Sex With Emily - SWE: Kinky Sex

Episode Date: October 3, 2013

I don't think you're having enough kinky sex. When I say kinky sex, I don't mean you have to do it chained to a spinning apparatus. I just think you should leave your bed once in a while and experimen...t. This podcast will show you how to have sex outside your comfort zone and try new things with your partner, from butt slapping to sex in the bar bathroom. Okay, maybe you should just start by having sex in your bathroom at home... then you'll be ready for some serious sexcapades. I'll show you how to have sex with your partner in a completely different way. You'll feel like you're doing it with a sexy stranger you met at a bar, and not your husband Bob or your wife Susan. I'll also show you how to sext like a romance novelist, without using the term quivering member (ew). How serious do you need to be with someone before you sext them? Rule of thumb: If they haven't seen you're penis yet, don't send them a picture of your penis. Also, how specific should you get with your sexting. What's better? I want to suck your c@*%, or I want to suck your c@*% under the desk? Once you learn how to sext and seduce your partner like a stranger in the night, I'll demonstrate how to talk dirty. Talking dirty means letting loose, which may make you feel uncomfortable initially. Find your dirty talk voice and stay away from clinical words like penis. If you want him to know that you like his pickle, tell him you like his c@*% (you know what I'm saying). I'll tell you how to get started and open up, so you don't feel incredibly awkward getting your dirty talk on. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Emily from Sex with What if giving oral sex tasted like strawberries are chocolate? Mask makes these delicious strips like a breast strip, only better. They make oral sex taste like chocolate, strawberry, watermelon, or mango. Make sex more pleasurable for you and your partner by going to Into his eyes Then the eyes of a man obsessed by sex Eyes that mock our sacred institutions Betrubized they call them in a fight on day Hey, Evelyn, you got a boyfriend?
Starting point is 00:00:33 Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken, he thinks you're kind of cute The girls got a hair stand, oh my The women know about shrinkage Isn't it common, but only? What do you mean like laundry? It shrinks Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god. I'm so, so, so. Being bad feels pretty good. But you know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with.
Starting point is 00:00:54 You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex, relationships, and everything in between for more information go to where if you're loving the podcast you're going to be loving our website because there's lots of stuff happening at sex on we got tons of blogs and articles and videos and things that will help you improve your sex life you should also sign up for our mailing list because they'll get even better stuff in your emails that will make your day and it might even give you a boner against your roused or who knows what will happen but it'll be a good thing and they're not too dirty I promise
Starting point is 00:01:21 hello hello I'm here with menace. Hi, Emily. Hi, Menace. I started laughing right before we were recording with me or at me. At you, I think just because we are at the sister studios in San Francisco, California, a stichers, a free app they can download for your phone, do it right now. And type in sex. You can listen to sex, Emily Emily on the go on your tablet or, you know, wherever. And it's actually the same studio that we recorded the Bravo television show and misadvised. And if you haven't seen misadvised, you have to you can you can download it on iTunes to search misadvised on iTunes. And you can see Emily do the show. And for some reason,
Starting point is 00:02:03 right when I started recording, I had to start laughing. I started having flashbacks about your date at the SHIB club for some reason. Oh my God, that was hilarious. Yes, Menace had a friend who was on the show who asked me to go on a date and I didn't initially, Ray love, I didn't initially feel that I was attracted to him, but after talking in a while,
Starting point is 00:02:23 I thought, you know what, I'm just gonna say yes. I'm gonna go out this nice guy, because menist things he's the coolest dude, and I love menist. So he picks me up, we go to dinner, we have a lovely dinner, a really nice restaurant, and they say, hey, I want to eat this with my friends. I think we're going to party.
Starting point is 00:02:37 I look up, get out of the cab, we're at a strip club. Now I do go to strip club, we went to the back room, he had a private room, and all of the fights were there, drink it, he went all out for me. He got me private strippers, which was just sweet. And then I slapped her ass and it was a good time. Missed buys, if you want to see menace night action, menace isn't it a lot too.
