Sex With Emily - SWE: Random Acts of Sex

Episode Date: January 22, 2013

Random acts of sex are a great way to brighten you and your partner's day. Emily presents a random mix of sex tips for men, including oral sex humming, side-to-side hip movements, and how to french She also tells men how to impress women without the help of their penis. Emily also answers listeners questions about hand jobs, asking someone out, and morning sex. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Look into his eyes They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex Eyes that mock our sacred institutions Betrubized they call them in a fight on me. Hey, Evelyn You got a boyfriend because my man E here. He just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute The girls got a her standard. Oh my the The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common all the way? What do you mean like laundry?
Starting point is 00:00:26 It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god! I'm so proud. Being bad feels pretty good. But you know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. This episode is brought to you by one of our amazing sponsors, Masks Sexual Flavor Strips. They enhance your sexual experiences with a taste of strawberry, mango, watermelon, or chocolate.
Starting point is 00:00:58 It's kind of like a Listerine Strip, but for sex. So if you like sex and you want to make it even more enjoyable and you like hearing sex with Emily for free, check out Mask at Enjoy the show, I promise your sex life will improve. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information about sex with Emily, go to where you can listen to our podcast, send it for a mailing list, and please subscribe to our RSS feed and all that fun stuff. And yeah, I'm here with menace. Hi, how are you doing? I'm good. How are you? I'm good. It's great to see you. I'm starving, so I'm eating in the first. Yeah, you're not supposed to do that. I apologize.
Starting point is 00:01:36 That's okay. You can eat. It's okay. I don't mind you on Facebook. There's a lot of listeners on the Facebook. What about them? You're friending me on Facebook. No, have listeners friend you on Facebook. They do. Yeah, I'm just saying. Oh, Facebook. Hello, hi. I know it's Friday, everybody. Bear with us.
Starting point is 00:01:53 OK, here's my Facebook information. As you can find me, Sex with Emily is my, is my Facebook. And I switched to Twitter. And I switched my Twitter to Sex with Emily. So everyone should check out Sex with Emily on Twitter. Please, please, follow me there. We're actually doing giveaways every week. And we're giving away prizes from my pleasure. So you can go do that every week. We've got a new contest.
Starting point is 00:02:13 And also today's show, we will be reading the emails that you sent to feedback at Some people post send it to my Facebook, which is cool. However, you want to find me or Twitter. Topics include waiting for sex, testicles, orgasms, and hand jobs, of course, and geeks and sex and a few others. And we're also going to be giving some sex tips to random mix of sex tips that I thought would be very helpful for people. The ones that resonate with me, particularly, that I think that every man needs to know. So we're going to get into this. I prefer random random acts of sex. Random acts of sex. You know, that's always the best one. It's the one that you plan out. You're like, oh yeah, you know what? I'm going to go on this
Starting point is 00:02:54 on this date and we're going to have dinner. Then we're going to do this and then we're going to have sex. That's what men think. You know, that's the plan. That's the timeline that they put together. But it usually doesn't work out that well, you know, or it does, but it's not as good as you think it's gonna be. But then when you have the random acts of sex, that's when it's good. Like, you didn't know it was coming, and you just happened, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:03:17 That is cool. I love it. I had a date with a guy the other night, and we were supposed to speaking of random acts of sex, although I didn't really have sex with them, but we were gonna go out, we had all these plans, and then we ended up just going to his house to meet me dinner and we filled around,
Starting point is 00:03:31 and it was awesome, so it was kind of a random act of sex. I didn't see coming, but we were very attracted to each other, and it was hot, and we didn't end up doing anything we were gonna do. So we're gonna call it rats now, right? Rat, rats, rats. Okay, good, random acts of sex. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:44 I love rats, like you never knew what would acts of sex. Yeah. I love rent. Like, you never knew what things would happen. Exactly, I love it. We're so good like that. How's your week? My week is good. Busy as usual. A lot of things going on.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Preparing, I'm going to go to Coachella, California. Right? That's not so late for that. Yeah, but you got to plan out, man. I want to go this year. Good luck. It's sold out. It's always, yeah, but I always get in. I have my friend. Oh, excuse me. Oh, you know, I want to go this year. Good luck. It's sold out It's always yeah, but I was getting I Excuse me. Oh, dude. I was gonna get those regions. How are you doing? How is your do you have any good wine stories?
Starting point is 00:04:13 Did you go to a cabin and with your friends and do nothing? No, I didn't do anything like that. No, I've just been I've been dating actually I've got a yeah, no way. Yeah, I got a few men few prospects I've got like almost too many that I need to like I need to get rid of some any suitors I've got lots of suitors and I feel like I've been very actively Dating yeah, how's that going? It's going well I I like them all and I'm being very clear that I'm not looking for a relationship right now So that's a new step. What have you done? What have you told them? What kind of things have I done? Yeah. Well, this one guy was, oh, he made me do two guys made me dinner at their house. Yeah. Pussies. Why? What else? Just because you can't cook men.
Starting point is 00:04:55 I can cook. I can cook you a goddamn dinner. You can not. Hell yeah. What do you mean? I can even bake too. I can do all that. What are you gonna bake me synabons? Whatever you want cardboard thing you open up cupcakes of baking cookies really? Yeah do all that I don't believe that you do any of this stuff. I do okay fine. So yeah, I've had good dates Two guys are me dinner went to dinner with someone else Trying to think what else that's it. I'm not impressed unless they take you up in like a zeppelin You know, I want something cool, like something out of the ordinary.
