Sex With Emily - SWE: More Oral

Episode Date: April 4, 2013

Are you a spitter, swallower, or avoider? Michael Guilfoyle, Oral Sex Specialist and President of Masque: Sexual Flavors talks about semen. Michael explains how men can taste better so their partner e...njoys giving it more. Emily breaks down how to get more oral sex, because it's kind of the greatest thing in the world. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Have you guys heard my news? I have a new sex gig. I'm not a porn star, it's better. I just launched my new premium skincare brand called Emile and Tony. These products are tried and true to help spice up your sex life, which is what I'm all about. I'm talking about massage oil candles that are one part candle, one part body oil, and check out these flavors.
Starting point is 00:00:20 They come in delicious sense like creme de vanilla, cocoa and fujer. And they're hydrating and they leave your skin feeling super-ligerious. We even have a product for the guys called Down Under Comfort that helps keep their balls smelling fresh and clean and dry all day, which is exactly what you want, right? So guys, if you take care of your balls, your partner will take care of you. So help us keep this podcast free. Use code Emily to get 20% off your first purchase at Emily and Tony dot com Trust me. You'll love them and you're welcome The eyes of a man up
Starting point is 00:00:56 Specify sex eyes that mock our secret institutions Betruise they call them in a by on day. Hey, Abelie. You got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair stand. Oh, my. The women know about shrinkage.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean, like laundry? It shrinks. Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh, my God. I want to feel so drunk. Being bad feels pretty good.
Starting point is 00:01:22 But you know, Abelie's not the kind of girl you just playing with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to where you must ASAP right now, sign up for a mailing list, because we got some amazing things to send you and to tell you about and some new products coming out, and you'll be very happy if you do that. So thanks everyone for listening to the show. I love hearing from you at feedback at And okay, so I've been doing
Starting point is 00:02:00 the show for a long time. And one of the most popular topics that we talk about on the show is indeed oral sex. So I'll let you sit with that for a while because it's probably what you were thinking about anyway when you turn to the show. You were like, God, am I getting enough? And whatever, it's for men and for women. They're always wondering like, how do I get more? How do you know if it's a woman?
Starting point is 00:02:19 Like I don't know if he actually likes doing it. If it's a guy like she, I only get it twice a year because it's my birthday or how do I get more oral sex. So we're going to talk all about that today and I I want to say I have an oral sex specialist here as a guest on the show. Would you say that Michael Gilfoil? I think you could call me that. I'm a little concerned about the yes. He's not personally an oral sex specialist. He is actually the president of mask sexual flavors which is a genius innovation. And only because I say that, because in my work that I've done, I hear from, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:50 I've heard, I've been doing this for nine years, I've heard from thousands of men who say the typical, why won't my partner like, it was all great and the honeymoon phase, we got married, and I might get oral sex on my birthday. That's, that's actually exactly where we came from. The idea came from mask about three couples in their mid fifties, all having dinner one night, a lot of wine flowed, one of the husbands got bold enough to say, in front of all these old friends, how come you don't give me oral anymore. Now where I would have thought that would have started World War III, it actually took
Starting point is 00:03:22 a good turn and it started a 20 minuteminute conversation about all the women saying yeah I never really liked that I like to do it but I don't like the taste associated I don't like that so it started us kind of on this path and it was a couple years of research before we go there so it's and part of that was finding out is it probably a problem really is right I mean it's well we had no clue there wasn't even Kinsey didn't have enough info. No, right. Kinsey was right before even oral sex I think right I remember that reading all the Kinsey stuff and they were like oral sex women didn't even know how to do it But then since they do know a lot of men
Starting point is 00:03:56 So if you found before let's explain what mask is I know a lot of you heard me talk about it on the show But max mask sexual flavors are these strips that you created that you put in your tongue that mask the taste of semen. So a woman can perform oral sex to put in our tongue 20 minutes before, strawberry chocolate, watermelon, mango, they're all friggin' amazing flavors. And you know, you give formal sex and a guy will taste like a milkshake instead of semen shake. One of my female friends recently said, makes it like a lollipop,
Starting point is 00:04:26 you never want to stop sucking. Ooh, that is a good tagline. Which is not bad at all, but it appears to be kind of what people are thinking on. And it really is, this is an issue for so many people. I mean, people don't like to talk about it still as much.
Starting point is 00:04:41 People don't. And so it's, The tagline, they're not getting it and they're issues with it, but they don't talk about like, you know, you don't go out with your, you may joke that, you know, the last time you had sex with your husband, you may, but no woman is like talking with her friends or it's a rare woman that's talking with her friends heavily and in depth about their sex.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Right. Right. Well, here's the, I mean, my best friend for, you know, a very long time since college, here's like my college roommate and she never liked oral sex and she's married now for like 10 years and I don't think she ever liked was like my college roommate, and she never liked Oral Sex, and she's been married now for like 10 years, and I don't think she ever liked, like I just, and I never said to her why, like break it down for me, is it the actual shape of the penis?
