Sex With Emily - SWE: How to Move During Sex

Episode Date: May 30, 2013

It doesn't matter how big your penis is or how long you can last, if you don't know how to move those hips during sex! Emily shows you how to shallow thrust, swivel, and screw. Next, Emily explores common questions from listeners: Is sex with a virgin hot? Does masturbation inhibit your ability to orgasm with your partner? Is 69ing too much work? And is paying for sex ever okay? Also, Emily reveals the “chin trick” for giving women amazing oral sex. If you're interested in learning how to move during sex and want to change your love life, check out my sponsors: Crazy Girl, Masque, and Good Vibrations. Use coupon code Emily25 at checkout for 25% off your purchase at Crazy Girl. Use coupon code GVEmily20 at checkout for 20% off purchases of $100 or more at Good Vibrations. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. I need to tell you about one of the great companies that's keeping my show free. Who doesn't want to spice things up in the bedroom? Maybe you've been fantasizing about surprising your lover with an adventurous new toy or don't-luby. Well here's a really special offer for my Sex with Emily listeners. Go to and for a limited time you'll only get 50% off just about any item. So this is a great time to try a couple's toy
Starting point is 00:00:25 like the Lilo Siri or a vibrating ring or even a rabbit. But that's not all. When you select your one item and 50% off, you'll also receive three free adult DVDs for a little inspiration. Plus a free extra gift. So sexy. I just want to surprise you with it. And at the top of it all off, Adam and Eve will throw in free shipping on your entire order. So check out Adam and today for this special offer. Get 50% off one item when you type Emily for the offer code upon checkout.
Starting point is 00:00:52 When you do, you get three free DVDs, a free extra gift and free shipping. So just use offer code Emily at Adam and Thanks for listening. Hi everyone, thanks for listening to Saks with Emily. I no longer have the Friends with Benefits program. My podcast is completely free so that you can always enjoy Saks with Emily. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Look into his eyes. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex. Eyes that mock our sacred institutions. Betrubized they call them them in a fight on day. Hey, Emily. You got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair stand.
Starting point is 00:01:33 It's a lie. The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean, like laundry? It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh, my God. I'm off here. So, so, so.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information about sex with Emily. to You can listen to our podcast and do all that stuff. And hopefully, many of you are at Sex is Emily right now listening to Sex Family.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Because we are live. We are live Monday through Friday, 1 to 2 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, for all you loyal listeners and for anyone in the world who wants to watch. Anywhere in the world, they can be watching us. I know, via the internet. via the interweb. And it's awesome. So thanks everyone. Oh my god, we have so many
Starting point is 00:02:27 friends with benefits members and I really am so appreciative that everyone is joining the Sex with Emily Friends with Benefits program because you know you get so much more. Because obviously you're listening to this show because you want to have better sex. We all want to have better sex or more sex or improve our sex life. I believe. I don't know anyone who really doesn't. And even if you're happy with your sex life, you know, you want to push it to another level. So if you're a friend of the benefits member, you get access to the full video and audio podcast, which is an hour of content we're doing a day. Plus we're doing videos, we're doing polls, we're doing blogs, we're doing so many things that you can all access and we're answering your emails. You know, we get
Starting point is 00:03:03 hundreds of emails here. I'd say a week from listeners and your email goes to the top. Your email is the first we answer. So we appreciate what you've become a friend of a button fits member. It's like 15 cents a day. It's like that then. And then what's cool is past, you know, what, five years you've been doing it, the website was just like hosting the podcast.
Starting point is 00:03:23 But now there's, if you go there every single day, there will be new content every single day that you go. Exactly. Just Which is awesome. Yeah. Hi, menace. Hi.
Starting point is 00:03:35 So we see you. I miss you. I know where the hell have you been. I was in Michigan visiting my family. All right. How'd I go? I realize that every vacation, quote, I take is with my family because they're so far away and they want to see me and I want to see them and I've nieces in my brother and
Starting point is 00:03:48 all this stuff, but it's just like, it's far. And it's amazing, but it's hard being, I was gone for like five, six days. It's just a long time and it's not really vacation. So I have an vacation in like two years. What did you even do there? Well, my brother has a lake house. That's beautiful. And there's a boat and we go on the boat
Starting point is 00:04:06 and we sit out by the water and we make smores, marshmallows and drink surveys. We drink surveys. I did drink lots of surveys on on the 4th of July and then everyone goes to the middle of the lake and they tie their boats together and then you go from boat to boat to boat and you eat all the food and you drink and everyone has different drinks like jello shots and all this stuff, but I got sick. I was sick for two days, which was such a total of us. I was in bad and sick. I had stomach flu, really? I had the stomach flu, and it was like,
Starting point is 00:04:32 my whole family was like, piss. Like I was telling Kelsey on the way over here, I was like, you know, my family, they're not the most nurturing people in the world. I don't know if that would explain anything about me. Did I just give you all a big insight into me? But they were just kind of pissed. They were like, you are here visiting us.
Starting point is 00:04:47 You are here to serve us, get out of Emma. And he says, we've just lost two days with you. Blah, blah, blah, blah. But whatever, I'm back. And I'm glad. And it was awesome. It was fun and beautiful and sunny. It's like 90 degrees.
Starting point is 00:04:57 We don't get that here. I know. I saw a photo of you also online with you in a bunch of children. You look like a mother. It didn't I? Is it weird? It's my nieces.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Aren't they cute? It's on my Facebook page, if you want. And I said, if these children only knew the life that you lived. But they do, my eight-year-old, my eight-year-old niece, nine, almost nine, is the one who came over and memorized all my sex book titles. And the next morning asked her,
Starting point is 00:05:19 mom, why Aunt Amelie's every book she has, this has the word sex in the title. But apparently Ella, my little niece, has been the sex educated at all her friends now. Because she had the sex talk. Great. So happy. That's my legacy. But my sister-in-law, her mom, was like, you know, at least she's getting her facts right.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Because she talked to the moms. Because Ella's like, well, this is what sex is about. But she said she's getting her facts right right so she's happy. That's crazy. Freaking crazy man. How are you? Would you do? I'm good. How would you date? We all want to know. Yeah well I didn't even mention it that I was going on a date. Yeah how would we know? No but I mentioned it off the air so listeners don't know. Remember because I kept it secret. I didn't say it on the air because I was doing a surprise thing remember. Yeah I remember you did mention it on the air that you were on a date because that's how we all secret. I didn't say it on the air because I was doing a surprise thing. Remember?
Starting point is 00:06:06 Yeah, I remember you did mention them there that you were on a date. That's how we all knew. You didn't say it off there. You said it. I did say it off there. Did I say it off there? She doesn't even pay attention to our intern. What kind of crap is that?
Starting point is 00:06:16 Anyways, just in case listeners didn't catch it. That is wow. I'm really extremely high right now. I feel very high. Can you tell? I got someone that would be like, bursting. I hope people are watching on the internet right now at You can also check the video podcast later if you're not catching this.
Starting point is 00:06:33 You could once make Zubrans. Yes. Okay, you are frightening me. Anyways, yeah, I was going on a date. There's this girl that I've known for a really long time, but I really like. And she is a huge Rihanna fan. Oh right. So a couple months ago, I noticed on our concert calendars when we're writing those up that Rihanna
Starting point is 00:06:54 was coming to town. I was like, oh, I got to put in some calls. I got to see if Rihanna is meeting fans, all that stuff. And come to find out she was meeting fans. I I knew somebody at the record label so like I got like killer seats and Then after the show it was all surprised. I didn't tell her where we're going that day anything. I said Yeah, we're gonna hang out, but it's not what you think because she knew that Rihanna was in town I go I don't want to get your hopes up. So I'll try to throw her off. I go
Starting point is 00:07:27 We're going to dinner at my friend's house So what we did and is it awesome dinner? They live in a penthouse like 23 floors up looking over a city and Then I said okay, yeah, we are going to Rihanna So then we go to Rihanna, but then I don't even tell her like we're gonna meet Rihanna after the show So right when we were in the sea, I was like, oh yeah, by the way, after the show, we're going to go meet up with Rihanna. Did she have a hard time? Oh yeah, she was dying.
