Sex With Emily - SWE- How to meet someone

Episode Date: March 5, 2013

Emily gives you the low-down on lube and why it makes sex that much better. But before you lube up, you may or may not need to find a partner. Emily and her cohost Menace give tips for meeting someone... outside the bar. You might just find your next GF/BF at the laundromat. In other news, Menace tried Viagra, got waxed, and now it’s time for him to get his penis P-jazzled (decorated with rhinestones). Emily tells you how to send a naked photo, how to count condoms to see if he's cheating, and when it's time to hire a private investigator. Emily also answers listeners questions about sex toys for men, slowly undressing women, and fantasizing about someone else while having sex. Use coupon code Emily25 at checkout for 25% off your purchase at Max4Men. Use coupon code GVEmily20 at checkout for 20% off purchases of $100 or more at Good Vibrations. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Look into his eyes Then the eyes of a man obsessed by sex Eyes that mark our sacred institutions Betrubized they call them in a fight on me. Hey, Emily You got a boyfriend because my man E here. He just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute The girls got a hair stand. Oh my the The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean like laundry?
Starting point is 00:00:26 It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm off here so... Oh, god. Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. Listen guys, I know beards and stubble are back in style these days, but so is man-scaping. So get your act together down there, if you're into that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:00:56 And if you are cleaning up your man-for-us, it's absolutely essential that you take care of your skin. That's why Max4MEN has a whole line of male shaving products that you can use all over your body, even your face. They make shave cream, after-shape balms, and colognes that not only smell great in condition your hair and skin, but are fair-money infused so you get that extra dash of sex appeal. So if you want to look sharper and increase that natural magnetism of yours, check out That's the number four and support the people who help keep sex with Emily free. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:01:29 You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information about sex with Emily, go to where you can listen to our podcast, send it for our mailing list. You can also find me on Facebook and Twitter at Sex with Emily and you can also find my new iPhone app, Kegel Camp. I've been getting so much response, people are actually doing their Kegel exercises because you know when you're an app, you don't know. I'm hoping everyone would do their Kegels because it's so important for better sex for men and women, and people are actually not only the downloading it, but they are emailing me
Starting point is 00:02:00 suggestions, how to improve it, that it's changed their lives, so you should check that out. Today's show, we will be reading your emails that you sent to feedback at Some topics include fantasizing to orgasm, a woman writes in about fantasizing to make us have orgasm, sex toys for men, sex in the shower, and erection issues, plus sex in the news, and all about loob. We're gonna get into some lob later, some Loub tips,
Starting point is 00:02:26 the best Loubs, why you need to use Loub. And I'm here with the White Menace. Hi, how you doing? I'm good, how are you? I'm good, what's going on with you? Oh my God, so what has happened since we get ours? Yeah. I want to give a shout out to my one of my best friends,
Starting point is 00:02:41 her name is Dorca Keane. And if you're interested in the environment at all she just wrote a book called eco-amazons and it's all about women who are doing amazing things for the environment and you can check it out and I threw her book party last night and my friend Adina was there and she's like a professional she's like a nutritional chef and she's a holistic chef and she's gonna do I'm gonna do like a cleanse with her like a five-day cleanse where I just cleanse all my bad stuff out I'm gonna drink juices and I'm gonna be Well, I'll be cranky and hungry, but I think it would be great. I love when you're cranky. Yeah, you love that shit
Starting point is 00:03:13 Yeah, it makes it makes it pleasant But nothing I'm trying to think I went to this party like my whole cabin crew is there Having happened this weekend because it's it's Memorial Day, so I might go up to the cabin For 24 hours only. No. Yeah, why not? Well, I found out I have Monday off. Yeah, of course. It's a holiday. Yeah, I usually just work on holidays anyways.
Starting point is 00:03:33 No, you do. What are you going to do? Um, I'm probably going to get my car serviced. That sounds fun. Yeah. I need to get a car wash. You get stuff done. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Car wash? Any dates or anything? No dates. I have so many things that I have to get because see the thing is what's going on. You have to start having more stuff. No, no, no. I'm going to have sex and all that stuff just after May 5th because at June 5th, sorry, after my, at my other job, we throw a big concert every year and it's with like 35 bands. It takes us like two and a half months to prepare for this thing like every day. So every moment that I'm not here doing sex with Emily, I'm working on this concert, you know?
Starting point is 00:04:12 There's a lot of aspects of it. We do mobile apps or doing all these ticket game ways. I'm driving all around our area and just handing out tickets to people. It's just like every waking moment. I didn't get a ticket. Would you like a ticket? Is it a free ticket or is it like a yeah? I'm sure I can get you a free ticket There's gonna be Snoop Dogg the Strokes. Oh Lincoln Park, Kasia Elephant. When is it May 5th? May June 5th. June 5th. Okay. Yes
Starting point is 00:04:36 It's on my son my birthday's June 2nd. What? Yeah, soon. Oh my God. What are we gonna do? I don't know I should have a party right? Yeah, I last year I just had a party with girls remember But this year I'm like well, maybe I could do a party But it's kind of late. It's in like a week, right? Yeah, it's like like it's like next Thursday. It's a week From yesterday. Yeah, they do something on June 3 I'm going to the dead or what's left of them the grateful dad Are you serious? Because my friend came in from New York and we're going to see them.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Oh my god. Whatever they're called now. No, yeah, that's a grateful dad, I guess. No, but yeah, but they call themselves something else. Oh really? I don't really know what. So I'm going to shoreline, which is kind of far. Wow.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Well, that's where our concert is, too. Oh, I don't know if I'm going to go two days in a row. But thanks for the free ticket anyway. You're welcome. But what I really want, you know, is the ticket, the big coveted ticket outside Lam's festival. You're going to hook my ass up. So anyway, it's a good thing.
Starting point is 00:05:32 I'm going to have to do a lot of sexual favors to get those tickets from somebody. OK. Whatever you got to do. True. And then what about our friend that you're a friend, the DJ, that I kind of dated. He emailed me about his party that you're oh
Starting point is 00:05:46 yeah so Friday I he's having to go away going away party you gonna go yeah I'm gonna go I'm DJing there I'll be there I'm DJing for like a man I would be fun yeah it's probably gonna be like crazy packed I don't like that everyone's gonna be super wasted yeah I, I've done that. I can do this super wasted part. Yeah. So yeah, that's all. And then things are, I'm trying to think what else. Just did this book party last night and lots of stuff coming up. The book, my book coming out in September,
Starting point is 00:06:14 we're gonna do a big book party for that. People can pre-order it on my website. You can do that. So tell me what's really gonna happen at this cabin for 24 hours. I really think, okay, honestly, that's so not not, okay, so we take a boat to the lake, or no, we hike to the lake, and we have like, boat... You hike how long is the hike? Hike is like just a half hour.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Oh my god. And it is Max Boyfriend's cabin, so I knew you assumed that we're having sex, and we have over the years, but we don't. It's all just like friends, and we're going to probably have some alcohol and barbecues, and it's gonna be beautiful It's in the country and like there's no internet. It's perfect. No internet. No interweb. Nothing They're sell sell service Little bit not much. Oh man. Sounds like a nightmare. I need to die me for you. Why what I need to unplug
Starting point is 00:07:00 Why what's going on? I know we're doing the show and all these things but you know what? It's a lot 50s a week is a lot love it dream. Yeah dream, but um Yeah, I just need to just go away and then I had that day through the night You know and I didn't hear from him. So I think my my like yeah when he said to me at the end of the date Are we gonna get it again? I'm like yeah, and I haven't heard from him which is good because now I don't have to Yeah, so anyway, so what's it? what's the next prospect no prospects no so we didn't you see something about another blind date or something like that yeah or am I am I getting more mixed up I don't have another blind date I have the
Starting point is 00:07:37 guy that I've been dating for a while whatever he's out of town and I'm no he was he blocking he was he blocking he was jealous admitted it because I think I'm just really jealous. And that was fine because it's good to express jealousy. And jealousy is going to happen. But there's no one else. I'm trying to think. No. That's bad. We got to bring in some new meat.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Yeah. Try data online. So this guy called me and said I'm going to pitch a new website. He wanted to talk to me about and see a profile. But I haven't checked it out yet, so I'm not really going to say anything, but maybe I should date online. Well, maybe that would be interesting.
