Sex With Emily - SWE: The Breasts

Episode Date: October 6, 2012

On the “breast show” in support of National Breast Cancer month of October, Emily and Menace discuss ways that both women and men should not neglect the breasts. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, can I see a question? How are your balls feeling right now? Are they super clean and dry? Does your partner complain or is not always willing to go downtown? If so, I've got something for you. I've just launched a new product called Down Under Comfort for my brand Emeline Tony. It's really unique. It's a cream to tap yoga powder formula that is designed to keep men fresh and clean down
Starting point is 00:00:23 under or wherever they need. And girls can use it too, under their brush, the lower back, anywhere they want to stay fresh. So how keep this podcast free and your balls dry? Use code Emily to get 20% off your first purchase. Check them out today at Emily and Trust me and you're welcome. I Look into his eyes Then the eyes of a man of specified sex eyes that block our secret institutions
Starting point is 00:00:53 Betruise they call them in a bygone way, hey, Emily You got a boyfriend because my man E here. He just got his heart broke and he thinks you're kind of cute The world's got to understand it's a lie. The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common, though? What do you mean, like laundry? It shrinks. Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh, mom.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Wow, I'm feeling so grown. Being bad feels pretty good. But you know, Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex, relationships, and everything in between. Sex with Emily is amazing. It's growing every single day. Our listeners ship doubled last month.
Starting point is 00:01:32 We have more traffic to our website because we're putting amazing content up. New videos, new blogs, contests, craziness over there. There's new content. Sex with Emily. Sex with Emily. Whoa, somebody's already drunk. I wish. It's Friday. So, somebody's already drunk. I wish. It's Friday.
Starting point is 00:01:46 So you're getting crazy. That's true. It's crazy. Oh, yeah. Every single day, that's what's cool about your website now. because before you'd have maybe something up once a week, but now you have this whole team of minions that is help you put content on the website every single day.
Starting point is 00:02:04 I know. Amazing. And you have a video podcast website every single day. I know. Amazing. And you have a video podcast now with five cameras. Five cameras. We love it. You're beautiful face and my not so beautiful face together. And you can see your face. And it's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:02:16 You're skinny face. Do you know what I noticed? I think that on the video podcast, we get a little more raw cheer than we do. What is that? Maybe there's a lot more visuals to it because you know, and coquering is an end. Coquering in the dark, just can't bring in anything you can think of,
Starting point is 00:02:33 I know. I can show in front of the camera. I love the cameras. Everyone's got to check it out. It's Tuesday, six o'clock Pacific Standard Time on T Radio V. You can watch us for an hour and call in. Yeah, and the replays are at
Starting point is 00:02:45 It's got to go on video. Everything that we do here is on demand. All of our shows are on demand. You can go to iTunes and get them where you can subscribe to the Sex Family website. And you can listen to them on your most mobile device at Stitcher. Stitcher is a free app and you just type in sex or sex with Emily. And you can, it actually or sex with Emily and you can it it it actually syncs with all the brand new cars now too so if you want to
Starting point is 00:03:09 listen to sex with Emily in your car and you don't have you don't want to deal with like a bunch of different wires you just can pull up sex with Emily on your dash it's so cool I mean I was telling someone this at the dog park this morning I still have my dog who's in the car she said to me yeah I listen to podcast all the time where it's hard to I'm like, no, you don't know about Stitcher. I'm like, any podcast that you need to listen to in the world, you can stream right away for download it, you know, to deal with it, you just download the app and listen to it on your phone. She's like, oh my God, I'm doing that right now.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Yeah, you can search. And how do people not know? Crazy. Yeah, you know, you know, right. I don't know things before I met you. We're telling people. And we're right now, we're on a series XM 165 Extreme Talk. If you are on Extreme Talk 165, XM, listening to us right now, tweet us or send us a message.
Starting point is 00:03:57 I'm sex with Emily at sex with Emily on Twitter and menace at and menace, MEN, AC. You can also send us email, feedback at We just want to know here from our ex-enn listeners. So how's your life going? Oh my God. What's going on with your life? I sort of made, I wanted, okay.
Starting point is 00:04:14 I'm gonna give you a scenario that happened today with the guy I've been dating and tell me what you think. Okay. I know that you're probably gonna think I did something wrong. Most likely, but yes, go on. But I was not being insensitive at all. Oh, wow. What you view is not insensitive. Okay. All I did. Do you know how I've been talking lately about? No, no, no, no. All right. Do you know how I've been talking about moving to LA for a few months, not ready to make
Starting point is 00:04:43 the big commitment, but you know, thinking of going out of life. I think you should just go ahead and do it. Even though I would miss you dearly, and I would hate to do the show over the phone or something like that. But I think for you at this point, it would better your life. So I'm not going to be selfish
Starting point is 00:04:58 and try to keep you here. So go. Right. Okay. I appreciate that. So I'm at this and I will still do the show of Heller Highwater from where we are. But the point is I was like, you know what? You know, in life, you think about things, you got ideas.
Starting point is 00:05:09 You just got to make one step forward. So, what I decided to do was get on my friendly Facebook page and post, hey, anyone looking for an apartment swap, San Francisco LA for a few months? Let me know. You know me. Two seconds later, I get a text from my guy that I've been dating and he says, you're moving to LA, question mark?
Starting point is 00:05:32 Apparently he'd receive like three texts from friends within the minute that I posted it saying, when's LA moving to LA, I'm leaving to LA, so he's like, I just wish that I would have known. And I'm like, you knew that I'm talking about it. But I'm just looking out, feel it. Yes, I've said to him, I think I should move to LA. I'm not sure. I haven't said for sure.
Starting point is 00:05:50 But then I posted on Facebook that I'm just wondering. And turns out, come to an amazing place in Venice, that I think I'm going to do a swap with multiple bedrooms, beautiful, and right near the beach. And you'll come stay with me. It'll be fun. But anyway, was that wrong? I love Venice Beach.
Starting point is 00:06:11 I mean, how many conversations have you had about LA and how recent was? Last night. Last night. Last night. Then, you know what, if it was last night and you posted something today Then I don't really see a problem Thank you men as would men is tick my side. I want to do it One of the first time I want to dance I want to do it If I had a conversation with some chick that I was dating she was thinking about moon LA and she posted on Facebook the next day
Starting point is 00:06:38 right then Then yeah, okay. Yeah, maybe a couple of my friends and see it and they would probably ask me like hey So what's going on? Yeah, I'm couple of my friends and see it and they probably asked me like hey, so what's going on Yeah, I mean you knew but blah the moving it that was something that I have to deal with but I it's not like it was totally out of the blue That I didn't hear that the girl that I was dating right was just moving you know, so exactly So take your side. Thank you. I love it. It takes me so long You're telling the truth. On how it went down. Good. You're O for one doubt.
Starting point is 00:07:07 One for one doubt. One for one thousand men has never greased me. So there's that been going down. We've been shooting videos today. You know we've got this amazing new sponsor, Sinclair Institute. It's called the Better Sex Video Series. Sex Explorations, Viams 1, 2, and 3.