Starting point is 00:07:53 It was cool. But the only thing is, nothing happened because she didn't think you were giving you a hand job after all that. No, so check this out. So the concert ended around like 11 something, right? And the meet and greet wasn't till 1 a.m. Okay, it kept on getting pushed back. And the thing is, my friend from out of town was also there, another radio friend of mine,
Starting point is 00:08:17 and he was staying in like, I don't know, six cities over at a hotel for some reason. And he was taking the train. The MeanGreet ran so late that the train stopped running. So I'm not gonna leave my friend and his girlfriend high and dry in Oakland, California. So you're like told her that she was gonna meet her and then you had to bow. No, she, no, but my friend was, he was there for the MeanGreet too.
Starting point is 00:08:40 So he was there, but a thing is like right after the MeanGreet, like I had a drop her off Oh, and then I had a drive like So far you just so much crazy driving To my to my friend's house. I'm in my friend's hotel Right, and then I need to get home to like three something in the morning And then I had to get up at 4 a.m. And go work So that was my night, But it was still awesome.
Starting point is 00:09:05 It was a lot of fun. It felt really good, like, surprising some of those. That's amazing. That's so good. Yeah, I love it. I would love if someone did. I haven't had anyone, like, surprise me with something fun.
Starting point is 00:09:18 And I'll ever. Really? No way. No way. Really? I don't think so. No. Like, not like, oh, I know you want to do this. And so we're going to do this.
Starting point is 00:09:27 No. Really? Uh-uh. I've done like, where I told the girl, I'm like, oh, yeah, we're going to go to a club. And then so meet me at this time and we're going to go. And then I go, oh, you, I go, it's not what you think. But you worked the next day. And she's like, no then I go, oh you, I go, it's not what you think, but you worked the next day and she's like, no,
Starting point is 00:09:47 I go, okay, cool. So we started driving and I go, oh yeah, the club we're not going to, the club we're going to is not in San Francisco. It's actually in Las Vegas. So then we just like left and went to Las Vegas for like eight hours and then came back. So fun. Yeah, I need to surprise you.
Starting point is 00:10:03 You hang out with Dork. Crazy. Yo, the guys. Like, no, I need to surprise you hang out Dork crazy You guys like no, I don't Girl you guys I did not go out that you guys I can get time so but no there's nothing ever that's like surprised I'm surprised you ever. I mean okay. I can't say never it's always lame dinners and and I'm kind of pissed right now. I think I'm actually really angry. I'm actually gonna cry. I could survive. How have I not? How have I not? I know there's so many things and I'm so easy. I'm so great. I know whatever you might not think this but I'm very grateful. Like if I'm dating someone they do anything I'm I'm beyond grateful for anything. I don't take it for granted. I don't
Starting point is 00:10:39 Whatever. So I would yes when you surprisingly men, I thought he's so happy. All right, but fall. But I haven't been dating anyone for a long time. I'll think it's something to surprise you. OK, cool. Well, let me just give a big overview, a brief overview on what I'm talking about today. Just everyone is just joining us. So you're listening to Section Emily. OK, so topics today, we're reading your emails.
Starting point is 00:10:59 And we're doing Section the News. We've got tons of Section the News that we're going to be spreading out over a few days. There's so much Section the News that happened this weekend. Okay, but anyway topics for emails include porn addiction masturbation 69ing and anal play and then for our sex topic. We've got We've got sexy movements. We've got sexy hip movements all the movements that you should be doing that you don't know about to make your sex look better all the movements that you should be doing that you don't know about to make your sex look better. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Ways you can move your body that you have never made it before. Really? Do you have instructional videos? And no, what we do need to do some videos, we need some like, some dolls or something. Some dolls? That's a great idea, like some sex dolls. Remember my friend had that vulva puppet? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Oh no, you, Friday. I saw it though. I took a picture of it. No, I didn't. Oh, you saw the puppet when she bought it in. And she's like, here's the clitoris, here's what the,. I saw it though. Oh you watch it. I took a picture of it. No, I didn't oh you saw the puppet When she brought it in and she's like here's the clitoris here's what that? But I think of because there's lots of positions that I described I had two dolls Then we can make them do stuff. Yeah Or models in the room very cool position them. That would be awesome
Starting point is 00:11:58 There we go. So yeah, so what I have to ask you about that how Because she had dildos and ask you about that how because she had Dildos and things like that like how was she was show that was on Friday show right I was girl talk Friday when we have girls in the studio talking about the sex life it was pretty risque It was she got into it. She got into here remember but I know I because I've been invocation So my brain is like waterlogged from the ocean the lake, but it was it was man. I remember thing. It was a good amazing show. She brought in her strap on She brought in her bubble public. She really wants to penetrate a man annually So she brought in her new strap on and she bought like a hundred dollars with a sex toys
Starting point is 00:12:37 Well, she was here in San Francisco and yeah, I'm like crazy sex school friends No, because I'm the reason I'm asking is I haven't watched our scene of'm sorry because you know, I'm not on them. So why why even bother? But um The people listener were listeners were hitting me up on Facebook saying are we trying to attract a new audience? Because you guys have gone so raunchy. I'm like, what the hell are you talking about and They're they were talking about those shows because we repeated the one with i think we repeated one with sarah my other sexful friend and we've peded the other one and i'm going raunchy we're just trying to show people the spectrum of sex
Starting point is 00:13:17 yeah so you could call it raunchy whatever but we're trying to show everything i was just like i was like i don't know you're like i was there and i wasn't invited those days and he he's always invited, but he had to be gone. And it was very smooth. And so what else is I going to tell you? Oh, there was a great article in the New York Times that I'm going to post on the website that it was the cover of the New York Times, which I think is a really, really big deal on us. And you've listened to the title of the story. There's the Sunday New York Times. Sunday New York Times, my favorite they can do is read the Sunday New York Times. Sunday New York Times is my favorite. They can do this read the Sunday New York Times.
Starting point is 00:13:46 The Sunday New York Times magazine, the cover story on Sunday was entitled, In Fidelity Keeps Us Together. And it was all about like, non-monogamy and how why it's sometimes why, why, why may having marriage based on monogamy is, is flawed Part of our system for people to get together and say, that we'll never cheat, we'll never cheat, and to let that be the down fall of your marriage when really you're not even discussing the fact that that could happen.
Starting point is 00:14:14 And you might be attracted to other people. Anyway, I'm not gonna give it justice. It's a very long article, but I'll give it to you to read. I bet you loved it, though. I love it! My mom's like, comes in, she's like, here I've got something for you. Oh, no. She was dreading it, too. No, she wasn't. I love it! My mom's like, comes in, she's like, here I've got something for you. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:14:26 She was dreading it too. No, she wasn't, she thought it was great. It's really good. It was dance average, you know, who's long time columnist, sex, you know, dance average. Yeah, I love dance average. She's amazing. Yeah, no, but he's a sex columnist.
Starting point is 00:14:37 He's writing about sex for 20 years and he quote him a lot and then it was just really a good article. And then, yeah, that's what I got. Oh, and then I went to just, yeah. What? What you didn't meet any boys and Michigan. No, it was just really a article. And then, yeah, that's where I got, oh, and then I went to just, yeah. What? What, you didn't meet any boys in Michigan? No, it was all family.
