Sex With Emily - SWE: Online Dating Lies

Episode Date: July 2, 2013

Emily explains how to navigate through all the online dating lies out there! If he seems too good to be true, he just might be. He's probably not as rich, handsome, tall and dapper as his profile sugg...ests. Here's how to tell the online dating lies from the truth. Also, how to create your own amazing online profile without telling any online dating lies. Can men and women really be friends? Should you ever talk about your ex? Should you send a naked photo to someone? Do men care about lingerie? Or do they just want to see you naked? Are hand jobs really that bad? And when is it time to pick up a hobby other than masturbation? Special offer for my listeners of Online Dating Lies If you are interested in discovering online dating lies and want to change your love life, check out my good friends at Crazy Girl, Masque, and Good Vibrations. Use coupon code GVEmily20 at checkout for 20% off purchases of $100 or more at Good Vibrations. Use coupon code Emily25 at checkout for 25% off your purchase at Crazy Girl. Enjoy, Online Dating Lies! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Look into his eyes They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex Eyes that mark our sacred institutions Betrubized they call them in a bike on me. Hey, Evelyn You got a boyfriend because my man E here. He just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute The world's got a standard oh my the women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common, but only? What do you mean, like, laundry?
Starting point is 00:00:26 It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm so dumb. Being bad feels pretty good. But you know, Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information about sex with Emily, go to where you can listen
Starting point is 00:00:56 to our podcast, check out our blogs, videos, and sign up for our mailing list and our RSS feed. We would appreciate that. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel, which is at Sex with Emily at YouTube and Twitter is Emily Morse, M-O-R-S-E and Facebook. I have a fan page sex with Emily. That's what I got to tell you. Hey, Menace. How are you doing? I'm good. How are you? Pretty tremendous. I've been going on with you. I've just been, you know, I've been working the usual stuff. Yeah. Sex? I've just been, you know, I've been working the usual stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Sex. I've not had sex yet. But I am very ready to end the mandatory. I'm going to get that into a minute. Today's show, we're going to be reading your emails that you send to feedback at Topics, or you might have also sent it to my Facebook page, which is Emily Hope Morse. So it's Emily Moore slash Emily Hope Morse. Topics include hand jobs, of course.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Should you get back together with the next dating a friend, sexy lingerie, does it really matter? Are you gay if you have a three-sign with two guys and a woman? Sex and pregnancy and online dating tips. And we're gonna get in some online dating tips at the end because I know a lot of you are dating online. And we're also doing three shows a week, so that's very exciting. It is very exciting. People seem to like it already. Right, I know. So I'm good.
Starting point is 00:02:06 I'm getting ready to end the mandatoryum, as I said. And I realized I started to look at my own life and I thought, how am I going to, what am I going to do? You know, I'm always preaching to people. You got to put yourself out there. You got to really prime those muscles, prime those flirting muscles, those dating muscles. And then I'm looking up last night.
Starting point is 00:02:24 It's 8.30 and I'm at the gym. And I go to the Gays gym in San Francisco. Let me guess. Hold on. Is it Gold's Gym? Yes, it's Gold's Gym. I hear about that's the Gays hangout. It is such a Gays hangout that I've lived here
Starting point is 00:02:35 for so many years and that every gay person, and this is not an over exaggeration. Every single gay friend that I have, or gay person that I've ever come in contact in San Francisco in the years I've been here, I run into at this gym and they're all hot and buff and I'm and I forget I found myself like I went there last night because I go there to watch TV because I don't have a TV but I watch 30 Rock when I'm on the stand-raster and I watch the office which is hilarious I know that everyone else in the world knows
Starting point is 00:02:59 that right now that those shows are funny but I never watch TV. So anyway I'm sitting there and I'm going, oh my god, he's so hot. Like I forget how unbelievably hot these men are, and they're not, these are not. They're not. They're not. It's weird to be somewhere with so many hot men that aren't checking you out either.
Starting point is 00:03:14 It's a strange phenomenon. It's weird though, but in San Francisco, I'm trying to think of the people that say, what is not the gauge in. No, I know it's true because San Francisco is a, is a gay town But I think maybe the Bay Club the Bay I used to go there years ago I know a lot of guys they go to the tennis club. They seem to get some action
Starting point is 00:03:34 Okay, cuz that's a good place to meet people I was thinking I was like this is not happening for me and my gym Not gonna happen. Yeah, but I'm okay with that and then this week I mean so I've been thinking a lot about like my life and my plan and the dating and all that stuff since I'm really ready, like even coming home from the gym last night, I was looking at this couple sitting in a car and they were making out. You could tell it was like their first date and she was like kind of looking at him and then he leaned over and I was like, oh, I want a first date. Haven't had that in a while. So it feels like I'm naturally ready now to end it. And I was being interviewed so Bravo TV called me and they're interested in me doing a show possibly. So I interviewed with them for half hour. We just Skype one-on-one interview. Yeah, and so get this
Starting point is 00:04:12 They're doing a dating show about they want a few women from all of the United States who are dating in relationship And sex experts and they want to follow them dating their dating path. So they're asking all these questions So like I'm on camera. I'm on it was a Skype interview and they want to follow them dating, their dating path. So they're asking all these questions. So like I'm on camera, I'm on, it was a Skype interview and they're like, so do you follow your own dating vice? And I started thinking about it. I'm like, sometimes I know, sometimes I date the person I shouldn't date or sometimes I do things.