Starting point is 00:07:23 And so anyway, their videos as we've talked about, they're not porn, they are instructional educational DVDs, which also sounds boring, but they're not, because they're sexy and they're hot, and you watch real couples having sex. And they break down how to do things every sexually, like the like tips and turn-ons, and how to push your relationship to the next level.
Starting point is 00:07:42 There's some, you know, explicitly, explicitly demonstrate adventures, new techniques. So like everybody emails me like, what's some good oral sex tip tips? How do I do missionary more interesting? Like all these DVDs. So if you're interested, go to Sinclair Institute, use coupon code Emily50 and you get 50% off any one item and you must have more than one item in your cart. So the point is, I know that these DVDs have been around. This in Claire's been around for a long time and I've always wanted them as a sponsor because I thought, amazing work because porn is the worst way you can learn.
Starting point is 00:08:17 If you've learned anything from porn, we need to talk because what they show you in porn is not necessarily watching a guy pound a woman in a certain way is not necessarily feel good for that woman. But these DVDs help you. So if you're in a couple or you're alone, it doesn't matter. And you want to spice up your relationship, your techniques. You want to update your sexual baggage tricks. Go to Sinclair Institute.
Starting point is 00:08:39 That's all I've got to say about that. Cause I love them. So anyway, we were shooting a video for them today. And Steve in our office is very funny and we were doing some funny things which everyone will have to see. Shortly. I know. When you do the videos with the interns, I am blown away at the same time.
Starting point is 00:08:53 I know. Aren't they great? Yeah, they're really good. Steve has got a job though. He did. Oh, damn it. I know. I love that.
Starting point is 00:09:01 You hate it when interns get jobs. I know, but they get jobs and then it happens and they move on. But it makes me sad. What's he doing? He's going to work at the big FB FB what yeah, what? Bob that's huge. That's awesome Facebook. I'm really proud of them That's bad. He's still you know everyone says and they leave we're still gonna do videos I'm thinking about he's working at Facebook, which is kind of major or so that's hell a major
Starting point is 00:09:21 Hell a major. I'm so proud of him because he's super smart and I'm like I can't believe you worked for me for so long. I'm so I know that's kind of a dumb move. But whatever. Whatever. Okay. And also I'm this is so crazy. I'm conducting a sex experiment which I talked about. We've gotten so many emails from people. So we're conducting a sexual experiment. We want to know if forda F O R T A. It's an all natural sexual enhancement supplement. I want to know, does it help couples have better sex and in turn improve your relationship? It's a fast-acting all natural, 100% organic sexual enhancement supplement.
Starting point is 00:09:58 So we want couples, we're going to pick like five couples, email me why you want to boost your relationship sexually, feedback at why you think you need to be part of our sex experiment which will only take a month and not a ton of your time just mean you got to have sex email me feedback at sex with So there's that and then what else have I been doing oh I was spoke with the public library the other night oh yeah how yeah, how that go It was good. It was a 50 shades of gray Discussion, do you know 50 shades of gray the book has been banned from several libraries around the country?
Starting point is 00:10:35 Which of course Florida was one of them, okay, and I don't know where else But I I'm not of course, but Florida somewhere else and so it was a banned books thing But it was also just like, I'd open like a book discussion of 50 shades of gray, been on the best dollar list. It's like a, they call it mommy porn, female erratica. I can't get away from it everywhere I go. I was at the LAX airport in a tiny kiosk,
Starting point is 00:10:58 buying a water and a full row of 50 shades of gray books for sale. For sale, I'm telling you, there's writers. There's writers. Ballin', why can't you just write something like that? Emily, and then just let me live in your guest house. Honey, I would, I would, I would. And you know, I'm- You're right, come on.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I'm working on it. I'm gonna buy a Radica, I just have a written one. Yeah, you can write some Radica. Radica? We help me, we inspire me. Yeah. Okay. right some of rata what we help me we inspire me yeah okay i'll get and then just i mean if you get to a fifty-shape the grade level this please i just want
Starting point is 00:11:31 up i'll be a lot i'll buy i'm gonna buy you a big fat present one day when i make it so i just know that i will never rata is the way i think it is but you know that rata has been around for hundreds of millions of years i don't know why this book has taken off. I mean, I can tell you why. It talks about a lot.
Starting point is 00:11:49 I mean, it was interesting. Here's the most interesting thing of fiduciaries of gray. They're calling it mommy porn. All these women are reading it. It's like taken over women. A lot of men are saying, oh my god, it's the best book I've never read because all I know is I'm getting more sucks. The audience at the public library was mostly men who had not read the book and wanted to know more about the book like okay just tell me what do you do.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Like what do you do? You need a helicopter and you need a billion dollars. Wow. No, that's not true. Usually. It's that this kind of fantasy that women have is to be dominated. It's about bond is discipline, say, domesticism, BDSM, but basically just SNM, say, domestic
Starting point is 00:12:30 is a go, say, no, massacism, you know what I'm saying, as an emulation ship. And somebody young girl, I mean, I think it has all the traits in it. What? No, nothing. All the, he's going to say all the traits in it that like women who want to be who want to be swept off their feet who want to be a submissive who want to be adored who want their sexual fantasies taking care of I mean I think it speaks to you the rich wealthy man troops are off her feet she's a young virgin it just has every single so I don't know it just hits the whatever hits the strikes accord in America.
Starting point is 00:13:03 hits the spot. hits the spot. no one intended. today show we're in America. It hits the spot. It hits the spot. No one intended. Today's show, we're going to be talking about the breasts. The breasts. It's national cancer awareness breast cancer awareness bond, which is surprising to me because I always thought it
Starting point is 00:13:16 was an April, but it's in October. No, but there is another women's health in April. But we're going to be doing all the things you need to know about nipples. My aunt, dude, do you know that my other co-host she got nude for breast cancer wearing this month? I didn't look at it. You didn't want to? I didn't want to. But yeah, she's raising money for breast cancer. You didn't look at her naked pictures? I did it. Did she ask you to? No, but she had them in the studio and she was showing people what I did.
Starting point is 00:13:46 But she didn't show you or you didn't know. I didn't say, oh, let me check them out. If I had new pictures, would you want to look? Probably not. Not before dinner. Not before dinner. But yeah, that's crazy. Yeah, it's crazy, crazy.
