Sex With Emily - SWE- Recharging Women's Sex Drive

Episode Date: February 20, 2013

43% of women experience low libido. Whether it's menopause, stress, anti-depressants, medical problems or something else, women often blame themselves for their slumping sex drive. Emily talks with Ra...chel Braun Scherl, President of Semprae Laboratories (the creators of the revolutionary female product Zestra), about why so many women experience low libido and what they can do to get their sex drive back. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Look into his eyes Then the eyes of a man obsessed by sex Eyes that mock our sacred institutions Betrubized they call them in a fight on me. Hey, Emily You got a boyfriend because my man E here. He just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute The girls got a hair standard. Oh my the The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean like laundry?
Starting point is 00:00:26 It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god. I'm so drunk. Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. This episode is brought to you by one of our amazing sponsors, Masks Sexual Flavor Strips. They enhance your sexual experiences with a taste of strawberry, mango, watermelon, or chocolate.
Starting point is 00:00:58 It's kind of like a history and strip, but for sex. So if you like sex and you want to make it even more enjoyable and you like hearing sex with Emily for free, check out Mask at Enjoy the show. I promise your sex life will improve. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to where you can listen to all of our podcasts, sign up our mailing list, which you really need to do because there's lots of exciting stuff coming happening on the show and you're not going to want to miss any of the news. So thanks everyone for joining us. I'm very excited for our guests today.
Starting point is 00:01:34 We have Rachel, Braun, Cheryl. How are you? Good to have you today. I'm great. How are you? I'm good. And you are the President of Sempray Laboratories and the home of Zestra. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Okay. I first heard about Zestra. So, we're talking about female sexual response today, right? We're talking about female sexual, some people call it dysfunction, whatever they want to call it, female sexual arousal. Um, female sexual pleasure, though. I think we should just start with that because people, this is a question I get asked all the time is, I'm no longer interested in sex.
Starting point is 00:02:07 What do I do? How do I spice up my libido? Can I get it back? I'm not interested in my partner. We've been together a long time. What can we do about it? And I first read about your product zestra years ago. I think in the San Francisco Chronicle, because you guys were having a hard time finding
Starting point is 00:02:21 places that we're going to let you talk about zestra, which is amazing. Yeah, that's. Because Vagros on every channel. I mean, are you still having those issues? because you guys were having a hard time finding places that were gonna let you talk about Zestrop, which is amazing, because five rows on every channel. I mean, are you still having those issues? We're still having those issues, and I'm thrilled that you saw that article, and that was really the way that we let people know that there's a product out there that's safe and effective
Starting point is 00:02:38 and clinically proven, and oh, by the way, if the networks and cable stations would take our ads, we know you'd love it. So what we find is when people hear about it, they try it and they love it. But I want to go back to where you were with female sexual response. And one of the best analogies or models, if you will, that we've always used to describe female sexual response is when we heard from a clinician. And what she said to us is sexual response and satisfaction is like a bus ride. Some women don't want to get on the bus
Starting point is 00:03:08 that's lack of desire. Some women get on the bus and quite honestly don't enjoy the ride it's too fast it's too slow it's boring then unlike the scenery they feel like they've been there before that's lack of a rousell and some women never get to their ultimate destination which is lack of orgasm and as any woman knows or anyone who's spoken to a woman knows, if those three parts of the journey aren't going particularly well, she's not running back to find out when the next bus leaves the station.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Tell me about it. I think I've been there. I think I got run over by the bus once. I mean, I see that's a great analogy because people really do get confused by it. Like, what is a rousal of desire? Thank you for explaining that to me. So, I hear from the, I mean, so all those, if you break that down into all the, the sequences on the bus, I mean, I literally get emails, you know, every day from men, women asking me, you know, why, first of all, why does this happen? Like, why are women experiencing
Starting point is 00:04:00 this so much? Well, there are so many common reasons that I think one of the most valuable conversations we have with our consumers and our users is really helping them understand that it's not their fault, it's very common. In fact, it's more common than the percentage of men who struggle with ED. So 43% of women at some point in their lives will have sexual concerns and difficulties.