Starting point is 00:02:54 And we actually had to kind of make out ones too. Oh, we had a top dirty, which actually speaking of today's show, that's one of our little things we're going to mention today is talking dirty, which is another thing we do I'm misadvised. I talked dirty the menace. I mean, I don't know if that made the cut though. It was on the show. Yeah, it was the first-sash second episode, something episode one of the series.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Yeah, you don't remember going like, hey, baby, I'm thinking about it. It was so embarrassed. Yeah. Because I'm really good at talking dirty. I think I feel that I am, but then it was like under the gun, under the pressure, there's the front of, you know, the world. I had to talk dirty. And so, not that like sitting here in the room and doing the show with you, I feel like I'm not just talking to you.
Starting point is 00:03:32 But on television, I'm going to be television, my parents are listening, and I'm like, I really want to suck you. So today's show, we're going to be talking about some kinky things that you should try and bed that you've not yet tried. So kinky, you're like, uh, turns out not something to you. Well, kinky, I'm talking about like, turns out not to do well, Kinky, I'm talking about like talking dirty or little things you can do to spice it up.
Starting point is 00:03:48 You're just a few tips. What? Londard. What the hell's that? You don't know what a Londard is? No. Is it like a, what is it at? What is it at?
Starting point is 00:03:57 She's a game. She's a game that you play. A game that you play. Yeah. The thing I also wanted to say about, okay, I have a question for you about sexting though. Okay. So sexting seems like everywhere I go, be where I go.
Starting point is 00:04:10 It's almost like, that's how a lot of relationships are conducted today, texting that turns into sexting. Yes. I haven't even met him yet. We've already sexted. I'm like, really? Like, people are just doing it all the time. So how serious do you think you have to be with someone before you sex them?
Starting point is 00:04:27 Ooh, yeah, I definitely would not sex somebody that I haven't met in real life because they could totally screenshot whatever you wrote them. Exactly. And then post it on the internet, people. I know, people do that. God. Don't send naked pictures of yourself either, met and women. I mean, don't even, like, I don't even, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:46 I mean, as I get older, I mean, when you're younger, you don't, you don't think about this kind of stuff. But as I get older, I get more and more paranoid on anything that I put out there. I do too. That because people go to screenshot and put you on blast, it's that easy. I know exactly.
Starting point is 00:05:02 I can take a picture of everything you wrote me. It's like, that's it. It's that easy. I know exactly taking picture of everything you wrote me. It's like, that's it. It's done. It's just like, I can just text it. All right, exactly. Yeah, and you can show it. You can't like, you can, I mean, you could change someone's name and your phone to look like it was them and create a fake thing of texting thing, but whatever. I mean, that's what you're gonna say. People are sexy. So how serious, I guess you should be more serious as home for you, sex, but people just realize that what you're putting out, that you're putting out a blueprint of your footprint, your digital footprint, is like out there, like if you're sexing or sending pictures,
Starting point is 00:05:31 like people can use them against you. So I wanna know, so I'm just saying be careful with your sexing, but I'm just curious about it because that seems how every relationship is being conducted these days. So what would you want a woman to sex you? How specific do you want them to get? Like do you want them to say like, I want you to, I want to suck your cock
Starting point is 00:05:46 onto your desk or just like, I just want to suck your cock. Like do you want me to be like, I want to suck your cock and you're wearing, you're wearing that music festival t-shirt that says rock and roll. And then I'm like, is it just like- I don't think guys really care too much about detail. They just want to hear about how much you want to suck
Starting point is 00:06:01 their cock, but women probably want, you know, so- Women would like a little more detail. Yeah, you got to suck through cock, but women probably want, you know, so women would like a little more detail. Yeah, you got to create the mood. To the W Hotel and order room service. And then I get it by Blamingdale's shopping cart. Yeah, and then by the way, I want to slip my penis inside you.