Starting point is 00:13:59 How have you been? I've been good. I'm going to do this weekend and you're going to work, are you going to have fun? This weekend, do you know? I mean, you're dating somebody, but I think it's a good weekend to meet somebody in the city of San Francisco. There is supposed to be an extra 1.1 million extra people in the city of San Francisco. I'm leaving. Do you know what you should do? What, leave? If you're smart, you should air B&B or place and make a Freakin fortune really yeah somebody email me about that how much can I make oh you can make a crab ton of money right now
Starting point is 00:14:32 Yeah, okay a million point one piece. There's no hotels There's nothing you know air B&B right everyone uses it now to rent out their place You can make a ish ton of money. This is so much stuff in my apartment. I'm going to move around. Can you trust these people? Yeah, Airbnb. Well, you just find the people who have the highest ratings and rented to them. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Yeah, I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. But see, check this out. Look, these are all the events that we have in the city. Ready? Yeah. Fleet week. Harley, strictly blue grass festival in the city of in the Golden Gate Park.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Three bluegrass. Yeah. Then we have the Giants. Then we have the 49ers. Then we have what else? We have an Oracle event. We have... There's like two other like huge major ones that I'm forgetting. Blue Angels, are you sad that? Oh, oh no, no, no, the America's Cup. Oh, right. Yeah. That's huge. What is that golf? No, America's Cup. Oh, sailing, sailing. Sailing is like the third largest sporting event in the world. I'm not really yet. I swear. I know. Why is it here? It's here. It's been coming for years. They've been talking about it. Oh my god. I know why is it here is here coming for years they've been talking about oh my god I've got to get out of town this weekend
Starting point is 00:15:47 Maybe I should apartment swap this weekend Airbnb or spot makes a lot of you gonna go to any of those annoying events that take over the city hell No, I'm gonna be home are you are you in your right by all the tourist traps. Yeah Where you live I'm right in the middle of it all but I I'm just gonna stay home because I got a bunch of stuff going on, always December. You're gonna be in Vegas a bunch of times, so if you're in Vegas, it's party. I'm in Vegas, it's party, yeah. I'm taking my sister, her boyfriend and two of her friends to Vegas for new years.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Oh my God, just to be nice. Yeah, because she just turned 21 and I said, oh, that's so sweet. You're the best brother ever. Brian. Are you gonna pay for everything? I already did. Yeah. Cost me an arm and a leg. Oh my god. That is, you're just a priser. Well, I called her up on the radio because I only got to text her on her 21st birthday because I was busy. So I called her up the next day and I said, look, I want to take you and your friends to Vegas as a gift for your 21st birthday. They go, let's figure it out.
Starting point is 00:16:48 And then when I call there, she goes, all right, I want to go to Vegas, but I want to go to Vegas on New Year's. I go, okay, thank you, because the hotels are triple the price, but you know what, I went ahead and did it anyways. And we're going to stay in downtown like around the strip of the house and say what hotel. But that's amazing. Are you going to bring in downtown like Ramachriba. That's amazing. Are you going to bring a babe to? A babe most likely, yes. Yeah, because if you're a sister, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:12 That's such a nice brotherly thing to do. Trying. Todd, you are a good brother. You are, and you see my brother's a good brother. It's good. Yeah, he's a good brother, except for, yeah. He's, he's pissed at you right now. Because I haven't moved L.A. yet.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Well, that, and then the other thing that you shared on our video podcast show. So I started to sex with Emily Newsletter, which I often do through my email. And he asked me, oops, the last one went to my new two nieces. So I asked my assistant to go into my database and delete them to make sure they never got an email. Again, well, one of my nieces, the I asked my sister to go into my database and delete them to make sure they never got an email again. Well, one of my nieces, the 10-year-old, has two email addresses.
Starting point is 00:17:49 She only caught one. So the email got sent to my niece. My sister and I was pissed at me. She's like, I asked you. Like, I'm not ready to answer these questions about like what a lesbian is. Like, I don't want to tell her what but jazzling is and like all the stuff and I was like, oh my God, I'm so sorry. I know, but it turns out I was annoyed that my sister did that, but there was two of them for one. So she just how is a ten year old
Starting point is 00:18:16 having two money? I don't know. I don't know how I don't know why I don't get it, but she did. And so that's what happened and it was a bomb. And he's not mad at me anymore. I don't get it to what she did and so that's what happened and it was a bummer That sounds like a mad at me anymore. I don't think although We'll see you want you to be in LA be in LA I am I thought I'd do this place. I found in in Venice Mm-hmm looks beautiful. I gotta show you the pictures. You're gonna die. Okay, so we can move on to some sex in the news
Starting point is 00:18:41 I love Venice by the way. It's one of my favorite places. Really? It's like right Venice, Marine Adele Ray on the court. It's like right in the middle. Amazing. I think so too. Sunny, you come say there's like two, three bedrooms. Dude, love it.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I just hope they like my place. Tomorrow. Ooh. Your place is cute though. But you're talking about a multi-bedroom spy in Venice. But she needs a place and she just needs a place temporarily in San Francisco while she decides where she
Starting point is 00:19:07 really wants to live. Wow, my place is cute. It's like, it's like not dirty. Well, it's dirty right now, but that's different story. Um, okay, sex and news Hulk Hogan's sex tape finally here. Yes, I just feel like raise
Starting point is 00:19:22 your hand if you haven't done a sex tape every day. We're talking about about goddamn sex tapes. What you gonna do brother when my sex tape runs wild on you? Is that how we do that? That's one of his like, oh yeah. No, that's, that's the other guy. It's a miracle the internet didn't crash today because the Hulk Hogan sex tape has been
Starting point is 00:19:41 leaked. Yes! The hour long camera hit and camera footage features the Hulkster betting a young woman who may or may not be the wife of his best friend. It features oral sex on both parts, a very loud, Hogan orgasm, and a fairly awkward, bed word conversation with Hogan leaving the deed to go hang out with his son See a baby. I'm gonna go hang out in my son If you want the grainy goodness off your self pirate Bay is back online after a brief break, don't you kind of want to see it now?
Starting point is 00:20:22 Hell yeah, dude. He's the he's the man. What do you think he'd leaked it himself? I slapped him on the back once. Really? Did he slap you back and you fell over? No. He was wrestling. I was front row at an event. And it was so weird. It was him. And James Brown comes ringing out. The real James Brown comes ringing out before he passed away.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Performs some songs in the middle of his match. And then he fell over the I don't know the barrier and I got to slap him on the back He was he was I don't want to kid. Oh my god. Totally. That's cute I don't know. You can watch him perform all sex. Oh my god I want to call one of my friends. It's like a hardcore wrestling fan and ask him if he saw the text tape yet Well, it just came out like five minutes ago. Maybe he'd call him calm He's a hard-core fan. Oh, absolutely. Well actually he hates he's another fan of it His rival, but you think he's gonna answer. Yeah, you will got to talk to him
Starting point is 00:21:16 Got it. Fine So while we're calling wow the next would you watch that? Would I watch it? Yeah, I don't watch any wrestling Come on. Is he a risk he's still a wrestler? No, no, I don't do you watch wrestling? I Did when I was a kid right? Oh Man he's out there. Well, we'll try maybe I'll try you back. Okay, the next sex in the new story Bridezilla has her emails leaked to Gokker. Bridezilla?