Starting point is 00:04:34 You know, there's just a really interesting, and like I need to follow my advice. Not that I don't always, but there are certain things that. Yeah, I think a lot of times you don't. Like when? When if I I not I don't know like almost every time like the guys I date which just simply are not right for me yes yeah I know I think we all do that I think we all don't but I tried I think I'm a lot better than I would have been had I not become this dating expert if you will so we'll see what happens with it I love
Starting point is 00:04:59 the woman that say I'm tired of dating jerks and then their next boyfriend is a jerk. I know. All right. I know. I'm tired of just dating guys that I know. I'm like, ugh, just ridiculous. Like, the things that I... Because you're attracted to them for a reason and you think you're going to like them and it's just not going to work.
Starting point is 00:05:16 So I'm not going to date guys that are inappropriate. Good. And I have to give a shout out to all the lesbians listening because I got a tweet from a woman who said you've got to give us a shout out. Lesbians love you. She's like lesbians listening because I got a tweet a tweet from a woman who said you got to give us a shout out So I was being so lucky she's like lesbians love you. So I'm giving them a shout out So funny because I always have these I have these two lesbians that come to my house all the time And I decided was my roommates cousins, but they're actually a couple Oh, you didn't just say it was my cousins, but I know there were a couple and I think it's awesome
Starting point is 00:05:42 That is awesome. Yeah, they're very loving and then I figured out why they're always talking. Why they're so loving you that they were just like loving cousins. I thought they were just like, you know, they're family. What are they? Oh, that's sweet. I didn't know. Like, your family's really really close. Yeah. Something's wrong with this picture. So yeah, how's your week? My week is good. I actually haven't had time to have sex or like any of my free time.
Starting point is 00:06:07 I do a show with another woman too. You're looking up with her. I am not. Yes you are. Yes you are. Menace, okay, you follow menace on Twitter, which is white menace. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:17 You like every night, I'm with my girl, Megan, we're watching a movie. You're totally looking up with her. I swear I'm not hooking up with her on my life. I am not. So that's why I haven't been hooking up with anybody because I've been all my spare time I've been hanging out with me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Honey when do guys hang out with girls all the time when I don't Honestly, you are Contributing yourself. No, but thing is I do I do a radio show with her so I'm not gonna have sex with her
Starting point is 00:06:39 Honey, you do a radio show with me. We've never watched a movie Because you you're off doing going to stupid wine freaking events and she stuff like that. When have I gone to a wine event? I don't know. I go to the gay gym. You got to stupid events that things that I would never go to. Uh-huh. I'm a little envious. I would never go to Napa in my life.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Like that place sucks. Like I'm not going to go there. Jessica, my content producer sitting here, she is from Napa that is not very nice I'm sorry Jessica, but I'm just not a type of guy that's gonna be out in the freaking wine country I understand I don't see you don't honey and they don't want you in the wine country good Okay, I don't want to be there. That's good, but The type of places you go and I don't go to play I did not always go to Napa I don't leave I go you're gonna come with me to a bar on the hate on H3 yes what do you think yeah all
Starting point is 00:07:27 the time I go I go to bars on the hate yeah I go to bars and divas all of them yeah name one I can't at this one the hate's been around forever okay I'm not hooking up with the other girl on my show I swear to God okay okay because you're because you're
Starting point is 00:07:42 because you did say on your twitter last night like I haven't been home in days. Yeah, I haven't been home. And then the night before you're like, hang in there so you sleep at our house. Yeah, sleep at our house. I might move into your house. I said, a good idea if you guys are hooking up. We're not hooking up.
Starting point is 00:07:54 We're not hooking up. We're not hooking up. I swear to God. Then she'd love that I'm the one who's calling you on it. She's calling me. She's calling me. I know it's true. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:03 We can call her right now. Fine, call her. Call her. Oh my God. Okay know it's true. Okay. Caller right now. Fine. Caller. Caller. Oh my god. Okay. Here we go. Hold on. We'll call it right now. Hello. Megan. Hey, Megan. Hello. Hi. It's Emily and Mendes. You're on sex with Emily right now.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Oh, how's it going? It's good. I'm really good. How are you? I have a question for you. I'm good. Good. I think that you and menace are hooking up. You think that menace is why I'm hooking up?
Starting point is 00:08:33 Yeah, or he wants to. Or you want to. No. Come on, sweetie. He's sleeping at your house. I've been there. I've had guy friends. I've been doing a show with menace for five years.
Starting point is 00:08:43 He's never slept in my house. Nope. We are just, we're blood, man. I've had guy friends. You know, I've been doing a show with men for five years. He's never slept in my house Nope, we are just we're blood man. I guess like my dad So you guys share a bed no, so you see it's on your couch. Yeah, you say it's on my couch Do you guys want you guys flirt though? I mean no, okay? I don't know Megan I just I just feel like many women hanging out men is tweeted last night like 2 a.m He hasn't been home in days and the night before and the night before and the night before he was with you watching a movie Like you guys work together you think after work like men is and I you should see us that when we're done recording We're like see you have a weekend men is as many out of me I spend like every like weekday with her money's Friday and we get off all the more reasons to spend more time with me
Starting point is 00:09:24 Because you only see me once a week. Megan, I think I'm jealous. Megan, no. Anyway, I just wanted to, I just wanted to, I feel like you guys are on your net tonight, but that's cool. I swear to God. Like, she's going to tell me right now. I just want to update and I'm asking my friend
Starting point is 00:09:37 via small bag. And now we're just like, you know, he was like super fun at station, you know, and I live pretty close. I'm just like, food in my house and go to work in the morning, you know? It's convenient. Yeah, it sounds really convenient. Just having sleep over whenever.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Yeah. Okay, thanks, Megan. I appreciate it. Thanks for kind of going. I don't know how I feel about that, but Megan, I appreciate me. Why would you tell me who am I? We'll talk later, Megan.
