Sex With Emily - SWE: Living Sexy: Swingers Holli & Michael Tell All

Episode Date: September 1, 2013

Swingers Holli and Michael from Playboy Radio’s SWING share everything about living sexy— The swingers parties, dealing with jealousy, and of course the sex. Almost everyday someone asks me, "so w...hat's the deal with swingers?" No, they don't all have ponytails, and they aren't all "crazy." Unless your definition of crazy is having open communication with your partner, and admitting that monogamy doesn't always work for you. Swingers put everything out in the open— they share their fantasies with their partner, ask for consent before trying to have with someone, and tell their partner everything. Swingers have so much trust in their relationships because there is nothing to hide. There is no cheating and lying. Although swingers are largely perceived as "crazy," they have some of the most realistic and unrepressed relationships I've ever seen. Even if you don't want partake in the Swingers lifestyle, there are a lot things people can learn from Swingers and people in open relationships. The great part about open relationships is that you get to create your own rules. You decide on things like, are you allowed to kiss another person? If you go sleep with someone, does that mean you spend the night? Setting up rules forces the couple to communicate about what they expect from the relationship. Enough about relationships, let's get to the sex. Holli and Michael give their best sex tips. Holli, a bisexual swinger, and Michael, who has gone down on A LOT of women, give advice on giving women oral sex. Michael even shares how he gives women multiple orgasms, because why limit yourself to only one orgasm? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I want to tell you about one of the amazing sponsors that is help keeping sex with Emily free to my listeners. Permessant is the world's first and only FDA-approved treatment for premature ejaculation. Permessant ensures many women can enjoy the journey, just as much as the destination, and with a staggering one-and-three men suffering from this medical condition, this really isn't something to joke about. Previously, the only treatments for this very real and often unspoken about sexual disorder were antidepressants or numbing sprays, both of which come with some awful side effects.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Promessant has zero side effects and works immediately. It's a desensitizing spray that is quickly absorbed so it will not transfer to your partner. Go to to get control of premature ejaculation today. Enjoy the show. I'm gonna buy you a Hey, Emily, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken, he thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair stand. Oh my. The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean like laundry?
Starting point is 00:01:12 It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm off here so, so, so. Being bad feels pretty good. You know, Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. What? What? You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to
Starting point is 00:01:39 We can listen to all of our podcasts, sign up for our mailing list, and you know, you really, really need to sign up for our mailing list because not only will we give you the report that says it is the top five mistakes you're making in bed. In fact, it's for women and for men. You can pick, but we also are going to send you cool things. We got lots of interesting podcasts that we do blog posts. We're giving away a lot of free toys and some exciting stuff happening with sex with Emily. And it's also a little change in life.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Like so many millions of listeners, their lives have changed, their sex life is improved because of the sex with Emily show. So, that feels really good. So, everyone you can find me at Sex with Emily on Twitter and Instagram and Facebook. So, I'm really excited for tonight's show
Starting point is 00:02:21 because I have some other radio professionals here, but people always think, God, only you've such an interesting job. Like, what you do, you talk about sex, you were radio show about sex, but I feel like my two guys here sort of taken it to another level. It is Holly and Michael from the show Swing. It's a podcast. Live Monday to Friday and podcast. Live and it's Swings. Swing with Holly and podcast. Yes. Live and it's it swings swing with Holly and Michael.
Starting point is 00:02:48 They're professional swingers basically. They have made their page. They're swinging into a light. The lifestyle into their lifestyle into their job. Their career is super successful radio show and a TV show that I was just done on Playboy with them playboy TV, which is so great. They it's it's basically a house of swingers, right? Right, there's six resident couples and they bring in a newbie to kind of introduce them to the lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:03:12 And normally they just wanna dip their toes in and see what's going on, or even like jump right in. Some dip their toes into the swinging pool, some dive head versus the pool. Right, so we're just there to the system. I love it, you guys are, because you guys are sort of you're the veterans. You know what you're doing. So we're just third system. I love it. You guys are, because you guys are sort of, you're the veterans.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Yes. You know what you're doing. And we're going to get into that, because I get, all the time, I get questions from listeners. Everyone emails me feedback at I love hearing from you all. And lately, like, there's always trends. Because you guys do a call and show people, call in and ask you questions. I get a lot of emails.
Starting point is 00:03:40 And it just seems like wherever I go, not even through my email, as much as it is even in life, people are like, so what's the deal with swinging? What's the deal with swinging? So do you know people who swing? And it's like married, straight gay, whatever everyone's asking me. And I'm like, why?
Starting point is 00:03:52 It just seems like it's in the zeitgeist right now. Everyone wants to know about swinging. And so I'm by listeners, and so I feel like you guys can answer everything they want to know. I want to get into like, you know, how your relationship works. I want to get into how it's improved your sex life. I want to get into how you do a jealousy and all those issues that a lot of you are like, because here's the thing, don't you feel like there's a miss when you
Starting point is 00:04:12 hear swings, you were like, I don't want to watch my wife bang in some other back. Like, I don't know or stand, dude, we can't even have a car. It's over. Like, you know, I just all those things that people are listening right now, they're curious, but they're like, I can never do it. So I also want to talk about like people, do you receive a little switch over? They're like, no, I can never. And then they do curious, but they're like, I can never do it. So I also want to talk about like people, do you receive a little switch over? They're like, no, I can never. Then they do it. Or is it like a, so we're going to get into that.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Michael and Holly, thanks for being here. Thank you for having us. Oh my God. This is so fun. I don't even know where to start. So, Mattis, who's my sidekick in San Francisco, he's always like, every swinger has, this has kind of been an ongoing joke. I don't say this.
Starting point is 00:04:40 They've pointed to you. He's like, I like, oh, I met a swinger. He's like, they all have pointed to him. But there, this is a beautiful couple. You have to check them out and go to their website. Tell me your website. Holly and Holly is with an eye.
Starting point is 00:04:51 With an eye. She's the Holly, H-O-L-L-I. And you can see they're like beautiful, smart, interesting couple. No men as they don't, if you're listening to this episode, they don't have ponytail at all. But people understand, either like, I look at it and they're like, even shows I do with more conservative hosts, they're like, I don't understand the life, how does it work,
Starting point is 00:05:09 it's never gonna work. So I just feel like you guys seem really happy to me. Thank you. Isn't it interesting though, you look at our society and people understand cheating. Right. They don't understand consensual sex. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:05:21 With your partner or consensual flirting or playing with your partner. Well, I always say that 50% of people cheat, they say, right? Men win. So if they're all cheating, they're essentially lying to their partner. So why not open up, swing, have some fun, and do it in a really healthy, honest way? I think a lot of people, this is my perspective, I think a lot of people just want their cake and then have their, like, they have their cake at home, but eat other pies and things
Starting point is 00:05:44 like that. And it's good to eat pie. Yeah, it's their cake at home, but eat other pies and things like that And it's good. He pie, but I don't think that they have the the communication to go to the partner ask these questions Because I don't know they just Sometimes you when you ask a question if you've been together for like five years and you ask a question that you've never asked before Some people are like, okay, why are you bringing this up? Why haven't you never like fantasies? Right. How do you exactly that's the gateway? I'm like, he's tough to your partner about what you're fantasies. I'll at least bring that up. Like, like, talk about it, but how do you, how does it, so first of all, tell me about your background, your history, because I was reading your bio, Michael. It's like two
Starting point is 00:06:18 decades of this swinging. I'm like, oh my God, he's like the grandfather all-time, but he's not a grandfather. He He's a very handsome man and he's been two decades. It's been 20 years, too. So we are gonna end the show with some of your best sex tips you do realize that. So I've got a little while to think about it. Awesome. But I feel like two decades,
Starting point is 00:06:35 and I don't know about you, we're gonna hear about you, Holly, your history. Tell me how you guys came together. How you started in the middle? So I started in college and in my fraternally called it orgies. All right. I dated older women. I dated younger women. It was a woman, a couple years older than me, who said,
Starting point is 00:06:48 hey, let's go to party. And it's going to be really open-minded, because I'm open-minded. I did not have a girlfriend through high-scler college. I just had a lot of, you could call it fuck buddies, you could call it casual sex. It was just not being a player. A player lies.