Starting point is 00:21:47 There's a Bridezilla whose emails got leaked. Okay, weddings are hell on any relationship, but especially among Bride's and her Bridesmaids, a monstrous bride to be has had her tyrannical emails to her Bridesmaid leaked to Gokker. After one of her friends was amazed by the nitpickingess. Here were a few reasons the bridegay for possible loss of bridesmaid responsibilities before her big day in September 2013. Ready? Yeah. This is how a bridesmaid could become on bridesmaid.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Scrooing up, seeing anyone in emails related to the wedding, either not seeing the right people or seeing too many people, you will be ditched as a bridesmaid. Number two, if you have to miss even one of the pre-wedding engagements, we'll take place in New York, Connecticut, Las Vegas, you will be replaced. What? Number four, three, you need to give the bride all your available dates between February and August 2013 if you don't yanked. Number five, if you don't have any money to contribute to the Bachelorette Party
Starting point is 00:22:57 and can't afford a dress and can't afford the flights necessary for the trip, you are yanked. If you take more than two to three days to get back to the bride regarding a wedding issue, even if you're out of the country, you should be checking your email constantly. This is real. This is a bride. What a friggin nightmare. I would ditch them. Like, you know what, honey? Your ditch does a friend. I'm not standing up in your wedding. Hell no. But this seems real. That has to be a joke. I would read that I go, are you serious? I would be out in a second. But there's some bride,
Starting point is 00:23:30 there's some bridesilas. I'm not, I mean, it's so funny because when I was in Michigan, my two nieces were in a standing up in a wedding. They were junior bridesmaids because they're only 10 and 12 and they were like, oh my god, we hate the dress. It's so ugly, it's not what we want. Because that's like the thing. When your bride's made in a wedding, every single bride tells you, you're gonna love the dress. You're gonna wear it all the time. I promise you, I know most dresses are ugly, but my dress is amazing and they're all friggin ugly.
Starting point is 00:23:57 And I've been in seven weddings and you never wear the dress again. So I explained to my nieces, I was like, listen, you might not like the dress, it's not about you, it's about the bride. So you acquiesce and you just wear the dress again. So I explained to my nieces I was like listen, you might not like the dress, it's not about you, it's about the bride. So you acquiesced and you you knew just where the dress. That's true. You don't know what it's like as do. When people have when people have wedding, see it crazy. Like my buddy who had the two day wedding. I didn't even I was in the wedding. I didn't even want to go to day one because day one required me to miss work and you know me. You don't miss work ever. In the past, uh, no, 14 years now, I haven't even called sick, called in sick once for work and I never took in a day off when I was on the radio. Do they know that? Yeah, they know
Starting point is 00:24:37 that. That's mean. But I've never done that ever. And I, for the first time in 14 years I had to take a day off being on the radio To be at the stupid way. It took me 20 minutes. The whole thing was 20 minutes That should be that should be your present to him You should just say you know what I freaking broke my 14 year clean record for your lazy. Yeah. I was like Cal Ripken That is so bad. That is the worst. I'm a hate, your friend. Okay. Japan's possibly the world's first bar dedicated to female masturbation opens in Tokyo.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Another reason to go to Japan. Love Japan. Love Jule, a colorful new bar in the Shibuya district, Shibuya district of Tokyo, is the first love and sex bar dedicated to women according to the Tokyo reporter? Well, what does that mean exactly? Once they take a seat, customers are able
Starting point is 00:25:33 to experience a pleasant place in which they can openly discuss masturbation. Behind the counter, we're rows of liquor bottle bottles would normally stand are colorful displays cases with dozens and dozens of different types of vibrators. The spot is already hit with women in the commercial sex and burgeoning adult film industry. Other women are going because it's a safe place
Starting point is 00:25:55 where they don't have to worry about trying to brush off men all the time. And as one customer puts it, it's also a great place to drink and talk about what we women love to talk about, sex and guys. That's also a big pull. So basically, it's about where great place to drink and talk about what we women have to talk about, sex and guys. That's also a big pull. So basically, it's a bar where you walk in and you masturbate.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Now, why don't I just take a sex toy home and masturbate? Are they all masturbating in front of other women? Because there's no dudes in the bar. Really? It's a bar where they go in and they're like, hey, I'll have a vodka on the rocks and throw in a Jimmy Jane, Jimmy Jane form too or something. Like what the hell, that's interesting. So women are just sitting around masturbating.
Starting point is 00:26:29 I'd love to take love to be a fly in the wall there. I can bartend. You can bartend. That's be sweet. You'd be a good bartender there. You could probably recommend. You've learned so much about sex toys. I go, hey, here.
Starting point is 00:26:41 You'd be good at that. Well, I do have to travel to Japan to work on this exploit that I've been working on for the past couple of years. Jesus Christ. Don't bring this up. What? The dump truck. Oh, God. That's so hot. I've been working on the dump truck for a long time. The scientists that have been working with are in Japan. And they got rid of the fire issues and like we're trying to go green and go solar power on this but it kind of like is going into an area where there is no sun so.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Right. Men this is just BS thing I want right now. I'm just going to give you. He's not going to make it sex toy called a dumb truck and if he does I'm going to dump truck on him. Okay. The last Neanderthal booty call dated by anthropologists. There's booty call, way back when, who's your daddy?
Starting point is 00:27:28 Odds are, it's probably not in the antithal, unless of course you're 47,000 years old. This is the most recent estimate for the last gene exchanged between modern humans and our thick, brown, evolutionarily evolutionary cousins. Researchers say our ancestors broke off their dilly dallying with the Anderthals once we discovered Eurasia and started venturing further eastward out of Africa.
Starting point is 00:27:55 That, and we started using more advanced tools, which may indicate the origins of snobbery. So we were sleeping with the Anderthals up until 47,000 years ago. What? We were sleeping with Neanderthals, but then we realized that we'd rather, I don't know, we got to snobby you and wanted to sleep with people eastward out of Africa. Oh, God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Okay, hi. Fifty Shades of Grey now has its own sex toy line. No. EL James has teamed up with one online sex toy shop Love Honey to produce the official line of Fifty Shades of Grey Sex Toys just in time for Christmas. Dude, she is just raking it in. Just to be clear, James is making a million dollars per week on Kindle Sales. That's what I'm... what the after I tell you? What have I told you, Emily, you Emily and past I don't know a couple months. What have I told you What have you told me
Starting point is 00:28:51 Write a book no, I told you to make all your stuff digital So much work I don't want to hear about it. If you're not gonna put the work in I'm gonna put the work in I like I have a book called hot Sex over 200 things you can try. You can't buy it on Amazon. You can't buy it on Amazon. You can't buy it on Amazon. Sorry. You can buy it on Amazon.
Starting point is 00:29:17 You can buy it at bookstores. You can't buy it on Kindle because it's too explicit and it's pictures. It's pretty. I would say, yeah, but you're right. You're saying anything else I do should be digital. Yeah, I agree. She's making a million dollars a week. Like is she just she didn't have money before this did she? Probably not. She's struggling, writer. That's how they all are. Well, I mean, how many writers you know until they have a hit has have money. It's like me when I'm really famous. They'll be like, oh wow, oh my god, she had no money yesterday.
