Sex With Emily - SWE: How to Tease and Please

Episode Date: May 28, 2013

Ease into teasing. Make sex a hundred times more satisfying by building up the tension until you can't stand it anymore. Emily shows you how to tease and please your partner. It's not a bad thing if t...hey're begging you to do them already! Also, a criminal way to dispose of penises, erectile dysfunction drugs, Hitler’s connection to sex dolls, and Mormon soaking sex. If you're interested in learning how to tease and please and want to change your love life, check out my sponsors: Crazy Girl, Masque, and Good Vibrations. Use coupon code Emily25 at checkout for 25% off your purchase at Crazy Girl. Use coupon code GVEmily20 at checkout for 20% off purchases of $100 or more at Good Vibrations. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sector Family. I need to tell you about one of the great companies that's keeping my show free. Crazy Girls is an amazing product line that, well, makes you want to get naked. Crazy Girls want to be naked, intimate shave cream, also known as their infamous kuchi cream, will make you crazy happy because it prevents ingrown hairs and shave bumps. It's especially good for all those tender places. If you want to get the want to be naked naked intimate shave cream or any of the other amazing products at, like their orgasm gel and diva dust, use coupon code Emily25 for 25% off anything. That makes the shave cream only $13.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Do you know how expensive a wax is? That's coupon code Emily25 for 25% off anything at at or you can visit and get all the info you need there. Thanks for listening, enjoy the show. Hi everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. I no longer have the Friends with Benefits program. My podcast is completely free so that you can always enjoy Sex with Emily. Thanks for listening. Look into his eyes. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex. Eyes that lock our sacred institutions. Betrubized they call them in a bygone way.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Hey, Emily. You got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair stand. Oh my. The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common, Lollip?
Starting point is 00:01:26 What do you mean, like, laundry? It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god. I'm so, so, so, so. Being bad feels pretty good. You know, Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Yeah, you're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex, relationships, and everything in between. For more information about sex with Emily, go to Where you can now listen live every single day to the podcast. Monday through Friday, one to two Pacific Standard Time, which we love that. If you become a friends with benefits member, you get so many benefits. You get to listen to the shows on demand. If you miss the one to two live show, you can watch it. You can listen to it. We answer your emails right away and we're
Starting point is 00:02:09 going to be doing weekly webinars and chats and you're going to have all you're going to have sex with them all the time. Really? Really? So we it's worth the five. It is worth $5 $5. $5. $4.95 $4.95 $4.95 $5. $5.15 a day for better sex i i don't know i don't know what's more important what is the most important thing sex because you're not having good sex life you're not happy in a relationship a lot of times you can draw that right back to sex you can tie back to sex if you're not if your relationship suffering right now
Starting point is 00:02:38 look at your sex life of course hey how you doing great we missed yesterday i'm sorry i had a had to take off i had to do a last-minute interview with Pia from American Idol. Well, that's we just trashed you the whole time. Cool. Just kidding. For all you American Idol fans, I had to leave to go interview Pia. I know you don't know who that is because you don't watch TV. Right. But I love when I come back after one day in every single piece of equipment computer program is changed. Like, I don't like a Tasmanian devil this comes in and just that's why you can be here. We don't have to do it.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Yeah, that's cool. Let a man handle it. This is fuzzy. These were fuzzy handcuffs yesterday. Fuzzy handcuffs. This is feathers from fuzzy handcuffs. We did time me up Tuesday. That's what you missed.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Oh, darn it. I got tied up. Oh, darn it. I got tied up. Oh, you did? I got tied up by Michelle when my interns tied me up and it was hot. What I really wanted to hear was the recap and I'm sorry if you already talked about this yesterday.
Starting point is 00:03:33 No, we're gonna get into it now. Oh, we are, cool. Yeah. I mean, if you want to now. Yeah, I want to hear about it. I want to hear about it. You mean the porn and pizza party? The porn and pizza party, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:41 It was so fun. I have to say it was like highlight of our whole experience together all my interns. They had the best time. We had the best time. We had, it was Michelle, Kelsey and Aaron, and we got pizza. Yeah. And then we sat around like watching porn and we watched Fire TV, which is F-I-R-E-T-V. It is the coolest porn placed and way to watch porn. I have this set top box, the gaming, but you can watch it on your iPad, your iPhone, your whatever. But you can just buy minutes. But anyway, we have full movies, access. And we were all just kind of sitting on the couch eating pizza, trying to figure out. And we was like, it was kind
Starting point is 00:04:18 of like four women watching a sport match, but it was actually porn. And we sat there and we're like, oh my god, did she do that? Did she say that's happening? This is really funny. We actually shot a video of it, so that's gonna be posted this week. Okay, I wanna break down a couple things. Okay. Number one, the most important thing to me
Starting point is 00:04:32 is what kind of pizza did you order? Uh, I hate steak pizza in San Francisco. No, it was type, like pepperoni sausage, combination. Half a G, half cheese. Okay, that's kind of lame. All right, why did you do that? Second, I know I got a text message, but I'll tell you cheese. Okay, that's kind of lame. All right. We wanted you there.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Second, I know I got a text message, but I'll tell you later. Okay. And then you got a, what were you wearing? What were we all wearing? Were you guys all in pajamas? Were you just in lingerie? Absolutely. That's a great idea.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Well, I did change several times because, well, it's fun. You should ask what we were wearing because it got kind of out of it. I have to say we went through four bottles of wine and a bottle of champagne. Oh, that's surprising. So anyway, we were doing that and at one point, two of the girls were naked in my bedroom trying on my clothes. Okay. So, um, yeah, Kelsey was trying on one of my really pretty green, this beautiful green gown I have and then Michelle was trying on some of my shoes and boots and so we kind of got away from porn for a while. So we were changing outfits and drying on different things, but mostly we were just sitting around in our clothes,
Starting point is 00:05:28 like, you know, I was wearing tank top and my usual outfit that I wear every day, but then we were trying on clothes. How many of your sex toys did you bring out? A lot of them. I was throwing anal beads around. I'm like, here guys, here's some anal beads. And it was so funny because I was cleaning up
Starting point is 00:05:40 my house's trash, by the way. I have not, we went through every single wine glass, every single plate, like I've just got to clean it up. But at one point, I was just throwing anal beads around, because I've all this anal sex toys. And I think it was Aaron, when I was in the end, he was writing taking notes on the pizza box. She's like, anal beads on the floor.
Starting point is 00:05:57 So we'd remember all the funny things that were happening because there were very funny things that were happening. And then one of the things was we had a contest. So we did it like a drinking game contest, but it was more about we did a contest where the com shot was going to be. We all had to pick. Have you done that before? That's fast.
Starting point is 00:06:13 No. It was fast. This is because you're watching a porn. We're watching a porn and we're like, okay, well, we fast forwarded it. So we're like, where do you think it's going to be? And one person voted to be on our face. One person voted on her breasts. Another person voted very specifically,
Starting point is 00:06:30 not in her mouth, but outside her mouth, dripping down her face. And then I don't remember where the other one was. On her back, on her back. So it's always the face, like who wanna go with the face? Exactly, Erin won. She won the contest, but it was hilarious. It's a good job. She's smart. She's good like that.
Starting point is 00:06:46 But then it was interesting because you know, I've not watched that much porn. And now I have more porn. Like I could watch porn every day for the rest of my life and not run out of porn to watch now since I have like 20, 30,000 titles. But it was interesting because then Erin, when it interns her boyfriend came later. Yeah. When it's already Mayhem and we were getting naked in the bedroom. But they sat and they watched porn for a while, like an hour or two, when we were on the other room, and because it was a long night.