Starting point is 00:08:09 My friend, she's dating online. And, well, one of them's having a lot of success. And the other one went on a date with somebody like two times, and then it just went somewhere. I think, and what I heard too, is that I think they pay a lot of people to go on dates with these people. What do you mean? Did you hear about that? Where new companies, to make it sound good and like tell people, like, oh, I met this awesome person. They paid people to go on dates with people on the website. That's so sad. That is the saddest thing I've ever heard. That's really happened to me. I'll be like, oh my God, I'll tell you. This guy's amazing.
Starting point is 00:08:45 I'll come in, I'll be like, I met my man. He's charming, he's amazing. And then I'll find out that he was paid to date me. And then I'll show my son in the head. Because that is really depressing. So I'm going to have to be paid to go on a date with me. Yeah. It's like what my brother used to tease me.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Like, you know, the dad pays everyone to be friends with you. No, but it's just they're trying to make their business. They're trying to make their business. You know? Yeah, but that just seems wrong and misleading. And who could ever trust them again, that dating agency. But I think that was like a rumor. No. Your friends having success, was she a match or a nerve or something?
Starting point is 00:09:14 Match, yeah. Okay. And she's, she's, yeah, just dating a bunch of guys on a match. People do it. They have. My friends been doing it for years. But I don't know. I think the whole online dating thing
Starting point is 00:09:26 is I guess it's Facebook these days, too. I hate to bring everything back to Facebook. And we talk about Facebook every single day. But I can break down the math for you on Facebook. I'll bring in the chart of just like how much time people spend on there. And it's actually more women spend time on Facebook than men. Really? So if you are looking for a man, you know there's a lot of
Starting point is 00:09:49 opportunities there. I do. You find out everything we we say it's a good and bad you find out everything about that person. You're like, oh I like I like how that person looks. Let me see if they're single. Okay they're single. Right. Oh I get to see how far away they live for me. Am I willing to go that far to hang out with this person? You think about all these things before even, you know, say you like their photograph or message them? Some guy messaged me yesterday and he said, hi, I just came across your picture on Facebook
Starting point is 00:10:13 and I was wondering, I was reading it to, I think, Kelsey, in turn, I was saying, yeah, you know, he's like, I know we don't know each other, but would you like to go out some time? Let me know what you think. And then we had like a few mutual friends in common and they were people that I didn't know, really. Yeah. So then there was nothing I could say.
Starting point is 00:10:28 And then I couldn't see his profile and I don't think I'm gonna go out. Oh, his profile? Yeah. Yeah, I know. But he randomly messaged me. So I guess I could do use that. But what is it? What is he going through?
Starting point is 00:10:38 How does he come across my picture on Facebook? Well, a lot of times you'll be suggested friends. People suggest like, oh, you should be friends or When they visit somebody else's profile page on the side you'll see a bunch of people And then they go, oh that person looks hot. I'll click on that over there. Is that what you do? Do you do that what visit on other people's pages? Oh that person you go, oh, that person looks hot? Like, I'll recommend her. I'll request her front as a friend. Oh, well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:09 If it's under suggested friends, because of you're like, oh, you have 150 mutual friends. And it would be like, somehow, Jake, I'm like, who the hell is this? I don't know. I don't know how to find out this. I have a chick that we can't be friends. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:19 So then I'll click on that, and I'll see that there are just some club whore that I don't want to talk to you. Exactly. Can I tell you what's annoying about Facebook? Okay. This is what really bugs me and you can't. I feel like you can't do anything about it. When you're on Facebook and on the right hand column it'll just pop up and say like, look at so-and-so's vacation photos. Yeah. And it's always like my ex-boyfriend. And or it's always like my ex-boyfriend that pops up like they randomly suggest people on the right hand side random honey
Starting point is 00:11:45 It's who you've pages you look at the most. Yeah, so it's not annoying And I'm like I know I'm just talking the most That's why like when you log in you see all this the people on the left side as the people that pages that you just I used to stock these people I don't stock them anymore because now you figured out like oh my god. They know so now I don't want to I don't want them to Pop up anymore, and I can't do anything about it. Well don't worry like when other people visit your page and they see all the people on the side it's not the same people that you see when you log in. Right no I know no one can see
Starting point is 00:12:15 that I stalked my boyfriend and that's why his picture comes up all the time but yeah it's annoying. I just wanted to point that out. It is because I'm like oh there he is again I'm so sick of him. I'm so overwhelmed. You can, I think you can block that under settings. You know what I need to do? Start stalking other people that I actually want to see their pictures. Yeah. And then they'll trump the awful people that I stalk. I mean, that's a lot of tough stuff. I'm just saying, I didn't stalk, but you know when you're dating someone you go to their page or like who they friends with now. Who's this girl? Come on, you do that. No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:12:46 I used that app Hoot Suite. It's my favorite. OK, that's what we're going to do, too. Yeah, I use Hoot Suite. It updates all my social networks. So you never actually log onto Facebook? I do during two hours a day before I get here, because I do a solo show by myself, music show and I interact with a lot of listeners
Starting point is 00:13:08 there so I am logged in at that time. Got it. Alright well let me get into some sex in the news. Okay can you put the microphone just a little bit closer? Yeah. See this is we're live now so I have to tell you that live. I know. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:23 And I can cut it out. Are we really live? We are live now. We're live. There's live video of you right now. I know I know what Emily dot com And then so when people listen to this podcast They can actually go there and then see the video see me if we have the site up yet I mean we're recording it we're doing a lot of testing. I know it's kind of hard to explain like we're doing testing How do you explain that? We're testing all the video streaming stuff. So we don't know by the time actually if you hear this podcast that the video will actually be up there.