Starting point is 00:09:57 I'm going to call you later, and you'll give me the real deal. Okay, have a good day. Night. Bye. She's a cutie pie. She's sat in here. Yeah, she is. I know. Okay, let. She's a cutie pie. She's sat in here. Why? I know. Okay, let's get into some mail.
Starting point is 00:10:08 All right. That people have sent to feedback at Hey, Emily. Well, my name is Ori, and I'm from Israel. 30 years old and married. I've been listening to your show for some time now, and I just want to tell you your show is great. I love listening to you and Menace.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Keep on the great show. You have fans in Israel about what you talked about last episode Well menace said there are vaginas that are ugly and I don't think so for me if the girl is not good looking Well, I probably won't go for her vagina, but if the girl looks great No vagina will be left alone. I don't think a guy should go for the spot in the first time in the first time or the first five minutes But after a while I would go down for the vagina and pleasure her as best as I can. Okay, okay, I'm kind of a vagina guy. Anyway, great show, Ori.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Thanks, Ori. Shout out to Israel, love Israel. I'm still looking for that vagina chart. The guy that posted it, he can't find it either. So I'm still trying to find it so you can out for the website. First sex with Emily. Menace, you insulted vaginas all around the people are offended all around the world. I'm sorry. I'm still trying to find it so you can out for the website for sex with them Menace you insulted vaginas are all around the people are offended all around the world I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but there's many different types of vaginas out there
Starting point is 00:11:11 Not every single one is beautiful But or he had a good point if he's attracted to a woman He's gonna like her vagina and if he's unattractive to her That's not gonna be a vagina that he goes for which I guess makes sense. I guess so okay Thanks, sorry Okay, I recently rekindled a relationship. Dear Emily, recently rekindled a relationship with a girl, Leah, that I've had a great connection with.
Starting point is 00:11:30 She makes me laugh and we had a fair bit in common. We were together a number of months ago, but I broke up with her then because I wasn't ready for a serious relationship. The problem, I've been discussing with my ex-Fiancé, Sharon, over previous week's idea of getting back together after over eight years together. This relationship came to an end mostly as a result of getting stuck in a rut.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Communication breakdown and also the pressure of an upcoming wedding made things especially challenging. My ex-Fiancé has been in another relationship until very recently and she and I both agree that she needs some time in her own, but now that I'm in this relationship with Leah, this feels like, with Leah, I've told Sharon not relationship with Leah, and now I feel an insane amount of turmoil and confusion about having made the right decision and losing any chance I had to build a relationship with Sharon as we both love each other. On the flip side, I like Leah a great deal.
Starting point is 00:12:15 I'd love to get your input. I know this isn't focused on sex, but having listened to your show, I value your opinion, sign Jordan. Okay, Jordan, here's a deal. So you're doing this girl, Leah, and you have commitment issues. It sounds like because you're with your fiance for eight years
Starting point is 00:12:28 and we always tend to glorify the person we broke up with. So I would say you probably broke up with Sharon for a reason and Sharon's dating someone else right now. And Leah, it sounds like you like this, Leah. And we always tend to get tantalized by our acts. And I don't think that's necessarily the right route go I would stay with Leah or I'd break up with Leah and I don't know that I would try again with Sharon and if you do try Game with Sharon I would take it very very slow. I wouldn't jump back into it because
Starting point is 00:12:53 Again, we tend to put our acts on a pedestal, right? So you break up with them And you remember the really good side unless they were horrible like they did really bad things to you remember the sex So you remember the good thing is remember that time we went up to Napa, for example. And so now he's like, oh, it's been eight years and now with this girl. You know, so I just think eight years they gave it a good try. Who knows, things can happen,
Starting point is 00:13:15 but I would not dump Lee to get back together to share on who's in a relationship with someone else. This just doesn't sound to me like a win-win situation. Yeah. And they're breaking rules about talking about your X's Talking about other relationships. I'm sorry. What do you mean? I think that always ruins our Screws up your current relationship. You're always talking about well. He's not telling me other I know, but he's still thinking it's true. I'm going I always
Starting point is 00:13:41 Hang out my axis and it is sort of makes things foggy. Yeah I'm going I always hang out my axis and it is sort of makes things foggy. Yeah, although I'm going to my ex's cabin this weekend with a bunch of people But he we woke up five years ago. We're still we're still really good friends and we don't sleep together Okay, yeah, but yeah anyway, I don't know I'm not lying. Ah, honey pot kettle black. I'm not lying. I swear to God I have never done anything with Megan on my life on everything. I wish you guys could see us I would stop doing this podcast if I was lying. I'll take a lie detector. I am not lying. Okay. That's fine So anyway, so I just think yeah, yeah, and if you do yeah, I'm not saying you don't know still have Sharon But maybe you go back and you communicate and don't jump into anything right now Jordan because it sounds like you're very confused
Starting point is 00:14:22 And that is not the time that you make commitments anything right now Jordan because it sounds like you're very confused and that is not the time that you make commitments. Hi Emily, I love your show and love you. I've listened to you since your radio days but I have a comment about your hand job discussions. I'm totally all in caps with menace. Women cannot give hand jobs. I've been with some very beautiful and talented women who have tried but nobody has been able to get me there. Even my wife of several years can't do it. She comes close but no dice. It's gone to the point that I don't even want to give myself a hand job. I've tried to do it several times since I heard your podcast but just lays there. Jacking off is my favorite hobby since I was 16 but now I'm looking for a new hobby. What do I do now? Do you think my wiener is broken? Did I ruin your weiner because I talked about and I feel bad. I ruined a lot of weiner. I probably I used to be called a man either. Do I think your weiner is broken? No, I
