Sex With Emily - SWE: Real Men Give Oral Sex- Loveline Host Mike Catherwood

Episode Date: September 9, 2013

According to Loveline Host Mike Catherwood, real men give oral sex (if only all men shared Mike Catherwood's definition of a real men *sigh*). If you don't genuinely want to please women and you don't... want to give them multiple orgasms, listen to another podcast! Real men: Don't become irrationally angry about their girlfriend's sexual history. Instead of obsessing about your partner's past sexual experiences, focus on making your present relationship pleasurable. Just like you've desired other women, they've desired other men. What matters now is that you desire and enjoy each other. Real men don't pound away like a jack hammer during sex. Real men follow Mike Catherwood's three amazing oral sex tips on women (they're good ladies!). Real men understand that sex isn't just about technique or how long you last, it's about having confidence and a good attitude (even if you orgasm in 15 seconds). Real men use vibrators during sex! Real men try to make sex interesting in long-term relationships. And finally, real men don't call women sluts.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Emily from carries unique, fair-bon-infused products that make you feel sexy and confident. I'm crazy about their wannabe naked shave cream. It's made perfectly for your more intimate areas. No shaved bumps or ingrown hairs. Use Cubant Code Emily25 for 25% off at Look into his eyes. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex
Starting point is 00:00:25 Eyes that mark our sacred institutions Betrubized they call them a lie on day Hey, Evelyn, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken He thinks you're kind of cute The girls got a hair standard, oh my The women know about shrinkage Isn't it common knowledge?
Starting point is 00:00:41 What do you mean like laundry? It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm so so grown. Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily.
Starting point is 00:00:57 We're talking about sex, relationships, and everything in between. For more information, go to You can listen to all of our podcasts. You can subscribe on iTunes. It's that easy. We've got hundreds of shows you can listen to. And you also have to go to my website, Put in your name. If you're not on our mailing list, we give away lots of good stuff. And you're going to get the report, the five biggest mistakes men are making in bed. And the five biggest mistakes women are making a bad. And I just, I don't want you to be making those mistakes anymore. You might be making them and I'm going to help you. And I just want to thank everyone for listening and always email me at feedback at
Starting point is 00:01:36 Very excited for tonight's show. First of all, I have Anderson here. Anderson, you're walking away as I'm talking to you. He's playing in the back. Yeah, it was good timing right there. I know. Where are you going? Great timing. Anderson's helped me out with the show tonight. We also have a great guest coming in. Mike Catharwood. He's the co-host of Love Island. What did you say? I just was talking to Anderson. Not what? A great guest. A great guest, including you. No, Mike's Mike's stuff. Mike's like Mike's like, maybe okay. How would you
Starting point is 00:02:01 sum up Mike Catharwood before? Because he just texted me. He's like two minutes away. Mike is always late. Okay. He's a miscreant with a very nice smile who gets away with what most men would never get away with. Because. Because he's got that boyish good look about. Yeah, we're gonna talk to him about that.
Starting point is 00:02:17 I kind of think he's like the bad boy, but reformed. He came in here, probably a year ago. I work on love line with him, so I'm so happy. Yeah, we all work on love line. If you don't know love lines, the long running radio show, it's been on since 1984 and you can listen to the podcast now for free.
Starting point is 00:02:30 If it doesn't play in your city, that's true. Yeah, anyway, Anderson, you've been working on it. Anderson does the board. Does everything engineer? Yeah, I've done everything on that show. Okay, so let's cut to the chase. What's the point now? About a year ago,
Starting point is 00:02:40 Katherine would come in here and I don't know any other person. I don't know any other guy in my life. I know a lot of people. No one else can get away with this. He comes in and he i don't know any other person i don't know any other guy in my life and a lot of people no one else get away with this he comes in he says oh look at that i was masturbating earlier and there's come on my on a cuff of my shirt yeah he said it like that and out and people are like oh my god that's kind of funny yeah anyone else is that it's like it get that get out i love that he is no i know you're right that you like disgusting but you just miles and gets away
Starting point is 00:03:02 with it because that's who he is you're absolutely right uh... and he sends me pictures of large black penises sometimes. Oh, yeah, you see in the middle of the show small white mouse Exactly. That's his fetish everyone's got the things anyway. He'll be in soon But Anderson and I are working together and here on at the love line studios the infamous love line suit Is what everyone should check out, but this is sex with Emily so Tonight okay, so wait here's one thing I got to talk to you about Anderson because you're a dude and you're more technical than I'm just okay. I know I'm a podcaster for a long time.
Starting point is 00:03:29 I'm not going to say I'm a chicken. I don't know technology and all that stuff. But I'm super busy and I just did something amazing with my technical life. Well, I'm listening to my cell phone. I'm doing two things a week. I know you are. So I've got cell phone, my cell phone, right? Verizon's broken. It is broken. I dropped it a million times and I
Starting point is 00:03:52 Went to I pay a lot of money for it But I'm so busy that I never have time to do the bill and never have time to check it out and see like I should call them I should get it reduced. What can I do? So I just came across Ting. Do you have your thing? Yeah, Ting's a very good company Oh my god, you can upload, so basically, I uploaded my account, my current cell phone service, to in their savings calculator, they access my account, they looked it up and they saw I could save all this money. 98% of people saved money with Ting. I'm totally switching over everything
Starting point is 00:04:19 because I can go buy shoes now. I mean, I figured out I could save $100 over the next three months. I'm sorry. Oh my counter run. What'd you say? Nothing, no, I just, I had a I could save $100 over the next three months. I'm sorry. Oh my count of what? What did you say? No, I just had a cough. I like how should you get a buy shoes? What would you do with extra money that you saved with Ting? Ting. Do you know It's amazing. Yeah. It's okay. Do I know Ting? Do you know Ting? You don't know a thing. Mike looks like a tank twink. I'm so happy to see you, Mike. That was close to a disaster. I'm happy to see you. I do know Ting. Okay. And I believe in Ting. Ting's awesome. It is literally, I went shopping. I say,
Starting point is 00:04:49 I already know the money I'm saving and I know a pair of shoes I'm buying at Barney's that I've had in my eyes on and I'm saving hundreds of dollars. In Beverly Hills? Yes, I love Barney's. I have friends over there. You do. Will they give me discount? Yeah. Oh, cool. Okay. Wait. So anyway, check out And I have a special deal. If you want to save money hundred dollars because you know why our cell phone companies They charge us for so much crap. We don't need you well here's the problem All the major the major carriers you get you get you end up paying for stuff you don't use right no one uses the amount of Texting and need and and and info and data and and calling that you actually pay for.