Starting point is 00:06:20 But don't you want them to talk about more about? Absolutely, you're an officer. Exactly. But don't you think with a woman, when she's sexting you, do you want them to talk about more about? Absolutely, lobster. Exactly. But don't you think with a woman, when she's sexting you, do you want her to talk about the things that she wants to do to you or what she wants you to do to her? I think it varies person by person. I think it's...
Starting point is 00:06:35 You want to hear about your own penis, right? Yeah. You want it to be like, I can't wait for you to... Yeah, but then you gotta like reciprocate. You know, it has to go back and forth. Right. So you're telling her the things that you want to do to her and she wants to do. to like reciprocate, you know, it has to go back and forth. Right. So you're telling her the things that you want to do to her and she wants to do. That's what I think typically typically works for people, but that's kind of the pattern.
Starting point is 00:06:52 But I think that we should do like a sexting a show that I'm just, that's our show is not all about sex in today, but I just think that we should do an upcoming show about giving people advice about sexing because they're, you don't even sexed. Right. Well, I dirty taxes. That same thing. Like I do, it's dirty, but I don't, I don't sex with people I don't know. Oh, that's it. Like guys, I have a mad or like if I've been dating someone
Starting point is 00:07:13 for a while, I can break into a sex no problem, which is hence why I'm good at dirty talk, except for when I was a national television. I wasn't that good, but um, so, um, yeah. So anyway, I just want to know because I feel like, um like like I just have all these friends are dating online now and they're like, oh, I'm in love. But you know, when you're like, well, I haven't met yet. It's been two weeks.
Starting point is 00:07:31 We've been sexing. So I just think that people should meet the person before they sex. Don't conduct your don't conduct your entire relationship on the phone. It goes back to what we were talking about on a previous podcast. Go to where it's just like, if you start your conversations like that with a guy, I'm sorry, that's all they're going to think about. They're not going to, you know, be interested in what you like to do other than sex. Exactly. That's true. So don't start it too quickly because then he's going to think,
Starting point is 00:07:58 oh yeah, guys are trying to bait you at the beginning. He's going to be like, what are you wearing or whatever guys do now that are, you know, clever. And then if you boil it, and you think, okay, she's down for it. What does it? She's down to, down to F. What do you say? DTF. DTF. So try to hold duck on the sex talk, get to know them and just meet them and get off the phone. And it's not even guys, guys, fault. It's not like, I'm saying every guy out there is like a total, like, you know, horny bastard. It's just like, if you, once you put the, you put the mindset of talking about sex, that's all they're gonna, they can't get another mind. Exactly, that was a great show.
Starting point is 00:08:30 That was a great, so true, that the women was saying, like, why is this guy only the, why are all of the guy me just want me for sex? Well, probably because she says she's talks about sex all the time, well, that's why. You're putting out that vibe. Exactly, I clearly proud of that vibe because it's my own show,
Starting point is 00:08:41 but you should not have to get in the same situation that I do where I'm always like what sex to guys because they ask me and whatever. Women, I think, show, but you should not have to get in the same situation than I do where I'm always like what sex to guys because they ask me and whatever. Women, I think, typically, and men should stay away from sex at least in the first second. They talk about it. Although it seems to go out all the time. So speaking of sex things, so, and speaking of things that turns on, dirty talk. No, is that I've to tell you about this new thing, all this money I have coming in now, because I changed my phone, I changed to Ting.
Starting point is 00:09:07 So Ting TING is a pay-as-you-go service. It's on the Sprint network, and most people, the problem is, okay, here's a deal. I found out that I actually don't text or text or use data as much as everyone else on the plan does, or as much as I thought I was, right? So I thought that I was, so I was just paying the same thing every month, every month. So I switched plant, they had this thing called the sales calculator, you go on the, you go on the TING website and you,
Starting point is 00:09:31 you can, they, you could upload your bill. So I gave them my log into my cellular phone service. They uploaded my bill, they analyze it, and then I realized I could save like $60 a month, $70 a month on my plan. And so in the last, in the next three months, I'm going to save like over $200. And I'm buying these shoes that I've seen
Starting point is 00:09:50 at Bloomingdale's that I'm obsessing about. What are they? They're not Christianly Botans, they're YSL, yeah, you say Laurent. And they're more than $200, but they're unsafe. It's a long story, but I'm so excited. So if people go to, it's Emily. Let me tell you what it is.