Starting point is 00:05:28 You're right. You're right. I should've dated you. I should've dated you. Okay, a guy can cook. Wow. I love it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:36 I love it because I don't know when you guys are together. Yeah, he will. All the time. You think it's like the blow job that doesn't happen after you get together. Yeah, that's what it is. That's what guys do. You think they're cooking big cook jobs, but they cook for you. Right. Thinking that you're going to cook for them later. Yeah, this came up again. Yeah, that's what it is. That's what guys do. They don't give you blood jobs, but they cook for you. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Thinking that you're gonna cook for them later. Yeah, this came up again, yeah, exactly. But this came up again, like with this guy I was talking to, he's like every girl I've dated, he's like same thing, he's like oral sex stops right after. Right after he's like first three months, they perform oral sex and then they stop. Yeah, I won't say lock the love down.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Why would they lock it down? But I, that's such a, that is, and I said this is my life's mission to make sure that people don't stop performing oral sex after they commit to each other Yeah, it really is that's what this shows about. It's like keep doing not keep on keeping on What should these guys what should these guys do to impress you on a date? That's a great question. I know that's why I'm here I think if there's chemistry like I had chemistry this guy the other night
Starting point is 00:06:24 I just don't really care to be honest. Just don't do nothing. Okay, don't not have a plan. Yeah, we can have a plan and we can trash it because we're so drafted to each other and we just want to have sex, but I think a guy Can just impress me by calling me. I brought this up last week. Call me. Just call me and ask me out Last few guys have picked up the phone and said I want to go out with you and I think I think that's a great move. Don't just do it through Facebook or whatever. But where can you take me? Yeah. See, I'm not okay. Admittedly, I'm not that girl that's like, I'm going to be so impressed if you showed up with a limo and red roses. A white stretch limo
Starting point is 00:06:58 with a with a hot tub in the back. Yeah. And red roses not bad, but I think just like a meal. And I like to eat. What kind of meal can I take you to? Resurations. You can't take me and make me dress up as the hamburger glard at McDonald's. No, I'm just saying that. What? Has to be reservations.
Starting point is 00:07:15 You can't just be- No, it doesn't do reservations, but like a good restaurant. It doesn't have to be like the fancy's best restaurant in the whole world. Tickets to concert, go to concert, go hear music. Yeah, but it's a concert's like a movie. You're not going to talk. No, you'd be better than a movie. Movies are not great for state material.
Starting point is 00:07:33 So these like we're going to a movie, and like that's kind of, we're going to want to talk. I think that's like a good third day to fourth day. Like that's go to a movie. Well, concert is a good idea if you want to get laid. Because you're obviously just going to get wasted and maybe do other things. I mean, that's not obvious for everyone How everyone gets wasted at a concert?
Starting point is 00:07:48 You get wasted like going to Safeway, but that's true. It was a concert without getting wasted. I don't know I do I have historically Really really unless it is Wilco some more impressive thing you've ever done for a woman for a date You're more about the whole pomp and circumstance of it all. Like you create a whole thing. Like you're the one of you. It seems like you would create a whole. Yeah. I've gone Vegas on just dates. Just that just like the fly like that. Yeah. That's cool. I've done that. I've gone Vegas. I think I take me to Mexico on our second date. That was impressive. Yeah. I end up dating him for two years, not because of Mexico. Actually, she shouldn't have dated him for two years,
Starting point is 00:08:23 but Mexico was awesome. Yeah. Second date. And then we're trying to tell people like, you don't have to take girls to Mexico on Vegas. What I'm saying is just have something planned. Don't show up and be like, I haven't really thought about it. And what do you want to do? Never do that. We talk about that. We've talked about that. As a man, never ask a woman, what do you want to do? What do you want to eat? Yeah. Because even though they know in their mind what they want to do and eat, they'll never tell you. That's what they would tell, but I just think it's good for the first date for the man to have
Starting point is 00:08:51 the plan and the man to pay and don't accept their money when she puts her credit card out. But the one needs to pull out her card. I don't know. Does she have to do the reach? Yeah. First time, first date. Yes, she does. I don't. I want to, like, and then the guy says, no, least do the reach.
Starting point is 00:09:05 If you don't do the reach, I kind of forgot to do that, Leigh. Then you're out the door. For you, so if a girl doesn't do the reach to pay the first date, you're done. She's not gonna pay no matter what. No matter what, I, You wouldn't let her pay.
Starting point is 00:09:17 I wouldn't even let her pay if we're dating for her months. Really? But she still needs to do the reach, like almost every time. God. I messed up with this last guy that I was dating that I didn't reach. I think he wanted me to reach more. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Yeah. Because you look like a gold digger. I'm so not a gold digger though. You look so like a gold digger if you don't do the reach. I think I did eventually, but not right away. Because it was the first day. I have rules. I was saying like he's he asked me out.