Starting point is 00:04:24 And that can take many forms, some of which you mentioned. Your head's not in the game. Your body doesn't respond as quickly. You're making lists for the errands that you have to do. And oftentimes women think of doing that. No. Oh, the to-do list. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:41 You could do whatever you want. Basically, there are a half a dozen, if not more, major, major common reasons that women experience a loss of libido and desire. So the one that people think of the most often is the change in hormonal status. And that could not, that could be not just hormonal, but post pregnancy. So you see a major swing when the hormonal levels are changing. So that's something that can contribute to it. Other common things, which some people are aware of,
Starting point is 00:05:08 and some aren't, are the libido lowering side effects of oral contraceptives as well as antidepressants. And those two of us struck me as particularly concerning, almost ironic that here you're using oral birth control in many cases to reduce your risk of unwanted pregnancy, but it makes you not want to have intimate activity for a lot of women. you're using oral birth control in many cases to reduce your risk of unwanted pregnancy, but it makes you not want to have intimate activity for a lot of women. And the other one, antidepressants, again, ironic and women joke with us about it, well,
Starting point is 00:05:36 of course, I'm depressed. I don't want to have sex anymore. Exactly. So those are real side effects, medical, physiological side effects that are quite common, and not everybody knows. In addition, stress, not that it just impacts your desire to have sex, it affects every aspect of how you look and feel, but stress has an impact on your libido. And then there are the impacts of the realities of living with very common medical conditions,
Starting point is 00:06:03 which are rampant in this country, obesity, diabetes, MS, all of those have an impact on your desire. Okay, so, it's almost like we should have the conversation of what doesn't have an impact on you, there'd be a shorter conversation, because I mean, how many women are on birth control and they don't realize that's the,
Starting point is 00:06:20 I mean, it's just an antidepressants, it's crazy. And so what they do, what often women do is say say well, I'm not in the mood or something's changed It must be me my body's broken. It must be my relationship. I need a new relationship and the bottom line is there are a lot of Explanations other than those right exactly Relationships and good sex happens to ban relationships the great thing about Zestra and programs like yours and Experts like like you is getting women to have the conversation. There are options. Whatever situation you're in if it's If it's not what you want it to be if it's not how you remember there are things you can do Um, and if it's great there are also things you can do
Starting point is 00:07:01 But the most important thing is having the conversation to raise your hand and say, you know what? I want something more than what I have right now. Exactly. And I think that women just kind of learn to accept the fact that they're not turned on anymore, that something that it's them. But you're saying 43% of women have some type of sexual dysfunction more than men with ED. I mean, why do we hear about ED? I can't walk out of my house without hearing an ED commercial or something like that. I mean, it's like the hidden disease, like the secret disease no one's talking about. Our six sites dysfunction that no one's talking about. I mean, we talk about it, but you know.
Starting point is 00:07:35 There's two different sort of schools of thought. The first is that when we speak to women and we speak to thousands, is I'm sure you do. Women don't want to be told one more thing that they're not doing right. So I put on a sex cream, my eye cream, my exercise, my diamond hair, I go on a diet, I'm trying to feel sexy, I'm trying to be romantic. You know, now to add that there's something else I have to do for my sex life to women feels like a burden.