Starting point is 00:13:51 But you've been doing some home videos. They have this embarrassing video of me on your couch. Yep, and I'm doing a bunch more videos that are going to be posted at the end of the week. Oh, what happens to your flip cam? You have the flip cam story yesterday? Oh my god, so yesterday I poured an entire bottle of water opened in my purse and my flip camera is dead. And I'm so, I use it all the time and I love it. It dried it out, it doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:14:13 It's like, do you have a camera for me? Yeah, I have a camera. Like what? I have a can in that you can use. Really? Yeah, it's a good video. Awesome video. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Way better than flip. Really? Yeah. It's a little. It's yeah it's like that big. Okay because I need it. I need it. Okay but let me give a shout out to our advertisers Adam and Eve. Love Adam and Eve. We're actually going to be talking about some sex toys today and Adam and Eve sex toys, lubricant since we're going to get into loop later. You can go there. You can go to Adam and put in coupon code Emily at checkout. You get 50% off any item plus two adult free DVDs and free shipping and all the toys you want in the world you can find on Adam because
Starting point is 00:14:51 they're awesome and we love them. All right, sex in the news. Yes, what do you think? Oh, there's somebody new that came out from Little House on the Prairie saying that she dated, dated, um, on Sw Schwarzenegger when she was 16 and he was 27. Come on. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:10 She was on who? I don't know. One of the actress, little house on the prairie. She was just trying to get her 15 minutes of fame back or why? Yeah. Well apparently she also said that Arnold Schwarzenegger paid her before the election to not say anything because I guess it was kind of out there that they they were hooking up and they were hooking up. They said between
Starting point is 00:15:32 like eighty nine and nineteen ninety six six nine ten so they they did data for like ten years. So that would be illegal. Yeah. For him to be sleeping there. How about these women who were married to these men? They just find out they're such cats and and and they just dump them. Like I don't know. I mean, well, one car too. To them that that she's like, look, I ain't taking none of this crap. And then she just dumps them right away. And she has, right? Yeah, that she has. She still hasn't followed for divorce just because again, I told you yesterday that she's just building this like crazy
Starting point is 00:16:05 she's putting all the dirty laundry out there I think to make him look bad right I'm sure she's probably like I don't want to take this because I'm sure she'll just get I mean she's just going to get the same amount of money anyways when she gets a divorce but I guess she just wants to drag his name to the mud and like screw this guy I mean can you imagine like you're married to me for so many twenty something years even together, right? And then you find out all this stuff. Well, the also just you back on checks on someone before you marry them.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Yeah. Always. Get a private investigator. They also said that people are upset because he used security detail to get some of these chicks in and out of hotels like they would say scantically clad women would leave his hotel and there'd be they'd be escorted by police officers
Starting point is 00:16:55 sounds like jfk yeah president case the man like i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i i think i i think i think i i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i Say nothing about you. They all and Clinton used security to get Monica Lewinsky back into his room in the White House. That's what they all do. Powerful men, they have security and therefore they can cheat more readily. Unfortunately. Okay, so sex in the news. Would you sleep with a $56 condom?
Starting point is 00:17:19 This is for the women who sleep with men who use condoms that cost a little more than a bottle of gray goose. Naked condoms is the brand. We're invented not for safety or comfort, but straight up elitism. That's the last few years. A number of companies have sprouted up seeking a cater to luxury condom buyer. There's the original condom company and Sir Richard's condom company. But Naked is the most lux.
Starting point is 00:17:40 A 12-pack of naked condom retails for whopping $56 or just less than $5 per condom. What? What do you even get these? It doesn't, online, probably, or wherever. But I mean, I understand like Jimmy Jane, one of my favorite sex toy companies, like they make amazing beautiful sex toys, and they're a little more expensive and they're totally worth it. Wow, 56-cent condom, that's gonna last 18 minutes, maybe six minutes, pens for your wallet, and then you're gonna throw it away Damn, I mean by those condoms. I guess it's just it's just it's a status symbol. Yeah
Starting point is 00:18:12 Man, I don't know I mean if it does if it does anything extra than yeah, I guess I mean does it give me a blowjob? It doesn't do anything exactly. It doesn't do anything It doesn't do it says it says it's not about comfort and it's not about anything, it's just about elitism. Like if you see a bottle of gray goose, next to a bottle of like that bad vodka that they sell, like that all the homeless people drink.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Yeah, the UV vodka. Yeah, so if you see like gray goose and someone's y'all, and you're like, oh yeah, gray goose, so I guess it's like that. They're trying to have that certain caches, you know. But speaking of condoms, I think just popped in my head and I'm just gonna share it. So women, this is for men, this is a tip. So, and maybe I'm going to do this, but I was eating a guy that I years ago, and we went along business relationship, and I kind of
Starting point is 00:18:54 knew that he was seeing other women or ching, or I mean, we were to committed, but I just didn't quite trust him. And so he'd come visit me and he always had these condoms in his, I'm not a snooper. I'm just going to say, I'm going to preface it by saying that. But he had his dog kit, you know, his toilet treat kit that he would carry. When he'd come visit me, he lived in LA. And he would have condoms in there. But I always noticed he always had the same three condoms,
Starting point is 00:19:20 the same three condoms in his like thing. And then like next time he visit me, they were gone. Like the three condoms. So I think I was like, condom're like next time you visit me they were gone like the three condoms I think count I was like condom counting mm-hmm and they were gone Did you say I didn't but I just like okay clearly he slept with three checks or One chick three times because those condoms are gone. Yeah, we're always there and so And I've also noticed how many condoms like okay I've noticed if I'm sleeping with the guy consistently like you know like he has condoms X is bad and he pulled out the condoms, like, okay, I've noticed, if I'm sleeping with a guy consistently, like you know, like he has condoms extra is bad
Starting point is 00:19:47 and he pulls out the condoms. And eventually, if he just bought, like let's say I'm with a guy, and he just bought a back condoms, like women count condoms, let me just say that. And if I'm wrong, you know me, if you're a woman and you've counted your guys' condoms, we kind of do this not on purpose,
Starting point is 00:20:01 but I'm like, oh, you just bought a jumbo pack and it's gone a week later, and I've seen you once, where did condoms go. Oh I know that. You know the women count condoms. Yeah that's why you have to, we're smart too. No you're not. That's why you put the ones in the regular spot and then you put the you hide if you're going to do something like that you hide them in, if you're sleeping with multiple people and then, but you have a regular person, you know, that you're sleeping with, you put the extra condoms somewhere else. You don't do that. I swear, you have to.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Do you condoms in your wallet? No. I don't think so. No. I have a backpack. I have this one that stays in there forever. It's probably expired. You should throw it away.
Starting point is 00:20:44 No, it's not a six-fire. Yeah, after like three years, I haven't even had the backpack for three years. I just had to get rid of like so many expired condoms. That's not a good sign. Obviously, I haven't been having enough sex when you have to get rid of like 50 condoms. Oh, here's another thing fellas. A little tip that women try to do. Oh great. They try to put landmines in your house. And you know what the landmine is? The hair tie. The hair tie always ends up at your house.
Starting point is 00:21:11 The little tiny black rubber band ones, they will be all over your house fellas. So look out for those things because they end up everywhere. They do. You know what's so funny that you said that is that? I should start up a collection. My ex-girlfriend had a drawer of all my hair ties. And then my other ex, the one that I go to is Kavanaugh.