Starting point is 00:07:12 And she was just telling me that it was a really interesting thing for them because they'd never watched porn together and that it really opened up dialogue for them, which I think porn can do when you're watching it together. It doesn't have to be like, let's watch porn and get naked, but it was like, oh, like this is, because the thing about fire TV is that you can scroll through different topics of porn to watch. I want to watch three Sims. I want to watch girl and girl. I want to watch facial scenes. I want to watch big, big, big, breasted women, hundreds of categories. And so they, I think, were lurched learning about each other by like, I like that. I don't
Starting point is 00:07:41 like that. And then afterwards, they continued continued the conversation so I think porn could be a very interesting vehicle For another yet another vehicle for people to communicate in relationships. I knew you guys were having fun because I Text I checked my text messages the next day, right? I knew you were sleeping and you know, it was like 10 30 at night I'm like, oh, we all want to hang out with you. Yeah, we're all talking about you. Yeah, that's cool But can we want a party with you, can we do that another time? Yeah, of course. I mean, I don't know if it'll be a wild sex roms, but I definitely know how to throw a good time
Starting point is 00:08:12 and make sure everyone's entertained. So I had a couple ideas, little stuff we can go do. OK, good. Like, together as a unit. I love doing unit together things. But I thought it was a great bonding experience and I love my new porn box and it was just cool and they liked it too and it opened dialogue, it helped Sarah and with our relationship. And again, that's just a good thing because I
Starting point is 00:08:35 think a lot of women are intimidated by porn and when women don't really talk about porn, it's kind of a men's, their private own, their own private thing that they do oftentimes, stereotypically, men's their own thing. But it's a really great way for couples to learn about each other. So I think I liked it. It was a fun experience. It was a fun experience. You guys are going to do it again, of course, right? For sure.
Starting point is 00:08:54 We're going to do it like tomorrow. Do it like on what day of the week was that? Like two days ago, Monday. Yeah, on a Monday? Like, you guys got to at least do that on the weekend. I know, I know, but when we're all working on the same day, so we decided to do it. Okay. We'll do it on Friday night too next time. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:09:09 What are you doing? I feel like it's the weekend, but it's not. No, it's Wednesday. It's Wednesday. It is Wednesday. Oh, I have a funny story. Because I wanted to share it yesterday, but I can be here yesterday. So, you know, there's medicine that's legal here in this state. Yes. And I almost died the other day. Okay. You almost lost me. So, you know, there's medicine that's legal here in this state.
Starting point is 00:09:25 And I almost died the other day. Okay. You almost lost me. What would you do if I wasn't here? I can't even go all right. You know that we can't work the volume. You would be totally screwed. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:38 And so I really got into this app that my friend told me about. Okay. It's called the 100 push-ups. It's like, you know, it's an app to get yourself in shape. Right. Where's by it? I've heard about that. And not a sponsor or whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:50 So I thought I would try it out. And you know that I go by set schedules. Like I do not go off schedule. So I said, okay, I'm going to start on this day. Well, I took my medicine and then I forgot like, oh man, I got to do the, I got to, oh man, I gotta do the, I gotta do the hundred pushups. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:10:08 So I go, okay, I'm gonna do the hundred pushups. So I started doing the hundred pushups and then when I got up from doing the hundred pushups, I thought I was having a hard time. Like I started going crazy. Like, like my chest, like I felt like a sharp pain. You are gonna take your medicine. I did, I did. I thought there was like, like my heart was seriously going to explode.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Oh my God, what'd you do? I was contemplating if I should go to the hospital. Oh my God, when was this? This was on Monday. Okay. Yeah. Where'd you get the medicine from? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:43 From my, from my physician. Sure, sure, sure. Yeah, the medicine from? I don't know from my from my Physician yeah, and I thought I was going to Yeah, I hear you so I went to bed super early It just did like because I knew I was like not it was just all of my head Right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right'm just gonna go to sleep. Okay, we should do before and after pictures of your hundred push-ups Yeah, I don't know how long the program is my friend did it not today I do it in the evening but my my friend did for three months and he lost 25 pounds Just doing push-ups. It's gonna be more that to it than push-ups. He said just follow the program on there And I go okay, I don't have an iPhone Yeah, I wonder if I can do it for my...
Starting point is 00:11:25 I wonder if they have it on the Android market. But I suggest, you know, because we always talk about people that want to get in shape. Yeah. And if you're healthier, the better shape you're in, the more sex, better sex you're going to have. Yeah. You're unhealthy. This was one of our news stories the other day.
Starting point is 00:11:38 A study came out. I mean, it's kind of obvious. But if you're... You don't take care of yourself. Yeah. And I know this. Yeah. And I know this, you know, a lot of people are busy. They can't go to the gym every day.
Starting point is 00:11:47 I'm busy. I wish I could go to the gym every day. I know you're busy. You work late at night too sometimes, right? Yeah, so this is a $2 app. Again, they're not a sponsor of mine. Somebody just told me about it. And you can just do it at your house.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Right. And it's like, my app is a workout app too. Yeah, but on your vagina, right? Yeah. Or your penis, it's for men too. Oh, but on your vagina, right? Yeah. Or your penis. It's for men. Oh, yeah. You forget that men can do keglexercises as well.
Starting point is 00:12:09 I'm sorry. We're always celebrating women so much on here that I forget. I know. It's about pleasing the man sometimes. Sometimes it is about pleasing the man, but it is about pleasing the woman. Because men are easier to please.
Starting point is 00:12:19 That's why we spend a lot of time talking about women. Because women are more complicated as you know. And we have lots of different, like today, for example, we're going to be talking about men and women. We're going to be talking about teasing and why it's important to tease and why teasing is integral to really good sex. Okay. And how we're going to get into that later though.
Starting point is 00:12:39 All right. What do I got now? Yeah. Well, what I got now is I'm going to be reading emails about best massage oils, how to talk to someone if you want to date them exclusively and erectile this function. I said we're also talking about the sexiest way to tease and to be teased. Teasing is not something you should brush off because it's women. There have been studies that came out that the number one thing women want is to be teased.
Starting point is 00:13:04 This is a show that you are going to want to listen to the whole thing. And we'll have emails. We've got some sex in the news. What's in the news? What's in the news? You want to know? Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:15 You'll like that. Because you like me like Kunis, right? Oh, yeah. I've been tweeter for the past couple of days as a joke. I say, I say good evening, everybody. My name is Meela. Oh, really? Yeah. why? just to be funny does there like confuse people like why is he saying that?
Starting point is 00:13:30 why is it that? well do you know that this whole thing that's been happening at the sergeant's got more a u.s. marine station didn't have gannistan posted a video on youtube asking you ever to go to the sergeant's ball or something and he got back to here about this i did so and she apparently agreed and now she's backtracking on it because she's got two movies she's shooting and she can't make it but this officer was so happy it was like his dream like he's serving in Afghanistan and me was gonna step up and do it for our country and support soldier and now there's like all this back and forth about that she's not gonna do it and he said they they have a Q&A with him his name is Scott Sergeant
Starting point is 00:14:03 Scott Moore he He said, when you posted this video, the question is, when did you ever think you'd really go on a date with Mela? And he says, I always thought I had a chance, and sometimes that's all you need. The Marines I work with do their best to spread it around. Why did you post the video? He's like, I want to take her to the Marine Corps. And so how did you, how do you feel now that you've made it happen? He's studies and disbelief but now she's saying that she's not going to go so who knows what's
Starting point is 00:14:28 going to happen. Oh that's a good question. But if she was... That's true, but I love YouTube. YouTube can so many things going to happen on YouTube. Yeah, she said she was going to go. I believe that if she really could go she would go. I think she would too.