Starting point is 00:05:13 Because I remember one time I threw a banana at her, and she was like, ew, and I'm like, you don't like bananas either, that's interesting, maybe it was a phallic thing, but it could have been semen, I don't know. So, what are you here from women when they're not performing Oral Sex? And we're gonna give some tips
Starting point is 00:05:24 on how to get Moral Sex in a second, but how do you? We have found that to be, so we did a bunch of research actually about oral sex attitudes and behaviors and some of the things that we found and we're really shocking to me is we had women designate themselves as fitter, swallowers, and avoiders. Spitter, swallowers, or avoiders. How often you get to do market research if you've got a sense of this. I love your job, okay. And the swallowers, the people that you would think
Starting point is 00:05:53 were most open to it, probably liked it the most, 66% of them said they hate the flavor of it. They're just taking one for the team. They are taking one for the team. And so what obviously happens in all the people that we talk to is what what tends to happen is that the that it will become less and less over time. Obviously she doesn't enjoy it. They're perhaps the rest of their sex life is very, very active. So it just kind of falls off the map. And it begins to be a problem. We get so
Starting point is 00:06:22 many emails from people that are getting it now. Oh, it's in my anniversary. Oh, it's my birthday. That's it. That's it. On your birthday, right? Anniversary. You got it.
Starting point is 00:06:32 I said it earlier. So the saddest thing about it is she hates it that much, but she's like trunning out, taking one for the team, like those two nights a year. And he wouldn't even want that. She's miserable. Like it's no fun for anybody. So you found in your studies that the thing that most women,
Starting point is 00:06:46 it was the taste. Right. There's other things, obviously, that come into the print. Number two was like texture, but taste was number one across the board. And it's been, I'm a straight man, so I bluntly have not been lucky enough, unlucky enough, whatever you look at it with, and it, and I understand that most women describe it as warm pool water,
Starting point is 00:07:09 salty bitter, nasty chalky. I mean, I can't, I've talked to thousands of people at it, and it has nothing to do with how open you are to sex. I think some people go, well, she's kind of an approach, you want her, he's kind of a, it's not bad at all because I've met some of the most sexual people in the world working the sex industry and stuff that just, they don't like it. Really, leaving the most sexual people in the world, you think they'd be like, tell you a little secret, we know of a number of porn stars that use mask on set. Wow. Now the time, but a few that have let us know that they're using it,
Starting point is 00:07:40 because I mean again, the reality is, and so, they use it on set because they don't actually want to taste it. Right. I mean it's interesting if it solves this problem that I mean because I think it's an intimate intimate act and it's important for so many men like they just that's like their thing and they I think a lot of it has to do with I think men not only do they dream of having more sex but they want oral sex also because it's like a way of like they also just want oral sex replace of sex like but they want oral sex. Also because it's like a way of, they also just want oral sex, replace the sex.
Starting point is 00:08:08 I just want to, I don't have to please you. I don't have to worry about you. Can you just go down to me tonight. Oh yeah, and or you're getting ready to go out for the night and he wants to mess up your dress, the air, all deal. So yeah, there's a lot of those, a lot of those circumstances where they do it. When our research said that we talked to a big group of men and it was the men that said their sex life was the most happy, the way they self designated that.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Oral was about 20% of the total overall, not overall activity, the complete activity, not as for play. Oral sex obviously comes into play there, but 20% one out of every five times they want to, they'd like to get a blowjob. Right. Doesn't mean they won't give it back.
Starting point is 00:08:45 They won't put budget. That's that's what it is. And so you think about those people that are getting it only for their birthday. One fifth of their sex life is going. Right. Now what about women and oral sex? Like have you, you've talked to men like mass. I know we're marketed towards it.
Starting point is 00:09:01 I mean, it's men like for women to use on men. But I know a lot of women like, I know we're marketed towards, it's, I mean, it's men, like for women to use on men, but I know a lot of women, like, I don't know, like a guy could use it on me, I don't know, I wouldn't have an issue, but I know that like women would be like, I don't taste good, there's something wrong with me, but it's not like prohibitive, it's not like, I don't know, no, no, no, it's,
Starting point is 00:09:17 I'm like a guy, she wouldn't even have to know. Right, well, I think she wouldn't know, because it blows her mind, it put the tingling, right, I certainly become, I think I'm gonna come up with a lot better at it in her mind. She made, if you don't tell her about it, You wouldn't know because you would know. Because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know.