Starting point is 00:07:58 When you look at what has been so brilliant about what the pharmaceutical companies have done as it relates to the erectile dysfunction drugs is they've said, okay gentlemen, we have a fancy name for something that you may or may not have experienced, and it's not your fault. And here's a solution, because the language around male sexuality, and if you listen to those ads that are really ubiquitous, you know, bigger, longer, stronger, we want many, many meetings. And we say to the women in the room, show of hands, how many of you are looking for a man with a four hour erection. And we'll get too many hands that are missed. Oh, exactly. I love it. Right. Exactly. We know
Starting point is 00:08:36 what that. When you talk to women, one, they don't know there are options because most of their doctors don't talk about it. Only three to five percent of obstetricians and gynecologists, which would be the most likely specialty, aren't talking about satisfaction. They're talking about disease, they're talking about fertility, infertility, menopause, you know, general health. They're not, they generally don't say, so, Ms. Morris, are you experiencing satisfaction?
Starting point is 00:09:02 What they will ask you is, are you experiencing pain? Are you noticing any changes in certain parts of your body? But there's no conversation, again, except in venues like the ones that you create, where women are having these conversations and are developing their own language around sexual satisfaction. Right, right, I think that's so true.
Starting point is 00:09:23 I mean, there's nowhere to go for. And also, the pain thing is a big deal. A lot of women do experience pain during intercourse. And it doesn't come up. I mean, they don't want to talk about it. I think it's something that they're doing. And it's just really common. So I just want to say, if you are experienced pain,
Starting point is 00:09:36 you should go to your doctor, you should get checked out. And people need to realize that this is a true 43. I can't get over that. 43% of women have some sort of sexual issue that they have no one to talk to and they don't know what to do about it. So this is what I was so fascinated by, is that stress? So I've tried it and I got the zest of rush.
Starting point is 00:09:55 I got this, yeah drum roll, please, because I wouldn't talk to you, I wouldn't say this, but I think I got the zest of rush. So I want to talk about the essential, I just think that people should try this. Is there a way, okay, zest or a rehearsal, I'm getting excited here. Without you, I don't even have my zest or on.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Zest or essential arousers, oil. So talk to you about how zest, I'll talk to you about my experience. So first let's explain what it is, we will have never heard of zest or a, okay. Terrific. So one of the first things that women should know and their partner should know
Starting point is 00:10:24 is that it's topically applied to the outer lips of vagina and it's applied just a couple of minutes before activity and it starts to work immediately. Basically, Zestra is a patented blend of botanical oils and extracts, so it's all, the active ingredients are all natural, there are things that have long safety histories and it is clinically proven, meaning there have been double blind placebo controls, all the right kind of tests that you want. And it is not a drug.
Starting point is 00:10:50 It is really regulated as a cosmetic. So the same is your skincare moisturizer. And it's clinically proven to increase arousal desire and satisfaction. Some of this sexual response concepts that we talked about earlier. And the theory behind how it works, which is what's so unique about the product, and why it's the only one on the market, whether it's Rx or OTC, that can make these claims. Is the theory is that it changes the sensitivity
Starting point is 00:11:15 of the nerve ending. So essentially, it lowers the sensitivity threshold. And what that means is that you feel things sooner, more intensely, potentially longer, more deeply. So when we talk about increases sensation to touch for deep pleasurable sensations, that's the zester rush. Okay, the rush is when it starts tingling after you have it on and you feel.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Well, again, given how much we talk about sex and how unique everybody's body is and how unique everybody's response is, some women experiencing tingling or warming or the words they use they they call us and say I have a sense of sort of aliveness or activity. Right. And it can come back and this is these are women who were taking medications they're on birth control they're on antidepressants and they say that they also have experienced this rush. Yes, for seven out of 10 women, regardless of their age or their life stage,
Starting point is 00:12:07 meaning are they paramedicosal, have they not even had children yet, are they 21, are they 65? Zestra worked equally well for women who were on antidepressants, who were on oral birth control, who were struggling with diabetes, who were in various stages of metapause,
Starting point is 00:12:23 who were still in their child-bearing years. So amazing is how universally this works. And the other beauty of it, given all the complexities that women have to manage, is it's not systemic. It's topically applied. So best thing you apply it, it starts to work in three to five minutes, it peaks in 10 minutes, and it tails off in 45.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Perfect. It sounds like the perfect sex experience to me, right? 45, for the cuddling part, you're coming down for the cuddling. I like it. I'm like, plug, is that if you don't like it, the first time, don't use it again. Exactly. But the majority of women, once they incorporate this either into their their private intimate time or their couple intimate time. What they say to us is it's like the best insurance policy. If I know I'm going to have a good experience with
Starting point is 00:13:13 Estra, why would I ever engage in intimacy without it? Right. Exactly. And I love that it's so so quick acts. It acts so quickly and that it has no it doesn't have any strange sense or taste or anything to it that people have to. Like, you know, you're have people worry that they're probably something on their on their vagina, their vaginal wall, their lips that they're going to have some kind of, it's going to have some kind of odor or scent, but it doesn't because it's essential arousal oils, it doesn't make me feel it doesn't have any, you know, any odor. Well, they're actually have two different fragrances. Oh, okay. One's really neutral and one is more of a berry.
