Sex With Emily - SWE- Porn Star Guest Conner Habib

Episode Date: January 25, 2013

ay Adult Film Star, lecturer, and writer Conner Habib talks about making gay porn and how it's changed the way he thinks about sex. Habib talks about how porn has made him less superficial about mates. Once you have sex with all the conventionally attractive macho men, you start to realize who you're really attractive to.He also talks about how being good at sex is not the the same as being good at porn (although he assures Emily he's pretty good at sex too). Habib reveals the most searched porn term on the Internet and why straight women love gay porn so much. He also gives oral sex tips for performing on a man. After all, a gay porn star is going to know fellatio better than anyone else. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Look into his eyes They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex Eyes that mock our sacred institutions Betrubized they call them in a fight on me. Hey, Evelyn You got a boyfriend because my man E here. He just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute The world's got a standard for mine the my! The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common all the way? What do you mean like laundry?
Starting point is 00:00:26 It shrinks? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm so dumb. Being bad feels pretty good. But you know, Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. Better relationships equal better sex. Sing Claire Institute, the leader in sex education products for adults, has been saying it for
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Starting point is 00:01:30 stuff, and just check us out. Today's show, we have a special guest. It's Connor Habib. He has a sex and relationship advice show that appears weekly on logo TVs, new, now next website. He's a writer, lecturer, and adult film actor. His writing has appeared in Reality sandwiched the dish, the advocate,
Starting point is 00:01:50 and many anthologies, including best sex writing of 2013. His book on sex and culture will be published in early 2014. He lives in San Francisco where he runs a spirit... He lives in San Francisco where he runs a spirituality. He lives in San Francisco where he runs a spirituality and science discussion room. You're a busy man, science discussion room. Hi, Connor. Hi.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Thanks for being here today. What's up? I'm happy to be here. I'm so excited that you wrote and you wanted to come on the show and you're an adult film performer writer. You kind of do it all, you're hot. You got to take a picture.
Starting point is 00:02:22 We're going to post some of those pictures of you. Yeah, just don't Google me at work. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Don't Google your work. Not say for work. But first let's talk about let's talk about what you do. So, it gave you a game porn. Yes. Do you ever do straight porn? No. You can't. You would. It's not that I can't, but no, I you know, I was actually asked to do it once okay, but I You're so cute. Thank you But I've literally never had sex with a woman so I Didn't want my first time to be on camera. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, it does yeah
Starting point is 00:02:57 You're like oh not a good idea not even if you're getting paid It's kind of embarrassing to have lose your virginity on camera. Right. Yeah. Okay. Got it. It's like a frat prank or something. Exactly. Oh my god. But I could actually be interesting. Yeah. But that's not what you do. So so what is it about how do you prepare for a shoot? You know, I have to tell you that you're naked. Like I feel like I would tan a hundred times. I would, you know, not eat for a month. Like, well that that kind of preparation shirt,
Starting point is 00:03:26 like you get a tan and you go to the gym a lot. You do, yeah, yeah, yeah. And you go to the gym a lot, you eat well, and eating well can be kind of annoyingly restrictive, but you do that to stay in shape. I'm not like, you can see from, you can see, I'm not like some huge, completely chisel buff guy. So, you know, I'm more of just a see from you can see I'm not like some huge completely chisel buff guy So you know, I'm more of just a normal guy who's in shape, right?