Starting point is 00:05:26 And it's not like you carry over the stuff you don't use to the next month, you just end up paying for stuff you don't use. And Ting makes it great because you pay for what you use. And that's it. And what I really like about Ting, honestly, obviously saving money is great, but they're so transparent. They're company, they put everything out there. Like you said, they have the savings calculator. You go to the website, you have the, you know, they give the, the website again, for people to go to. Okay, go to Emily dot ting dot com and you receive 25% of your first device purchase of 25 in service credit. If you bring your own device, but they are, they put it out there exactly what you will save exactly how to do it. And also the, another great thing is that their customer service is real
Starting point is 00:06:03 people. Then they work so hard to be helpful. I know, it's exactly it. Yeah, no, it's a great company. I don't use any of the stuff that I needed and they tell me everything that I'm using and I'm saving money and I'm happy. So go to and you get 25% off. Your first device purchase are 25 in service credit.
Starting point is 00:06:19 I love that you know this to bring you to a device. My cat, the world. Cover it entirely by the awesome Sprint Network. Covering entirely by the awesome sprint network. It is covered by the sprint network. And sprint network is awesome. So anyway, Mike, good to see you. Good to see you as well. So we were talking about you before you got here, Anderson,
Starting point is 00:06:35 because I was just saying, how would you describe Mike Catherine, if people don't know who you are? Black. I would say the first adjective I'd use is black. Yeah. OK. Well, he's not black. He's actually said that you were like one of these like attractive guys who kind of gets away with everything and smile and get everything. Henderson said yeah, yeah, yeah, it's true. You're a Miss Cran. I get I mean, I wouldn't say that that's far far from off. Hey, you know the guy. For correct. What you know the guy booger the guy who will play booger and yeah, I've been in there. Yes. Yeah, put his face on your face. Come in here and say, Hey, look, I was masturbating earlier and there's
Starting point is 00:07:11 come all over my sleeve. Isn't that funny? No one thinks it's funny. See, Mike can just kind of get away with whatever he wants. That's why I'm having Mike on the show today because I whenever I want, I mean, I mean, I mean, I've never never never read pictures of big black cocks and I don't even care. That's true. Besides love line, how would people maybe know Mike? So, Psycho Mike, Mike's been in radio for a long time, right, Mike? About 12 years.
Starting point is 00:07:32 About 12 years. And so, he's the host of Love Line, which I sometimes the guest co-host on Thursday nights. Yeah, and we love having you. We love being here. And you've done a ton of stuff. What is your, and you've your podcast? Yeah, the Mike and Dr. Drew show.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Well, I love doing that. that i really do i've come around to really like enjoy uh... doing the podcast and and being able to try and make it something that i think the audience would be into i think you're gonna get your own i would say them that uh... i hate to say it because i was so shity on it but for numbers alone i would say most people probably would have exposure to
Starting point is 00:08:04 me through dancing with the stars Dancing with the stuff is like like 30 something million people. I know that I didn't know you then So I would have been glued to my television set. What was what was your takeaway from that? Would you learn like how did it help you grow and change and learn? Yeah, I actually I mean not to sound too cheesy because it's a dumb dancing show But what I did take away from it is that I mean I spent a lot of time especially as an addict It's a dumb dancing show. But what I did take away from it is that, I mean, I spent a lot of time, especially as an addict, you spend so much of your life running away
Starting point is 00:08:30 from things that scare you. And dancing scare do? Well, not dancing scare, dancing doesn't scare me. I know I'm shitty at dancing. It's dancing in front of that many people. And then also, because it came from such a world where like I had engendered such passion and love from the listeners here at K Rock and Los Angeles, which is kind of like this masculine rock and roll FM very
Starting point is 00:08:57 testosterone driven world. I didn't want to be looked at as like a sellout because I was doing dancing with the stars. But instead of instead of like I said, shying away from it, I was like, you know, life's too short. Why not just go for it? Exactly. And I did. And I was scared shitless when the, and I wasn't scared at all in leading up to the show. Okay. And then on the premiere night, I was scared shitless. I mean, worse than my whole, ever in my whole life. I'm sure that's good. So that it's good to challenge yourself and to try this new thing. Sure. Sure. Get out of your
Starting point is 00:09:24 side. Who's gonna judge you? Just radio people they hate everyone who's not in radio You think they're gonna make you're selling out. I guess I just moved to LA and I'm in the business But I'm not in the business, but who's gonna say Mike you sold out? You do that. No, I don't mean I mean sold out I can't you just be an entertainer and you're doing your thing and you might you dancing the stars and you might do radio And you might send around pictures of big black hocks and you might come on your sleeve and you're everyone. You have no filter and it's fun. You can do anything. So, cameras.
Starting point is 00:09:49 I can't box in Mike Catlerwood. You can't. Mike Shrink says that she said you're a perfect example of the modern man because you know you're all into MMA and motorcycles and stuff. But you do yoga and you're the perfect man. You bet you're married. You're married though, which is exciting. It is.
Starting point is 00:10:04 But we're going to talk about today. though, which is exciting. It is. But we're going to talk about today. So why is Mike here on my sex with Emily Show? We talk a lot about sex and relationships. Because I'm happy to be here. That's why. I'm so glad you're here. It's fun.
Starting point is 00:10:14 But I think that you can help, first of all, I have lots of listeners and they send tons of emails with questions. You're going to help me some answer some questions today. Some emails from the listeners. They include the topics are, okay. One woman has a very selfish boyfriend. He will not perform or I'll sex on her. Another one, a guy he wants to last longer in bed. Imagine that. A woman wants to get freaky in bed, she can't find other freaky guys. And so much more.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Well, okay. I want to say that when I saw you though, I had to come into love line last night. And I saw you Mike and I said, you know, will I was really helping because you are an expert in so many things. You give amazing advice every night. Well, let's talk about this. Black cock. For sure. For sure, black cock.