Starting point is 00:21:30 The time we dated five years ago, he still has my hair ties in his house, like so many of them. And it's not a pur... Okay, you're calling it a landmine. Like I purposely was like, I'm gonna leave my hair ties all over time. How do you forget about a hair tie?
Starting point is 00:21:41 Because I wear them when I brush my face, and then I get a bend taken out, and I put an X to the bed. Yeah. So it's just my, like my bedroom has hair ties all over. And so I'm always constantly picking up hair ties. So we're not doing it on purpose.
Starting point is 00:21:52 We need them to wash our face and get ready for bed, but then we don't want to wear them. If I put all the hair ties together, I can probably string them out from San Francisco to Los Angeles. You have one of those big rubber balls, right? Those like the rubber band, rubber? Those like the rubber band ball, with other band balls. But you know what happened? The first time I met her LA guy that I always talk about,
Starting point is 00:22:11 the first time I dated him, the first time I slept with him, I went out with him, and I went back to his house. It was the first time we slept together after dating for a while. All right. I rolled my eyes at myself, because it wasn't that long we were dating before I slept with him. But anyway, I was sleeping with him, and I go to his house, I rolled my eyes at myself because it wasn't that long. Before I slept with him. Anyway, I was sleeping with him and I went to his house and I wake up in the morning and
Starting point is 00:22:29 next to the bed is a headband. Like you know headband of another woman. She was wearing a head first of all. Why is he getting a girl that wears a headband? Hillary Clinton was the last woman who wore headbands. But you know those plastic pants and this isn't mine. It felt just like this woman. And then I'm like looking at the sheets
Starting point is 00:22:47 and I'm like on her underwear here. Like you didn't notice that there was a big shiny had band on your other night stand. I thought that was it. And you still, I know. For years it was stupid. Wow. OK, so next section of the story, online test measures
Starting point is 00:23:02 your romantic capability using text messages and emails. Okay, so the researchers at University of Texas have developed a test to measure the effectiveness of communication between two people. All you need to do is cut and paste a text conversation, series of instant messages, or some back and forth emails into the test, and it spits back a number rating from 0.50 to 1.0. The closer your number is to 1.0, the most effectively unirpone communicate. So basically it's all about looking at all these things. This is just another tool to over-analyze everything like you already do.
Starting point is 00:23:38 I like guys who are really like guys who are really good at writing. Here's a video program to help you guys go even more insane. Why do these for men and women? Men start to notice that. Oh, I want to see how compatible I am with my girlfriend. No man is going to do that. Well, I'm just saying it's a new thing. That's for women to go crazy.
Starting point is 00:23:57 I think you should just hire a private detective. That's all everyone should do. Figure it all out. Oh, no. Why? Because I'm past it all these men are for cheating all the time and let me tell you from personal experience I mean honestly being a woman out there in the world I can't tell you how many married men have have over the years hit on me explicitly like it's cool
Starting point is 00:24:17 No, I don't know whatever. I mean that's just me personally So and then you're hearing every day in the news about another guy cheating personally. So, and then you're hearing every day in the news about another guy cheating. That's what it's saying. So, we need all the help we can get to find compatible mates. Well, well, what sucks is, like, you don't, you might not know. There might not be any signs that your, your significant other is a cheater. But, lots of times you can tell. A lot of times you can tell too. Yeah, but a lot of times you can tell too. They'll be a cheater. You can tell. There's a lot of times you can tell too, that they'll be a cheater. You can tell.
Starting point is 00:24:45 There's a lot of times. Especially like when my ex, the same ex who had the headband, he was the same one who my cell phone died one day. And he said, just take my old blackberry, this is when I had a blackberry, and just go get this charge, just go put this in your name, whatever, it's my old one. So old meaning like, it was old enough that he still had it during the time we were dating So I he leaves for work. I this is when I was in LA and I Turn on the phone because I'm about to take it to Verizon and the idiot did not erase all the text messages and things on there
Starting point is 00:25:16 So it was still he still had all these texts from all we were dating I'm sorry. No, of course I did. I mean, it was like, I sat down like a novel that I grabbed my coffee and I sat down with the phone. And it had a series of text messages from this one week. I remember like, then, because then I was like cross-referencing my calendar to my thing. And I'm like, hmm, February 13th was the night that he said he didn't go out, because I had the message here.
Starting point is 00:25:39 But he was meeting, you know, Josie at a bar. That wasn't good. That was an idiot. Never give you, erase Josie at a bar. That wasn't good. That was an idiot. Never give you, erase your cell phones people. Okay, cloud girlfriend, the new dating site for liars and imposters. Yeah. You know, you're always complaining how there's too much honesty and candor in the dating scene and how you wish you could finally meet the one guy who's willing to mislead you into loving him? Well, your David firm and
Starting point is 00:26:05 heard your grievances and responded by launching Cloud Girlfriend, the new dating site that encourages users to employ fictitious names, bios and profile pictures. I don't really get this. The Trend Loving New York Times sounds kind of supportive when it notes that because users are expected to hide behind art artifices, they can receive the emotional benefit of sweet talk without actually being in a relationship. So people are creating fake profiles and interacting with each other of like their, you know, their alter ego or whoever they want to be and seeing if they can act. And they have the option to meet, but really they're all fantasy profiles.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Like your fantasy got person like whoever you want to be, you know, who would you want to be? I don't know. Who would I want to be? I want to be myself. I don't need this, this is not, I'm not the target. You know what, but you don't really have to make a different persona, but it's also just giving you a girlfriend. That's what it's doing.
Starting point is 00:26:56 A virtual girlfriend. Yeah. It's as cloud girlfriend is a hit and was from the start with 85,000 people having signed on for the site before when live in late April, and there are now there's a hundred thousand anonymous people crafting fake profiles. Wow. But it's just I guess it's gaming people who live in fancy. I don't know. I I like real connection, but I don't really you know what I mean, but yeah, creating your own fake. Well, I can see even people doing that if they they just got out of a bad
Starting point is 00:27:22 relationship and they want to make something jealous, then they go to the and say I don't care I'm with this new chick. I want to see it I want to see what kind of girl that are available. Check it out. Maybe I'll get a cloudgirlfriend. At least she won't talk back to me. There's always the cloud coming exactly. I saw your Facebook status update the other day. It was like, just don't talk or something. Oh, I go, I go, I go, I go. I go, do you know what's hot when you don't speak? Right, and I was like, I was gonna say something
Starting point is 00:27:56 like, was that truck it towards me? Because I'm always speaking when we're together. We just women, you just want us to shut the F out. It was just me just being trying to be funny Trying to be but I use my the keyword trying no, I actually being hilarious No, the the other one that I always use on the show you heard me say in a million times is that women are the Rubis cube of life A lot of people like that one too like I got a lot of people retweeting that Yep women are the Rubis cube. Especially their clitoris is in their bodies. The clitoris less don't even get started on that.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Not yet. Well, okay, could Viagra make you deaf? According to the telegraph board. I thought it was already make me blind. Exactly, but it might make you deaf. But that's masturbation that can make you blind, but not really. Nobody really said that. Oh, the Viagra can make you blind.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Yeah. 47 men have reported cases of sense-so-renereal hearing loss. Okay. Neural. So, yeah, hearing loss. The rapid loss of hearing in one of our theaters. Allegedly linked to Viagra, our other erection-hansing drugs like sios or levitra. So far, users in Britain, America, East Asia, and Australia have reported hearing loss claims.