Starting point is 00:03:49 And so like I don't have to go completely crazy, but I also kind of have to work in some ways harder than those people who are Just like, giganically buff and have gotten there, you know what I mean? Right, but you must have other mad skills Now, but you look fit to me, but I don't know. So what's that leg being on a porch? Do you know the people before you're having a sex with them? No, you just get right into it So you're like, hi nice to meet you. It's like any first day work Yeah, if it's nice to meet them you say that no, it's always nice to meet them Yeah, you just show up and I mean sometimes I'll send you photos of the person that is gonna be I mean usually
Starting point is 00:04:23 No, who it is before you show up So you have some idea. Yeah, and you can watch their movies before you show up Right exactly and are you in have you ever been like oh god? I don't want to have sex with this person today and I have to Well only in the sense is sort of like any job like some days you don't want to go in and some days You're totally fine with it right? You know there are there's never been someone I've been like, I don't want to have sex with. There have been some people who, like, they have kind of a bad attitude and that's more of a turn-off than the physical, than
Starting point is 00:04:54 an asian physical thing. What's their attitude like? Oh, well, just like, I don't want to be here or to a Lou for not friendly or whatever. That doesn't happen very often, I have to say, but there have been a few instances of that, and that's not comfortable, because you're gonna be having sex with that person for hours. Right, exactly. Literally, I was an important set once.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Like hours, like at first you're like, oh my god, there are resex, and then you're like, oh my god, there's still a resex for hours, but like, so I'm gonna come already or what's gonna happen. Totally. But so do you, how have you, how does it affect your sex life?
Starting point is 00:05:29 Like do you feel like how long have you been doing adult films? Four years now, four and a half, maybe. And does it change your attitude towards sex like when you're with someone that you, like a partner or something? Yeah. If you're with someone that you like, I can't. Yes, I'll tell you how it's changed.
Starting point is 00:05:43 In a really awesome way actually. So like, okay, maybe you can relate to this. Have you ever been somewhere and like some dude walks, walks into the bar or wherever you are and he's like totally sort of jacked and he has that like societally handsome like good looks and all that kind of stuff. Now before I was important I would like react to that. I'd be like, who's that? I would like what they call prairie doggy where you just sort of like stick your head up, like look around. Now I have no reaction to it at all because I get paid to have sex with people that look like that. So now I actually know who I'm really attracted to.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Like all that societal stuff is out of the way. So it's changed to your so what kind of guys are you attracted to? I like all sorts of guys. I don't really have a type. There are certain features that I sometimes find myself attracted to. Like I like when guys are a little shabby. I know you were saying menace. Sorry menace on menace on this. Yeah he's a little shabby but he's losing weight right now. But he thinks menace is cute. Menace don't lose that weight. I like you know big ears that stick out. I kind of like that. Someone who's like a little goofy. Like I kind of like that. Not goofy, the character. Right. No, you know what you mean? Like not the classically good looking.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Yeah, exactly. So did you have to learn like other, like if you always just been really good at sex or did you have to learn different tips, like different positions and things to be important? Yeah. Well, I mean, being good at sex is not the same as being good at porn. I mean, you should be good at sex. Exactly. But it's, and people don't, I think you know, it's like people don't necessarily make that connection that being in, in porn is performative. It is.
Starting point is 00:07:17 It's actually kind of athletic. It's not mechanical. It's like being able to play a sport really well is like, I'm going to get my body to do this thing. I'm going to think about it and not think about it at the same time And I'm just gonna perform show up and do my best. That's what porn is like. It's like playing sports Right. Yeah, no that makes sense. So that's different skills and being good at sex But I'm pretty good at sex
Starting point is 00:07:39 How do you even try out for porn? Do they just have you on the set and then just do it and then they see if they like you and they yeah I mean you send in often you just send in applications or, I mean, sometimes people are discovered like that's sort of what people think happens, but usually more often than not now, people send in applications, which I think is really cool because it sort of gets rid of that image of people just sort of falling into porn
Starting point is 00:08:02 or being sucked in or whatever. It's like, no, for the most part, if you're in it, it's because you wanted to be in it, you applied, you like sent off your information, you really tried for it, you know? That makes sense. So what do you think about porn? Like you were saying that it's not,
Starting point is 00:08:16 I mean, well, kind of I was like, it being a, what have you learned about sex? I don't think that porn is the best place for people to learn about it sex. I always say that, that a lot of people watch, a lot of kids see on kids today. That's their first entry into sex is watching porn. And I feel like a lot of times right now you're doing a shot because it visually looks pleasing on camera, but maybe it's not a position that necessarily feels good or...
