese men do. No way because they're known to be some freaks. Yeah, they're not dating. They think that would be one of those over there. And then the woman, the doctor says, women in depletion generally, they're depleted because they're adrenal glands, they're depleted
Starting point is 00:09:05 neurotransmitter, serotonin dopamine, and depleted moms in particular. They have to stay connected, evolve in their relationship to our erotic creature, take investment yourself. We don't spend enough time on it. And then a lot of people on my website were like, also, I mean on Facebook, were like, that's really pathetic. It's not true another guy said my theory is that the ring cuts out the ring the wedding ring cuts off blood flow to the
Starting point is 00:09:30 vital areas diminishing your sex drive. Yes true and I don't know. Well even but I'm sorry even you know in my single my single life I've had women hit me up in the middle of night trying to get some sex. Right. And I would just be so tired that I'd rather sleep. Yeah, I hear you. I'm like that. You're the young man to hear, but I enjoy sleep. I love sleep. I know. But don't even try to talk to me. I just want to go to bed. But sometimes you want sex, especially when you're in a new relationship. Of course. But when you get married, I think you just get you'd rather read. I mean, I have some nights where I'd rather read. I was dating a guy last year, I remember. And he always wanted me to come over and I'm like, I'm really into my website right now.
Starting point is 00:10:15 I'm like getting some code down or something. No way. That's it. But I think we get out of the routine of having sex. But a sleep is understandable. Yeah, no, reading's good. Do you read? Reading's for dorks. They'd rather read.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Everyone's rather reading than having sex. And the thing is that, and then a lot of women wrote in my Facebook page that they actually want more sex in their husbands, which I've heard a lot of, that women in their 30s who are married are even in relationships, they want more sex in the men. Because the whole myth, the like myth out there that you hear or the stereotype is that it's the woman who doesn't want sex but I feel like I've heard more often than not that it's the men as they get older they don't want sex as much. I've had that happen at least with their wives. Exactly. They want to have sex with the teenage school girls or whatever they in Japan, but I think it's some sort of
Starting point is 00:11:05 sad state of affairs, but that's just how it is and that's why hopefully people listen to the show and they get reinvigorated. Because once you, if you don't, and if you are this woman and you're listening or this man and this couple and your wife doesn't want to have sex, I just think that you have to take the 30-day sex rule. I've said this before, you should have sex 30, just make a commitment that you're going to have sex every day for 30 days and it's like go into the gym. It's like, you know the first few days you go to the gym you hate it but then you crave it. That's what happens with sex. I swear to God you start having sex and you're like oh yeah we have sex again and it's good you gotta like it's like a squeaky squeaky wheel and you gotta
Starting point is 00:11:38 get a groove. You gotta get in the groove of sex. What do you think about that? I totally agree with that because sometimes you just get out of the groove and then you're comfortable with not Doing it and you don't think it's a big deal But once you dive right back in you're like, oh man. This is awesome. Exactly. Exactly. I can't wait to get back into sex This is the longest I've ever gone in my entire life without having sex. I know it's like two and a half months How much have you gone done? How much have I gone done? Yeah, what do you mean? Like how?
Starting point is 00:12:08 Like much work and like projects and stuff. Oh, how much have I gotten done? Yeah, oh, I thought you said how much I thought you were gonna ask me How much often I masturbated? How often the new masturbate more often now that you've brought that up more often things for asking really even though you didn't ask I've gotten a lot more done i wrote a book really yeah that book is going to come out soon so i am you know i'll get it to me the no money but you know what i'm writing my thank you's my thank you sir do i should i
Starting point is 00:12:35 should thank you awesome just for being you and for not sharing enough you want to see the phone yeah hello You want to see you the phone? Yeah on the phone. Hello? Welcome up. You get to get the door. No, shut up. Anyways, you just told some kids to shut up. Yeah, I don't know. They're calling the radio station. That's really nice. Memphis. You're telling kids to go day 13 year 13 year olds to go date. Oh my god. Okay, so we're gonna get into your letters now and then we've got some sex in the news and we've got some sex tips for men
Starting point is 00:13:07 To please women. Yeah, how about that for men to please women for men on pleasing women We've got some tips okay, we always do let's get into some letters though because there's a lot of letters all right Hi, Emily and menace I wrote a few weeks back back asking for advice on how to give a man a blow job the right way I've given them to my ex many times and definitely love to do it for my guy. For some reason my boyfriend now was having a hard time ejaculating and likes it a certain way. He gave up on me trying to do it and often says no, that's okay when I would try to. But anyway, the good news I was finally able to do it for him. I couldn't be happier. I think your podcast was my
Starting point is 00:13:41 inspiration to give it a go. Can't wait till I can do it again since we live a couple hours apart. Thank you for your advice and how to properly execute the twist with the hand tongue at the top method. Thanks again. Do you remember that? I'm trying to remember the method. Thank you so much for writing, sweetie. I don't have her name here, but she, the twist, it's like the, I'm trying to do it. Twist with the hand tongue at the top.