Starting point is 00:09:44 And then he was like, no, whoever does does the asking but here was the problem in the breakdown Apparently I wasn't gonna get into this but I'm going to go for it. Okay, so I was dating this guy and It's recently ended But really Okay And apparently I never called him once For the whole two months that we were dating and I never asked him out and I never made a plan and he did all those things But I felt like we were seeing each other like once a week like I didn't feel like it was my
Starting point is 00:10:16 Responsibility did you text him? Yes, you texted him. Okay. Yeah He's kind of bummed and I was born about other things and it's over. Yeah, it's fine But I apparently I need to be more With this guy I feel because you know the problem is the guy was eating before that We saw once a week and we were just dating and it was like Once a week and he would call me and he'd make a plan and I felt that was sort of We were still in the like courting phase and the early phase that wasn't my duty. And I'm super busy to plan. And he felt that he needed more for me to know that I really liked him.
Starting point is 00:10:50 And I thought I was showing him that I liked him in other ways, like in the bedroom. I was kidding. Not really. But I was. I was with them. I liked him. I said, yes, everything, but I wasn't planning things. Do you need a woman to plan?
Starting point is 00:11:00 Like I feel kind of bad. No, I feel a woman can't. I think I've already figured out women. And I know they can't plan anything we talked about this and I don't care I don't care if they call me if they text me that's cool I don't really don't want them to call me because I am I do pick up the phone I love I love talking on the phone I love talking phone don't get me wrong but you know what I not to say that I I want to set the schedule but I don't want them to call me because usually if they will call me
Starting point is 00:11:27 Then I'm busy because if I if I am not busy, I'm probably calling you You know right right right right so I think I learned a lot from this and whatever and it's over But okay, so one more thing I want to bring up here. Yeah, is it did you hear this that the number? This was just in the news So sorry Ashley You know Ashley Madison, the cheating dating site. Yeah, I was actually on a date and there were promoting it. There was some trivia night or something. They always promote it. It's like, we advertise on a bunch,
Starting point is 00:11:54 they might be, I advertise our one day, who knows? But no, I'm not gonna say no to anything. It's basically a site that helps people cheat. Yeah. The number one site for facilitating cheating and breakups is actually Facebook. 66% of online divorces evidence come from the social network, which is also cited in one out of every five divorces in the US. That's crazy because we've talked about. We talked about
Starting point is 00:12:16 this before, but we talked about this before. I would say about a year and a half ago, and it was one out of every seven. Now it's one out of every five. Yeah, that's amazing. So do you think that everyone's like hooking up with their? Yeah, I've high school. I know many stories. Yeah, really? Yeah, I don't know that many because we talked about this before where before Facebook. Yeah, before Facebook, when you broke up with somebody, you don't have to see them ever again but now they live now I'm like watching their vacation in Hawaii with their new girlfriend they live online and they're always there and people are always friends with each other and then so when you break up with somebody you got a different
Starting point is 00:12:57 them so you can stock them and their vacation photos yeah but I think I'm friends with every single X-Core for never had on Facebook. I am too Yeah, I sometimes think like what if I was like how many of you guys there's a part of me that wants to be like How many of you guys love with and see who signs up? I'm gonna be really embarrassing, but I think there's a lot of them No like my college boy friends and my post college boy friend you make a list You can't make lists on Facebook. You want me help you? You can't make lists on Facebook. You want me help you? You can't make lists.
Starting point is 00:13:25 These are the guys that I can do a map, like a map of all my friends. Like a, like you have like Mac, the United States and you put little pins in it where you've traveled. I could have like a list of all my friends and have little pins in there, like a marker that says like, I've slept with him. I slept with him. Then I don't know if there's enough ink in that marker. You that, but we can try.
Starting point is 00:13:45 I can do that, but we can try. I thought we'd do that. Yeah, but Facebook, I mean, one out of five divorces because of Facebook? Yeah, that's why after I'm done with my career in digital online media, all that, I'm just gonna move to the hills of Montana and not even have a cell phone. Yeah, I would love that.
Starting point is 00:14:03 I love when I don't have my cell phone for five minutes even. It makes me happy. Like it's too distracting and there's too much going on. Well, people are becoming, I'm trying to say political, Lee, correct term. People are coming socially awkward. There we go. I think so too.
Starting point is 00:14:19 And they can't communicate in real life. They only can communicate online. And they can only build personas online of what people think that they are, but they're not really like that. Don't exaggeration. Because we didn't always have it. I agree. I totally agree.
Starting point is 00:14:34 So that's why I'm telling everyone to just pick up the phone, talk phone sometimes, someone before. Because if you were the guy that picks up the phone and talks the women directly, you're gonna get laid, man. I agree. Because all these other guys around you are losers.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Right, just pick up the phone and be like, I wanna see you. So this one of these guys I'm dating, gotta keep track of my shaggy stage names here. But no, every time we go out, he calls me. He's like, okay, what are we doing tonight? Like, hey, here's the plan, he just calls me, and I'm like, cause not everyone calls anymore.
Starting point is 00:14:59 So he used to be annoying, cause the phone rang all the time, and now the phone never rings, and I pick it up. So, okay, let's get into mail, but first we have to give a shout out to our advertiser. Go for it. Okay, Adam and Eve, Adam and Eve, love Adam and Eve. There are so many sex toys that you can buy on Adam and Eve.