Starting point is 00:08:40 Yeah, yeah. I mean... Is it the same in gay porn, you think? Yeah, I mean, I think just for all porn like you shouldn't hold yourself up to the standard of porn right do though yeah totally and that's that's messed up but you can but you can learn a lot from porn you can get inspiration from it you can get turned on by it you can try think of new positions and all that kind of stuff but to think to hold yourself up to the
Starting point is 00:09:01 standard of it is wrong because we spend hours and hours to make a 20-minute scene. So you don't see all the work that goes into all that positioning, all that kind of stuff. I mean, if you did that in real life every time you had sex, you'd be really bored. Really bored, exhausted, sleeping all the time. So true. What do you think about a lot of straight women liking gay porn? What is that? What do you think that's about?
Starting point is 00:09:23 So interesting to me. That just came up. I just did a new now next show on that with a female gay porn director, so I asked her some help. And we sort of just came up with the fact that it's like, when we watch porn, it's not that we wanna see the kind of sex
Starting point is 00:09:40 that we're having. It's like certain visual cues like turn us on. Like, you know how certain spaces can turn you on or like someone dressed as like in a police office or it's like a certain type of concern someone on or like a classroom, like when you're, because it's like relating to being turned on as like a horny teenager or whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:58 So it's like when we watch porn, it's kind of the same thing. So I think for women, when they see two guys getting it on, there's like some sort of cue there for them. That's exciting. I mean guys who are listening straight guys who are listening is like you watch two chicks out of that. Two chicks right, same thing right. In a way that's what they like a lot of guys watching it. So I was in for a lot of our women listeners, our female listeners, and our male listeners who can write it in a disagree if you
Starting point is 00:10:25 don't agree with him but I'd love to hear some oral sex tips. Meta says this theory on the show that whenever I give oral sex tips, having performed better oral sex than a man, he's like only a gay man is gonna know that because you don't know because you don't have a penis. That's what he says to me. So while you say you're like top three tips for performing like good oral sex. On the got top top three tips. Wow, okay. So I think first is, I mean,
Starting point is 00:10:51 guys love to be deep-throated. Like that's just like, so totally. So learn how to relax your throat. I mean, this is like that. I mean, learn, what do you exercise? Yeah, you just do that. Classic, usually gag reflexes more, I think, psychological. It is, right.
Starting point is 00:11:07 You know, it's like you get anxious about choking, so you. But so you just teach yourself to think about it differently as you're doing it. Like you just breathe through your nose. You make sure you're breathing. Yeah. So breathe as you get that all the way down your throat. OK.
Starting point is 00:11:23 I think the other thing is, every guy has a different part of sensitivity, like a different part of his penis is more sensitive. It's true, right? Every guy, like some people are like the tips, some people are like the rim, the perennium, I mean, now the perennium, well, and the perennium,
Starting point is 00:11:41 where the frenulum on the penis, anyway. Or even like, even some guys like having their balls like or like their teeth left more than they like having, getting head. So, I mean, I would say just pay attention to that. Like, that's a huge tip that people like talk about the mechanics of oral sex, but I think actually just paying attention
Starting point is 00:11:59 to the response that you're getting from your partner. You have to. You have to pay attention. Right, that is such a great tip. And we always talk about that in the show how, you just find yourself doing things that were so in our own head, like trying to figure out am I doing this right? I'm gonna do this right, but we're not paying attention
Starting point is 00:12:14 to our partner. It's like this one way street. And you should pay attention, like, are they happy or are they breathing? Are they like, look excited? Are you? Yeah. Are they scrolling in pain?