Starting point is 00:14:04 So you twist with your hand tongue at the top So you twist with your hand as you're so you're using your hands with the blow job And then you twist and lick at the top. Oh nice nice. Can you picture that? I? Love inspiring people. She gave her I love that she just kept on trying. She kept on trying don't give up Don't give up. It's like everything in life, persistence, persistence. You can always improve your sex life, which is why you're listening to this podcast. I help. If some women are just terrible at it, terrible at oral sex. Tell me what thing one thing that a woman has done that's been terrible.
Starting point is 00:14:38 It is like super slow slow the whole time. Yes, slow is good sometimes. Yeah, but it's just super slow and like super like soft. You know, but no, no. Yeah, you got to like suction and rub on, you know, I need you to like trying to suck off the paint off of like like, what is the comb off the bumper? Yeah, that's a bumper. Right. You know, that's what I need you to do. No, you know, don't, don't like gentle with it. Yeah. Women just suck. Yeah. Get in there. Yeah. That's, I heard a lot of women can't, I heard a lot of men complain
Starting point is 00:15:16 about, we should give tips next week about women and oral sacks, how to give better blow jobs because we did talk about, oh, so just to mention the hand job debate, we need to, this has been going on now for weeks and minus heart from somebody who thought maybe it wasn't, it was going on too long. It was going on too long. No, but, so we got lots of letters about it. Yeah. So, what do you think? Well, we've been getting messages, I've been getting messages on Facebook about, they love the hand job debate, but we've just been talking about too long.
Starting point is 00:15:44 So, maybe we'll read these messages and then take a break. Right, we may have to take a little break, but I appreciate hearing from everybody about the hand job debate, but we've just been talking about too long. So maybe we'll read these messages and then take a break. Right. We may have to take a little break, but I appreciate hearing from everybody about the hand job issue. And I think that everyone should keep giving hand jobs. Okay. Emily, I just found your show on iTunes and I've been listening to your show and it rocks. I am having a problem with the relationship I'm in. I'm 31 and I'm dating a girl for two months. The girl I'm dating is 33 and has a 14 year old child. We have talked about what we want in the future.
Starting point is 00:16:10 She just told me that I am the one in all caps. She wants to be with me long term. I haven't met her child yet. I'm having trouble thinking about long term and if I want to jump right into a family. That is, if I'm with her and the child comes to the package. Any thoughts or tips would be great. I really enjoy the show, key up the good work, Mike. Well, that's a heavy one.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Okay, I would say you've been together two months, you haven't met the kid yet and she's saying you're the one. Those are all kind of warning signs right there, Mike. Yeah. Two months. I mean, I don't think that you should meet the kid right away, but I just think that how can she say you're the one when she has a kid and you haven't even met the kid yet and it's been two months. And you're young, Staley, you're 33, you're 31.
Starting point is 00:16:52 And I just think- Three was not too young. No, you're right. Okay, sorry. What? I still think that's young to get- No, it's not right to get married. You were out there as a rec loose.
Starting point is 00:17:01 I am, aren't I? Yeah. Just because I'm not going to get married. Yeah, because people, people are settling down at this age. You're right. 30's a good age. Okay, sorry Mike. 31 is a good age, but two months with the one girl and you haven't met the kid yet. Yeah. I think it's time to start meeting the kid after two months. But what if he's a terror? What if she's a bad mom? Like, what if you see the way she interacts with them and that turns you off. And anyway, I don't, I just don't understand how a woman can say you're the one if you haven't even,
Starting point is 00:17:26 she hasn't seen you interact with her kid yet, which is probably her life, you know, her kid or child that's her love. What do you think, menace? I think you should find out if she makes more money than you. Why? To make sure she's not looking for a sugar daddy? Sugar daddy or a baby's daddy? A baby's daddy that's not the baby daddy.