Starting point is 00:14:39 She seems like a nice woman. No, every person that I know that's had contact with her say that she is totally sweet and all that stuff. Yeah, sure. And I know I heard just this morning, I don't know when you got this information that she is going. I just heard about it was about 7 am this morning. Yeah. Well, there's been a lot of back and forth. I believe that she will be going. I hope so. You want to put some money on it. You want to make a bet that she'll go? Yeah, let's make some money. Yeah, I don't think she's going. She's got two movies that she's shooting.
Starting point is 00:15:09 We'll do a $20 bet. $20 bet. Done and done. Okay, but we could bet other things too, like sex toys. I got this really cool sex toy that I want you to check out. What is it? We just got it sent to us and it's by this company in Japan. And it's called Tenga and it's a
Starting point is 00:15:29 They say that they are revolutionizing the way that men masturbate. You're not gonna like this But it's like a super high-tech cool thing that you put it on your penis it closes around your penis and It sucks and it like makes this suck but inside of it is all rubbery and And it's sucked and it makes this suck, but inside of it is all rubbery and has a bunch of, um, and then you can add lube to it. There's a place you add lube. So it's all rubbery and slippery and then it goes around your penis and then it creates, there's these buttons that once you close it around your penis, kind of like a casket.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Like a casket. Like a round your penis though and inside it's filled with rubber. And then you, um, then there's these buttons that you push that make the vacuum seal, like vacuum suction. Yeah, yeah. And then you move it buttons that you push that make the vacuum seal, like vacuum suction. Yeah, yeah. And then you move it and you master it. Is it battery operated or you have to plug it in? Nope, it's no batteries.
Starting point is 00:16:13 So you tighten it? Yeah, you tighten it up. You release the air by pressing the buttons and it sucks your penis. And then it looks hot, kind of. It looks hot? I mean, it seems like if I was a guy, it made me want a penis. And like in that moment when I was playing with the S-ray, I was like, I kind of want to hot. I mean it seems like if I was a guy like it made me want a penis
Starting point is 00:16:25 And like in that moment when I was playing with the SRA like I kind of want to dick just do this if it didn't have I don't know I should have a USB cord First I looked like that thing that we found with the USB cord Oh my god They just set me this thing, but it's not that but I was like medicine to try this stuff That makes me really scared Because I win it if we lose this contest you have to try that like, Mattis needs to try this stuff. That makes me really scared. Because I don't... You can win it.
Starting point is 00:16:46 We lose this contest. You have to try. That's what it is. You have to try this. What? MasterBader. Okay, then, when do you have to try this?
Starting point is 00:16:54 I don't know. You pick something. I'm going to have to think about it. I'll think about it. I'll think about it. You need to masturbate with the machine. All right. And then,
Starting point is 00:17:02 by then, the show will come up with something. When is this ball? I want it to happen soon. What? And what other... whatever the use of the other news i do i do but did you have anything else what now i don't want to spoil one new story is it about uh... uh... woman going crazy because what okay then good i'm not going to go ahead uh... the the sexway that you just described it really gets me scared because i don't know if you heard about, I believe it was in Southern California,
Starting point is 00:17:26 where the chick, she pulled another Lorraine a bobbit. Oh, she cut off her husband's penis? Cut off her, because he got a divorce from her about a year ago, he was living on her zone, and I guess somehow she got into his place and cut off his penis. No way, how do we miss this? Okay, we're in an open.
Starting point is 00:17:44 I don't know, it just happened a few days ago. Wow. She cut off his penis. No way, how do we miss this? Okay, we're in an event. I don't know, it just happened a few days ago. Wow. She cut off her penis. And unlike the Lorraine Obobit story, Lorraine Obobit, if you can remember, cut off her husband's penis, got in a car, and then threw it out the window. And kids, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Right? But the police were able to find it and reattached it. I know. Amazing, right? That was amazing. And he went off to do porn. Might they all do, right? That is a good encapsulation. So how awesome is that? But no, because that was just... That was like in the 90s, right? Yeah, but that was just a guide for this crazy woman who just cut off her husband's penis. You know why?
Starting point is 00:18:25 Because she must have heard that so and said, oh, they were able to put it back on. So what she do? Oh, you know what she does? She took his penis and put it down a garbage disposal. Oh! And turned on the garbage disposal. Oh my God! That is just...
Starting point is 00:18:37 Why is our intern laughing? That is not cool. That is not cool. That is so not cool. That is just like... That is not cool. Because he indeed not cool. That is just like that is not cool because he indeed divorced her a year ago So why is she so upset now you think that would happen? She's a crazy woman. Oh my god. He put his penis in it's so sad. Poor little guy. There's no chance that he'll have that You can probably get a prosthetic penis
Starting point is 00:19:00 Come on. That's not cool. Oh god. That hurts. I don't even have penis. Gee, I can feel it though. Ah. In the garbage disposal. That is the worst. That is the worst. That is not good. And then like we're like I don't understand if she like that she cut it and then run to the kitchen and go. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If somehow she was he sleeping or something? Yeah. Somehow she was able to time up like really quickly so he couldn't move from the bed and then cut off his penis and threw it down like our disposal So he had in like no chance. Oh, I don't believe this. You know believe it. What are you talking about? I believe it, but I can't believe it. Yeah. Oh my god
Starting point is 00:19:36 That's crazy. That's my sex in the news. That's like that's actually better than any of my sex in the news. I even know where to say now Yeah, Zappos now selling clothes and uses nude models to put what? No, it's the same. Zappos now sells clothes and uses nude models to prove it. No way. Yes, they're using nude models to prove their clothes. Their latest move is naked models. Their naughty bits are covered with bars and the models aren't the super tall way for thin, thin kind. To the message a more realistic matter fact visual tone your naked you need clothes they created the can they created the campaign zappos as a quirky culture doing something typical is not is not them so they're doing this like thing with like weird with models that are naked
Starting point is 00:20:18 but they have bars covering their parts is showing that they're I don't believe that that pose is too for Benita's that is San Francisco office I know we should ask them is this true yeah it is true it's been in the news the New York Times reports so they're not lying okay um but that's interesting that I love I love just creative advertising that's definitely gonna make people go to the website to check it out definitely so now they should give us this should be a sponsor okay so um X our cut mistress a Valentine's sex Tape Released. Jasmine Waltz, Waltz, best known as David Arquette's Rebound Check, is now the star of a sex tape shock.
Starting point is 00:20:51 That's about to hit the internet. I tape she claims was a Valentine for an unnamed boyfriend. The video of Jasmine and the mystery dudes being released through and features some X-rated play with conversation heart candles. She claims she had no idea the video was going wide and this is her quote which I do not believe i'm absolutely shocked that the public is now going to see what i made with my boyfriend on valentine's day
Starting point is 00:21:15 i believe what's all she's not having sex with anybody right now but she made a video with her boyfriend yeah it is a sex but she's not even famous she just she wants to get famous she just hung out with david orquette. My friend was hanging out with David Arquette like two weeks ago. I know I know big freaking deal. But she she's been linked to Ryan C. Chris Christ, Chris Pine, Jesse McCartney and Sean Stewart. She won't say who the lucky guy is in the video and it means I'm not even famous which blows my mind even more. I'm just a girl in Hollywood but she's releasing her own video. She's a groupie whore. People, why do they just like, oh, I'm going to get famous and release sex tape.