Starting point is 00:09:27 You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know.
Starting point is 00:09:35 You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know.
Starting point is 00:09:43 You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn't know because you would know. You wouldn it weren't nearly as receptive. We're sensitive about our genres. And we're men are saying, Hey, I make it more or whatever it takes. Right. Guys, like, yeah, exactly. I work the suit that you want me to. Whatever it is. I, um, but so we've known it can be used on women. So what we did is we set aside every of the one of the flavors as a make-backing and the man we made a mild tingler, when used on a man, nobody knows anything. When used on a man, nobody knows anything. When used on a woman, it's mild enough that it's very, very... The responses have been very good in our marketplace as people let find it.
Starting point is 00:10:12 And it doesn't even have to be at that point about masking her flavors, it's bringing something new in, and it's good. Yeah, it feels good. So everything could monocle-loonsky in the mint, right? There are no about this in life, do you remember that? A lot of the loonskyous and she did the men's on Bill Clinton when she gave me oral sex in the Oval Office. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Anyway, that was a good time. It's a good time. Well, there are a lot of people that use flavored loobs in those situations. Exactly. So, yeah, I mean, we know the third thing is out there. It's a fascinating technology that you came up with. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Well, then nobody's doing it where you literally can't taste it. We feel really good about that. But the key is, you know, making, we like opening the dialogue about this activity because people really are. Right, I just wanted to say, what have you heard, like,
Starting point is 00:10:51 what are some of the trends or things that are shocked you that you've learned about oral sex? Just how little discussion there is and a lot of couples about this specific act. One of the things that happened to us is we'll do a consumer-oriented like trade show or something and we'll give these very cute couples walking around, hand in hand and they'll walk up, oh, what do you do?
Starting point is 00:11:11 And we'll give the minutes to know. What do you do? You can't do it. You're not like, I'm a doctor, I'm a doctor. Exactly. I make these things. But what will happen is we'll explain it and almost always the guys like, oh no,
Starting point is 00:11:23 we don't need that. And the woman's like, yeah, yeah, we do. So you could tell that they have never had the conversation where it becomes an issue. And again, it can evolve over time. You may be fine in your 20s. And in your 30s, as you take medications and your sense of taste changes, his body chemistry changes. We get a lot of customers that are going through various medical treatments, including cancer treatments that you could point.
Starting point is 00:11:49 That's such a good point that I know I had a guy, you know, a woman who was a guy who took tons of vitamins, he was like vitamins and medication, he just took everything and she's like I had seen him change, it's a taste of it and I just don't like it. This is years ago and so I'm just thinking, God, I wish that mask was around that. But people don't even think about that, it's not even like offensive, it's just like, no, you've changed. We've been together 20 years and you no longer seem to be like, you're waistline, my not look exactly the same year. The last straw is probably not quite the same again. And your semen does not make a statement. It's really do about it. So tips for getting more all sex. Can we always talk about this? I think
Starting point is 00:12:22 that also, like if you're with the partner and you want to perform oral sex and you decide, getting something like mask, I think also reinforcement. I think a lot of women, and I have a lot of young women who work for me, and they're always like, I don't think I do it right. I don't think I perform oral sex right. So that could be a big thing factor for women too. So I say, guys, if you want more from your partner,
Starting point is 00:12:40 you have to reinforce her. And you can tell that you're doing a good job. And if she's not, be like, you know what'd be great? If you put your mouth on it a little more or whatever, a little harder, a little softer, whatever you want. I just think that, and this is like the main thing in my whole section of that show, is that couples just don't talk about sex enough. They don't.
Starting point is 00:12:55 They don't. And we hear that all the time, just in the responses we get, the people that are, before we started doing more business overseas, even shipping things overseas, we were not licensed to do so, so we couldn't send it, so I get an email from a guy in the UK saying, she hasn't given me oral in 14 years. And I'm going, like, how do you get to that point where it's a big enough deal that you're finding some products that's not even available in your country to solve the problem where instead of talking to her.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Right, right, because they don't talk about it at all. Right. It's too bad. So I, of course, broke the rules and sent it to them personally for me just because I could not. Oh my god. What about some of the testimonials and stuff? I know there was some that were kind of amazing.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Oh, yeah. We used to have really good news. Guys were like, I don't even have neural sex. And you know, whatever. But in 20 years, I wonder, yeah. Yeah, we've had some really good response. The ones that I particularly love are those that were which just become an inactive part of our lives.