Starting point is 00:10:58 He is straight, but he has a fetus for black cock. I love it. We don't have time today to get into your black cock fetus. I like cock in general. Yeah. I prefer black and, like, for viewing. You like looking at it. Well, because typically they're bigger. That's, you know, just really good, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:11 I'm gonna be a rumor, but, no, I guess it is. No, it's, no, it's no stereo. I guess so. No, you're right. In my experience, it has been that way too. So anyway, I want to tell you that Mike, I said to him last night, so I came, I said, Mike, oh my, well, you be on my, I'd love you to be on my show.
Starting point is 00:11:22 I said, it's new studio, recording for Love Line. He's like, I'd love to. I said, great. What do you want to talk about? And he didn't even like blink. He didn't even, he's like, anal sex. I'm like, okay, done to bad anal sex month. Just ended in August. But yes, we'll talk about anal sex. But then you said, I want to talk about the difference between promiscuity between men and women. And you're probably just basing me and like, hey, I'm like, but it's interesting. that's what you brought up like we said why can men be so promiscuous and women can't is that what you're yeah essentially not a winner slot
Starting point is 00:11:51 and then it's not like it's not even like a like a slight difference there's not even a thin line between men and women when it comes to promiscuity it's like guys are like applauded guys are cheered on for being yeah you being 10 chicks 10 chicks this weekend. That's awesome. Right. And women are really kind of burnt at the stake for it. You know, and don't you think it's more when you're younger like in college people, people still really care who you sleep with when you get older. I don't. I mean, I don't. And I'm not just saying that. You will judge me for how many people I've seen. I mean, I truly
Starting point is 00:12:18 don't care. And but I feel like I really am a little bit more sexually liberated than a lot of people. Especially guys, guys tend to get really rigid in how they view their female counterparts. I agree. What do you mean by that? Like, what would you say your most men are like? Probably listening right now. Yeah, I'm not trashing guys. I'm just think in general. Most of the time when you encounter a guy, you know, 50 and under, he has a hard time wrapping his head around the fact that his wife or his girlfriend has had sex with anybody else ever. In a perfect world, I think a lot of guys, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:54 just in this small facet, not in all ways, but a lot of guys, you know, kind of embrace the like, alkyteaeda view of women and that they should only service them sexually and never another man ever. Clearly that's unrealistic, but you just, you have a hard time believe. I know that I was that way when I was like 20. That's what I was going to say because a lot of our listeners are, are 20, 21. And we hear them, they call in love all the time, they email me every day and they just
Starting point is 00:13:24 don't know, 20, you can't just say, well, they email me every day and they just don't know 20 you can't say where you're 20 dude, but like they don't know they don't know what to do They don't not a problem or all sex on a woman They don't know how to please a woman and that's I think what we're trying to do is educate them But 20 you didn't know either yeah, I need to get to have my assuming you know now to have men's backs. I do Yeah, I do but I took a long time to get there. Yeah, how can we like fast track these guys? Well, I don't know if you can. I mean, because I'm gonna get some good sex. Where women get the shitty end of the stick when it comes to like their social views,
Starting point is 00:13:53 how society views them with sexual partners and promiscuity. Guys get the shitty end of the stick in coming of age sexually, because unless you're gay guy, because straight men are dealt a really fucking confusing hand when it comes to trying to figure out women because women are so different right right and biologically women have so much going against them when it comes to enjoying sex and it takes most women a long time to really understand their own body to figure out how to orgasm to figure out when they or when they can and what part of their body they get pleasure from. Whereas guys, we're
Starting point is 00:14:30 really easy. We're really, really easy. A woman's sex for a woman is like a vintage Ferrari. And it's beautiful and it's amazing to see and behold and be a part of, but it can break down just like that because the parts are so, they're so high performance, they're also very unique and very, like, hand-crafted. A guy is like a 2013 Toyota Camry. Right. Just, just,
Starting point is 00:14:57 I know, the penis is there, we can't know what to do. I know, I know, I know, I'm not a detective friend. I know, so I feel that this show has helped and we try to help and love so many people Understand it, but I think it starts with the women so many women aren't doing their work either So they I tell them all the time like you got to masturbate like my best friend in college every day for 30 days She never had orgasm. She took it in her own hands literally and she is now still to this day the most multi orgasmic woman I know yeah took that time and women are just like I can't have an orgasm much on with me.
Starting point is 00:15:25 They think, you know, he's supposed to bring the orgasm to me. It's his fault. He needs to know. And I used to do that. Yeah. But I was like, I blame the guy and think, why isn't he doing it? But I didn't know either. Yeah. And I, well, I, I'm gonna take time and figure out our own body. That's great advice. Is that women need to do the work beforehand? I think they do. The prep work, but at the same time, there's also a big facet that, you know, they can explain it to the partner. Is that yes. And 18 to 22 year old
Starting point is 00:15:49 woman needs to be open with their male lovers. They need to say, look, no, no, try this, not this. Right. And I don't, I think a lot of women assume that they're like going to hurt a guy's feelings, but I try to like direction. Yeah, because I always thought I would just work harder. Right. When my my when I was 19 and a girl Wouldn't have an orgasm I thought I just fuck her more right exactly more like a camera and actuality All I could have you know if I would have just taken my time and you know
Starting point is 00:16:17 Provided some oral or maybe incorporated a toy or something and it would have been like that I would have been just easy solution, but I had no idea if a girl had just opened her mouth. Now, my age now, I'll flat out be like, you like this? What can I do to make it better? But I think also a lot of young women think that if they speak up and they say, what's going on with them, then they feel like the guys are going to judge them. Oh, you've had so much experience.
