Sex With Emily - SWE- How to get some

Episode Date: February 9, 2013

Emily talks with pickup artist Brad P about how to approach women at a coffee shop... and end up doing it in the Starbucks bathroom. Brad P breaks down the biggest mistakes men make while hitting on w...omen and how to have an edge over all those other "nice guys." Don't just ask her where she's from or what she does for a living. Here's what you should say if you really want to get some. Special offer for Sex with Emily listeners: free book reveals how to approach hot women, open up a conversation and create instant attraction. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Have you guys heard my news? I have a new sex gig. I'm not a porn star, it's better. I just launched my new premium skincare brand called Emily and Tony. These products are tried and true to help spice up your sex life, which is what I'm all about. I'm talking about massage oil candles that are one part candle, one part body oil, and check out these flavors.
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Starting point is 00:01:13 His world's got a hair stand Oh my Who women know about shrinkage? Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean like laundry? It shrinks Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:01:22 Oh my god I'm off here I'm so gone Being bad feels pretty good But you know me? Oh, mom, mom, mom, I'm off here. So, mom, mom. Being bad feels pretty good. But you know, Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to
Starting point is 00:01:46 We can check out all my podcasts and I'm a mailing list. And you know what? You really have to sign up by mailing list ASAP because you're going to be getting lots of good stuff. So check it out, check out all my shows. And also this show is brought to you by Good Vibrations. Go to Good Vibes, use coupon code GV20, and you get some amazing vibrating presence,
Starting point is 00:02:04 which I think every person needs. Today's show is very exciting. I have the infamous Brad P here. Hello. Hello Brad P. Brad P was chosen the number one pickup artist and that's difficult decision to make right? There's a lot. There's a lot. But what does that mean? Don't don't they go pick up artists? A lot of people don't even know what that means. So explain to me what it is that you do Brad Peabee because let me just wait before you, one more thing. We are going to get into some stuff today because let me tell you something. I've been doing this show for a long time. I've got lots of guys that seem to show and you email me every single day and you say, how do I pick, how do I meet women?
Starting point is 00:02:42 I met this girl. She put me in the friend zone. I don't know what to do once I got her. I've been with my wife for 20 years. We don't know, she doesn't want to have sex anymore. I'm divorced, I don't know, I don't know, and meet anyone. We're going to cover every single question that you have. Everything that you're thinking about, sex, and dating, and relationships, we're going to touch on. So you better pay attention to this entire podcast. That's all I can say. So Brad, tell me about you. What everyone's like, Brad P, I talked to Brad P, you got to talk to Brad P. And so he is amazing. I can tell that already, but I need to know what your, what's your history? Well, I'm actually just a normal guy with a not so normal skill.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I actually grew up with a lot of a lot of issues and problems when I was younger. That made it hard for me to learn how to socialize like a normal person would learn. I was really a big nerd growing up and I used to get bullied and I used to have people make fun of me and I became very socially withdrawn as a result of that. And around the time when everybody else was getting their first kiss and they were getting their prom dates and they were getting dates and their first hookups I was getting none of that unfortunately. The all throughout high school I didn't get one date.
Starting point is 00:03:55 You were that guy. Yes yes but you know I think I'm a pretty creative thinker and I tried to think of an idea to get myself some dates. So this is the first thing I tried. I tried to become like an idea to get myself some dates. So this is the first thing I tried Okay, I tried to become like an overachiever. I joined the basketball team. I got good grades I played the rock band and guess what? Still no dates rock band and no dates no dates. You think with the rock band You would think so, okay, but I didn't have social skills. I was afraid to talk to girls
Starting point is 00:04:23 That's the thing if you can't talk to girls They're not gonna. They're not gonna throw themselves at you. You got it. They're not gonna start They're not gonna make the first move of girls. Just don't do that. No, I never help exactly. Yep So then I went to college and I tried something else. I said I'm gonna go to a college that's 75% women and That actually worked a little better. Is that why you picked a college that's 75% women and that actually worked a little better. Is that why you picked the college? Most of you were like curriculum, I'm going to be a lawyer, you're like lots of chicks. Yes, I figured I couldn't lose there and I actually did get like my first girlfriend and I hooked up with a couple of girls. I mean a lot of people at my college
Starting point is 00:04:59 hooked up with like 40-50 girls throughout their four years and and I you know I'd like three or four. Okay. But it was better than nothing. Better than nothing. Yeah so I was pretty happy with that. 40-50 girls are out there four years and and I you know I'd like three or four okay but it was better than nothing better than nothing yeah so I was pretty happy with that then I actually moved to New York City and I was in a huge drought I was starving for vagina okay it was over for me because it's not 75% women anymore. Right. So I went a very long time without much female contact. How do you girlfriend's here and there, but for the most part, what happened is I was going to put in the friend zone every time.
Starting point is 00:05:35 The friend zone. That is so infamous. I get lots of emails from people are like, why am I in the friend zone? Why do I keep getting in the friend zone? And I think about it. I'm like, I've put a lot of guys in the friend zone and I really love them. I want them, I want my friends, but I don't want to bone them. Right, right. That was what I keep getting in front zone and I think about it? I'm like I Thought a lot of guys in the friend zone and I really love them. I wasn't my friends, but I don't want to bone on right
Starting point is 00:05:47 Right, right. That was what I was getting. Okay friends. Right, so I remember how girls used to say it because they would all say it the same I'm gonna be so guilty They would say you are a very nice guy. You're very sweet I'm not interested in you in that way, but we can be friends. And I would say I don't really get it and they would say you're just so nice. And in my brain I would say well if I'm so nice then sex with me, be my girlfriend, something, but what the reality is is that women don't really feel sexual attraction to guys who are nice guys.
Starting point is 00:06:27 True. And to translate that into woman language, from woman language to man language, you're a nice guy means I'm not sexually attracted to you because you are not dominant and you don't seem like a powerful person. Okay. It's like a girl like a girl. Women are attracted to power. Like that's the greatest effort to hijack for women as a powerful man.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Right. Personal power and sexual dominance. Right. It's like a girl. Limit or attracted to power. Like that's the greatest effidizia for women as a powerful man. Right. Personal power and sexual dominance. So it was girl's way of saying to me, I feel I'm more powerful than you. So I don't want to hitch my wagon to you because then I'm going to be the one poll in it. You know, you're not cooler than me. You're not dominant over me. You're not smarter than me.
Starting point is 00:07:04 You're not farther along in life than me, you're not dominant over me, you're not smarter than me, you're not farther along in life than me. So if I date you, I'm actually downgrading my whole existence. But what kind of their 20s is? That's true, yeah. But actually. But there, I guess I did advise my 20s
Starting point is 00:07:17 that I perceive to be more dominant. Yeah, and I teach guys in their 20s how to be more dominant. I know what you do. You teach how many guys have you taught? Well, thousands. Thousands of men have learned from all ages. Right. Yeah, and I teach guys in their 20s how to be I know you do you teach how many how many guys have you taught? Thousands thousands of thousands of all ages right from 18 to 61 I had a well-64 I have student was 64 one time teaching them how to talk to women Yeah, so many some guys isn't really what I've read enough this problem But we're gonna get into some of the sex ups to come in up
Starting point is 00:07:39 But there are a lot of guys who are like I can't talk to women I don't get it so okay, so that what happens so I was in the drought and I was like well you know I was trying different things to meet women and I finally felt it everything and I have a psychology interest I've studied psychology in college so I said I'm gonna just read up on this psychology and there was a book I found it was called no more mr. nice guy yeah and I saw the title actually my brother gave it to me. Okay. And I was like, well that's me, that's exactly what they've been saying. They've been saying you're too nice, you're too nice.