Starting point is 00:07:00 OK, a player, somebody who manipulates to get someone in bed, man or woman. I always said, if the woman said, where's us going? I'd say tonight to my bedroom I hope tomorrow. I don't know we'll talk and you're so honest and women still came to your bed round Yeah, it's a pro is a challenge. What did you say the other day in air? What is that? How did you get all these women to just like slip? I'm not I think it's awesome that he slept with this mean woman I think it's incredible. I don't know how like what is your line? Like I was just like what did you do and I'm like I just told the truth I'm like that way like he just like his personality or something and it's
Starting point is 00:07:33 Sometimes so sometimes 20 years. I mean the biceps don't hurt and then Do you have an eight pack now? I'm just kidding. So it's it's not just a look there's a lot of handsome guys who do not sleep with Right, they're dicks right or they don't know how to approach. They don't have to talk. They're not confident all that thing or So it's it's not just a little bit of handsome guys who do not sleep with right right there Dicks right or they don't know to approach. They don't have to talk. They're not confident all that thing or their households Right, or they're the players. They really get approaching them with their players. They're playing and you know And you guys talk to each other so now you talk to each other We know I used to one of my goals was the best compliment you can give me is a referral So if you refer me to one of your girlfriends,
Starting point is 00:08:05 that was a huge compliment. So I made sure I got them away. I believe every man should be a cookie monster and your vagina is a cookie. And every man should be eating cookies. I mean, it's little things like that. And yes, I received pleasure and ego boosts if you really were getting off.
Starting point is 00:08:19 And if you were faking it, that's not my problem. Right, that's it. Because I'm willing to put in the work I'm listening to your body language and your verbal cues. So, the lifestyle, what we call swinging, a lot of times, you know, research shows that 15 million people in the United States will label themselves. As swingers?
Starting point is 00:08:33 As swingers. If you remove that label, over 57 million people consider themselves open-minded and interested in living sexy. Right. And what does that mean? That means being around people like you, being around people like us, that we're not saying you have to go to bed with us. We're not saying there has to be any physical contact or we have to watch you or you have
Starting point is 00:08:47 to watch us. It's just been willing to accept that. Swingers don't have pointy tails. It's not. I'm sorry. He's an idiot. I love him, but he's an idiot. We've been doing the show today a long time.
Starting point is 00:08:55 He's like, who is putting like that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Maybe I'm living San Francisco. That's an out of the point. I'm kidding. But anyway, you don't have to pointy tails sometimes. Sometimes she can give me oral sex. Right. Exactly. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. That's a I don't know why I'm kidding, but anyway, you know what you're gonna point out sometimes
Starting point is 00:09:08 So she can give me oral sex exactly stays out of her way exactly Your oral sex tip two later the one with the toothpaste Wasn't there when you actually put it on your balls, but we're gonna get to that in a moment So right so people so okay, so it's it's it's So right, so people, so okay. So it's perception being reality, we know that. So it went from swingers to lifestyle, and then people started saying, you know, what's a lifestyle?
Starting point is 00:09:32 So you look at living sexy, living sexy encompasses just everything and you're not labeling somebody. Right. Well, this generation doesn't want to be labeled. And swingers to them is like old people, shag kart, right? Exactly. They're having so many. Every one. Kick key club parties so it's hard to get out of
Starting point is 00:09:47 mind frame so you know by transferring and working on perception so then you look at me and I left a lifestyle for a little bit when I was married my ex-wife was interested in lifestyle however you have to know personality communication is the easiest word to say one of the toughest things to do right and knowing insecurities jealousy in my opinion, clinically speaking, is rooted in insecurities. Okay. Somebody can cause them.
Starting point is 00:10:10 However, then you have to look, if Holly, if I were to do something negative to Holly and she forgives me, she doesn't have to forget however she can't throw that in my face. And if we're gonna repeat an action that could cause that jealousy or insecurity to come back up,
Starting point is 00:10:22 then Holly here needs to understand that that's inside her. Right, exactly. But how do you, because people are just like, they can't even get past, I always, because I, you know, I'm giving advice to you, but I'm like, you gotta learn to transcend jealousy. People are in alternative relationships,
Starting point is 00:10:35 they learn like that you can, not that you transcend, not that it doesn't bother you, but you learn how to deal with it. Where most life, you just, you're jealous and you have it rated and you never learn, but you actually process it.
Starting point is 00:10:44 And you can, it's possible to nothing doesn't flare up sometimes. Right. Do you say jealous? Yeah, but it's the way I handle it. Right. I talk to him. I don't just go off. I'm not like, right.
Starting point is 00:10:55 You acted in a process. Yeah. And if I have a problem, I will step aside and take him aside and be like, you know, I have a problem with this and maybe, and if he, well, we don't take one for the team. We don't, meaning we, I wouldn't, we wouldn't be with a couple or an individual if we both run into it. Let's say Holly's extremely bisexual. 100%.
Starting point is 00:11:13 She's very bisexual. If you were with a man who I just could not click with, I couldn't even see myself sitting there while the two of you were naked playing. Right. Holly is not gonna play with you, simply because it's gonna bug me. Right. Okay. If you didn't like the guy that I was with playing, Holly is not going to play with you, simply because it's going to bug me. Right, okay.
Starting point is 00:11:25 If you didn't like the guy that I was with me, there's four, right, okay. Because you're dating as a couple. Right. Let's say you, That's so hard, like even in life, I don't want to sleep. Not only do I not like anyone that my friends are doing,
Starting point is 00:11:36 I still don't want to sleep with them, and I don't like them. That would be really hard. But it's how you deal with the jealousy. You can't go off, you have to talk to your partner and you have to trust that he's going to be okay, or she's going to be okay with how you deal with the jealousy you can't go off you have to talk to your partner and you have to trust that He's gonna be okay or she's gonna be okay with how you present things and you and presenting it in a fashionable Healthy right is I think everyone has insecurities honey. Can we speak?
Starting point is 00:11:54 It's a lot better than why did you do that? Why is a very aggressive statement or it's a one word? That's a statement. I believe you and I talked about this Emily Holly has said on air on TV and radio that if she had to I believe you and I had talked about this. Emily, Holly has said on air, on TV and radio, that if she had to choose, and you're sitting here, you're beautiful, I'm gonna use you as an example. Please do. If she had to choose between you or I performing oral sex on her, 100% of the time she would choose you. Okay. If she had to choose, you know what? That doesn't mean you're better, it means you're different. Right. And different is good. Because I'm right. And I'm proud that I can be married to a woman
Starting point is 00:12:25 that knows she can tell me that. Right. And you're okay with it. 100% because I know there's power, there's comfort and security in knowing. It's not knowing. It's what does she have that feeling that never shared it with me
Starting point is 00:12:38 and it's fantasizing about that. It turns me out so much known. Right, exactly. You're like, I think, because I want to know what you really believe. You're not taking, because most people turn it inward. Like I'm doing, exactly. You're like, I think, because I want to know what you really believe. You're not taking, because most people turn it inward. Like, I've been something wrong.
Starting point is 00:12:47 You've been so healthy. And then you transfer that onto someone else with anger. It's so easy to transfer. The jealousy, you know, let's, Yeah, for sure. And then I can get mad at her for wanting you when maybe I'm the one that wants you. No, if I'm attracted to you,
Starting point is 00:12:59 I'm gonna say, we call our pockets, her nickname is pockets. We say, I'd say pockets, you know, I find, I'm always attractive, where I find this person attractive He doesn't it doesn't mean you like her more. It's different right and attractive is different than I Tired so how do you find and how do you guys been together four years four years? Okay, and how do you typically go about like you're I mean you guys are in it you guys are like the poster children for first for swing and wait, but how do you?
Starting point is 00:13:24 The typical people said, you go about fighting someone. Usually, a party's, you go to these parties, like, you have organized parties. Websites. Yeah, websites. We, we are fortunate because what we do, it's too long to a lot of websites
Starting point is 00:13:35 and a lot of private groups on Facebook, right? I mean, that's one area. And there are some phenomenal people, really likes attract likes. Right. And what I mean by that is, we've had people enter the lifestyle thinking, well how come this kind of couple and this kind of couple isn't playing with us?
Starting point is 00:13:48 Well, when you were single, did you have an opportunity to date those kind of people? No, if you're, and I'm not trying to be rude when I say this, if you're completely out of shape and you don't use good hygiene or grooming. Hygiene is so important. Yeah, why do you expect people who do to want to play with you?
Starting point is 00:14:04 Right. I don't care what you look like It does nothing to do with the fact that you came just being part of it They still wouldn't want to sleep right exactly so it's the issue the same issues come up wherever you go there You are oh my god, so you go to these parties. I've been to these parties before I've been to like two Okay, and I think it was more like I started my show sex with Emily you know like eight years ago And I was like starting people they were like special invite only parties, and I had fun. Right. Yeah, it was a good time.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Open-minded people. Totally open-minded people. I even think it's changed since then. Like eight years ago, it's grown into a not just community. Yeah, it's a community, it's a family. It's people just being friends, and you can be friends, like we have a lot of swinger friends that we don't play with.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Right. Right. And I'm sure it's same just like, right. Right. And we have a lot of vanilla friends that know everything we do. I don't think they're living vicariously through us. Sort of. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Exactly. Hey, I don't want to be arrogant about it. However, they appreciate and respect us for who we are. And they take Andy, for example, she swears, no way. My husband looks at another man. I'm going to kill him. Another woman. Sorry, another woman I'm going to kill him.