Starting point is 00:16:40 How do you know your about, you know what I mean? I feel like they'll be seen as slutty if they give that. Yeah, I mean, I, I, that's an assumption for me because I'm not a woman. But and I hope that that's not the case. But let me speak for men out there. There's nothing better than getting, you know, direct advice on what makes you tick because you we a lot of times do look at women as very confusing, you know, we are really the Rubik's cube of life women's women's with ginos.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Yeah, but then again, like I say, they're like, it's like a pubic cube. See, a few of you are good night. I try. So Mike, you are married now. We're going to get into your sex life in a little bit of that. Cool. Yeah. But you don't care. No. But first I want to know how, how are your balls doing? My balls right now. Just, you know, like, you know, I give you a present and I just want to know they're dry. Are they dry? Do you like your balls stuff? Okay. I love it. Okay good. Tony and Emily and Tony. Emily and Tony. It's my new it's called Down Under. It's a ball cream to a powder. A lot of men don't know. That doesn't make any sense hearing those words. Okay, succulent to a guy. It's a cream
Starting point is 00:17:42 like it comes in a tube like it looks like a suntan lotion or something and you squeeze it out. It looks like lotion and now it is. And you rub on your balls or anywhere that you're prone to sweating. And it turns to powder. It looks like you put baby powder on your balls, but you just rubbed a lotion.
Starting point is 00:17:56 And it's awesome because I'm a very active guy and I get sweaty in that area. And it's taking care of it. I know, it's like it has a natural, like an a person built in. It has a witch hazel and it's taking care of it. I know. It's like it has a natural like an a person built in it has a which hazel and it has it's tapioca actually someone could eat it off you. It's fine. It's vegan and say fresh and dry men don't realize that yoga means it's
Starting point is 00:18:14 gluten free. Exactly. It is gluten free and men think that they don't it's kind of so you just stop sweating and you say fresh men you tell them powder. It can be carcinogenic and so everyone can check it out at Emily If you love me, you support the show. You'll support support down on that and it's good. I I vouch for it I've used it. I don't use it on my balls First person I gave it to I not only use it on my balls
Starting point is 00:18:32 I use it on my hips when I when I grapple and do MMA because I wear like a rash guard It's like a really it's almost like like neoprene against my body underneath my key or if I just go no ghee and it gets really sweaty and itchy in certain parts of like my hips and my my fupa my my spare tire and then I don't have a spare tire I rub it on there and it works yeah it's up sweating everywhere women can use it on the lower back when you the breast anyway I'm very proud of my new thing I have to say to two years we created it we have candles and lubricant and it's awesome so check it out and I love the candle and I love it and I left it in my car overnight.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Okay. And I got back in my car and smelled amazing. Yeah, it's amazing. Come on. My whole car smelled like a Hawaiian vacation. Exactly. It's the massage candles, actually. You have your, you should, did you use it?
Starting point is 00:19:19 I gave it to you. I know, I did massage. You massage her? I did not. I'm sorry. I would have sent you a picture of I did. You would have sent me a picture sent me picture yeah, I still left it in my car to like prepare for the thing and then we We took my wife's car to the and I didn't think about it. I know I will No, Mike. Okay, we're let's answer an email from listeners
Starting point is 00:19:38 I feel like you we were we were just talking about this a little bit But I think you could be very helpful here. All right, okay Dear Emily I recently discovered your show. I'm so glad I did. I've already learned so much, and I'm appreciative there's a resource like this out there. I'm 19. I've been sexually active for about four months with my current boyfriend, who is also my first serious relationship. Sometimes he's pretty selfish and bad. He wants me to give him blow jobs and hand jobs. All the time have sex in all the positions positions he likes and it's frustrating because he expects all give and no take.
Starting point is 00:20:09 He used to love going down on me, fingering me, making out and getting really turned on before we had sex. Now, he like expects me to be wet after one kiss and ready for sex and I just can't be. I miss when the sex is to be really good and exciting. It's like we're an old married couple. I try talking to about it. He's going to focus more on me, but he never really does. I mean, never takes initiative. How can I get him to step up? Thank you. I love your show Kendra. So she's 19. He was good for a few months. He probably performed all sex under for like 60 seconds.
Starting point is 00:20:40 And now he's just being selfish. He's a baby. 19. How do we, we can't that to every single year? You're just young. No, I will say this though. I think he is being selfish, but he doesn't even know it. Yes, he does. He's telling. She's telling him. But he's not like conscious of the circumstances that she's going to stop giving him blow jobs if he doesn't start. There's certain stuff you will write off and you will give a guy you'll cut a guy some slack for the fact that he's 19. But if he started off like given her the full court press with going down in her and doing Romana and then now that he realizes he has her in like his comfort zone, he'd stop that shit. That's just he's a dick. He's a.
Starting point is 00:21:14 So he really just is emotionally immature. Yeah. And she what she needs to do instead of tell him right, she needs to let it be known how he's not a man. He's like, that's baby shit. A real man. You think she should be like, honey, you're a pussy, you've been done this to me. I mean, like, really? I mean, you know, maybe not those sort of problems.
