Sex With Emily - SWE: Missionary Position

Episode Date: May 13, 2013

Missionary position is anything but mundane when her legs are flailing in the air and his penis is hitting all the right places. Emily breaks down variations of missionary to turn the ordinary positio...n into an orgasmic position.Emily also shares secrets for picking up women in bars (none of them include buying her a drink right off the bat).Also, penis rings with spikes, glow in the dark condoms, and the Viagra condom.If you're interested in good clean sex and improving your sex life, check out my sponsors: Crazy Girl, Masque, and Good Vibrations.Use coupon code Emily25 at checkout for 25% off your purchase at Crazy Girl.Use coupon code GVEmily20 at checkout for 20% off purchases of $100 or more at Good Vibrations. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by one of our amazing sponsors, Mass Sexual Flavor Strips. They enhance your sexual experiences with a taste of strawberry, mango, watermelon, or chocolate. It's kind of like a mystery strip, but for sex. So if you like sex and you want to make it even more enjoyable and you like hearing sexual therapy for free, check out Mass at Enjoy the show. I promise your sex life will improve. Hi everyone, thanks for listening to Enjoy the show. I promise your sex life will improve. Hi, everyone.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. I no longer have the Friends of Benefits program. My podcast is completely free so that you can always enjoy Sex with Emily. Thanks for listening. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex. Eyes that mock our sacred institutions. Betrubized, they call them in a bygone way. Hey, Aveline, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken.
Starting point is 00:00:54 He thinks you're kind of cute. The world's got a hersend. Oh, my. The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean, like, laundry? It's drinks? Can we not talk about sex so much?
Starting point is 00:01:03 Are you kidding me? Oh, my God. I, I'm so drunk. Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. Yeah, and today's show, we will be reading the emails that you send to feedback at or directly on my website. It's so easy now. You just go to the Q&A
Starting point is 00:01:35 section and there's you can just write your question right there and send it to us. And topics on the show today include cheating and jealousy, good, sex, bad relationship, sexual insecurities, sex toy boxes, and married sex. Plus, today is Monday. So we thought we'd talk about missionary sex, missionary Monday. How can you spice up missionary sex? Because you know, it's kind of like, we're going to talk about a spice of the missionary of the system because money doesn't have to be boring and neither does the missionary.
Starting point is 00:02:03 What does that have to be boring? The missionary. Monday's. Oh, are they What does that have to be boring? The missionary. Oh, I bet you said money. My money's not boring. Money's awesome. Monday's and the missionary. Neither one have to be boring. No, they don't.
Starting point is 00:02:11 But the missionary feels like, oh, really missionary it up. But I'm going to show you all these ways that you can actually spice up the missionary. So you can still do the missionary position, but you can do it with a little twist. And it's fun for everyone. Fun for the whole family. That's good. So you know, fun. What did you do over the weekend?
Starting point is 00:02:25 I had so much fun this weekend. Yeah, yeah. I went, okay, so Friday night, I ended up going to this party at that new Chambers restaurant bar that you see at Phoenix Hotel. So it's a hotel, and there's an indoor really cool new like bar club restaurant, and then outside, there's like a pool area, and it was super fun
Starting point is 00:02:43 because there was three birthdays parties there that night. I knew two of the people and so it was just a great combination of people that came together like I knew there was a tons of people that I knew and tons I didn't know and I actually met there was like a lot of good looking guys there so I met some guys but there's one guy was talking to me and he's cute we were talking for a few minutes and he said to me so what do you do and I've decided at that I'm like, I don't want to get into it. So I said, you know, I don't really want to go to work right now. It's the weekend because I just decided that going into telling some guy that I think is kind of cute that I have a sex show.
Starting point is 00:03:12 It automatically is gonna, you know, change his perception as we talked about in the show. So I was like, I'm gonna try something different here. I'm not gonna tell this guy. So he's like, okay, that's cool. I get it. We don't talk about it. And we were talking for like five minutes. He probably automatically thought you were either a stripper or a prostitute. Why do I look like that? If you just said, oh, I don't want to get into it right now. Oh, you think it's worse than you think you automatically thought I was a stripper. Do I look like a stripper?
Starting point is 00:03:35 You could be a stripper. You think I could be a stripper. There's all types of strippers. Yeah. What do you mean? Okay. Well, okay. I just said, God, I'm exhausted.
Starting point is 00:03:44 I don't want to talk about work. I just said, God, I'm exhausted. I don't want to talk about work. I've been working all day. He's like, that's cool. So literally two minutes later, the birthday boy comes up. My friend, Joe, and he's like, hey, he's like, oh, you guys met. That's awesome because do you know who this girl is? And he starts going into, he's like, she's got a sex talk show.
Starting point is 00:03:59 And it's called Sex with Emily. And she knows everything about sex. And I'm just standing there going, I just tried to avoid this very situation and it was not like two to three minutes later so that was a little embarrassing because I was just because then what do they think like what would you think if you were a guy I mean you are a guy and we were talking you know what people think you probably can't be objective because you know me for too long but anyway so that was pretty funny but I did give the guy my number and I realized that I really wasn't that interested Nobody called me the next day and asked me out. So now I'm like that girl. Yeah, but I don't really want to go out with them So now would I do I know
Starting point is 00:04:32 So that's what I want to talk about I don't know because I didn't know what to do and His message was kind of annoying and and he was like yeah, I just I just don't know like I thought to myself, I'm like, God, I give advice, but it's all day long. And I gave this guy my phone number and I don't have no intention of calling him back. But I think I will text him and just say, Hey, got your message. Yeah. I'm dating someone, not really into it. Really busy the next few weeks. Stay in touch. That's what I'm going to do. Yeah, I've just worked it out on the air right here. That's good. I'm going to do. But I was like, why do I give my number? And then I'm just like embarrassing. And then I'm like,
Starting point is 00:05:03 Oh, does he just want to come into the section? Whatever. So I don't, why did I give my number? And then I was just like embarrassing. And then I'm like, oh, does he just want to call me? Because it's a section, whatever. So I don't want to do that. And then, how was your weekend? I mean, I got a lot to say. Well, weekend was, it was pretty cool. Epic. Yeah, Friday, I just stayed busy and worked. But Saturday, I called up some of my friends.