Starting point is 00:08:13 And I don't ever want to hear that again. So I've read this book. Okay. And one of the cool things that they said was they said, hey, if you are trying to be nice to girls and get sex in relationships that way and it's not working, stop it. Do something else. If you try something over and over and it doesn't work, do something different. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:32 And I hadn't thought of that. Right. It's like definition of insanity. Right. You're saying thing over and over again. You're going to get the same results. Exactly. So the other- You're like, I'm just seeing myself. I'm a nice guy. These girls are going to like me and- Right.
Starting point is 00:08:44 I wasn't working. So- What's the work? Okay. The other thing that I saw'm just being myself. I'm a nice guy. These girls are gonna like me and I wasn't working. So, what's the work? Okay. The other thing that I saw in that book was the guy says, Hey, if you want to meet girls, you can just go out and hit on girls every day. Just walk down the street and flirt with every girl you see. And that hadn't occurred to me either. Right. I thought that was like not allowed. But in the book, it says, it's not illegal. It's not morally wrong, maybe not everybody does it, but it's perfectly okay to just hit on every girl you see. Because it's like exercising those muscles, like it's exercising the muscles of top. Because I tell my listeners that all the time, like smile at the
Starting point is 00:09:16 girl at the coffee shop, like take a different room over and talk to every woman that you see, like just say something, like it doesn't have to be that you want to like sleep with them, it could be lit a gram of it, but to start practice practice because you've been so much fear they've been shoved down they were rejected and they don't know how to talk so you're saying you went out there and you just yeah I mean that was all I needed to hear once they gave me the good night to do that I spent about eight months hitting on like between 10 and 20 women per day per day did you have a job I was only working like three hours a day. Oh, perfect.
Starting point is 00:09:45 So the rest of the day, you were just like, hey, hey, hey. Yeah. But all girls that you thought were here were some just like, I gotta like, feel like load up talking to girls. You know, at the time, I have to say my standards weren't terribly high. So I would talk to like any girl like between like, you know, 20 and like 40, as long as they weren't morbidly obese,
Starting point is 00:10:02 I would talk to them. Right. Okay, I don't want to say anything about this. So much more morbidly obese, you were not. You had to weed some more. A few, yeah, but I did talk to a lot of extremely attractive girls along the way. Like out of 20 girls that day, there would be like 10 or 12 that were cute and there would be like one or two
Starting point is 00:10:18 that were crazy hot. Wow, okay. So, you know, and there'd be a few, you know, average girls in the end, but that's fine. You know, I found that they didn't respond that much differently so they were good practice And this is like during the day like it starbox you just go up to them and start talking. I would do it At night and bars and I would do it during the day as well Okay, I was in New York and I would do it right on the subway like in the subway
Starting point is 00:10:38 And how would you know how would you be how was this talking to them different than how you talked to them and when you were in high school in college Well in high school in college I didn't talk okay. Okay. Got it you were mute. I was yeah I was just shy and I would like think about them a lot and try to come up with a plan and then not do anything, you know But what I would do is I would try different methods Here here's what the way I look at it. Okay Talking to women is a skill like any other skill. If you practice a lot, you will get good. It's just like playing a musical instrument. It's just like learning martial arts. It's just like learning to knit a sweater. There's a step-by-step process to it and once you
Starting point is 00:11:14 discover how that works, you will be good at it. Okay. So I said to myself, well I've learned a lot of skills in the past. You know when I was in high school, I was on the basketball team and they taught me an adrival. Right. And I played in a rock band, so I learned the guitar. Right. So know when I was in high school I was on the basketball team and they taught me how to dribble. Right. And I played in a rock band so I learned the guitar. Right. So I guess I can learn to talk to girls. Right. And that's a big part of what the whole pickup artist thing is about. Pick a bar is our group of guys who believe that it's possible to just form this skill and you practice and you get good. And it's kind of that simple at the beginning. So here's what I did. I tried out all these like goofy ideas. First thing I did was I just tried what people always said, they said,
Starting point is 00:11:51 oh, smile at her and tell her she's pretty and ask her to go on a date. So for the first like month, that's what I did. I was smiling girls and I'd say, I think you're really pretty and do you wanna go on a date with me. And that did not work at all. No girls don't want to hear that you know that doesn't work because like you think I'm pretty like do something totally different
Starting point is 00:12:10 and say something comments and something else but like I'm pretty you don't even and girls are so who are pretty girls are like I know you think I'm pretty yeah you got it. I'm like I get that. In my end I even world So I I cleverly Did used that that doesn't work after about a hundred tries and I tried something else. I tried um I would say hey where are you going? I would be on the train I'd say what you up to today where you going and that did not work either that's a work either no Okay, that was a catastrophe. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Both of these initial tries were a catastrophe. And like I said, I know a lot about psychology, so I tried to read into the brains of these girls and see why it didn't work. And I would watch their face and they would look at me and they would kind of like look into the air like I heard in the Similion Times before and they would lose interest and they would kind of turn their back. So after 200 rejections, I said, Will you keeping in notes of how many women you talked to?
Starting point is 00:13:09 No, I like to have fun with it. Right, right. I just go out and try to have fun with it. And I figured I would get rejected a lot and I was cool with that. Right. Yeah. So, I said, let me try this. Let me try to give them something they've never heard before.
Starting point is 00:13:24 And that was the turning point where it started to work. So I would try to come up with something that the girls never heard before, and that would get her intrigued. And then I would be being a conversation where I was talking for a few minutes. So and these things that women have never heard before, I actually wrote them all down and I put them all in a book. And the book is called Instant Attraction and we're going to give a free copy to all your listeners which we'll talk about.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Oh my god. They're serious. Keep we're gonna flip. Yes. These are what this is gonna work for you and you're giving it for free Yes, that's right. Okay, everyone keep listening. Okay, keep listening. We'll tell you how to get that later so I found all these things and actually I can give you some examples. Okay. Yeah, you know, I want it. I'm not I'm like dying I'm celebrating Okay, you want to do a few of them? Yeah, okay All right, let me give you an easy one and like a. Okay. Okay, you want to do a few of them? Yeah. Okay. Alright, let me give you an easy one and like a medium one.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Okay. Nothing too hard yet. Now you're going to hear some of this stuff and you might say that would never work, but I'm telling you, I've gotten laid a zillion times off this stuff and all my students who are beginners at this stuff, it works for them too. It's crazy. So I know this stuff's off the wall and I know you're gonna say, I could never say that, but just try to keep it open mind
Starting point is 00:14:28 because this stuff is actually what will get you laid. Okay. Okay, here's an easy point. All right. I might go up to a group of two, three girls, and I might say, hey, what's up guys? I just wanted to point out to you that all of us right here look stunning.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Mostly me, but you guys look okay too. Right. So the whole deal with that is the girls kind of think you're complimenting them in the beginning, but it turns out you're just being like kind of a cocky jerk. Right. Right. You're showing confidence and like I know that right. Yeah. So it's um, and then what happens? The girls are like are like I'm right because most guys are going high. You're pretty do you want to know my phone ever right right right? You're something different right some different and I'm pretty much you know putting myself on a little a little higher Pedestal than I'm putting One thing women hate is when you put them on a pedestal immediately when you first meet them That's a huge turn off. So that's just reiterate what that means. That means like if a guy consists of
Starting point is 00:15:27 these like you have the most beautiful eyes or Emily or you're stunning or I've been told this in my life by guys and I just ignore I those are never the guys that I go out with. Yeah that whole thing they call it going direct. It's something that men would like to believe in, but in reality, it doesn't work at all. And people will not like to do it. We are debunking all the myths here. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:15:52 If you tell a girl she's pretty, she's only gonna like you if you are extremely attractive and you have amazing game already. If you're already great and she already wants to have sex with you, you're pretty will work. She'll be like, great, thanks, you're hot. Let's go do it. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:05 You know, but for most guys who are, you know, average or even below average, because I was a below average guy doing this stuff. I'm not terribly physically attractive. When I was starting to learn, I had really poor body language. I didn't make eye contact. Well, I didn't have a cool style at clothing. I was just kind of tall and skinny and gauky.
