Sex With Emily - SWE: The Ex Factor

Episode Date: June 16, 2012

Someone asks Menace: “Do you have Sex WIth Emily’s number? She said her favorite call is a booty call.” Emily may have mentioned that her favorite call is a booty call on Miss Advised. Menace is... in love with Amy, the matchmaker from Miss Advised and the two give her a call. Emily talks about how to get over your ex and start new relationships. Emily also gives advice to couples who don’t connect sexually. If you don’t connect in the bedroom, it makes it harder to connect in other ways in the relationship. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, can I see a question? How are your balls feeling right now? Are they super clean and dry? Does your partner complain or is not always willing to go downtown? If so, I've got something for you. I've just launched a new product called Down Under Comfort for my brand Emeline Tony. It's really unique. It's a cream to tap yoga powder formula that is designed to keep men fresh and clean
Starting point is 00:00:23 down under or wherever they need. And girls can use it too, under their brush, the lower back, anywhere they want to stay fresh. So how keep this podcast free and your balls dry? Use code Emily to get 20% off your first purchase. Check them out today at Emily and Trust me and you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair standard. Oh my!
Starting point is 00:01:03 The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common all the way? What do you mean, like laundry? It shrinks? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm so dumb. Being bad feels pretty good. You know, Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with.
Starting point is 00:01:17 You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to where your sex cycle improve. Not only only that we've got a brand new friggin website and no insane insane it should be up right now all right yeah it should be working for y'all and our so our show is now free every day it's free it's back to being free it's back to being free it wasn't always free we did a little trial run here
Starting point is 00:01:45 And now we're going free so everyone should get their money back and be happy if you pay for it. Shut up Shut the hell up. Okay everyone just shut the hell up Sorry, we also took a break this week a little bit because we've been Not going on got a lot of dude. You have a television show launching It's gonna be insane misadvised on Bravo Monday a television show launching. It's going to be insane. Misadvised on Bravo Monday 10 p.m. You can start devying R right now. Yeah, DVR right now if you're listening to this walk over to your television set and DVR it. And it's going to be awesome. And we are very excited about it. It's called Misadvised. Yep. I'm proud. Has tag Misadvised on Twitter because a lot of people
Starting point is 00:02:21 are communicating on Twitter about the show. And I started smiling as the intro played because I remember there was so much stuff that I wanted to tell you about conversations people are having. Okay, talk to me. Insane. So, here's one of my favorite conversations that I saw because once you click on Miss Advice the hashtag, it's like pretty much like a big chat room, right? So I saw this tweet that this guy said where he was tweeting a girl named Julia Allison, who is also a girl on the television show, right? Hey, do you have sex with Emily's number? I'm in
Starting point is 00:03:05 I'm in town for a couple of days in San Francisco, right? Right. Right. She said her favorite call is a booty call. Right? Right. Right. So then I saw this guy tweet again and he tweeted you. I don't know if you saw it, but he was like, hey, I'm in town for a couple of days.
Starting point is 00:03:18 I did see that. But we should meet up. Oh my God. Dude, what's going to happen to my life? You might have thought you were a fluszy. There is a lot. Okay, I have to admit that the first episode, I look like a total fluzie.
Starting point is 00:03:28 And I don't know if I look like one or I am one. In the first episode? Okay, every episode. Every episode. God, the first episode, there's like 16 sex references to like three sums and everything. It's crazy. Yeah, and there was that, and then buddy,
Starting point is 00:03:43 the other day was tweeting saying that you were a dime piece. Oh my god That's nice and we were talking on the phone the other day. We got our addresses Uh-oh, you're like, oh, I don't like all the attention I'm not gonna want all the attention. I'm like yeah, right. I go you live off attention You don't even eat food. That's what that's your your main life Substance no life source I like attention from people that I know and you don't even eat food. That's what, that's your main life. My sustenance, no. Life source is the trend. I like attention from people that I know, but I don't know about attention from people I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Oh God, you're gonna be like smiling and flipping your hair at every single person that recognizes you. I don't think so. I don't think I want to be recognized in my uggs and my same t-shirt that I've been wearing for six days walking to coffee in the morning. Is that what I want? Yeah, you're gonna love it.
Starting point is 00:04:24 I gotta start dressing up. Hey, hey, hey. I don't think want? Yeah, you're gonna love it. I gotta start dressing up. I don't think so. Yeah, that's me. That's me on the TV show. Oh my God, that's me. I talk like that anyway. I make sure you shid. DVR right now.
Starting point is 00:04:33 DVR, my show. It's really funny, but no awesome. I think you guys are really gonna like it. It's a fun show. I think so too. It's a fun show. The other women on the show Amy Laurent and Julie Allison are great and. I love Amy. I know. I want to marry her. Oh my
Starting point is 00:04:47 God you do. Yeah, but I saw some guys that she's already dated. I know. Oh my God, you want to marry her? Can we call her right now and say that? I want to marry her. Okay. Let's call her. Let's see. She's about one answer. She's going to call her and then we're going to call her from the Skype. Okay. I don't know how to do that. Easy. She's not. Well, she's not. Oh, she's in my texts. Yeah. Okay. Today's show. Just so you know what we're gonna call her from the Skype meeting. Okay, I don't wanna do that. Easy, really. Is this a text? Well, she's not, oh, she's in my texts. Yeah, okay. Today's show, just so you know what we're talking about.