Starting point is 00:17:43 That's interesting. You know, to help contribute because because you know, it doesn't, I'm not saying that the love is not pure, but it might be an added bonus because taking care of a child is not cheap, you know? That's true, that's true. And it could be helping the situation. I'm just saying, I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:18:01 I mean, you are. Not to think negative towards a relationship because maybe, hey, maybe she really does think you're the one and stuff like it. I'm just saying I mean you are not to think negative towards a relationship because maybe Hey, maybe she really does think you're the one stuff like that But just take a step back and take a look at everything. Okay, I think so too I think Mike no need to rush it about talking talking about that anyone's the one after two months I Just say to anybody like that's the two months is when you're crazy thinking you're falling in love You feel like you're it's like the dopamine the serotonin all your chemicals are flying and you feel like you're crazy thinking you're falling in love, you feel like you're it's like the dopamine, the serotonin, all your chemicals are flying and you
Starting point is 00:18:27 feel like you're in love. But really like I'd say six months you can start talking about that but two months to soon. Yeah. Okay. Hey Emily, my husband found your podcast and we listened to it on our nine-hour trip from New Jersey to Ohio. Nice. I have to let Matt has know that he's wrong on the hand job or deal. My husband was surprised and had so much fun as I slipped my hand in his pants for 10 minutes while he was driving. It got us so riled up that we could hardly unpack the car before we had some great sex. I think that the hand job has a good place in a relationship and adds variety and spontaneity in any healthy
Starting point is 00:18:59 relationship. Loved the advice, we will continue to listen and spice it up. Her name is Emily, signed Emily. Another Emily giving hand jobs. On the road of all things, he was driving the road. You know someone actually that's coming up at talked about that in a letter. So that's good. She gave it. She spiced it up with a hand job on the road. Oh great, not as good as a blow job. Road hand instead of roadhead. Yeah. Roadhand. Waste of time. Okay first let me dear Emily first let me have say that I love the show I found it on accident but we'll tell you but I would tell the truth I was just looking for this kind of podcast about sex sex not too graphic but not too dull I'll pull your hair out. It's not too dull I'll pull your hair out
Starting point is 00:19:43 but enough of that, on my email. It's on the lingerie debate you and menace we're having. And yeah, it's very sexy to have your lady dress sexy for you. Not only would the NB just as good, if not better, it gives time for all the fun stuff before the grand prize. I'm 28 years old and figure a long time ago, all the prep work, so it's worth the prize. Well, that's all for now, Emily. And everyone at Good Old Southern boy, Southern boy did come on down from Alabama.
Starting point is 00:20:06 I'll visit you. Keep the good work. If it hasn't happened yet, congrats on the engagement. He's probably talking to you. OK. Hey, Joe. Thanks Joe so much. OK, so lingerie is a great, that comes up all the time.
Starting point is 00:20:17 If your girl, woman, whatever is wearing sexy lingerie, and she put it on for you in the gardeners and stuff, take your time, like, admire her, tell her her hot. her her hot she looks and be slow slow slow taking it off I have a whole chapter on my book in this not a chapter but a few pages in lingerie it's hot you don't think that a woman in lingerie is hot max Mexican? I was quite a mexy sexy menist. No I'm just saying it's not necessary, but it totally is But let's say she does, but some of the stuff is Ridiculous. Like what's ridiculous? It's like so 80s. What like if they were the red ladies?
Starting point is 00:20:54 Yeah, the stuff that ends up at Victoria not Victoria Secret Frederick's a Hollywood and stuff like that. Yeah, it's cheesy. It is cheesy. You know, but I don't want to stop I want to like cotton cute stuff. You can be just a sexy one, you know, just like a tank top wife, beater and boy shorts. But here's the key thing about lingerie. Some device like with all these straps, you know, where I need a schematics on how to take it apart. Some women, that's a great word. Some women feel sexier in lingerie. So it makes them feel sexier. And then they want you to say, wow, that's hot.
Starting point is 00:21:31 I was so indulgent of them. We have egos that need to be stroked. And other parts of our body as well. So I appreciate Joe that you appreciate lingerie unlike menace here. OK. Hey, Emily, I just started listening to your podcast a few months ago and I'm hooked. I just wanted to comment on your last discussion, are you a Tuesday date girl or a Friday
Starting point is 00:21:52 or Saturday date girl? I know you expressed some negatives as to why Tuesday is bad, but assuming you met the guy over the weekend, maybe he likes you so much, he wants to see you and take you out the next chance he got the earlier the better. Why wait till Friday? Just another perspective. Keep it up. Gee. Well gee, that's a good point. I was talking about this guy that I met that asked me to go on a Tuesday. The problem is I had met him a week earlier. He waited a week to call me and then asked me to go on a Tuesday. On a Tuesday? What? You know what? If you really think about it. Yeah. There's a lot of discounts on tacos on
Starting point is 00:22:22 Tuesday. So, two tacos, two dollars tacos. Do you think that's what it was? That's an awesome date. Awesome date? Yeah. He did not take me to tacos. So, I even not had sex, but I did have a date. So, I wasn't supposed to really be dating on my mandatoryum,
Starting point is 00:22:35 because I gave up man, but he was hot. You so made out with him. I didn't make out with him. I didn't make out with him. Why? All lies. Anyway. Everything about this date then.