Starting point is 00:15:03 However, she has no problem when he admires pockets and she loves the stories yeah very close friend Andy's a woman okay so pockets and I've been together for years when we met she knew about my past okay she knew I don't put notches on the bedpost but let's say there was a lot and I left life software while went back in after being separate from a wife got back with my ex wife went back so back and forth but Holly was interested and she said to me one night after sex it was not before sex right how would you feel taking me to a party and that's 71% of couples in the lifestyle Emily are there because of you the women. The women that's the women has to initiate but there's so many guys when you're in Nishina like every night it goes to bed built tonight. The guy can bring it up.
Starting point is 00:15:50 He can. How does he bring it up? So the guy brings it up. It's you though the women that are going to make the way right. And we can't force her to go to part. No, never. That's not going to work. And we've had people ask us how do you convince my wife that you can't.
Starting point is 00:16:03 And that's the worst. That's the worst way to go about it is, hey, we gotta go. I think that is a cause of a huge, a huge divorce. It's just not worth it. So how do you cover this ground before you get married? Are you?
Starting point is 00:16:18 We do a talk sometimes called dating your way to divorce. And what I believe, what I believe through my experience. I've done that but I've never been divorced or married but I've date my way to the end. Do you know what I mean? Yes experience. I don't have, but I've never been divorced or married, but I've date my way to the end. Do you know what I mean? Yes, every time. I'm like, I know why this is going to end. It's like the first date, six minutes in.
Starting point is 00:16:30 I'm like, this is going to end, but I'm going to date in three years. Okay, but here's my question for you. Yeah. All right. Are you honest with the men when you first, and this is your show, I don't want to hold it. No, no, do it.
Starting point is 00:16:39 I know it turns to my therapist sometime. The reason I believe the most of society dates their way to divorce is, and you and I have shared this with many people in lecture halls and stuff, is you put your best foot forward. And maybe there's something you really don't like, but to say you like it. And maybe there's something you're willing to give in on. I believe needs are non-negotiable and wants are negotiable. So there's a lot of things you might need that you're willing to sacrifice for that person. Then what happens three years later when you're married?
Starting point is 00:17:06 Exactly. And then you're like, hold on, hold on, hold on, I can't do this anymore. That the other person, why didn't you tell me that before? That's when you read up. That's when you're saying your needs, your needs can be anonymous. I agree. Because that's how you need how you need to feel loved. It's like the love language.
Starting point is 00:17:23 I love that book because it's a great loved. It's like the love language. Is you read the book, the five love languages? I love that book because it's a great book. It's called the five love languages. I think my Chapman Gary Chapman, I think. And it's a great book because it talks about in relationships. So many times people are not loving their partner and the way they need to be loved. And there's those five different ways, which is love yourself.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Love yourself enough. Right. Right. So you feel okay, so, right. So you guys figured this out, in a relationship right you can't Yeah, he didn't talk me into it. He would you would suggest wait and I I was scared to death because I'd never been like I was I was raised Mormon and oh my god, okay, I Were not doing anything
Starting point is 00:17:59 Right Master What that stuff was down there, I'm like I couldn't even master bait. Like I didn't even know what that stuff was down there. I'm like, I don't know what that's for. It's not allowed. But I was completely into women since I was young and even previously married, because I was married for almost 10 years.
Starting point is 00:18:15 I told him about it and he was like, oh my God, you can believe me for another woman. I'm like, no, I'm just curious. Like women are soft and beautiful and like goddesses. And even when I was single, I didn't want to do that because of my mindset. curious like women are soft and beautiful and like goddesses. And you are. Exactly. Even when I was single, I didn't want to do that because of my mindset. It was bad because that's just the way I was raised. Right, of course.
Starting point is 00:18:32 And then I meet him and he's like, no, you can do that. And I'm like, I got to go. I got to see what it's like. And even the first party I was scared to death, but I was like, this is so pregnant awesome. So that was your first time having an experience with the woman, which is four years ago then. Yeah. And I completely thought I was cheating on him. He's like no, it's okay
Starting point is 00:18:49 It's consent you asked me I don't have the right to tell you what you can or can't do I would share with you if it made me uncomfortable right and that's what I shared with pockets And I said I love you and if this is something you want to do I'm okay with this you're not cheating on me Everything you're doing is consensual and you respect me enough to share with me. And that's how we dipped our toes in. But I wasn't used to the communication like that. I was used to like, you can't do this. You can't talk to me. You've overcome a lot. And now look at you. You've got a show called Swing. I mean, they're short. They're literally called Swing. So, okay, what was
Starting point is 00:19:19 your first experience like then of the party, hugging out with the woman? Did you do it that party? Yes, it is. Okay. This woman, we went to this party and it was just amazing. There was playrooms and everything and I'd never seen. Theme playroom. Yeah, I'd never seen anything like this and I walk in and I'm like, it is completely sexy. Like there was, there was three levels that the basement was a
Starting point is 00:19:37 mansion and Los Filos actually. Okay. Yeah, there was a basement that had just play areas everywhere. There was a TV with adult films going on and there was just play everywhere. And then you walk up and the first level was a, there was a stripper pole, a dance place, and a kitchen where you could just mingle and stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:53 There's no nudity in those areas. They're gonna be kissing or like touching. It's just out of respect. There might be people there that aren't interested in seeing that doing that, whatever. They just wanna be in that environment. And then upstairs there's play rooms and everything like that. But so we go downstairs and I'm getting in the mood and I'm like oh my god it's so cool and we're not like we're touching each other right but I was I was still scared I'd never
Starting point is 00:20:13 done this like I love public displays of affection but not I'd never done that before exactly so I go upstairs and this woman is just like yeah I want really want to kiss you and I'm like oh what do I do because I want to but I'm not used to it and I kiss her and afterward I'm just like, yeah, I really want to kiss you. And I'm like, oh, what do I do? Because I want to, but I'm not used to it. And I kiss her and afterward, I'm just like, oh, my God, I cheated on you. And he's like, how did you cheat on me? I told you it was okay. And you were you standing there watching my girl?
Starting point is 00:20:32 I love you every time. I'm like, he's like, this is the best day of my life. He's talking to me. The couple walked up to the gentleman asked, hey, is your wife into women by any chance? And a lot of couples, personally, as a man, I do believe. Let's say the three of us went to a party and we're going to his friends.
Starting point is 00:20:47 I still would say whether it's a man or a woman that's interested in either one of you, they should approach me first out of respect. Now, let me be the one to tell them, if you're interested in Emily or Holly, you need to go talk to them because they're the ones that are gonna make the final decision.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Still show me that respect, because unfortunately, I'd say maybe three to four percent, they'll ignore. If they're not into, let's say they're not into a woman, they're just looking for a man, a man and the woman are looking for another man to be with the wife only straight men. They might ignore the wife. And the one's actually to holly. Exactly. And you guys a couple there together, right? Or vice versa, remember, you're always there
Starting point is 00:21:21 as a couple, you're a wee, not a me. And so is the other couple. Right. And that's where the single men is other and then it's single women there. Single men, sometimes single men, right? Most times single women. Right. Okay. Yeah. I had, I may have gone to a few parties, but it has been a while. So and then you guys said that you have another party coming up. Yeah. There's, well, there's parties all the time. There's certain ones we, we, we just are going to a lot of them. It's
Starting point is 00:21:43 just you go and you want to be around people you're comfortable with and we're comfortable with everyone that's living sexy. There's one this week and though that we're really excited about. It's a promoter, a mass piece of worries. And they come in from London about three times a year. They do parties in London, Miami, New York City here. And I think possibly Madrid, it's just gorgeous. here and I think possibly Madrid, it's just gorgeous. They're always renting out this beautiful gated private, secluded property in Beverly Hills or Bel Air. And again, I don't care where it is as long as the safe area, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:14 Belk hanging in the Valley's gorgeous and had some, hidden hills and had some great parties. Again, it's just a matter of, we like those house parties, there's clubs, there's weekend takeover, there's cruises, there's, you know, it's all these different things and we prefer the mansion parties or the house parties. Great grouping. You should come with us as we can. So it's a pool party during the day.