Starting point is 00:16:23 And my looks were not helping me. So I had to kind of tall and skinny and gauky and my looks were not helping me. So I had to kind of overcome that. We'll get into it later too, but like how you dressed and how all that stuff changed all that. Yeah, you can change all that stuff. So here's another opener. It's a little a little harder, but this one actually works the best. I'm gonna give you guys the best best opener now. This one is called the Horse Girl Opener. Horse Girl. Horse Girl. Okay. Here's how it goes.
Starting point is 00:16:47 I would say to a girl, hey, do you like horses? Yeah. Okay, when I was in sixth grade, there was this girl and she loved horses more than anything. And she used to run around the playground and she would make horse noises and she would dress up like a horse every Halloween and she'd draw horses on her notebook. So we used to call her the weird horse girl and you look just like her. And the girl would say no I'm not the horse girl, whatever. Yes, I'm gonna say all right, all right, I don't know if you were an opt, just in case I want to tell you I'm sorry because I know I used to make funny you and in school I was like the bully and the cool kid.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Right. But I'm trying to be nicer now. So I'm so sorry can you ever forgive me for when I made fun of me and she's like I'm not the horse girl right then she's already interested in right she's like playing along it's basically a role play right where I play the part of the bully and the cool kid which is so not true by the way right throw in there so believe me like I was I was cool kid right right right you really weren't which I wasn't right and she's the nerdy girl so the reason I was really, really, really, really for a minute just confuse them and say, wait a minute, is this guy cool actually cooler than me? Right, right. Yeah. And it would just throw it off of the dynamic. Exactly. Yeah. But at the same time being nice, I'm saying,
Starting point is 00:18:14 oh, I'm sorry, I made fun of you. So I'm not being harsh or mean, I'm being attainable and I'm being nice, but I'm also kind of teasing a little bit. So there's a lot of psychology packed into these, these lines. And that's why when people use them, I say just read them out of the book and use them. You're not going to grasp all the subtle elements of persuasion and psychology on the first day. But anybody who's listening could go out and try that, you know, the first 10 times you'll just be getting the hang of it. Right. Like, don't worry if you don't sound like comfortable or whatever, but it'll come to you.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Yeah, and then after your packs it for a while, you'll actually get really good at it, and you'll be amazed that girls who would never normally talk to you will get intrigued by you. Right. You know? Okay, I love it. Any more? Oh man, I got a million of them.
Starting point is 00:18:57 I got a sell, okay. You know what I'm, I let people download it. So this will really come, so you want to give everyone this insurrection, and it has some of those lines in there, and stuff that have worked for you. Yeah, they're all in there. Okay, awesome. Okay. We've tested all of them. I've tested them myself, my coaches who work for me, I've tested them, and students have used them.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Okay. So we know that they all work for beginners. Right. And now here's the thing. Like pick up artists, people think like, oh, you're just trying to get laid. But what about a guy who just, like, this seems to be lately, like a lot of guys are just, just got out of a relationship, or women, you know, out of a relationship and they haven't dated a while. And they're kind of have the cold feet.
Starting point is 00:19:30 It's like a muscle that you, it's like atrofeat, like you haven't exercised that muscle. And so even if they're not like, I just want to, it's just, it's a good method that they could just use to just start talking to women again, like practice every day, like talk to 20 women a day. You will see 20 women today that you can talk to. Yeah, I mean, I think for most people, they're not gonna go that extreme. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:19:49 But even if you go out once or twice a week and you can go out with your friends and you just speak off for a little while and talk to like five women, you will actually learn a lot just by doing that. There's so many things that I realized when I was learning that I never would have believed before. Right, like what?
Starting point is 00:20:05 For example, most women that you see out and about, they're totally cool being hit on. Right. They're not going to yell or scream or call the cops on you. Right. They're used to it. I mean, Emily, you are an attractive woman. And you get hit on a lot? Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Are you used to it? Yes. Does it freak you out? No. I like it. It's good Yeah, I was like buying something the other day the girls just throw in the sky is like hey gluten free chick He followed me out because I was buying like gluten free bread So what's with the gluten free and I just was not interested in but you know my little ego Sure, that I got hit on yeah, yeah, so most women would agree with what you're saying
Starting point is 00:20:41 They're cool with it. They're not gonna call the cops. You're not a jerk for hitting on girls. It's a normal part of life that women are used to. Right. You're not going to get every girl, but you're not really going to get nothing bad will ever happen to you as a result of hitting on girls. It's a for rejection, which don't you do teach how to overcome that. Yes, I did. Because they're paralyzed, but like they don't want. Yes. Well, here's a deal with rejection. Rejection is completely harmless. Nothing bad will ever happen to you.
Starting point is 00:21:12 You're not going to die. You're not going to die. And it's part of the game. You have to be realistic. You're not going to get every girl. And if you're trying to get every girl, that's just delusional and you're not going to get anywhere. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:22 So you have to just get your first 25 rejections that all hurt really bad on an emotional level Right and then after that you you sort of like move beyond it and you just get more of a thick skin And you just stop caring. I think there's so many guys listening or like paralyze I just don't even want to go out. They don't want to ask. They don't want to you know do it So well once you get rejected a few times you'll feel it less and less and eventually it goes away I could go get rejected ten times in a row right now and I wouldn't feel bad at all. At all. I wouldn't even pay you.
Starting point is 00:21:50 The beautiful thing about this is that once you stop feeling that pain, you stop worrying about it and you feel so much freedom in your life. Not only with women, but in general, just the freedom to do what you want when you want to talk to people anytime anywhere to have that level of social skills. Most average people have a lot of social anxiety with all kinds of situations to talk to strangers. And so I teach people how to overcome social anxiety to feel more free and that attitude is magnetic. So many people, I have friends who have social anxiety like that's where they drink so much. That's a lot of people drink a lot is because they can't talk to people of the opposite sex So it's amazing that you have something that you can tissue below overcome social anxiety because I think that's a lot of what it is A lot of men dress towards women, but women have the same social anxiety around
Starting point is 00:22:37 Men and just going to a party like I don't want to go to party because I can't talk to anyone, you know Yeah, yeah, see The nice thing for women is that even if they won't talk to people, they'll probably still get late anyway, because men will hit on them. I know, that's what I said. I was like, you can get late any day you want. I wish I was a woman, you can get late any day you want. But you have a, you know, what if I can't find the guy that I want to look at you?
Starting point is 00:22:59 That's true, I can't. It would be good for women to lose that anxiety too. I have a series of exercises that I teach to people where they do the exercises and they get that ultimate freedom to do whatever they want socially. Really? What can you give a little teaser? Oh, yeah. It's on my website.