Starting point is 00:22:44 What happened? We went. Why? Just tell me. We went out for drinks. And then we went out for dinner. Lube you up. Yeah, I got a little lubed up.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I got a had a 30 martini, which is my new favorite drink. Yeah. Love it. Just I'll do some vodka bring it. And then we went to the Mission District, which is in San Francisco, and had some. That's why and had, so that's why it wasn't classy enough. No, mission. I get a marina.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Honey, I'm so not the marina check. I haven't been to the marina in years. You know that I'm not. And then we went and then he tried to kiss me and I wouldn't kiss him. What, you denied him? Because I'm on a mandatoryum. I shouldn't have even have had a date.
Starting point is 00:23:24 It's a way. Yeah, I denied him, but he's hot, but he's young a lot younger than me. Yeah? What's your demon item because I'm on a mandatory I shouldn't even have had a date way yeah I denied him but he's hot, but he's young a lot younger than me. Yeah I did burned right now. It's really weird. This is the like I said the longest I've gone and there are no even prospects of anyone Yeah, it's a very strange Because you know your brain wants to have someone to think about so then I'm thinking about my ax and like texting my ax Even though I don't like them that I love them because he texts me that he loves me and he wants to be with me and he thinks we should be together so I'm like yeah I feel
Starting point is 00:23:50 the same but I really don't weirdo. Is that bad? Yeah. But he knows that we love each other and we're never going to be together. Let me guess you're going to break your mandatory One what one sex in the city to comes out no my birthday is coming up in two weeks and I'm what I know I know and then But I said nothing I'm not gonna have sex I'm gonna eat on doing a girls night. You are all my girls I love I got the best women in my life the girls are just gonna Pump up your ego all night. They're gonna get you wasted and you're gonna call somebody I Might get laid on my birthday. I should have your birthday to me
Starting point is 00:24:29 But the weird thing is what I'm saying is I have no prospects even I have no no one in even got my axe Who doesn't even live here that I can text because I get the tech don't you think you get a certain high from the texting Like a certain fun like a flirtiness even if you don't like the part like even if you're not that into the person Tell me you don't have to yes Tell me that you don't have texting things going out with women that you've no plans to be with but you like the texting Sex thing. I don't text them. They text me. Do they text you naked pictures? They don't text me naked pictures. No, but they text me like they want to hang out and stuff and you just ignore them Like oh, yeah, that's cool. I just leave it open-ended. Okay, whatever you don't have any women that you kind of lead on through text
Starting point is 00:25:10 But you don't no because okay, so there's this woman that I She's in this office that I work in and she is like she said there's this guy I think there's a lot of men out there that give good text good sex But they're not necessarily interesting guys like she went on a date with them three times, she had a great date with them. And then afterwards, he said, you would text her these really funny, she said, you looked really high and really funny, charming things. But during the day, he was a bore, but he was great at texting. Yeah, no, I'm not going to text you for fun.
Starting point is 00:25:39 I'm texting you to bang you. I'm not going to, you know, have this fun. Maybe Raymond liked the floating high more because you guys are just a bunch of teases and I'm not gonna play your little game Menace okay next Better be if we're texting you better be naked in front of me within an hour You've never had a girl send you a naked picture. Oh, yeah, oh you have time. I'm just saying not recently No, I'm sending me naked picture. I've got it. Just keep me posted. Alright.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Hatticeet on the car, O'Challik. What seems to be the issue? Well, Dr. Stoblottnik. My partner wants me to clean up my hair down there and I'm hesitant. Yes, it seems that your subconscious is projecting a castration fear onto your decision-making. Classic example. Uh, no. Well then it's simple. You are in love with your mother. Good day.