Starting point is 00:22:34 I love it. And then at night, if people want to stay, they they'll give them an area to change and they have to wear a mask until it's a mask. I'm coming. So during the day, it's not mask. Okay, right. And then at night, people are like, I'm like, I'm coming. So during the day it's not mask or anything. Okay, right. And then at night people put it on the car. You know, I'm like, oh, I know, you're like, no, it sounds fun. So we care masks in our trunk. Because I'm not kidding. We have masks in our trunk.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Do you carry vibrators and stuff in your trunk too? No. Oh my gosh. I have a special, oh, I got the stronic by fun factor. Oh my god. I haven't used yet. I tried. I haven't either. Okay, thisonic by fun factor. Oh my god, do okay. I haven't used yet. I tried I have neither Okay, it's okay
Starting point is 00:23:06 This is my fun factory and then you can check it out go to good and use coupon code Emily and you get a really good percentage off Wait the stronic is like the the Paul saying it's a pulsating It's like having sex with it like it's like it's a rock. doesn't vibrate right okay do you like sex toys of course yes okay I love sex toys okay I have a present for you oh my god I love present you love present I just pulled out my balls yeah it's warning because fun factory gave her a set of balls too when they came in those keg a balls yes and I have not used them yet but I pulled them out this morning I'm like I didn't know what they did you know they have like a rattle testing inside? Yeah, amazing. They strengthen your PC muscles.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Like doing kegels. You do, it's like it's like a weight to the keglet exercises. You know, I have an app called keglet camp. Yeah, I've been, you have to check that out. You have to download it every day for five minutes and pops up, it's his time for keglet camp. And then it's my voice walking you through it.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I love it. So you remember to do them, but then you wear those inside you and then you do then it's like doing weight. It's like, oh my god. Yeah, and then you can like you can like pick up that chair over there something Oh my god, because I do I do kiggles all the time and he can he feels it like they say yeah Yeah, they say ever to stop light you you stop at you're supposed to do kiggles like no one ever remembers That's why I made the app because it that's good. Yeah, remember I Don't drive them.
Starting point is 00:24:25 It's fun. Right. I need to. Every day it pops up 1130. It's just time for Kyle Camp and then there's 20 levels. People go through levels and they're like, oh my god, man, I'm in women. So anyway, so I wanted to bring you something. This is Ovo.
Starting point is 00:24:39 It's a K3 rabbit. And this is the new line. I don't know if you've heard about these. It's a brand new line. And it's German design K3 rabbit from Ova Ovo. It's rounded for comfortable use and features a double application. It's waterproof whisper quiet five vibration levels. They're awesome and they've sent me a bunch of really cool stuff. So I just wanted to share with you guys. You're other sex minded people. Now did you give her a rabbit because we work for the bunny?
Starting point is 00:25:02 No, but this is like a new rabbit and these are all like water proof. It's awesome. Oh my god. And you go to buy that's buy Check out their products and they are all they're like affordable silicon vibrators. They're amazing. They make they make a they want all these awards. They just launched like a month ago and people are freaking out. So I know I couldn't believe that I saw with the laundry show. Anyway, so I want invagas and I think you guys make them wasn't one amazing to us ever. So what the Mercedes Benz of the exactly exactly.
Starting point is 00:25:33 That's beautiful. They do make good cars to make it vibrator. So check out the Ovo. That's a biovo. So enjoy that. Thank you. The party maybe that we're going to go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Okay, speaking of, okay, but we got to back up just a second because last time I saw you, was on your playboy your swing show They're television can people where can people catch that still if they don't play with TV if you have playboy TV on cable or satellite If you don't you go to playboy dot TV Okay, and you can buy blocks of it or or memberships. I don't know what it is and then swing is our reality show It's got we're finished three seasons so far hoping for a fourth and then swing nightcap live We had the honor of having you as a guest on and that was the recap show of each episode It's got we're finished three seasons so far, hoping for a fourth. And then swing nightcap live. We had the honor of having you as a guest on.
Starting point is 00:26:09 And that was the recap show of each episode. So the episode would air and then Hollywood and I would come on in a host, the recap show. Sometimes the newbies were in the studio. We had you, which was great. That was fun. It was a blast. It was so fun. I love the episode.
Starting point is 00:26:20 I got to watch the episode of like the US should all check out the show. If you're interested in all at swinging, it's a very interesting. It's a good introduction to and you asked how can people bring this up? Yes, those right there are three ways a listen to us Podcast with you on on podcast one. It's called swing Swing you can you can go to iTunes and put playboy radio swing You can listen to playboy radio dot com Monday through Friday 1 p.m. To 2 p.m. Pacific And that's a way I mean when we used to be on satellite. And a lot of couples, we have the honor,
Starting point is 00:26:46 like you, of meeting people when we're out there, then they've said, never believed in this stuff. Never understood it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. Never got it. to talk about what let's listen. I think that's such a great way to do it. I tell you all the time, listen to my show with your partner. If you can't tell him where to touch you, then maybe you say, I'm listening to the sexual Emily. Yeah, listen to the sexual Emily. Emily, you know, so that's a great way to do it. Because you guys talk about something that people,
Starting point is 00:27:16 so like, what do you say? Like, I feel like so many people will think whenever you say swinging, they think, those people, it's a moral. They just want to bang everyone around. They just want to see whether people, why are they getting married? People just don't, but don't you think it's either you, you're a swing or you're not, either you're this or not? I mean, I know you've said that some people come around, but do you think that these people
Starting point is 00:27:34 who act so shocked by it and think it's our moral or maybe the ones you really want to be like, what have you found out? What do you say, dude? I thought it was all against, right? There you go, I was about to say that. They're the ones that are, are there jealous of your lifestyle? Want to try it themselves or they've been cheating
Starting point is 00:27:49 for years and they wish they could do this consensually not worry about the cost. Right. They they've convinced themselves that cheating. Oh, I could never tell that's my own thing and they think there's some kind of excitement and but that was called the Zonesty. You're going to get caught.
Starting point is 00:27:59 And if you really want to sex outside your marriage can help. So I would do want to get to that in a moment about how it had actually improved your relationship and your sex life. But let's go back to sex outside your marriage, it can help. So I do want to get to that in a moment about how it actually improved your relationship and your sex life. But let's go back to being on your show. You're so nice, Michael.
Starting point is 00:28:08 K, what's up? This is hilarious. I've been waiting, I'm waiting in the green room to go on, he's like, so you single. I'm like, yeah. Well, you were dating somebody when you came on right in the middle with us. A few months ago, I was dating somebody.
Starting point is 00:28:18 That is now over. And he was like, are you single? I said, oh, you said, yeah, I said I'm single now. And you're like, I'm gonna fix you up with someone. And as we're talking, he's telling us, friend, and how he's like, what do you do it? And I'm like, he's fixed it, you're like, again, he's fixing someone up with every one. So I said, oh no, this is a good sign, or bad sign, it's the end of the record, but then the makeup woman who does the makeup. Yeah, Gina.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Yeah, five minutes later, she's like, oh my god, he's gonna, he fixed me up with someone I really like. Like, instantly you had credibility. Spirit Dean, so you used to be the voice of the LA Lakers. Okay. Then he's, with the next, now he the voice of the LA Lakers. Okay. Then he's with the Nixon. Now he's coming back to LA next year. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:48 So that works. So that's okay. So then you fixed up with your friend and he was very nice. He texted, called me the next day and we had a date. And it was great because I haven't I've moved LA a few months ago. I've been working a lot. I haven't got out and the one one thing I really wanted to do is go to Hollywood Bowl.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Haven't been yet. Haven't to come in. This is why I said yes. But because he's a friend of yours and Hallie said he was cute. And he's cute. I asked the woman like, is he is he cute? I mean, I guess he'd be like, I'm not. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:29:11 No, but you have to be. You didn't say it. You didn't say it's he's, you know, is he. It's a smart, funny. And that's funny. You know, ask him if he's answering your question. Oh, why are Adrian, can you? We've told you.
Starting point is 00:29:19 He follows us. He's a buddy. I'm friends with him too. Okay. Is it in the nicest guy? I'll get to that. Sorry, after two. He doesn't, we met once, let's say, in a party late night, a long time ago. And?
Starting point is 00:29:29 It was a long time ago. I was so happy to hear the airing of his name. Vinnie. But anyway, yes. It's in your opening. That's why I did it. Oh, yeah, but he doesn't know, he wouldn't remember. But you might.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Okay, the point is, so you said, your friend, I went out with him. And he called me and he's like, so I've got tickets. At first I was like, oh, I just moved, I moved that day and I was like, I should stay on music. I got tickets to Hollywood Bowl. I was like, oh, that's perfect. I wanted to go and he sounds really nice. So it was a great time. It was a perfect day. He picked me up. He's cute. He's so cute. And he's interesting and he brought like food and wine. He was very thoughtful. It was like the symphony at the Hollywood Bowl was a great night. And we had a really nice time and
Starting point is 00:30:05 I think we got along fine and I think and I wanted I don't we've not talked about this No, we have a discuss Are you texting him now? No, I got his text right here. Oh, no, oh, no. Oh, no. Okay. See this is embarrassing because he could have totally I feel that the typical thing they can this is just so Full disclosure that I feel we have this comment. And you, first of all, women think is wrong, probably isn't, it's probably saying totally different, but I thought he asked me what I want in a relationship and what I'm looking
Starting point is 00:30:34 for. And I kind of, which I'm not a big fan of on a first day, just for the right. And it was late. We had a few drinks and I'm like, oh, you got kids, the whole question that's that. And so I was kind of like, I'm not really thinking about that, you do. Right. And I feel like for, and he was like, I want to get married, I want to have kids.