Starting point is 00:05:18 And I said, you know what? You know, code in my neighborhood, let's go drinking. We'll go to the bars and stuff like that. So what are my friends who I've known for 14 years Super shy guy You know when ladies come around not very talkative and then after a couple of drinks he tells me he goes So and I would never think this in a million years. Okay, he goes so You know that chick he told me he was going out on a date with some girl
Starting point is 00:05:43 He because I was making fun of him. He said, oh, I'm going to the restaurant and then her and I are going to go sailing, like sailing around the bed. Okay. I go that's cool, he goes, well, I didn't tell you, but I met this girl on Craigslist. Okay. I'm like, what? I go, you out of all people are trolling around for Jigs on Craigslist. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:04 I thought it was so amazing He was started telling me like yeah, you know you just go on there and you you started chatting emailing with people But he puts time into it like right you guys I guess sometimes we would just chat for like a week before we even like meet up Oh, so you've done several women. He's at someone. Okay, I go you put in a week like I can't even talk to a girl for five minutes I know really if that yeah right but he's I guess he's had some good experiences but some of them are crazy yeah I was like wait a minute a girl you met on Craigslist is crazy the Craigslist genre of woman crazier because Craigslist is all the like what's it called
Starting point is 00:06:43 casual encounters is he and casual encounters on casual encounters? I don't know I don't know okay casual encounters of the section of Craigslist where you can be like I Want to have like I friends use to do that. I used to read those for fun because they're so descriptive Like I want you to come over and time me up and take a sock on my mouth and my door My door and I'll be waiting right and yeah, it was just that's crazy good for him though. It was fun. So did he leave you to go meet up with the girl on the bay? No, no, no, it was just a past day that he was. But then we went out drinking and we went to bar and I saw your tweets that you were like wasted. I was really drunk. I ended up throwing up. Oh
Starting point is 00:07:28 Yeah, I puked everywhere, but I mean into the toilet So there wasn't really a mess and but For some reason there was potato chips broken all over my house and really pissed me off because I always bought a vacuum from a friend of mine upstairs And I just saw the day before and asked for the vacuum and then I had to call back and say hey can I get the vacuum again? She went and left for another state. So now I have to wait. Just go buy a vacuum. piss me off. No, I don't want to go back in. I only have like one tiny row. Get a dust buster. Those are awesome. They clean up like a thing anyway. I know I saw your things and I'm like, oh God,
Starting point is 00:08:05 I was like two in the morning. I was dead all Sunday. And then I got a text from you about. Oh, the cockering thing. I was drunk and I went into the bathroom at the bar. And I see this all the time. It's like a rubber cockering spikes that they just settle in the vending machine.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Have you ever seen that before? Yeah, no. I see it all the time at bars. Spikes, which is weird. That is weird. That is, I mean. I didn't know cock rings were that popular? They're long rings.
Starting point is 00:08:33 I mean, they're the drugstore. But the thing that I thought interesting was, maybe you've seen this before, but I don't know, clubs that sell condoms in the bar in the restrooms usually, but it was a glow in the tech. We've been to places that sold us stuff. You just don't know what's in there. Okay, what, all right. So the one that glow in the restrooms usually, but it was a glow in the tech. We've been to places that sold us stuff, you just don't know what's in there. Okay, what?
Starting point is 00:08:46 Right. So the one that glow in the dark condoms, like, why would you want your penis to glow in the dark when you're having sex? That'd be kind of weird. Maybe if you were like on drugs or something and you were like tripping and you'd be like, wow, look at that. But why would you want your penis just to be the one thing you see in the room, glow in the dark? That'd be cool. You think you want one yeah I thought you want 75 cents I thought imaginative. It's dark and your penis is going in the dark And then you're it's like magic your penis disappears and reappears. Yeah Anyway, that was funny um sounds like did you mean in checks? No, we just talked I was mainly this like having them talk to girls You know what do you mean you were having them you're like you If I just like I don't care and in general I don't go out and like
Starting point is 00:09:28 try to hook up with chicks or anything right go to bars because that's not where I want to meet somebody. No. But I'm always like encouraging my friends to talk to people and I and it's weird because I'm a lot more outgoing to talk to people because I'm not like trying to sleep with them. Right. They come over and chat. So we met some cool people. Right. Where were you? We were at just this bar in my neighborhood. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Got it. Okay. Got it. That's cool. So yeah, that's good though. Like Simon, I think you just brought up a really important point. Okay. Something that you do that a lot of men listen to the show don't do this.
Starting point is 00:10:02 And it's that you thought like you're hanging with your friends and you weren't focused on the check. Like, you were like, maybe I'll meet someone, but I'm not going to be focused on it. And you're very comfortable with yourself. So you're comfortable just hanging out and then the chicks come to you. I mean, I'm not 10. It's always going to happen, but just when you're not
Starting point is 00:10:16 like on the prowl, like, that's not attractive. But you just haven't fun with your guy friends. It's going to be attractive to girls. So we're like, oh, look at that. How are group of guys over there? Yeah, and those guys are getting wasted. That's so fun. Yeah, I got pretty drunk too, but not too drunk.
Starting point is 00:10:29 But I hit a blast. I mean, we just like all these people I hadn't seen and forever. And it was just one of those like amazing San Francisco nights. It's cool. Yeah, it was super fun. And then Saturday went to a comedy show. It was Big Lebowski.
Starting point is 00:10:42 You went to a comedy show? That's my favorite. Really? In a mission, it was a total hipster thing oh no it was the big Lebowski meets Shakespeare yeah so they did the big Lebowski on Shakespeare like much to do about nothing and big Lebowski but I haven't seen the big Lebowski enough to get all the you know you're probably lying knowing scene I've seen it once like years ago have you seen it a bunch Like years ago. Have you seen it a bunch? Is it like a favorite movie? I've seen it like 20. Do you love it? Yeah, I like it. I mean, it was, I mean, I know it's a great film,
Starting point is 00:11:10 but some of it was sort of lost to me because I was like, I don't think it's funny, but I went to a comic show. I felt it was very cultured and it was in the mission district, which is like, you know, where there's a lot of hip, supposedly hip things happening in San Francisco. Okay, so then remember when I had that blind date a few weeks ago The one that lasted 57 minutes and I was out of that. Yeah, and then the guy He email. Sorry. He emailed you Nessie out again. Yeah, and I like said yes, but then I realized Obviously I'm bad at this but no, I said yeah sure cuz I always think even if I know in the first day It's not right.
Starting point is 00:11:45 I'm getting better at this. And I just thought he's a friend of a friend and he seemed like a nice guy and it seemed really far away when he asked me to go out again. So I was like, yeah, two weeks. But now I looked at my calendar last night and I was like, oh my god, I'm just going to go out there and Tuesday. So I'm going to cancel, but right now I have to cancel. I got this email from him. I'm going to read it. All right.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Emily, I have some thoughts on what, okay. So for the way back up, Friday's show, we gave some tips about some fun dates and things that people can do. That are just like the time. We said kite flying. We said kite flying. Which, actually I told you one of my interns thought I was Kelsey, didn't go on a date once
Starting point is 00:12:17 and someone asked her out to kite flying and someone else thought it'd be really fun. Another and Aaron thought it'd be fun. So, yes, kite flying was one of them. But he said, I have some thoughts. I'm gonna, it might be fun for Tuesday. Let me know what you think. Number, I just know this is gonna make a face.
Starting point is 00:12:32 That's why you're a screwed up. He asked you what you wanted to do. Ready? You never asked for them in that. Walk on the beach. The weather looks really nice this week. Beautiful today. Might be fun to pick up some food, bring it down to the beach,
Starting point is 00:12:42 Pacific Beach or Chrissy Field and go for walk. Wow. Number two, a movie. I've really been wanting to see the tree of life. Beautiful today might be fun to pick up some food bring it down to the beach Pacific Beach or Chrissy Field and go for what Wow number two a Movie I really been wanting to see the tree of life. Do you know it interested? It's playing at the Embarcadero blah blah blah Oh my god. I don't know if you can have a number three or just keep it simple with dinner. Maybe some music any sound appealing what time are you free? Sign blind date. So I Your eyes are closed So let's do something hip and cool and go to the indie movie theater Okay, but but here's the point. I like the delayed out these up. That's nice. I just nice
Starting point is 00:13:14 But then you you're not gonna make a decision while I can't you don't want to go anyways. Yeah So I you know them back and I canceled even if you were into this guy and you gave those options, you wouldn't make a decision. I would, do you know what I would choose? I would choose the dinner. Dinner. Because you don't have to do anything. Or the movies.