Starting point is 00:29:47 It'll happen. No, she's ballin'. No, she's ballin'. Okay, let's move into the emails from our people. Thanks everyone for emailing us at feedback at where you can email right through my website, I read all your emails and I give you answers that you need to hear to improve your sex life and your relationship. Hi Emily, I'm recently divorced and discovered your, oh no sorry, I just read the word
Starting point is 00:30:14 divorced. I recently discovered your podcast and I love it. I've got a problem here and hopefully you can help me out. I'm 30 years old, married for five years and have a two year old son. Everything is awesome. I love my family and my wife, but the sex is definitely lacking. When we do have sex, it is awesome. She's definitely the bad and adventurous girl and bad. We just have very different drives. I have a very high drive and she's pretty moderate. I like
Starting point is 00:30:46 sex two to three times a week and she likes it about once a month. We've talked about numerous times and I just can't and won't make her do something she doesn't want to do. It won't be enjoyable to either of us if she doesn't want to do it anyways. Plus my two-year-old shares are bedroom because we live in a small apartment and can't move. Move, I've been on lookout for an FWB for a while with no real success. I have needs that are not being met and it's been driving me crazy for too long. How can they either get a friendship benefit or curve this need without my wife? John, this is a tricky one, John.
Starting point is 00:31:30 First of all, John, unless you've discussed with your wife having an open marriage and seeing other people, I do not think you should look for a friend with benefits of ragement, meaning someone you can hook up with without strings attached. Any couple that doesn't need to talk about it, and I know what you're saying, hell no, I'm not telling my wife. She never gonna let me do that. Well, that's the reason why you shouldn't. You love your I know you're saying, no, no, I'm not telling my wife. She's never going to let me do that.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Well, that's the reason why you shouldn't. You love your wife. You love everything except for your sex life. I mean, you're happy with everything but your sex life. So establish some romantic time alone with your wife, perhaps. See if a family member, a friend can watch your son for a night and try to revisit a time in your life where your sex was not a stagnant. Go back to those early butterflies at the beginning
Starting point is 00:32:05 of your relationship where things a lot hotter, do you know what turns are on, do you know what our fantasies are, do you know what you can do to bring the sex life back. Have you guys really, really talked about it because maybe she needs a back rub. I mean, there's so many women, men learn this in high school, you give a woman a back rub in your back she'll like age she gets Turn on the nearpenis and then your penis ends up somewhere, you know under her armpit or something so I think that you should maybe you can introduce a sex toy into the mix ask her what her fantasies are I think she'll be more responsive if you focus on her pleasure when a woman hears
Starting point is 00:32:42 From you that you're not getting it and on the gain of sex and you're not giving me sex and I'm suffering, that's not what they want here. She wants to hear how you want to please her and how you want to make her life better. So don't keep up in your sex life until you try everything. It can be really difficult but with a kid it is not impossible. Now there are some supplements I would ask her. You know she said she does low sex drive once a month. I mean, that's not atypical, but I'm wondering if she's taking any medications. Oftentimes women are taking drugs and they're taking, you know, blood pressure and any depression medications that can really inhibit their sex drive. And so I'm just
Starting point is 00:33:19 wondering if she needs to get checked by her doctor, because that's another thing. And there are some pills she can take and things she can do, but I would first like needs to get checked by her doctor. Because that's another thing. And there are some pills she can take and things she can do, but I would first like her to get checked out because maybe that's it. There's lots of things you can try. OK? All right. That's a tough one, though.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Dear Emily, my wife has a really bad gag reflex. To the point where she gags while brushing her teeth or flossing. Is there anything we can do to help lessen the reflex so that she can give me oral without gagging? I'm not sure, say, I'm not saying this because I'm big, I'm big, and I gag her with it. I'm average for sure. When we're dating, she would give me oral sex, but never liked it because she gagged
Starting point is 00:34:02 some. Plus the taste. I'd love to know she'd be able to do this for me sometimes, even just to get me ready for intercourse. Signed Travis. Okay, Travis, if she has a bad gag reflex, she should focus on the tip of your penis, which is the most sensitive part. Instead of trying to put the entire, your entire member in her mouth, she can give you, use her hands while also going up and down while also licking and sucking on the tip. If she doesn't like
Starting point is 00:34:33 the taste of semen, we've got an amazing sponsor and people are flipping out about mask, M-A-S-Q-U-E. Their website is your mask. And basically, they're strips. They're like those list-dream strips you put on your tongue. And they mask the taste of semen and other sexual flavors with mango, strawberry, chocolate, and watermelon. And they have this little minty afferter. So she has to take one strip, perform all sex in you and your penis tastes like a milkshake. What's the problem?
Starting point is 00:35:02 She should totally do that. And I think it would make her feel good. But also, the thing about the gag reflex too is she needs to relax. She might be a little like nervous about it because she's afraid she's going to get it. She just really like relax her throat and take deep breaths. That's another good way to avoid that good old gag reflex issue. And you know maybe a little shot at two. Little shot's key, love. The key, love. The key, love, you know, you know. Lubricant.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Nice and lubricant. The key, love, you know, makes everything better. It does. Well, suffer if you drink the clear, not the brown, not the dark. Drink the, never remember. Drink the dark. You're now some problems. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:35:39 I try to drink the key, love the other night, when I was in a way, I didn't work. Okay. Dear Emily, since I first had sacks, I've been unable to feel any pleasure with penetration. Since then, I've been new with numerous partners and tried toys and masturbation in order to feel some stimulation with no results. Is this a problem that can be fixed? Sign Aaron. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Well, maybe you have not tried the right toy yet. So I would go to my products page first, look up at the Hitachi Magic Wand by Good Vibrations. If no toys are of nothings pleasing you, I would play around with different sex toys with strong vibrations and see if they're able to, you know, give you an orgasm and if it feels well, if it feels good, you might, it might be that you need clitoral stimulation like the Hitattachi Magic Lone provides, like there's so many vibrators. Go to my website and click on the products page and again it's good where you can go right there and look at all the toys they have
Starting point is 00:36:38 because I think what it sounds like the penetration doesn't feel good because you're not turned on yet and you probably need your clitoris to be stimulated and to have more to be turned on and aroused, and then maybe the penetration would feel better. That's my, that's my think, that's what I think, right? Yeah, I actually, I don't know, I haven't, have you heard of that before? What, that people don't feel good about penetration?
Starting point is 00:37:03 Yeah, I have, a lot of women don't get turned on Apprenticeship because no no no that they just she said in there that she didn't feel anything right That that she didn't get turned on That's so I never heard it have some I want to know Okay, so maybe I may Aaron I want to know if you're taking any medications because women on antidepressants feel like It can wipe off your entire entire whole entire sex drive. So I'm wondering if you have been tested by a doctor, if you are taking anything, if you're on any meds, I would get checked out. If you really can't have an orgasm and you feel nothing down there,
Starting point is 00:37:38 there might be something else going on. So I would go see a medical doctor. ASAP. Thanks a lot for clarifying that. Okay. Hi Emily. I'm a 22 year old grad student. I recently just moved to DC. Now that I've moved, boys from home are suddenly interested, including my best friend who has stationed overseas.