Starting point is 00:12:23 Do you even know? Are they screaming? Right. And I think like, because some guys, like, if you suck on the head of their penis, it's so sensitive that they can't stand it. And other guys, they don't have as much feeling there. Right. So you want to find like where they're the most sensitive.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Yeah, totally listen to them. And I think that that, it's like, if you try to kiss everybody the same way, it's not going to go down. No, it's not. You have to meet someone halfway. Right right because it's about their pleasure and your Exactly. So that's tip number two, right? Tip number two. Um tip number three Sorry for a little spot here, but I figured I know I mean I think it's pretty simple as don't forget the balls
Starting point is 00:13:01 You know, but don't don't forget the family jewels, right? Yeah, but don't but don't suck on them too hard Like you're trying it, you know, because again, you don't know how sensitive your partner Right there. We have another tip though. That's even better. Give me four Give me ten! I love it! I love it! Which is when you're when you're sucking don't just like put it in your mouth Like actually suck on it like as if you were suck like if you stick your thumb in your mouth and suck on your thumb. Like that's why it's called sucking.
Starting point is 00:13:30 It's not just called like putting it in your mouth. Like actually like suck on it and that creates some pressure and some friction, but it's all lubed up because it's your spit is there. So that feels really, really good. And while you're doing that, you can move your tongue around. Yes, yes, the tongue move around. That's a good one. And while you're doing that, you can move your tongue around. What do you do when you're not in that? Yes, yes, the tongue move around. That's a good one. And what about hands?
Starting point is 00:13:48 I am for myself. I prefer hands free, both giving me hands. Oh, okay. But some guys usually like the hand. Now, the thing is, I think guys that like the hand are often, their partner isn't sucking hard enough when they have it in their mouth. So like the hand compensates for the lack of pressure.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Oh, so if you sucked hard enough and you won't, you're kind of falling back on your hand. Yes, totally. It's sort of a cop-out. For me, it's a little bit, but I actually think that like to bring somebody to orgasm, a lot of times you need to use your hands. Yes, yes. Okay, those are good tips. Yeah. I appreciate it. No problem. Okay, that's awesome
Starting point is 00:14:27 and then I was gonna ask you okay, so you also answer sex questions as I do for logo. Yeah, for their new now next website. New now next website. So what are the common sex questions that you get asked? Common sex questions. So I get a lot of stuff about people, I get lots and lots of questions about what it means when someone doesn't want to have sex with you, about rejection, about like anxiety, about sort of feeling abandoned by your partner, that kind of stuff. Do you get a lot of that? Yeah, I do. I do anxiety about being abandoned. They're afraid someone's going to leave them. Yes. And yeah, I get some of those, yeah. But also what does it mean when someone doesn't, when I have sex with me, what does it mean when I don't want to have sex with them?
Starting point is 00:15:09 Because people think that we're supposed to be on all the time. Yeah. And it's just not true. Because we're not. And also we don't have to like every single moment of every sex act. It's not gonna be totally perfect all the time. And once you let go of that, it makes a lot more enjoyable.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Right, absolutely. Well, that's a good point. That's a good point. I get asked about orgasm. Usually it's usually like a lot of men, I would say lately, or it goes in trends. I mean, there's trends in our emails for some reason. I don't really like what's going on in the ether,
Starting point is 00:15:43 but like a lot of men are like, why won't my wife have sex with me? Yeah. Or why won't? So it's sort of the same thing. Like why won't this person have sex with anymore? I think it's like mismatch libido, things change, you get older hormones, all those things. So there's so many different reasons. There's a lot of people not having sex. It's very sad. It's very sad. We're feeling bad or maybe feeling bad about not getting sex and maybe pronouncing it a little bit more than it is. You know what I mean? And I think, something I get a lot is,
Starting point is 00:16:12 why won't my partner initiate sex? Why would you? And I've tried to answer that and it's like, well, why do you want your partner to be the one and she was that sane about you? Exactly. You're insecure and feeling like you're the one who's always doing it. Why aren't they doing it?