Starting point is 00:10:04 It is Emily dot ting dot com. you receive 25% off your first device purchase or $25 $25 off in service credit if you're bringing your own device. So basically it's no mysterious items on your bill all those things in your bill like why I'm paying this why I'm paying that it just pays you go and You don't you've credits on your on your service So it lets you drop down to the level you hit and credits the difference on your next bill, and you can have unlimited devices on one plan, and you'll just save so much money. You'll realize how much money you're wasting with your current provider,
Starting point is 00:10:34 and you can save a lot of money. There's no contracts, so check it out. It is to receive 25% off your first device, purchase, or $25 in service credit, if you bring in your own device. And I'm just happy that I'm rich now. That's all I gotta say about that. Okay, so let's get into our topic here which is some kinkier things you can try to bet. You can try and bet to spice it up. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Ooh, spice it up. Can I put some, you know, maybe some avocado dip, maybe a little nice, nacho bowl in there. You can totally do that. Is that what you're thinking? What was the first thing that you would think to spice it up? The spice it up? Yeah. It's not gonna be like, oh, going to Victoria's Secret or Frederick the Hollywood and dressing sexy
Starting point is 00:11:20 and stuff like that. It's not gonna be that at all. Probably just, you know, anal. Really? That's crazy. Everyone loves anal sex. Oh my God, everyone is obsessed with anal sex. I'm totally joking.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Anal is a new blood job. Yeah, I don't know. That's what they say. No, it is true that anal is like the, everyone's like, so what's the trends in sex? I'm like, what's trending? I'm like, anal. Like, that's all anyone ever wants to talk about. Okay, but you could try anal.
Starting point is 00:11:44 That could be something that if you've been wanting to try anal and your partner will not try anal, don't just try to take your penis inside of her, inside her butt, start feeling around there. You don't have to, you could just say, you know, sometimes you could use some lubricant, lubricant's an amazing thing to use during sex and you could start to make sure you,
Starting point is 00:12:00 you know, you're lubricant and start rubbing her there on her butt, see how it feels, how it'll be here or behind. You can lubricant start rubbing her there on her butt. See how it feels? Her behavior behind. You can also start to kiss her there. You can put your finger inside. Before you start to stick your penis inside. So just see if she's even open to anal sex. See if she's open to anal play, as they say.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Doesn't have to be sex, can be anal play. That's what menace would like. Yes. Okay. And get the Loub from Emily and Get the Loub from Emily and I make the best leave. I have a new product line called Emily and I make the best leave. I have a new product line called Emily and
Starting point is 00:12:27 And if you love me, you will support me and check out the website and buy your partner, man or woman, present from this line because it's a lubricant that is the, I've researched thousands of Loubs to come up with the best leave on the planet. It doesn't get sticky, it's waterproof, it's vegan, it's good for you.
Starting point is 00:12:44 And a few other products, massage candle, a ball lotion. So your balls don't sweat, it's all really cool. Emily and Okay, kink your things you can try. Stranger in the night. Okay, you're going to laugh at this one, but I have to, because I just know you, but if you've been with your partner for a while and you're like, you think this doesn't work or this is silly, plan your next date out at your favorite bar.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Order Dirty Martini's, enjoy Joe's company and do a little dancing. Here's the catch, you must act like perfect strangers. Pretend you didn't know your partner. From, you didn't know him from Adam. You're like, I don't know who you are. Staying character, try to seduce each other, make up fake names, ampersonas,
Starting point is 00:13:22 wear something daring and different. Once you've picked up your partner, go home where you can really have some fun. Now I've talked to two couples in the last few months who did this and not because I told them to, but they're just like, oh yeah, we went to a bar once and they said it was so hot because what you're doing is a lot of times while you're no longer having that exciting sex anymore with your partners because you know them, it's familiar. So if you actually play, if it sounds like silly to you, you can go and look and do that. But if you actually get into the role
Starting point is 00:13:46 and you're like, you pretend that you're picking each other up, you can channel that inner excitement that you felt, that feeling those butterflies, channel them, those inner butterflies that you had when you first started dating, and go home and have crazy while it sucks, because it's like a newness. I like that.