Starting point is 00:21:48 And though I say that now, I'm one day who knows. I'm making a desperate and release sex tape. Is she just kidding? I won't. Is she kind of decent looking at what? Yeah, she was. She kind of looked like Megan Fox. I took the picture out, but there was a picture of her. Didn't she look like Megan Fox? She looked hot. Yeah, she looked hot. Do you think Megan Fox is attractive?
Starting point is 00:22:04 I do, but every time I see Megan Fox is attractive I do but that Every time I see Megan Fox I see those thumbs or that everyone always points out I'm talking about Megan Fox is bad thumbs. She has thumbs that look like toes She has thumbtos. Oh, that's a bummer like seriously You know here is what people call the perfect woman, which I I heard a lot of plastic surgery. So she looks a little fake to me. I call the perfect woman, which I heard a lot of plastic surgery. So she looks a little fake to me. I see every time I call him in every time. Let me point this out. What just happened to everybody. Men test us out. Try to compliment any woman like some famous
Starting point is 00:22:39 woman on their looks. The woman that you're with Will tear down that woman in some kind of way just throwing out there test it out We are a new show. I'm a saying news and analysis. I'm a downsizing. I was just saying that you know She's decent. She's attractive. She's attractive. Oh, but she got work done I would I just move like point every single time but okay to move on i really bad for her thumbs i really don't find it to attractive because her personality really so it does okay i've never heard her talk okay man doesn't write song about his girlfriend and then he attacks her what
Starting point is 00:23:19 okay there's a man he's a pencil being a songwriter jason bank's he sounds like a horrible boyfriend not only is he, but he won't even write songs about his girlfriend. Banks was arrested two weeks ago, in charge of the assault over claims that he choked and hid his girlfriend. Why? Apparently, she pointed out to him
Starting point is 00:23:35 that he'd never written a song about her, despite having written songs about other women. Banks is now waiting trial, should give him plenty of time to work on his songwriting. So basically, this woman is with this guy, she's upset because he's never written a song about her and the attacks are, I don't know. That sounds like a guy that sounds terrible, it's really, there's so many that- This is a suit tack.
Starting point is 00:23:53 That this will snap just like that over not making a song about it. It's a bizarre story. Yeah, that's definitely on drugs. But you will help. Yeah, maybe. That's insane. Who attack a woman anyway, people who did all the time? Idiot.
Starting point is 00:24:06 But I think that's interesting. If I was dating a musician, I'd want to write a song about me, though. And if he kept coming out with all these ballads for other chicks, I'd be upset, but I wouldn't expect him to attack me. Okay, this is about Hitler. Oh, sexy. Yeah. But it is, it is Hitler and sex.
Starting point is 00:24:21 You can tie sex to everything. Yeah, of course. Hitler tried to create a sex-dial super race. Sex can tie sex to everything. Yeah, of course. Hitler tried to create a sex style super race. Sex style super race. Like a super race of sex. Like I was like how he was creating, I'll explain this to you. So in 1940, Hitler approved the development of sex dolls on the Nazi-occupied island of Jersey, okay?
Starting point is 00:24:38 So he was rumored, Hitler knew how devastating syphilis could be. So he was rumored to be suffering from many of the late-stage symptoms, including partial insanity, STDs were a real wartime concern then. So he approved the development of sex dolls, originally the developers asked a Hungarian actress to be the model, but she declined. Instead, the blonde hair and blue eyed dolls were given bland features so soldiers could
Starting point is 00:25:00 impose their own fantasies. This is like 1940s. Himmler was so taken by the prototypes of the Order 54s own troops, however, the widespread ability of penicillin in the early 40s, as well as the embarrassment of many soldiers feared of captured with the dolls, led Nazis to halt production of the sex dolls super race.
Starting point is 00:25:24 It was like a super race. He was creating hundreds of dollars for soldiers in wartime To have sex So we'll take your dollars what I want to know if you're in the barracks. They're really small I know they're really small. I don't understand. I don't understand when you go when you when you do that So you just pick you could pack them You pack you make that they're small dolls. Okay, okay. So you just like, hey, everybody, I got to leave, you know, I'm taking my doll. Yeah, but Hitler, they must have like a sex doll room where like you maybe they'll have sex with your doll. Maybe, maybe they, in their
Starting point is 00:25:53 breaks. I don't know. I thought they were fighting a war. But, you know, hey, what about I want my doll to look like at it? You know, I want a special doll. Well, they, he was saying that they made it very bland so people could impose their own fantasies on the call. No. They're just close to their eyes. Exactly. Is that what they do? Is that what men do? Yeah. You can have sex with anybody you want if you close your eyes. I know. Tell me about it. Okay. So we can move into some emails today. Okay. Good. Okay. Good. Let's do that. All right. Oh, no. First is the poll. Okay. It's poll day. Okay. This is our last poll and these are the results that have come in. Drum roll please. What do you like to do after sex? 4% said leave immediately.
Starting point is 00:26:41 9% said eat. 14% said go in for round two. 23% false said fall sleep and 50% said cuddle. 50% said cuddle. Yes. And a study came out a few weeks ago that said men like to cuddle more than women. It was in the news and we covered it. The story.
Starting point is 00:27:01 I don't understand either. That's men that are not getting laid. They're right. No, no, no, honey, you just don't get it There are men who like to cuddle and I'm going to find them. I wish we could break down this poll to say men and women Men and women. I know we can't we're trying to do that on the website But because it is with sex questions you kind of want to know man or woman. How many people said leave right after? 4% you're in the fourth person you're in the 4%
Starting point is 00:27:23 That's what you would have said right or no you said eat or you said what I don't I don't I don't say falsely falsely or leave We're leaving my top choices Yeah, how many people said falsely 23% that was the next highest to 50% was cuddling so cuddling was first Falling a super second round two three eat four five was relieved immediately. Okay, but most people are cuddling which makes me happy that there's peace in the world. Cuddling! That's the best part! Oh, I love it cuddling. Okay, here's our new poll. What? Nothing, I'm just going to find you. Something like a dog. The dog cuddles with me every night. I know. New poll. This
Starting point is 00:28:01 is what we just posted today. All right. How would you like to be teased? I already know your answer to this one. A. With a feather. B. With a sexy text. C. Playing an erotic game. Or D. I don't like to be teased. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. D. D. You haven't been in the proper land.
Starting point is 00:28:22 If the man out there says they like to be teased, there's a freaking liar. Because a woman is that says they'd like to be teased They do freaking liar because there a Woman is asking them if they like to be teased and of course there There you are still on the China I'm gonna say oh yeah, I love being teased, but you real they do when they're all I When they're with their boys, they're like oh my god, it's so dumb But men like to tease I'm just one one man. Remember is just my money. I know you're just one man.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Everyone men is is one man and he does not speak for. I had some girl on Twitter say that I had an all figured out and she wanted to marry me. From this show she listened to this show and she wants to marry you guys. We perfect together then marry that girl. Okay. I had it all figured out. That's hilarious Did you pay her to write that? I didn't pay her right? Do you know her?
Starting point is 00:29:08 It's from Canada, I don't know her You have it all figured out. But I didn't retweet her I guess she was right. Okay moving on dear Emily. I'm a great fan of your podcast I've been listening for over a year I have subscribed via iTunes and I find your podcast while I was searching for sexuality I was looking for educational podcast to listen to while driving my iTunes and I find your podcast while I was searching for sexuality. I was looking for educational podcast to listen to while driving. My husband and I are 50 years old. We have been married for 25 years. Here's my question. We hear all too much about
Starting point is 00:29:34 ED drugs, erectile dysfunction drugs, TV ads, magazine ads, etc. Also, all the comedy references in TV shows and movies. My husband has never tried any, he doesn't really have any deep problem yet. We hear about people using ED drugs to enhance their erection or for recreational use. So our question is, using an ED drug once my husband has an orgasm, then what can we expect after? Will he still have an erection for a long time and hour? Normally he uses erection after four to five minutes. Thanks, love the podcast from Donna. Well, they say if your erection lasts up to eight hours. The commercials are like, and if your erection lasts for eight hours, then consult the doctor.
