Sex With Emily - SWE: How To Talk To Women

Episode Date: April 23, 2013

Emily interviews Marni Wing Girl on how to get the girl. You don't have to be really good looking, have an expensive car, or be in a band. But you do need to know how to talk to women. Marni tells yo...u what to say and what not to say when talking to women. She breaks down her Wing Girl Method: observe, share, and then ask questions. No women wants to be interrogated while she's sipping on a vodka tonic. Marni teaches how to approach her and give her a feel for who you really are. Women actually love nice guys, they just aren't drooling over wimps and push-overs. Marni explains how to take action, get out of the friend zone, and get the girl already! Want to learn more about Marni's Wing Girl Method that will help you get smart, beautiful women? Click here to watch Marni's video How To Talk To Women And Make Them Attracted To You. Put in your email and enjoy the video!  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, can I see a question? How are your balls feeling right now? Are they super clean and dry? Does your partner complain or is not always willing to go downtown? If so, I've got something for you. I've just launched a new product called Down Under Comfort for my brand Emeline Tony. It's really unique. It's a cream to tap yoga powder formula that is designed to keep men fresh and clean
Starting point is 00:00:22 down under or wherever they need. And girls can use it too, under their brass, the lower back, anywhere they want to stay fresh. So how keep this podcast free and your balls dry? Use code Emily to get 20% off your first purchase. Check them out today at Emily and Trust me and you're welcome. Look into his eyes. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Eyes that mock our sacred institutions. Betrubized, they call them in a fight on me. Hey, Avaline, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair stand. Oh my! The women know about shrinkage.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Isn't it common, but only? What do you mean like laundry? It shrinks. Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm so dumb. Being bad feels pretty good. But you know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between.
Starting point is 00:01:31 For more information, go to where you should enter your email address and listen to all of our podcasts and check out our videos or mailing lists. It's time for the mailing list. Like I said, check out our sponsors and enjoy everything that sex with Emily has to give you because your sex life will certainly improve after listening to the show. And I also want to thank everyone for emailing me your questions at feedback at I love hearing from you and try to get back to you as often as I can with all of your important questions.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Today's show is very special. I've got Marney, she's your wing girl. She's my wing girl, actually. We won't get into that. But anyway, Marney's awesome. Hi, Marney, how are you doing? Hi, I love that I'm your wing girl. I've set up, make me feel so good.
Starting point is 00:02:17 You kind of are. A lot. But I guess I am. I think it's awesome. I know, I was talking about that. I was like, yeah, Marney, Marney's introduced me to some nice, nice men here in the Los Angeles area. But Marney is awesome. I know I was talking about that. I was like, yeah, Marty, Marty's introduced me to some nice nice men here in the Los Angeles area. But Marty is awesome. If you guys don't know, Marty, check out her website. It is, watch your website, Marty, the busway to find you.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Right. And she really, truly is a wing girl. She's not just saying it like inside and out. I've seen her work her work. And I just thought, we should chat. Because Marty, we do, when you and I are kind of leading parallel lives these days, if I'm really strange. I have to, it's really strange.
Starting point is 00:02:51 So strange. But we do different things, we do a lot of the same things, but different things, you have a very special niche. Like tell me about how you got started being the ultimate wind girl. Well, I was drunk at a singles mixer.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Isn't that how all businesses start? Exactly. So I was drunk at a singles mixer when I was that how all businesses start? Exactly. So I was drunk at a singles mixer when I was 23. And I was actually there with my best friend, who had just broken up with her boyfriend. And so she was on the market again and ready to mingle with men. And I actually had just met my husband a month earlier. So I was window shopping because I wasn't
Starting point is 00:03:20 set on what I had selected. So we loaded the singles mixer, and nobody is talking to each other. It was like literally, men were on one side of the room and women were on the other side and I saw my friend getting really depressed because you know if you don't get approached you feel pretty unattractive. So I literally started grabbing men and making them approach her and making them interact with her and then when she was taking care of, I was like, well, I may as well do it for
Starting point is 00:03:42 other people. So I started grabbing them and introducing them to women, being their icebreaker, being their wing girl telling them what to say, telling them what not to say. And I ended up having a blast. And by the end of the night, people were interacting, they were exchanging numbers. My friend actually met a guy there that I had introduced her to that she had dated for about three months afterwards. So when I, yeah, so when I went home that night, I was just talking to my friend and my roommate, who's a guy, and I was just saying how much I hated my job. I was working in PR at the time and I was miserable.