Starting point is 00:13:33 I've never go to movies. I need to go to move more movies. I really want to see like a million movies right now. So I would have chosen maybe a movie that. But I can't do it Tuesday night because I have a class for sex school that I have to go to. What is your response? So I said, oh my god, they all sound awesome,
Starting point is 00:13:46 but I can't have to cancel. Cancel a note further. I have a class to go. Going to a class on polyamory for a sex school on Tuesday night that I have to go to. Bet you'd love that topic. I do love polyamory, not monogamy. I want to learn more about it.
Starting point is 00:14:04 I do. So it's class, experts teaching. I'm gonna go with some sex school friends and maybe some interns, you know. So it's like good vibrations. Yeah. I think it'd be interesting class. So I just thought I'd read that because it was very funny that he brought all those examples after we were just giving examples. And I thought those were very clever and I feel bad because he really thought it out. And then I can't say. Beach, movie, and dinner. It's like so descriptive. Is that bad? Okay. so anyway that was that that was and then there's no other guys So you don't want to go anywhere unless you're going on a Zeppelin. That's what you should do next time really The Zeppelin they have those Zeppelin rise you can drink champagne inside a Zeppelin. You know, really? Yeah, can we do that?
Starting point is 00:14:40 Costs like a grand though. I ain't taking you I need to get laid if I'm taking a lady out there. Dude, what else? We have fun. We have so much fun together. So anyway, that was my deal. Okay, that's good. Okay, we've got sex in the news.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Okay. We've got emails. We've got sex tips. I think we should do a little sex in the news. What do you got? Dating site for beautiful people dumps 30,000 people for being too ugly. Dating. Wait, this is that, it was just like ultra beautiful
Starting point is 00:15:10 Yeah. Okay, so they were hit by a Shrek virus, allowing tons of people of average or below average looks to join the service bypass and the usual screening process. Yeah. So then they had to let them go because 30,000 people joined and they weren't allowed to join. So they had to give, they had paid $112,000 in refunds to $4,500 of the 30,000 who had paid. He says we have to just keep them. They said we have to stick to our founding principles of only accepting beautiful people.
Starting point is 00:15:35 That's what our members have paid for. We can't just sweep 30,000 ugly people under the carpet. Wow. How bad is that? That's classy. That is classy. So 30,000 people signed up thinking, oh, I can get on this site. And then they were like, sorry, you're ugly. That is so mean.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Don't I feel bad about this site. Like, I think that's a lot of people are like, I wasn't hot enough to be on I feel really bad. People already feel bad about themselves. Yeah. So that was bummer. Okay. Music producer threatened to give Shaqille and Neil sex tape to NBA stars wife. So, Music producer Robert Ross was kidnapped and beaten three years ago. It said he threatened to give an alleged sex tape of Shaqionille to NBA stars wife. It's like every week another sex tape surfaces. Why are people-
Starting point is 00:16:18 People put your cameras away. Like, don't film yourself having sex. This has been in the news for- I know, but now it's like- Right. But yeah, it's not true. it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not Really? I don't know that. He was just sleeping around. Yeah. Does everyone know that? Mummy? Yes. How curry? Okay, so that's everyone knows that but just we have to talk about sex tape. Yeah. How curry? How curry herb the curry herb can spice up your sex life. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:57 An herb or herb is the same that you can use in curries can heat up a couple sex life a study suggests. Researchers monitoring libidos and orgasms found that new Greek, it spelled F-E-N-U-Greek G-R-E-K, boosted male sex drive by at least a quarter. That's pretty significant. 60 men ages between 25 and 52 took an extract twice a day for six weeks. Within that time, their sexual arous will had increased by an average of 28 percent Scores fell for another group of men taking placebo pills and It's contains compounds that contain sap ponens and it's thought that these stimulate male sex hormones including testosterone
Starting point is 00:17:36 I know curry. I don't like curry. It's the hip thing to do But I this can't even get close to it. I don't like it So you won't be taking this but you probably don't know need to take it So that's a good thing right? I got the killer man to kill. Did you drink to kill this weekend? Yes, is that what you? It's very well. I am a part. Yeah, I did dirty martinis, which is my favorite Erraction boosting condom we talked about this few weeks ago by future medical Nears EU approval so the Viagra condom came another step closer to popping up on store shelves and in bedrooms on June 20th.
Starting point is 00:18:09 So it was recommended for EU approval on the European Union. So it's a gel, it has a prophylactic condom that has a gel in it designed to help men's erections last longer. That's cool. That is cool, right? Because you don't take a pill, you can just have it in the. Yeah I'm sure those are going to be selling off. I know. We should get a sponsor once they approve. They'll be our advertiser. That would be awesome.
Starting point is 00:18:32 I bet there's like so many other companies trying to keep stuff like that down though. What do you mean? Keep it down. Just trying to get it not approved. Right. Yeah exactly. No, well what, oh, because like Viagra is so powerful and they're like we don't want you to do that. Yeah, exactly. No, what? Well, what? Oh, cuz like Viagra is powerful and they're like we don't want you to do that Yeah, I could see that. Okay. That's like our first excellent news cool My favorite we got email got to hear from the people see what they like and coming up like I said It's going to be missionary Monday if you just started joining us We're talking about new twists on the missionary position. Oh first I got to do the poll So our poll as week was how do you feel about hair below the equator?
Starting point is 00:19:07 So our poll last week was, how do you feel about hair below the equator? So here were the choices. Trimmed please, Brazilian wax, no hair, all natural is best and no preference. So what do you think the winner was, menace? Out of those choices. No hair. You're wrong. The winner at 48% said trimmed, please. 31% said Brazilian wax, no hair. 12% said all natural is best.
Starting point is 00:19:30 So 12% is pretty significant. All natural. They want the blush. And 9%. That's why our older audience. 9%? No. 9% said no preference.
Starting point is 00:19:40 9%. No preference. Some people don't care, man and women. I mean, that's this poll, they don No preference. No preference. Some people don't care, men and women. I mean, that, it's this poll, they don't care. I care. I know you do. You would have said Brazilian wax no hair. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:52 But I like 48% is like trim. So I think that it is sort of going towards that right now. That the Brazilian wax and the bear, no hair, I think that there's a trend moving towards just slightly trimmed. It's funny, because I hear out there there like women trying to rebel and say, oh, I don't want to look like a baby or bubble of blood and then they go, I just, you know, wear it all natural.