Starting point is 00:14:49 That's how I was like, I hope men has got laid this week because, because I don't have anything, I was in Michigan. No boys. There's no men in Michigan? None, none. I mean, yes, they're married, they're all married, or I'm just with my family.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Like, I'm like, I get that, I get there and I've got like those girls all my little nieces just. Your sister-in-law didn't hook you up or nothing? Yeah, but one day I was in the boat with my brother, we were out on the boat all day and then my sister-in-law and her friend, and her friend's new husband and his friend were there. They were all playing golf all day.
Starting point is 00:15:19 So I'm like, oh my god, they just brought a single guy for me. I was like, where'd it go? I was like, hi, five in my sister-in-law. But it just turns out that he just happened to be there. And it wasn't for me. And no one was thinking about me. And he had to leave like an hour later.
Starting point is 00:15:29 But I thought that it was cute. I was like, oh my god, there's a cute single guy. Way to go, family. And then he wasn't for me. That's weak. So totally weak. So I got nothing to miss again. I've got nothing, nothing.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Your family sucks. My family does suck. And they think, now I got a dog. I officially got the dog. I officially got the dog today. No, yeah, today. Why? She's really cute because my friend pooped with the airport and she had the dog all week for me because I couldn't bring it home to Michigan. And so she's in the
Starting point is 00:15:53 office for official. And it's scary because it's like, I'm scared a little bit. Like, people have animals, people have children. Yeah. But I have like a dog for the first time. So it's it's scary a little But I'm just how many how many days has this dog been with you Three hours three hours she's with me for two days and then I was gone and then now she's back with me for two hours officially She's at the house one. So now that's This dog is so amazing. It's only been with you for a couple hours like Experience no, I know.
Starting point is 00:16:26 It's going to be hard. It's like you care for a child. I know I'm very nervous. I have to say I'm very, very nervous. Yeah. Yeah. Is everything good? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:33 I'm just looking over at our computer that's broadcasting us right now. And I only see audio coming out of one channel. So I apologize to anybody if that is affecting you. I will. I'm looking into it. So you can keep on talking. I'm going to use some sex in the news, I think.
Starting point is 00:16:46 All right. OK. First of all, July 6 is National Kissing Day, which is today. So everyone should go make out with someone. Have a really good make out. Tomorrow, we're going to be doing a show all about kissing. Because kissing, do you know that kissing is the first thing that goes in relationships?
Starting point is 00:17:04 They say like you're with someone and the first thing that goes is kissing and then I guess oral sex and blow jobs, but first thing is kissing and you have to and especially for women We need to still kiss to feel connected and if you're with someone a while You just stop kissing and you go right to the act and there's ways to enhance kissing to make kissing better And also if kissing isn't so great like a lot of you I get this question asked me a lot They said you know everything's great it just met this person but we're not kissing really well we're not connecting he's a bad kisser slash she's a bad kisser there are ways to improve your kissing
Starting point is 00:17:34 there are ways to become a better kisser so we're gonna talk all about that on tomorrow's show because it's today's National Kissing Day and am I gonna kiss someone today besides the dog? That's what I want to know. I'm not sure. I feel like we should all make out with someone and I think it's maybe me and my dog. You're going to make out with the dog?
Starting point is 00:17:51 I thought you were hanging out with some guy before he left. I'm not the guy. You want to kiss him? I don't know where he is. He's traveling or something. He's around. I got back from Michigan an hour ago.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Yeah. I'm interested in. You didn't text him the minute you got off the plane. No, I'm not like that. I'm not the test. Hey, I'm back in town an hour ago. Yeah, I'm interested. You need to detect them the minute you got off the plane. No, I'm not like that. I'm not like that. Hey, I'm back in town. How you doing? How you doing?
Starting point is 00:18:11 How you doing? I didn't say that. Okay, let's go to, we'll get into sex news. First part of the July 6th is National Kissing Day. Did you hear that? You're excited? Yeah. When it comes, okay, here's the next one.
Starting point is 00:18:20 When it comes to sex, SF is on top and LA gets laid the most. This is another study about San Francisco being top of the sex list. San Francisco likes to have sex with and with lots of different people. At least according to a national survey conducted by a condom company, 200 people from several major cities asked about their sexual habits and how many partners they've had and San Francisco turns out to come to the top of multiple categories. The average city dweller had 30 sexual partners, more than any major U.S. city. And average differences can also likely have a sex and rural area to have masturbated,
Starting point is 00:18:53 learned about sex and school, and least likely to believe in absence of her marriage. But people in L.A. are getting laid more. That's what you guys think about California. That's weird. We'll see because we're only seven by seven miles, so everyone's sleeping with each other. Exactly. You can probably connect everybody in this city with... You can.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Six to two degrees. Oh, yeah. For sure. Happens all the time. Okay, Charlie Sheen is single. What? Officially goddess lists. No. Goddess lists. He has goddesses member yet this three goddesses he's goddess list they
Starting point is 00:19:28 all left them he's on chain beat he sent tmz learned the warlocks last remaining goddess just gave him the chop sources close to charlie tells tmz natalie kenley moved out last week but how have no theory like a warlock scorn because we're told the actor demanded she return the mercy d's about her oh she should according to sources close to the actor demanded she return the Mercedes you bought her oh she should according to sources close to the actor Charlie brushed off the break of
Starting point is 00:19:49 claiming it's not a common thing for the machine he calls himself the machine the machine m-a-s-h-e-e-n uh-huh loser we're told his penis celebrated the split by declaring war on the entire world conquering three women from three different countries
Starting point is 00:20:05 mexico australia and columbia the very night can we walked out no what a douche bag my favorite word douche bag you you're embracing that now i am i'm i'm i'm i'm gonna embrace it like i don't think to say it often enough but sometimes when i do i think all that's a time for douche bag what an idiot you know How old is this guy?
Starting point is 00:20:26 Why, he's like in his 40s or? Yeah, but he'll get women that just hang her on. The guy is like, he's like, she loves me. He'll get a bunch of you. He'll get a bunch of you. He'll get a bunch of you. He'll get a bunch of you.
Starting point is 00:20:35 He'll get a bunch of you. He'll get a bunch of you. He'll get a bunch of you. He'll get a bunch of you. He'll get a bunch of you. He'll get a bunch of you. He'll get a bunch of you. He'll get a bunch of you.
Starting point is 00:20:42 He'll get a bunch of you. He'll get a bunch of you. He'll get a bunch of you. He'll get a bunch of you. He'll get a bunch of you. He'll get a bunch of you. He'll get a bunch of you. uh... cars like he bought his ex-marsaties his ex-wife and Mercedes her Mercedes his uh... the porn star girlfriend a uh... you think you can be and then some other chick a car to i think a porch
Starting point is 00:20:55 you think when you lose your job and you're having a never i guess if you're having a mental breakdown or whatever you know it's weird that i i know people, you know, are very well off. And when they lost their job, they just wouldn't spend money like crazy. Right, that's what I'm saying. You think you're back off.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Yeah. But that guy has like, he has so much money. He has Babe Ruth's World Series ring. Really? Wow. Because 2 and F man, never seen it before. It is awful, but why is it so popular? I don't understand because
Starting point is 00:21:25 series to have man I give it the uh the jay let out thing where it's so he's so white yeah no it's so simple and middle America just embraces it like crazy like it's hilarious you know David let him in so much funnier than that David Letterman is a freaking genius and hilarious genius but and John Stuart he makes you think it's a problem I know they don't think two-fmans like
Starting point is 00:21:50 can laughter or whatever it's called what's it called when they fake the laughter it's can laugh yeah so stupid can you everybody hold on one second I'm gonna try to plug in this so I'm gonna use five seconds one two
Starting point is 00:22:07 wrong I don't know. It's tripping me out right now. Is it recording the show? Do you want to call our people? No, we're recording the show. It's not, it's not the problem. There's something that changed in the wiring while we were gone. Oh, those people were gone. Why do they do that to us? I don't know, but I kind of fixed our, uh, we're gonna love when men's place of the wires and stuff it's so hot thank you that anyways continuing okay the quentin teratino's to sucking sex email that will haunt your dreams i don't know
Starting point is 00:22:35 a young woman who works in show business emailed fifteen friends last week with a tale about meeting director quentin teratino at a party she made out with him took sexy pictures in a photo with, and watched him with about his short, fat, nub-like penis. She then had foot fetish, quasi-sex with him, she claims. That's just too much information. And that's why these guys gotta be careful, too. You're famous, some woman's gonna whatever, trash your penis.