Starting point is 00:30:50 And I thought, okay, not a great match. I miss like, he's like, so you're just fine by the senior pants, like I think he said that to me. And I said, well, I'm kind of doing that my whole life. I kind of wing it. And then it was lovely. Can I, great to meet you? Like I'd like to be friends with them,
Starting point is 00:31:02 but I have it hurt from them. And anyway, read the text. So now, I've probably been like that. It was really attracted to you. Oh, he to meet you. Like, I'd be like to be friends with them, but I have never heard from them and anyway, read the text. So now, I promise. I promise that. I really tracked it to you. Oh, he was, good. You were very cool. Unfortunately, you guys haven't seen each other again
Starting point is 00:31:11 because you had to go to New York for business. Oh, okay. I think after your date for a week, you were gone and you've been swamped and he's been swamped. He's a writer for Disney. You know that. He's like, and he's exactly what you did. He goes, I definitely want to hang with her
Starting point is 00:31:24 and have some fun. I don't know where it might go. I do one day want to have a wife and kids And I'm not sure if she's interested in being married and having kids So exactly what you're saying very interesting you find you beautiful and fun Everything I said everything Holly and I told him you would be you were in more. Oh, thank God So you get scared as a woman like oh you didn't realize I was weird because men don't usually bring it up right the women are usually the ones that are like you want to get married you want to have kids this is what happens in my life really yes I'm the dude I swear you mentioned that you remember when she was on the deal with it you mentioned you don't want to get married because I said you have to get married to know I'm never wanted to get married and I'm never and I love
Starting point is 00:32:00 kids every single one of kids so I just we we rent. So I just, we rent them. We do rent them. And, I'll go to the quote, we rent them. Give that. So you have kids though, right? Yeah, we do. And you each have kids together, except separate. Not yet.
Starting point is 00:32:12 After today, I don't know. Oh my God. Oh, baby, you might be pregnant. No. Our parents just had, our very very close friends just had a baby
Starting point is 00:32:19 and we spend a lot of time with them. Beautiful baby. We had it. Okay, well, I appreciate you fixing me up and I would be fixed up again. Okay, good. Anyway, I was interesting because I wanted to hear. So he definitely wants to see you get in hangout and have fun. Let's hang out. Maybe we can all go out.
Starting point is 00:32:28 That would be you. Thank you for thinking of me in a new city. I love it. Okay. So I want to know then how you're having children and being in lifestyle and publicly in the lifestyle. It's not even like how does that how old are your kids? Mine's 10. My son is 10 and a half.
Starting point is 00:32:42 And our daughter, my daughter is eight and a half in that. To begin with that is interesting because that was two six figure legal battles. Because we're publicly in the lifestyle. Both of our acts is mine first. And then hers had I been an adulterer, gay, or convicted criminal. She couldn't have taken me to court for being in the lifestyle. Because I am, she tried to take custody away from me. Now the judge threw the case out.
Starting point is 00:33:04 However, he had to hear that. And that's where the six figures on my battle came in because you have attorneys, you have depositions, you have to go through the custody evaluation, and it's not the custody evaluation, it's almost $32,000 for the PhD to do, you know, forensic, all that. So I always ask people, do you discuss,
Starting point is 00:33:23 let's say you're in a vanilla relationship. Okay. Marriage. Do you discuss your sex life with your children? No, of course not then why would you if you're in the lifestyle? It's the same thing what we do as adults. We're doing as adults We're not we're not having orgies and are living on when our kids are asleep. That's not living sex Right, you know, you're responsible. We're responsible. We have jobs But eventually they're gonna ask and they're gonna be flipping on TV Especially because But eventually they're going to ask and they're going to be flipping on TV. Especially because who we are. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:47 And they know that we have a radio station. They know we have a radio show. Right. It's just like, my naces, like they're young and they're like, sex with what does that Emily do? Like something evil. Yeah. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:33:56 It's relationships. Everything you do. It's just about solving people. Why will people spend billions of dollars to fix the me, but not the we. Right. And that's what our children are like, oh, you talk about love. Yeah. And that's what our children are, you talk about love. Yeah. And that's really worth talking.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Exactly. And you're talking about a way that I think a lot of people, a lifestyle that is very misunderstood. And I think that so many studies have shown. And I'm not saying that it's for everybody. It's absolutely not for everybody. But I love that your show is shedding light on a relationship that it actually, how you guys make it work. We say it's not for everyone, however,
Starting point is 00:34:25 it's available to anyone that wants to. If you can't communicate, you shouldn't be in the lifestyle because it'll blow it up. But if you have great communication already and you want to just enhance it, I think it's perfect for you. Remember, we're a society that doesn't like labels, however we label everything. So when you think about living sexy,
Starting point is 00:34:43 you've got people who just want to be around people and when I say like us, like everybody around who just open-minded, you have warriors, people who love to watch other people. Look at adult content. You said how hypocritical society is the largest viewers of online adult content and purchasers you talk. You talk before. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:35:04 You have exhibitionists, people like Holly and I, for example, who love to perform in front of others. Love to work. You guys ever filmed a diva sex thing? No. Not yet. Not yet. If Vivian wanted to offer a seven figure,
Starting point is 00:35:14 she, yeah, exactly. It wasn't that that that team mom got seven figures. Yeah, did she? Oh, right. She did. I know I should have sex. Yeah. My time has passed.
Starting point is 00:35:24 No. I mean, I just like I think I'm dying. I don't think I think it'd be great for the career. I call it the Kim Kardashian way. That's the key. Kardashian. I mean, we'll see, you know, the night is still young, but who knows. And then you have, then you have soft swap, which is anything goes that's non monogamous, up to, but not including vaginal penis penetration. And I said that because Holly feels that everything is sex Everything's gonna lead to that. How do you stop yourself with that? Right because couples because couples make so like every swinging couple not the same There's boundaries completely
Starting point is 00:35:54 Some kind of penetration the person never sleeps over right no kissing No kissing we know people that have sex with other couples, but you can't kiss. I call that a pretty woman rule Sometimes even you can kiss on but you can't pass. I'm really bad with boundaries really and that's I'd like that I want to kiss them right but I get that wouldn't be my swing You can give a blowjob, but you can't swallow or you can eat her out. You can't bring her orgasm These are the things we've heard over years, but if it works for them fine, but What are your roles? What's up limits? It's situational. Yeah, like it depends on the couple. It depends on how we're feeling. It depends on if we You like watching the bathroom five minutes. You got like, okay, listen, this is the deal like you read one big rule one big rule
Starting point is 00:36:36 We have and it's not hard Core is is that we are always in the same room together now. Okay always whenever Okay, yeah, what I mean by a town, if I have to leave to use the restroom, I'm not gonna ask pockets to stop, right. What I mean though, and a lot of 100% of the couples that came on suing the season, continue to say in the lifestyle, all of them had that one rule though,
Starting point is 00:36:56 is everything was gonna be in the same room. So everything was done in the same room, is that? Well, I think it creates a bond, and you're not doing this separate. Like, really, the couples do this together bond and you're not doing this separate. Like, many couples do this together and they want to see each other's like faces and they just want to experience this together. So I think it's a perfect role, saying the same. Like, some people don't have that role and I think that's the rule. That's okay. Yeah, the totally
Starting point is 00:37:17 fine. I think that could also feed jealousy, but also watching the first, but this is why I'm talking about it's like a kind of like like there's so much, I can just like hear my lizards think I can never see my boyfriend or my partner. So what do you say to the man? Because, yeah, I can just, I get asked a lot. They're emailing me now. I get asked a lot. I get asked a lot.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Okay, so Holly claims to be 95% lesbian. And 5% straight. And the 5% straight is for me. If pockets, and you know, let's we talk about this. If pockets comes, I love you. If pockets come and you know, let's we talk about this, if pockets comes, I love you. If pockets come, you guys have got to check them out. Seriously, holly and, they're adorable, with holly with an eye.