Starting point is 00:20:15 And then the people that are, you know, listening to them talk are just laughing and saying that it is and making fun of them for people, because they're saying that. Yeah. But women always do back lashes like that. But I can see it's a pain. It's a heart. It's literally a pain. Like, you can't get the waxed off.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Well, I'm sorry. Or you do know. You do when it's like, okay, so that was a poll for last week. We have a new poll up now. We want everyone to go vote What are you thinking about during sex? Here's the choices. Transformers.
Starting point is 00:20:48 A, my technique. B, what I need to do later, like my job. Three, someone else. The lover that I'm with. What do you usually think you might drink sex? Someone else. You're going to ask me? Yeah, I'm just curious.
Starting point is 00:21:03 What am I thinking? Performance. Performance, yeah, you're like am I doing it? Yeah. I don? Yeah, I'm just curious. What am I thinking? Performance? Performance? Yeah, you're like, am I doing it? Yeah. I don't know what I'm thinking about. I don't think I'm thinking about anything. Just hanging out? Yeah, no, I'm, I'm, I'm just in the moment. I'm in the moment enjoying myself. See, that's a problem. Then you probably want to talk and stuff. I do want to talk a lot. I wish you could talk to her. I wish you could care and conversation during sex. Like I love talking. I'm like, I can't like I'm thinking I can't wait for this to be over because I've got so much
Starting point is 00:21:32 to talk to you about just kidding. No, I'm not like nightmare. Not a nightmare. Okay. I mean, maybe because I like to talk, you remember my ex boyfriend who said, like, can we not talk before 8 a.m. and after 8 o'clock a night? Wow. He's still one of my best friends. And he lets me talk. Okay, dear Emily, I came home early recently on a Friday at 3 p.m. to find my wife being eaten by my best friend. Oh, that's nice.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Now I can't even think of giving her oral. What should I do? Christine John. Well, Chris, you should have loved that bitch right at that moment. Well, maybe he's, it's his, maybe it's his wife. So he's trying to work it out. So I would say you got bigger problems. I got, I'm thinking he's got bigger problems than going down on his wife again. Yeah. I think you might need to some relationship building and counseling to heal the pain and the sex life. And trust will have to slowly rebuild because after you are caught cheating or you catch your partner cheating
Starting point is 00:22:29 It's really hard to get those images on your mind you've got an anger and I know that there's some couples I know in you men as if someone cheated on you you'd be like don't you say this that you'll be done out of there I say this I know this okay You know this but a lot of you will they're married, who knows if they have kids, and he's like worried about going down in her again. And I'm thinking there are couples I know personally who have cheated, and they just kind of brushed it under the rug, like I know a woman who cheated on her husband, and he was like, that's cool, as long as you don't do it again.
Starting point is 00:22:59 And they never talked about it again, which I think is really unhealthy because I don't think that, no matter how stoic you are as a man, and you're like, that's cool, whatever, I'll be fine, or if you're a woman and you're a husband, she'd end you, I think it's going to bring up issues that are going to be there for a while. So I do think you guys want to go so in depth and talk and everything out. What is it going to change? It doesn't change a lot. Maybe they're having issues in their relationship and their stuff they can work on.
Starting point is 00:23:20 It's not going to change what happened. It's not going to change what happened, but I think that he probably doesn't want to have sex though right now And that's totally normal. I mean, I think that they would be hard to go down on her and to do that You should right back. I want to see What do you want to know? Well, you know, he's if he's thinking of leaving her or he's that he's just with her and okay Staying well you know today. Well, obviously he's thinking staying with her because he's concerned that he can't go down on her And I'm like you got bigger fish to fry buddy I'm just wondering if he's trying to just work it out and stay with her or I think he's trying to work it out or if this was cool
Starting point is 00:23:52 I think they didn't therapy I think I think to deal with a cheating that you have to you have to deal with it You have to deal with the issues and I'm not sure that he's I mean fact that that was his question. I just think He's got bigger problem. I think you get somebody new. There's no baggage. OK, hi, Emily. I've listened to your show for a couple of months and appreciate all the good advice, great sex tips, and the very helpful Kaggle Camp.
Starting point is 00:24:14 iPhone app, which is my app that I mentioned earlier. I've been with my girlfriend for over a year now, and although she tells me that she only wants to have sex with me, I can't help but wonder how I measure up considering her very promiscuous past. Let me give you some background. I'm 30 and I've only slept with 10 girls. Although your keggle app has helped me hold out longer,
Starting point is 00:24:32 I still have a hard time making my girl orgasm through intercourse. I routinely go down in her and that helps. I know she has had bigger and it makes me wonder if my lack of size is part of the problem. Ladies, never tell your family. I know, I know, I know, I know. I'm very competitive and want to be the best she has ever
Starting point is 00:24:47 had for my own tough confidence. What I know about her past experiences lead me feeling very lacking in our relationship. She is awesome. Why is he discussing past? OK, I know. Can I just finish the letter? I love her.
Starting point is 00:24:59 And when I don't think about it, we have a great time together. An honest objective response from both your perspective as well as menaces greatly appreciated befuddled in San Diego. He's a premium member. Thank you so much, befuddled in San Diego for being a premium member. And you know if you're a premium friend with benefits and member, you get all your emails answered and we also are doing special video answers for you.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Okay, first of all, I would say, yeah, what are you doing talking about this stuff? I don't think that couples should share their past sexual history. I think that it's never good to talk about the number of people you used up with. No guy wants to hear the last guy you used up with had a big penis that you've been with many met people. I just think that if you can find one situation where it bodes well for the relationship, let me know. But otherwise, it's a bad thing.
Starting point is 00:25:44 It doesn't have the situation. And I think that for befuddled, that he is going there in his mind, and I think that his biggest problem is his mind, because he's saying that, he's saying that when I don't think about it, we have a great time together, when I'm not thinking about it. But he's thinking about it during sex, and he's not pleasing her.
Starting point is 00:26:01 And so I don't even know for a fact, he's thinking that it's because of his size that she's not able to orgasm during sex, but what I'm curious about is does he know for sure that she was able to orgasm with these other men during intercourse? Like a lot of women can't. Only 30% of women can have orgasms during intercourse.
Starting point is 00:26:16 So I'm pretty surprised, like I'm not even sure, he might be in his mind making it to be a bigger thing like that he's not pleasing her in that department and maybe she's just hasn't been able to be for. But I, for most women and I've been doing this for a long time now, I've never gotten email from a woman that said, my penis is partner, my penis is partner. My partner's penis is too small and therefore I can't have an orgasm. I think that isn't one of those myths.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I mean sure it's happened like in, in history of the world, but I doubt that is the issue. And I think that seeds by hearing all this information that she told him is in his mind playing and he's he's totally overthinking it and he's got to put it out of his head and he's got to either talk to her about it. Because I think that they also need to talk about it. Because I think that he's jumping into conclusion here. I think he's saying that she was able to with all these other guys and not me and I actually don't think that's true. Because most women, if you're able to with one guy, you can do with another guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:06 You can have that orgasm. I think that why do people not listen to us? About talking about past relationships. People, wherever I know, never do it. Why? There's nothing you will gain from it. Nothing. You never do. I would break up with somebody before I tell them how many people I've been with because it's not
Starting point is 00:27:28 That information is not gonna be useful for anything just to be used against it exactly and like especially men I think it's hard for women But men never get over the fact that there was like other penises in your life And I think they're honestly like in their brain. They're like wow. She's had parents. There's penises everywhere Like just picking new and penises like I think that this honestly like in their brain, they're like, wow, she's had her penises everywhere, like just picking new and penises. Like I think that this is image is just bad. Like just don't talk about the number. Don't talk about what you see, but don't ever talk about like other penises
Starting point is 00:27:51 that you've been with. Like just pretend it was the only his penises, your only penis. Yeah. Like this penis here and now in front of me is the one penis that I care about. And that's all correct. So we agree. I love it. Emily, I really enjoy listening to your show and the variety of topics. Keep it up.