Starting point is 00:15:13 They have like hundreds of thousands of items. Really, every sex toy you should get a vibrating ring or a rabbit if you've never had a rabbit or you can get a clitoral vibrator that you could use during intercourse love those lingerie DVD I can't wait for you to use your sex toys with women So anyway, here's the thing with Adam and Eve you there. So this is the time to buy a sex toy because they're offering 50% off Most items to all the sex family listeners and they'll even throw in three adult DVDs Which are hot by the way? They sent them to me so I could see what three adult DVDs are and they're hot I used them if you know what I mean so plus free shipping so go to Adam and Eve and enter coupon code Emily
Starting point is 00:15:50 It check out. It's that easy take advantage of this deal today ASAP So easy Okay, and I love free shipping. I love free shipping. I hate being for shipping We're like you're buying something for eight dollars and shipping is six dollars forget it No, I was trying to buy this piece of plastic today for my cell phone and it was nine dollars for shipping This these things called power mats where you can just put a you can just set it on a mat and I'll charge your cell phone Oh, I wanted to buy one which costs $30 and then it was nine dollars for shipping That just kills me why like it isn't so then I was like okay
Starting point is 00:16:24 It's free shipping if I pay over a certain amount. Right. And my amount was already $42 total. So I was like, okay, then I'll just buy two because I need two anyways. Then next thing I know, it's like $65. Right, did you not buy it then?
Starting point is 00:16:37 Then I said, you know what? Screw this. What do you mean it's a piece of plastic that not that we're technical, uh, tech, tech with them? I am. Yes. You are, but what do you mean you just place it down in your telephone charges?
Starting point is 00:16:46 It's called Power Matte, right? Yeah, and then what do you mean? You want them when you buy it? Yeah, actually they have it for your phone. So it's just a piece of, I hate my phone right now. Yeah, you just, you replace the back of your phone with this other shield, and then you set it on the mat and it charges your phone.
Starting point is 00:17:01 I didn't know I won't. Okay, we're going to move into listener emails that you guys all sent to feedback at section of And the first one is actually for menace. It's directed towards you. Yeah. OK, ready?
Starting point is 00:17:12 This is from Whitter. He emailed me through Facebook. Can you ask menace? Ready? Asking. If he'd prefer a hand job from a really hot lady or a blow job from an average lady. Blow job. I swear to God.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Cause you don't know the, the, the, the, the, what? Joy's of a good hand. What have we see the other day? Oh, we're hanging out or a, our favorite place stitcher. We're at stitcher, right? Stitcher, if you don't know, is an app that you can put on your cell phone and you can listen to this podcast that you hear now. And we're hanging out the stitchar offices and the hand job debate comes up. And two of the employees, a woman and a guy agreed with me. Yes or no. They did. Are you high on crack right now? I wish. They did. They totally agreed with me. Right. Do you not remember this?
Starting point is 00:18:05 No. I don't remember that. Because you never portray it right. And then I'm not portraying it right when I'm telling the truth. I don't know. I don't believe that. It was just the other day.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Are you lying that you do not remember this? I knew you'd answer this because you never answer that you want a hand job. Because women can't give a hand job. They can't just say, man, can give a hand job to them. Okay, we can't get any of this. This is exhausting. It is exhausting.
Starting point is 00:18:27 It's not gonna be as good but it's gonna be better. I'm going home right now. I'm done. I'm leaving in the middle of the show. Okay, so that's just a question for you. Thanks for the answer. Okay, hey, Emily and Manus. My name is Manny from London, UK.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Love the show and your guys tips are helpful. Indeed, Menus mentioned he started a dubstep program called Wobble Wednesday, much kudos as living in the birthplace of dubstep. It's truly insane to see it spread around the world. Yeah, it's crazy. I've been getting a lot of good feedback on this. What's that website? It's slash Wobble Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Cool. I like dubstep. You do? Yeah. I told you because I was having sex with this guy for a while less than he was into it. And so I got into it. One quick question, is it ever weird to have sex with a high school friend after years
Starting point is 00:19:10 of barely talking? No. Not at all. I think that that's totally normal. I think that's like everyone hooks up with the hot person in high school that they never hooked up with in high school for some reason. Are there unions or you run into them? Don't think that's weird at all.
Starting point is 00:19:24 You barely talked and you start hooking up. No, I mean, it's no different than just hooking up with someone that you met normally or recently. Yeah, there was a, there's more fun. It's like, remember in high school when you did it and we always said this half each other and now we're gonna hook up, I think that's totally normal. No problem with that.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Yeah, there was this girl that I'm gonna probably gonna go on a date with. And we, I love when you go on dates. Yeah, I don't tell me about them. When you graduated from high school quite a while ago. And we never dated in high school or anything like that. And now you're going to? Going to date?