Starting point is 00:04:12 And then I said how much I loved doing what I did tonight. I wish that I could do that on a regular basis and be a wing girl. And my roommate, who is a guy, was like, there's no way in hell anybody is going to pay you to do what you did tonight, unless you throw in a case of beer and a blow job. And I was like, I don't think you're right about that.
Starting point is 00:04:29 I don't have to promise any sexual favors. I think men want to know what goes on inside of a woman's mind and they want to know how to approach us and talk to us and be with us and attract us. So I went into my bedroom and I posted an ad on Craigslist that said something like, what better way to attract bees with honey? Sit back and relax. I will do your journey work for you and I will pick up women for you. And by the next morning I had over 75 responses from guys. So I just started and then over the years been, I'm not going to say how many years now, but quite a few, almost a decade. But I have definitely more of the business. So now I advise men and hundreds of thousands
Starting point is 00:05:07 of men all over the world on how to attract dates, seduce, and be with any woman they want. I don't teach guys how to be whims. I don't teach guys how to suck up to women and buy them gifts. I teach them how to be masculine leading men that women want. God bless, Marry. How do you teach? Yeah And how do you, okay, so tell me your typical guy now. Like, what are you doing now? I know you have like, you do coaching and you teach, you have seminars, you've got a lot of cool products on your site that people can buy.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Yeah. But what do you, how do you work, like tell me your typical guy, like he calls you up or your client. So I have tons of guys. Who is this guy? Who is this guy? To be honest, like I will always describe my guys as the most awesome guys in the entire world, mainly because they're men who are willing to ask for help and want to make something happen
Starting point is 00:05:54 that's not currently happening in their life. So I would get really upset in the past when people are like, who are these losers who work with you? And I would say they are much better men than you are for asking that question. They are pretty successful men who are very confident in certain areas of their lives, like their work life or their friendships, but when it comes to women either they were too distracted focusing on their work life or they never really owned or honed those skills, social skills when it came to interacting with women. So like think of one of your best guy friends who you know for your entire life as always
Starting point is 00:06:29 wanted to sleep with you or be with you, but has never stood up and asked for it and taken at it. Exactly. That's who the guy is. That's who the guy is. So they're also wonderful guys, but they're just like not taking that extra step. Exactly. And I think that you said a very important thing, which is what we always talk about. It's like, don't feel bad if you're not graded approaching women or you don't know what to say or looking for. It's a muscle that you have to exercise. Like anything else. And if you don't use it, you lose it. And so, you know, that's why I understand that's how we get so many questions from men or like, I just can't talk to women or I can't ask them out. And it's like, and I think that they
Starting point is 00:07:02 feel bad and they beat themself up. But it's like, no, you just need to like listen to my show, talk to Marny, you know, have Marny go on whatever. Exactly. And the thing is, it's like, okay, let's say you were to learn piano, right? Okay. Or tennis or whatever, do you want to start learning?
Starting point is 00:07:14 You wouldn't just like sit down a piano and suddenly start playing Beethoven or Mozart and just be the most fantastic player in the entire world. You would have to take your time to learn the basics, then learn the steps to increase that skill. So being social and interacting with women, if it's not natural to you, then it is also a skill, but a skill that you can learn. So there are steps, and that's what my specialty is.
Starting point is 00:07:38 It's laying out those steps to go through, giving you exercises, sorry, but there is some work to be done when right honing a skill, but it's very, it's quick for a lot of people. But it does give you the step-by-step steps to becoming the attractive men that women literally fall head over heels for. So like, give me an example of a step, of a piece of homework you give someone.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Okay, so I have this method for conversation, because I know conversation is tough for a lot of men because So so men typically their goal is to Approach a woman and get her to open up so to try to get her to open up they they probe right they go into interview mode And they're like what will get you to crack open and discuss something you're interested in When that's not really a good tactic for women because it just makes them feel like they're being attacked. It makes them feel like you're entering into their space. It makes them feel creepy.