Starting point is 00:13:48 And the reason we didn't do things like, you know, cinnamon or something. Right. Sunday is because the idea is that we want women to feel comfortable using this every time they engage in intimacy. And, you know, I don't know what you hear from women, but the statistics we see is the average woman, whoever she is, in a committed relationship is engaging in sexual intimacy once a week. Yeah, that's how I hear once twice a week, exactly.
Starting point is 00:14:11 And my fifth thing about that is depending on who you talk to, I'm sure you have the same thing. People say really that much. Right, exactly. Or really that little. Exactly. It's like that scene in Annie Hall with Woody Allen. He says really that.
Starting point is 00:14:23 I believe that's unbelievable. Yeah, we have sex all Allen. He says, really? That's unbelievable. I see that. I believe a ball. Yeah, we have sex all the time. No, we never have sex. So whatever it is, it's like once or twice a week. And I love that you can just press. So anyway, that's really cool. So I think that how do people find it?
Starting point is 00:14:36 How can they find it? The people listening right now, if they wanted to try Zestra, is there? Where do we find it? The easiest place to get Zestra is at And you can buy it there. and you can see, you know, buy it in different fragrances and different packaging. We have this beautiful bottle that almost looks
Starting point is 00:14:52 like little moisturizer bottle that you can fit to squeetly in your pocketbook. And when it arrives at your door, it's in a white package. And it basically is not even labeled Zestra. It just is a cent-brae, the name of the company. So it's very private. If, in fact, you want to keep it private from anyone else who happens to be living in your house.
Starting point is 00:15:09 And if that doesn't work for you, you can also go into most wall marks. You can go into two right aides. You can go into Meyer, which is a big Midwest chain, depending on where you're located. Yeah. I'm from Michigan.
Starting point is 00:15:22 I spend a lot of time at Meyer. I know. I was actually born in Southfield. Me too, born in Southfield. You look much younger than I am. I just had a birthday this week. You can also buy it on,, There are plenty of places. Basically, we encourage women to try it.
Starting point is 00:15:43 It's a low risk, potentially high reward. Additions, supplement, solution, if you will, to whatever you're doing in your current sex life. Right, and they're having, man, I don't, what about side effects? I mean, have there been any side effects that people should be worried about? Because that's why I feel like this is like a win-win,
Starting point is 00:15:58 like just try it, like, if you don't like it, you don't like it, but I feel like, what if you about to lose? Is it all I hear from women and men all the time, is that they're having their challenges. And so I figure like, why not just try it, but is there anything that you should be concerned about or anyone who shouldn't try Zestra? Yeah, there's a couple caveats.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Okay. So we on our packaging, we say, do not try it if you're pregnant or nursing, not because we know that there's any specific danger. And you can ask your doctor and he or she, not because we know that there's any specific danger. And you can ask your doctor and he or she can direct you to say whether it's okay, it's just because that's such a time of change and such a sensitive time in your life, we haven't specifically tested on that population.