Starting point is 00:23:14 It's called How to Beat Approach Anxiety. How to Beat Approach Anxiety. Oh, beat it. Okay. And we give you a little seminar about approach anxiety, how it works, how to beat it, Okay. And we give you like, you know, a little seminar about a pro anxiety, how it works, how to beat it. And then there's these exercises like, for example, you go up and you say hi to three or four people, and then you go up and you tell somebody a joke, but you don't even know. You can actually do this. You can walk
Starting point is 00:23:38 up to people and say, Hey, why don't you hear a joke? Right. And they'll say, Okay, I'm just telling them a joke. Right. It works every time. Nothing bad happens. Nobody's going to punch you in the face because you told them a joke. But in the mind of a person who's socially anxious, we think it's going to be a disaster. Exactly. Yeah. And there's harder ones too.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Of course. But yes, that's the best. So you just said about that. So when people get in comp, okay, so your website is Right. And so people can check out your stuff there. Are you, do you teach, like, people can come see you and take the courses, or is it most of you? Yeah, I teach all over the world.
Starting point is 00:24:13 I've taught in Australia, Europe, America. I'm teaching in New York City this Saturday. And I teach in LA a lot. OK. I teach all the time. I also have guys who are good at this, who work for me, who are in stationed in some of these L.A. a lot. Yeah, teach all the time. I also have guys who are good at this who work for me who are in You know stationed in some of these cities. So anybody who wants to study can can shoot me out And what's the profile of the is is there a typical Brad P student?
Starting point is 00:24:35 Well, we get a lot of IT guys IT guys, yeah, okay. Yeah, because they sit in front of a computer all day and they don't get to socialize that much right? And all ages, right? Yeah, all they sit in front of a computer all day and they don't get to socialize that much. Right. And all ages, right? Yeah, all ages. Yep. We get all kinds, really all kinds of guys. We get guys who are immigrants sometimes, you know, a guy's from India, Asian guys. But we also get regular white guys.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Right, white guys just can't talk. Just can't talk to women. Yep. So, okay. I've had celebrities, you know, movie directors, people who actually have a lot of status will come to me as well Because Like I said in the beginning if you can't talk to a girl you can't get a girl no matter how Talk about a talk so okay, so that's part of the process. So what what about
Starting point is 00:25:19 Sex what do you teach men about sex? Well, I try to teach men that Sex and lead up to sex starts from the first word you say to a girl and There's a way to approach women so that they do see you as dominant and they don't see you as this friend zone guy So if a woman sees you as dominant from the beginning the sex is gonna be better a few hours later or whenever you actually end up doing a few days later in the normal world. Right. Exactly. Not in your world, but not in my world yet. So if you're projecting that dominance from the beginning, though a woman will be turned on on a mental level, even very early on. Yeah, our brain is the largest sex organ. That's right.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Women need to be turned on by our brains. Yes. If you turn a woman on the mental level, that is the largest sex organ. That's right. Women need to be turned on by our brains. Yes. If you turn a woman on the mental level, that is the beginning of everything. For example, a lot of women, when you first try to talk to them, they're going to try to shoot you down a little bit or test you. We call it testing. It's better than shooting down.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Yeah. So if a woman can't really put one over on you and she can't win and you're dominating all those tests She's gonna be kind of turned on by that on a mental level. She might not even realize in the beginning but Sexual attraction starts very early in a woman's subconscious before she even realizes that she's turned on So whereas guys like in a second you're'd bang her, I wouldn't bang her, I wouldn't bang her, but women, we're kind of like slow builds. We're like, oh, I didn't think he was maybe not, but oh, but now I'm getting turned on by like what he's saying,
Starting point is 00:26:53 what he's doing. Like, yeah, I'm like a slow build with guys too. There's many guys, I'm like, I never sleep with them and I'm like a bang animal. Yeah, yeah, it happens. And I think that's a very normal thing. When a woman first meets you She in her head she's not gonna have sex with you and then an hour later
Starting point is 00:27:09 She's like I'm not gonna have sex with this guy. I'm not gonna have sex with this guy and then the third hour She's I want to have sex with this guy and a lot of that Psychological shift is actually subconscious right so what I teach men is how to massage the subconscious so that the woman's decision process changes. Because the decision to have sex with a guy is an emotional decision. It's not a logical decision. And there's a certain amount of emotional connection that you can build, or emotional arousal that you can build, that will make a woman want to have sex with you that
Starting point is 00:27:46 Well, you got to dominate them verbally, mentally, physically socially there's many kinds of dominance And that's the beginning of it and then there's the actual four-play part Do you teach guys actual technique? Oh, yeah, what? Like tell me, I want to see if you're just having a good technique. OK, cool. Sex with Emily. Sex with Emily, that's right. So let's talk sex.
Starting point is 00:28:09 What I teach guys is to touch one in a lot in the beginning, and then kind of always like pull back a little so that she starts wanting more. T's. Yeah, T's. You've got to let her want more. And then you touch her again. She's wanting more.
Starting point is 00:28:22 And then when you actually start taking her clothes off, you want to do it a little bit slower than she wants you to, so that allows the desire to build up in her. So true. Like, can I tell you, like, side note, men, not even a side note, this is this is this relates. I feel like maybe at the beginning guys do that, but I feel that men tend to just like rip your clothes off. And they don't, I don't even know of guys who are the first time, but they're so excited. They go, and I think it's because a lot of guys
Starting point is 00:28:51 are so used to rejection. They're like, fuck, she might change her mind. She might change her mind. I gotta get my clothes off quickly. I'm gonna get her clothes off really quickly. And the women like to be seduced. I want a guy to undress me slowly. Like it's like a dream.
Starting point is 00:29:00 I've been talking about this for a year and they're like, well some guys, please just undress me slowly. I was dating this guy. I was dating this guy for a while like a few years ago and maybe the first time he dressed me, then then it got to the point where we'd like brush her, you know, we already met, say to her like brush her teeth, get back, he's like, why are you close to her? And like, why aren't you taking my clothes on? Dick, you know, but whatever. So you teach men to actually slowly undress women, which is, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Whatever so you teach men to actually slowly under us women which is yeah guys do this Why I'm no one listen I say slow cook them slow cook Slowly and rest within you stop and you go you go a little out of order like I think most guys want to like make out Then grab a boob and then take your pants off them finger I have sex with her. Yeah, which is very linear. It's so linear Yeah, I'm like I know you're gonna try to be a little bit. I even check on my pants Oh really preparing to go to my pants. This is a big shock there like it's so annoying Women like it to be a little more like oh my god. What's he gonna do exactly what's gonna happen exactly? You can teach guys this yeah, I have a million guys to send you yeah
Starting point is 00:30:00 My ass here. Okay, so tell me tell me so okay, so you teach them to slowly like so for example So she's wearing jeans and a t-shirt. You're like sitting on the couch. You've already got into that point like what would you? Well, let's say I was I might kiss a girl on the neck for a little while before I ever kiss her on the lips Especially if it's a girl who is I'm seducing and I haven't actually you know, we've never done it before Kissed on the neck. Yeah, because kissing on the lips is actually extremely intimate for someone you just met. Right. But kissing on the neck is like, a girl doesn't really have to do anything.
Starting point is 00:30:34 All she has to do is kind of sit there passively. Right, and we like the neck just thing. But can you ever find a do-fine woman you don't like to be kissed on the neck? Not very much, no. No, they all like that. I love it. Yeah. It never happens.