Starting point is 00:08:32 It makes them ask, what the fuck do you want for me? And why are you talking to me? So what I tell guys to do is actually, instead of getting them to open up, you open up first and leave by example. So the method that I use for conversation is called OSAP. Observation, sharing, and asking the question. So that you don't break into a conversation with a woman by bombarding her with questions,
Starting point is 00:08:57 which again feels interrogating and creepy and weird. So instead, you make an observation about the world around you, about something about her or about you in general. It's like, I don't want anybody who has threats and it doesn't have to get upset with me, but it's kind of like you have threats. You just say what is in what you're thinking in your mind, you say it out loud. And you see what gets caught onto it. So you make an observation. So if I walk into a coffee shop and there's a really long line, and I'm standing behind somebody, I would literally just blur it out loud.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Oh, this line is long. That is an observation that I'm making, right? Then after you say this line is long, making the observation, you go into sharing mode, which is sharing something about your opinion or about an experience of yours or a story, but you want to share. Because when you share, that's when you give a little tidbit of information about who you are as a person. It helps paint a picture for a woman. Because women need to feel you in order to be attracted to you.
Starting point is 00:09:56 And if you're simply just asking them questions, they're just going to be like, oh, he's a great interviewer. I, if I ever wanted somebody to interview people, I would select him. But they don't really get to feel anything else about you So sure don't want to thank him right and I don't want to have sex with me 100% But when they feel you they're like, oh, okay, well, there's something interesting about him Because curiosity is where attraction stems from and I'll get back to that at a moment but
Starting point is 00:10:18 The sharing part is okay This is a long line and then you can say I've come in here every single morning for the past week. And for some reason, the line is extra long. Last week, you can continue sharing whatever your experience was, but with a tipit-tipit of sharing information. And then once you have gotten this woman or person's attention, then you can open it up by asking her a question or the people in front of you or around you a question. So you do observe, share, then ask. And typically you want an open-ended question because it will get you a better response from people. So you ask, how, why, when, and where question, rather than a do you like, because that usually gets a well-born answer. And also, again, it's an
Starting point is 00:11:04 exercise and it's a method of having conversation. And as you start to do it, you'll start to feel more comfortable and you'll start seeing. And I teach you how to observe. And I teach you how to see the things that are around you. And I teach you all of that in my programs. But that's just the basic method for conversation that will assist you with every person that you talk to, especially with me. That's a good one. I like it. Do you also talk because I got to mention something real quick. I got to talk about maps for men.
Starting point is 00:11:31 You know, is one of our sponsors and it's product line and it's all about increasing male pleasure, attraction and performance. So they make a back shape gel, like they make a max like, Oh, it's like pheromone infused interaction and all that stuff. It's very cool products. Really? Do you ever do, yeah, it's really cool. It's called Macs the number four men. People use Emily 25.
Starting point is 00:11:55 They use coupon code Emily 25 to get 25% off at That's max the number four men. Anyway, so they have like an oral sex gel, they have a shaving gel, they have a real tough, yeah, I know, right? Oral sex gel feels good on your, you know, if they're men are getting oral sex, but do you do anything this would stuff with men?
Starting point is 00:12:14 Like do they ever ask you for makeovers or do you for like dress that, would you go to that level? Oh, yeah. Of course. Take them shopping. What do you do? Well, that's component of it as well.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Like there are certain times where we do need to revamp the way that you look. So you want you to have your outside match with your inside. And sometimes there's certain people who dress like they're 50 years old and they're 25. So style is an extension of who you are. And sadly, it's the superficial extension. But it can get you to feel better about yourself
Starting point is 00:12:43 if you do look better. And it can get others to feel better about yourself if you do look better. And it can get others to actually pay attention to you. I have this one client. We did a style makeover with him and he was awesome, but he dressed honestly like Bill Gates and it was horrible. He was like 27 years old and he looked like he was 52, which was very sad girls and I noticed him. And I had him work with one of my wing girls, who's an amazing stylist for a lot of celebrities. And he wrote me back saying, like, literally, girls would chase him out of a location wherever he was and say, like, where did he get your clothes?