Starting point is 00:28:06 I know you've had a relationship. I know you've had a segment. I see I think we read this. I forgot to get out. Good good relationships. Bad sex. So we talk about this. You've good relationships and bad sex last week. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Emily, where have you been my whole life? I discovered your show this past weekend and I'm so thrilled to have found you. I'm so thrilled to have found you. I'm six foot tall, slim, athletic, creative, honest, 33-year-old woman, and while I've never felt entirely confident in my parents, I'm constantly complimented on it. I was raised in a conservative Catholic family where the topics of sex and sexuality were considered taboo. So much so that they grew to be issues that I feared. I finally lost my virginity at the ripe old age of 28 to an amazing man who I've shared three happy years with. When we broke up I swore I wouldn't revert to my old prude
Starting point is 00:28:49 ways. Two years now I'm still single, dateless and sexless. I can't help but think my head and fears are returned and might be repelling men. On the other hand I've not met a man who interests me enough to want to spend time with, am I denying myself or just waiting for Mr. Right now? I catch you guys watching me all the time, but they never approach me. When I approach men, the majority looks surprised or even scared. Is it my height?
Starting point is 00:29:11 I'm tired of being alone. Can you help? Thanks in advance. You are like the best friend in high school I never had. Warren wishes Ellie. She's a premium member as well. So thanks Ellie for becoming a friend with benefits member.
Starting point is 00:29:22 And okay, there's a lot in this. What is she from? It doesn't say where she's from. Everyone tell us where you're from. We want to know where you're this. What's she from? It doesn't say where she's from. Everyone tell us where you're from. We want to know where you're from when you send us an email, say where you're from. So, does she say it? No.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Okay, so here's the deal. If she really does have these hidden fears, I mean, people who grew up in strictly religious homes, we've talked about this, have really can have severe, severe sexual issues around sex. They feel like they feel like it's wrong. They think sex is only for procreation. I mean, in their mind, they don't really believe it, but the sex is only for
Starting point is 00:29:52 procreation. And that, you know, that it's just wrong and evil to have sex. Like, that's if that's the message they were getting. So I think that that's something that I would again, I would like work on and work on your issues, maybe go to therapy. If that's if she, because she thinks that this is what she feels she's emitting these signals to guys that says she's proved and has these issues around sex. So I would say if you really feel that they're still ruining your life and it's still taking over, you should kind of go work on them because that's stuff not going to go away. But I would say that in your tall woman, I think that's amazing. Like one of my best friends, 6 feet tall, like I don't think that men are intimidated or scared. But I don't think so. I don't think that's it, right? I mean, if you had 6 foot woman or any woman, do you?
Starting point is 00:30:34 No, I don't care. I do believe though that in my mind that tall women want to be with taller guys. Yeah, some do, but some don't. Like my friend in 6 feet tall, she always loves short guys. She loves the short guys. So it's like it's so funny because I always like tall guys and I'm short, so whatever. But I would say that just keep going and doing what you're doing, sweetie, because I think that it's great that you are so conscious about your issues and that you're so open about
Starting point is 00:31:02 them and that you seem to write this very eloquent email. And I think that you just got to keep doing what you're doing, keep approaching men and and keep just putting yourself out there. And maybe if you are these issues, the religious stuff or coming from your background are still hindering you, then go get a little therapy. All right, just go sleep with somebody. It's called the slump buster. Slump buster? Just having sex because you've been in a slump? Yeah, and then just have sex with something that I'll keep you back. Well, she's a friend that she's going to return to being approved again because she was approved in her past. It's funny. Most people
Starting point is 00:31:30 A lot of you I know are like, oh, I'm afraid I'm gonna be a slut again, but she's like a prude again I think that we carry stuff in our minds and we still think of ourselves as a certain way and we're no longer that way So I would just start thinking over yourself in this new way this beautiful 33 year old woman who has your whole life ahead of you and you have, you know, your healthy and you've retraced out of attractive and smart and it's going to happen when it happens, but sometimes we all just take a little while to meet that person. Yeah, get to the bone in already. Get to the bone and she's going to. She's going to have you met women who are like, I think that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Like, I think that you're prudent. If you are prudent, you're trying to like give that up. Like, you're trying to like give that up like you're trying to Like usually hear the women who were like crazy in high school. They were like Catholic school girls and then they you know No, it's weird. I don't The women that I know that are actually prudes don't get off give off the Pudish vibe They act like the biggest horse But they don't
Starting point is 00:32:24 They don't give it up at all. I think, yeah, it's funny because I watch guys waste their time on them all the time. And you can tell, and they're frenzied, and you're like, dude, she's not going to give it up. Yeah, she's not going to. I was a total, I was a, believe it or not, I was a proved like in high school and college. I was really concerned, I got over this, but I was concerned about what I think I just I was concerned about what men would think about me. I was like so concerned that they would judge me and that they would talk about it and they'd be like, oh, I had sex
Starting point is 00:32:54 family. Yeah. And then they would. So I was just and I think I just didn't know that much about sex and I was just kind of proved. I was. I mean, not that I wouldn't have sex, but I was very like careful and wait and only dated one guy. I was a serial monogamous. Yeah. And then I changed completely. But I'm not a horror. But that's what you were going to say. I wasn't going to say that. Yeah, you were thinking it. I wasn't thinking that. I was thinking about when are you going to start reading the next email. Oh, stop. You just. I swear. Emily, I love the show. FYI, I've had my best success in breaking the ice on sex toys by asking the simple question, do you have a toy box?