Starting point is 00:21:32 But you'd be surprised how, especially like, he probably thinks he's so cool because he can just get blow jobs without doing any work. And what she needs to do is like, enlighten him to the fact that there's nothing less manly Like being self-thing as a free blowjob being being selfish as a lover is the least masculine and the least It's the least cool kind of
Starting point is 00:21:58 Lithuorio thing to do he probably thinks he's some cool playa and he can just come home from work or whatever he does and play Xbox and then get a blowjob. In actuality, the ability to like check off all corner, all things on a woman's menu before you even get concerned about yourself. Right. Like make sure that she is pleased that she's had her orgasm that she's gotten there before you do. And he'll be shocked because the more he starts to consistently do that without her needing to antagonize him to do it, then she'll be motivated out of the blue to just
Starting point is 00:22:33 want to rock. Yeah, comes around goes around exactly. So she and the thing that that might breaks my heart is that she says, I deserve some foreplay and some oral don't I? Like she's doubting it like it's something wrong. So yes, you do deserve it Kendra. We all deserve it. And if he's not the right guy because I've been, I think I've told you this, but I've been with men who don't like the vagina. Just some men they don't.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Like they like me, they want to have sex with my vagina, but they don't want to like know it and get in there and get interested in the vagina. So I feel like, and I actually had a conversation with this guy that I was dating, was like a year and a half. And I was like, what's the deal? He's like, I just, I don't really like it. And I'm like, I don't really like you. And I actually had a conversation with this guy that I was dating was like a year and a half and I was like, what's the deal? He's like, I just, I don't really like it. Yeah, that's the thing. I don't really like you.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Yeah. And I ended it. Yeah, listen, I love girls. Like I need or all sex. You're not, like, guys, guys, someone a perfect husband someday or something. Guys will totally leave a relationship if they're not getting their, their needs met sexually. I feel like a lot of young women, especially they won't they'll They'll stay bit. He's a really nice guy. Maybe I can find they look that's a very very important part of a successful relationship
Starting point is 00:23:34 And if you feel like someone of especially if you've made it known that you want this in the bedroom And this guy can't step up to the plate just because he flat out doesn't want to. You have, you are under every right in my opinion to just end the relationship. Yeah, and I mean, I think you got to have the real, obviously what she's saying isn't working, but I think that you both deserve it and you have to start communicating about it. That's right. And I'm not saying tit for tat, I never would advocate like fighting fire with fire, but for a 19 year old girl with a 19 year old boyfriend, the best way to get him to snap an action is infer that you can get it somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:24:07 19 year old boys are so territorial about their ladies. So if you just be like, believe me, Bobby, you know who I work with over there at In and Out Burger, he'll go down to me in one second. We've kind of had that conversation maybe once or twice. Because he has let that bomb drop. But don't you think a lot of it is that guys don't actually know what to do once they get down there? Yeah. Yeah. I actually had a relationship when I was 19 where a girl flat out said she's like, you're just too aggressive when you go down there.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Could you probably so excited? You're like, yeah, I'm doing. I love and I also thought it was kind of like treated clitoris like a penis. Right. And that's not how it's that just hurt my clitoris right now. Right. And now looking back on it, you know, like I probably was totally not. Right, because you don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:55 So Mike, fast forward a few years, you're no longer 19, 20 year old man. Yeah. If you had to give your top oral sex tips, your top three oral sex tips for performing oral sex on a woman, what would they be? And all the vaginas that you've that you I'm assuming from what I know you've probably come across many. Yeah. And probably about many pleasure. Yeah. What's your top tips? I would say always start off. Softer. than you think you need to and gradually work
Starting point is 00:25:29 yourself up to a level of aggressiveness to the point where you feel like a woman's there. As opposed to starting off hard and working backwards, start off absolutely as gently as possible. I mean almost like you're whispering on a clitoris. So true. And then gauge as you, and slowly, gradually increase pressure and, like I said, I don't want to say, aggressiveness is a bad word. The more pressure you apply, slowly add, feel it out in the woman and try to sense what her threshold of, because some women do like it aggressive, but you know. Usually they want it.
Starting point is 00:26:04 I always say start five times slower than you think you need to. There's nothing wrong with starting to slow. There's a big problem with starting too hard. We're not even there yet. We're like, what do you do? You're down. I'm not even ready. I didn't even know what was happening.
Starting point is 00:26:15 You got to ease into it. Because a guy will get frustrated if a woman doesn't get down to business on his penis. So you don't want a satizio? I prefer not. So if you're going to blow me, I'd love you to blow me. Just go right to the, that's been like the nibbling through the underwear, like slowly on to your pants,
Starting point is 00:26:29 like you just want the blow dub, you just want your dick in someone's mouth right away. Yeah. Really? Yeah. Okay, but we're in, don't be wrong, some bit of tension.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Right. Yeah, you feel the penis. Like 50 seconds. Feel the penis through the pants and then you undo my pants. Like that alone is arousing enough to a guy. Right, but you don't do a whole song and dance. You're no kid, you know what's like, like, 50 seconds. Feel the penis through the pants and then you undo my pants. Like, that alone is arousing enough to a guy. Right. But you don't even do a whole song and dance.
Starting point is 00:26:47 You're no kid. You know what's like, most of the time when you feel like there's the possibility of going to bed with a guy, he's already hard for like 20 minutes before you even get his pants off. Right. So it's different than a woman
Starting point is 00:26:59 where you really kind of do need to get the system going. You know? But for guys, I'm just saying, because we always talk about teasing, teasing your partner. And so I'm going to do like to be teased, but for guys I'm just saying because we always talk about teasing tease your partner and some of them do like to be tease but typically I honestly think that got teasing a man and working slowly towards him is great when you're married for some you know I really or you've been in a relationship where you've had you're no longer to tell you about that you got it because guys and this is a terrible thing to say
Starting point is 00:27:22 but it's 100% true, is that guys get very desensitized to having sex with the same person. We're so turned on by the idea of variety. That's not to say that guys aren't meant to be monogamous. I really do think that we are in that you learn to love the idea of having sex with one person. But because of instinctively, we want to bang every woman we come across and we do kind of get bored with having sex with the same girl.
Starting point is 00:27:47 There's a lot of value in varying things up. So, you know, after you've had sex with the same guy 50 times, then you can start working your way down with slow kisses to his penis and nibbling off his underwear or, you know, blindfolding him when you kiss his area around his penis before. Those things are great when you're in a long-term relationship. Okay. When you're like date number three and you're thinking about this first time sleeping with a guy, go like a scuttle right into a sky. Go like a scuttle, it's exactly. So you think that that's interesting because I believe that there's a lot of men
Starting point is 00:28:21 who feel exactly the same way you do. They think, you know, I don't think we're meant to. We're not going to miss. I want to bang every chick. I see. And then there's guys who are like, you know what? I'm okay with it. Like, I kind of feel that way, but I'm in love. I would never cheat.