Starting point is 00:13:13 Like, you look freaking good. And then that was the icebreaker for them. They actually did. Yeah, and then he could handle himself. Like, he'd worked with me for about three months. And like, then he was fine. As soon as he got that, you know, open up or something. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:26 And that's the thing. You can analyze where they need help and all that stuff. Oh, absolutely. You track them. Yeah, and you know me. I'm pretty blunt and honest. I don't, you know, because the thing is a lot of girls are careful about hurting feelings, which is why, you know, girls give out phone numbers without answering the phone.
Starting point is 00:13:41 They say yes to things and then they flake on things. So not that I'm not a nice girl, but I understand that, you know, nice being nice is great for certain things. But when you want to improve yourself, you need to hear the honest truth and that's what I do with men. Okay, that's I love it. So what do you think is the biggest mistake do you find in your work that men are making? Like there must be some main theme that runs through that you're just like, oh my God, guys keep doing this over and over again. Or is there one? Yeah, well, they have, they have desired outcome in mind. They're trying to either, you know, they think that they're mind readers or that they're
Starting point is 00:14:14 able to control another person when, you know, everybody should know this. You can't control another person. So like a lot of guys before they approach like, okay, there's a cute girl. I want to approach her. I want to talk to her. I want to be really interested in me. Then I'm going to ask her for a phone number. Then we're going to go on a date and then we're going to have sex and then we're going to have babies. And like if they have this whole desired outcome in place before they've even said hello to this girl, not knowing if she has a bad breath, not knowing if she's a bitch, not knowing if she's nice. Like, which means
Starting point is 00:14:44 over a tall. They've been means, over and over and over. They've been like, put her on a creak this whole persona and this whole thing about it. We don't even know anything. Absolutely. And what does that say about you as a man? It means like literally a smile is all you need. That's how you're equating your value by saying,
Starting point is 00:14:57 oh, she's better than me and she's more attractive and she's somebody that I should want because she's pretty, which of course being pretty is something that is an attractive point But it shouldn't be the the be all and end all that either stops you from approaching or creates this this big Manifestation of a million desired outcomes. Right. Okay. That's a good one So guys just stop thinking when they're going on dates with women like they think they are when they're approaching Are there meeting someone new like that they know exactly where it's going. People do that in so many areas of their life too.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Oh my god, yeah. They do it everywhere. Then they're so disappointed all the time. So just be present and don't trip on this too much. So okay, how about looks and money? We hear about that a lot from guys like, but I don't have the looks out of the money. I think it's like a way of keeping guys like self-esteem down and not really looking like they just making excuses.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Like there's not something that guys are like, yeah, but I don't have money yet or I'm not, or I'm not whatever. Oh, yeah, I get all the time while I'm unemployed, so I don't feel like I could be utilizing your information right now, but I will once I have a job. I'm like, what do you mean? Do you understand my female friends,
Starting point is 00:15:57 the guys that they're dating? Most of them are in a band and unemployed. Like it's not about being employed or being really wealthy. And I do wish that man understood this more that we are triggered by different things than them. We are... yes, looks... they are an important factor. For sure, you have to be attracted to them. Doesn't mean you have to be a model. But a woman can be attractive to you and your looks can start to change based on your character. So for example, me, when I have men approach me, I see them for who they are and what they look like for five seconds before they open their mouth. And I make a snap judgment because I'm a human being
Starting point is 00:16:35 and I'm going to make a snap judgment. I'm going to put that in a category. I'm going to be attracted to them or not attracted to them. But something really interesting happens after they start to talk and I start sensing their character. Their face literally starts to morph in front of me and they will become either more attractive or less attractive to me. Over a period of time, women have multiple boxes that need to be checked. So, it looks are a factor, but personality definitely is way more important to women than it is to men. I agree. I agree. And then I always say like it's true. I tried to explain this to so many men. I'm like men grow on me. Like there's been so many times where I'm
Starting point is 00:17:10 ready. Yeah. I didn't think anything or I didn't find attractive. Like if you could say it or like you know he's the hottest guy I've ever seen and we're dating for whatever. How long? Oh yeah. As long as they don't become a wimp and put you on a pedestal. Yeah. If they still maintain that level of the intention is, we're exploring each other, then yes, absolutely. Because I had that as all with my husband. I honestly didn't find him attractive when I first met him.