Starting point is 00:26:38 No, I think it's just, I don't know what products to buy. Yes, that's a brain scratcher. Male grooming just got a whole lot easier and less awkward thanks to Max for men. Max for men make shave cream, shave bombs and colognes that not only smell great in condition all kinds of herons skin but are pheromone infused. So you get that extra dash of sex appeal.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Ah, sex appeal. The deep, bellowing cry of the primal man beast. Doctor, where are you from again? Oh, you know, Europe. If you want to look your best, feel your best, and smell your best, check out Max4Men today. That's Max, the number four, Hey, Emily, just wanted to thank you for your show. I love it. I'm a sophomore in college and I've never been as confident as I have been since I started listening to your show. It's great motivation at the gym and during finals. I even talked my boyfriend into listening to it and it's been great for conversation starters. I'm a very uptight straight lace person
Starting point is 00:27:39 for my age so it's great to have something to listen that loosens me up. We're so dirty. Back studying. things again Sarah PS gorgeous eyes something you can't see in the podcast. Oh, she wrote me through Facebook I have beautiful eyes gorgeous eyes. Yeah, my face picture. Yeah, exactly Someone told me was it you know someone said one of the listeners said why don't I hook up with charisma? Oh Make it out. Yeah, that's cool. That'll give some web hits. She's hot. Do you think she's hot? She's cool. Yeah. You're not saying that. Okay. Hey, I love the show and wish we're longer like before. Is okay. As far as the hands out debate, I am all for them in addition to other sexual acts. Go team Emily and menace, Angela.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Okay. Where are all these lists? I want to like know what cities. I know where do you want to live? Yeah, can you, when are you writing an email? That's great. I mean, I know some of you do, but others that don't say like, hey, what, what city are you from? That's a great idea. Yeah. I want to know where that all you're from. So when we're traveling through the United States, we can crash at your house. I'm driving cars country next week. Yeah. Maybe we can say
Starting point is 00:28:44 with a bunch of listeners Yeah, exactly I'll be like hey, I'll give you free advice if I can say your place. I'm dry Isn't that crazy that I'm driving cross country? Yeah, which way are you going? I don't know yet My friend is going to her fourth year of that school in Louisiana And so I'm driving with her all the way from San Francisco to Texas and I'm flying back from Houston That's amazing. So I don't know where I'm gonna go a long way my friends gonna have a plan it out. I think Yeah, I don't know are you going through Arizona? I don't know because very beautiful women there I don't know about guys, but I know
Starting point is 00:29:18 No, I wouldn't make out with him, but I know some hot good looking guys right in Arizona Okay, I'll get your numbers maybe that's how we'll settle all route. Yeah, you'll send me their pictures in the numbers numbers They'll hook you up. Yeah, exactly Okay, another letter what cousin that's she's miss Arizona. She was miss Arizona seriously. Yeah, your cousin. Yeah, wow yep She's not a lot of hot one. Yeah, Arizona. My family's from Texas. They are? Yeah. I'll say howdy.
Starting point is 00:29:48 And there's a McMurray University, which is my real last name. And there's a college out there. And how do you even know your last name? I forget your real name. No, it's cool, because my parents don't even call me if I'm real name. They call you menace. Everybody calls me menace.
Starting point is 00:29:59 That's awesome. I forget your, it's like, John or something. No. I know. I don't even remember. Okay, hey I just really need some advice. I'm a new listener so I don't know if you've done anything about this before on a previous show But my girlfriend dumped me. I'm 18 and we've been dating for just over two years. I met a school two hours away from her I've come home
Starting point is 00:30:19 Or she's come to see me every weekend and now with just a month to go she said she felt like she was forcing it I thought the things were perfect. I think she did it because she stressed with school and everything but I want her back and I don't know what to do. We have done this exact thing before but it wasn't quite this serious. What do I do? How do I give her time and space but let her know I'm still here. Any help will be appreciated. I'm extremely hurt by all this. Thank you Chris. P.S. you have a great show. Hey, Chris, God, you're 18. I would say let her go right now.
Starting point is 00:30:47 She's done twice. Just say, yo, you got my number. Call me when, call me if you need me. And then even when she does call, don't respond right away. Because once she knows that she has you at any time, then she's going to be off having fun until she gets burned by somebody and then she'll call you. Yeah, I feel like Chris, you can just let her know. Like I think you are probably already have let
Starting point is 00:31:11 her know that you're there, but to call her and to bother to email her and stay on her radar. Like I think there's a way that if you step back, that's not what she's expecting. And it's not I'm not talking about playing games or talking about actually taking care of yourself. So you got to move on just because she's told you she's not that into you right now. Whatever you want to say, she's can't be there for you now. And for you, do we waiting around for her in your only, 18 years old, there's probably lots of women you could be dating now. I understand that you're in love or maybe you take a break from dating but I wouldn't be
Starting point is 00:31:38 waiting around for her. She's done this twice, you guys have done this before and that sort of aside. And maybe she'll come back around but I would just be busy and be and get into other things and move on with her life and if she circles back she circles back. And once a woman knows that she's in control she's not going to want you. Sometimes, I don't. Okay, say it again. Once a woman knows that she can have you at any time. She's not going to want you.