Starting point is 00:37:58 We had one drunk hook up, but nothing more. When coming back to the States, we are entertaining a thought of meeting for the weekend. At a halfway point, he is a womanizer and I am shy, commitment kind of girl. He wants the weekend to show me how we can work things out. Is it worth wishing our friendship, but I'm not sure we ever work? P.S., since listening to your show,
Starting point is 00:38:20 I joined an online dating site to get myself out there and practice. Menace might be on the right track about this whole ego and woman thing. Your show and this site has made has made me turn over a new leaf. I don't know what she's saying about your your whole women and ego thing. What do you say about women and ego? I'm trying to remember what she's referring to. I doubt that you probably heard it wrong if you think menace is on track. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:38:48 I'm just kidding. Okay, so I don't think this guy, I think you're asking me because you probably know that this guy isn't good news. He's a known weaponizer. You're living in different places. He wants to have a weekend with you. It's not like he wants to have a really nice booty call. And if you're down with that without the emotional attachment, he wants to come at 22, come over and meet with you, some are private and tell you of all the ways you guys can
Starting point is 00:39:11 make it work out long distance. First of all, when you're that young, don't even commit to anyone, let alone commit to someone miles and miles away. What is the point? Be single right now, have fun and don't pry your eyes in one basket of a womanizer. Yeah, you don't, you pry your eyes in one basket of a womanizer. Yeah, you don't, you probably just think that he's good looking and you really want to have sex with him anyways, but you don't want to feel bad about it because you already know that it's a dumb situation to hug up with him anyways. That happens all the time. Women talk crap about guys and then they end up sleeping with them. Yeah, because
Starting point is 00:39:45 I'm talking crap about them still. Yeah, they're like, oh, this guy screwed me over. Well, you spent like a couple months talking crap about them on how terrible he is. You slept with them and then you say, oh, he was terrible. Well, hello, you already knew that so many women already know the answer to their questions. I know these women a lot of them too. They just need my reinforcement. Tell them it's okay. Yeah, but some of your if you let's just say talk to some of your best friends and you give them advice until they're blue in the face Still won't take it. They just want to I guess they have to learn from their own mistakes Yes, it's true women don, and men don't necessarily listen to advice.
Starting point is 00:40:27 But you're asking, so I'm telling you, and I hope you should listen, because I'm always right. Men don't listen to advice. No, men don't listen either. Depends. Sometimes they do, but they're kind of like, I know. If they're asking you for advice about women. That's all I do is get advice.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Men asking me for advice about women. Feedback at sex with every single day of my life. Give me some other things that they're asking in general. They're asking about orgasms or asking about premature ejaculation, they're asking about biogra, they're asking about sex today, they're asking about pleasing their partner. Yeah, but the thing that we're kind of talking about here
Starting point is 00:40:59 is that they're already hooking up with chicks, so that doesn't matter. We're talking about the in between. When they should I break up with her, should I not? I don't think that men have as much gun. No, we get emails from guys who are like, I like this woman, but she just broke up with her boyfriend and she says she's not available right now, but I don't believe her because I think I'm really going to pursue her.
Starting point is 00:41:21 We get those emails from guys who are in the process of picking up a chicken, don't know what to do. But they Don't know what to do But they probably do know what to do. Yeah, they do They're like what should I do? She's boning six guys in my office, but I really like her But I love her man She's those people, but I do get questions about everything Um, all right, and I love it. It's my life Unfortunately, unfortunately, okay, let's move on to our topic
Starting point is 00:41:44 Which is breasts? It's breast cancer awareness month. Do you know how to touch a nipple? life, unfortunately, unfortunately. Okay, let's move on to our topic, which is breasts. It's breast cancer weariness month. Do you know how to touch a nipple? Do you know about the breasts? Do you know everything you didn't know about the breasts? So here's what I need to tell you. Some women love to be touched on their breasts. Other women, not so enthusiastic. Have you been with the woman who's like, eh, no, not my boobs? No, never. Have you been with a woman who's like, eh, no, not my boobs? No. Never? Never. Have you been with a woman who's super turned on by it? Yes. Okay, like women can have orgasms. Women, that's one of the third, I think the second
Starting point is 00:42:16 most common form of orgasm is a breast or a nipple orgasm, which I think is pretty amazing. So just as there are breast enthusiasts who are all about the breasts and will not be stopping touching them the entire time you hook up, there are the guys who ignore your boobs completely. Let me talk about that. I was raised to believe that men just love breasts like whatever it is. And I feel like once they touch your breasts the first few times because you're not letting them touch other parts, they stop touching your breasts
Starting point is 00:42:45 They don't even look at your breasts. They don't even go up there anymore because they're like, well, we're gonna bang We're gonna get it on. I'm not gonna pay attention to your breasts and my breasts are lonely and sad I want my breasts played with so do so many other women So email us feedback at or tweet us sex to them We do you a woman or that doesn't get your breasts touched? And are you a man who forgot about the breasts? Because I feel like how can you forget? I mean, of course, there's large breasted men
Starting point is 00:43:11 and short breasts who like women with large breasts or small breasts, but I just feel like men stop touching just like making out when you're in a relationship, but they're with you and when you're in a couple. And all of a sudden, you stop making out, you gotta stop touching the breasts. Or if you just want to touch Emily's breasts in general, hit us up.
Starting point is 00:43:26 You know me, feedback at Whatever. As long as you send a pair of shoes, what size? Size 7, Christian Luba Tonski's. Oh, okay. So, pay to red bottoms. You know Barney's here in San Francisco has an amazing selection of their... You think I go there and visit them once a week?
Starting point is 00:43:44 I think they have the best selection out of all the Oh, yeah, like the tan ones with the yeah Let's take a moment of silence for could there eight hundred dollars shoes that I can't really buy right now the ones that I like the most are these little Gray boots with the black bow on them. They're about they're about 1,400. Oh my god. I want Pay attention They're about 1400. Oh my God. I want clothes. Yeah, I know when it's fashion. I pay attention. You go to Barney's a lot of things. Look, I made dress like a guy just that's in a hoodie and a t-shirt and stuff like that. But I keep up on what's going on. What do because you know, I got to talk to females too. I know. Do you talk about fashion? Yeah. Do you talk about the clothes? I pull their mind. I know so much stuff. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:23 It's a good conversation. Please. What What am I gonna talk to you about? You know, oh, how amazing I think I call five is in all this of no, they don't want to hear about that. Yeah, the iPhone five Oh, they didn't send it to your home the whole thing the address I know Yeah, but I was on the I was on the phone for an hour today and I got it all worked out I was on the phone with 18T and Apple at the same time. I had them on a party line and we figured out what the problem was with my account. Oh my God, that's not so awful. Thank God. I can't wait to see it. I'm glad it got worked out. It was really really good to have for you. See, you're not even interested in that. But if I talk about Christian Luba Tons, C. Fellas, just pay attention. When you're walking through a store You know, just pay attention to a couple brands and then you comment some some girl on how nice our shoes are her bags and then
Starting point is 00:45:12 Pull up that information in your brain on the the name of the bags that you saw in the store like oh, yeah, I saw some I saw some bag and you might say oh well only only gay guy do that not shaker zone not true It's so not true, and you know what? Dude chicks are gonna eat it up Totally yeah, I think it's true. I love when you guys like the other day I was it well upgraded. I was in Michigan, but I was I got these sky high. I was on the doctors TV show Oh by the way October 15th. I'm gonna be on the doctors television show talking about 50 shades of gray if you guys get the doctor's TV show. Oh, by the way, October 15th, I'm gonna be on the doctor's television show talking about 50 Shades of Grey
Starting point is 00:45:47 if you guys get the doctor. What? What? So when I record it, it's pre-recorded and I got these six inch red pant leather heels that I wore. And on the show and then I was wearing afterwards and like a table of like eight men,
Starting point is 00:46:01 got off, thick thick, some kind of looking at me. And I was sitting having lunch with a friend and they got up and they're like hot shoes. Like they were noticing my shoes and they weren't hitting on me. They didn't like ask me for my for my number, but that felt so good. That a dude recognized my shoes. Yeah. I wasn't like, I wasn't like, oh, you must be gay or you mustn't even if you were gay, that's amazing.