Starting point is 00:16:26 Yeah, I've gotten that too. I've gotten that from men who are like, you don't initiate. But I'm like, well, because you always do. So it's good. It's fine. But then people want to feel needed. And they want to feel like you want them just as much as they want you. And then I got it.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Yeah, totally. And I think you are in a little bit of a different position. I try not to answer for lower actual sexual health questions because I'm not, I'm not a sexual health like practitioner, whatever that, whatever the actual title would be. So I always try to answer questions that are about perspectives, about sex, about what you're thinking about when you're in the bedroom, what your feelings are like when it comes to love and sex and that sort of stuff. Yeah, that's important. Those questions don't get answered enough, I don't think.
Starting point is 00:17:10 No, they're right. Yeah. They're blood people are just confused by it and yeah, that's good that you focus on that sexual. I guess I focus on a little bit of everything. Yeah, you do everything. I guess so, yeah. You're very promiscuous.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Very promiscuous. I am so promiscuous. Now that I'm here in LA, no, I haven so. Yeah. Very promiscuous. Very promiscuous. I am so promiscuous. Now that I'm here in LA. No, I haven't done anything. Okay. Okay. I want to look at one of your essays. You're prolific writer. You've written a lot of stuff. What's your what's your website real quick? People can find you. So the website for my writing is just So that's that's the that's what will happen on my website as well. is where you should all go and check it out. Talk to you about cruising rest areas. Did you cruise in yourself? Yeah. That's that whole
Starting point is 00:17:52 essay for salon which is because that's like a known thing. That still happened. People are oh yeah totally. So that yeah. So that's in best sex writing 2013 and that that essay caused kind of a shit story. I wrote a lot and people freaked out because there's this long tradition. I mean, there's been going on forever of like gay men meeting at rescuers in public places and having sex and it stems back to the time when gay people couldn't just have sex in their homes. So they went out but this sort of cultural holdover, and so I wrote this as the about like,
Starting point is 00:18:27 well, what might be good about this? Instead of just thinking, that's gross, that's screwed up, like, what are the sort of, what can we empathize with? Not to say it's right or wrong, but what can we see in this that might tell us what it's like to be sexual people, and sexual human beings.
Starting point is 00:18:42 And what did you conclude with it? Well, I think a lot of it has to do with the sort of honesty of an encounter. It's like, OK, so men have this huge desire to abstracts all the time. Like a lot of men, not all men. But so something that a lot of the way society works is that sex isn't provided for them as much as they need it,
Starting point is 00:19:04 as much as they want it as much as they want it and So these these rest areas at least for men who are comfortable having sex with other men I wouldn't say they all identify as big. They don't right. There's a lot of people on the wedding rings all that kind of stuff. Yeah, so download. That's right So you show up and you show up you meet someone in the middle of the woods or you meet someone in a place Literally, and you have sex with them and then you go back to your life and so I Think that those kinds of area those kinds of spaces those places where people meet and have sex and then go their separate ways
Starting point is 00:19:37 There's something really honest about that in a weird way It's a I mean in some sense it's dishonest because those people are deceiving their wives Right, you're not being honest in a cell It's like I mean in some sense it's dishonest because those people are deceiving their wives Not being honest in itself. I'm actually showing first. Yeah, right, but the encounter itself is really honest and it's like I don't necessarily advocate having sex at rest areas. It can be fun But I think like that kind of honesty about I'm here because I want you you're here because you want me We want sex we have this. We have this desire. Let's do something about it. That could really bring something.