Starting point is 00:14:01 You like it? Okay, bring a vibrator into the bedroom. Shock. Okay, pleasureing yourself in front of him. Bring a vibrator into the bedroom. Shock. Okay. Pleasure in yourself in front of him using your vibrator or let him be in control of the vibrations. So a lot of them use vibrators and they think it has to be something that they hide from their partner.
Starting point is 00:14:15 And they think it's something that they can't really share. They can't, you know, he's, he would never like it or whatever. But a lot of women just need it. They need control stimulation. They want their vibrators. So bring that into your partner. It can bring that in to the bedroom. It can increase your chance of orgasm during sex.
Starting point is 00:14:31 You can choose a position like doggy cell or missionary with your legs over his shoulders. And you can place the vibrer on your clitoris and apply pressure while he thrusts in and out. Most women do not get the clitorial simulation they need during intercourse. They just don't. Men, your penis aren't shaped that way.
Starting point is 00:14:48 There's certain positions that do it. Even women who can have G-spot orgasms, they need their clitoris to be stimulated. Oftentimes, they need to have that orgasm first. So I love the J-JU Mimi M-I-M-I. It's a good vibes. Use Cuban code Emily for 15% off. Everything.
Starting point is 00:15:04 You can also get the that me Oh, do you want that vibrating ring? I told you about the me oh M.I. Oh It's also from J.J. It's you. It's unbelievable. It's it's it stretches It's waterproof. It's rechargeable and it turns your penis into a U.S. be charged it turned yes, no, but many of them are it turns your penis into a you turned you into a human vibrator for your partner Really and men like the vibrations as well. So guys sex toys women not just not just for women football season Just started out. I know let's talk about that. I'm not really into football So I don't know anything, but I am sure men would appreciate it while they're watching
Starting point is 00:15:40 Television to receive maybe a blowjob while they're watching the game. They all enjoy two other most favorite things at once. I think many a man would love naked women to be around serving them or dervs and cocktails and then during their game and then getting down their knees and giving them a blowjob. That's true. Okay. It is true that men have that fantasy, right? Of walking in the door and just wanting to be attacked by your woman giving her oral sex, giving her giving you oral sex. of walking in the door and just wanting to be attacked by your woman giving her oral sex, giving her or giving you oral sex. Yeah. As we've talked about. I don't know how many women do it, but today is a great day.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Go home and give your guy a PJ. I should do it too. If I had a guy, to do, I would do it. Now that I want one, but if I had one, talking dirty and just looking at me like, talking dirty means letting loose, that can make you feel uncomfortable initially. So find your dirty, talk voice. It could be your normal voice. It could be low, or more breathy like this. And expand your vocabulary. This is a place where swearing can be welcomed and encouraged. Stay away from clinical words like penis. So you don't want to say like, baby, you're penis. I can't wait to suck on it. You could just,
Starting point is 00:16:43 you know, use the other words that you're familiar with. And you don't have to rush into it. You could say, baby, this is what feels so good. You can start by talking about, this is the key to good dirt to how you learned dirty talk. Talk about what's happening in the moment. Talk about what's happening during sex and what you'd like to have done.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Like, so it feels so good the way you are pulling my hair right now. I love the way you do that baby. And next, I can't wait till you're whatever is inside me. I don't want to say the word on the air. What? You know, the other word for penis. Cock?