Starting point is 00:15:13 think that you're like a logically in your head way too much right now. By me saying to give a hand job, no, I'm saying I think that that now he's thinking about it too much. I think a lot of a lot of times men have sexual dysfunction, you know They can't get it up or they can't say hard long enough and I think that men it's a lot of times It is it is a psychological thing that he's like I'm not gonna get hard I'm not gonna get hard and then he's not gonna get hard But I'm sorry that your wife isn't that good at giving a hand job
Starting point is 00:15:37 It was so fun and men is likes that you agree with them. You should see him grinning ear to ear I I tweeted out this week about you know know, if you want something done right, you just have to do it yourself. And then somebody replies back, yes, especially with hand jobs, right? Oh, that's so funny. Yeah, exactly. With hand jobs, a hand job debate,
Starting point is 00:15:54 CARES ON. Okay, dear Emily, a few months ago, my friend, who's a girl, got her heartbroken by her boyfriend. Then days later, I told her that I like her as more than a friend. She accepted it and nothing really changed. Then a week or two later, I told her that I like her is more than a friend. She accepted it and nothing really changed. Then a week or two later, I asked her if she wanted to go out and she lightly rejected me but were still friends.
Starting point is 00:16:11 What's interesting is that she said she liked me too. She just doesn't want to go out. Now we're stronger friends and ever. I'm not sure. Should I have asked her to go out with me and should I try again sign Nebiel? No. I would say she has spoken. You asked her out. She said no, she said she'd
Starting point is 00:16:26 liked you and you have that in quotes here. I'd say she's just not that into you right now. And I would just continue your friendship and it might be like minus one day you just fall into bed each with each other. Yeah. No. But really I wouldn't ask her again if you asked her and she said no and you've already asked her and she's just getting over another guy who broke her heart. I would say that you'd be rebounded and just kind of stick to the front right now play cool No, just play some games go date somebody hotter than her or ask somebody out and just get her jealous and then she'll want to go out with you That's how easy easy Easy honey that doesn't always happen it works works in medicine world
Starting point is 00:17:01 Don't you let the medicine live in two different planets and we're giving you advice. It's funny No, but it's true. It is true that no new and you feel it's only that strategy when it has never worked I I didn't like a guy he asked me out and then he started eating someone else and I wanted him. No, not now I think I like you, but I'm saying has You observed definitely it ups your ante if you it ups you know if you are Into into a guy and then he starts eating someone else he looks suddenly more attractive. I agree there's a certain validation like oh and especially if the woman's hot you're like oh she thought he was hot. I mean I guess there have been some men that I haven't
Starting point is 00:17:36 gone out with and then now they're you know they're with someone and I'm like God she's really cool. Why and I like him. Yeah. But it didn't make me want to go out with them. Perse. Hey, Emily Menace. I was listening to the last latest episode. And I think it was quite hilarious that Menace was skeptical about the backdoor sex tips. I also think it's too dangerous to just dive into someone's ainess with your tongue as you might be surprised in a bad way.
Starting point is 00:17:58 That's what I'm saying. Maybe you shouldn't stick your finger inside, but you should do some investigating first. By the way, Menace, if you do happen to have anal sex with Emily, if you do happen to have anal sex with Emily, keep in mind you have to dive head in first and it sounds like she made us return the favor. Love listening to this show, Michael. I just didn't get your tips.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Why the tip said put your tongue there instead of your finger first. I didn't I think it should have been the other one round. Whatever. We're yes. That's the part. I didn't get it. I mean, I think either either or a finger first, I think that you could put your finger there first or your. Which one do you want? Which one do you prefer? Um, I've had both, I think historically, and I don't like really like I don't have them ranked the person that would be doing that I say go finger first Okay, and not all the way like lightly touch it But don't like I don't know I don't know I still I love it by the way if you happen to have an illness such as Emily
Starting point is 00:19:00 He's menaces already seeing his other radio check. Oh God. Hi Emily and men is I just want to voice my opinion on the whole brown panties thing I heard mentioned a few shows back. I personally take the view that they do matter a lot as well The sight of a naked woman is beautiful seeing a woman in some sexy underwear is far more erotic and beautiful and equal measure But that's just my opinion. Keep up the awesome work Oliver. Thanks Oliver. I think more men should appreciate the lingerie. We've said this before and I just feel like I wear the cutest little things. Like you should pay attention to them. And I walk around in my little underwear
Starting point is 00:19:34 and there's some guys who don't pay attention. They just want to rip. You're not into it. Yeah, I don't care. Not even like the cute little boy shorts. I mean, yeah, I think that's what I prefer. I think those look cute, but it's just like oh man It turns me so on that's not gonna happen. Oh, man
Starting point is 00:19:50 I'm sorry. Maybe I'll say something just a booster you go because that's what it's all about, but I really don't care But haven't you seen a woman in lingerie and you think wow she looks hot You don't even remember. Yeah. Oh, that money is she wasted a victory. Yeah. It's just a waste of money. Go to Walmart. Get a Walmart package deal. Okay. I'm still off. The thing about lingerie is with women, a lot of times it just makes us feel really sexy. So even if you don't notice, we notice and we feel good about it. It's ego. It's just building up your ego. Tell us we're hot and your 25 times a day.