Starting point is 00:28:33 And they don't even like go there. Or do you think that those men are just, you're just saying. They don't know what they're getting themselves into. Those are the guys who get married at 22 and they're like, you, you know, and I believe them. They're definitely super in love with their fiancee soon to be woman and they're like I've only banged one other girl and I'm fine with that yeah call me at 28 after six years of that shit because I I'm not saying that everybody should be reckless actually but there's a there is a tremendous amount of
Starting point is 00:29:03 currency to just getting that shit out of your system. Right. I'm 30 for now. Right. And my take sexually on my wife now, as opposed to my first wife when I got married at 24, is totally different because like, look, I've had three sums and I've I banked a lot of girls and I'm not trying to be braggado, but I've been around the block and I got that shit out in my system. And now the value of like really developing intimacy with my wife through sex is so much better than the titillating feeling of the new vagina and the new... So you don't...
Starting point is 00:29:41 So those feelings, those cravings for new vagina is gone now? They're not gone, but I mean, I'm still alive, so you're those feelings, those cravings for new vagina is gone now. They're not gone, but I mean, I'm still alive. I still see girls on the internet or I, especially in this business, I get a chance to meet remarkably beautiful women. Of course, I'm like, I'd, I'd really like to have sex with them, but it's a, it's a, it's a mild feeling, much like if you're on a diet and you see a piece of pizza, you, of course, you want to eat that pizza, but now I have somehow have a different level of willpower to stay on my diet as opposed to when I was 24, if that makes you know that
Starting point is 00:30:09 analogy. Yeah, that doesn't make sense. And the choice that you make. I'm always going to be, you know, I'm always going to be a guy. The analogy I always like to say is like, I love my car. I have a 66 GTO. I love it. It's a muscle car I've always dreamed of.
Starting point is 00:30:22 I have no desire to buy another car. I could live in that car because I've always dreamed of. I have no desire to buy another car. I could live in that car because I love it so much. But does that mean when a 69 charger drives by, my head doesn't whip around and I go fuck. That's a nice car. Of course not. I still admire other cars
Starting point is 00:30:36 and I still get a great passionate feeling when I see a muscle car that I love. Doesn't mean that I don't prefer mine. That's the way guys are. And I think that when a guy meets all of a woman's needs, emotionally, physically, he's there for her in every regard, women can just write off other men. Like there's no other men in the world.
Starting point is 00:30:56 They may have other men. Do men like that exist? Yeah, I think so. Oh, they fill all your needs. I hope so. Oh yeah. I mean, I hope I'm that way for my wife. No, I'm sure they do. I don't in any way. I think it's realistic to think that there's one person that's going to fill all your needs. I hope so. Oh yeah. I mean, I hope I'm that way for my wife. Right, no, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:31:05 I don't in any way. I don't think it's realistic to think that there's one person that's going to feel all your needs. No. No, it may be sexually yes, but I'm saying in other ways. Like, I think people think that this perfect person we have to find that's going to feel all these needs. No, but I also think that.
Starting point is 00:31:18 You feel enough of her in the right place. Your partner is like a great rock song. It's perfect and it's imperfection. Right. There's never going it's imperfection. Right. You know, there's never gonna be actual perfection You just find the perfect person for you who's Alarmingly imperfect just like we all are, you know, that's the key I mean for me it's like I of course I feel like my wife wants to bang other guys
Starting point is 00:31:38 I feel like my wife find my wife finds other women other men attractive I'm sure a lot of women say that they don't feel that after they get married like I don't crave it I don't want it. I want to speed other men attractive. I'm sure. A lot of women say that they don't feel that after they get married. Like, yeah, I don't crave it. I don't want it. I want to speed my guy. Yeah, I believe that. I believe my wife really would just like to be with me, but I be dumb or naive to assume that she doesn't find other men attractive, but she's not that right.
Starting point is 00:31:57 And have physical urges to be with those guys. But I do feel like I meet a lot more, like I scratch that itch a lot more in my wife than she does to me Not to say that I'm not fully satisfied with my wife. It's just that that's the way guys are like I I just I you know sometimes I get overwhelmed by like how many beautiful women they're in the world But I don't have like any any real Visceral urge to to be with them I just want to marry to a beautiful woman. Yeah, no, my wife's gorgeous. Right. But you know, you still, you know, and you surf porn, you like porn. I love porn.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Right. Love porn. She's cool with that. We get so many calls too, you know, and people even about the problems they have. Do you guys ever talk about it? Does she ever want to know, like, what do you watch? Like, how do couples do with the porn situation? I got. I got so many people like my, he watches porn. It means he doesn't love me. Does it mean our sex is bad? I thought I was the best in his life. And now he's like in the basement. It has nothing to do with that though. Right. That's what we got to explain to men.
Starting point is 00:32:49 My wife, my wife is without question the best love I've ever had. But I still beat off the porn all the time. Right. Probably because of that. Yeah. Right. No, that's a great point.
Starting point is 00:32:59 That's great insight for you to have because I don't know if all men are like this, but I certainly feel like my sex drive is higher when I'm having more sex. Right. I think I take it as a compliment. He's like, I had, we had amazing sex at night and I masturbated today. I'm like, awesome. I feel more like inspired.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Right. I do. I feel like more of a man. There was a span after my first wife left me where like the tail end of before our separation, we didn't have any sex. It was like probably eight months. No sex. Then she left and there was another like year and a half where I didn't have any sex. So I went almost two years in my mid-twenties without any sex. And I probably didn't beat off
Starting point is 00:33:34 half as much as I do now where I have sex whenever I want. Right, exactly. Because now when you have a great sex, you want more, you want more because you have the taste to it. And I feel like more of a man, I do, I feel like more. Okay, I have a question. You just said that you were having the best sex of your life now. Yeah. Can you explain to me what have the taste of it. And I feel like more of a man I do. I feel like more. Okay, I have a question. You just said that you were having the best sex of your life now. Yeah. Can you explain to me what that is because of the intimacy or is there like any like anything in particular that makes you think that? There is a certain spontaneity to a great sex in my opinion, you know, where you, it's
Starting point is 00:33:58 not former lake. And I feel like it's easy to fall into that rut, especially for guys because you want to work hard to please your woman. So you find one or two things that really pleases her. So you just want to go right to those. Right. But I think it's hard to, it's, it's important to kind of keep everyone guessing. You can always get to the things that you know are going to work, but just change the order.