Starting point is 00:30:10 But the thing is, when using injections, there's like injections in your rethral suppository, sometimes an erection will last after an orgasm. This is like another ED drug. However, this doesn't happen with Viagra. Usually, if there's no sexual stimulation, the erection subsides naturally. So after you have sex, your erection will go down. Viagra only works with natural stimulation and intimacy.
Starting point is 00:30:32 So if you have no stimulation, you have no erection. So you won't take Viagra and get an erection. Now you might, if you're not having intercourse, but you want to masturbate, maybe, I'm sure you could get an erection, but it's not supposed to let, it's not like you have sex and you can, your erection will go down. But you can get your erection but it's not supposed to let it's not like you have sex and you you can your erection will go down but you can get your erection back up a lot quicker if you want to go around to yeah ladies if you notice that after
Starting point is 00:30:52 your your man uh... and we're me saying climax but when you're man climax is uh... he kind of like wants to brush out because it hurts your penis hurts. Right. Don't you not want a woman to touch your penis right after sex? No, it's physical pain. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:31:13 I remember like feeling or learning that and feeling like right after a man orgasms, you're just like hands off, moving off, moving off, moving, don't touch it. But isn't it sometimes that like little soft touches? A nice little brushstroke. Yeah. Uh, yeah. And then sometimes it, man can keep on going too.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Right, right, right. But most of the time it's painful and they need it like a couple of minutes to relax for a minute. And then they can go back to, you know, holding it down as they say. Exactly. Okay. Well, thanks Donna for that question. It's a they say. Exactly. Okay. Well thanks Donna for that question. It's a good question. Okay Emily this is from a premium member, a friend's benefits member. We so appreciate premium members. Okay have you ever
Starting point is 00:31:54 dated been intimate with people outside of my race? If so what was their ethnic background? This is from Leo and San Diego. Yes, I have. OK, that's a nice answer. Yeah, I don't know what's at my race. I mean, yes, let's just say I have and I have. But not, I don't feel comfortable saying what were there I think background, but let's just say there's been several outside my ethnic background, which
Starting point is 00:32:20 would be what, like Caucasian Jewish check. I've dated many people outside. Yeah. I mostly date outside my race. Yeah, like what? I mean, I grew up around all Latin females. So I'm used to dating Latin females. Right. And I had Asian girlfriends.
Starting point is 00:32:41 I've had white girlfriends. I had Spanish, all kinds. Yeah, me too. Yeah, okay, good question Leo. Hope that made your day. I was wondering if you could recommend a good massage oil that doesn't taste like something rotten. I love to give my wife full body massages.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Massage oil. But the good oils taste terrible when I kiss on her. We don't like the candy flavored oils. You see in most adult stores, they seem cheap and don't really taste good. Thanks for any suggestions from Ross from Atlanta, Georgia. Okay, Ross, here's the deal. Well, I love the... A one flavor.
Starting point is 00:33:16 A one flavor, exactly. But there's a few things. There's this love elixir lotion from Adam and Eve. And it not only smells and tastes great, but it's very long lasting. It's called Love elixir lotion from Adam and Eve, and it not only smells and tastes great, but it's very long lasting. It's called Love elixir, and it's gotten great reviews. And if you go to, and you put in coupon code Emily at the checkout,
Starting point is 00:33:35 you get 50% off most items, plus three adult DVDs, plus a free gift, plus free shipping. So you can check that out. I also love the candle by Jimmy Jane. I love those hot wax candles that you pour into the body. You light the candle and you drip, once the candle creates a pool of wax, you drip it over your body and you rub it and massage
Starting point is 00:33:56 all of your body, it feels so good. Those and they smell amazing. So Jimmy Jane makes those. And then also for the level of licks for lotion, let me just go back for that a minute. It's a warming lotion. So you can put it anywhere. The delight is in its sweet heat all night long.
Starting point is 00:34:12 It's specially formulated to rub up when you rub or blow on it. So that's the level X-ray lotion from Adam and Eve. And then there's the Jimmy Jane candle. That's what I have. That's what I recommend from massage oil. I really like those. And I love the candle thing because it's like you get the hot wax on your body and then you can massage it.
Starting point is 00:34:29 You've been promoting the candle for years since I've known you. I love it. It's awesome. It's like a Ricky Martin video every time you bring it out. I actually meant to bring it today. I have two kids under 28 months not having sex with wife because she is too tired, bored, hungry, headache, back, etc, etc. Found a girlfriend for benefits. I know it's wrong, but just need physical companionship. I love my wife and kids, just not having sex
Starting point is 00:34:53 is killing me. So what do you think? I've told her that I really need it. And not all the time, just one or two times a week. I don't think that's too much. Do you, Tim, from White Plains, New York? Well, Tim, I don't think it's great that you found a girlfriend with benefits with your wife. You have two kids under 28 months. Your wife just created, helped, she just birthed these amazing children for you. And women have a refractory period after they have, after they have children. I mean, they're stressed, they're hormone change. They oftentimes don't want to have sex for, you know, months after. And that's just something as a husband that you have to learn to deal with. And I wish that you would, I mean, yes, she's tired and she's
Starting point is 00:35:31 ahead of you and all that is really true. Her entire life is a change. She has two kids under 28 months. Like, that's a lot of kids. That's a lot of responsibility. There are stressors that come along with it. Her body is changed. She might be having some body and image issues and not feeling sexual and not feeling sexy.
Starting point is 00:35:47 That's really, really common with women. And I would say what you should do is lose this girlfriend with benefits and have a talk with your wife and try to work on your own sexual relationship and tell her how you've been feeling. You said that you told her that you really need it. And I would think that maybe she really needs some stuff too. So maybe if you could kind of warm her up with a massage or draw her bath or do something that like take care
Starting point is 00:36:10 of the kids one day, I mean those kind of things will really help her. If you're like, you know what, I got the kids today and you let her go off and do something and then she comes home and you draw a hot bath for her, a hot bath for her and you give her essential massage. I mean, she probably needs a massage really badly right now having two-spent children running around the house. And that's where it focuses your energy on repairing your relationship and not going outside the relationship, especially if you never talked about it. Yeah, definitely drop the girlfriend because that's a taking time, Mom.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Yeah. And if it does, it's not going to work. Yeah, and if it does go wrong, you think your life sucks now, it's gonna really suck when you have to pay for two kids. Yeah, exactly. Before and child are 18 years old. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I know Tim, I'm sorry that you're, I know, I get emails like this all the time from men
Starting point is 00:36:54 who are having a hard time with their wives, having babies and it's sex is just not as free-flowing, but everything passes. Okay, next. Hello Emily. The other next, hello Emily. The other night, my wife and I tried something new. My wife gave me, or I gave her, I don't know how it works, a butt job. It's like boob sacs, but with her butt cheeks. So instead of rubbing, rubbing his penis between her breasts,
Starting point is 00:37:18 he rubbed it between her butt cheeks, but it's not anal sacs. Okay. It was hot as hell and I came hard and fast. Just thought you'd be interested in new things to people are trying to keep up the sexy work Tyler. Tyler, Tyler invent this? I've never even seen this before. I've never seen it either.