Starting point is 00:20:29 And your self-esteem and bills yourself. Exactly. Exactly. Hi, Emily. Love the podcast and listen through Stitcher as often as it is updated. I notice now that you're having multiple shows a week and I'm really excited. There are other sex shows out there, but they all go for the shock value. And I think your advice is really on point. I could comment on the hand out debate and lots of other stuff, but I need advice and don't want to make this too long. So here's a deal. I linked up with the next girlfriend from high school, and she still looks as hot now as she did then.
Starting point is 00:20:55 We're both 30-ish, but we met when we were 17. But now she's saying she's more experimental. She's only into guys that seem kinda gay or that open to being bicarious. Now comes the question for you and for menace. If I kind of play the Rogay role or even considered a threesome with two men unfortunately for this girl does that make me seem gay? Keep in mind she's a 10 on the 1 to 10 scale. It feels like if both guys were into it, if both guys were into it, her, or into her, it wouldn't be weird, but does being open to the experience seem gay by to you, should I be worried? And then to menace, is it worth it? Ha ha.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Please respond even if you can't read on the podcast. Thanks, Matt and San Diego. Hey, Matt, I don't think that this makes you gay. I know many straight men who have had three sums with another straight guy and another woman. So it doesn't make you gay, it doesn't make you buy at all. It doesn't mean that you have to touch the other guy. But I would just make sure that you're comfortable and just doing it to get this girl back is not a reason to do it. I would say you guys should go out to dinner on a movie and reacquaint before you jump into a three sum. If it's
Starting point is 00:22:04 something that you you're not comfortable with at all. And no, I just, I don't think it makes you gay. I mean, if you sucked his penis maybe it would, but I think that if you are just with the woman, it doesn't make you gay. No. Yeah, menace, what do you think? Is it worth it? I don't think it makes you gay, but I think it makes you desperate. And I think if you do that, it's not going to, you're not going to like the outcome because you really like that girl and watching her have sex with another guy while you're there.
Starting point is 00:22:32 I don't think you're going to like that too much. Yeah, it doesn't sound like it's in your wheelhouse. It doesn't, it sounds like you're really trying to do, I mean, I would try to get her other, if this is the only thing that she's really into right now, it sounds like maybe she's also trying a little shock value with you, like I mean to you know but doesn't mean that that's what she likes you she'll like you if you don't want to do that right away. She wants you to dress metro and you know get a manicure than cool but if she wants you to hang out with other naked guys I don't know man there's other chicks out there.
Starting point is 00:23:01 There are a lot of chicks out there but but it sounds like, yeah, I wouldn't never jump into a threesome without talking about it and having rules and making sure you're okay with it. Yeah. Have you had a threesome? I have not. Wow. Okay. Can I get it together?
Starting point is 00:23:17 I've had one girl down. One other girl wasn't. She wasn't down with it? Huh? She wasn't down with doing it. Yeah. She just wanted to have. So I had one girl that wanted to have sex with the other girl that I was having sex with. And then I was
Starting point is 00:23:30 also having sex with the girl. She wanted to have if you're following any of this kind of. And, but she didn't want to hook up with the other ship. Oh, okay. She wasn't down for that. Got it. Just curious by your three semistery. I just need to know. Okay. Okay. Let's get into some sex in the news. All right. What you got. I got some news here. There's been lots of sexy news. Poor industry sees opportunity in latest iPhone. Have you heard about this?
Starting point is 00:23:52 With adult apps banned by Apple, new FaceTime video chat feature marks number one marks first chance at untapped market. Oh no. So it's the new iPhone, the iPhone 4, and it's FaceTime video conference feature. Do you know this that you can talk to someone? It's like Skype. It's like Skype, exactly.