Starting point is 00:22:59 He's out of his mind, though. It's crazy. But else, they didn't even have more news about him lately. I thought I saw. No, last time I really heard about him, he was dating Margaret Cho. Oh, really? Yeah, they were together for a while.
Starting point is 00:23:11 I never heard that. I thought she was, but he is, no, no, she's not lesbian. Margaret Cho, they can be, yeah. She might be bisexual, but she's not lesbian. Interesting. Quentin Territz, how would you feel if you've some woman met you and said you had a nub like penis? Don't ever talk about a man's penis.
Starting point is 00:23:31 It's so hot, but you know what? He's famous, he's gonna get laid anyway, so don't worry. True that. Social media overtakes porn as the number one online activity. Yes. So more people are on Facebook than surfing porn. Yeah. Okay, with Facebook surpassing Google as the most
Starting point is 00:23:45 traffic site on the internet last year, wow. Okay, wow. Facebook surpassed Google. That's crazy to me. I'm definitely on Google more than Facebook. It shouldn't really come as a surprise if people are more likely to play Farmville or constantly refresh their access profile page than to look at nude photos online. How do they know I was refreshing my excess page? Social media has now overtaken porn as the biggest internet time waste are. This fact comes via video created by AirQauman, author of a book called Social Nomics. The infographic filled clip is shock full of fascinating statistics, for instance, one in five couples blames Facebook for for the divorce and three and five gay couples meet online I cannot believe that
Starting point is 00:24:27 we are online more than surfing porn yeah but i think it's you think they're online because they're looking at their ex's profile which is already doing that yeah and no yeah it's just they're all cruising to eventually try to to get to real sex is what they're really exactly they're like okay do i want to just watch this woman that them never gonna ever have sex with or potentially stalk some new? Yeah, yeah, and then maybe have a date with them one day Yeah, like I can't really do desk me out on Facebook like that I've met once or that I and I got asked out by like three guys this week
Starting point is 00:24:59 That I don't even know who they are that I met at a party that I went to how this happened well I'll tell you what happened. I was at a party that I went to. How did this happen? Well, I'll tell you what happened. I was at a party the night before I went home to Michigan for this woman with the book. I thought you had a pack and do all that stuff, right? I did. I went for the one guy. Right. I hope you're not listening.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Yeah, he's listening. No, no, no, I did have to pack. It wasn't a party party. I was literally not kidding you. How long were we there? I'll see 45 minutes at that party. Half hour. Yeah, we were there 45 minutes. it wasn't a party party I was literally not kidding you how long we read their calcium 45 minutes at that party half hour yeah we are there 45 minutes it was just a work party I mean this woman wrote a book about sex and she has an orgasm if you're in San Francisco right now the next few
Starting point is 00:25:33 week it's an orgasm pop up store and it's right in the corner of Sutter and Kerni and it's it's this she runs this organization called one taste in San Francisco it's a lot of educational sex stuff And her book is called slow sex. She's gonna be on the show shortly soon and she wrote a book about having this like the slow sex moment We slow down, but it's orgasm pop up so for three weeks to promote her book and it's all about You go in and it says orgasm is and then everyone fills in the blanks about what orgasm means to them And then they have like central chocolates chocolates and they had the confession booth we can go in and talk about your desires.
Starting point is 00:26:07 And it was really cool event. And three guys there, whatever, apparently I met and they were like, let's go out. How did they, did you just give me your number? I think they Facebooked me because I was interviewing her for the show. Like, talking to her. We did a video interview that we're going to post. And so we did a video interview of her, and then they were like, oh, then they found me on the interweb.
Starting point is 00:26:32 And they asked me out. One of them, I think, was cute. And I can't remember the other one. I can't remember the other one. Oh, yeah. Right. Okay, this one, I don't know. This one, okay, penis size is related to length of fingers.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Length of fingers of home. Yes, not the actual fun. Yeah, if you're not, not, yeah, you're screwed. I have really hands. Do you? Yeah. I never knew that. I have really hands.
Starting point is 00:26:54 I have boy-lead boy-hands kind of. Boy-hands? Man-hands. They're called man-hands. Do I have man-hands? Oh, no, not really. Not really. Not really.
Starting point is 00:27:02 No, I'm just kidding. You know, I have man-hands. I've seen some man-hands. I've seen some man-hands on women. Really? Yeah. They're like really bulky and they look really strong. Okay, that's me.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Yeah. Okay, they're just kind of stubby. But if you're trying to determine the size of a guy's penis through his clothes, it's not the size of his hands or feet that matters, it's the length of his fingers. At least according to a study recently conducted by Korean research researchers, a team of doctors examined 144 men and found the lower the ratio of the lengths of the index and rings fingers on the right hand, the longer the man's penis. Is this North or South Korea? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Because if it's North, that's some sabotage they're trying to know. It's like some mind games. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. So, I'm not sure. Okay. So, um, that, that, that, that, that, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Okay. Let's get into some emails. But if you, uh, what did you do? Did you look at Dude's feet before to see how big their feet were? Never. Never. I don't never believe that was true, but now I gotta read that again. What is it?
Starting point is 00:28:04 The index finger of the right hand? The index finger, that's bigger than the other one? Is it supposed to be, hold on, let this is important? Of the right hand? Hold on, this is important, everyone, pay attention, because this is really important if you care about the stuff. A most woman we have found in studies and surveys do not care about the size of a man's penis.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Let me reinforce that here. I'm not saying that it matters a size of a man's penis. I'm just saying that it's the length of his fingers. This is what he said. The lower the ratio of the lengths of the index finger and the ring fingers on the right hand, the longer the man's penis. So the lower the ratio of the lengths. So the lower the ratio. What? You're gonna have to draw this out on Let's try that as I got it later. Let's get into some music.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Find a hand and make some arrows. Okay, that was just too confusing for me. Oh, here we got our poll results. Okay. Our recent poll results. And then we're gonna get into emails. All right. Okay, this is what we have.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Does the idea of having sex with a virgin turn you on? No. 23% 23% said absolutely not. I want someone with experience. 26% said yes. It's on my bucket list. 51% said they are not opposed to the idea.
Starting point is 00:29:21 So I guess that means that they are 51% safe, not opposed. That means turned on. I think for a female having sex with a version would suck. What? I thought you gave me the head tilt like your epistemic head. No, no, no, I'm tilting my head thinking about sex with a version. I think that would be kind of hot. It would be kind of hot. But like, because you know they're just going to last like five seconds. Yeah, but it be kind of hot. But like... Because you know they're just gonna last like five seconds. Yeah, but it's kind of fine. Like it's not like I'm there for like, I think I'm gonna get like anything really from it
Starting point is 00:29:51 at that moment, maybe. Maybe you just get, you know, some props. But then you have to be really young and then I get thrown in jail or something. Like how many versions, there's a lot of older versions too. Yeah, 20-something versions out there. There's 30-something versions just word of thought. So maybe it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:04 And not the Deterriou fellas deter you fellas, go get yours. It doesn't matter. What do you mean? Don't be afraid that you're not going to satisfy the woman. You're just going to have to go ahead and do it anyways. Just do it. Just do it. Just go and do it with the right person, of course.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Don't just, and don't feel bad if you are a virgin. And make sure it's like the love of your life. Yeah, right. Make sure you're the one. So when you get a marry forever. Right. Wait, actually, do we should just wait till you get married? I'd say don't have sex until you until you know
Starting point is 00:30:30 you're gonna get married to this person. Yes. I told you I had my friend who waited three months and I'm also talking to you high today. Do I seem high, really? I wish I would. No, I think you just well rested. I rest.