Starting point is 00:34:16 You guys are always changing things up. And, and, um, and my wife and her very open communication wise when it comes to sex. I mean, I'm very inquisitive about what she wants and how I can better please her and what I'm doing that isn't working. You know, I think that- I think that- What kind of feedback have you gotten that it wasn't working? As of right now, I'm still-
Starting point is 00:34:41 You're doing well. I'm still doing well, yeah. Yeah, okay, that's good. What would you say is the- Oh, actually, no, I'm still doing well. Yeah, that's good. What would you say is the old? Actually, no, my wife has made it very clear that she doesn't like it when I go long periods of time without initiating sex. She feels like she feels much more desired and she feels much hotter as a woman when I initiate it when I get a little bit more cake, because I work very hard to not be kind of brutish
Starting point is 00:35:08 and, you know, coming home and demanding sex, but she says every once in a while, it's very good. It's very good for you to kind of come home and be like, woman, yeah. So I don't care what you're doing, it's time to go to the bedroom. I love it, yeah, women, we want to be taken. We ought to find these.
Starting point is 00:35:24 And some guys want to be taken. Yeah, and she has and guys want to be taken. Yeah, and she has expressed me that it's not appealing to her that if I'm very passive and I don't initiate sex. And so I've worked on it. Does she initiate sex a lot? Yeah. Okay. So she feels like was she feeling like she was initiating more than you? Yes. That's interesting. And she was. She was because I was making a conscious effort to not be kind of a domineering husband. I thought I was doing the right thing. I was trying to be, I didn't want to paint her into any corners, to have sex when she didn't want it or it to be.
Starting point is 00:35:55 And I think that that was residual from past relationships. Whereas now she said, no, certainly I like you being open-minded and not trying to be brutish, but at the same time you need to frequently and periodically take control and demands, because that makes me feel desired. I think that's amazing that you had that conversation because so many couples would not know. First of all, they would never have that conversation. Years would go by. She'd be so upset that her husband wasn't initiating sex
Starting point is 00:36:27 and then she felt too, and then they would never, you know, most couples don't have those conversations. Yeah, and I want to give you a medal right now. Yeah, well, thank you. I am going to give you a vibrator lately later for her. I am very lucky. My wife is great in many regards, not only she, but she is that type of woman
Starting point is 00:36:44 who would have that conversation with me. And I gotta be honest, I would be receptive to that. I would be very hurt or 10 years ago, if significant. That's interesting. So the young guys listening, 10 years ago, so when you were like 21, when I do, be like, I don't want it to sound condescending when I say,
Starting point is 00:37:00 well, 21-year-old guys can't handle that. I was that way too. I'm not trying to paint a picture that I wasn't involved in as well. I was, I was just that same guy when I was 20, you know, 2021. But you, you do kind of grow and you start to become interested in, in, you, you start to become interested in other people's needs as opposed to to just your own. You live in a very sheltered, very selfish world when you're young.
Starting point is 00:37:24 And sex is so new and exciting at that age. You're like, I just wanna have it. I'm having it, you're thinking about it, you're preoccupied with it, and you're not really thinking of your technique. You're like, it's in and out, it's in and out. And then porn, too, so many kids today, that's how they're learning about sex, all they see.
Starting point is 00:37:36 And it's so, it's so, it's so, she wants to be bang that way. I was like, no, that doesn't even work. They're like, hey, you're hitting your clitoris. It's like a miles away from your clitoris what you're doing right now. It's not, it's not, it's not, it's not, it's, it's, it's tough. I said, learning to have sex by watching porn is like
Starting point is 00:37:48 learning to box by watching Rocky. It's a terrible idea. It is terrible idea. But it's entertainment. And James, we've had great adult stars on Love Line many times. They said, this is not how you should have sex in life. I'm an entertainer. Sure, I'm fucking someone, but I mean, I'm fucking someone for the sake of your entertainment, not for the sake of having great sex, you know. Exactly. So it's not like, technically a great place to learn. So what would you say in your experience of sleeping with women? What would you say has been the best position for women type orgasms? Best position. Yeah, the position that you found that women were like, oh, outside of outside of oral sex for kind of lingas. Yeah, like during intercourse. Yeah, outside of connoisseurs, because that's definitely number one. That's like, yeah, that's the that's
Starting point is 00:38:30 the sure thing. I would say doggy style or or her lying on her stomach with you know, so something from behind with the woman also simultaneously applying pressure to her own place with like a hand or a hand or a vibrator Yeah, sometimes I'll use my own hand like redo her a little reach around Right and lots of lube is good too. Yeah, I think that I love it Yeah, I mean if it's necessary. It's not see this is the thing I think that lube doesn't have to be a necessary thing I think a lot of it enhances sex for women I think that also to those give that guy you got to email about premature ejaculation.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Yeah, I do. Extra-loob has been incredible for me, because I suffered from premature ejaculation for a month. Okay, let's talk about that. Tell me, how did you get over it? A lot of help. A lot of help. For a long time, I thought about stuff that made me sexually unaroused.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Like I thought about this pile of trash in New York City with rats coming out of it, and that has disgusted me right and everybody has that old cliche idea of thinking about baseball or your grandma or something right that's a bad idea because then you Are associating sex with something negative I To be honest the best solution for me was to just pop off quickly a couple times with each with each lover and Let that be open be like I'm just so turned on by you because that's the truth. A lot of guys. Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Yeah, that was for me. It was like I just get so worked up like I can't last. But big salute big another big speech of yours like I always was ready for round two. Oh wait, okay, right. You're younger. That's what happens. Yeah, you're a young. I like I still go round two. Right. Oh my god, I have to give you some permission. Well, here's the thing.'re younger. That's what happens. You look at your foot. You're so young. You're so young. I still go round two. Oh my god, I have to give you some permission. Here's a thing. I'm not ready for round two. Like I can just stick it back in right after a blow load.
Starting point is 00:40:11 But what you do is like you do a little foreplay on the woman. Maybe she has an organ. Maybe she doesn't. Maybe it's just getting her going. Then you have sex vaguely or she gives you oral and you you achieve orgasm. Right. So you say, I'm sorry it happens so quickly, but I'm just so into you, no need to fill with any more words. No.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Go right back down to going down on her. Exactly. You give you 15 minutes, 10 minutes of making sure you work on her body. While that's happening, you're building that bone or back up. Exactly. Boom. Go around too.