Starting point is 00:19:56 I don't know. I don't know. Okay. You let me know if you sleep with her. Yes, I will let you know. That would help our lawyer listener. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:04 This is from White Menace, another one. Olivia Munn is very hot, but she is not at all geek. She just happened to get on G4 and host those shows. The only reason she knew anything about games and such was because someone told her about it. Loyal listener Tyler. PS, hand-jobs can be awesome. Did I ever say that, oh, she's a gamer expert? I just said she's odd. check her out. I don't know. I don't know what you did. Hey haters will hate But she's not a geek so she's on but she's on G4 Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of girls like that. They'll just pretend to be gamers right so they can get some fame and stuff like that There's plenty of women out there sucks. It sucks because like online if you're a girl
Starting point is 00:20:48 sucks. It sucks because like online if you're a girl, man, and you get on Twitter and you're hot, you can get a bazillion followers. And if you're a guy like no one cares, you know? Yeah. I want a bazillion followers. Sex with Emily on Twitter. Yeah. I want a bazillion. Speaking of geeks, okay, I got another ad read here that we got to do for 2NOT media. Okay, because 2 tune up media is the number one selling plugin for iTunes and Windows Media Player. And it's, have you, do you have tune up media yet? Because you're probably organized, menace. But this is for everyone who has all those annoying track zero ones, unknown artists, and bands
Starting point is 00:21:16 spelled five different ways. And tune up goes in and cleans up all of your media. And it's all of your songs and makes it cleanly, and intelligently identifies and fills in missing information using acoustic fingerprinting that same technology that powers the amp for iPhone. So they also have tune-averse which allows you to watch music videos, read artist bios. This like changed my music, my iTunes life, I love it and you can try tune-up free by downloading tune-up light or you can get 20% off tune up gold with promo
Starting point is 00:21:45 code sex with Emily. So check out tune up. It will change your music's life and your own life. Now, I've seen a work before. It's amazing. It is amazing, but I am organized. You're more organized. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:58 It's your job. Emily, enjoy the show. I listen through Stitcher. Anyway, I want to share an aspect to oral sex that I haven't heard you mention. Humming. I stumbled across this one day while providing oral to oral to my wife. Anyway, I want to share an aspect to Oral sex that I haven't heard you mention, humming. I stumbled across this one day while providing Oral to Oral to my wife. I was enjoying pleasureing her so much that I made a m- sound. At the time I was working with her clitoris, while the vibration from it really lit her up.
Starting point is 00:22:17 When I shared this with a friend, he had never thought of it either. His wife was quite pleased as well, so I thought I'd email and share it with you. In hopes that you might share it with your listeners. Scott. Is there any like songs that he suggests? I know. They say you should also do the alphabet, but humming is a great, that's totally make sense. That's in my book.
Starting point is 00:22:35 The vibration, it's like a vibration. And so the humming on when you're performing all sex feels great to them. And not the whole time. Don't like hum for the whole time. Yeah. Probably like a Justin Timberlake song would be good or something like time don't like home for the whole time. Yeah. Probably like a Justin Timberlake song would be good or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:48 You get home a tune. Sure. If it makes you feel better. Little jay jay jay jay jay jay jay jay jay jay jay jay jay jay jay jay jay jay But I would just go, mm. Yeah. But you could do a town. But I could get distracting for the woman if you're humming it tune.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Yeah. And if you mess it up or anything. You know what we have a talk about? I love the humming. What? Speaking about like humming and music and stuff like that is the the most favorite one, the Oh My God. The, the, we haven't talked about it in a long time.
Starting point is 00:23:09 I know, I love that. That's my favorite sex toy that I never use. I know. The Oh My God, I think you can buy it at them and even get a discount. It's the iPod for your vibrator. If you're the, the, it's, yeah, it's a vibrating, you put the music on your iPod.
Starting point is 00:23:24 You all right? You feel okay? Okay. It's a, it's, it's a vibrating you put the music on your eye behind your right you feel okay it's a it's it's it's an adapter for your iPod right vibrates with the music if I reach the music yes don't worry I'll edit the show thank you perfect okay yeah we love it we love that on my body okay so dear only minus thanks so much for the advice that you gave me on your last show I did end up telling my my friend that I really liked her and it felt great to get it off my chest Sadly, she didn't share the same feelings and as much as that sucks I was happy that it was at least out in the open our friendship took a big big of it Took a bit of a hit but nothing we can't recover from your lawyer listener RJ a liviamon is super hot. Hell yeah
Starting point is 00:24:04 See it probably felt good to just get it off your chest, listener RJ, Olivia Munn is super hot. Hell yeah. See, it probably felt good to just get it off your chest, you know, it probably felt awesome. That's what we told him. I'm like, just tell her that you like her because what are you gonna like suffer and pain? I met this guy the other night, not a friend of mine the other night, we were talking. And he's actually a photographer
Starting point is 00:24:20 and we were doing some photos, whatever he was saying. He's been in love with this girl for two years and she doesn't know it, but they have these lunches, and she tortures them, and I'm like, you just gotta tell her, like two years, like just come on, tell her, and be like, I'm into you, or I'm not, like why wallow in your misery?
Starting point is 00:24:33 Like I said, all the time, you're not gonna die if she says no. You're not gonna die, it's gonna suck if she does, but you're not gonna die. And as she says no, then you can move on. If she says yes, awesome. I think so much of relationships last way too long. You date the wrong people. All the stuff goes on and on and there's so much like my mom always says the issues you have in the third day, you'll have forever. All the information is there that you need about the person.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Pretty early on. I'd say within the first three weeks, you're dating somebody. The information is there. You know what you need to know about this person. Are you gonna open your eyes? Are you gonna look at it? Are you gonna address it? All that stuff. I realized I did the mail before I did the sex and the news. I liked that.