Starting point is 00:29:01 So doctors from British hospitals are so alarmed that they've called for an investigation. Like many of the unwanted potential unwanted side effects of the pills like headaches, pervision, and lumpy pants, lumpy pants, now it can make you deaf. That's not a good sign. All these people thinking about, I mean, whatever, it's how many cases, but 47 men, that's not good. That is not good. I mean, you're like, oh my god, I got a boner and I can't hear anything. So how do you? It's not really great. How do you go give my agri these days? Doctor.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Yeah, but you just tell the doctor to say, hey, I want it. You don't even, you can't even have any symptoms or anything like that. Well, I mean, if you have problems with you going to your doctor and you're like, I'm having problems getting an erection, they would describe it to you. They'll subscribe anything these days. So how long did you win her? I think a few hours. I mean, yeah, you could go. So you have sex for like a few hours? Yeah, you can have to. You can have sex for like a few hours. Yeah, you can have to.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Yes, you can sometimes re-go. What's re-go? Re-go. You can have an erection, you can ejaculate, and then you can still have it. You ejaculate. And you ejaculate. You're ejaculate. And you're still hard. Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes, it depends who you are, how old you are, what your physical condition is. But sometimes, yeah, the point is that you get hard, it takes, you know, while to kick
Starting point is 00:30:15 in, you get hard and you can stay hard. And you can, sometimes if you're able to, you can ejaculate and then again, or you just stay hard for a really long time and then you ejaculate. Really? Yeah, you've never tried it? Well, I told you that one time. But I tried like a half a pill. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:30 What happened to you? I don't remember. Did you get a, every, yeah, I got a reaction. It was different, like a tater, I think. Yeah. I'm like a tater. It's harder. I think it is.
Starting point is 00:30:40 I tried one time, I tried it, and it was fun. With a guy, I mean, we tried it. I tried it. I women aren't supposed to really miss it. But it can have some benefits for women, but not really. Women don't talk to your doctor first. Okay. The jasling is now possible for penises, too.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Do you remember the jasling? Yeah. It's where people put little diamonds on their vagina. As you might have guessed, but hoped it wasn't true. The line of stick on crystals, just for men, is called a P-Jazzle. Now, you might have also stood guests. So this is mostly a wacky publicity sum
Starting point is 00:31:11 for the makers of the jazzle stick on glitter tattoos for the upper vagina area. But apparently, this move was actually based on demand as Vajazzle Salons and England report that up to 40% of clients are male. So P-Jazzle, so you can get your penis-pijazzled. OK, so you don't want to get waxed again. Do you want to get pijazzled?
Starting point is 00:31:29 Pijazzled. Yeah, it includes you can get iron-crodes. The designs include iron-crosse or red lips. So there are a lot of questions to ask here. But mine is this. If a couple gets both gets lips, the jazzled and P-jazzled respectively above their businesses, this means that when they do it,
Starting point is 00:31:44 the crystal mouth will be kissing. Anyway, it's basically just women get these stickers and then I guess men do it too. If I was with a man and he's like, I P.Jazzled, right? You didn't have a baby. I think I'd be like, that's just above the penis though.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Yeah, it's like in their pubic hair area. I think it'd be fun if they did my balls though. Like you've had silver balls. But, but basil, your balls? Yeah. Ball basil. Ball basil, do you want, would you've had some of balls. But the basil, your balls? Yeah. Ball basil. Ball basil, do you want, would you? I would do ball basil.
Starting point is 00:32:09 I'll get you some ball basils. Yeah. But you have to take a picture of it and put it on the interrupt. Oh no. You wouldn't do that. That's negative. But who are these men, I mean, if you're a man who's for jazzles, but I guess why not?
Starting point is 00:32:19 I mean, people pierce their ears, you know, they want to decorate down there. It's fine. You're not going to rush out and do it. I know. Okay. Men are more likely to take nude photos, says Playboy. Men are most likely to take nude photos of themselves.
Starting point is 00:32:34 And then that's what says about a court of all Americans have been photographed or filmed naked. How really a quarter of all Americans have been photographed for film naked? I guess I have sort of, I mean, I did those photos a few years ago, you couldn't really see anything, but I was kind of naked. The other 70% are either really shy or total liars. These stats come via a pull from playboy. The leading authority of all things scant and clad and men, as it turns out, are slightly more likely to pose in the buff. With 27% admitting to being photographed nude and 15% admitted to filming themselves having sex. These numbers are compared with 23% and 9% of women respectively. Okay, you're talking about photographs.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Yeah, photographs or video, anything. They've been in the nude. Okay, yeah, video, yeah, but no photographs. You made sex videos, right? Yeah, but I hold on to them. I don't know that anybody have them. Yeah, and tell someone breaks in your apartment. No, they didn't get to have them.
Starting point is 00:33:24 How many do you have again? A couple until someone breaks in your apartment. No, then ain't gonna happen. How many do you have again? Couple like five different women. I don't know. Do you watch them answer? I Believe I have four Four different women you film them and they would they want to do it like an AV guy. Yeah, I'm like, hey, I just got this new camera Do you want to try that? Do you want to try that? You want to try that? You want to try that? You want to try that? You want to try that?
Starting point is 00:33:47 You want to try that? You want to try that? You want to try that? You want to try that? You want to try that? You want to try that? You want to try that? You want to try that?
Starting point is 00:33:55 You want to try that? You want to try that? You want to try that? You want to try that? You want to try that? You want to try that? You want to try that? You want to try that?
Starting point is 00:34:03 You want to try that? You want to try that? You want to try that? You want to try that? You want to try that? You want to try that? Without the person without the person of course I can't watch porno with anybody is it hot? Is it hot to watch yourself? Yeah, well, I just you know I want to check. I'm really weird. You make sure the angles were right Maybe there's some editing that needs to be done Next time you want to make sure the angles are right. Yeah, I know. That's this weird I want your text videos. I feel like we're so close. Uh-huh. If you want I don't know if I think I'm let I
Starting point is 00:34:28 Love my blood. I want to know that I can I let my buddy a watch this chick for like 30 seconds Give me a blowjob, but yeah, but you can even see who it was Uh-huh. I guess you called me having sex and I heard a woman giving you a blowjob. Yeah, so you know what, whatever. You do the sex show. What do you expect? Yeah, I don't, you're the first friend you's ever called me actually having intercourse. I know, see your friends make up stories and I bring you the real deal. Don't I? Like, yeah. I mean, if anyone's telling you what it is, I let you judge for yourself. Can I retell my favorite man's first sorry, I'm just so messed up.