Starting point is 00:17:13 Yeah, I just didn't feel like saying that. The rooster. You know, we used to never swear on the show. And now I feel like we're going downhill, but the pickle. The penis. But like, what's your advice for talking to me? The shlong.
Starting point is 00:17:23 For women, like, do you find that, exactly, I want your advice for talking to the long for women? Like, do you find that? Exactly. I want your long inside my. Do you think that women? Have you ever met the woman that you thought was bad at talking dirty talk? Or like, do you find that most women just make an effort? They get there? Yeah, they're really bad. But you got to hold in from like laughing, you just, I don't know, you don't really stop them
Starting point is 00:17:47 I don't think the way you can stop them politely without making them feel bad to start kissing them Just keep stop talking don't speak don't speak So so you don't have to rush into a first you can start by talking about what's happening like I said in the moment And say something like I love when you touch my thighs. It really turns me on this feels amazing Like whatever you're doing at the moment and I think that a lot of you got to get super. Yeah, but that's how you can start. I'm saying. So let your imagine.
Starting point is 00:18:09 So if I put that dick in my vagina, how would you talk to her to me? Go. What? Do it. How would you talk to her to me? Come over here and suck my dick. Doesn't that sound sexy?
Starting point is 00:18:19 Doesn't that turn you on? No. No, okay. Well, I just think it's not for everyone. Some men don't like it, some women don't like it, but I also want you to look at yourself right now. If you're someone who's like, I don't like it, have you ever tried it?
Starting point is 00:18:33 Or are you just insecure about the way you're gonna sound doing it? We've done tons of shows and dirty talk that we get into this more so you can Google that. But Google it on my website, search for it. Okay, oh, anal sex isn't my list of kinky things you can try. How about that, Menace? Take it slow.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Like I said, he should play with your anus before penetration. And when bringing on for play, you can explore him with your fingers. Use lots of lubricant. She can explore you with your fingers. So it's not like does she want anal sex? Yes, or no, it's does she want anal play? Start to see if her anus is even open for business. Because you just don't know sometimes.
Starting point is 00:19:08 And just maybe she thinks that, oh, anal sex is so scary, or he thinks it's so scary, because a lot of men like being anal, penetrate it, that if you just slowly try it out, little loob, you might be surprised, it feels good. That's true.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Sex outside the bedroom. I haven't done that in a while. I've done that in so many different times in my life, but not lately, but now that I'm living in Los Angeles, I feel like there's more opportunities for sex outdoors. In the woods? Yeah, I feel like. I've had sex in the woods and the beach everywhere. Have you? How many people have had sex by the Hollywood sign? I don't know. It's how dirty up there, isn't it, And prickly. So what? I'm sure people still got it. Have you? No. Oh, I'm sure they have. They're the ever-in-law's angels.
Starting point is 00:19:49 You think I should go do that as a goal and then report back to everyone? Yeah. There you go. I've had sex like in parks. I've had sex on the beach. I've had sex on the beach. I've had sex on the beach. I've had sex on the beach.
Starting point is 00:19:59 I've had sex on the beach. I've had sex on the beach. I've had sex on the beach. I've had sex on the beach. I've had sex on the beach. I've had sex on the beach. I've had sex on the beach. I've had sex on the beach. I've had sex you don't hike. I had sex in the woods. I mean, no one saw a house. How many cars have you had sex in? I mean, you know, a handful of cars.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Not many, have you? Many? Yeah. A ton of cars. Okay, go sex. Good, really? You're a small little car. You're a bigger person.
Starting point is 00:20:17 I have a mini Cooper, so that would not be great place to have sex, but I have had sex in cars. For sure, I used to live in my car once summer. And I had sex in it. And a burning man. Okay, so be discreet sex outside the bedroom. This is another crazy kinky thing. You can try the partner, not crazy,
Starting point is 00:20:33 but it's over to something different. Outer sex is illegal and not appreciated by a lot of people. But if you're nervous about getting caught and you can experience a similar thrill by having sex on apartment balcony, a backyard or pool, which I've done all those two. I'm not trying to show that I'm a slut right now. I'm just saying in my experience, you should wear a skirt.