Starting point is 00:37:53 If pockets came to each one, I was like, hey, I'm interested in seeing what it would be like with another man, I'm not gonna get mad, say no, I'm gonna say, okay, let's talk. Because we're in a relationship that is about nurturing each other, together, right and I'm not thinking oh she wants to replace me. No, I'm thinking she wants to enhance what we already have So are you with other women? Man, I mean typically or not yet you mostly women
Starting point is 00:38:16 You could one day. Yeah, at this point a hundred percent women and yeah When I say that I mean Holly and I at this point no and people oh, you're just not much else Oh, it's Holly Jels are you with other women. No, I don't play with other women at this point I don't feel that need I don't feel that desire right if I did we've talked about this morning She had a dream that we came to her and said I want a full swap and she's like okay, let's talk about it So you don't hook up with other women then no I have in the past right right so you're just watching your Participants are you three sons are your participating? There's nothing better on participation. No, I have in the past. Right. Right. So you're just watching your part. Oh, you've three sons are your participating. There's nothing better on participation. There's I'm going to tell you people guys will say to me, wait, you prefer
Starting point is 00:38:50 I yes, I would prefer to watch you to then to be playing while you to because I can't see as much. If I'm sitting back and I'm watching and and Holly on you and you on how my brain she once felt me just through my genius felt my penis, right? And she's like wow, I was harder than I could have been had I've been touching and I even touched I have an I'm not touching you. Wow Found it was yeah, you're just so turned on by that but it goes back to I love though seeing my wife be pleasure And this is the way we've agreed to do it so many have even said to me wait You don't mind her being with women and getting off. I'm like, no, aren't you worried she's going to want more? No, because if she did, she'd tell me. Exactly. It's that communication. People
Starting point is 00:39:31 don't get it. We're talking about like, it's radical honesty. It's a radical communication. It's realistic versus, I mean, it's idealistic versus realistic. However, everyone can do it. I mean, look at you. And you don't go ahead. I'm sorry. You don't have to have sex to go to these, no, to go to these parties. Yeah, check them out. Yeah, check out a party and see how you feel right and even if you want to see what other couples are Like get the vibe and see what it's like and just go to a party with your partner and I had an intern. I sent her to party in San Francisco. She wanted to go with her boyfriend She's like 21 and she's like oh, we just watch and play and it was fun and it's a little We don't we don't prefer one website website over there. Can I name like three of us better people?
Starting point is 00:40:06 No, people always email us. I guess. How about where to go if you want to swing? K-A-S-I-D-I-E. You go there. Also,, those two websites, if you look at their events page for free,
Starting point is 00:40:20 you can find all the events in your area. Oh, amazing. Both numbers, like even people in Michigan, where I'm from? Yes, everywhere. Worldwide, actually. So is one. I'm not sure if you can look at their
Starting point is 00:40:33 events page for free. I'm not sure. However, worldwide, you can see events. Okay, that's amazing because people are always at Cassidy and then what was the other one? Yes, IDIE. Cassidy. and Okay, they can just, I should put Cassidy, and
Starting point is 00:40:45 Okay, or they could just, I should put this on my website, because I get it all the time. There you go. So, okay, we got into the sex portion of the show, because I feel like two decades of experience, you've been with lots of women, and your sex, I'm sure is amazing. Oh, God yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Okay, I don't even know where to start, because okay, the first thing, okay, Holly. So, what have you learned? I have a lot of people listening to show, a lot of men, and women who are maybe bisexual or men, especially oral sex comes up all the time. So as a woman performing oral sex on another woman, what would you say is your top oral sex tip?
Starting point is 00:41:15 Like what would you like every man to know about performing oral sex on a woman that they don't know? Pay attention to the clip. Because I don't know, like I know everyone is different and I know like people like the the lips and everything like that But I'm not completely into that. I like pay attention to the clip with a tongue. Yes completely I mean he did I don't know what he does down there
Starting point is 00:41:35 But he's amazing and just like play around with it suck it like blow it do like Did you think that most men don't even know that like the the clear what the glitter who yeah? Yeah, I think so too Personally as as a woman. I don't like Vegetable penetration when I'm doing that like I just want my click completely taking care of Just take care exactly no fingers no like anything else like you can play with my boobs or in my legs or whatever But that's the part I want you to focus on right. I don't know and. And for a while, not three minutes. Like the guy is like, oh, I was down on you for three minutes. I'm like, three minutes, like you could have like left,
Starting point is 00:42:08 got me glass of water and a snack and go back. That is a waste of time. I wish I could breathe through my ears. That's how much I love going down on her. See some men, okay, here's what I say. It's like the lifestyle is like that people either in it, they out and I feel oral sex that so many they love it or they don't.
Starting point is 00:42:20 So I think that's the love that they don't. Why can you, can you, they're listening to when I hate them a giant, like they men hate them a giant. Oh my God. They do. There don't. Can you, they're listening to when I hate the vagina. Like they men hate the vagina. Oh my God. They do. There's men who are like, you know what I mean? I don't know if you know what they hate about it. They don't hate it.
Starting point is 00:42:32 They want to have sex with it. They like it. They want to hang with it, but they don't want to like get to know it and get in there and be like, oh, did you, you know what I felt those guys like, oh, did you just get like a new underwear? They notice everything. I mean, I want to smell it, taste it, feel it, become best friends. And some of you guys are like, uh, do this, but not that it's.
Starting point is 00:42:47 But do they want blow jobs themselves? Exactly. And then you tell them to fuck off. That's not fair. Right? Exactly. And then you're like, lose my number. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:42:56 And don't let the door, you know, don't let the door. I'll hit your ass on the way it out. Okay. So I'm going to ask you the same question. What is your top oral sex tip for providing oral sex on a woman? Because I'm sure you have experience. Especially if you've had a lot of threesomes perhaps, big fantasy, you have to do a lot of I had a woman once who she knew I wasn't gonna settle down with her.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Remember this? Yes, I do. And she thought the way to convince me to settle down with her, she you know, we went to parties together. I had a five-some. There's four women, wait five women in a minute, so a six-some. And five women to you? Yeah. That's what she did. So that we glass of glass over and everyone is like all these men are like They're gonna see you fuck off It's tiring happy. It is tired a lot of work. I feel like one woman is a lot of work And if you've got five women Thank God one of my sex will she helped oh good so yeah
Starting point is 00:43:39 No, okay, oh my god, I mean too need some ovos. Yeah, they're ovos. Okay One of the things I believe and when I when we talk to couples or men single men is Don't just listen to the verbal Listen to the non-verbals. You're watching your woman's and you're listening and you're feeling I can feel her pockets His thighs or woman's thighs tense up when she's not necessarily close to orgasm Right, however, it's starting to feel good. Right. And I can tell when the clip is starting to get inflamed and the blood is
Starting point is 00:44:09 starting to flow more to that area. And it's becoming more sensitive. And there's different ways to lick. It's not just, uh, uh, it's not just a popsicle. It's an ice cream cone. Sometimes you have to lick around the edges. Sometimes you have to lick on the top because you don't want to drip down. You have to remember that the, I mean, you sometimes you had to pull the hood up and then you have to pull on the top because you don't want to drip down. You have to remember that the. I mean, you had to pull the hood up and then you would like to get him a hood up. What's going on there, buddy? Move the flaps to the side. Pull the hood up.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Whatever you have to do, play with it. And you will know as a man, just like a woman can tell on a man is she's performing early on him. What's feeling good? If I'm going out, that's not good. If I'm going to go. Or if I'm holding you, I should never pull your head onto me. However, if I'm holding you you know when I'm starting to feel it. Oh my god So when I'm with a woman be it pockets now or any woman in my life
Starting point is 00:44:53 Listening to the non-verbal cues Asking to don't be afraid to ask I think a lot of men are inside their head and worried that they're gonna like premature Jack or something and they're not thinking they can't focus on the clitoris and I would much rather get you off orally first so that way if I come too fast hey you already got off and I don't don't stop at one like keep going and going and going exactly so many women can have multi-organized rights I have a huge tip that drives me nuts I love it shave your beard guys to shave their beard not even stubble yeah, it does hurt like stubble
Starting point is 00:45:27 That's what I think women are soft. That's why I think I get off But it's softer and stubble hurts I'm Italian Italian can help it. They come back in five minutes. So yeah, I'm screwed So three five minutes after I shave their stubble. Okay, it. I'm sitting on your face as you're shaving. Yeah, that's what you're saying. I do though. I agree with pockets and I'll let you. I look at it like a man of said, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:45:51 I should come and we'll think about it. When it starts to drip, Emily, you have to look around the sides. You know, I do. Yeah. No, it's good when it drips. Dripping is good. Yeah, and I let her relax a little bit too after the first orgasm. And if I'm not sure if she came up, I was like, yeah, okay, great.
Starting point is 00:46:04 And then let it, the clip relax. And then, but I don't let it get so relaxed where it's destimulated, keep it stimulated. And I play with pockets and some women haven't been able to handle that. Pockets likes it and she can get off again and again. So, amazing. You know, my tip is remember. We can learn that too. Like, they're not always if they can play with themselves. They should masturbate on their own and figure out. Because so many guys are like, how can I do it? How can I do it? I'm like, if she doesn't even know what makes her self feel good, then you guys talk about it all the time.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Okay, I had some questions also from listeners on Facebook and Twitter. I'm like, what do they want to ask you? And here is one person on Facebook. Jackie said, oh my god, I love them. I said, Holly and Michael are going to be on the show. I miss listening to their show and serious playboy channel. I hate that they cancel it and they cancel serious. However, now they can listen to you where? or like you when you're on podcast one or iTunes to search playboy radio swing or swing. Okay, so the next question is from Jean. Do you play in the same bed or different rooms and if the same bed you all touch each other. You said you have to be in the same room.