Starting point is 00:35:05 So it was Saturday night and I know I know I mentioned this few weeks ago, but if you missed this episode and you one know what I'm talking about, it was Saturday night, I had no plans, so it made me feel even worse that men was getting laid and I wasn't, but I'm driving along in my farm rings and it's minus like 11 o'clock Saturday nights. So of course I pick up because I always pick up for men. I'm like, hi, and he's like, guess what? I'm having sex right now. I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:35:27 And he's like, yeah, listen. And then he goes, well, here she is. And then some girl gets on the phone. And she's like, yeah, we're having sex right now. I'm like, okay. And then I was like, listening for a while. Like, I could hear you having sex. And then I just hung up,
Starting point is 00:35:39 because I realized I was listening to you having sex. Yeah, what's wrong with that? And you didn't even remember, I think, that you called me. I think I'd remember it a little bit, but I don't remember it. I don't even remember getting off the phone now. No, I don't think you... I think I got off the phone, honey, because I was done. I am a weekend lawyer. I'll work all week till I die.
Starting point is 00:35:57 And then when it's the weekend, then it's on, you know? It's... It's on me. I hear you. Okay. Well, that's what I've got for sex in the news. Good. You got emails?
Starting point is 00:36:08 We do have emails, Mattis. I know. I like hearing from the people. I like hearing what the people like. So now you can interact also on and you can reply to emails on their social when I see it in text. Yeah. We actually have answer on the new website.
Starting point is 00:36:22 I've answered some emails and I will be answering more. Especially if you become a member of sex with Emily. You can, I will put your email on top. You'll be prioritized. Okay, dear Emily, I love listening to your show, especially by our money. I know you guys have talked a lot about female orgasms, but I've had an ongoing issue that I don't know if you've addressed. Well, I can get to orgasm pretty consistently alone or with my partner.
Starting point is 00:36:45 It only works if my mind is completely engaged in some kind of elaborate fantasy situation. I have to imagine over the top kind of sexy situation, even if I'm totally into the guy I'm with and we are doing something really hot. I even lived out some of those crazy sexual fantasies that I think about. But even those situations I had to mentally picture something else in order to orgasm, I feel bad for two reasons. Number one, that I'm not entirely present in the moment, and two, that if you knew that my mind was else or he'd probably feel bad too. I know that other women's women friends orgasm by being totally in the moment or having a blank mind or at least that's what they tell me.
Starting point is 00:37:19 I would love to be able to just concentrate on what I am feeling instead of having to use my imagination. Is this a common problem? Do you have feeling instead of having to use my imagination. Is this a common problem? Do you have any ideas of how to orgasm without mental simulation? Thank you, Catherine from Ohio. Catherine? Oh, Ohio.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Love Ohio. Midwestern stock guys. Yeah, so they have some beautiful women in Ohio. Lately, I've been seeing online. Where? Online. Just like. Closing.
Starting point is 00:37:44 No, it's like on Instagram. They're just like hot trendy girls. Yeah, oh, hi. And they're from Ohio. My neighboring state from Michigan. Yeah, we're all good hot people in the Midwest. Yeah, I was like, what? Why aren't you here in San Francisco? Eventually.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Yeah. So here's the thing, Catherine. This is a great... So basically what she's saying is that she needs to fantasize when she's having sex, and of course, to someone to make herself an organism. And that's, first of all, really, really common.
Starting point is 00:38:12 So when you say, is this a common problem, Catherine, I wouldn't say that you have a problem, not a problem at all that you need to fantasize about something else. Men do it all the time when they're having sex, right? Yeah. Don't you have a fantasize about other women when you're with someone?
Starting point is 00:38:25 Yeah, when you were last longer, you fantasize about unattractive. Oh, unattractive women, like the worst. But it's okay if that's at least you can get to orgasm, Catherine. So number one, good for you. And number two, I mean, this is how you're trained. So so much about sex is how we are so used to having sex the same way all the time. So we all orgasm the same way most of the time, but it's a matter of retraining yourself.
Starting point is 00:38:47 So when your friends say they're in the moment, you could try when you're masturbating alone, because I'm sure when you masturbate alone, you pretty much need to do the same thing. So you could really try like being in the moment and focusing on your body and how it feels, and start to train your brain to think of different things during sex,
Starting point is 00:39:03 and to feel your body and to breathe. Breathing is very important. And to just get into the moment, just like all your friends are saying, but it's not gonna happen the first time because for years you've probably been having sex the same way. And I don't think that you should feel guilty or bad at all because I'm sure you're still with this person,
Starting point is 00:39:19 but it's okay that you need to be thinking about something else to masturbate. So it's not a problem. But like what I'm saying is that, it's just like women who are used to orgasming only with vibrators and they want to be able to have sex without using a vibrator, you just need to practice. You need to like, okay, I'm just going to train my mind. It's like meditation practice.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Training your mind just to focus on your bodily sensations. What am I feeling right now? And you can retrain yourself to orgasm without the mental simulation, but again, there was nothing wrong with that. And I don't know, would you be bomb-medicine if a woman was like, I'm thinking about another situation? Well, I have an orgasm. I don't think she needs to tell me that. Exactly. Catherine, don't tell him. I know you feel bad, but don't tell him. And there's no problem with it. But yeah, you wouldn't be psyched. Just like, I know that men aren't thinking about me. I mean, okay, so in my mind, I like to think
Starting point is 00:40:04 that if a guy's with me, like he's totally into it and aren't thinking about me. I mean, okay, so in my mind, I like to think that if a guy's with me, like he's totally into it and he's thinking about me the whole time. But I understand that sometimes, you know, maybe men's mind go elsewhere. They wander. They wander to other situations. So, Katherine, I would say that it's possible to train your mind, but what are you doing? I wonder who Arnold Schwarzenegger was thinking about when he was having sex with his housekeeper?
Starting point is 00:40:25 Yeah, because obviously he wasn't. It makes no sense to me at all. The Arnold Schwarzenegger. The new chick that just came out, the one that was the actress on a little house on the Prairie, and I'm sorry, I can't remember her name right now, she says that she knows of at least 12 other women. Is there a pact? Is there like an email group list at the keep in
Starting point is 00:40:45 communication with each other i think there was all the women that surface when on old was running for governor and they shut that down clearly he paid some of them or whatever and i think that i think it's probably more than twelve i mean yeah i don't know how they all get get in touch but it's all been like in the press to keep hearing stuff every day it's their email chain is there a to the all of their own?
Starting point is 00:41:05 I don't know, but I live on TMC talk off. I should go there more. You should go there and you should use your goddamn television. I know. You texted me. What time did you text me? 930? Like 930. Don't you know that I'm in bed by then? Yeah, I figured, but I thought maybe we'd be awake. No, never. What time do you get in bed every night? I was in bed by like 7.30. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Oh, because you have to get up at 4. Discipline, discipline, I don't like that. I have no discipline. I stay up very late every night working. I wish I could do that, but I can't. I was like, oh, I'm eating dinner now. I was not at a clock. I was eating dinner.