Starting point is 00:20:08 But it's just like strangers like you pull up and there's a guy. You're right. It's that's got the gay community. So different like that. It's so different. You pull up like we don't need any whining and dining. You don't need any for play.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Yeah. Like we're doing this Valentine's Day kind of. It's like the 14 days of for play. We're giving away stuff. We talk about for play and nauseam on the show because it's important. But not for gay men as much. No, no, and I think... Not that it's not ever important but really not. It's important for sure but it's not it's there's also the understanding that sex that sex with someone that you don't know very well
Starting point is 00:20:40 at least for right now that's still like that. You know, and when people are going through the whole HIV thing, like, there's an epidemic that, you know, is dimmed up that in the United States at least, it's like, they, it still kept happening, but it was like, but be safe about it. And so that, so changed in that way. Now with gay marriage and now that gay relationships are getting a little more sort of standardized It'll be interesting to see which way it goes. Exactly. I think so too. What about monogamy in the game community? I think it's I know I get a lot of crap for this. Yeah, I think it's impossible Okay, really why I mean I think it's impossible being a heterosexual
Starting point is 00:21:23 I think it's almost impossible being a heterosexual, but you have so much social pressure to do it. Exactly. That I think sometimes it keeps, it's sort of like smoking pot. It's like everybody wants to do it, right? Well, not everybody. I don't smoke pot, but a lot of people want to do it.
Starting point is 00:21:40 And people do it anyway, even though there are laws in place, not in California. But laws in place to tell you can't do it. But there are some people that will not do it because of the laws. But mostly, that's not the case. I think the same thing for monogamy and straight people, it's like, straight people don't really love monogamy. It's like, it's torturous in a lot of ways. Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:58 But I think the social structure sort of keep it in place for you guys. We don't have that as much, so it's even less common. And then the people who think they're being monogamous, I read all these sociological studies that said, no, they thought they were, but actually one partner was not being monogamous. Right, it's always like that. So how do you, why do they even agree to it then?
Starting point is 00:22:16 You think a lot of the gay couples, just because they feel like they're society or they don't want to. I think people don't like to, I mean, in general, the same thing for street people. We don't like to face our, we don't like to face the things in general, the same thing for street people. We don't like to face our We don't like to face the things that we're doing in a compulsive way. It's like I Think monogamy is great if you've made a real Intentional decision to be a monogamous right and I think open relationships are great If you made an intentional decision to be right but most people are monogamous because they're afraid
Starting point is 00:22:40 They're gonna lose their partner and most people are open because they're afraid of commitment Exactly. So we shouldn't be doing things out of fear. We should be doing the things that we actually want. Exactly. Like you should know judgment on it. Like you should just do what you want to do. Like I've been toying with like I have been in a committed relationship but I never, it never has felt right for me personally. Yeah. I've done it for a while but then I'm like I don't want to be a thorn person.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Yeah. I think I should be gay man in my next life or something. Well, and maybe in my previous life. Well, you kind of are. I think that the pressure on a woman to be immunogamous is insane. I can't even, I mean, with a guy, it's like, well, guys, cheat, but the attitude about women
Starting point is 00:23:19 being immunogamous, I cannot even understand how much pressure women must face. And then if someone says something like you're saying, you're sort of branded as like, well, she's not, she's not relationship between you and you. Right, yeah, totally. I'm not relationship material. Everyone if any real estate, I'm definitely not relationship material. She definitely is. You just have to appreciate her for who she is. Exactly. That's exactly it. So tell me about your book.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Everything you're not supposed to know about sex. What am I not supposed to know? I thought I knew everything. Yeah, well that's the working title for my book that comes out next year. Okay. From disinformation, and this is actually the first announcement I'm making. Oh my god! I was so excited. Just got the, just got the D.O.L. sealed and everything. So that book is about sort of cultural and historical stuff that you've never heard about sex and that you don't know. So it's not just stuff you could just look up on the internet. You'd have to do some scholarly work, which is what I'm doing to find it out. Like, why do people demonize masturbation? Where does that come from? Well, we just assume
Starting point is 00:24:17 it's the church, but actually it has a much weirder origin. Oh, really? Yeah, which, and there's a chapter about this guy who's friends with Abraham Lincoln who is in all this sex a cult practices and stuff like that That's not that's public record. It's not like some conspiracy What is the most search for porn term in the world? What is it? Oh, you'll be I'll tell you this one Okay, it's in somebody else's books. I'm just taking my guess. Yes Gay books. I'm just taking that as a yes. Gay. You know, single, single most search for a term. It's either fisting or rimming.