Starting point is 00:30:41 I told you my mom who's the least nurturing person on the planet kept coming my room every two hours and be like, are you better yet? I'm like, I'm sleeping mom. I'm sick. I'm sweating. I'm hot. I'm dying.
Starting point is 00:30:51 I'm sick. I'm like, nauseous. So mean. So I'm back here friend. You told me your friend. My friend did not have sex waited three months. I told you before I went sex with a guy. Do you remember I talked about that a few weeks ago?
Starting point is 00:31:00 I just think she's amazing and she's got a medal. Like, who waits three months anymore? And I think it's amazing when people do. And a lot of people do. And that was his choice? Her choice. Her choice. Okay. I just think she's amazing and she get a medal. Like who waits three months anymore? And I think it's amazing when people do. And a lot of people do.
Starting point is 00:31:06 And that was his choice? Her choice. Her choice, okay. Yeah. But she waited three months before doing anything. Like they didn't even do the normal like, I'm gonna touch your penis and you're gonna touch my gliderous thing.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Like they just did not have sex. And I think that's good. For her, she had to wait to let go of her life. She said a baby, herself and whatever. But. I, I think that's cool. I would just be pissed if like some reason it all fell, fell off and we ended up not doing anything
Starting point is 00:31:37 and I wasted like three months. Well, that's the thing. And he just like threw on this amazing birthday party for he did all this stuff for her without to grunt vacations and trips no sex. Yeah, because he wants to get laid. Yeah, but then finally they got laid. So it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:31:49 I always think it's better to wait. I always think it's better to wait. At least, at least 48 hours. 24? No. You should wait a few weeks. Yeah. How's the.
Starting point is 00:31:59 They're like good. I haven't talked to one a few weeks, but it was seem to be good, but he was the, but then there were some erectile dysfunction issues Which I'm like babe you could find that out three months earlier. I know right yeah Yeah, erectile dysfunction the old good old rectile dysfunction. Okay, I know nothing of pill can't fix that's not glating bagra or something something new poll when is your favorite time to have sex? This is the first this is the latest poll that we just posted morning time Afternoon delight or at night. I like morning because I'm... Or weekends we should have added. Let's add weekends.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Oh yeah, weekends. Weekends are the best because you can do it. I know you can say that. That's why I added it for you. But I do think weekends are a good time to sex, because your less pressure lets work, you know, you're not tired to go to work the next day and you're not like that if it's that night during the week, I'm exhausted, I don't want to. But if it's in the morning during the week, that's fine. Okay, so I think I'm on a schedule.
Starting point is 00:32:58 I'm a night person or an afternoon person if it's the weekend. You're a night sex person. Afternoons on the weekend? Afternoons on the weekend is awesome. After brunch, my favorite meal. After brunch? My mind doesn't believe in brunch.
Starting point is 00:33:14 No. Okay. You see the breakfast of lunch? There is no brunch. It's stupid. You don't know how I feel about brunch. I love it. I love it because you get the eggs in the bacon and the toast
Starting point is 00:33:24 and the oranges and the coffee and the water. Like you get so many things. A branch is just a late breakfast. That's it. You just said you're eating breakfast late because you slept in all day and didn't do anything. You weren't unproductive. Why keep on checking your phone? Are you talking to a guy?
Starting point is 00:33:39 No, it's because the sound thing, they emailed me about the sound and that sound sounds fine. The sound's cool. I was just checking the sound. All right, our computer just looks weird then. Okay, ready? Here's our emails.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Oh, but today, after we read your emails, we're gonna talk about hip movement during sex and how the right technique can make you better in bed. That's gonna be coming up next. When you keep on bringing that up, I keep on thinking Shakira. Because she can move her hips. She can move her hips like a mofo.
Starting point is 00:34:01 So can I. Yeah, I can dance. I can move my hips. That's cool. Yeah, that's cool. I didn't mean to take it back to me. You're right. She's cute as hot. I have an extro friend that's identical to Shakira. I swear. Really? Why'd you dump her? Because I got back with my ex-girlfriend. happens. Okay, here it is. I'm listening to the 617 Anil Sex Friday podcast and it's driving me insane that menist does not know what asked to mouse me. Asked to mouth means.
Starting point is 00:34:33 What are you talking about? I was the one that was saying it. He says you don't know what it means though. Tell them to Google that phrase. It's not what he's been using the phrase. It's much dirtier. Just thought he should know. That's from Lauren. The term, ask the mouth, does not explain what it is. Well, it's when you are, it's, it's, it's very bad actually, ask the mouth. It's not, it's not healthy. It's when you have anal sex and you remove your penis from the anus and then you put the anus in your mouth without cleaning it without protection without anything. That is not true.
Starting point is 00:35:07 It is true. That's not true. Yeah. This may enhance sexual excitement for both partners because it involves domination, humiliation. Do you know what I mean? I don't know. Like it's part of the whole domination.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Like you're going to suck my penis that just came out of your anus and it's not clean and it's not good and people shouldn't do it. Because it's disease-ridden and you should be using protection anyway and you shouldn't put a penis in your mouth that has been in an anus. I'm protected. Ever. Ever. Do you hear that? Ever. There's a while. Ask the mouth This is what I'm looking at. I see I think that's just from Wikipedia. Anybody can edit that. I see, I think that's just from Wikipedia. Anybody can edit that. I mean, like, if you look up this movie called
Starting point is 00:35:49 The Human Sun and Pied, which is not a porn, by the way, and that's Astamouth, totally. All right, I apologize, listeners, do not watch that movie because it's horrific. Oh, I watched a movie by the way, sorry. Okay, right, but. I'm Tony, that's not asked to mouth Whatever it is on least over here in the west coast. Okay with the penis the whole penis whatever it is
Starting point is 00:36:13 Whatever it is asked to mouth Be careful. Okay Hamley I've been dating a great guy for two for a year in three months He's really good to me in wonderful, wonderful bed, always wants to please me. Then one day I sat down on his computer and saw that he'd left open a porn site. Oh, that bastard.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Curious, I looked at his browsing history and bam. I saw that he looks at hours of porn and pictures of naked teens every single day. What an A-hole. I confronted him about it in a non-judgmental open for discussion way and we talked. He felt terrible knowing how bad I must feel. He said, it's just a bad habit,
Starting point is 00:36:50 and he's been having it every day, and he's been doing it every day for 12 years. What? I simply can't get past this. I don't really feel like it's cheating so much as I can't believe that hours of porn every day doesn't affect every aspect of his life and the way he relates to me and all women. He says he loves me and wants to stop. Should I
Starting point is 00:37:07 believe him? It's not as bad as bad of a habit as it feels to me. Is it not as bad of a habit as it feels to me? Is he a total pervert? How could this not destroy our sex life? I really enjoy your show and like thanks for your hard work Marie from New York City No Marie here's the thing Addiction is a term that we all throw around like you know like a someone that runs addicted these days You know especially like you know they get into some scuffle like Tiger Woods and attic But really an addiction if there's a problem with this like it affects your everyday life And I think you made up a really good point
Starting point is 00:37:46 that if he's doing it every single day for 12 years, like has to do it compulsively, I would say that there is a problem there. I would say that, even if it was, okay, I don't know the level of it, but that's just teens under age. I would say that,
Starting point is 00:38:03 that maybe it might be illegal. It might be illegal, and there's maybe some. If it's under age, then there say that it might be legal and there's maybe- If it's underage then there's a problem. Like if it was just regular porn, people of age, of a certain age porn, and it was every day he masturbated for an hour or 15 minutes, I think that's pretty normal. Like a lot of guys masturbate every day for 15 minutes or an hour, right? I'm lying. Not you.