Starting point is 00:41:41 And I was like, I'm going to go watch TV. And then I did. You can have figured out how to turn on or you just didn't do it. I didn't even try. At least have it on in the background because there's stuff that I can display and we can talk about it. That's what I want to do. I know. Talk about it. We'll go and move in so we can talk about hanging out. Yes. Okay, good. Maybe this weekend. Or if I don't go to the cabin. The cabin. I don't know if I'm going to go. OK, it's a maybe. It's a maybe. OK, Emily, love this show.
Starting point is 00:42:07 I'm planning a trip to California at the end of May. I'm looking for a few suggestions. I'm weird ahead to find singles in San Francisco. Keep in mind I'm in my early 30s. Also, what do you think about sex toys for men? What's your thoughts on sleeves or fake vaginas? P.S., the Caggle Camp app is great. My question, how long do you need to use it to see improvements? Signed Tom. Hey, Tom.S. the Kaggle Camp app is great. My question, how long do you need to use it to see improvements?
Starting point is 00:42:25 Signed Tom. Hey Tom, okay, end of May single people in the early 30s, menace, where do you find people like that? And I'm trying to think where you would find people hanging out, south of the market, in the mission. Mission district, it depends what you're into. Yeah, I mean, you could find people. It doesn't matter. Just go outside, it just will be're into. Yeah. I mean, you can find people. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Just go outside. It'll be stuck in the house. Yeah. Just go outside and look for people. But I'm trying to think where people hang out in San Francisco and they kind of are everywhere. Yeah. I mean, people here are there anywhere. No one's married.
Starting point is 00:42:59 I think this is where people mess up. They wait till night time in a loud, where you can't hear anything. And when you're trying to talk to somebody, you should walk around San Francisco during the day. It went its sunny outside. There's so many people in the park. Yeah, right here, financial distractors. So many people. So many people.
Starting point is 00:43:18 And take public transit. Because then you'll get stuck in close situations. And then you can just strike up a conversation. Right. Don't be aware, though. And I would also say, don't be weird about it. But I'd also say, yeah, just come and say, just go and do all the amazing things the city has to offer on you. We might need to meet someone.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Yeah, don't, don't trip on it. Yeah. Like there's no like hot single bar. I don't think that you need to go to. Yeah. You don't want to go to bar to meet somebody. No. I don't have, typically. I to go to. You don't want to go to bar to meet somebody. No. I don't have typically.
Starting point is 00:43:46 I've met people in bars. No. What else? No one cool. But I actually just did a commercial recently where I said where I met my favorite ex-girlfriend was at the laundry mat. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:58 It's true. A lot of people meet at the laundry mat. That's a very common place. My buddy met his wife at the grocery store. Yeah. I think those are good places to meet people. They say that you meet people in a day or anything. So, or two friends, mutual friends fix it up.
Starting point is 00:44:09 But usually it's just the day to day whatever. I met guys at coffee shops. I met men at parties a lot of times. I meet people through mutual friends. Lately, no one. And here's a tip. It's too much work to try to find somebody at a bar or a nightclub because you're already
Starting point is 00:44:27 out in the scene. And then so then you have to set up another situation where you go out and do something. If you meet somebody during the day, right, that's already taking care of one situation where you learn to communicate with each other. And then so when you go out, then you have even a better time. And that's already on situation 2. By situation 3 you're having sex. You think if you're that lucky. I mean that's usually how it kills. Is that what it works? Yeah. Okay, thanks Menace. Thanks for that.
Starting point is 00:44:56 And sex toys for men. I think sex toys for men are awesome. A lot of men, the most popular one is the masturbation sleeve. I've tried to give one to Men as before, but he shunned it. And it's just, yes, it can be, it feels like a, maybe it's supposed to feel like a fake vagina, but the sleeve is like, you just, it's like your friend during masturbation. And it goes back and forth and it can feel, and it has inside, it has these little nubby things that is like, an accursion station on your penis. And I think you should go to right now and buy one and see if you like it.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Yeah. I can't tell you my thoughts are the great. My thoughts are think out. They're sex toys for me. When the coolest thing as I heard is that thing that you watch porno and I mean I might be afraid to attach something to my penis but it's like doing things to your penis while you're watching the porno. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:45:40 It's like having sex with you while you're watching. Oh, there's the point. Yeah, I think that's it's coming out Japan. Everything good. It comes out of Japan That's why you want to go to Japan so you can have no Artual thing. No, that's not why I want to go and go there for the food and the girls In the fashion, not in the Japanese right right the fashion. I want to go to the Japanese women. Oh, they're beautiful Right half Japanese half white Sign you up like the
Starting point is 00:46:03 someone the most beautiful people on the planet. Totally, man. It's good to know what you like. Okay, do them. Lee, a few comments. This is interesting. Your show sounds great in the new stitcher studio. Really? Some people have said it doesn't sound so good. We need to say that our sound might be a little weird right now. Yeah, sometimes. But I'm glad it sounds great. Yeah, I have everything adjusted. This is what I don't know our seventh or eighth show in here. So we're getting it down. And then you know what? Do you know what's even cooler? I was just thinking about this while you're talking. These are the things I think about, you know, not sex, just technical stuff. Is we have
Starting point is 00:46:37 this video. Do you think about technical stuff? Yeah. We have this video of you now. Now there's going to be on top an audio podcast, a video podcast. Right, exactly, it's video. And there's so many cool things that you can do with video podcasts. Like what? Because right now I'm not doing anything cool. Yeah, I have Apple.
Starting point is 00:46:53 I have. I have Apple's being cool. I have Apple TV, which costs like a hundred bucks. I mean, if you have an extra hundred bucks, you should definitely pick it up. Because Apple TV, you can download podcasts and video podcasts to your computer and wirelessly it'll go to your television. So how come I need to do that?
Starting point is 00:47:13 The Apple TV because you don't really have, it's not really necessary and for you at least because how many podcasts do you download? No. I'm not to call you out or anything, but. So why are you at technical questions? Because I'm going to tell you an answer. Anyways, so now there's a video of you, and then people can put on their big screen TV and watch it. You can watch us.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Yeah, and soon you'll be able to see menace too, but right now you can see me. Not that, that's because menace isn't cute. It's just because we have one camera. But the more you subscribe, we'll be able to make the shrimp and batter because then we'll have more resources to buy more camera. Yeah. Ideally, the video podcast will look like a television show or something.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Exactly. Everything goes back and forth. Right now, you can just masturbate to... Emilates and me. Emilates and me. I don't think that that's very masturbatory episodes right now. If you want to masturbate to me, that's cool but you oh my god menace is so right sir Jessica Parker is hideous god damn
Starting point is 00:48:10 right see I think you know I was in your new right yeah yeah yeah it's gonna be polls it's just actually that may come yeah sex only dot com is sir just a Parker hot and then I'll say 99.9% will say no and then the only one vote will be you will say she's hot. Do you think that I think women think she's hot? Yeah, women think she's hot. That's not so fashionable. No men, who's the men that you know that thinks she's hot? I don't, I've never taken a fall.