Starting point is 00:37:32 I know. I know. Oh, you know, I just had a flashback to the porn. Do you remember when that woman, uh, uh, speaking of boob jobs, when a guy, what do they call, what's it called win a guy uh... section of the group of the city f
Starting point is 00:37:50 titi f this woman is porn star when we were having porn and pizza night she bit like she had she was very saliva she lots of saliva and she spent in her, she had large breasts. Yeah. And she was with a man with a huge, huge, huge penis and they were doing the titty stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:12 And she spit so it was so much saliva. But it was so much saliva. It was a lot of lubrication. It was so much that I don't even know how she got that much, but it was real from her mouth and then he was doing it. So anyway, I just left. Was it a big name? Like how much porn did you guys watch? A lot. A lot. We were flipping around watching porn. he was doing it. So anyway, I just like flashed. Like how much porn did you guys watch?
Starting point is 00:38:25 A lot. A lot. We were flipping around watching porn. It was super fun. I wish you were there. Yeah, sorry. Sorry, missed it. I was dying.
Starting point is 00:38:33 You are attacked. But Tyler, I love when people share sex things with me. Like, I want to know, what are you all doing out there? What have you done lately? Interesting. That's sexy that we wouldn't know about. Yeah, in Too BaddyKey. Feedback at
Starting point is 00:38:44 He sent this to Lay. you could have been in the running for the best sex tip. I know. Give away. I know, but this is going to be a giveaway. We're doing a giveaway this week too, which I'm going to mention in a few seconds. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:38:56 After we get through the emails, hi Emily Menace. I love your show. It's definitely helped me evolve sexually and made me want to be more adventurous. Question for you. I've been doing some online dating lately and a problem throughout my dating life is that as soon as I really like someone enough to sleep with them, I want sexual exclusivity. I'm not asking them to be my boyfriend yet.
Starting point is 00:39:17 How soon can I ask a man for his sexual exclusivity? How many dates? Sex is such an intense and intimate thing for me that I don't really like the idea of my partner being with anyone else So I don't want to increase the risk of STDs and today's dating scene everyone just sleeps with everybody after two three dates And men in general don't seem to feel the way I do I know it's because I have over seven times more oxytocin but I'm still as horny as they are sign Julia That was a very smart email, Julia. Because, sure, women, a lot of women, I'd say, it's more typical than not that women sleep with a man and they want a boyfriend, they want to connect, they want, they want
Starting point is 00:39:53 to have a relationship after they sleep with someone. They just do. And she mentioned oxytocin, which is the cuddle hormone and the connection hormone, the hormone that makes you want that with someone after you sleep with them. A lot of women have that. How soon can you ask him for sexual exclusivity? I would say just, I don't know, I mean, it's a case-by-case basis. It depends what he, what I mean, I think you got to wait a little bit to talk about the relationship. You got to get to know someone first because just, I think it's wrong. I think when you jump into sex too quickly and then because you're
Starting point is 00:40:22 having your hormones are raging and you're feeling really attached to this person, you then assume that, oh, this must mean I want sexual exclusivity, but yet you might not even know this person yet. So I just think I wouldn't jump the gun and try to gnail this guy down just because you nailed him. I would wait a while and get to know the person before you ask, and you don't have to see
Starting point is 00:40:42 this on my after the second, third date. You could just date people, get know them and take sex out of the equation. Maybe that's a good thing for you Julia is to not see with them right away and really get to know a person and then decide and then have sex with them and then decide if you want to be sexually exclusive. But if you're sitting with them for three dates and asking for exclusivity I'm not sure what kind of success you're gonna have with that. And this is my thoughts on it. When I'm sleeping so many, I would like the same thing.
Starting point is 00:41:09 I would like exclusivity, you know, but I don't expect it unless I'm in a relationship. Right. And am I gonna bring that up immediately after we start having sex? No. Don't bring up Julia right away. Yeah, you're gonna scare them off. And Yeah, you're going to scare them off.
Starting point is 00:41:25 And you can't expect it unless you're in a relationship. I'm sorry. Right, but she's saying I want to be in a relationship. And she wants to be sexually exclusive, which is essentially being in a relationship, right? If you're sexually exclusive. Yeah, but she was insane that though. She was kind of saying like, when I start sleeping
Starting point is 00:41:42 them, that's what I want. And the relationship factor wasn't coming in immediately. Right, right, right, right. So all she wants is sexual exclusivity, but she's not asking for them to be her boyfriend yet. She says, yeah, see, it doesn't work that way. Doesn't work Julia.
Starting point is 00:41:57 I would just say don't sleep with them right away if you can't handle it. Lot of women can't. Lot of women like, I was gonna say that. I think think i can handle that but a lot of women like i've been able to see with men and have it more compartment lies like men because men can see but more women and typically the way they're wired and and compartmentalize that like they can be like i'm with this woman and i'm
Starting point is 00:42:18 with this woman and it's not separate and i like them both but i'd not affect you but women have less ability to do that once they sleep with someone, so. They get all crazy. Yeah, but I don't. I was born more like a man, I go think, but that's just a different point. With no penis. Without a penis.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Although I wish I had a penis yesterday for this toy that you're gonna do when you lose the bat. Oh. Dear on the Amaz, love the show, have to admit that it really helped me get helped me get through my day at work. I was listening to another podcast at work called Fun Employment Radio and they brought up something that they heard that Mormon people do called soaking.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Yes. Have you heard of this? Explain it in the notes. From what I heard on fun employment, soaking is when Mormons who want to experiment with sex, Mormons who want to experiment with sex, but still want to stay pure has the guy insert his penis into his partner's vagina but there is no thrusting I was wondering if there's any truth to this love the show when I was looking for to do episodes later from Kurt. Well half my extended family's Mormon my best
Starting point is 00:43:20 friend is Mormon right I'm not Mormon. No. And I've heard every story about Mormons and I have not heard this one. Okay, so this is what we found out. Although there's not a lot of factual information about soaking, there's a lot to talk about. Mormons are against premarital sex, so they're so, so, so soaking is trying to get around not having sex. He puts his penis in a vagina, but you don't move. Now, even a single pump rub, wiggle or jiggle, nothing. You just lay their soaking.
Starting point is 00:43:46 The idea is to have sex without having sex, which to me is like, you'd have to be... Mirror pork. Can you imagine just sticking your penis in and not moving it? Yeah. Like is it a rack? Like it's gotta be a rack, you get inside.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Yeah, of course. But you don't move it. That's so weird, I haven't heard this. I gotta ask my mom, go ask your Mormon relatives. How long do you soak for? How long do you just sit there and soak? It sit there and say it doesn't say but can you imagine like what is the point like okay let me ask you this question what now if someone uh... has soaked
Starting point is 00:44:18 do you believe that they are still a virgin uh... i hate those questions like why but because you always like it by I so a virgin at blank? Am I so a virgin at blank? I feel like, yes, I feel like you're not. I feel like you are no longer a virgin if a man's like his penis inside of you. Even if you just sat there and didn't do anything. We agree on something.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Oh my God! I know. Where is it? There should be... There should be balloons be falling right now. We should have confetti, yeah, exactly. It's so weird, right? That's so weird, man.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Okay, let's get into some teasing. Oh, god. This is gonna be torture. This is gonna be like teasing me. This is teasing you. This is my way of teasing menace by talking about teasing. Okay. Oh, first, let me mention our new contest for listeners.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Okay. Here's our latest contest this week. We did do a show on this a few weeks ago, but we want to know what is your first date deal breaker? Deal breaker. What is the one thing that will guarantee a no-first, second date? Send us your deal breakers and you could win a special prize and we're going to pick the best one.