Starting point is 00:30:44 I don't get anything I want. Oh, man. I know it's a problem. I'm just gonna drop you in the pickup mansion. Shark tank. You should have told me. I do it. I do it. I want to meet these guys. Perfect. So, so it'll allow a woman to adjust to the fact that, hey, this is becoming like a physical interaction. This is a sexual escalation. And she's sitting there not doing anything and taking the passive role, which is actually something women like. It's the man's responsibility to move things forward, to take action, and it's a woman's responsibility to kind of just be along for the ride. You can't expect a woman to make the first move in anything. No, don't assume she's going to, I know so many guys who are like, I didn't know she'd like me, she told me years later, I didn't know she liked me she told me years later I should have made a move and they didn't and I always say to guys when in doubt make a move right
Starting point is 00:31:28 because if you make a move and it fails that's so easy to recover right it's really no damage not now damage yeah I tell us all the time like just try to kiss her why not yeah yeah I have a story about this okay tell me all right years ago I met this girl and she's she was super cute and I was trying to have sex with her and she kept rejecting me, right? I would try a kisser and she wouldn't do it then she would kiss me for a little while and then that was it and I think I tried like 10 or 12 times in like a day, you know, in a matter of like an hour or two. Right. And the whole thing is, you know, when she rejects me, I don't hurt by that because to me, that's a normal part of this reduction process.
Starting point is 00:32:07 The man should persist, the woman should resist. A lot of times women see that as part of foreplay. I'm gonna say, oh no, oh no, and that's like turning a girl on more. Right. You know, obviously we're gonna, you know, stop when she says to stop, but we're gonna try again five minutes later. Okay. So we'll always try again five minutes later, and she would say, she said after it was all over, she said, you know what I like about you? I rejected you so many times, but you kept trying. You didn't complain about it like a big baby.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Isn't that so? Wow, yeah. This is an eventually did you see with you? Yeah. Yeah, she did. Okay, kept so keep would you advise that to men though to keep trying? Yeah, what I would advise I kind of like go down like I usually like no, no, you know, she would just be like okay, that's enough It was a gentle But after was like okay, all right enough already, you know, but I just the way it works is
Starting point is 00:33:04 Women find this process of persistence and resistance arousing. So you have to participate it. Do not say, okay, that's the first time she resisted. I'm going home. Right. If a woman really doesn't want you, she will take herself out of the situation. She'll either go home or she'll tell you to go home. Right. So if she's still there, that is your proof that she wants you to try again. Okay. Women want you to try again. So when she says no,
Starting point is 00:33:30 stop for five minutes, talk about something else, and then try again. Keep trying over and over until she either has sex with you or she goes home. Right. Okay. And we have a name for this technique. We call this rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat.
Starting point is 00:33:45 OK. Keep trying. You know, work for you. All right. She said, I think so many guys really go, hey, they'd be terrified. They'd be, you know, fearful because she said, no, I'm just going to stop and that's it.
Starting point is 00:33:54 But you're saying that women want you to keep trying. They want you to keep trying. I'm trying to think if that's true. I'm not that it's not true. But I'm trying to say. On a subconscious level. Right. If she didn't want you to keep trying,
Starting point is 00:34:04 she would go home. Right. Right. Or I wouldn't go out with you again. Right. I'd put you in. On a subconscious level. Right. If she didn't want you to keep trying, she would go home. Right. Right. Or I wouldn't go out with you again. Right. I'd put you in the friend zone. Exactly. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Mm-hmm. Or she wouldn't meet you in a private place. Right. She'd say, let's go to Starbucks. Right. If she didn't want you to try. That's true. On a subconscious level.
Starting point is 00:34:20 If you asked 50 women, do you want a guy to keep trying when you say you don't want them? Right. They're all going to say no. Exactly. But on a subconscious level, which is where all the action is actually happening in the subconscious, on some level, they do want you to try again. Because they'd go home if they didn't want you to. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:34 That's good. So we're not, okay, so sex, so to undress them slowly, tease them, make them think it's not gonna happen. Be like, I don't know, I don't know if we're gonna do this. Do you really do that? Sure, yeah. Come on. I don't know if we're gonna do this. Do you really do that? Sure, yeah. I do. I even girls have been sleeping with. Yeah. You're like, I don't know if we're gonna do this tonight. I don't know Maybe not tonight babe, but at the same time I'm like rubbing their clip. Right. So you know, wow, you still do it even Once you got to be still playing the game. Sometimes. Okay, because you got to keep it unpredictable with girls that you have an ongoing thing with right? Okay, let me get bored easily so easily. Yeah, so you got to give them something different
Starting point is 00:35:07 Just like opening you give them something they haven't seen before right? And they're like what do you mean you don't want me tonight? Do I like my ass effect? Right, well women they respond well to a mixed message, right? So I'll like F up Let me give you the psychology behind this okay Women have conflicting drives and urges. They want multiple things at the same time, and actually men are like this too, so men are no better.
Starting point is 00:35:34 A woman wants a boyfriend, wants to have sex with a stranger, wants to still be a virgin, and wants to never have sex again, and wants to suck five dicks in a gangbang. She wants all those things in her head, She wants all those things at the same time. It's just a matter of which one's coming to the surface and overpowering the other. You mean like some of those obviously are fantasies or right? Yeah, some of those are fantasies. Yeah. And she might never take action. Like some girls will at one point in the day say I'm not going to have sex for four months. And then six hours later she's at a bar getting a little tipsy and she's like, I'm gonna call out my ex for sex. Right. So, oh my god, all the time.
Starting point is 00:36:08 You have one drink and yeah, you need to give yourself one to your friends. I'm like, don't drink a dial. Yeah, it's so true. I've done that. I actually went on the, I did not have sex for six months with men. I think as long as I'd ever gone. And I did it. It was called a mandatory, I'm like a moratorium, but it was a mandatory, and I gave with men. I think it was the longest I'd ever gone. And I did it. It was called a Manatorium, like a moratorium, but it was a Manatorium and I gave up men. Very interesting. And I actually did it. Yeah, I learned a lot. But that's a whole other podcast.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Okay. So women, so they tell you. They want different things all at the same time in their brain. So it's a higher level of communication if you're actually able to fulfill multiple wants at the same time. So I might say to a girl, we're not having sex tonight while rubbing her clip because it sort of overloads their circuits a bit. It teases them while at the same time satisfying them. Right. And that's
Starting point is 00:36:55 what we kind of want to do when we're seducing women. We want to overload their circuits so that they can't really think logically anymore because logic doesn't go along with seduction. You don't want women to think logically when you're turning them on because if she's thinking logically she's gonna say sex is wrong, sex is bad, my mom told me I shouldn't have sex with people until I'm married and my grandmother told me don't suck a dick as long as you live, right? So that's logical side. So you want to communicate with women on an emotional level because it's an emotional decision So you want us kind of you know
Starting point is 00:37:28 Communicating emotionally is an art form and We can't get totally into it, but um Let's just say it's not about what you say. It's about what you don't say. It's about the underlying implications behind what you say Women will read between the lines. That's how they communicate. They don't believe you when you say, I don't want to have sex with you. They're saying, oh, he's just saying that
Starting point is 00:37:52 because he wants to have sex with you. So, for example, if you're in the final stages of a seduction and a woman, you're walking into her apartment. It's very common for a woman to say, hey we're going to my place but don't think that that means we're having sex. We're not. I said that. Yeah. So the way you interpret that is it actually means that she's actually thinking of having sex
Starting point is 00:38:17 and she wants to but she's trying to prevent herself from doing that because that would be slutty and girls don't want to be sluts, right? So to emotionally communicate with that, you might say something like, um, I was just about to tell you the same thing. Hmm, because she feels rejected in a way, because she felt, she felt his art by you. Of course he wants to bond me and then you're like, no, she feels a little rejected, but she's also very confused at why somebody would say that. She probably never heard a guy say that before, and when a woman becomes confused,
Starting point is 00:38:49 she actually becomes more suggestible and more persuadable. How do you just figure all this stuff out? Would you like women up to EG or whatever seems something like, how, okay, hot, yeah. I mean, it's some dark psychology. So dark, this is so dark,. I want everyone to have sex. So, OK.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Yeah, and I believe that, you know, I treat women very well. And most of the women I've ever dated have said I'm the nicest guy I've ever dated, because I'm really nice to men. But I only employ these like more psychological strategies because I want to give them what they want. Right. And women like to self-sabotage. And women are programmed by our society to not have them what they want. Right. And women like to self-savotage.