Starting point is 00:24:12 It's like Skyping on your phone so you can see the person and they can see you. It says, it didn't take long for adult entertainment companies to develop video, sex chat services, and start hiring workers through Craigslist. They're already doing this. With more than three million phones sold, the adult industry stands to make big money on this new way to reach out and
Starting point is 00:24:28 touch someone, even if it put Apple, Apple, which always takes pains to keep its iPhone apps squeaky clean. In at least five cities, Craigslist adds seeks models specifically for video sacks, video sacks chat on FaceTime. So, so Apple's Pist and FaceTime lets people call the people of iPhone users whatever. So it's a new way to have phone sex with your iPhone. Trying to figure out how they they pay for that. Well, it'd be a service. You probably go through a service and someone answers and says, this woman will call you at this certain time. Yeah, maybe I'm trying to figure this out so I can make money off of it.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Exactly. Maybe get the numbers through a website or something I know and should investigate we should investigate and then you can have face time with Emily It's not a bad idea. I can make some money. Do you want to face time with me? I'm not gonna get naked, but I'll give you advice Yeah, I'll give you some advice. So it says that Apple has rejected a lot of apps featuring sexual content Thank God. I didn't reject my app, which is 101 sex steps from sex family But I see like sexual position apps and stuff like that. I know they're pretty clean though. They're pretty clean. They're big thing with Apple is no porn. They do they have like a no porn policy. So. And then Steve Jobs was quoted as saying, if you
Starting point is 00:25:39 want porn, get a droid. Oh, I am getting a droid. Yeah. Can I get porn on my droid? I'm sure you can. They're very, uh, not discrete about that kind of stuff. Wow. So anyway, yeah, it says that, yeah, that's what's going to happen with the iPhone. Have you used it yet? Do you have one? I have not. I was thinking about buying one today, but I don't have time. I'm going to get the droid. I'm going to do it. Can't do that. I know I have an iPhone app, but I don't like, you know how I feel about that. You know how I feel about the iPhone. Oh, people agree with you. The service isn't great. I have I have AT&T. I mean, I deal with it, but whatever. So does everybody else? Yeah, but I'm a big talker on the phone. Yeah. Okay. So you guys are next to that. So that's a G4. If anyone's having
Starting point is 00:26:20 phone sex with their new iPhone, let me know. Feedback at It's actually easier than Skype. You don't need to. I'm trying to think about it now. I've never had Skype sex. I don't think. I'm too afraid. I mean, somebody could be like tapping into your your feed and watching it and then it's all on the internet. Dude, everything's on everyone's tapping into your everything. Yeah. So why put your weener on there? So everybody can see it. I don't know, I wouldn't do it. But I even have guys that I've dated, they're like semi naked picture.
Starting point is 00:26:51 And I just, I've never done that. We've talked about this before. I don't send naked pictures. And they do, but I don't. Of their weener? Yes. Yeah, it's like not attractive. Like I don't wanna see your weener.
Starting point is 00:27:01 And I don't wanna be like, do the message weener, like me. Weener is the most unsexualistic thing. I know I know a weiner a weiner just alone and it's mits like it's not attractive I don't want to see that like maybe if you're like touching it or like my ex I don't know he would send me pictures of him like with his shirt off when you got back from the gym Like that was kind of hot but like just then them when just send me a picture of his weiner just sitting there And I'm like it could be any weener and it's I don't want Yeah, yeah, so I would do that. Okay, is rehab a restart button tiger woods Jesse James could mel be next
Starting point is 00:27:34 So mel Gibson, you know one of two America's most beloved sub with celebrities golf or tiger woods and mel Gibson If taking similar approaches to combating massive scandals and the personalized by maintaining silence despite intense public scrutiny. Last year when news of Tiger Woods affairs broke, the disgraced pro golf were kept to silence even as his mistress after mistress came forward. And it wasn't until five months after the news broke that he went, that he came out of hiding and went to rehab and all that.
Starting point is 00:27:59 So they think that Mel Gibson is gonna be next, which he probably will be. Those crazy tapes that I still haven't listened to, but I've heard them quote it. Are you serious is still not how? No, it's not my list of like things to do when I'm in a... I remember laptop doing other things, but I need to go. I don't know where you can go without even hearing a clip. I know. Oh, actually.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Was it your show that you... Live, I don't know if I did you... Did you play a clip of it or something? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I did hear it. Oh, well that's the best thing I did hear it. Oh, well, that's that's the two show. Okay, and it says perhaps Mel Gibson's cross into the OJ Simpson category of high profile figure who is so toxic he might not recover. He's pretty toxic. I mean, if you think about what happened with Mel Gibson years ago with that whole rant he went on like the Jews are controlling Hollywood. Do you remember that when you got
Starting point is 00:28:41 arrested? Like he's been doing some crazy stuff for a while? Yeah, but I still think he can go and say hey look. I was on some crap and Every single time he had to say you know, I had a problem with alcohol. I was on some stuff I apologize and I think he'll be forgiven. Oh, Jay's little I don't think you can compare it because he was accused of murdering somebody but The problem is with Mel Gibson and Tiger Woods not saying anything. Do you know who squashed his stuff right away? Was David Letterman. David Letterman went on the air and said, you know what? I did these things and I am sorry. And all is forgiven, all is for cotton. You know?
Starting point is 00:29:22 That's the trick to do right away. These these guys are they have like 10 people say all don't say anything Like be a man like public suicide to not say anything you Scoot up be a man and just admit it and people will forgive you I agree I think you should always it's like even when Bill Clinton said like I did not it Well, he lied now the sexual relationship that woman it took a while for him to get up and even say that and then he lied to everyone. So that wasn't good. So if you're having a fair, admit it right away. And then Mel Gibson wasn't even,
Starting point is 00:29:52 he wasn't even having a fair, he was just crazy. I mean, really like it is, right? Crazy what he's been doing and he's abusive. Oh yeah, he's out of his mind. Okay, so we got that. Next story, the new, this was a great story. I really enjoyed the story in the New York Times. It was, it's called the new dating tools,
Starting point is 00:30:08 a card and a wink. So it's actually about these new dating, it's on my website too, I wrote a little blog about it. That, okay, so online dating, we know, and I'm gonna get in some online dating tips in a second, but that it's, you know, very popular right now.
Starting point is 00:30:22 But the thing about online dating is a lot of people lie, a lot of people like, you like, you can't tell that much about someone necessarily from the cover. Their photos are all close up. Their photos are close up. Their photos are like them and their dog and they're like hand in front of their face or they say they're tall or whatever.