Starting point is 00:16:35 So our package clearly says, if you're pregnant or nursing, consult your doctor. The other group, and because the doctor is primarily targeted to people in long-term relationships, and those tend to be people, 35 plus, if you look at the demographics, is it's because it's oil-based, it's not compatible with latex condoms. So if you're using condoms as your form of disease prevention and birth control, you can use polyurethane, but not latex. Okay, got it. So, we said-
Starting point is 00:17:02 Another reason we tend not to focus on the younger population, one, they tend to have multiple partners and they tend to be using latex condoms. And really, one of the reasons this is so popular, you know, in the geographies that it is, in the big cities and the Bible belts and the places where people are really investing in long-term relationships is because it fits into that context. Right. And in terms of specific side effects in the clinical study, 15% of women experience a mild to moderate burning.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Basically, that just means that it was uncomfortable and you shower. That's just to put it in perspective. That's the same percentage you would get for a looperkin. It's considered a very modest and very safe side effect profile. So again, you apply it. If it works the first time, it's going to work every time. One of the ways you can manage if you're concerned about your sensitivity is you can start with a little bit less. You can really modify how much of the product you apply. So one serving, if you will. Right, right, right. One occasion is, you know, smaller than the size of a diet.
Starting point is 00:18:13 So it's 0.8 milliliters, just for people who never chance for the metric system. It's really just a drop. Okay, so great. It's easy for people to buy and try. They can order from your website as well. Can I do that? or they have to go to the store? Okay? That's that's where that come okay, cuz I was gonna also ask so you must be getting like like yesterday at Valentine's day You must be getting like like dozens of roses from women around the world like seriously like if you're solving this problem for women You have an orgasm or they haven't been aroused or they haven't desired their husband like what's what's the testimonials response like? Oh, they're unbelievable. And that's really what makes this endeavor so worthwhile.
Starting point is 00:18:51 So every day, every week, every month, we get emails, we get calls, you save my marriage. I didn't think I would smile again. Since I entered Medipause, I never had an orgasm. I haven't had an orgasm in 22 years and now I've had one being really life-changing Experiences that take a part of your life that should be joyous and should be wonderful and help you either get that back or Experience it for the first time and we have women call us they have MS and they're you know
Starting point is 00:19:20 They're limited in their mobility and they're you know their ability to leave the house You know to engage in any kind of activity. They're calling us saying, wow, this has changed my life. Women who are an anti-depressant and say, my husband was so supportive, but it was getting to the point where a sex life had sort of died and that part of our relationship was gone and you brought me back to life, if you will. I love to hear that. So that is my absolute favorite part to really know. Now I've been in marketing for a long time and I've worked on, you know, hundreds of products from the tips of women's heads to the bottoms of their toes.
Starting point is 00:19:54 And there's nothing that gives you the satisfaction of really helping people find a solution that's so easy. Right. This is so easy. I mean, I think you just like it's, I mean, it's not, this is not a difficult solution and there's not that many solutions. That's why I was so interested in talking today because I just want to give a solution. I want people to try it if they like it, they like it and then I wanted to give that to us at feedback at sex with and I'll share those with you. And yeah, well, we're talking all about female sexual pleasure. So it's been great talking to Rachel. So this has been so eye opening and I hope a lot of people
Starting point is 00:20:26 try it out and let us know what they think about it because if you're having anything at all, any, you know, problems with arousal desire and you want to increase your satisfaction, try it. See if you get the zest of rush. Nothing to lose. I love it Rachel. I can't wait to hear from you. Thank you so much. Okay, thank you. Have a great weekend. You too. Happy Valentine's Day. Have a good day. Have a good day.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Have a good day. Have a good day. Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. One of the reasons you're able to listen to us for free is because of the incredible people at Good Vibrations. Good Vibrations is Sex Positive Store carrying the best toys with an informative website at I got my very first toy from Good Vibration, so I've been a fan for a long time, and
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