Starting point is 00:45:22 And you could do. A lot of people are posting on my Facebook page which is sexual with Emily or through Twitter or feedback at All right, good. Now that you got that over, I came up with my idea if you lose the bet. Uh-oh, what? My idea and this is all for the listeners, that's not for my enjoyment is that if you lose the bet that Mela goes on this actual date that you will have to eat two bananas on camera Can you do that? Why? I'm the same. That's that's it. That's the bet. Can you handle it or can't handle it? Two bananas at once. No, just two bananas one right now. Yeah, I already like during the show. A banana. I eat a banana. Why? Because you think it's like simulating like like it's
Starting point is 00:46:10 a thing. I don't think it is. I'm just talking into this phallic microphone all day. Well, I'm just saying that I believe it's just you eating banana. Listeners might think something else. Well, you take on the show. Yeah, so you're not eating a banana. Can I see one? Two is full of two filling. it's a banana all right? It has to be a very large banana Okay, I really love banana on air as we like the biggest banana you can find okay You have to find the banana then okay, I will find a banana okay But that sucks that I have to actually have sex with the goddamn toy by yourself. It'll be okay. You're gonna love it
Starting point is 00:46:47 But I hope you lose and get the enjoy a delicious banana That's all I'm thinking about is you eating a delicious banana? Maybe the listeners think something else. I don't know, but it'll be very good for the video podcast Okay, I love it. I'm they're so rooting for her to go on this date too. We should be capping case you missed the beginning of the show that Meal Kunis is apparently there's a sergeant in Afghanistan who do made a YouTube video just for Meal Kunis that asking her to go to this ball. Yes, sergeant's ball. And apparently she said she was going now. She's not. Then she is going and she's not going.
Starting point is 00:47:26 I'm saying she's never going to go. And men says she's going. She's going to go. She's going to go. She's going to go. That's a deal. All right. She's not going to go.
Starting point is 00:47:34 You're going to eat a banana. Men's is going to masturbate with a toy. Uh, okay. Teasing. We're going to talk about teasing. Oh, okay. There we go. Teasing is good.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Is it? Teasing in anticipation are big parts of sex. Because if you think about it, how many times is the build up of sex better than the actual sex? Think about it. The teasing the anticipation when you first start liking someone that you... That's such a woman thing for you to say. I'm a woman.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Okay. But it's true. I think that even... I believe that's true for women. Yes. You don't believe it's true for men sometimes that the first time or that newness and the excitement. No. They want to stick it in.
Starting point is 00:48:07 One great way to turn up the heat in a relationship during times of intimacy is to employ teasing. Teasing your gameplay can be fun, memorable way to enjoy erotic fun. So start the day with a teasing thought. In the morning, tell your partner that you've something excited planned for that evening, but don't tell her what it is. So this is like a tip for a guy or a girl, just be like tonight, oh my god, we're going to totally go out. I'm going to do something to you tonight that's going to blow your mind.
Starting point is 00:48:35 And that's teasing. That's like gets in your mind all day. And you're like, I'm so excited. It's purely sexual though. Yeah. OK. What do you mean? I'm not like teasing you and you're going to come home and have a new camera
Starting point is 00:48:43 or something, which I turn you on. But that's all that was so through me on. You would tease the F out of me if you said you know I got this new like electronic device. I'm like I'm feeding you the GoPro. Oh No, no, no, yeah, I will be fine. I go. Okay, so tell her what you're thinking So say like I plan to address you later and use my tongue this way and touch your breasts lowly and essentially like Start to build the teasing and anticipation. Okay, so for the woman or for the guy, I think a guy, I think if I texted a guy that I was saying was like, I can't wait, like last night was so hot, I can't wait to kiss you
Starting point is 00:49:17 later, suck you or something like that would be a, that's a way of teasing. That's a way of getting your brain excited and ready for sex, especially people which one of the most common things we get asked and talk about is that this is lack of, that couples, we just had an email about this, that lack of sex drive, couples no longer want to have sex anymore. So teasing is a great way to spark that interest again
Starting point is 00:49:40 in your love life. Let their mind work on it throughout the day, even though it seems predictable, if you tell them that you plan to seduce it in that night, it does build anticipation for the rest of the day to think about what's coming. So that's how you start teasing in the morning. Just be like, I've done that like, time to be hot or I just keep thinking about you or a little text during the day. Okay, so you can send a message also that, you know, send a text message that's sexy and that sounds good.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Yeah. Sex message. Sex message says hot. Okay. Take a little detour when they get home from work, give a warm bath, glide a washcloth over their body, make sure to cover over inch-like. So just do some teasing nice long massages, don't actually get into the sex yet. So teasing, teasing your guy. Here's how to tease a guy.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Tell me. And then we're going to be teasing one of them. Tell me the torturous things that you would do. Arouse them when there's no chance of immediate fulfillment. Maybe it's a hand on the pants under the table at a wedding. Maybe it's a slight grease at a cocktail party. So, haven't you ever been with a woman on a date and you're like at the bar or the club or at a wedding even and she just like puts her hand on your pants or...
Starting point is 00:50:43 Don't like it. You really don't? Don't like it. Why? It's so hot. It doesn't make you get excited for the dinner. Well, remember I told you I don't want them to touch my penis unless it's a rack. Well, you know? Well, it will get a rack after she touches it under the table.
Starting point is 00:50:58 No, I won't. But like, what are you doing? I want to gesture and let her know it's a rack and then she can touch it in a public place. I'll be fine. Then I would embrace it. But I don't want just some random hand down my pants without having an interaction. I'm sorry. I'm not comfortable in that situation. But that would give you an erection and then she touched it again. That would be hard. We would not. Okay. Not you, but some. And let me just give my perspective. I know that I've done this before to men and it makes them erect and hot. Or you can take their hand and put it up your dress, your skirt and be
Starting point is 00:51:33 like, I'm not wearing any underwear or something like that. Just sent teasing and dissipation for later. Just work with me. Okay. I am working with you. I'm just letting you know. Okay. Talks suggestively to them on the phone when they're at work. They won't be able to talk to justly be back, but they're going to possess about you all day. So like if I called you at work and you're like, you're like typing or whatever, I'm like, minus so how and blah blah blah blah blah. Okay. Call them a whore and a bitch. They love that. Bring them to the point of no return and then repeat, but not too many times.
Starting point is 00:52:00 So you're like, turn, like so when you're filling around like about to orgas orgasm maybe but then I stop and I slow down and then you start again and you're like that's you're probably thinking That's really annoying because I just want to orgasm, but there's something really hot about Starting and then stopping and then starting and then stopping. That's teasing. No, but if remember, you know I am about pleasing the lady as long as she does it as as long as she orgasms, I don't mind holding off. Right. I gotta make sure she does. This is for you, this is like teasing you.
Starting point is 00:52:31 For example, a woman could be performing oral sex on you and she could be performing oral sex and right when you're about to orgasm, she could stop and then start again and then just keeps increasing the tension. How long did she stop for? I don't know if you saw for. I don't know if you saw, if she slows down, like let's say you're just about to orgasm. So it's like a way of stopping starting. It's just hot.