Starting point is 00:39:25 And women are programmed by our society to not have the sex they want. I'm going to give women the sex they want, and I want to teach men to give women the sex they want. Yes, please. Women do not get the sex they want. That's right. And I've gotten thousands of women laid by my students,
Starting point is 00:39:38 and I've made thousands of women happy. And that's really what my goal is. So yeah, it's a little, you know, some of it is this dark psychology persuasion. But yeah, it's a little, you know, some of it is this dark psychology of persuasion, but ultimately it's all with good intentions. It's all in the name of, let's have more sex everybody. Let's have great sex everybody. Right.
Starting point is 00:39:53 You know? Okay, so when you teach them, so you're teaching them so down, what do you feel like? What are the biggest mistakes that men are making that you see men making sexually? Because they must report back to you, like, had her in the room, the lights were dimmed,
Starting point is 00:40:06 you were seeing the couch, you made out, and then bam, next thing I know I'm out the door. Like, what are some of the mistakes that you find that men make? Well, a lot of men just don't believe in themselves and don't keep trying. That's the biggest mistake. They get one rejection and then they say, okay, that's it.
Starting point is 00:40:22 With the woman, okay. Right, that's a big mistake. Another one is, a lot of men don't pull the trigger. Like they have a woman, she's interested. It's time to make out with her. It's time to make a move. And they don't make a move. That's probably the number one big move.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Because they're afraid, why? They're afraid, right? Yeah, I don't want to get rejected. Make the move. If you're doubting, if you should make the move, if you're thinking about too much, you should probably make it. Yeah, when I was learning I
Starting point is 00:40:47 Lost a lot of girls this way and I reached a point where I said I'm gonna be too aggressive right and If I lose a few girls being too aggressive fine Once I tried to be what I thought was too aggressive women were so much more excited about me, right? It's true. I mean I gotta say like as a pro've told the story, but I try to think about my history and like, the guys that I've met so many guys in my life dated many men, and I'm kind of thinking, what was it like, where I, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:13 I've met guys at bars and supermarkets, through mutual friends, at dinner parties, at the movies, I met concerts everywhere, but what was it about that guy? Because I'm a woman who gets, does get hit out of life. Yeah. What was it? And it was, and I'm telling you, I us get hit on a lot. Sure. What was it? And it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:41:26 And I'm telling you, I don't date the best looking guys in the world. It's not like because he was so hot and whatever. In fact, I'm one of these women to think of guys like too hot that is dumb. Sure. I think he's kind of an idiot, which is wrong because people could see that I'm dumb. No, I don't, I can't even open up. I don't think that dumb, Emily. Clearly.
Starting point is 00:41:43 I'm smart. So I think it's like guys who have, like I remember this guy who's still very cute, the baby daddy to my dog. Okay. We broke up 10 years ago, we're best friends. But what he did say to me, and this sounds like you're probably gonna think this is cheesy. Or no, you wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:41:56 But this worked for me. I met him three times, and I didn't remember. And every time I met him, he was like, what's my name? I'm like, oh God, there's the guy that's gonna ask him what his name is, because I met him, he was like, what's my name? Oh, God, there's the guy that's going to ask him what his name is, because I met him at a party at least in the same time. And he was so nervous, he talked to me,
Starting point is 00:42:10 and he's like, I'm John, what's my name? He didn't even realize he said that. And I'm like, oh, John! So good to see you again. So I was like so relieved. And then he said to me, what if you could have, and I was obviously like, then I was like interested, I don't know, he said to me, what if you could have the best night of your life tonight?
Starting point is 00:42:27 And it was, but you'd forget everything, but tonight would be the most interesting night. We were like in this club or whatever, and the way he said it, and the way he talked me, I was like, I was like, I don't know, and then it didn't treat me. It sounds so silly, but then like I ended up dating him for whatever to you. Right, I met him three times and didn't remember who he was, but he just started talking to me as a random at this club with music, and I'm more of a talker. I want to be stimulated and I want to think of something cool, and to me that was cool.
Starting point is 00:42:52 I was really good at that. What up? I'm going to go on. That's stimulating to the imagination. That's stimulating to the imagination. I'm such a mind simulator. I was like, oh wow, could that really happen? And then I was like, what's his plans?
Starting point is 00:43:02 I guess he really could just think, because I'm such a... I'm so spontaneous, and I'm like, wow, we're gonna go do something really cool. And then, you know, Canada being kind of boring after that. No, he was fine. No, he's great. So, um, yeah, I think about the guys who, yeah,
Starting point is 00:43:15 they all are, say something interesting or do something interesting to get my attention. They're not doing the typical, like, you know, what do you do for living where do you live? That's what you never wanna do. You never wanna say where do you live. What else don't we never wanna do do for living where do you live? That's what you never want to do. You never want to say where do you live. What else don't we never want to do? Never say where are you from unless the girl asks you first because this is what we call
Starting point is 00:43:32 in my business we call report seeking. Report seeking. Report seeking. That's when you try to get into rapport with a woman just to sleep there and you say so where are you from? Okay, what do you do? Okay, where do you live? And then you try to get her number. So girls are so bored of that. They like so bored.
Starting point is 00:43:49 So the only time you can talk about those three topics is if the woman brings it up first because it women just This is so good because most guys are like where you from? That's what they ask where do you live? That's fine. If you're a really hot attractive guy, that's gonna work But for a woman who's like not so sure you if you're just an average guy they're gonna say up this is a guy who wants to ask me three questions then try to take my number and sleep with me. Right. So women are very suspicious of guys who ask those questions. That's so true. Yep. Okay. Yeah. So those are the questions not to ask. And then okay, so what are there some of the key messages? So we're gonna give people.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Okay, so all they do they're gonna messages? So we're gonna give people okay So all they do they're gonna go to your site. Yeah, if they want and they're gonna get the Interaction what what what's this about? Why don't you let this it's all the conversation starters? Oh my god guys are always emailing me like what's the number one? Start like what's a person ask and you know because you've tested right? We we tested it. Anybody who wants to know, how do I start a conversation with a woman? This is a book that will tell you how to do it. Not only will it teach you to start a conversation,
Starting point is 00:44:52 it's also gonna teach you that rejection isn't that bad. It's harmless. It's gonna teach you how to adopt a new set of behaviors that women will actually be turned on by. And it will keep you out of the friend zone. That is such a big one. Yes. That's just guys I have put so many men in the friend zone and I um yeah because it is in do for me. Sure. Men listen to me now. Do not go in the friend zone. It is a waste of your time. If you waste hours of your life being some girl's friend and driving her around or being her little
Starting point is 00:45:25 buddy, she tells her problems, right? You will never get late because she will waste all your time doing all that stupid stuff. Eventually though, she doesn't, we want you to listen to us though. But yeah, we can, yeah, that's fine, but not in the friend zone. Listen as a guy she's turned on by, a guy who's in the boyfriend zone or the seducer zone. Okay. As a friend zone guy, if you're listening, you're wasting your time.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Okay. Once you're in the friend zone, there's no way out. Never, because any guy ever in the history of the planet got out of the friend zone? Nope, not never, not once. Never. Okay, good to know. If you're in the friend zone, you're not getting out, move on.