Starting point is 00:13:58 And with masks, we've definitely gotten much more active. What we allow our customers to do is review the product directly on our site. We encourage you with every package that goes out. No shenanigans, no anything, but the stories that they'll tell you, and just when I sit down and talk to people in bars and restaurants and hotels,
Starting point is 00:14:19 the stories that they'll tell you, how direct they'll be with a stranger, is really, really interesting to me. What is it that I'm gonna talk about? And what's obvious they're not talking to their partner. Right. But, so here, here's an example from Josh. I've been married for almost 12 years. And with these strips, my wife allowed my relief in her mouth. It was a first with a gulp at the end. And I'm not sure enjoyed it more. Myself or her as she put it, it was written on my face how much I loved it.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Thank you for the inviteers and all the people who have spiced things up one step further. And again, that's awesome. We don't normally talk, some people look at our strips and think it's all about swallowing. We don't normally ever talk about that. It's none of our business what you do at the end.
Starting point is 00:14:58 The reality is is those flavors, men lubricate just like women do and those flavors are during the entire act. And so we don't, but that is one thing that we've been seeing a lot of is women that were apprehensive to allow him to come in her mouth, are doing it. And where that's a good thing is, I don't think women realize that it is a significantly
Starting point is 00:15:19 different experience. It is, so tell me about this as a man. Since I do not have a penis, the spitting and the swallowing, like that's always been a thing like you know Just there's far to like it feels different if she doesn't swallow right or she goes away before you For me I have my I might what I say with with pulling her mouth off at the end the avoiders the What if he pulled off of her clitoris right in the middle of the, like, of her exciting orgasm.
Starting point is 00:15:46 It really does change things. Now, again, there aren't any men worth their salt that want you to be misery. It's not an ego thing, where it can't become an ego thing, but the issue is he definitely enjoys it more. So if this opens it up to that, that's great. Again, we don't advocate anything at the end. However, to deal with it at the end, and as far as spinning or swallowing,
Starting point is 00:16:11 that's for my opinion, that's, hey, we just want you to know that better sex. That's so much. We're ready to swallow his own, then. No, but it's true. Michael and I connected, because we just want people to better sex and more sex and more frequency sex.
Starting point is 00:16:23 So that's what we're all about. And I think what is awesome is that you have a special offer for listeners that they can, because a lot of people want to try it because I've talked about masks on the show like forever. If they tweet or Facebook, right, find them on Facebook. It's at your mask, M-A-S-Q-E. So either on Facebook or Twitter, and if they do hashtag Emily, you'll send them free sample. Right. What will happen is our social media people will contact you back to get an address So either on Facebook or Twitter and if they do hashtag Emily, you'll send them free sample. Right. What will happen is our social media people will contact you back to get an address and we'll send you out of free sample.
Starting point is 00:16:51 That's awesome. Yeah, we're really excited. So many people that try and ask really, really like it. So we really, we want to get into as many people's hands as we can because we see it making a difference in some people want. It makes a difference. I hate that. I hate to hear that people are going without in the world. Particularly when it's a simple solution. And even if maybe we're an evolutionary product, she's whoever she it's something in her head,
Starting point is 00:17:13 and enables them to reach for something and they didn't use mask anymore. It's not not particularly great for my business, but we're happy. Right. You're like happy to hear if it got you over the hump. Right. And that's exactly it.
Starting point is 00:17:22 And that maybe what it is for some people. But because maybe because there's women that you talk about trauma, like they had a bad experience in high school, right? Like they had a bad semen experience and they never got over the semen experience. Oh yeah. Post-traumatic semen experience. I think it's a new,
Starting point is 00:17:35 it's a new series that's a massive solving. So thank you so much Michael Gelfoil for being on the section that we show. Thank you so much. I love having you here. It's so fun. Thanks everyone for listening to Sex with Emily. Remember, always sending your emails and your sex tip questions.
Starting point is 00:17:47 We've got hundreds of podcasts that you can find on iTunes or my website, Sex with Emily. I want to get your email address. Good by website. I will not spam you. I'm just going to send you really cool stuff. So thanks for listening. Was it good for you? Email me.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Feedback at So you know I'm obsessed with candles, right? Have you ever heard of misogyny candles? Okay, so get this. I always like candles when I'm enjoying glass of wine with friends, and recently they were over and I lit three candles for my new line called Emily and Tony. My skin felt really dry, so I went ahead and poured some of it on my hands, and I gave myself a quick massage.
Starting point is 00:18:22 My friends were stunned that I did this, and immediately were obsessed. And here's why. See these candles are really eroamotherapy massage oils that when warm like a candle they melt into the most luxurious body oil that is super hydrating, leaves your skin feeling and smelling amazing and it's perfect for massaging your partner or yourself. You can use during foreplay and you know me. I'm a firm believer in for play. They come on delicious flavors like creme de vanilla, cocoa and fujero. Not just that, they look great in your home. So help us keep this podcast free. Check them out today at Emily and and you're welcome.

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