Starting point is 00:46:18 But a lot of my best friends are gay. I'm just saying the point is it was amazing. And I didn't judge them. I thought they've good taste. So do your research fell us? Do your research. Okay, so pay attention to her breasts, but remember, they are connected to her. Myth. There's a myth out there. The bigger her cup size, the more sensitive she is.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Fact. It's not true. The fact is, the sensitivity of a breast has nothing to do with her size. Fact. activity of a breast has nothing to do with her size. Fact, statistically the left breast is bigger. Fact, many women love their breasts more than you do. My left breast is bigger. Hold on, I want to feel it right now. Do you want to feel my left breast is bigger? No, we're in a studio that has all windows.
Starting point is 00:47:02 What are you doing? Shit, I just touched my boobs in front of everyone. Sorry, I was just curious. OK, like I said, nipple orgasms are the second most common form of orgasms for women. So you would be, but would be who you would touch your breasts? OK, men require visual stimulation, as we know. Apart from genitalia, breasts are our women's most well-defined
Starting point is 00:47:21 physical feature. Don't be afraid to touch your own breasts women during sex. Okay, so here's some breasts that don't. Well, guys should not do or women, whoever if you're with a woman who has, but if you're with someone who has breasts, this is what you shouldn't do. Don't use your nails on her breasts, especially your screggy nails. Don't twist her nipples. Don't slap her boobs unless she wants you to. It can be hot, but it's ask her. Don't treat her breasts like toys.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Don't start bouncing them or anything. Don't use rough biting again unless she asks for it and she's into that. Because it can hurt! Boom is her sensitive. Different times a month, they get more sensitive. Okay, hear that? Okay, so when you're addressing a woman, touch her breasts while she is still dressed over her clothing.
Starting point is 00:48:15 That feels amazing. When the time presents itself, you can slowly take off her top. You can linger a few moments, add some kissing and then a class per bra. This is the old, undressing her slowly thing that I talk about on the show all the time because I believe undressing a woman is a lost art and guys do not do that anymore. It drives me crazy. They undress you the first time
Starting point is 00:48:40 and then later they're just like, pull down your pants and they're like, let's bang. Can you please take some time and on dress me? You want so much attention and it's ridiculous. I know. I know. A lot of women want to talk to you. Okay, so start with soft touching before you get into squeezing nipple plate. Cradle kiss or brush up against her breasts.
Starting point is 00:48:59 How should you use her hands with your breasts? Making the nipples tense by placing your fingers on each side of the nipple. Push down slightly and slide your fingers apart. Move the breasts in slow circular motions, start gentle and take her heart, take her lead and how she likes her breasts to be touched. So yeah, someone who might be like harder or softer, I just really want to start like a bootcamp for women and teach them how to talk about sex. When does the penis get involved with the breast? You could, let's see.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Oh, here it is, using your penis. It's down here, and we're going to talk about it in a minute. Because that's what you like, right? Well, that's what everybody's thinking about. When does the penis get involved? Is he really thinking about that? And I do, it's called, what's another way of saying titty-effing? Nothing, there isn't.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Well, I decided anyways. OK, good. OK, XM for not being censored. What did you say? Yeah, I love XM. OK, so first I'm going to start with using your mouth, and then we can get into her penis, OK, ready? All right, go.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Ready, ready, ready, here we go. Alright, so use the tip of your tongue to circle around the nipple. If her nipples are a racked, harden your tongue and flick it, flick it, flick it, flick it back and forth. And slowly take it in your mouth, then begin to suck a nibble. Next, suck then release her nipples while inhaling so that it creates an icy sensation. So when you breathe on the nibble or you lick the nibble and then you breathe on it the same goes for oral sacs. It feels really good.
Starting point is 00:50:47 The difference in temperature when you lick and then you blow mass, right? It feels good. Okay. Maybe you can even lace the breasts with whipped cream for partnered sex play and he can lick it off. What about like putting some icy hot or tiger balm on it? What do you think? I don't know. What do you think that would do? That would probably make her all tingly. I don't know. I would try a little bit on a little part. It would probably hurt really bad. No. Or it could
Starting point is 00:51:14 feel amazing. You might start a whole new thing. I'm sure people just try that before. Yeah, it probably feels good. Actually, maybe some, oh, maybe some vapor rub. My left breast is so big right now. Actually, maybe some, oh, maybe some paper rub. My left breast is so big right now. Yeah, maybe some vapor rub. I seriously think it is. Okay. Stop, there's a whole office floor. They're not watching me touch my breasts.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Remember, don't just stick to the nipple, lick the space between her breasts, like right under her breasts. Because there are areas that don't get much tension, they are likely to be very sensitive to the tongue. So those areas that don't get a lot of attention on a woman feel really good, like licking around her breast, licking beneath them, licking below them, licking the nipples. Okay, next thing with the breasts, using your penis. Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Try caressing her nipples with the head of your penis. Pull apart the opening of your penis. Sometimes you can stick the tip of an erect nipple into it. What? I don't know about that. I read about that online. That sounds like they could be hurtful. I don't know. I don't know. I'm sorry, but that's I've heard this a lot. If the idea turned you on and courage her to breast sex with you, we all know what that means. Tell her, I want to go between them. That's a way to say it.