Starting point is 00:24:53 No for all porn. And I don't know what it's like mom. Mom, what do you mean? I'll porn people search for mom. So, so, so milk, porn, but the, so milk porn is porn people search for mom? So, so, so, Milf porn. Milf? But the, so Milf porn is the highest search for porn. But this term mom and porn, like they're search for together, like more than anything. So people want to see moms, like basically they want to see older women having sex.
Starting point is 00:25:18 That's what's going on right now. And like a porn. Really? Totally crazy. Well, it's funny because I always just said the sex convention last week and they had with their giving awards It was the ex-biz awards. Yeah, yeah About this and they had the milk the actress who won who was like milk of the year And I was laughing so hard. I was like, okay, there's like kind of great everything. I did not know that
Starting point is 00:25:37 Yeah, so there's there was all this research done on that by these two guys and Gosh, I'm doing them a disservice by citing the research and not remembering the name of their book. But I think it's a billion wicket thoughts, is the name of the book. I might be a little off of that, but the one, it's Kadam G-A-D-D-D-A-M and Ogis O-G-A-S. So they're there in the name, so you can look it up. But they did all this research on internet searches for porn.
Starting point is 00:26:03 And so that's to collect information about sex. So that's so interesting. Where do you get all your materials for research and stuff? Does that lie in her? No, no, I read like 700 page books, yeah. I'm a bad guy. So I'm just deep in the work, because a lot of it's, I don't want to just do stuff that you can find in the internet.
Starting point is 00:26:23 It's not fun for me then, why would you buy a book? Right, no, that's true, that's true. I'm doing this for school and getting my doctor in March and I've got like a stack of books over there that are like 700 pages. Yeah, yeah. Hard to get through. They're hard, they're mind-numbing.
Starting point is 00:26:35 But it's important, it's my numbing, but it's like the real like sex stuff, like where it's happening. It's the real work for sure. It's not just the real work. It's just what you can look about like a pediat. Exactly. Okay, okay, so coming up, you're speaking at the Momo.
Starting point is 00:26:49 I am. Speaking at Momo PS1 on January 27. In New York. In New York City. Okay. So there's an event. There's this big profile on me in this magazine called Badune. And they have an event at Momo.
Starting point is 00:27:03 And so I'm one of the speakers there. And so I think it's gonna be awesome. What do you talk about? I don't know yet. I think I'm gonna talk about sex and spirituality because that's big. Those intersections, yeah. So how so is that supposed to be like,
Starting point is 00:27:18 what do you mean, sex? I mean, I know what sex and spirituality is. How does it with you? Well, for me, it's not like, when most people say that they mean like the condoini or pharmaceutical I'm not interested in that I'm sort of interested more in my yeah yeah and I think that stuff is cool but that's not it's like it's kind of been done right so like for me it's like how how does sex intersect with
Starting point is 00:27:40 um like spiritual different spiritual traditions different religions that kind of stuff and what can it tell us about the human spirit basically that's interesting intersect with like spiritual, different spiritual traditions, different religions, that kind of stuff. And what can it tell us about the human spirit? Basically, that's interesting. Oh, that's really interesting. Oh, OK, I love it. That's what you should talk about. I think that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Thanks. Well, thank you. Is there anything else that you would like to add that we've not hit on? I'm kind of think we covered a lot. Oh, oh, before you leave, I have to give you a screaming, oh, vibrating ring. Okay, I asked someone to come in and I was like, Conner, have you ever used one? Everyone
Starting point is 00:28:12 just check out Screaming O. The coupon code is Emily, I believe it's Emily. If you go to or you go to my website. And they're vibrating rings and they're great. You've, if you've used a... I've got cock rings. Right, like cock rings. But these cock rings are more like, well, they have like vibrations, which a lot of you have used a vibrator for vibrating anything on your testicles.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Never. And just a tongue. A lot of people like the vibration. I mean, this is a lot of it's for straight couples too, because it's got a vibrator out. It's where human's clitoris, but they also feel really good Yeah, that's so much stuff. We've been screaming out so if you guys are interested screaming out makes every single kind of Vibrating room that exists in the planet and you can just go to or go to my website and check it out
Starting point is 00:28:56 And I just want to say like this is like not a BS thing where she's just support She's like she's actually giving me one because I'm really excited to try it. I know saying where she's just supporting. She's actually giving me one because I'm really excited to try it. I know, we're going to be like, yeah, like my entire front room over there is filled with screaming out toys that I want to give away to you.