Starting point is 00:48:41 That'll be my first poll. Okay, number three, which I don't. Oh my God, okay, I got so much crap for some women. Just because they think, oh, because I work in the media that I can't be funny. And if I'm reporting on news, I have to be serious. You're only like joking in me. Yeah. It's so bad. But I, uh, I go breaking news. Sarah could Jessica Parker has herpes, right? And I go, here's the link for all the information. And you click on it and it's a story about how there's a herpe outbreak with horses. And the beauty looks like sir. No, it's just like it's just this. That's not nice. It's funny. It's just
Starting point is 00:49:23 people thought it was hilarious, but some people like, they weren't even bashing that I was calling that I said that she looked like a horse. Because there is, there is websites that, there's the reason I did that because there's websites dedicated, which I didn't make, don't call me mean. They're dedicated, this is just a, so just a parker looks like a horse, and then they take pictures of her and horses that they
Starting point is 00:49:46 look the same. See your smile. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
Starting point is 00:49:54 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm They were just mad that it wasn't a real news story. So I really want to know the chain herpes.
Starting point is 00:50:05 That would make me feel so much better on my own herpesetch. I was like, that's kind of, that's mean right there. Yeah, that is mean. And I go, look, I'm not, I don't work for CNN. Right. Yeah. And if you think men's does work for CNN, then I can try to make you run your mind.
Starting point is 00:50:17 James Channel. Okay, M, this is number three. I love undressing my woman. It's like unwrapping a present. Don't know what's wrong with those West Coast guys. I actually left the lingerie on extra long while feeling and kissing all around it. It drove her crazy, thanks for the tip, Dave.
Starting point is 00:50:34 So I talked a few weeks ago about men slowly undressing women. Leave her brown panties on a little bit longer. Like, I don't know about, I know that it feels amazing to be touched like over my underwear or over my brown panties or just like the whole slowing down thing, the whole undressing thing. So Dave did it and it drove her crazy so I am not wrong in my tips. I am actually right. Man, this might have made fun of me, but men slow down, and I'm a man.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Well, I'm not a man. I didn't make fun of you about undressing. No, he think I make fun of you on everything. I can say that. OK, good. Please don't think I did. And I love when people write in the tips work because that just makes, because all I care about is for people, like, all my whole purpose in the world
Starting point is 00:51:14 of life is that people have really good sex. People have better sex. People improve their sex life. That is the point of the show. So when someone like Dave writes, and he's like, I worked, it makes me so happy. I can die right now. And what's the people want to email in if they're new? Feedback at How are you
Starting point is 00:51:33 in on, um, we got to be so got some lubrication tips. Yeah, we have a few more minutes. Okay, well, I can do, uh, this email is kind of long. I'm gonna save that one for tomorrow. I'll save these. I'll go into some lubrication tickets. Okay. So, loob tips. I love, love, love loob. You're a big loob fan. I think that loob, okay, so a study came out that said,
Starting point is 00:51:58 for the women in the study who were asked to change up their sex lives for five weeks, ratings of sexual pleasure and sexual satisfaction were significantly higher when a lubricant or silicone-based lubricant was used compared to sex without a lubricant. So a lot of people think that lube, like I think a lot of people started with K.Y. Jelly, like when they were younger, right? Another thing you're now, KY has a million different kinds of loops, but loops can actually enhance your sex life.
Starting point is 00:52:29 It makes, even if you're already naturally wet, it's great to add loops. Sometimes it feels really, really good. Obviously for the women who are saying here that it feels good. So let's talk about the different kinds of loops, OK? There's water-based loops, lubricants, and they're generally considered more user-friendly in all purpose of the three types. They don't deteriorate latex, they're safe to
Starting point is 00:52:50 use with condoms, dams, dental dams, diaphragms, and other latex safer sex products. For most people, water-based lobes are not irritating, user-friendly and easy to clean up because they're not sticky at all. And a number of these lobes also contain glycerin, however, which may cause yeast infections in some women. So you think water-based, like the safest, you could still get a yeast infection from the glycerin. So you have to be careful. They also dry out quickly, so you have to keep reapplying them. Okay, then there's oil-based loops.
Starting point is 00:53:18 These are bad. Okay, don't use oil-based loops. This is like Vaseline or lotion, like just your regular lotion that you use to like put on your body after you get out of the shower. You probably don't do that, but I do. That's not good because they break down the latex. So if you're using with the condom, it breaks down latex.
Starting point is 00:53:33 They can also leave a coating on the vagina or rectum that can lead to infections. So don't use Vaseline, but males who are masturbating alone, they can use oil-based leaves as a way to avoid chafing. So, menace, you're good with your Vaseline ever, any? But not during sex. OK, silicone-based loobs are the newest on the market. And water-based loobs, they're safe to use
Starting point is 00:53:54 with condoms and other latex products, but they last longer. So silicone loops are really cool, because they can use in the water without being washed off. However, this means they're harder to clean up after, because you still have a little stickiness, safety, soap, and water. If you're using it with sex toys, you may want to use caution since it can cause damage to the toys, so using a condom over the toy. Within these
Starting point is 00:54:13 broader categories, you can find more specific kinds of those flavored loobs and there's oral sex loobs and there's different stuff, but basically the big ones that you're going to find when you go to store water-based loobs or silicone-based lo loops, I personally have changed to silicone-based loops and recent years just because I wanted to try them out. But I'm going to give you guys some recommendations. You can go to again, use coupon code Ambally. There's ID Juicy Loobs. This is the water-based loops that I recommend.
Starting point is 00:54:40 There's ID Juicy Loobs. AstroGuard, there's a five ounce one, and then there's Adam and Eve's personal loop, which is great. Then for that's water-based, and then for silicone loop, there's Adam and Eve's signature loop, which is awesome. I have it. They sent it to me, and it's in a big pump. Here's the thing that I love about it. It comes in a pump.
Starting point is 00:54:58 They're a loop. Then you don't have to, during sex, you don't want to be like, excuse me, while I unscrew the cap and then we get the lube. Yeah, because then the cap is all messy too. Yeah, the cap's messing gross, but if you could just pump lube and then, and like, I love to have a lot of lube so you can just keep pumping and pumping and like, it's a big jar. So that's where I recommend those are your, like, lube tips.
Starting point is 00:55:17 Sweet. Yeah, do you have anything to use, Lube? You still. Not really anymore. You should. The women, the study came out, the women, and their whole studies, it made them feel better and men, it felt good for men too. And you have to reapply throughout, but all that stuff. So that's Lou, that's what we got for you today.
Starting point is 00:55:38 It's learning anything else you'd like to add. No, we have to get on a conference call. We got to get this new website up. I know. The new website's up. Everyone, stay tuned to You can also send up for a mailing list in Sex Family if you want to be notified when everything's changing
Starting point is 00:55:49 or Facebook page you can find me at Yes. Right? Okay everyone, thanks so much for listening to Sex With Emily. It was a good for you. Email me feedback at Thanks for listening to Sex With Emily.
Starting point is 00:56:02 One of the reasons you're able to listen to us for free is because of the incredible people at Good Vibrations. Good vibrations to the sex-positive store carrying the best toys with an informative website at I got my very first toy from Good Vibrations, so I've been a fan for a long time, and they never disappoint. They have a huge online store at, and you can literally find anything on there
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Starting point is 00:56:42 Thanks for listening. I promise you sex life will improve.

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