Starting point is 00:33:31 If they all, if they do, they will happily admit it. Then you can easily ask which ones and go from there. If not, then you have to find out, find out without it being a big deal. Also, if the also if the toys the other person have or to wild for you, then you know in advance not to go there with them in your next sexual encounter. Keep it coming, Paul from Marin County. That's a great question. I have a guy say, like, so do you have any toys? Like, that is great because a lot of women don't want to whip out their vibrators unless they know because a lot of men have issues with their intimidated vibrators, I think
Starting point is 00:34:02 it's problem. So, I think that's great just for a dude to be like, so do you got any toys? Because that totally opens it up. And if she does, then you bonus. And if she doesn't, then you know that that's not a thing. And it's fine. So I think that's a great tactic. The guy should ask.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Because the girls are sometimes shy. Yeah, if you enter that goal for it. If you enter that throw it a thing. If you, yeah. The men is to be like, you got a toy box. I'm out of here. No, I'm saying to keep it on the shelf. That's all. What? What? What? What's speaking for all men? I know, but I think that you, I think sex toys can be a restaurant. A man's best friend.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Yes, they help. They help a sex life. Okay, hi. I would need some suggestions, but how to have my wife, I need some suggestions, how to have my wife to feel desire again for me. I've been married for 12 years, and I'm 46 and my wife is 52. I'd like to make love, I'd like to make love,
Starting point is 00:34:58 and lately, even more so, my wife has lost a spark. Do you have any erotic medicine, LOL, or any suggestions? Thanks, Mario, and he's a premium member. So thank you, Mario, for being a premium friend with benefits, sexually-friendly member. Okay, first of all, the first thing I've always say is she's 52 years old, she might be going through, I mean, she might be past men and pals already, but women's sexual libido
Starting point is 00:35:19 changes during this time in her life. So has she been, has she been to the doctor, has she gotten checked up? Is she taking any medications? That's always the first thing that we have to clear with someone because she could be taking medications that are inhibiting her sex drive, her ability to orgasm, so get that checked out. If the answer is no, then there are some things that you can look at in your relationship. Has there been a lot of undue stress lately, or has there been anxiety, or is there pressure? Have you guys been having some conflicts? You know, I always say communication is lubrication, so a lot of undue stress lately or has there been anxiety or is there pressure? Have you guys been having some conflicts?
Starting point is 00:35:46 You know, I always say communication is lubrication, so a lot of times women and men withhold sex from each other when they're having issues that have just piled up over time. So I'm just wondering where you guys are at on your communication level? And then I would just think about talking to you. I mean, I don't, you don't see any of you've actually approached your about it because I think a lot of times men or women going through this won't want to bring it up, but it's just an issue like it's like the elephant in the room like we haven't had sex in whatever time and six months, but no one talks about it. So I would say
Starting point is 00:36:16 that you need to have a conversation about it and ask her, you know, if she is just that she's not turned on, does she have issues with you, you have to have a real talk. And I know this seems really basic, but so many couples don't talk to each other about sex. Yeah. And then there's always the things you can do to spice it up by its planification, take time away, bring in sex toys, tell her how beautiful she is,
Starting point is 00:36:35 buy her something sexy. Or to start accusing her of banging somebody else. You know, just for fun. Just for fun. I know you're sleeping with other people because you ain't sleeping with me. Yeah. And to start messing with her.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Yeah, that would be fun, man. Thanks for your advice. Okay, so that's what we got for emails. And thanks everyone. So please email me and you can find me feedback at or you can find me on the website. Which is a very easy way to just send an email.
Starting point is 00:37:06 And again, a lot of these people are premium members. They've joined, they've become friends with benefits, which is like, you want to become a sex family, friends with benefits member today, because you will be getting so much for that. Yes. Lots of shows, lots of things. Okay, we'll move into some sex tips, because it's a missionary Monday. Did I tell you that?
Starting point is 00:37:22 Missionary Monday? How does this work? Okay. Mondays and the missionary position both have a bad route for being unexciting, but we're going to make them interesting. Missionary position is they do. Missionary position is. What's wrong with missionary?
Starting point is 00:37:33 Exactly. Menace. That's your problem. No. Nothing is wrong with missionary. There's nothing. In fact, we are giving all of this. You just distit right now.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Well, it's just that's your problem. No, it's just that missionary position is the default, the most common position. Alright, what's your favorite position? Fan-on-top. What's my favorite position? Yeah. I don't have a favorite position. You don't?
Starting point is 00:37:54 No, do you? Uh, maybe just a woman on top. Right, so you don't do any work? I still do some work. But you like it because she looks hot and you can see us that way. Yeah, of course because I want to celebrate her body. Hearing men say I want to celebrate her body is like, oh my god, he's been sitting
Starting point is 00:38:15 across from me for way too long. No, I'm just building her ego. It's hot. No, it's hot. Yeah, it's hot. And, yeah, and of course I got to do less work and then I can last longer too. Oh, really? You last longer that way. Okay. True. A lot of men do last longer in that position. So face to face. So here's some tips about the missionary and reasons why we like the missionary.
Starting point is 00:38:35 And there's some great text and techniques in here that will improve her ability for orgasm as well. So here's what we got. Missionary position is face to face fun. It allows for easy entry and deep penetration. And it's one of the more enjoyable positions for couples who take pleasure intimacy, meaning like staring into each other's eyes. I'm sure you do that. You know, you're having a stack of slight minutes
Starting point is 00:38:58 to stare into each other's eyes. Of course. And try also some of our, so here, but here's some twists. So people, that's why the missionary is good. Looking to be your a size it's intimate it's like easy it's it is like the easiest vision. So the first thing you can do is lift those legs have your partner lift and bend her legs a little resting her feet flat on the mattress most women find this is in much more comfortable than the usual missionary position and allows for greater access to the vagina I'm getting better at saying the word and both partners will enjoy more intense
Starting point is 00:39:26 stimulation. So just have our lifter legs out because it has it's a more comfortable for it. Yeah. Right. So we all know that. But just remind you, lock is key. For deeper penetration, have a raise her legs higher and lock them around you. Have you had a woman do that? She locks her legs around you. The reason why is this adds a pleasant feel for the woman as her partner as her Peabick bone gently rubs against her cl- as his Peabick bone rubs against her clitoris. So if your legs are locked Your Peabick bone is your clitoris is rubbing against his Peabick bone. So it's like more direct contact. Yes She can add to your leverage by squeezing you close to her or even just hold you with her thighs. The higher she raises her legs, the deeper the penetration.
Starting point is 00:40:07 So how you go up, you can put a pillow underneath you, we're gonna talk about that in a minute. Okay, over the shoulders, this position allows men to attain the deepest possible penetration. But be careful, it's possible again, too deep which can cause her pain. Okay, this is the one that I like. This is very true for personally.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Close those legs. When her legs are closed, the vagina tightens her on your penis and is doing more intense stimulation for both of you. This position also forces you to enter from a sharper angle towards the clitoris. A lot of women, to orgasm, need to have their legs closed together. What do you mean close your legs? Like, you can close like, okay, so if you're having sex, let's say I'm on the, well, this missionary, so I'm on the bottom, you could still be sliding in and out
Starting point is 00:40:48 if my legs are like tight, but I'm squeezing, can you understand? Like so my legs are, I'm trying to just go, so my legs, so, so you're just laying flat in your legs and closed. My legs are closed. Okay. Okay, does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:41:03 Yeah, I'm glad. It's kind of weird, but if you, like, it's easy to do. And then flat my legs are closed. Okay. Okay. Does that make sense? Yeah. Kind of. It's kind of weird, but if you, like, it's easy to do. Like a woman can just close her legs sometimes. And then it feels good to you because it's like clenching around your penis. Yeah. Okay. Got it.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Get on your knees, boys. Neal and sit in your ankles between her thighs. Her bottom and lower back should be elevated while her ankles are lower legs rest on your shoulders. You can place a pillow under her lower back to help support her. In this position you can apply clitorial pressure with your hands as she can massage her clitoris with her fingers or yeah the best part of this position where you can watch yourself going in and out of her. Not a men like that the watching the in and out
Starting point is 00:41:40 but here's something that I brought. This is an inflatable position master. Inflatable position master. It's a pillow. For all the people that are not watching. It's a. It's an inflatable position master from Adam and Eve. And it's like a pillow, but you can use it in all these different ways. Like it has like ties on and stuff. They just sent this to me. And it's like a sex wedge. It's like a sex wedge. And Adam and Eve is a great place to go for sex times. Wait, so it has like, it has like, that is like a souped up pillow because it's always great to place a pillow under her butt while you're having sex because it elevates her, her pubic muscles. So she's closer to you in her clitoris. And so that's just when you can just keep under the bed and whip it out when you have sex. It looks like some guys doing asthma off on her. Really?