Starting point is 00:25:13 You did? You didn't even tell me. Because I liked it that way. Today's like freaky, freaky Friday for me. Okay. Just listen, dear Emily. Just listen to the show last night at work. Your show rocks.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Now the next time the podcast awards Come out you need to tell people to sign your show up for it I also want to tell you for a follow-up with my wife things have been lots better. We're getting long better Then the thing about not getting sex for three years is over We have been having sex almost every week now But the difference is that we are doing it in the morning and it's even better than sex at night She's more relaxed and think that things just work better in the morning. Thanks for a great podcast, Chris.
Starting point is 00:25:47 So we must have given him good advice. That's awesome. Morning sex is so much better. Well, see, that's a thing. That's a debate. A lot of couples complain that they don't have time for sex. And so I would say, yes, set the alarm 20 minutes earlier and have sex in the morning. You have full nights rest.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Some people don't like sex in the morning though. So you got to work that out. But if both of you do set the alarm and have some, if you have kids and you're complaining about it, like you're already in bed, you can wake up 30 minutes earlier, 20 minutes earlier and do the deed. Yeah. It's a great way to fit it in. If you have kids or...
Starting point is 00:26:14 I'll tell you. Busy. Because you worked late. If you look at it, you spent all your energy all day long and then you got to perform still like, come on. Right. This way, you have a full night's rest. You have all the energy.
Starting point is 00:26:26 You don't have that pressure when you come home of like, she's going to want it, he's going to want it. Sex in the morning. I love it. That totally solved this problem. They had sex in three years. She better, she better make some pancakes out there though. For real.
Starting point is 00:26:37 You just got to cook. Yeah. Really? All that. He should make, he should cook for her. Okay. Let's move into sex in the news. Okay. Go ahead. Okay. so have you heard this minus, this one is grinder news,
Starting point is 00:26:48 new app for stray people wants to help with those misconceptions. It's not gonna work. So we talk about this probably at nauseam every week, but grinder is menace's favorite gay app, even though he's not gay and it's gay, man, who want to hook up. Because my gay friends are obsessed with it.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Yeah, they love it. And so explain how it works really quickly. because my gay friends are obsessed with it. Yeah. They love it. Explain how it works really quickly. Okay, really quickly. It's basically a GPS chat room on your iPhone. It's an app. So you open up the app. They'll have all these photographs and they will show all the men that are near you within
Starting point is 00:27:19 a certain mile. Radius. Oh, you're like, oh, I like that man. So you you click on this photograph and then instantly you're like, oh, I like that man. So you, you, uh, click on his photograph and then instantly you're chatting with him. Yeah. You can be 20 feet away from him. Right. You can, you can hook up with him. So now they're gonna do it for straight people. Not gonna work. Not gonna work. You say, but we'll see. They don't have a name for it yet. It's called the fail app. It's not gonna work. There's gonna be 9,000 guys on there for
Starting point is 00:27:42 every one girl guaranteed. Maybe we don't know, honey guys on there for every one girl. Guaranteed. Maybe. We don't know, honey. We can't predict. We can't predict the future. I can't predict the future. I'm telling you right now, it's like it'll work. Okay, seven years, I love, this is my favorite
Starting point is 00:27:55 sex in the news article of the day. Ready? Seven year itch now down to three years. Why? So you know, they always talk about the seven year itch and relationship before that saying, right? That after seven years People get divorced that was the common thing for many many years
Starting point is 00:28:08 Merrill remember I started a famous movie called seven year at right or seven year wasn't it yeah These days the couples passions are to cool down after only three years According to nurse sir a new survey what a bummer people are getting divorced after three years Wait game by a partner lack of money, snoring, and overexposure to the in-laws are top passion killers. You're unscrupulous. Did someone say lack of racey underwear? That's another biggie,
Starting point is 00:28:32 along with toenail clippings left on the bathroom floor. What explains the couple's lack of tolerance? Longer working hours combined with money worries are clearly taking their toll on modern relationships and we are seeing an increasing trend for solo holidays and weekends away from marriages and relationships in order to revive the romantic spark. So what can couples do to keep the flames burning? Burning recognize that love is tough and that it's perfectly normal to think about straying as relationships evolve. So that's the best advice for couples they say is that love is tough.
Starting point is 00:29:04 So what about bummer, people aren't even lasting seven years now. Well people's attention spans are so exactly nothing these days, you know, like I am on the internet, they give us suggestions to make videos no longer than three minutes, you know, I can't watch longer than three minutes. My videos aren't longer, I mean, really, it's yeah. Well, you can even be in a relationship longer than three minutes. I can imagine three years. Seven. Oh my God. I've done two, I've done two year relationships. Two and a half years. How long do you have to be, you have to be medicated? What's your longest relationship? Two, three years. Which one? Add two, three year relationships. Oh, you had two, three years. That's good.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Sparta, me, I've done two and a half, whatever. Okay. So, the next section is the FSA professor apologizes. So, remember we talked about last week about the Northwestern professor. You heard, this has been all over the news now, that there was a live sex toy demonstration in his class at Northwestern. And apparently there were 600 students in the class and only 120 stayed for the performance. So they were talking about female ejaculation during that class.