Starting point is 00:17:33 And I remember being out with my girlfriend, and I was talking to my husband. And I turned to her and said, you're cute, right? And she's like, yeah, he is. Are you blind? I'm even out of the blue. I wasn't attracted to him at first. And he did grow on me.
Starting point is 00:17:46 But he never got into the friend zone with me or I'm going to be your best friend zone. Let's talk about the friend zone for a second. So we're always hearing about the nice guys being pushed into the friend zone and they're always in the friend zone. How did they make a half-hand a guy? What did he do that did not put him in the friend zone?
Starting point is 00:18:03 Because I'm sure you're like me. We have friend zone many, many a man. Well, I Explain that I will say one thing. I've never friend zoneed anybody like it's not like I It's not like we purposely are doing it in our brains right and it's not like I say to him you are in the friend zone now Stay there. You can't move. It's like I have I have no control over that It's a way that I perceive him and it's not seeing him as a sexual option. He doesn't excite me. There's no curiosity there. There is no attraction. He is just a friend. Maybe once in a while I'll question it. And if he were
Starting point is 00:18:36 to act on it during that period of time, then I'll do something. But you are the only one men who are in control of you being in the friend zone. Either you can act like a friend or you can act like something more. And if you keep acting like this, well actually it's not a friend that you're acting like because the truth is if you were acting like you do in front of your friends where you're far in front of them, you challenge them, you tease them, you call them out on shit, you would actually create more attraction. Right, right. But because men think they can't and that's why I always tell men to like you know just like I know it's hard to do but like think
Starting point is 00:19:07 of how you are when your friends like we're all we know so chill so open with our friends we are like I think I'm my best self with my friends all the time sure like my peeps that are my peeps since like if you can somehow channel you know channel that person that you are with your friends and bring some of that save for the fart jokes women don don't love fart jokes much. Do you realize that Marney comes up all the time like, guys not funny? Fart jokes don't like them. No, that's like that's that's one level too far. But I will tell you that I have one girlfriend who the first time she had a conversation with her husband, they talked about poop and and that like her over, but they are weird, wrongy.
Starting point is 00:19:45 No, you're right, I should not write off the fart and poop conversation for all women and the world. Yeah, but I wouldn't say like to fart on her face. Like that's not attractive, but if you're having a bantery conversation and then you can steer away from it afterwards that sexy, but one thing that a lot of guys do is what they do is they actually get into fake boyfriend zone,
Starting point is 00:20:03 which is when they're trying to prove how great of a boyfriend they would be. Especially when girls are seeing somebody else or being interested in another guy like, but look how great I am. And the thing is, you want to be that guy when you're in the relationship, but when create, not a reaction. When attraction is trying to be created, you do want to act more like the friend with her, because if you start acting like a fake boyfriend, you're not really being yourself, you do want to act more like the friend with her because if you start acting
Starting point is 00:20:25 like a fake boyfriend, you're not really being yourself, you're not stating your opinion, you're not challenging her, you're not being banched or anything. Maybe by the fake boyfriend, like, you don't really speak your mind in front of her and she she'll call you and say it's 1030, do you want to come over and go shopping, you're like sure. Right. And then you listen to her talk about like, you know, something she's really upset about. And you listen for half an hour and you become her therapist. And that's like showing, oh, I'd be such a great boyfriend. This is what you could be getting.
Starting point is 00:20:53 When what the good thing is to do, or the best thing is to do, for example, the girl's talking to you, and she starts talking about this guy that she's seeing and it's so horrible. And instead of just like listening to her and offering advice on how to get back together with this guy, you can say, listen, if you're gonna keep whining like this for an hour
Starting point is 00:21:09 and a half, I'm gonna have to charge you like where you're teasing her a little bit about it. And then sort of the conversation, just saying, like, I don't wanna hear about this shit. Like, stop crying. Which will bring my shoulder unless, right, I'm gonna charge you for that. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Right, that's what guys think. They're like, like oh she wants me to listen and be sensitive and caring and those guys Who are the guys who like to date women with boyfriend and that they think they fall into the friends They're there they that they're attracted to a lot of women. I think they can't have And some guys are successful at procuring those women from their current partners But the guys that playing to the friend zone and listen to the x-boyfriend I've had so many of those guys in my life. I've just had flashbacks to like, I know me too. I know me too. Guys, friends that would be like, oh, and listen to me.