Starting point is 00:42:31 Yeah. I didn't look at it that closely, Memphis, but it's very interesting. Really? Yeah. Awesome. You know they're all wearing underwear. That's funny. That is funny.
Starting point is 00:42:43 But speaking of Adam and Eve, everyone, we love Adam and Eve. You can go there and buy sex toys. You can buy porn. You can buy laundry. You can do lots of cool things. Just enter coupon code Emily at checkout. You get 50% off most items. You can buy this inflatable position master today. And you get 50% off most items and you get three adult DVDs and a free gift and free shipping. Just put it on coupon code Emily at checkout. They're really, they're really liking you over there. A lot of people have been enjoying the item.
Starting point is 00:43:12 I know, I know. And we, oh, we have two new videos. So if you're a friend's benefit member, you also get to see all of our new videos. And we have a really funny video that we're posting tomorrow. Or later on today about a sex toy day at the sex family office when the sex toys arrived and this was in the box and a lot of other things are in the box and we're all we have sex toy reviews coming in the next few weeks from the interns. Oh yeah it's okay.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Do you think when man was evolving it what was the primary position? Do you think it was a missionary or do you think it was doggy style? Because a lot of animals do a doggy style. That's a great question. If you look at the like the commasutra and stuff, I mean there are a lot different positions that have existed. I wonder then what was the primary early. What was the primary early evolutionary position that people were having sex? I don't know. Might have been something crazy. We should look that up. Yeah. Look how is this? Is the Comsutra half? A lot. Hundreds. That never's a down. Hundreds. I think no, maybe 50. I really don't know. I've started. I've done shows
Starting point is 00:44:14 on Tantric Sex, but not one time. Maybe we should add that to Liz Tantric Sex. I'd like to take a Tantric Sex class. I feel like I should. By now, I should have done that after my polyamory class class on the day's end. That contract feeling in the next one. Okay, kneel down, close to her, but hoist both of her legs onto one of your shoulders and let her glot, let her guide you inside of her. Because the penis-ultimate massage is the side wall of the vagina, which usually doesn't get much tension, she will find this quite pleasurable.
Starting point is 00:44:43 If you want to massage the opposite wall of her vagina to shift her legs to the other shoulder. So hoist both her legs onto one of your shoulders. So instead of just having both, they're on the, oh, that's kind of cool. Like that is cool because you can see this difference. One of the other things you know one. No, they both are on, but they're both on one shoulder.
Starting point is 00:45:01 But it's kind of like they're both on one shoulder. So you're hitting her at a different angle. Yeah, that's a new one. That is a new one. You've never done that, have you? No. Okay. This is one, next one is one of my favorites.
Starting point is 00:45:14 You gonna try any of these? Are you taking notes? Yeah, I'm taking notes. Oh, good. I'll look at later. You just when you're supposed to, right? Yes, we'll post everything at, which is your new favorite website, if you didn't know. And Emily Morse, you can also get it through Emily Morse if you're in your office and they won't let you access sex family, you can do Emily Morse, the Morse.
Starting point is 00:45:35 And, okay, cat position, the Quital Alignment Technique. The cat position? Yeah. I love this position. Explain. I know, it's hard to explain, but I want to give you a sexist but it's also harder like I feel like I need Go whiteboard. Yeah to explain but this position allows sexual pleasure to build slowly resulting in an intense and intimate
Starting point is 00:45:55 clitoral orgasm. So here's what happens with the cat the guys slide two to four inches forward from the typical Missionary position and cup your arms around her shoulders so that your body falls flat against hers. So you're on top of her, but you're up further. So instead of just being like that, you slide up a few inches more. So you're like, I guess you're, yeah, I'll explain this. Both your spine should be straight and the base of your penis should rob against her clitoris. Both your legs should be straight out and touching while she pushes her pelvis upward
Starting point is 00:46:24 two inches. You should push down gently to give a slight counter resistance. There shouldn't be any in and out. It's more of an up and down movement. So you're not going in and out. It's like you're up and down since you're on, like, does that make sense? You're on more? And since the genitals are sharing to close quarters, it should be pleasurable experience for both of you.
Starting point is 00:46:43 This is my book actually that's coming out, this technique. It's a very popular one. A luxury for women who have a hard time organizing during missionary position. The cat position, quote alignment technique, is your new best friend. And if you just add some little quirks to missionary position, you'll find that your partner
Starting point is 00:46:58 will suddenly find sex not only more enjoyable, but also quite variance. That's what I got for sex. Sex, suits. For sex, but then tomorrow, I think you're gonna have to start. You're gonna have to get comfortable with tomorrow's topic. also quite variant. That's what I got for sex. Sex tips. But then tomorrow, I think you're going to have to start. You're going to have to get comfortable with tomorrow's topic. So I'm just going to give you a little teaser.
Starting point is 00:47:13 It's let's play ball. Tomorrow we're going to get in depth about the likes and dislikes of playing with this testicles in the back. Testicle Tuesday. Yeah, but I know you don't like that. See, that's what we're going to talk about because a lot of you have like women have like ball phobia like they're afraid touch the balls like I remember I was like that when there was guys who I remember hearing ones like God you shouldn't give me like so careful like that's your first message about balls
Starting point is 00:47:36 Yeah, and testicles growing up as a woman is like don't get close to them like you're gonna hurt him He's gonna freak out. So I think that I for a long time never even like just totally pretended they didn't even exist As you should know So guys you gotta do it. Yeah, so those were some missionary things and tomorrow's test to cold And we've got a really fun show this week, so what happened? I thought we were doing the 20 question things we are we were gonna do today But we're doing it tomorrow. No, we were never going to we are doing it. We're doing it tomorrow. I was ready for that today. That's what I was waiting for. Well, we're doing that tomorrow. So, okay, we got to we got to plug that again. So because we got we got actually a bunch of questions. So we are playing to we have some really funny questions. Is there one that we can do today and do some tomorrow? Yeah, we took it. What was the ZOKA? Yeah, we could do one, but let me explain what 20 questions is again.
Starting point is 00:48:27 So 20 questions is just email me, or on Facebook, you could do it on my Facebook page, sexual family, or you can email me, feedback at sexual family. And we want to know, are there any questions that you have for menace or eye about sex or about anything that you've been wanting to know? And we will answer you. We will answer the question. And the best question wins a special sex prize.