Starting point is 00:40:43 I think that what happens is so many men don't even go for the round two because they're humilified, humil round two because they're humiliated. They're humiliated. They think, God, she's not going to want to be with me. She's going to think, I know. We think that you thought we were really hot. You couldn't help it. And now just please us. We're fine. We're not as a trade up on it. And the men who get super trade up on it are the ones who can't even think of round two because they're like, right, if you own it, I get, I'm telling you, if you own it, premature jack, even with a brand new partner, I've had it, I used for, for five years,
Starting point is 00:41:09 like right from my divorce, and like, especially during the dance with the stars, era where I was having sex with a new girl. Were you banging new checks all the time? Cause you weren't TV. It was, it was like, Tell me did you like fans, do you like groupies? Yeah, I mean, that mostly though, was,
Starting point is 00:41:22 it was gross that I work with. Oh, you slept with the other dancers on the stars The dance who anyone famous? Well, I mean I honestly I don't want I feel bad for that whatever we want to know I just I Loved you look how cute you are my cat. They're what everyone you I a lot of girls that work on the show whether they were in front of the camera or behind it producers Yeah, there was there was that's it And then also just like little 24 feet, 24 feet, they just moved there to LA. Oh, cute.
Starting point is 00:41:47 And maybe makeup girls. Makeup girls. Oh my god, a lot of my guy friends love makeup. Yeah, that's a little tip for those you listening on other parts of the country. I mean this. And I mean, the hottest women in Hollywood work behind the scenes.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Most of the makeup and wardrobe girls in Hollywood are fucking ridiculously hot. People who do makeup and hair and cosplay on every show, even like news shows, like Dr. Drew's HLL, like you walk backstage and you're like, whoa, whoa, whoa, what is going on? And I mean, like, model, I mean, I think it's just the business of trends.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Yeah, and everyone in L.A. is so hot. I just knew Dere from Stanford just got my coat. Like, oh my god, everyone's so hot. It really is, it's not a, it's not a studio. It's weird, it's just the business of trash. Yeah, and everyone in LA is so hot. I just knew Dere from Stanford to scum. Like, oh my god, everyone's so hot. It really is, it's not a, it's not a stereotype. It's weird, it's crazy. I mean, like, it's crazy. Like every single place you go, he's hot, she's hot, it's like, you don't know what I'm going to do.
Starting point is 00:42:32 You go to different parts of the, and don't get me wrong. There's, there's parts of the country where there's insane levels of really good, like, you know, there's parts where you might not even assume, like parts of Texas and, like South Carolina, South Carolina, the one on the coast, has ridiculously hot people, men and women and parts of like out in the Atlanta area, just ridiculous, you know, Dallas and Austin. But, but it's, they really do
Starting point is 00:42:56 because like beautiful people flock to LA. Right. They do. Beautiful people from all over come to the so it's crazy. It is crazy. But going back to premature regulation, we just got to send this up because this email was from Kyle. I'm not Beautiful people from all over come to this. So it's crazy. It is crazy. But going back to premature ejaculation, we just got to send this up because this email was from Kyle, I'm not married, but feel I'm having a problem with premature ejaculation, which I do for it. So I think you gave some great, great examples, pre-gaming as well.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Pull out and own it. And just be like, there it is. There's my load. And I did it two or three times. And the next thing you know, it just stopped happening. You know what I'm saying? I just was so much more in control of it. Because I didn't allow that.
Starting point is 00:43:27 You owned it. I didn't allow the premature ejaculation to own me. I owned it. And a lot of it can be psychological, but there are some things you can try. It's the only FDA approved treatment for premature ejaculation and lasting longer. It's promising. Go to, click on Promess and you can check it out. It's a spray for your penis.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Is that the desensitization stuff? Yeah, it's desensitizing. Yeah, it's such good. And it makes you stay harder and you can have sex with her. She doesn't get the sense size. It doesn't rub off in just either. And it lasts and it's like, it's the only FDA approved one, the spray and it'll have you less longer.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Guys, love it. I don't know what penis I wish I did. I would try it. But anyway, that's what they should do. And it's great because it's a lot better than cocaine, which I oftentimes rub my hands. Oh, cocaine also, right, you rub it in your penis. You rub it everywhere, right?
Starting point is 00:44:09 Yeah, well, it really will disencentize your winner. Oh, good job. No, thanks. I'm a drug addict. Oh, my drug addict listeners. That will rub off into it. Anderson, is that what you do? No, no, I was saying that we're wrapping it up, right?
Starting point is 00:44:19 Oh, we're wrapping it up. Anderson, there is a great song by Wayne called, Put the Coke on my dick. Oh, that's great. I love setting this message to my dog and it becomes drug addict now. It gives women like limp. Yeah, don't stick. Hoking side of a woman's vagina. It'll be awesome as if you could train your penis to somehow sniff. And then you could have it on there. And we snorting it through your weener. If my penis could sniff coke, I might fall off
Starting point is 00:44:42 the wagon fall off the wagon. Yeah, what if Dix could yell? That'd make a sexual harassment all over the place. I think they do. That's my autobiography. What if my dick could yell? If my dick could talk, it would be a good one, too. Okay, Mike Catherwood, where can everyone find you? At Mike Catherwood on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:44:57 That's a C. Yes. That's my one and not a spell it. At Mike Cather, C-A-T-H-E-R-W-O-D. And then also Mike and Drew podcast a podcast one they can find it and Everyone thanks for listening to sex. Tell me you can find me on Twitter Facebook Instagram sex with Emily and Thanks everyone for listening to sex with Emily was it good for you? Email me feedback at sex with Emily dot com. Thank you Emily. Thank you, my
Starting point is 00:45:20 Hi, I'm Emily for sex with Emily dot com I would have given oral sex tastes like strawberries or chocolate? Masc makes these delicious strips like a breath strip, only better. They make oral sex tastes like chocolate, strawberry, watermelon, or mego. Make sex more pleasurable for you and your partner by going to Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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