Starting point is 00:21:50 And in the back of my mind, I'm going like, I know he wants to date me like, you know, now that I can analyze it years later, I'm thinking they were just, they just so friends and they listened, you know? Yeah. I've tried to track it to them. No. Because I'm talking about my guy, it's just, yeah, it doesn't work. No.
Starting point is 00:22:04 But to be honest, if one of those guys who was listening to you said, like, listen, like, stop listening, stop being with this guy. Like, I'm going to show you what a really good time is. Come into the bedroom with me or he grabbed me and kicked me. That would get me to change my mind a lot faster than he would think. Exactly. Think to me for 45 minutes. I know.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Okay, I started watching, I watch TV or Netflix every night to go to sleep. And so what I do on my website is when things are visuals and these TV shows that I see that relate to attraction and all of that stuff, I usually create videos and put them on YouTube or put them on my website. So I've watching Allie McBeal recently. Oh yeah. Do you love that show?
Starting point is 00:22:41 I've loved it. You're so. Yes. I love that show. I'm gonna go all watch this this again So there's amazing videos that are part of this show because it was David Kelly very intellectual anyway So there's this kiss scene the other night where two of the characters are talking about like this amazing first kiss And the girl laying is talking about you know She gets very intimidated by the first kiss because if it goes wrong then she's kind of over it So she get scared to go in for the first kiss Which is why she was avoiding the first kiss for like the first
Starting point is 00:23:09 four days. So this guy Richard said to her, well tell me what would you expect from her first kiss? Because I want you to walk me through it. And she described the best first kiss and she said, you know, lean to the right then you want to make sure your lips are moist and she licked his lips. And then she said then go in close, be soft, and just match me, don't add more, but enjoy the moment. And she gave a much more to her. Wow. I was like, I know, I was turned on, I'm like, I want to kiss you. Like, I totally want, but like I was into that.
Starting point is 00:23:41 And honestly, if a guy were to do that to need just being so much control But still asking my permission at the same time, you know because he was give she was giving ample opportunity for him Just they stop and he obviously didn't want to stop But it was super hot like the way that that she took action and for guys That's all we're waiting for you to do is to take action because we're not going to be the ones to do it So whether it's for the kiss take action action in a similar way to what I described and I have way more descriptions and visuals of how to go on that first kiss. Yeah. What are some of the ways, like, what are some of your programs that you know,
Starting point is 00:24:18 you have a lot on your site that people can like download and easily access your information. Yeah. So I have, this is my favorite product because I keep adding to it. It's called What's Inside a Woman's Mind, Secret Swim and Will Never Tell You. So when I first started my business, I felt that the best thing I could offer to men is a female perspective.
Starting point is 00:24:39 So I gave my female perspective. And then afterwards I was like, well, what I can't just be what I think. It has to be what other people think is well, another women. So I started doing these interviews with women just like every different type of woman older, younger, from Spain, from the United States, from Australia, like all over the world. I want to collect women's point of views and honest opinions about attraction, what turns them on, what turns them off. So it's now a interview series series and I only take the best of the best information.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Also, with like 55 interviews, with beautiful, like amazing women. And I ask them the questions that men ask me most. How do I talk to women? How do women want to be approached? What do they like in the bedroom? There's tons of questions. And what I learned over a period of time is that women are great at being interviewed, but they don't really give away the goods when they think they're being interviewed. But when you turn the microphone off for the recorder off,
Starting point is 00:25:34 that's when they start telling you really juicy information. So about 50% of the interviews that I did, I pretended to turn off the recording. Oh, yeah. Which is good. And then I got really good information on them. And I think that I become good at getting real quality information on women and calling them out.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Because a lot of women will say, oh, I would never respond to that if a guy approached me that way. And then I, you know, I know in my mind, yes, you would if it was the right guy, absolutely. So I will push them to understand that they have in the past responding to that type of behavior or that they will in the future. Because we have an ideal in our head, women, of who we are and what should be expected of us.
Starting point is 00:26:16 And if some idea isn't in line with who we are, or who we want to be perceived as, we'll sort of fight it. So I kind of call women out a little bit, which is good, but I also help them realize things about themselves. Okay, so they can check this out on your site. Oh yeah, sorry, I got onto a tangent. But yeah, they can check it on my site.