Starting point is 00:47:01 For us, however, there are times when we're not in the same bed, meaning you and I'm just using you because your hair is easier to look. You use me. I feel really privileged. I can't even use me in your fantasy. You're playing. The two of you are playing. I might be standing up.
Starting point is 00:47:13 I might be sitting over in the couch. And if you're there with a man, let's say Rick for now. I might be sitting up. I might be sitting up. He's not really sitting up. He's not really sitting up. Would he be interested in going to a party? I hope so because he's open-minded. Okay
Starting point is 00:47:25 And he's very creative and I think it'd be good first creative writing skills Yeah, I'm sure oh totally open to up exactly. Yeah, by the way great guy. We brought our kids to show I just got to tell you what a great guy is. He is a great guy anyway You've given me a hall pass to play by myself But a little hall pass. Yeah, he gives me permission or when you give your partner permission to play without you there I would have all passes. Yeah, all passes. He gives me permission or when you give your partner permission to play without you there. I just like him there.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Like it's safer. It feels safer and it just feels safer. And I'm doing this for us, not just for me. Right. So that's really, that's what so many people I think don't understand that it really is about your experience and your sex life. So how is it? How would you say that all these experiences you have has improved your sex life?
Starting point is 00:48:02 We have, I believe we have great sex already. The sex is even better when we come home from a party. Let's say we're at a party, again, I'm gonna use you. And you and Holly. I love this. You and Holly. I've had all that. I've got into there off a few times.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Holly and I are having sex, doggie style, well she's eating you out. You're playing with Holly, well Holly's, you're eating Holly out and Holly's blowing me and all that. And we're having, and we're getting off and everyone's having a good time. We go home and then have sex again.
Starting point is 00:48:27 The mental stimulation is crazy. The images, the visions, exactly. Just think even the smell of going to these parties. Right. You guys have a sense. No, cause you guys have just bonded over this experience and just even had a right. Yes, and you're exactly, you're bonding as a couple.
Starting point is 00:48:42 You're doing this together. You're sharing it. You're not just sitting in your room alone jerk enough to a porn online. You're doing this together and you're like, oh my god. Even when we don't play. Yeah. Even when you just go to watch or you just go and we've hung out in the public areas. That can be really hot too.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Just why that was hot. Even hanging out in the public areas where there's no really playing going on. Just it's for me. Watching people. Knowing that people are going to go after that room and have sex. Right. And oh my god, there might be more of due over there because that's what those people want However in that room the two couples have swapped. They're on the same bed or they're not swapping they
Starting point is 00:49:12 With your your listener asked do they touch never touch somebody without asking permission right what you and pockets Dude with each other does not give carte blanche to other women to come up and touch you or men to touch always ask permission But usually with these parties to there's like the rules they give you beforehand, right? Or not all. They're all different. Okay. One is from Vicki and Twitter, another question. She said, I want to hear from each person the three best and the three worst things about
Starting point is 00:49:35 swinging. Also do they plan to swing forever? I, I bet it be worse. I'll take that last part for somebody ask you and I if one of us passed away or we broke up Would you say in a light stone we both said of course? Yes, I don't I couldn't go back to not a vanilla relationship But I couldn't go back to someone that's not open-minded right and it's not willing to even share a fantasy Exactly and and share what I want and it's not just about me It's about him too, and I was willing to share I'm willing to share
Starting point is 00:50:02 Everything but it's just you have to be you have to trust a partner with Sometimes fantasies are best left as a fantasy. However, you want to share them You can talk about them. It doesn't mean that you want it That's what I'm talking about people I'm not saying that you need to have your partner do that, but it's just interesting to share that As a woman, you have a fantasized about three-minute one time You just don't ever want three penises at one time right? It could be hot
Starting point is 00:50:23 So it's great to tell your partner that and then you know that you're thinking that's how you start the sexual conversation. Okay, so three best and three worst things or if you just want to say one or two. I have to think about it three best. I think about swinging. Yeah, about swinging. Okay. The the trust in the open communication are two are two and I think the sex of obviously the sex and the sex between each other and the sex with other people. Yeah. T.T.L.C.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Because it's different. It's not just because I want to go there and have sex with people. And different is good. And different is good. Different doesn't mean better. Do you think this is why people are like, why do people cheat? I'm like, well, a lot of people, it's for variety. They want different.
Starting point is 00:51:01 And that's I think true for a lot of people, why they cheat or why they. I spoke to a lot of men, Emily, that that said if I felt I could share my fantasies with my significant other whether you're married or not right I don't think I would have cheated and my first question is how come you didn't share your fantasies well my significant other would have said yeah do you know she would have said I believe hold on that goes back to what we talked about at the top Which was it's rooted in your own personal insecurity and your own fear of the unknown So TTLC I like to say talk well, no actually trust talk listen and communicate Living sexy really builds around that so trust each other enough to know that you can talk to each other Listen to each other and listen and doesn't just, I hear what you say and I parrot it back.
Starting point is 00:51:45 It means I ask, am I understanding you, Emily, that what you're sharing with me is you're not really interested in getting married or having children. So a relationship with you would consist of this, this, this, this. It'd be really fun. Right, right. Exactly. And then communicating, what does that mean? That means to share.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Right. To fantasize together. That's one of the things I love about the lifestyle that you and I do, living sex or you and I do. I also one of the things I love about the lifestyle that you and I do living sexy you and I do I also really enjoyed the people we meet Even if they don't ever share or they're full swap and they just want to have sex with everybody I love getting to know them and accepting them and one of the other things I love about it is the people that hate us Oh my god people hate you so much because they don't understand it and I your threats
Starting point is 00:52:24 Yes, and I really enjoy saying to them, I accept you. You can hate me, and I still accept you. I have no problem with you. Those are the three things I love about. Okay, that's, I mean, yeah, it's just being open. The people, yeah, I don't hate you, probably need to go to play party. But what about the three worst things?
Starting point is 00:52:37 The biggest, three biggest challenges about swimming. I think my first biggest challenge is that people don't accept it, right? I think that's my biggest challenge It's I'm totally okay with it. Everyone's gonna have their own opinion, but I think that's the worst is it's people have like this stigma It's just bad people and you're having sex with everyone. I think that a drug you just want to bang other people You guys can't really love you know all that stuff. How can you say I love you if you're willing to share your part? sex We we've said this before I expect you to respect who you have I love you if you're willing to share your product? Yeah, it's right. Love, sex, we've said this before. I expect you to respect who you have sex with.
Starting point is 00:53:09 You don't have to love who you have sex with. Right, sex is physical, not only emotional. I can make love to pockets. I can also fuck pockets. And so good, I'm sorry. But you could take the sex out of the love parks. Exactly. A lot of people don't get that you can say that you can't even so we will want anyway
Starting point is 00:53:26 But they can't touch from the jealousy and all that other stuff that you guys Worked on yeah, one of the biggest issues I have with the lifestyle are those in the lifestyle The feel they have the right to judge people in the lifestyle like a hierarchy. There's no higher Everything they're always people are always judging with the thing is an attitude it's not an action it's an attitude and there are some hardcore swingers who believe if you don't have sex with everybody you're not really a singer you know I say to that good for you I say you know we had haters say you guys aren't really swingers you oh my god you're not really yeah you know what hey I loved you you know why exactly exactly exactly
Starting point is 00:54:03 exactly I'm like what you do is so fine Just like see like there's an infinite like like yoga Like becrum yoga. I remember it's got was like fighting and how are yoga yogis fighting with each other? Whatever the same thing exactly every sect has the people are gonna be haters It's no higher, but it's all about opening your heart and just being like I'm the same with you I accept ever I'm the least judgment on person on planet. I've always been that way Maybe that's just the people who are also more I don't know Open to accepting open life style and we're all living here in California and smiling been a person on planet. I've always been that way. Maybe that's just the people who are also more, I don't know, open to life.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Life fell in Marl, live in here in California. And smiling. And smiling. And having really good sex and working on your sex life. Because couples who just aren't not having sex or they've decided that, you know, everything's more important than sex. You know, those couples who talk themselves out of sex. They're like, we don't really need it anymore. God, you need it. My best friend is, you know, we've had enough great sex. And we're just busy now. I'm not a track too many more. It's like, you got to work need it. We've had enough great sex and we're just busy now. I'm not attracted to him anymore. It's like you got to work on it. But then you're just best friends. You're not. Yeah. Like they move out exactly to people like convince themselves
Starting point is 00:54:53 because their sex life is not. So I feel like your sex life is probably never. I mean, is that is that like you think I'm always having sex all the time. So I'm just going to say to you the same way. I'm sure your sex life is never done. But I'm average six, seven times a week. Yeah. Yeah. On average. That's a lot. life is never done. So average six, seven times a week. Yeah, that's an un averaged. That's a lot. That is a lot. And, you know, listen, if pockets has her period, I still love having sex. She wasn't used to that in her first marriage.