Starting point is 00:52:30 I'd like to go in between your breasts. Lubrication will make breast sex actually work. Glow in the dark lubricant from nature loving lubricants. Everyone go to nature loving lubricants website right now and buy some of their lube because their lube smells so good taste so good and they've glow in the dark lube so your boobs can glow and your penis can glow in the dark. What else do you really want? You might not be into this. Uh-oh. Here's another lubricant that benefits everybody. Go ahead. Maybe a taco salad from you know
Starting point is 00:53:03 when you're a favorite taco rias and then it has like all The sour cream and guacamole you want to pour that on her breasts. Yeah It's beneficial to both because you both could you keep dinner and like her breasts? Yes And she can maybe have a nacho or two She can eat some nachos and get her her breasts. Her breasts. Oh my God. So she's got like a whole plate of nachos being her breasts. And then you're gonna start digging nacho chips and she can need the nacho chips. Totally. Totally. She's like crunching away, dripping crumbles on your head. Whatever. Look, you killed two birds with one stone you can pleasure by getting your breasts touched and
Starting point is 00:53:47 You're getting fed and your man's getting fed Or your lady whoever don't I say don't try this at home, but it's in menace, so I can't I can't tell you I Love that idea. Yeah, nice taco salad. I love me a nacho. Don't just dump a taco salad on there I never turned on a nacho. I love it. Sounds good Maybe a nice Chip and dip yeah, cuz that would stick on there the best I was gonna recommend like gumbo or something like that no gumbo would drip down the side That wouldn't be good and you have to be careful whenever you are playing with food in genitalia
Starting point is 00:54:20 You have to make sure it's like that that you don't put it inside because when you put it inside women can get yeast infection So be very careful with any sugary or just any substances that are not meant to go inside of the body do not put them in there Try think what else would be good other than taco salad Taco salad is is a really good for it sounds disgusting and she's gonna smell like a Taco Bell. Oh, would you would like that though? I love it You love your baby smell like a Taco Bell love Oh, you would like that though. I would love it. Love taco bell. Love your baby smell like a taco bell. Love taco bell.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Oh my God, you're crazy. So I would say, yeah, hold on a minute. We're about to cake, nice cake for dessert. Just like throw it on there. You just take the cake and you throw it at the breast and then it sticks on her chest and then you just eat it off. I think this sounds really delicious. I've even done a lot of food.
Starting point is 00:55:09 You know people are doing this. What have you done with the woman's breast that I've not heard about? Call me. Feed me. We want to. I don't even want to tell you what I saw on the porn channel. Landy page of What? Tell me. They have like, I don't know, they have like all these. Nipple clamps. Nipple clamps and all that crazy stuff.
Starting point is 00:55:32 It looks very. It looks painful. But is a BDSM website, people who are into bondage and discipline and sadism and mac and massacism. Nipple clamps are super popular. You can buy them a good vibes, go to and they can feel actually really good to some people, to some women. And men, lot of men like Nipple clamps.
Starting point is 00:55:55 You want to know how I found King. How? And it's not even because I was looking for, which is in the air. Oh sure, you want to know. No, check this out. Funniest thing ever. My buddy is on a radio station Oregon. It's called kink FM. Oh, right. But when he obviously when you type in kink, you get kink dot com. And yeah, that's what happened. They have so they're kink dot FM
Starting point is 00:56:21 and then there's kink dot com. So yeah, it's very interesting. They make a lot of dirty movies in the city. I had a part out dirty not dirty. It's the wrong word pornographic BDSM films. It's very BDSM like extreme BDSM. Extreme women getting tied up and I think they're doing like a naked wrestling event this weekend. They always do. It's called I can't remember it's called but the person who loses gets to have sex with the person who loses gets to have sex with the the person who wins gets to have sex with the loser However, where they want and use it to women muddressling. Yeah, it's hot. I want to go. It's called and then watch them having sex Yeah, you watch them having sex. This is legal. It happens down the street. Do you want to go? I mean I get you tickets No, I want to get it to not take it. I want to get a tour of the armory. Oh, yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:57:02 We can do that anytime. Do you want to go, oh, I might have you take it to the play where I mentioned, do you want to go? Yes. Halloween. What day? Halloween. Yes. Are you effing serious?
Starting point is 00:57:16 I would in a heartbeat. I'm working on it. I'm just telling you I'm working on it. OK, because I know I think you would like that. I feel like I need to do something for me at this about a lifetime before he kills me. Yeah, that's what we got for boobs, but I just want to tell you that breast cancer awareness month.
Starting point is 00:57:31 It's October and breast cancer kills, breast cancer kills. So you can donate, can't it's safe way. There's fundraisers everywhere. Go to to donate and found out more. In 2012, 226,000 new cases were diagnosed with women. 63 new cases, 63,000 new cases of carcinoma. It's the earliest form of breast cancer and about 39,000 women will die from breast cancer. It's very serious.
Starting point is 00:58:03 You hear this all the time. So women, you just have to. It's very serious. You hear this all the time. And so women, you just have to be careful of your breasts. And you have to be sure to tell your partner what makes you feel good. And if he's been ignoring your breasts and he hasn't touched them since the second date, then you need to re-introduce him to your breast T.C. How long can, until I can touch your breasts? How about that? We'd even discuss discuss that. Oh, you mean when we're dating? Yeah, oh right. I mean right away first date not first date second date third date I think I make out if I want if I like the guy in the first date and then maybe boobs on the third date
Starting point is 00:58:36 Do you think he's a creep? If he tries touching the boobs right away No, I don't I don't think anyone's a creep, but they all try, right? I mean, no, I thought I'd down, but they all try right away. I feel like guys are just like, yeah, I'll try to boot. Like, I feel like, and I appreciate that. I always tell men, you know what? If you like someone, and you have a friend, and you've been going out a few times,
Starting point is 00:58:57 and you're not sure if she likes you, but you have an attraction, and you feel like you're falling into the friend zone, just try to kiss her. Just try, just be like, try to be like, you know what I'm attractive to you. I like you're falling into the friend zone, just try to kiss her. Just try. Just be like, try to be like, you know what I'm attractive to you. I like you. Because otherwise, you're going to stay in the friend zone.
Starting point is 00:59:10 She's going to see you that way. And women like confident men who go for what they want. She might turn you down, but she's not going to like, diss you as a friend forever. I just think you should try. Don't you agree with me? That meant you touched, I mean, how, what so the worst thing that happens, she says no. But she's still gonna be your friend. I don't have a problem with that.
Starting point is 00:59:29 I just wanna tell you guys that, it touched the boobs. So, okay everyone, you've been listening to Sex with Emily. I hope everyone has a great weekend. We've got hundreds of podcasts that you can listen to on our website, I'll tell you how we've got videos. I have got an iPhone app that will rock your world. It's called We'll tell you how. We've got videos. I have got an iPhone app that will rock your world. It's called Kegel Camp. It's for men and women and you
Starting point is 00:59:49 do it five minutes a day and it will. It's an exercise for your PC muscles and men have them and women have them and will change your life and you will have more longer, stronger orgasms. It helps men with premature ejaculation. It's awesome. Kegelcamp is a winner. Plus, you should buy my book Hot Sex over 200 things you could try tonight. It's super sexy book. And we love it, right, men? Yes, we do. Happy of you. I can't remember. I said I would buy it, but I'm just sticking together. Yes. It's a sexy book. We like
Starting point is 01:00:23 it. And it's so fun. Friday's we love it. So thanks for listening to the show. It's great to together and it's a sexy bobb, we like it. And it's so fun. Far days we love it. So thanks for listening to the show. It's great to be on an extreme top XM 165. And I hope everybody has a safe and happy and sexy weekend. So thanks everyone for listening to Sex with Emily. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at
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