Starting point is 00:32:07 I don't think that's always true, but I think there is some truth. When it's uneven balance, she's saying to you right now, I don't want to be with you. I agree with you, men, that she's probably thinking, eh, but I can get him back anytime I want. Yeah. And to be honest, I've been in that situation. And once you take that away from them,
Starting point is 00:32:20 then they freak out. You get busy, Chris, with your life and your busy man, and you got other stuff going on, which you really should. Get other stuff going on, not time went just with women, but just move on with your life that she might find that more. Maybe you're being too needy and too much. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You got to flip it around.
Starting point is 00:32:36 You got to take it back, my friend. Take back the power. Take back the power. And then what, but you have to show that you are a strong person and once she Initially starts contacting you you can't just like turning around to be mr. Nice guy again because then she's just gonna Use that against you again. Yeah, I Want you gotta be a man man up man up don't kiss her ass Yeah, don't tell her I mean you because your question to me was how can I let her know that I'm still here
Starting point is 00:33:04 I'm sure she knows it and just move on for now. Yes. Because she's not available. And I don't want you to suffer in your 18 years old. You can go out and have some 18 year old. Tell. A lot of men would love to be in your position right now. Yes. But when you're 18, you don't realize how lucky you are. I was just thinking that you can tap 18 year old ass. It's cool. We've been talking about the 18 year old, but I was just thinking, can I go out on the girls night out on your birthday? Really? Can I be one of the girls? Do you want to? Because I think
Starting point is 00:33:34 you'll be funny. It would be funny. Because of my type of attitude. I'll be like having phones to you guys all night. They'd be throwing like darts at you and stuff. I know that would be hilarious. No, they'd love you. They'd love you up You can totally come you're like my best friend. I Was invited. No, you you could be the entertainment. Will you strip? I mean I might have sex with some people. I've got really cute friends. I know every woman says that but I really do And their smart means they're not cute No, they're smart. They're smart. They are. They're smart. And they're smart too, great. No, they are. They're smart, cute, single.
Starting point is 00:34:06 All my friends are single now. I don't know why, but it's kind of awesome. It's kind of awesome. No, no, no, they're all like in real out of relationships. They're smart. Do you think a lot of women are high maintenance? What's the sign of a high maintenance? They're between the ages of 28 and 38, I guess. Then they probably been, they were in relationships for a while.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Some of them. Their men wouldn't commit so then they broke up. Some but some they just weren't into the guy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. A little. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Don't box my friends in. Okay. Okay. Let's move on to some sex in the news. All right. How do you feel about that? OK. So this is interesting.
Starting point is 00:34:48 The domain, it heads back to the auction block. So it's up for sale. Really? The bankrupt company, which that owns domain name and its creditors have reached an agreement to put the valuable name back up for sale. The web address, which was reported to have sold for 14 million in 2006, is considered the most valuable in the world, among the most valuable in the world, which you can imagine
Starting point is 00:35:13 in search of the top search term on the web. It will be auctioned off by a domain name marketplace, according to paper's file. And it's so interesting that it's like fourteen million and that they went bankrupt with the with the most popular domain obviously they're they should have gone a business floor something is not great business people yeah how do you mess up sex dot com i don't know
Starting point is 00:35:38 whoever bought white house dot com is a genius because white house dot com goes to uh... porn site oh really you know that you think the government would have killed them and bought a back No, I think about it. I don't know. Yeah, it's amazing. That's a is it a good porn site? I don't know never went to it Okay, well speaking of porn There's a date set released for the Kendra's you know sex tape you know Kendra Wilkinson did you see the pictures? I heard she's banging multiple guys and women what yeah it's like a lesbian sex tape and she's Kendra Wilkinson who's on the Playboy show what is it the girl's next door girls next door thank you for my pop
Starting point is 00:36:16 culture reference she's they've already seen her very exposed before a playboy but this is supposed to be a really hard core yeah it's not like it's new news, but it's gonna be released on my birthday. June 2nd. That's what I want on my birthday. She's a married. I know. I wonder if I was a baby. I think her husband's bombed.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Yeah. But you can't be shocked. Why? That she's a sex tape. I don't know. She's like a playboy. Who doesn't have a sex tape? If you've been in playboy, you're like, yeah,boy my little sex tape slippery slope. Oh, it's a gateway
Starting point is 00:36:49 You can't wait So you can play with it all the chicks that are in playboy are horrors. No, nothing that worries honey Making a sex tape does not make you a whore I Think some people do it just my mother made a sex tape or she a whore Your mother's not a whore, but your mother's probably not banging multiple guys and no in her sex thing. No, that's true But it's kind of raw. She's like a porn star. She's cool. Yeah, I mean she's like a playboy. Yeah, she hot She's not my style. No, I don't like the blonde and the blonde
Starting point is 00:37:19 Not into how about fake breasts? I've I've had two girlfriends with fake breasts And how do you feel about that? Did you know right away they were fake? No, because they got them wilder with me, because I know awesome. Why? Really? Yeah. Would you tell them to do it? No, they want to do it. And I said, well, one of my friends is like one of the top in Northern California for plastic surgery. They feel the same. I just have to get the motion of you squeezing. I highly, because it's totally a myth that about silicone versus saline, like silicone, all you're going to get, you know, all these bad things are going to happen to you.