Starting point is 00:46:02 I've even emailed from a listener that I want to be to you. Yes, this is like perfect It's called asking a girl out. How do I approach woman? Okay? Do you have Emily? Any advice for guys who are afraid to ask women out? Concern they might seem out of line too forward growing up in San Francisco during the 70s was not great for a man Sense of masculine self hearing what pigs men are San Francisco's a whole different planet. I got it. I choke all the time even when I know a woman is into me. It's like a clockwork orange treatment. Thanks George. Ouch. It's like George has it got some pain around the side. He's got some pain and San Francisco I have to say that a lot of people do say like
Starting point is 00:46:39 like check your balls with the golden gay brain. Seriously and to LA. Everyone knows this, or I'm here temporarily, but I think I'm saying, but it is true that a lot of men they become a little softer in San Francisco and women are, I don't know why it is, we're aggressive, we're tough. Guys do not ask you out in San Francisco. It's a tough place. Like women, it's clicky, they say,
Starting point is 00:47:00 I live there was a lot of them, I don't see this because I don't know, but people, it's tricky, it's hard to approach a lot of them and groups of friends, they don't want to talk. So what does he do? George, what does he do? This is an interesting question because he's actually talking all about the whole feminist thing, which I think is really fascinating.
Starting point is 00:47:18 I'm like very pro women and pro feminists. And to me, the feminist movement is ultimately about equal pay for equal work. And it's about, you know, being able to get some time off from work when you're pregnant and giving birth to children. And I think those are the big things that it's really about. Feminism has been misunderstood by a lot of people. And a lot of people think it means men and women should be equal for everything. But that's not what it was originally intended for. It was intended for voting rights,
Starting point is 00:47:49 equal pay for equal work, and stuff like that. In the dating world, men and women are not equal. We are different. It doesn't mean one is better or worse, but there are gender roles that you have to accept if you're going to be successful at dating. Women generally will not make the first move. It doesn't matter how many glorious, dynam lecturers a woman attends, she still will not suddenly grow the ability to make the first move. Women are instinctually averse to that action. There's nothing that can change that. As a man, you have to get more in touch with your masculinity, get more dominant. Be a man.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Don't be a woman. Don't expect women to do it for you. And you pretty much have to take the bull by the horns and you have to go for it. So what George needs is a whole mental shift to start believing that there's nothing wrong with hitting on women. In fact, as a man, it's your job to hit on women. You're supposed to be out there hitting on women. That's what women want you to do.
Starting point is 00:48:46 If you don't hit on women, they can't get laid. And women want to get laid very badly. They want sex so much. Women are super horny. All they can do is stand around and look pretty and hope a guy hits on them. That's generally how women go about getting laid. So if you're not going to hit on them,
Starting point is 00:49:03 even though they've done their part, they've dressed up and stood somewhere waiting, you have to do your part. Now, as far as I'm being out with a group of friends, that's a good point also. A lot of men are intimidated by talking to groups of women, but what you got to remember is even the women in that group want to get laid. We all want to get laid. They all want to get laid, right? So you can hit on a woman right in front of her friends as long as you're willing to talk to the other woman along the way.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Right, that is huge. And that I can't tell you how big that is that I feel like, first of all, I know that I've read some of what you guys do. It's like, don't talk directly to the hacker. I'll talk to the lesson hacker. Oh, that's a whole different method. I think you should talk to all of them. I think when a guy is so rudely just talking to me, let's see if I find him attractive, but I'm with my girlfriends and he's only talking to me. I don't, I'm turned off by him because I'm like, you're obviously just in my friends. They're feeling insecure, bad because I have some girlfriends
Starting point is 00:50:00 who hate going out with me because I think guys hit on me all the time and I feel bad. I care about my girls and I'm like, I don't want this to be a thing and then I just ignore them. So talking to the other women is important. It's very important. So many guys don't have that because we can't believe they're talking to the girl they wanted to. They're forgetting what else is around them. You got it.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Yeah. It's awkward if you talk to one girl and leave all the other girls out. It makes the girl your talking to feel uncomfortable. It makes the friends feel uncomfortable. But it's actually very easy to just talk to all the girls. Like for example, if you're doing these same openers, I just said like horsegirl for example, you can say that to four girls. You could say, hey guys check this out, I got to ask I got to ask her something. Do you like horses? And
Starting point is 00:50:38 oh when I was in sixth grade there was this girl. You guys went to sixth grade right? There was this girl who loved horses, she loved them so much. And you just address it to the whole group. You talk to your girl that you like, but you talk to her friend and the next girl on the left and you just address all of them. If you can do that, which is very simple to do, it'll go fine.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Because they want to be entertained. We went to the bar and meet guys. That's where we're all sitting there at the table. We're not just like, you've got times we're catching up, but you know, let them just like, we're single. That's where we're there. And we the table. We're not just like you lots times we're catching up But you know let them like if we're single that's over there. I mean, I think it's horrible place to me In such a new San Francisco guys do not hit on me that much, but here it's been better Los Angeles The guys are doing it more. Yeah, I've actually They must be all your students
Starting point is 00:51:16 Ha ha ha maybe I've students in San Francisco too. I've taught there many times and we go out It's different isn't it? I didn't find it to be that much differently Honestly, we went out and hit on girls. We use the same openers the same techniques and everywhere people got laid and it was Same stuff, okay, because a woman's brain is the same no matter what location she's in that's true That's true. That's true. You need it. So I'm with a girl brain. Oh my god. It's so different. What a okay? So talk about your pickup mansion. Oh, okay We were doing this thing where we basically brought in guys to like living a house for a year and a year.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Yeah, because here's the thing. I can't stress this enough. Learning to pick up girls and be good with women, it's hard work. It is hard work. The bummer is that a lot of guys look at their best bodies, they're like, you never has a problem, and they resent that it's work for them.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Okay, now the thing about that is those guys make it look easy, but those guys have already put in the hard work. Right. Nobody just knew it right off the bat easily. Even if they put in the hard work when they were 16 and learn this stuff, they all had to put in the work to learn it. I learned from some guys who are natural and these guys were sleeping with all kinds of you know, chicks and strippers and dancers and all this. And those guys, when and strippers and dancers and all this. And those guys, when I get their story, they would say, I was bad with women and I worked out for two years.
Starting point is 00:52:30 So anybody who's listening, I wonder if some of the new guys who worked on it. You never know. You never know. If you've slept with them, they're probably guys who have worked on it. All guys have to work on it to some extent. See, that's a really important message. When guys just think it's going to come to them or I'm, you know, just going out there asking them, I didn't meet anyone tonight. I just feel like I'm so sick and tired of
Starting point is 00:52:51 people complaining that they live in the worst town of Dayton and they can't meet anyone and they're online dating or they're dating. It's because you have to like work on yourself as well. That's right. And it's not just going to come to you. It's not people are get so down about it, whether you're no matter if's not just going to come to you. It's not people are get so down about it, whether you're no matter if you're just going through divorce and you're short of dating end or you're never dated in your life or no matter what stage you are, it's something that you have to work on. I think that's an important message. Yeah, part of it is working on yourself. Right. And part of it is actually talking to women and learning that skill.