Starting point is 00:26:34 You actually have a link, so I'm gonna put it on your site. Oh awesome, okay, so that's okay. So slash wing girl, that's two G's. Yes. And they can access wing girl. That's two g's. Yes. And they can access this product. Yes. And that I think it's going to take them to a page where they're going to have to just sign in and tell me that they're a human because I have tons of like spam and robots coming to my site.
Starting point is 00:26:58 So yeah, that that will be there when they go to that page. Okay. Love it. And it's free. That one's free product. Well, they'll get a free book. It's so cool. Yeah, so they'll get a 10 mistakes men make with women and how to avoid them.
Starting point is 00:27:10 And then, yes, they will get that free book, but the program, what's inside of women's mind, it does cost, but it's a very low cost. It's 60, 60,000. Yeah, $67. And then, yes, $67. And then, you get a free week of email coaching from me so that if anything is not covered in there, which I don't think it is, but you have a particular situation that you want
Starting point is 00:27:32 answers to, you can email me and I will email you back within 24 hours with a response to help you move along with women. Oh, that's cool. Recoach it. Okay, awesome, Marney. Yeah. So, whatever people are in the world, they can find you. They can tell. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Yes. Yes. Yes. Okay, I love it. So we'll get back to the again, if you want to check out from slushwinggirl with two Gs. Okay, another question for you, Marney, that comes up a lot is, and this is a character this morning I was talking to friend and he's like, oh, she only likes the bad boys.
Starting point is 00:28:01 So do you think that women want the nice guy or the bad boy? Do you think why do you think, I talk about this in the show, why do you think women are attracted to the so-called bad boy? Well, okay, I will say one thing, I don't know who started this rumor about women not liking nice guys because women absolutely do. What they don't like are whims and pushovers and calling them nice is the nice way for women to say get some balls and then come talk to me. So it's not that they don't like nice guys is they don't like pushovers and whims.
Starting point is 00:28:32 On the flip side, the reason that women are attracted to bad boys is because they're exciting, they're different. They're, they marched in the beat of their own drum, and they displayed all of the characteristics that women are attracted to, including confidence, leadership, Comfort within themselves. They display all those characteristics, especially in the first meeting, maybe in the first week of Interacting with them. And then later on down the road, they become unrulyable assholes, which is horrible. And I will say no women, women wants that. But when she is in that situation and she is attracted to somebody who at
Starting point is 00:29:06 first displayed great characteristics, she does want to believe that that's really who he is or that who he could be. So as he becomes more of a bad boy and unreliable and lazy and jerkish to her, you know, it becomes addicting because sometimes he'll be nice and sometimes he won't be nice sometimes he'll give her the attention so he shows sparks of that he can potentially be this amazing guy and women ultimately do want to change that type of guy into being the quality man that I just described earlier but it ends up backfiring in their face and it never happens and they waste a lot of time but women don't want to be with a bad way. No, they don't. They just want some of the traits, some of the personality traits,
Starting point is 00:29:50 maybe, but not the abusive, crazy ones, but the ones that attraction, the ones that turn us on, the ones that are curious, the ones when there's mystery, when there's, you know, just sexy confidence. Yes. And I have lots of girlfriends who have dated a bad boy and they will all say, I wasted three years of my life. But it becomes a dicting because then you're like, oh, I have to prove myself right. I can do this.
Starting point is 00:30:11 He doesn't want to change. It's just this battle and you're never really yourself. That's why I want to change them kind of thing. But guys do that with women too. They want to change them. Oh, you've been changed. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Yes. Unless they want to change. That people do not change unless they want to change. So you're in a relationship right now and you are thinking, but if only they were blank and you list a bunch of things on that list and you think that one day they're going to be perfect, it's not going to happen. No one changes unless they want to change. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:30:37 And the only thing you can change is yourself and how you react to whatever it is that they do. So you can learn to deal with it, learn to understand it, or go, if it's like something like addiction or depression, whatever it is, you can go to support a group to understand how to deal with it. You can only change, you can't change another individual. Exactly, Marney. So true. Okay, so what else can we tell people, where else is the case we know they can find you at I feel like, because we talk so fast with one another, I just gave away tons of good information. I'm gonna be a content stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:12 I'm gonna be a material whore, giving away all my goods. I know, but Marty, you're so good. Talk so fast, it's so funny. You just got an email from one of, was it a your listener or a my listener? Or is it like you want a my listener? No, I don't have your word of no. And have you heard of Emily?