Starting point is 00:38:21 But it's teen and he says you can't stop and I just feel like it does affect the way he relates to her and all women. It probably does. And he wants to stop. Here's a thing. Here's how we, wait, wait. Here's how we know there's a problem with addiction. Addiction is a problem when it wreaks havoc on other parts of your life.
Starting point is 00:38:38 So it is affecting his relationship. It's probably affecting his job and it's affecting his whole life. He has to do it every day. And he says he wants to stop. So when someone says they they want to stop like if he's a babe no problem with it I promise you there's no problem, but he's saying he wants to stop. So I think he should get help for it That's true, but I'm just saying how is it affecting his whole life if he's been doing it for 12 years and nobody know about it How is it affecting everybody? I don't know the reason it's affecting because she found out Yeah, but I think she didn't find out. I guarantee you.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Why is he saying he wants stop unless he's just saying he wants stop, but it's team sex. He wants to stop. I know, but then it's telling her like, oh yeah, I want to keep on doing this. What's wrong? Yeah, I think that there's some problems here. I think that it's every single day for 12 years. I think anytime you do anything for every, you know, maybe going to the gym every day for 12 years is fine, but if you're doing that and it's team sex and she bothers her and he says that he wants to stop then then maybe she gets some help. I don't think he's a total pervert. I would not label him as a pervert at all.
Starting point is 00:39:32 I don't like to label people. I don't like to label anyone's actually. I think that that's what turns them on. That's what turns them on. And he knows it turns them on. Good, that's fine. But I would say that there's a lot of sticking points here that just lead me to believe that he needs to get some help and look at it.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Maybe they can go into therapy together. I mean, what would you do if a friend of yours was told you they were looking at porn, like teen porn all day, or do you know anyone who does? You might know. A friend of mine that told me that he looks at porn every day. Teen porn, teen porn. Teen porn. If it was of age porn, then I go whatever. He's just
Starting point is 00:40:06 being a dude. I'm sorry. But it's the teen aspect of it and the fact that he wants to stop. Why? If there's hot 18, 19 year olds, like I don't understand what's wrong with that. But if he's looking at 15, 16 year olds, then yeah, he has a problem with that. He's stopped a little way. Not 18. I'm sure she says teen. She wouldn't call it, it's not called teen porn of 13. Yeah, it is, it's called, it is. But I'm sure, but yeah, I'm sure it's a legal, like it's like that barely legal stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:37 But Marie, I think that you have some good questions in here and I think, if you was looking at her age porn for 12 years, I'm sure he would have been caught by now. How... If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have...
Starting point is 00:40:50 If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have...
Starting point is 00:40:58 If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have... If she wants to have... There's guys out there, billions of guys that look at porn and it doesn't destroy their sex life. Believe me.
Starting point is 00:41:07 He's being a guy. He just has a certain type of porn that he likes. And again, if it's not underage porn, I don't see a problem with it. If there's guys that like the foot thing, there's guys that like, you know, huge breasted women porn. Right. And, you know, just because you're older, you might be offended by that,
Starting point is 00:41:28 because he likes looking at younger women. She doesn't say she's older, but for 12 years he's been doing it. So maybe he's older, I don't know. Yeah. But I'm not gonna label him here, sweetie Murray, but I think that there's an issue that you guys are gonna look into.
Starting point is 00:41:40 And he should, if he wants to stop, you have to find out too, is he saying that he wants to stop for you or does he really want to stop? And he should, if he wants to stop, you have to find out too, is he saying that he wants to stop for you or does he really want to stop? Because if he's saying he wants to stop just because you found out, then I would say that is a, I don't know that I believe him.
Starting point is 00:41:54 But if he really looks like he's really gonna take measures to stop because he's just saying he's gonna stop just like any addiction, you can say you want to stop in my time. I'm not gonna drink ever again. You know, you feel the morning after and you get really sick. You're like, I'm never gonna do this again.
Starting point is 00:42:04 I'm never gonna do that again. But unless you take steps to quit addiction, you're not going to quit addiction. Like, joining a 12 step program, we're going into rehab or whatever. So I would just say, you know, you got to look into it more and he's telling you what's to stop, but how you can trust him. And I want to trick you, man. But more people are on Facebook than porn. It's not as serious as we're making it out to be, or she's making it out to be, she's been out to be to be honest that's how i feel right i'll i think the fact that he wants to stop means that they just have to make
Starting point is 00:42:31 sure that he did take us to your questions but i don't know that i believe that he wants to stop he might just be saying that as a reaction to finding out you don't need to make this a huge dagger in a relationship that's the result of the it doesn't have to end your relationship at all. I think porn is totally healthy and totally normal. It's just if it's, I don't know his, she didn't get into his life in how it in 12 years, like maybe he's deadbeat, maybe he hasn't worked,
Starting point is 00:42:52 maybe he, I don't know, or maybe he's got a great job and he's really successful, he's got a great relationship with his family and he loves his mother and everything's fine, but he's just all of a sudden wants to quit. I would find out why does he want to quit. Is it just because of you? Again, if it's just because of you, that's on a reason if he feels shame around it, if he feels bad around it,
Starting point is 00:43:06 but he has to do it, that's addiction. That's a compulsion. If it makes him feel bad, but he feels like he can't stop. That's when there's a problem. He's like, gosh, you know, he's looking at these 14-year-olds and they're really bothering me until she looked at my browsing history, oh yeah, I want to stop. But if he's, you don't need if it's torturing him
Starting point is 00:43:22 in any way too, there's a problem. Okay, hey Emily, I listen to your show and I found it helpful in so many ways. So thank you. I am 19. I've been masturbating since I was 12. I masturbate regularly and love it. However, when I have sex, I can't get to the same space to be able to orgasm. My partner and I for play and it turns me on.
Starting point is 00:43:41 However, that's as close I can get to climaxing. I've tried everything from pelvic floor exercises, training my brain, talking to my lover, etc. I guess my main question is, having masturbated for so long has that alone affected my ability to orgasm with another? I don't think of an orgasm as the ultimate goal in sex, but I never feel leaving satisfied no matter how hard my partner tries. I feel embarrassed for both of us as if I'm underperforming. I am fully comfortable and relaxed being naked having sex, etc. Thanks for your help Melissa.
Starting point is 00:44:11 From Palmerston, North New Zealand. All the way to New Zealand. Okay Melissa. So I think it's first of all, I don't know how long you've been having sex. You said you're 19, how long you've been having intercourse with someone. So you've massed first of all awesome for you for masturbating long you've been having intercourse with someone. So you've been massed for, so I'll awesome for you for masturbating, knowing your body, being able to bring yourself to full climax.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Completely, completely normal for you, not too old orgasms when you would do it during sex during intercourse. Only 30 to 35% of women actually have orgasms during penetration. And so I would say that you are in the norm. And I would say that it has nothing to do with the fact that you masturbate, it has nothing to do with anything other than the fact that it takes practice.