Starting point is 00:29:11 I want to give you something, maybe you could use them on a set or something. Yeah, if someone lets me use one on a set and I like it, I would definitely, okay, I'll vibrate it. You'll vibrate it. And then I got another thing talked about real quick before we go is mask.
Starting point is 00:29:24 So the list-dream strips, I wish I had one on me, but they're like list-dream strips But here's my question for you as a porn star Would you ever is there ever anyone's semen or penis that you don't like the taste of? Well, we don't really do that. Well, it's becoming more common, but the porn idea is I always Connims that we don't I mean we don't use condoms for oral sex, but we don't do a lot of oral con shots. Right, right, right. But we've been starting to do that venture out in that area.
Starting point is 00:29:51 You can try some. So yeah, so is there anybody whose case I don't like? Has it ever happened to you historically? Yeah, sometimes if people eat like a lot of jalapeno pepper. Yes, yes, yes, yes, they're just super pie and pie and apple. There's all these things. But these strips you put in your tongue and they come in four flavors.
Starting point is 00:30:09 And so it masks the taste of semen, like some way in your mouth. Oh, your mouth. Got it. You put it in your tongue and you don't like, so then it's like the next time you form a little sex in a guy, it'll taste like a milkshake or something.
Starting point is 00:30:19 I think that's awesome because if there's something, I guys like to come in people's mouths. Yes they do! Just prohibit that, because there's some sort of gross factor. Because the weird thing about sex is if you think about any of it, it can all be gross if you think about it in a way. Yeah, but you just gotta get into it and then that's how you're about to go. I don't care about semen, I've never had semen, I've never like kicked any semen out of my bed. But but but but but it's some women like for example and I'm sure there's some
Starting point is 00:30:48 men who like will not perform moral sex because they don't like to taste. So anyway that's one of those things. So that's when we got time for today Conor thank you so much for me on the show. So awesome and it's so great to be here. Oh my god it's so fun and you can find out all your information. Give it your website again but we'll also have it at Okay, great. My show is on New Now Knacks, so if you wanna see that. New Now Knacks, okay. Yep.
Starting point is 00:31:11 And you got your show, and then Twitter, do you do Twitter? I do Twitter, it's just at Connor Habib, and I love talking to people through Twitter. I love Twitter so much because it's introduced me to so many great people. Oh, cool. Yeah, just, I love it, so please, can touch. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Follow you in there, and then you can follow me, introduce me to so many great people. Oh, cool. Yeah, just I love it. So please, can I touch? Yeah. Follow you in there and then you can follow me, sex with Emily on Twitter, and act sex with Emily. Facebook is a sex that leads my page. You can also email me. Yeah, so everyone, thanks for listening. Was it good for you?
Starting point is 00:31:37 Email me feedback at Thanks for tuning in to Sex with Emily. One of the reasons you're able to listen to us for free is because of the incredible people at Good Vibrations. Good Vibrations is a sex-positive company based in San Francisco with an amazing website. I got my very first vibrator from Good Vibrations, so I hold the soft spot on my heart for that. They have a huge online store at You can find literally anything on there from toys to DVDs to games. Just click on the Good Vibration Spanner at and enter GVShip and LV for free shipping. So check it out, go help yourself, and you'll help keep sex with Emily free, just like it
Starting point is 00:32:18 should be. Thanks for listening, I promise your sex life will improve. promise your sex life will improve.

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