Starting point is 00:53:21 You can't just one day pick up a tennis racket and suddenly be awesome at tennis. It doesn't work that way. You've got to practice for a couple months, maybe a couple years, depending on how good you want to be. And it's the same with learning to meet women. You got to start at the beginning and learn it nice and slow and thorough and enjoy it. It's a very fun journey. This is, you know, a few rejections here and there. You eventually realize it's harmless, but once you start talking to girls and hot girls who you never thought you could get are just talking to you and flirting with you and touching you and you're making out with girls and you're sleeping with girls that you just met on the street or in the mall or at a bar.
Starting point is 00:53:57 You'll be so happy that you put in a few months of work. Right. So there are these guys with a mansion for a year. It doesn't have to be a year? They like live in LA and they... Yeah, we sometimes have people in for less than an hour. Okay, and they learn and they're training and they're learning it and they're doing it. Yeah, most guys, you know, that's a pretty extreme thing for people who are pretty far along. Yeah, most guys come in and take a weekend workshop or one day workshop. We can take it out for a couple of days and just, you know, I will actually go out and hit on girls in front of you. You can watch me do it. I do it all the time and people watch it and they watch and learn. Even hit on me yet.
Starting point is 00:54:30 I haven't hit on you yet because we're having a very professional. But those of you who can't see, I'm now touching Emily. He touched me. That was really, yeah. He can softly tell her. He's doing the whole thing and just take up thing about touch. Like, if she touches you, it means that she likes you or something or if you touch her. Isn't there like something about touch?
Starting point is 00:54:46 What's the rules? The rules are that you have to touch a girl or she will not be attracted to you. Like how's it going? It depends if you're in a high energy environment or low energy environment. Oh God, so technical. Yeah, sure, like in a bar or a club or a place that's loud,
Starting point is 00:55:06 you have to touch a girl pretty much immediately as you start talking. If you don't do that. But don't not an abreast. No, no. Just on the shoulder, on the elbow, just so she can feel somebody is there and is talking to her. If you don't touch her right away, she will not listen to you.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Because it's not enough stimulation to overcome all the loud music and the booze and the her friends and all the visual stimulation. So you have to touch in those circumstances. If it's a middle of daytime and you're at Starbucks, you don't really have to touch right away. But you know a minute or two in, a little touch on the shoulder. It's a little touch, it's the little. You know, and that shows that you're interested. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Because I'm very touchy-fuely, so I think I'd send out the wrong message because a lot of guys think I want to sleep with them, but I'm'm very touchy-fuely, so I think I sent out the wrong message because a lot of guys think I want to sleep with them, but I'm really just touchy-fuely. But for men, it's kind of an important thing that they're supposed to do. Okay, so Brad P. I love this. So is his website. And if you... I think you're so awesome that you offer this to my listeners, like I think if you're interested in any of this, if you are in any stage of dating at all, even if you're in a relationship, I mean who knows, right? Like there's still stuff to learn from your messaging. Yeah, yeah. And he's gonna
Starting point is 00:56:18 give away, which is so cool, this free book instant attraction. Brad slash Emily. That's right. Brad P dot com slash Emily. That's right. Brad P dot com slash Emily. If you go to that web page, this is only for Emily's listeners. So most people don't really even know that this web page exists. Don't tell people. Don't tell us is only for friends of Emily. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:38 And you go there, we'll give you the book for free. It normally costs $39. So get a $39 ebook for free. You can download it and read it right away. You'll be reading it minutes later. And I have a lot of other stuff that we can introduce you to as well. We have this 10-minute reduction thing. Okay. A lot of people find interesting. Yeah, yeah. I mean, what is it? 10-minute reduction is a method that I learned from a guy who's unnatural. He is talented with women and actually I found out he had to learn if he learned it when he's younger.
Starting point is 00:57:11 Oh my god, I'm dying to know what that means. Tell me what to do. He can he can walk up to girls and they'll chat for three or four minutes and then he walks away and they go into like a public restroom or any like private space and they have a sexual escapade. Seriously? Yes. Are they really good looking guys? Are they? He's a weird looking guy to be honest with you. What the hell does he say? That is the question everybody wanted to know. I've never done that. Like if this guy came to me I'd be banging him in the fucking star, but I'm a spathroom or something.
Starting point is 00:57:48 I mean, it's not like it works every time, but it does. Basically what it comes down to is a lot of women do have a fantasy about meeting a stranger and having a sexual interaction with her. That is one of the top fantasies women have is meeting a stranger. Right. And doing it really quick and then never talking again. And it's a fantasy of men as well. So this guy who I learned from, he goes, we used to call him the Pharemone kid. He was like a friend of my friends, because I'd say, what is he doing? And they would say,
Starting point is 00:58:16 he's the Pharemone kid. It's just the Pharemones, you know, it's kind of a joke. Right. But he actually has like a very specific set of things that he says. He says he's certain things to him. And it makes them feel like this guy is safe to just have a quick sexual thing. Is he some sketchy? Does he have condoms on him? I hope so. I mean he it's not like you have sex every time. Sometimes it's like some fingering or whatever. But he he creates sort of like fingering or whatever, but he creates sort of like whole scenario where it becomes Acceptable just to have some quick sex and nobody will find out and
Starting point is 00:58:55 It's very like non-committal like the woman doesn't feel like she's committing to doing anything really So it's exciting for a woman and at the same time it's very safe for a woman because this guy the firm on kid He's actually super polite with the women he talks to. Like my whole thing, I teach this horse girl thing and I'm stunning but you're not and that stuff's not really polite. It's kind of cocky and you're kind of a jerk but it's funny. But the Firmone Kid, he teaches like a really polite method that's very sexual and in a few minutes you're just getting it on with these girls. Wow, and you teach this as well. This is a pretty advanced thing, and it's not something you can really teach to people live.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Like, people have to actually absorb the pharamon kids' method, and really teach it. Wow. I've done it at workshops a lot, but it's so specialized that some people aren't into it. And if it's a group workshop, and one guys into it and four guys aren't, I can't really always teach it. Logistically. But I have done it at workshop many times. I mean, there's reviews all over the internet.
Starting point is 00:59:54 People have seen me do this thing. OK. Yeah. This is fascinating. So I think that for all the guys that own my sex of them, e-listeners, I think women, do you ever teach women at all? Have you ever...
Starting point is 01:00:05 I have a little bit. I've had like girls come in who want to have three swims with their boyfriends or girls who are really listening. Yeah, that's a little bit. Very rarely, you know. Right. But women need this stuff too, how to talk to guys and how to play it. The women who can't, you know.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Yeah, I'm actually not really an expert in that. I don't think. We're going to be talking more this month. People who are experts with women, but I think this is fascinating. I love all the stuff that you do Brad P dot com slash Emily check it out Get your free gift instant attraction Yes, and I want to thank everyone for listening to sex with Emily I want to thank our sponsors good vibes go to good vibes dot com use coupon code gv20
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Starting point is 01:01:15 Over 200 things you can try tonight. But just put it on my website, That's where everything's happening. Sign up for a mailing list, fill in me. Twitter, sex with the Emily, Facebook, sex with Emily. And do you have any Twitter, Facebooky things? Oh, yeah. Mine all that stuff. It's all okay. It's a
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