Starting point is 00:55:13 She enjoyed to do. It might be one time or two times a week. You know, this morning, this afternoon, we've had sex twice today. Oh my God. To be free of game here? Yeah. Yeah. You already have sex with Emily.
Starting point is 00:55:24 I'm so honored. You guys look really sexy. Come here. Is that post-coital glow? What's going on? That and holding a little baby. Yeah. Oh, not your baby. Not your baby.
Starting point is 00:55:32 I would know about that. OK, I think. So OK, we're going to go to party. We're going to hang. I'm going to be on your show too soon again. I want to talk about my new show. I just launched a new, and when I come in your show, I'm going to bring you some.
Starting point is 00:55:44 But I only have one of each. It's Emily and Tony go to Emily and Tony dot com I can show them to you here. We saw them on air remember. Oh, yeah, it's a lubricant. Yeah, it's a lubricant It's a low shit. Oh, this is open. It's a ball. Okay, so a lot of men That's a big issue. Oh, yeah a lot of men use talcum powder Which gets cakey and wrong and I'll and mess a lot over the place. This is a cream that turns to a powder. And it's like a deodorant. Yeah, it's edible. It's made of Chabi Yoga.
Starting point is 00:56:10 It's vegan. It's amazing. And we have lubricants and massage candles. We're talking about bringing you guys all of them. So sexy. They're like luxurious massage oil that you can drip all over your body. You can all over your body.
Starting point is 00:56:20 We're going to put it on our site for you. I know. And So I want everyone to check that out. And then tell me, OK, we think you can find your partner, swing on iTunes. Yeah. And pack S1 and Holly and Michael, Holly with an i.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Dot WordPress dot com. Dot com. That's swing time 69 on Twitter. I feel like you guys are like anything else, any other sex tips, like top sex tip that you can give. I feel like you guys have such a vast knowledge that we need to learn from. And I'm always even the sex tips.
Starting point is 00:56:42 And I don't want to let you leave without giving like your favorite, both of you. My favorite tip is have sex. Like a lot of people forget to learn from. And I'm always giving the sex tips. And I don't want to let you leave without giving like your favorite, both of you. My favorite tip is have sex. Like a lot of people forget to have sex. Like they breathe and they eat and they go to the bathroom and they do all these things. They get the bills, but they don't have sex. I think they shut down.
Starting point is 00:56:55 I think that's my number one tip is have sex. I just do it. Schedule if you have to. You have to schedule. People get so mad on that scheduling sex. It's not sexy. I'm like, how sexy is it not having sex right? I doesn't sound very sexy to me. Somebody said well, you know, I'm worried about how I look at it said listen when you're on top of your man
Starting point is 00:57:11 We are not looking and judging you all we're thinking of I'm hard and I'm going to come Exactly. That's all we're thinking about right exactly. So so you're right has sex schedule the sex just like the schedule meeting and don't let anything How to schedule the sex just like the schedule meeting and don't let anything Coming between one of the things and this is what builds up to sex I have what in Pakistan called the 12-minute rule every day take 12 minutes with your partner and don't talk about your relationship Don't talk about work don't talk about problems talk about something fun talk about nothing Talk about a day. I love you guys and it's just to be done your Like you remember you like honey. We have an hour 12 minutes today We spent a lot of time to there. I know you guys worked you guys have a host to show together
Starting point is 00:57:50 You work you live okay. Yeah, we do really always show together we host a show together and when we have a radio show together and No matter what it is it's we always spend time because we'll be in the car We're talking this show stuff. You know how that goes or we're going here We're gonna make a for it's it's a it's an experience for new couples that want to see what the life's on. Oh, I got you guys leaving in teaching it. We're one of them. It'll be us. It'll be Jessica O'Reilly and a few other people. Fun. Right. And it's in hedonism. So you have the ability if you want and you don't have to. You don't want all inclusive. So that's really great in October. We'll be in the kitchen. Can sign up and go with you. Yeah. Yeah. Adult vacation parties.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Is it a VP? I think. Don't ask me. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah, adult vacation parties. Is it a VP? Don't ask me. Yeah. OK. OK. OK. And so my tip is, if you remember to do that, then like pocket said, you won't have problems scheduling the sex.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Bedtime, people think, oh, we only have sex at night. I don't give a crap. I have sex. I don't care when it is. Have sex. Dade each other. Yeah, don't forget to date each other. Exactly. Have, plan things,
Starting point is 00:58:46 and make a special, make, do you have to still make the effort? And there's a couple, a woman who just, I always say you should have sex every day for 30 days. I always call this sex, the 30 day sex challenge. Right. But then there was a woman who just said, did you read this as a woman who had sex?
Starting point is 00:58:59 I saw it happening to post every single day for a year with her husband. Oh my God, that was awesome. In that, it's a day. And she talked about her insecurities about her body and how he had been saying, I haven't seen your body to post every single day for a year with her husband. Oh my God. And not this day. And she talked about her insecurities about her body and how he had been saying, I haven't seen your body in a year. And she got out.
Starting point is 00:59:10 Like, so because that is huge issue for women, why they can't orgasm, why they don't have sex, a lot of women and men. And she said she really talked through how she at first it was awkward and then she just learned to like, love her body through this process. So I think that's one of the things that you guys talk about. One of the things that does stop men from performing early is sent. And the man has to be brave enough to say to the woman, honey, because there should be no sent down there. You both know that. Right. Yeah. If there is, there could be just,
Starting point is 00:59:36 it could be chemical, biological, go see the doctor, get it taken care of. So it's not, and I know a lot of women that are insecure about their sent and that's why they don't want their man going down there. I know a lot of women that are insecure about their sentiments, why they don't want their man going down there. I know a lot of men that are afraid to be, so you ask for sex tip A, communicate with your partner sexually, nonverbaly and verbally. It's just, it's so important and that leads to better sex. Absolutely communication is a little bit. Floor would be to other flirting. I love flirting.
Starting point is 00:59:58 Floor and Cuban. That's my again trouble too with my committed relationships, because I am kind of a flirt and I just never, oh, we floored at the gym, which is hilarious. I think people don't know that we a flirt and I just never Oh, we flirted the gym which is hilarious People don't know that we're together and we'll be like call me and we'll like make face We're in this old lady came up to me and she's like is this man bothering you? Do you want me to have him excused and I'm like no See that is so I always talk about something play does a good a bar. We're telling each other like oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:00:20 We're gonna do that but role playing is mm-hmm five weeks ago She started never in our relationship also in five weeks when we bet she But role playing is, it's high. Five weeks ago, she started, never in our relationship, all of a sudden, five weeks ago, we met, she started to role playing with her. What'd you do? What'd you do? I was a virgin. I was like, love it.
Starting point is 01:00:30 If you ever done this before, what do I do? Oh my God, this is a weird one. What do I do with it? Yeah, I was hot. I was like, I'm not. I'm not that you just broke out with a virgin role. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:00:39 See, in life, you just never know what's gonna happen with your partner. Your sex life is not odor. Okay, your sex life is not order okay your sex life is not it is not that should be a stand-up your sex life should be a growing living being that you're constantly expanding and and doing new things like you guys are a role model people i think i'm gonna say that you might not want to be swing or
Starting point is 01:00:55 whatever you want but how is your sex life i just asked you that how good is life and you can learn a lot of these people you don't have to be a singer no except what's that what the hell you do. Just have sex. Okay. And talk to your partner about it. Thank you, Holly, Michael. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:01:09 I love having you here. You can't wait to have you back in the studio. Oh, I'm going to do it for sure. I can't wait. Okay, everyone. You have a great Anderson. Anderson, will you come talk about your sex life? Oh, the wife would love that.
Starting point is 01:01:17 How do you explain it? I'll spice it up. Okay, thanks everyone for listening to Sex with Emily. Find me on Facebook and Twitter. Sex with Emily and Instagram. Sex with Emily. And you guys are and Twitter, Sex with Emily and Instagram Sex with Emily. And you guys are swing at Swingtime69. At Swingtime69.
Starting point is 01:01:30 And thanks so much for listening to Sex with Emily. Was it good for you? Email me. Feedback at Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. I need to tell you about one of the great companies that's keeping our show free for our listeners. Max for men.
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