Starting point is 00:44:47 And it takes time with this partner, and I would say, you say you can't get to the same space that you get to when you orgasm, and I would really try to incorporate what you do during masturbation into your love making. So if you touch your clitoris, for example, I would do the same things that you do during masturbation when you're with your partner. So if you need to mutually masturbate in front of each other or if you need to touch yourself during a course, that makes yourself a orgasm where you need to bring in a sex toy. I'm not sure how you orgasm, but if it is clitorally,
Starting point is 00:45:18 there's nothing wrong with needing having him touch you, having yourself touch you, or maybe you could start by masturbating again in front of him and seeing if you're able to get there with him in the room and then kind of moving slowly into a corporate and to your relationship. All right. All right. Okay. Emily, on a recent show, you were down on 69s for being too complex, too much to keep
Starting point is 00:45:41 track of. But I find that my wife thinks too much when I go down in her. If she's something to distract her, then this gets her out of her head and she can really enjoy it. Great podcast. I look forward to the show each day. Donald from Lakewood Ranch, Florida. He's a premium member.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Yeah, you're Hayden on the 69. He is a friend with benefits member. What up, Donald? Thanks for being a friend's benefits member. Okay, I was down in 69. First of all, that's awesome. I think that's a really good point because that your wife gets too much inside of her head
Starting point is 00:46:08 and she can't endure all sex. So that is a good reason why some people would like 69. Personally, I was saying, I just find 69 distracting. I'm like, are we doing this or are we doing that? Like, am I going down to you or you, you, me, and let's just pick one? Because it's too much. I think they're going down on each other.
Starting point is 00:46:22 It's not work. It's too much. I get it. But let's just pick one because I can't. I'm such a perfectionist that I want to I want to know, but I want to be delivering. I want to be like into it and on it and be like, I'm so giving you great oral sex right now. Yeah. That. You're going to give me high five after. Yeah. Yeah. I want to high five. I want a lot that if you're going down on me, I'm not focusing on that. I'm just kind of like, no, get in.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Let me add it. I'm trying to get, so that's just me personally, my own issues, but a lot of people love 69. Donald loves 69. Yeah, there's a lot of people. Because wife loves 69. Nothing wrong with that. Do you like 69? No, I've never even done it.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Never? No. Only you should try it once. Yeah, I will. What the right person? Okay. Emily, you are so seductive as I clicked to live. Oh, wait, we should move into what?
Starting point is 00:47:11 So seductive. Ugh. Baby. I like it when you talk like this on the podcast. Ugh, yeah. So seductive. I don't talk seductively. Huh, sometimes you do.
Starting point is 00:47:23 I do? Yeah, when I tell you to. When do you tell me to? Say, I tell you to do it on the podcast. When have you told me to talk seductively? You do once in a while. Oh, baby. No, you do it better than that.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Come on. Pretend you're a phone sex operator and read that email. Emily, you're so seductive. As I clicked to listen on the classic episode on iTunes, I swear I saw you wink at me. My question is for both you and Menace. How do you feel about paying for sex? Long story short, I was raised as a Christian, no sex of any kind. Got married at 30, mediocre sex for several reasons. Now divorced, I'm healthy, fit, and loved, please. I love everything about sex. Just trying to find a woman who was interested in casual sex
Starting point is 00:48:08 was tougher than I thought. Searching for ideas, I stumbled onto a niche niche that I didn't know existed, independent ladies who practiced full-body sensual massage with mutual touch. After seeing six different ladies, I can say, oh my God, how amazing these ladies are. No intercourse mind you, but most everything else. P.S. I got a boner. Did you? No.
Starting point is 00:48:32 I turned you on. No, I don't turn you on. No, I'm listening. I'm listening carefully to what you've said about what women want in bed. Do you remember the chin trick? Well, as I employed your ideas about four plays, she wanted me to go down on her and bam, I remember the chin trick.
Starting point is 00:48:49 She loves lots of pressure and variation, the chin went into action, mission accomplished, she had a great orgasm. Jeff from Seattle, premium member. Hey, Jeff from Seattle, thanks so much, premium member, love it, love it, love it. I have no problem with you paying for sex as long as it doesn't keep you from connecting
Starting point is 00:49:04 with women on an emotional level, if that's what you want. So I have no problem with you paying for sex as long as it doesn't keep you from connecting with women on an emotional level if that's what you want. So, I have no problem with you like paying for women to give you to masturbate you or whatever you're doing. I don't think it's a problem if it's compulsive again, if it's wreaking havoc on your life, if you're doing that instead of connecting with women if that's really what you want, then there's a problem. But otherwise I think it's awesome and awesome that you can play the chin trick. That was on the charisma show everyone wants to go to the classic episodes and look up charisma She talked about she goes that on women. She's bisexual and she talked about the chin trick Do you remember this menace when she was like no? I don't oh?
Starting point is 00:49:34 You know why cuz you weren't there okay? She uses her chin and so many people have used this trick I can't tell you it's the most I didn't even give the tip, I should feel offended, but it's like the most sex trick tip that I've given are one of them that people've used the most and it works. I don't know what it was exactly. It's something like, you have to bring it up tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:49:57 We'll save it for tomorrow. Okay, it's going to the sex tips. Okay, and real quick, I feel that every time I take a girl out on a date, I'm paying for sex anyways, because I'm paying for the whole thing. Really? Yeah. Well, do you wish that she paid,
Starting point is 00:50:10 and then you wouldn't feel that way? Are you just kidding? No, I'm halfway kidding. Okay. Okay, here's what we're talking about today. Hip movements. There are many ways you can move your hips during sex. Here are some different ways you can move
Starting point is 00:50:20 during sex to the best sex possible for you and your partner. Okay. This is tips for men. First, and then women. Feels really good. I've been flying all day. Scrooing, ready? They call it screwing for good reasons, meaning circular move.
Starting point is 00:50:36 So don't do the jack camera sex. When I say jack camera sex, I mean the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, yeah. Screw around, move your hips around in circles. Instead grind your hips to make circular motions when your penis is deep inside or to stimulate her clitoris. Men do not do this move enough. They need to.
Starting point is 00:50:54 If you want to hit the pearl to really give her pleasure then push your hips up slightly at the tightest point of the screwing motion. Use your PC muscles. PC muscles, this is not a reason to plug my very successful, very helpful, very popular iPhone app, but I will. It's called Kegel Camp and you can get it on the iPhone, called K-E-K-E-G-L, and it helps you with your PC muscles. Anyway, use your PC muscles, dudes, just for the guys. You can use your PC muscles, dudes. It's for the guys. You can use your PC muscles
Starting point is 00:51:25 during sex. Everyone has to PC muscles. It's that muscle that you use when you can, you know, stop and start the flow of urine when you want to stop peeing and you can start peeing. You just have to exercise that. Learn to relax your PC muscle when your hips meet with your partners and squeeze it when you pull away. So you relax it and then you tense it when you're pulling away. You feel like your penis and testicles move up into your body, giving you some indirect prostate, A.K.A. the male g-spot stimulation. PC exercises even help you last longer in bed.
Starting point is 00:51:55 And as your hips keep that pumping rhythm going, you need to inhale as you relax, exhale as you squeeze. That is if you want to feel the orgasm travel right into your toes. So you breathe in, breathe out, when you're intensing and relaxing the PC muscles. This is a good time to talk about your app to help people out.
Starting point is 00:52:12 You were on the phone. No. Dude, I just plugged it. You did talk about your app? We're, yeah, I just said. I just died. You're kidding? Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:22 I'm like, we're playing it where you are. When I just said, I don't mean, I'm not talking about this to plug my app, but I'm going to, because I can't help it. Okay, I love this one. This is a great tip for me. This is awesome. Again, not practice that frequently, but a great one. Shallow thrusting.
Starting point is 00:52:38 A tip for getting stimulation for her G-Spot is shallow thrusting. The outer third of a woman's vagina is her most sensitive area. What's more, it'll also provide extra sensations to tickle your fancy since you'll be concentrating on the most sensitive part of your penis, the head. You can also have best of both worlds by combing shallow and deep thrusting. By combining shallow and deep thrusting, begin with nine shallow thrusts and then move those hips to get in deep for one hard thrusts. Then do eight shallow thrusts, then do eight shallow thrusts and two deep thrusts, then you do seven shallow thrusts and you like vary the movement. So like the shallow thrusting is where it's really sensitive for women.