Starting point is 00:20:50 He can wear pants on zip. If you know what's going to happen, I start planning a hat or talk about it. He should repair it on zip and zip up so you can make a quick getaway and proceed with caution. And when taking your sexual exploits to a secluded beach or in the bar bathroom, have you read sex in a bar bathroom? Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:05 See, that I've never done. Because I'm not in a malloc. I mean, mostly why they could drink a lot, I said. Have you done that? Yes, of course. Like, many times? No. Are people like knocking and they're trying to get in
Starting point is 00:21:17 and the whole thing? Uh, yeah, but you know, it's loud. So one more thing that you can do to spice things up is you could be a dominant dominatrix. Channel your inner dominatrix and tie him to the bedpost using a tie, a belt, or fuzzy handcuffs. Again, go to, use coupon code Emily for all your bondage gear, which I have all of their bondage gear and it's awesome. I love bondage tape for one. While your freed explorer dominant side,
Starting point is 00:21:43 he can explore his submissive side and for a satisfied role reversal, try talking dirty, biting, teasing, spanking, whatever it is to play with different power dynamics. So you don't have to be a full-on dominatrix, but a little spanking. Yeah, we've been doing that. If you found in your history that with women
Starting point is 00:22:00 that they've sort of like some spanking. Oh yeah, they like it. Not too hard though, you have to start like with a little slap. Little slap. And then you just go harder and harder and harder and then tell they say no. And then sometimes they might not say no, would you want your ass slapped, you think?
Starting point is 00:22:16 No, me no, but I mean, if a woman would like that, then I would definitely like to give it to her. Okay, cool. Well that's good to know. Well, okay, another thing you can do to spice it up is massage. Now, I'm just saying this because I'm giving away, I have a new brand. I said, Emily and go check it out.
Starting point is 00:22:32 And I want to know what product you want on that site and why it's high end intimate care line, make it amazing lubricant, allotion, and these massage candles that will rock your world, you can pour it on your partner's body. It doesn't turn into oil, not wax. And it's super sexy thing, you can do, they smell amazing, they're almost like Aphrodisiacs.
Starting point is 00:22:51 And I know that I have a friend who used it on her husband, they had an at-sex in a month. And she said it was so sensual and erotic because you pour the wax on them, it's not too hot. And she gave a massage and then he did it to her. And the sense are amazing, it's intoxicating, actually, the way you feel when you smell these candles that we got in France, we made them in France, they're amazing.
Starting point is 00:23:10 And I just want everyone to have one in the world. So you should buy them, but I'm also giving one away for free. So email me, feedback at sex at Tell me which product you want at Emily and and I will send it to you. But you got to tell me why and then I will announce that in an upcoming show.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Sweet. Menace got them all. So he's going to report back. Yes. Okay. Everyone. That's what I got for you today. Check me out on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, everywhere.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Our sex with Emily and menace. I'm just menace on Instagram. That's the best way. You only care about Instagram now, not Twitter. You're the one who told you on Twitter. You're the one who told me on Twitter. Oh my god. Check out Twitter.
Starting point is 00:23:44 I mean, I got enough people on Twitter. I don't know. You don't want any more people on Twitter. You're the one who told you on Twitter. I mean, I got enough people on Twitter. I don't know. You don't want people on Twitter? Okay, don't follow me on Twitter. No, you can follow me on Twitter, but Instagram is my favorite. I know, you love it. Okay, so everyone, thanks for listening to Sex, Emmy, Check out our website. And yeah, thanks for listening to the show.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Love you, Menace. Good to see you. Thanks for listening. Was it good for you? Email me. Feedback at Hi, I'm Dr. Emily Morse from the show. will allow you to have the sex you deserve.

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