Starting point is 00:30:35 But this is really interesting article about there's these flirty calling cards, these companies that do these flirty call. So one's called cheek, and Basically you let's say you're sitting at a restaurant with somebody so you actually see the person So let's say we're at a restaurant when you and I are making eye contact I run into you and I'm with a girlfriend I'm like oh my god that guy there's really cute that guy over there is really cute
Starting point is 00:30:58 But I don't have the like got to say anything to you I walk past you and I drop a card, like a little calling card, and the card can say something that says, like, I'm totally cooler than your date, or I'm hitting on you. And then you flip it over and it has a URL to go to my profile. So you've already met me.
Starting point is 00:31:14 We've made eye contact. And then if you're interested, you can follow up with me, like the next day or whatever. And then all the cards have these funny little things on it, you know, so. Now if a guy left you his URL, come on. Yeah. Well, no, well, let's say, no, let's say I'm making
Starting point is 00:31:28 eye contact with the guy and I think he's cute. And he's sitting across the whole time I'm watching him across the bar or across the restaurant or we're at a giant's game, for example. You know, like I often go to giant's games. Yeah. Which I don't, but I should. And there haven't ever been those missed connections.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Those missed encounters are like, why didn't I get her number? Yeah, so now is a way to be like I'm nervous I'm not gonna go and say hi But I'm just gonna drop off this card and walk out the door and then this person saw me We had eye contact and this person can make a decision whether they want to date you're not I like it I mean it just works with like a business card basically yeah, but then you go on and then you see their whole profile They are so they have a profile so there's another one called flip me. And then this article also gets into scout, which is those yeah, scouting. I tried that out because I wanted to see it was not good. No, but there's one that's just like it called looped mix, which is way better. Right. You love that one.
Starting point is 00:32:20 That's when they use location based technology on your mobile phone. It's just like the game one that we've been talking about. The gay one, Grindr. Grindr, yeah. Are you interested? It says it's one's called, are you interested? One's called Urban Singles. And so that's really popular.
Starting point is 00:32:32 So these are just all turn-and-diss for people for online, for dating. Yeah. And the article is good. It was a good story. It was like, you know, this woman and was one couple met that way and got married and then they started the card company.
Starting point is 00:32:43 So it's just another thing. And I'd like that you get to see before you buy. Yeah. Then you're not committing to a whole dinner with a guy because that's the thing about online dating which we're going to get into. We're going to give some tips about online dating. Is that okay, here's the, I've never done it, but they do say right now that one out of four people meet online and I think it's even more. I think that that number is greater because I feel like every conversation I have with someone is like, oh, we've been online,
Starting point is 00:33:10 we've been online, we've been online. So anyway, I think it's time, high time that we give some tips. We're gonna get into that now. Okay, Cupid. Okay, Cupid is a popular online dating site we've talked about. They produced a detailed report that talks about
Starting point is 00:33:25 exposes the common lies told by online daters. So you can be aware of these common lies. From the report, number one, many men often report height two inches taller than reality. Men just under these six foot tall have a tendency to stretch physical measurements even more to reach that coveted psychological benchmark of six foot tall have a tendency to stretch physical measurements even more to reach that coveted psychological Benchmart of six feet tall
Starting point is 00:33:49 That's I guess that's not a surprise I don't even think about that. You don't think what height? You know because you're so cute doesn't matter No, I just don't think about lying about five ten right. Oh, that's a good. See you don't really have to lie But these men do they lie and they say they're six feet And I actually have data men who say they're six feet. And I can tell when a guy is six feet tall. Because I used to have a height thing where I would date tall. Only tall guys, that's sort of short chicks, dude.
Starting point is 00:34:12 They love dating tall guys. I know, I'm only like five foot two and I love tall. Yeah. But I also like short, I'm over it. I'm fine. But don't lie on your profile. That is one of the most common things. Number two, reported incomes are about
Starting point is 00:34:25 20% higher for both genders, although men slightly over exaggerate more than women and younger people over state less than older people. How much they make? Yep. Yeah, that's always. If you look online, they would say that would be big on my space. Everybody would say, oh, I make 500 grand or I make a million or you know, they would never say no one's gonna say I'm gonna say yeah. Okay, a large majority of people claim to be bisexual, usually contact only one gender, not both. So a large majority of people that claim to be bisexual usually contact only one. Okay, so they claim to be bisexual, but they are really only focusing on one gender at a time. Yeah, the girls put by all the time. Because they think that guys are gonna think it's hot
Starting point is 00:35:08 or they just wanna increase their chances. I don't know, I think, because you know, every guy thinks that's hot, but I don't know if they do it on purpose to attract guys. I don't know, not all guys think it that's hot. Really? Where are they? I've known, I've actually met men who don't think it's hot,
Starting point is 00:35:24 they actually are threatened by it, that they're like, if you're with another woman, I don't know. I've surprisingly met men. I know, I know. I've met men that I've met. I know where you find these men. Exactly. I'm dating the wrong guys.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Alright. So we're out now. Okay. Oh, number four. Older people tend to use outdated profile pictures with higher frequency, particularly older men. So those are some of the lies that we got to watch out for. And now here's some tips for dating online.
Starting point is 00:35:49 All right. Build a winning profile. Your profile is one of the two key elements that will determine if a person emails you in an online dating service. The other is the photo. So that's the next tip. Thus, it's important to make sure that your profile is lively, fun, and positive. Avoid the negatives.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Don't say, I'm lonely, I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm sure everyone's just like, I can't have never done this before. Don't do that. Exam and other profiles and determine what about it makes you more interested or less interested. So what makes you click on a profile? Look at that. Do a little research for you of your profile up there. Number two, post great recent photos.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Face it. When doing a search online, when doing a search on an online dating service, the first thing that grabbed your attention is the photo. This is the single most important element to getting people to view that great profile you've written. These days, generic photos won't cut it. And this is very interesting.