Starting point is 00:48:49 A sex toy gift. So, Kazy, can you remember one of them? Um, one of them was, have you ever had sex in the rain? Have I ever had sex in the rain? It's a sex in the rain. Are you going first? I guess so. Have I ever had sex in the rain? I don't think so. I've had sex on the snow. Yeah, on the ice ice skating on the ice, but not in the rain.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Have you? No, but I was in a limo and I was raining outside That does count. Okay, I guess so that's perfect. But I love having sex inside when it's raining outside. Yeah. There's nothing else to do. Right. But there's something about the rain, like especially in Michigan where I grew up in New Diff those thunderstorms.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Do you know about thunderstorms? Yeah. Have you experienced them? Because people in California don't. No, no, no. Every time for some reason I go to Wyoming or Idaho. There's like lightning and thunderstorms like crazy Yeah, yeah, yeah exactly so right we don't get I missed that yeah, we don't have that I'm going home to Michigan and I'm gonna experience those I hope I love it. I'm gonna have sex and thunderstorms. I um
Starting point is 00:49:56 Yeah, no, there's what I'm gonna say there was The thing that over this weekend the eco the eco the thing that over this weekend, the eco, the eco sex convention. Oh, I didn't go. You didn't go, but it was all about people that were like, marrying the sex. Not marrying, but a lot of it was just like having sex in nature. I know. They get off on that, like going in the woods and having sex in the middle of the woods,
Starting point is 00:50:17 right. In the middle of fields. I know. I have some friends who went to that. And my friend from sex school is going to be on the show next week, and she's going to probably talk about that. About the ECO sex thing because they all went and I just couldn't make it. I had to go to this party and Friday night. But there's lots of sex classes and stuff that I'm doing in the next few weeks. So I'll be sharing all
Starting point is 00:50:34 that information with everybody. So what were some of the other, what were you doing? I would do you remember one more? Do we any fetishes? That was another question. We're going to pick the end again. The best question you can email today. We're going to be deciding tomorrow who the winner is for the best question. And you're going to win a special, awesome sex toy, sex prize. Okay, do I have any fetishes? I don't.
Starting point is 00:50:57 I wish I did though. Like I always wish that I had a fetish because people with fetishes just seem so like they specifically know exactly what's going to turn them on every time. And like, you know, they've fetish about feet, for example, or anything. There's a million things to fetish about women's lingerie. I do not have a fetish, really. I wish I don't. I'm working on it. Deal. So lame. No, there's one thing that's fine.
Starting point is 00:51:24 That returns you on. Yeah, I think it's really sexy is, you know, when it's hot and everyone starts, you know, wearing shorts and so like that. The girls will wear the tall socks with the the the color rim around it. Oh, you like that like basketball like the basketball socks. Yeah, the big tall socks. Right. Yeah, I think that's that's cute. With shorts. Yeah, with shorts. yeah, I think that's that's cute with shorts. Yeah, shorts What else do you think is hot let a woman wear? I Think no, that's the number one thing That's the thing that was kind of like trendy for a while. There was a restaurant in the city where women did that Yeah, it's too friggin hot to wear the socks today today. It's like 75 degrees. It's amazing
Starting point is 00:51:59 I know I love it and then I do like You know every guy likes high boots, but I don't like the boots that are so high that they go over the knee. Me neither. Those are top. Those are like you are going fly fishing. You know, I agree.
Starting point is 00:52:13 I have a pair of those and they're not attractive. I put them on and I'm like, they're not cute on me. Like I thought they were cute. I should give my entrance if they like them, because we all wear the same size shoes we decided. You'd also know what else is like big with ladies. I think like I'm too short. That's not attractive is the high waist pants.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Yeah, that's not a good one. We may love that, but I'm sorry. But they're not really, they're not really, well, I guess they are kind of in style. Yeah, if you're like super skinny. They were really hot like a year and a half ago, but now, but people are trying to keep them around. And it's just so, it's not like, it's so cute.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Do you like the women do wear the lower pants? Like that are like, you could remember that was really insuctly. Oh, or you can like see more of their navel and stuff like that. Yeah, whatever. I like men and suits. Men and suits. I think that's hot.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Because you don't see men and suits that often. I see them every day. Oh, work. Yeah. I see them walking on here. I think it's kind of. Oh, work. Yeah. See, I don't. I see him walking around here. I think it's kind of. I always go. I always pick like the worst like retail store.
Starting point is 00:53:10 And go, oh, so what is there a two-for-one deal on your suit today? That's nice. All right, go. Do you have a court hearing today? Like what's? Do you have any suits? I did.
Starting point is 00:53:20 I used to have, I used to dress, I used to be a manager of a wireless store. So I had like a bunch of I had a like about 45 ties and had a couple suits 45 ties. Yeah, I was willing to ties you ties are good for bondage Really? Yeah, the first time I ever had a guy time up was in college after a formal we went to like some I was a sority girl yeah shock we went to some formal event and he took his tie and like and it was so I was think of ties as bondage material yeah that's just my brain goes there and then he had his way with you kind of but we were so drunk and nothing really happened but it was like a good concept it was it's it was his birthday. Yeah, I did. We were so, you know, in college, you just get so drunk.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Like we rented hotel room. I rent our hotel room. It's so nice to me. This was his 21st birthday. Rented our hotel room, got like him like a cake and everything. And it was like a really big deal. And the cake was in the closet because I'd gone to the hotel room early and set up this whole night.
Starting point is 00:54:21 But then we were just too drunk to do anything. And I forgot about the cake and, yeah, anyway. I forgot about the cake. I mean, like the next morning I was like, oh yeah, I got your cake and I did all these things that we were just drunk. You just get drunk. You just wasted, yeah, just get times. College, okay, so that's what I got today. Do you have anything else to add to the equation?
Starting point is 00:54:40 Except tomorrow's test, what do you say? No, but how do you have the questions ready for tomorrow? I will, for sure. We just wanted to get, we just, I know we said today, but yeah, how do you have the questions ready for tomorrow? I will for sure We just wanted to get we just I know we said today, but today was messed today was a missionary Monday So we should do that but we wanted to give people another day to sending questions And we got some really funny ones and we and medicine. I will answer all we will we were gonna answer them all We're gonna pick 20 of the best questions and go through them tomorrow, so you have to be ready I'm ready. There's some serious, have to be ready. I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:55:05 There's some serious, you know, serious stuff. I'm down. Yeah. All right. Love it. Yeah. Okay. Good. Thanks everyone for listening. Was it good for you? email me feedback at Hey everyone. Thanks for listening to Sex With Emily. I need to tell you about one of the great companies that's keeping my show free. Who doesn't want to spice things up in the bedroom? Maybe you've been fantasizing about surprising your lover with an adventurous new toy or don't movie? Well here's a really special offer for my saxophone listeners.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Go to and for a limited time you'll only get 50% off just about any item. So this is a great time to try a couple's toy like the Lilo's Siri, or a vibrating ring, or even a rabbit. But that's not all. When you select your one item at 50% off, you'll also receive three free adult DVDs for a little inspiration. Plus a free extra gift. So sexy.
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Starting point is 00:56:13 So just use offer code Emily at Adam and Thanks for listening. you

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