Starting point is 00:52:51 As long as her like, she doesn't leave the premise. She's not leaving and tying you up and stealing your wallet, don't worry. Yeah, but as long as like her, her head isn't leaving. No, she's not leaving the area. She's just slowing down when you're about to orgasm. That's fine. It's kind of hot because you're about to orgasm but then you don't but then you do then you don't then you're about to and then you finally do oh my god she does something cheesy where
Starting point is 00:53:11 she like takes her head up and then she like puts her head all the way back she's looking at the ceiling and goes oh like she's trying to be sexy then I would be way very what do you mean when she looks like when women try to be sexy I think it's so comedic like how do women try to be sexy i hope i don't ever do that when they try to you know i don't know just try to make sexy sounds and like i don't know women aren't trying to make sexy sounds women make sexy sounds because sex makes you make sexy sounds i know what so i just want to like slap you sometimes not in a bad way like thoughts out of your head like i want to just
Starting point is 00:53:47 like why can i find a funny sometimes though you can find a funny but women make noises when they're having sex because it feels good like they're not like faking it noises like maybe they're trying to sound like a porn star is that what you mean like the women you're like yeah like baby like that kind of thing, but but the just the noises that women make is
Starting point is 00:54:08 It's fucking hot, I think don't you think it's hot when a woman is making sexual noises sometimes if they're not They're pretty fake. Yeah, you just would rather just quiet the whole night. No, no, no If it doesn't seem like to you please just be quiet from beginning to end. Is that what you're saying? No, it just longs it doesn't seem like too cheesy and fake. OK. That has to be really real. No cheesy fake noises, women. Yeah. OK, tantalizing tips for the bedroom,
Starting point is 00:54:33 plan a rotted game. Sexy games like dirty dice or the commas who drew game are really good ways to introduce new ideas into your lovemaking, plus it takes the pressure off you to initiate sex. Hinder one of their senses, blindfold them, or tie their hands to the bed post. We talked a lot about this yesterday,
Starting point is 00:54:48 how hindering one sense enhances all the other senses and they don't know what's gonna happen next. I know Manus doesn't like to be blindfold, but you could blindfold your partner and like tease him with a feather. Like use a feather blindfold, for example. So you don't know what's gonna happen next. That's what you're, I'm blindfold
Starting point is 00:55:02 and you have a feather in your hand. Run the tip of the feather over their body. It can be any kind of feather. Twist it as you go, twist it, move it around. The feather like feels amazing. The key, you know, and you, if they have a blindfold, they don't know what's going to happen next. Then you could use like ice and you could use different sensations because they don't know
Starting point is 00:55:17 what's going to happen in the teeth and it builds. Okay. How do the teeth hurt different hotspots? This is about how to tease her since. Okay. You need to. So you put the $100 in front of them and then you pull it back real quick. Right? You take the $100 bill and then you bring it back and you put in your pocket.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Is that how you tease them? That's hot. I do love a man with a Wattacash. I have to say, a man who's got like pulled out of water cash. Are you serious because we even have this? No, because I'm like a, that's not the time. There's a video, a cool digger. There's video out there of you saying that and I thought it, I thought you were being sarcastic. I was being sarcastic. But it's not.
Starting point is 00:55:56 So you're not being sarcastic now? No, I'm being funny. Like I think it's something is hot about when a guy's like, I've got a water cash and I'm going to pay for you. Here's a hundred. That's hot. I mean, it's not like, oh my God, my dream man better have a water cash on him at all times and that's what I'm looking for in a man. But there's something hot about a man with a water cash. They're just is.
Starting point is 00:56:14 Sorry, it's primal. It just seems so cheesy. Again, going back to the used car salesman. You've to care about the elevator. No, sorry, the problem is, I'm visualizing the guy that was doing that during the video with and he was so gross. I know. So that's why I have that vision right now. Right, I got it.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Okay. So before you kiss her, this is how to tease her hotspots. And you kiss that guy too, that was so gross. I didn't kiss them. This is for a video that I did that maybe you'll all see one day, but it was for a real good show. And he kissed me three times, he tried to keep his hands three times he tried to keep hand that I was cringing the entire home oh my god you were cringing I was showing people they were cringing to really yeah okay before you kiss their kiss around her lips give her a pack and move around her mouth this is the tease don't go right to the mouth kiss
Starting point is 00:56:58 around the mouth gently breathe in or neck before you go in for deep kiss move your lips lightly around her cheeks and under her chin do you know how good it feels when a man kisses all around your face before the lips? Because everything I say this but everything that extends so you of your radiance zones of your lips three inches outside of those radiance zones are also really hot and sexy so kiss around it. Before you play with her breasts touch around her breasts and contour them with your palms slide your fingers between them lightly touch her nipples with the middle of your palm but don't go right into it brush against her breasts with your lips softly okay I can agree with that okay can you be good but that's all teasing stuff I thought that's just stuff to leave
Starting point is 00:57:37 that's for play but that's teasing too because that's not just like oh here's your breast I'm just gonna squeeze your breasts it's like I'm going to like gently brush them and tease them and do all these things. Before you perform oral sacs on a woman, kiss and lick around her vagina and caress her inner thighs. And just like that, cut her off. She'll go crazy. But when you start again, she'll be much more turned on and closer to orgasm. So you start and you start moving towards her vagina, but you stay with the inner thighs
Starting point is 00:58:04 and all that stuff. And then you stop. And then you start again. And then you stop and you start moving towards her vagina, but you stay with the inner thighs and all that stuff, and then you stop, and then you start again, and then you stop, and you start again. So before you penetrate her, enter her for just a second with your fingers or your tongue. Penetrate her for only about an inch of your penis, just for a short moment. It may take some serious discipline in your property,
Starting point is 00:58:18 you can manage it, she'll be in your frenzy. So it's like getting her to like, she wants you so bad and getting her to like beg for it, ask for it, and just do a little bit and then you pull out a little bit you pull out to get it. Have you ever done that? Of course. Why did you almost spit all of it? I don't believe you. Okay orgasm denial is a whole thing. Do you know what orgasm denial? No, but it sounds torturous. It's a fun and frustrating technique. The basic idea is simple. Prevent your partner from having an orgasm for a length of time. You can decide how long of a time. So over time of not having an orgasm, the sexual tension builds up and your partner becomes perpetually aroused. So some couples delay it for a day,
Starting point is 00:58:59 two weeks, a week, whatever you want. Like you're like, you don't, you're like, you're not allowed to orgasm. But you keep, and a lot of couples who have issues with sex or who have problems around orgasm, sometimes you just take intercourse off the table and you just say, we're just going to play with each other's bodies and turn each other on board, not going to bring ourselves to orgasm. That's a lot of sex therapists do with couples. They're like, don't have orgasms. The first three days of this week, don't focus on the orgasm, focus on all the other things. Then when you finally do of the orgasm, it's like this amazing, explosive, crazy thing. It sounds like money will rain from the skies and all my problems will be fixed in the
Starting point is 00:59:34 world. Exactly. So just do a little teasing. But that's what I've got for you on teasing. And tomorrow, tomorrow's teaser, what's your fantasy? What are the top fantasies for men and women? I want to know, tomorrow we'll talk about fantasies at the top of the charts for men and women. Don't forget to send us your deal breakers also, and you can win a special prize. So tomorrow's all about
Starting point is 00:59:52 the top fantasies for men and women, and we're going to be sharing some tips about exploring your fantasies. Good. Good. You like that? Yeah, and then we always have to thank the people that let us use the studios every day., if you want to read more, Stitcher is a free app that you can download on your smartphone and listen to the show every single day. It's really simple. You search sex with Emily and you're for friends
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Starting point is 01:00:32 sex family enterprise thrive. We appreciate it. Thank you. Thanks everyone for listening. It was a good for you. Email me feedback at Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. One of the reasons you're able to listen to us for free is because of the incredible
Starting point is 01:00:46 people at Good Vibrations. Good Vibrations is Sex's positive store carrying the best toys with an informative website at I got my very first toy from Good Vibrations, so I've been a fan for a long time, and they never disappoint. They have a huge online store at, and you can literally find anything on there from toys to DVDs to games. Just click on the Good Vibrations banner at and enter coupon code GVMly20 for 20% off
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