Starting point is 00:37:56 And all the studies have shown that it was all bull, you know, when they first pulled them off the market. Okay. So silicone feels way more natural than saline saline sound it just feels like you have a bunch of like this bouncy Water balls in there, so you're like the expert here on the boobs Yeah, I'm not really into it like it didn't really matter to me if you had it or not That's what I've heard guys were like yeah, it's there take your leave it. It's something they wanted to do So I supported them and you're such a good man. You're so supportive. I gave one of the top surgeons out there.
Starting point is 00:38:32 So you just know everybody. I do. Okay. So Courtney love had a lesbian fling with Kate Moss. Did you hear that? Uh, I saw. She said that in the 90s. Anything that's like her, I don't really read read so she said she had a lesbian flame with Kate Moss That would be kind of hot don't you think not the name job, but I am gonna be hanging out with her on June 6th Courtney love or Kate Moss Courtney love which is her new name is Courtney Michelle by the way why? Because she's playing the concert that I watch you change her name Why you hanging out with because she Was saying it was something about Kurt Cobain.
Starting point is 00:39:05 And I guess like, I don't know, he gave her the name or something, but she said, I'm not Kurt Cobain's keeper anymore. So I'm changing my name in Courtney Michelle. Okay, good to know. Thanks for clarifying that. Courtney Michelle had an affair with Kate Moss in the 90s. Who didn't? And then Kate Moss has also hooked up with Lindsay Lohan.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Really? Yeah. So they all look up. Everyone's been a little bisexual Little bisexual action here. Little bisexual. Why not? How many? Once the last time you kissed a girl Or how many girls have you kissed? How many girls have I kissed? I've kissed not that many Yeah, a few how How it's it was it just like a little peck or was there some time? I can't believe it. I don't talk about this. Why? I don't know. I mean, there was... Oh, you're just having fun.
Starting point is 00:39:47 I was just having fun. That's handsome. That's handsome. That's handsome. It wasn't a friend. It wasn't like a BFF. It was just a random girl. No, it was a girl that I met.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Oh my god. I know. Yeah, and she... What, I thought you're bisexual or are you? I don't think so. Okay. No. You're just doing it for fun. It I don't think so. Okay, no. You're just doing it for fun. It's hot.
Starting point is 00:40:08 You were like triple dog dared or something. No, no. You can talk about it. It was a while ago. What happened? I don't want to talk about it now. Did you feel a little breast? I did.
Starting point is 00:40:16 They were fake. They were. What do you think about them? I thought it was hot. Did you motorboat them? What's that? Did you put your face in them? No. Did you see your face in them? No.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Did you see your naked? Half naked. Half naked? Cool. Did you think that I would have? Sorry, naked. No, would you think that I would have kissed a girl? Yeah, but not like, seriously.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Right. You're just doing it to be wacky. Right, it wasn't like totally serious. Yeah. No, it wasn't wacky. It was fun. Oh, crazy. Look at me, kiss a girl. Yeah like totally serious. It was, it wasn't wacky. It was fun. Oh crazy. Look at me. It's a girl. It was a while ago. No, no, no, no. Where were you? I was at a party. Yeah, yeah. I was at a party. Was there other people watching? No, I don't think so. So you're just in a room at a party. Hey, who's show is this?