Starting point is 00:30:08 During that class, and this woman came in with her boyfriend and said, oh, we can show it. You simulate it for you. And they went on stage and he like, she used some vibrator and they, yeah. So he apologized. He said he was starting for the negative precedent, bought to the university, but in the same breath, he maintained that he was justified in his decision and that the class had educational value.
Starting point is 00:30:29 So he apologized, but he still is maintaining that that was education. Chill people, you know? Yeah, but I don't know how it felt in 19 and college watching people have sex on stage and the class. I don't know, you would have had a dude, but I think I was more prudent.
Starting point is 00:30:44 I think I might have been more of tight I'm not sure but it's it's Crazy on how many steps were taking backwards when it comes to this stuff. I know in the years that we're in right now You know, I think there just should have been maybe more I think it was When the article I read about it said that he just kind of decided to fly I get the moment like the guy was like Oh, I can show you now and he was like, okay, good idea. Bad idea. Bad idea. Okay. Just do it. And so it wasn't like pre-planned and maybe should have built up the students a few weeks at a time. They're probably we couldn't but it'd been a better way to go about it. Yeah. I just talking about
Starting point is 00:31:18 progression with the US versus the UK, just in general. Like, I have no desire to ever go to Europe, okay? Just a lesson now. Why? I seen the food on TV and it looks like it sucks. So I don't wanna go there. Okay, you don't have to convince me, I'm never gonna go.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Sorry, there's no pizza hut. But check this out. Maybe there is. Check this out. I know you like the European guys because they have cool accents and all that crap. I don't wanna do that. So, but I was listening today, you know they have the European guys because they have cool accents and all that crap. I don't wanna do that. So, but I was listening today,
Starting point is 00:31:47 you know, they have the sun over there, which is basically the tabloid magazine. They have, you know how we have American Idol, they have page three Idol. Okay. Page three Idol is, you're reading your normal, you know, magazine, page three Idol is naked women and you get to vote on who is the best looking woman.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Like that's like normal there. Right. In the newspaper, there's pictures of naked women. I know. Can you imagine like how it is over here? Like why are we taking a lot of listeners in the UK and abroad? I don't think like not to offend the UK listeners. It's just not in like a place I want to go visit.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Yeah. why not? I don't know, I wanna go to Japan, and that sucks that Japan just had one of them. How sad about the tsunami? One of the huge major escalations. It's crazy, right? World history, yeah. And then I went thought that,
Starting point is 00:32:35 and then I woke up this morning, my mistake, my alarm didn't go off. I usually get up at 7.30, I woke up at 9.50. Nice. I felt like I was in college or something, I was like, who makes up at 9.50? Like I had to be at work at the office at by 10. I had a meeting.
Starting point is 00:32:47 That's besides the point. But I woke up to all these like people calling me fall over and wondering if there was a tsunami. Like that was gonna hit me. I was like kind of scared. Yeah. And what sucks is that people that are not live here. What sucks is, yeah, we had the tsunami warning
Starting point is 00:33:02 and then there was all this coverage and they're waiting for the waves to come. So the time hits where the waves are supposed to come, right? And it's this small little wave. And then they spent two hours on it, the local news. Right. The wave is a little wave. I don't know if you know this, but Japan just had 8.8 earthquake people. They're just trying to freak us out. The local, it's like a change of coverage. I know. I know. They're like, can you have sex during those times? Like what? people just trying to freak us out. That's a big deal. That's a big deal. That's a big deal.
Starting point is 00:33:25 I know. I know. They're like, can you have sex during those times? Like, what? What? What's tsunamis? No, but I'm just saying like, natural disasters are going on. Can you even think about sex? Or do you think about natural disasters? Personally?
Starting point is 00:33:36 Yes. I feel really bad for the old pan. Oh, I'm not going to have sex for 24 hours. Yeah, yeah. But I'm not in protesting. But I mean, in protest, in honoring people in Japan. Yeah, to say, hey, you know what, you're on my mind more than sex. Exactly. Tonight, I'm not going to have sex.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Tonight, I'm not going to have sex. Actually, I can tell you 100% and less something weird happens. But no, 100% I will not have intercourse. Unless the keel happens. Unless there's some tequila. I got to bring some tequila back around, the female viagra. I'm going to tequila on a while. Okay, the Center for Disease Control, the Center for Disease Control released a giant
Starting point is 00:34:19 study of human sexuality this week with some interesting findings. Teen sex, which has been on the rise for decades seemed to peak in 2002. It was nine years since Virginia rates have risen among 15 to 24-year-olds. The trend they say is good for STD rates. On the other hand, the now sexless school high school movie genre, whether chicken or egg in this particular shift
Starting point is 00:34:40 has suffered notably. So that means STD rates are going to go down because people are delaying sex. That's good. I think the kids are delaying sex. What's the rush? Which is the rush sex? Yeah. I don't know. It's just everywhere. I know that's the problem. That's why I'm having sex all the time. You're cool if you do it. Yeah, I guess so. I don't know. I waited a long time. I was 18. 17. I was 18. That seemed old then. It was when everyone around you, but it's cool because I think a lot of these shows on MTV, 16 and pregnant is scaring people from doing that. Well, I think so too. Do you think that's
Starting point is 00:35:16 why it's going down there? Like, I don't want to like live like that. But they thought that that was increasing that people were going to want to be famous. So they were going to have kids. No, no, I don't think it's a glorifying it at all. It's a crazy show. Okay, another teacher loses her job after students see her in a porn. Yes. I heard about this. Yeah. So there's been so many of these.