Starting point is 00:36:40 You need to determine what colors look best on you dress nice, be clean, cut, and have someone take various photos that are fun and lively. But this is the interesting, listen to this. When I change, this is the person writing this, when I change my profile, my photo from a post shot to a shot of me with an orangutan, a number of people in me are showing interest quadrupled. It also provided a great icebreaker and talking point when someone emailed me. So on the one hand, they're saying like, be clean, cut, nice, but then like, if you throw a ring at him and you're gonna get
Starting point is 00:37:07 a lot more attention. So I'm not really sure yet. There's like, that's our two things. No, that's kind of true, because in my main three. Do something wacky. My main Facebook profile picture. I have a picture with like some pop star. Yeah, I've always been meaning to ask you
Starting point is 00:37:20 who that is in your picture. Just Kesha. Kesha, she goes, one of her famous lines is like wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy. You never heard of that song. All right. Well, it's Kesha. She's a pop star. Number three, avoid white lies. They're only hurting yourself. Yes. Do not lie. Um, what are the, yeah, people are always like, we just heard about the lies they tell and they're going to, this person's going to find out they're going to sit down and they down and they're gonna be like your five foot four and you're not six feet tall So they're gonna be able to tell I totally agree with you because my profile is totally boring because I'm
Starting point is 00:37:54 Which one awful writer your online Daily Facebook one. Oh, awful. I don't know I guess I don't write. I can't write. Yes, you can don't say can't I can't you can I'll help you Okay, number four learn how to better identify and avoid married people It's a sad fact that nearly a fourth of the people who participate in online dating are married Whether looking for way to cheat or trying to see what they missed out on these people are a menace to people seeking seeking true relationships Married people will be extremely secretive and irregular in their communication with you. Yeah, especially the people online, the ones that don't say if they're single
Starting point is 00:38:31 or in a relationship or anything, they know it's just blank. Exactly. Those people are the shady ones. I know. Because I wanted a date with some chick to some concert. I don't even know if she had a boyfriend because it didn't say on her profile.
Starting point is 00:38:44 And you find out after she had a boyfriend. She never even told me. Yeah. God. People are like, I mean, I can't believe that you'd actually create a profile if you're married. Like, don't you think your spouse could find it? Yeah. I don't know. So it says, if you reach the point of talking to the phone of this person and you get their cell phone and you get their cell phone a lot, calls will be returned on a regular basis. They generally won't post a picture or post one that is dark and grainy. Maybe they're child molester.
Starting point is 00:39:07 After all, they don't want a friend or family member to come across their profile. That's true. Okay, number five, this is another tip when you're doing your online dating profile. Always be respectful of others. Being respectful means not being lured with your communication to others and not dropping off the face of the earth when you move on. One of the biggest complaints that they receive from people, they say the person they're communicating with just disappeared and stopped communicating.
Starting point is 00:39:28 It's very disrespectful when you don't send a polite message, letting other people know they are moving on. So that's like the further people who serial date and they go on 10 dates a week, like you should just say to the person, I'm not interested, it wasn't a love match. But I also had a friend who went out with a guy and and she was um after she was having nice communication with them and after their first date she got home and he
Starting point is 00:39:52 sent her something like, hey can't wait to see naked or something kind of like really looted and she just forgot it and like lost his phone number. So anyway don't be looted. So those are my online dating tips for everyone. Yes. Yeah. I'm really bad at that one more. I stopped communicating with people because I forget because I have so many people on there. I mean, no, because you're not into them. Yeah. Not that I'm not into them. Like, oh, this person seems really cool.
Starting point is 00:40:13 But then it's like, I don't think, oh, man, I got to rush back and... But where on Facebook you mean the rest? Yeah, on Facebook. So do a lot of women hitting you up on Facebook today? I have a couple, yeah. But I just... Plus, there's so hitting you up on Facebook today? I have a couple, yeah. But I just, I, plus there's so much, God, I'm spam on Facebook. I know.
Starting point is 00:40:30 It's ridiculous. It's like the next MySpace. If people invite me to something too often, I defend that. Oh, God. I'm like, don't invite me to your, like, millions of events. I know that's rude, but it's like, I don't want to get the spam.
Starting point is 00:40:40 I think I didn't invite you to one event though. No, you, honey, you can email me all you want. I doubt you invited me to something. I did. I on Monday. I'm doing a charity event for a San Jose school district. Do you have to go to San Jose? Yeah, you see you want to go. I love San Jose, but I'm not sure that I'm going to go. Okay, everyone, thanks for listening to this show. Remember, you can find more at You can email me feedback at You can find me on Twitter, Emily Morris, Facebook, Emily Hope Morris, and my Facebook fan page, sexfamily and menace.
Starting point is 00:41:12 This is Love it. Okay. Well, everyone, thanks for listening. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at You've been listening to Sex with Emily with your host, Emily Morris. Have a question about sex, relationships, or anything in between.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Email Emily at feedback at Want to add Emily to your Facebook or Twitter page? Visit Emily's website,, where you'll also find the latest sex with Emily News and podcasts. Archive Podcasts can be downloaded from iTunes. From the Stitcher Studios in beautiful San Francisco, California, you've been listening to Sex with Emily. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:41:58 you

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