Starting point is 00:41:02 I'm in sex with Emily. My friend told me he's like Emily, it's called sexist Emily, but you never talk about your own sex life. Yeah. I don't think it's too risky to be talking about this. No, you're right. And so yeah, there were people around and it was kind of a funky party. And yeah, we made out. And then I'm trying to think the other time. Oh, the other time was that the Playboy Mansion. Nice. I went to the Playboy Mansion for a party and there was nothing like that man is there was no strap on so it was fun yeah I'll get into that more another time it was nice she was nice and soft yeah she had a nice
Starting point is 00:41:39 nice fake breasts okay should we get into some sex tips? Really quickly. These are really quick sex tips. Like a one or two. Okay, ready? These are some hot sex tips that all women wish that men knew. Here's one, add a little danger. Go canoeing or hiking to spice up your sex life. The point is to add a distinct but manageable touch of danger to the day. It will stimulate dopamine in her brain, which can trigger her sex drive. Next, cool off with peppermint. Get naked. Poor peppermint schnapps in her belly button. Sip it.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Then kiss her breast and blow on the spots you kiss. The peppermint schnapps in air will cause a cool sensation in high neurosol. The peppermint is very sexual. Find her A spot. A spot. Some researchers believe there is something called an A spot which is further up inside the anus. No, it's not the anus.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Man, it's pay attention because you could probably use some sex tips. Okay, the A spot is further up inside the vagina from the G spot and might facilitate female ejaculation. How to reach it? Place both index and middle fingers inside her and stick out your thumb as if you're hitchhiking. It'll pull your fingers more snugly against her vaginal walls, stimulate both a spot and the g spot simultaneously then use your thumb to also stimulate her clitoris and gently twist your hand. I got to
Starting point is 00:43:00 post that on the website. That's confusing. I need to think a diagram with that one. Schematics. Exactly. Okay. Oh, here's one. Enjoy her lingerie. You guys know how much a woman loves to be stroked with her bronpanies still on, so don't rush to get her naked. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:14 That is a great sex tip. I cannot tell you how good it, not just the fact that I put on lingerie and you think it's hot, but even just my bronpanies, even if they don't match and I wasn't trying anything, it feels amazing to be touched through my underwear and my bra. Like to touch my nipples through my, like not to take them off so quickly, but the material on,
Starting point is 00:43:36 through the underwear and through the bra feels amazing. Guys, heavy petting through before you take it off is a very hot move and I recommend it to everybody I think that most women get turned on by it Okay, focus on the details words she loves to hear that freckle is beautiful focus on unique details about her And Shunla you haven't said the same thing to 47 other women You got strokes true. I've had guys because I do have a little freckle on my Hand somewhere and I have a guy say have a little freckle on my hand somewhere and I have a guy
Starting point is 00:44:05 say, I love that freckle on your hand and I'm like, oh, you noticed the freckle. And he probably noticed it was like, I'm going to say that later and it totally works. Guys do notice little things like that. I'm going to show you the freckle later on my weiner. Exactly. I got one that I'd like you to suck. Let me see. Okay, there's just some sex tips for you.
Starting point is 00:44:23 All right. Anything else you want to say, Ms. I am good. We're going to be doing it early together next week, right? Yeah, next week we've got an author on the show who wrote a book called Menu Dating, Tristan Cooper-Smith, and it's all about how you should have a method to your madness of dating. So she's going to talk about that.
Starting point is 00:44:43 And yeah, thanks everyone for listening. You can check out the show at and you can check out my Facebook, Emily Hope Morse and my Twitter, Emily Morse and you can find minus at And yeah, download the podcast. Thanks everyone for listening. Was it good for you? Email me. me feedback at Have you guys heard my news? I have a new sex gig. I'm not a porn star, it's better. I just launched my new premium skincare brand
Starting point is 00:45:14 called Emily and Tony. These products are tried and true to help spice up your sex life, which is what I'm all about. I'm talking about massage oil candles that are one part candle, one part body oil, and check out these flavors. They come in delicious scents like creme de vanilla cocoa infusion.
Starting point is 00:45:30 And they're hydrating, and they leave your skin feeling super luxurious. We even have a product for the guys called Down Under Comfort that helps keep their balls smelling fresh and clean and dry all day, which is exactly what you want, right? So guys, if you take care of your balls, your partner will take care of you. So help us keep this podcast free. Use code Emily to get 20% off of your first purchase at Emily and Trust me. You'll love them.
Starting point is 00:45:55 And you're welcome.

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