Starting point is 00:31:26 And they're like, that's so random. They're like, do you know Emily Moore? She both looked the same and you talk really fast. I know. I've never, because that's a thing like we just met. Actually, not just now. We've known each other for five or six months. But like, I've never had an email like that before.
Starting point is 00:31:38 And then now suddenly randomly, they're like, have you heard of this? It's just so funny. How are our lives are like really mixing with each other. It's funny. Oh my god, that is so funny. I know, Marnie, because I just adore you, and I think you're doing great work. And I love that you're giving away this free book for my listeners. Yes, of course. I owe. I really adore you as well. So I want to give them as much information as possible, because I understand that this area of your life can really weigh on you if you don't have it worked out.
Starting point is 00:32:08 This is really the first step to working it out, but you have to be serious about it, you have to take action and do something, and I think that this is the first step to take action. Okay. Well, I think the, hold on a minute. This thing just happened here. Hold on a second. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Sorry, Marty. Okay. So everyone got to check out. Okay, so they go to the, it just like my thing just throws here. So, Marney, Marney, Marney, they would go to, I adore you. I want them to check out your site. You can go to sex slash wing girl. I also, Marney, quick question for you. We started talking about this. We were sort of offline talking about sex toys, but my sponsor, and Marty and I are gonna have a sex toy party since we're both in L.A.
Starting point is 00:32:50 She's gonna come home and check out my sex toys,, they make the most amazing, all the sex toys you want, all the products you want. I love the Jezue line, I love the, I mean, Marty, do you provide what's your favorite toy? Well, actually, we've talked about this before offline, but I have a new favorite toy that I just got with my husband. So it's this thing that you can,
Starting point is 00:33:10 you can, it's like a strap on, but you can put it onto your legs so that you can have sex, and then it's like a vibrator that just rests on your clit. Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah, I think it's called the G-vi, or what's it called? I totally forget, the box is in the other room right now, but it's like this
Starting point is 00:33:27 little, little bunny rabbit and it has all these different speeds. It's fantastic. I honestly, this is my first time using it this past weekend. I had one of the best orgasms of my life. Oh my god! I don't know what it is because now I want to recommend it. It goes in. You can use it during intercourse. Yeah. So my husband really liked it too. And then he was like, oh, maybe we should start incorporating more sex toys. So we enjoyed it for sure. And he enjoyed listening to me as I was having my work out. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:33:56 That's awesome. Well, I'm not super about you. I know. I just got back from Bayes where I just came home with a suitcase full of vibrators. Wow. And there's a lot of new couple of vibrators out there, a lot of women, ecla-toralster simulation and they need extra stuff during and of course like you said, fun to use with your partner, go to, use coupon code gvmly20 for 20% off, purchase of $100 or more.
Starting point is 00:34:20 So okay, Marney, you're the best and everyone everyone check it out. slash Wing Girl and Marney's So Great Talk to You and your website again. Well, no, we'll just use the website. Let's go through my website, exactly. That's it. Okay, everyone, Marney's So Great Talk to You. Thanks, everyone, for listening to Sex with Emily. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at
Starting point is 00:34:44 So you know I'm obsessed with candles, right? Have you ever heard of misogyny candles? Okay, so get this. I always like candles when I'm enjoying glass of wine with friends. And recently they were over and I lit three candles for my new line called Emily and Tony. My skin felt really dry, so I went ahead and poured some of it on my hands and I gave myself a quick massage. My friends were stunned that I did this
Starting point is 00:35:05 and immediately were obsessed. And here's why. See, these candles are really aroma therapy massage oils that when warmed like a candle, they melt into the most luxurious body oil that is super hydrating, leaves your skin feeling and smelling amazing, and it's perfect for massaging your partner or yourself.
Starting point is 00:35:22 You can use during foreplay and you know me. I'm a firm believer in for play. They come in delicious flavors like creme de vanilla, cocoa and fougère. Not just that, they look great in your home. So help us keep this podcast free. Check them out today at Emily and And you're welcome.

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