Starting point is 00:53:16 So you don't like most matters like all about the deep thrusts, deep deep deep, which feels really good for women. Like sometimes it feels awesome, but we want the variation. So this is all talking about shallow thrusting. Changing it up. Changing it up, ma'am. And get a, you know, can you break it down? Are you gonna break it down on
Starting point is 00:53:34 Yes. Can you understand it? No, no, I understood it, but I just, you know, we'll break it down more and text We absolutely well. We'll be sure to post this. It's awesome. Okay, the cap position, I've talked about this, the coidal alignment technique.
Starting point is 00:53:46 It's a variation of the missionary position. She squeezes her legs together, after you enter her forcing your knees on either side of her thighs. And the man is, I don't know, this one is so, this one we need, I think quip hosts is on the website. There's a picture of a diagram of it. So the man is above her and this is not an up and down movement. This is like a side to side, and it increases the odds of a woman having orgasm from vaginal
Starting point is 00:54:12 thrusting, even though it'll still be a literal orgasm. So your hips grind rather than thrusted it out, and the man has moved more on top of her. I'm going to put this down here. Yeah, I need a picture of that. I know. Okay, these are movements for women. Okay. Okay, pace yourself.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Timing is extremely important. If you want a long love-making session, start out slow. This will happen last longer. So women on top, these are some things that women can do. Start moving up and down to build momentum. Do you like women as separate thought? When a woman is on top of you, do you like when she's going up and down or forward and backward? What feels better to you? Up and down. Up and down.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Up and down. Because forward and backward, I feel like you're gonna slip and lose a rhythm, you know? She is? Or you are? Both of us together. But I think up and down, you can. Right, up and down, it looks hot, because you can watch your penis going in and down. That's what I meant with that.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Yeah, they love that. But then also it's harder. That's how long the penis is in and out. But it's harder to get off of rhythm without that position. And plus she's going, well, either way, the women are doing at the motion that they like. Right. So you can rest your torso or you can rest your torso on his and essentially grind him
Starting point is 00:55:31 from side to side or in circles. So that's the other way. So grind him from side to side or up and down. But just because you're in the driver's seat that doesn't mean you have to do other work, he can wrap his hands around your hips and help you gyrate. Start slowly, rock back and forth, gyrate in small circles, lift for a sensual up and down and pump hard for that special umph. As his body tenses and he nears his orgasmic point of no return, match the increasing speed
Starting point is 00:55:55 and rhythm and don't stop until you get every last contraction. So this is really interesting. So you can rock back and forth, gyrate in small circles. What was I just going to say about that? Oh, he can help you gyrate. So I like when I think, when a woman's on top, I think a lot of men are like, oh, I'm just gonna let her do her thing because she knows what she's doing.
Starting point is 00:56:14 But it can be really nice when a guy helps you and moves you forward and backward as well with their up and down or whatever you wanna do like because then you're like in it together and guys are sometimes can be stronger than women, oftentimes. And so sometimes they can move you even faster, harder than you can do it yourself.
Starting point is 00:56:32 So that's total bonus when guys to kind of pitch in to help. Yeah, of course. You just rip on tight and then just follow their lead though. I'm getting kind of turned on right now. I'm getting kind of turned on right now. All right. All right. I don't know that doesn't have an often. I just got kind of turned on right now. All right. I don't know that doesn't have an oven. I just got kind of turned on. Okay, reverse cowgirl. We've
Starting point is 00:56:50 talked about this. The man lie then is back with his legs closed and knees slightly bent. She sits on top of him and faces the other way. Instead of moving up and down, she rocks back and forth. This will provide both clitoral and g-spot stimulation. And this is a huge one. Men love a lot of men like a versus cowgirl because they can watch again, they end it out. And so women, this is gonna be a grinding back and forth rather than meet up and down as hot too. But this is like, again, we're talking more about the grinding.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Like we so go towards the up and down and the back and forth when you see grinding, you're talking about a circular motion. A circular motion, yeah. More circular. So that's what I got for you. And then tomorrow we'll be talking about being a motion. Circular motion, yeah. More circular. So that's what I got for you. And then tomorrow, we'll be talking about being a better kisser, because that will enhance your sex life.
Starting point is 00:57:30 And then we've got, oh, we've got to, we've give away prizes every week. We give away special, special things. And this week, we're giving away people who you got to email me ASAP, your sex tip. What is the best sex tip that you've ever gotten, that you've ever learned, that anyone's ever done to you, that you've ever experienced? Just email me feedback at where you can just go to the website and put ask Emily to do their website. And some of your best sex tip and we'll give you a special prize and we'll totally appreciate that. So yeah, you can find me and also you can do sex with Emily, sex with Emily or Twitter
Starting point is 00:58:03 or sex with Emily. And what was I gonna say about that? Oh, we just wanna hear, with sex tips, you've ever learned and give your prizes. I thought we wanted to do. All I wanted to do is help you out. We wanted to give you prizes. Yep, exactly. I just wanna give you prizes, maybe.
Starting point is 00:58:14 And so yeah, what else, anything else, miss? We got like a one minute, yeah. A couple of things. We were started late, so that's- We recorded here at Stitcher Studios. We'd love Stitcher. Stitcher is a app that is free for your smartphone, you know, Android, what, BlackBerry, iPhone, and you can stream the podcast on your phone whenever you want.
Starting point is 00:58:37 But you know, once you're a friends of benefits member, you just type in the password one time and every single day it will let you know when the new episode is available. And I love it. I use it at home. Also, I'm a big fan of your your fire TV. Fire TV. Fire TV is amazing. I know I mentioned it earlier. FYRETV is my set. Like I literally I missed now. I'm going to miss my dog when I go away, but when I was in Michigan, I missed my fire TV set top box. It is like the Netflix of porn. They've got like 20,000 titles You can break it down by categories like porn for women porn for men or just facial porn You know when the man orgasms on the woman's face yeah or hand job porn or big boot porn or like there's all these different ways
Starting point is 00:59:18 It blows my mind and the user interface is really cool and I love Signing up at your house. There was two girls and the user interface is really cool. And I love watching part of your house. There was two girls, Dildo and anal play. Yes, there was. It was very classy. And they were gonna blow up, they were gonna blow up pool and a lot of lube
Starting point is 00:59:33 and I was afraid and I left. And I was like, okay, I'm see you later. All right, everything's plugged in, I'll see you later. Okay, so I don't want to check out via TV because there are new sponsors and I'm not just saying that's cause there are new sponsors, I'm just saying like, oh my God. Like, techno art. Technic, right. You know because I'm not saying that's because there are new sponsors. I'm just saying like, oh my god. Like techno.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Technic, right. You know because I'm a tech geek. Like it is set up really legit. I don't have one. But I set it up at 2.1. Uh, I think it's not mine. But it is set up just like Netflix. Like you know people have they buy little boxes they put on top of your TV and then you can scroll through it. I know you just explained it but it amazed me
Starting point is 01:00:10 on how well it was set up. I believe that is. I think the categories are even set up way better than Netflix. Yeah me too. I couldn't believe it. I was like oh my god I can get this specific. That's what I'm doing tonight with my dog. We're going to watch porn together. Not together like in a weird way, but I got no plans. You share too much. Too much. Okay everyone, thanks so much for listening to Sex with Emily. Was it good for you?
Starting point is 01:00:31 email me feedback at This episode is brought to you by one of our amazing sponsors, Mass Sexual Flavor Strips. They enhance your sexual experiences with a taste of strawberry, mango, watermelon, or chocolate. It's kind of like a taste of strawberry, mango, watermelon, or chocolate. It's kind of like a mystery and strep, but for sex. So if you like sex and you want to make it even more enjoyable and you like hearing sexual therapy for free, check out mask at
Starting point is 01:00:56 Enjoy the show. I promise your sex life will improve.

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