Starting point is 00:35:35 This woman, she was like a good, down, hard teacher. I heard she was a really, really good teacher. Really good teacher, a family woman, a great teacher, until one of her students discovered and reported her past as a porn star America is afraid of sexuality so she resigned so Bummer her name is Tara Myers or Tareka die. That's what her Yeah, what I heard was that she she did it in like the early 90s
Starting point is 00:36:01 So that's like 20 years ago and Ev's people she's a good teacher. Yeah. And then she did a porn. And how did the kid discover it anyway? Well, I heard that she already got porn. That's where the problem starts at home. Yes. Well, I heard that she got outed before at another school. So that's why she moved to this school. Oh, you can't share that
Starting point is 00:36:22 stuff. Yeah. Oh, that's a bummer. That's a bummer. I mean, never to make a porn. Although I'm in that movie, I'm a sex addict. Yeah. People can rent that DVD, which a lot of people do and email me and they're like, I didn't know you were in that, but there is like a deleted scene where it's there. I don't get naked in the film, but you can kind of they my breasts, you can they put like a bar over it because I was doing a sex scene, but I had clothes on, but my anyway. So that could come up, but I have a sex show. So that's actually a good thing.
Starting point is 00:36:47 So I'm not going to get fired. Forget it. Okay. Let's move into some sex tips. These are just random sampling of sex tips that I thought were really good and would help everyone with their sex life, which is my purpose on the planet. Okay. Grunts are better than nothing.
Starting point is 00:37:01 She'll give longer and more enthusiastic oral sex if you give her a verbal response. Even appreciative grunts are better than nothing. She'll give longer and more enthusiastic oral sex if you give her a verbal response. Even appreciative grunts are better than silence. Okay, this is so true. I talked about this, I don't remember a year ago, but this guy was dating, he did not make any noise during sex and it drove, he was like, this is how he would, I know they didn't orgasm. He'd go. I know they need orgasm. He go. And I was like, what, did you just, you're like, you could have coughed or burnt, like make, like, ah, like moan, like do something.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Seriously, that's better than nothing. So I, you know, I think that, yeah, you gotta give longer and more enthusiastic, you know, you gotta give a verbal response. Do you make noises when you orgasm? No, I don't. Come on. Okay. So verbal response is from men because my one guy would, uh, he's no longer in my life. Okay, very the stimulation, whether you're all the way inside or add side to side movement or up and down pelvic pressure against or clitoris to vary the stimulation. This is just to stop the whole jackhammer in and out.
Starting point is 00:38:05 You should go side to side. Have you ever done that? Do you ever go side to side and up and down and all around vary the stimulation? Yeah. I think lots of guys don't know that. Do that. And women, women too.
Starting point is 00:38:16 You can make this decision yourself. You can vary the movement. Okay, use your tongue wisely. When kissing, don't use your tongue like a dart in and out and set tri try varying motions and amounts of pressure Just like your penis during sex. So have you ever own his darts? No, not a good thing don't do that Okay, tell her what she wants to hear the word she loves to hear is I want to make you feel good
Starting point is 00:38:43 I Think that's so true like a guy is like I want to make you feel good. I think that's so true. Like a guy who's like, I want to make you feel good. Like I want to know it's not about me. It's not about me having orgasm, but I want to make you feel good. What can I do? That is such an easy thing to say. To say that to her, I want to make you feel good.
Starting point is 00:38:57 I love when a guy says that to me. You have nothing to say to that. Do you ever say that? No, I just, I really got to leave, but I'm going to edit it. So it sounds fluent. Okay, then I will do one Do you ever say that? No, I just, I really got to leave, but I'm going to edit it so it sounds fluent. Okay, then I will do one more. How's that? Sweet. Don't, this is a great one. Don't go south during foreplay. During foreplay, agree that the genitals are off limits at first. Touch other parts of your body using fingers, a feather, a silk scarf or anything that turns around. And ask her to describe how it feels. This builds attention until you're both ready to explode. This is the whole teasing thing that I always talk about.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Don't go right for it. Use a feather. Use something. Don't really go right and touch her there, but use other parts of your, you know, use a feather, so it's a scarf, whatever to touch her during four play instead of your fingers.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Use other things. Something organic. Something organic. Maybe fo. Fo? Yeah. Okay. We're done. Good.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Okay, awesome. Sweet. Thanks everyone for listening to Sex with Emily. Was it good for you? Email me. Feedback at Thanks for tuning in to Sex with Emily. One of the reasons you're able to listen to us for free is because we're being credible
Starting point is 00:40:02 people at good vibrations. Good vibrations is a sex-positive company based in San Francisco with an amazing website. I got my very first library from the vibrations, so I hold the soft spot in my heart for that. They view Johnlinestoregood You can find literally anything on there from toys to DVDs to games. Just click on the good vibrations banner at and enter the GV ship and the needs of free shipping. So check it out to help yourself and to help keep sex with Emily free, just like it should be.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Thanks for listening, I promise you sex life will improve.

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