Starting point is 00:05:10 It's bonus. We're talking about boners, no. We're gonna talk about how your ex might be holding you back. An important study came out. A lot of people get tied up in their exes and they never move on. We're gonna give you tips how to move on and plus we've got some sex tips for you.
Starting point is 00:05:26 And some sex in the news, some emails. And it's going to be awesome. Hold on, texting her. Text her, say that we just want to call her for a few minutes. I wonder if the Skype works. I tried to fix it, dude. It didn't work. We've got some technical difficulties.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Yeah, I was going to call my number. And today's show is brought to you by Jimmy James. Use coupon code Spring for $25 off your purchase $100 or more. You know that I love Jimmy James toys there. So fun. And they're awesome. And you can buy a massage candle. You can buy the Form 2 vibrator.
Starting point is 00:05:58 If you've never had one, we love them. And I think you should all check them out and support our show. And go check out the new website, section that you can follow me on Facebook and Twitter. And Instagram, sex with Emily. We love them and I think you should all check about and support our show. Go check out the new website, text them. You can follow me on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram, sex with Emily. I got to do more Instagram. I forgot about Instagram for the last two weeks.
Starting point is 00:06:12 No, it's ridiculous. But don't worry, you're going to get a ton of new followers. God damn it, the Skype is not working. I'll call her from my phone. I know, but then she can't hear me tell her how much I love her, but whatever. Yes, she can. We'll do it. Kind of. We'll do it the getaway. That's how we roll.
Starting point is 00:06:30 We've been doing the show for free for seven years. We forget our ways to make things happen. I wonder if she can hear you. Huh? She'll be able to hear you. I'll like yell off the mic so people don't get annoyed. Amy. Amy. Hi, you're on sex with Emily. I'm like on right now. You're on right now. You're on sex with Emily
Starting point is 00:06:52 You're on right now you're on the radio. I know I know I'm gonna get on that's all okay come over here I'm meant as men is wants to say something to you. We were just talking about the show and Yeah, the hot glasses exactly and out and I want And I want to say I love you. I think you're great. I think you're great. You're so lovable. I don't know why you date douchebags. I know. Well, he's on.
Starting point is 00:07:17 I actually don't go on date. And this is all new to me dating. So are you talking about my ass? Yes, he thought she was do he thought that he was a douchebag. The first three seconds of just seeing him on camera, I can tell he's a douchebag. Like and it's funny because I played it for I played it for other people before he even spoke they're like douchebag. Maybe he's just not he just has the douchebag gear on.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Men, this is jealous Amy because he's in love with you. I appreciate you saying that. It's kind of like a painful for me to see that happen because this is exactly what I would tell a girl or Emily was dating a douchebag. I pick up the signs and I'm like, let me lay it down to you straight and I'm doing this for your own good. And I don't know why I can do that for other people and then for myself. It's like I'm completely like this guy is clearly like in denial everything is fine while I'm sitting there. Okay, I mean it was really hard for me and yeah. We felt for you.
Starting point is 00:08:32 We felt for you Amy, we were there for you and we felt for you but we know there are so many men out there in New York or wherever for you that they're just going to be coming in droves. They're going to be lining up around your apartment. First of all, Emily, I love you and I just have to say, you're always there for me. I can't even say the time is when I called Emily. I'm like, what should I do? This person's coming into town, Emily, you've always been there for me, so I appreciate it. It's not easy for me, so I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:09:05 It's not easy for me to speak things clearly when my heart's involved. And I hate that I have emotions. I really do. I know it's good though, Amy. You're good, and you're getting to learning so much, I know. Oh, it's hard, but it's all good. And I have to do it.
Starting point is 00:09:25 I'm not like watching a lot of robots. So, the one's going on in a stand plan. We're just having a show. We're talking about how your ex might be holding you back. Oh, really? That's the topic of today's show. Oh, man. I, that wasn't even on purpose because in the first episode everyone listening Amy does go out with her acts
Starting point is 00:09:46 and so that's just a little teaser for something coming up. But I want to know, I want to know okay I guess they have to wait and watch the show from Monday. But I wouldn't be so interested in knowing how many of your listeners think, because I like he has this charm over me i don't know why i don't know how and i'm just wondering if people see it and they're like yes he's a charming attractive guy no i want to know like that anyone else here or is like everybody else gonna like you know here's my phone like home dish bag or something great about it like i
Starting point is 00:10:23 just want to know if anyone, excuse it, the way I do. It'll be interesting. I don't know. I didn't see it, but I just love you. You and I didn't like. Well, don't say that. Well, I think it's cute. I just think that I think that you could do so much better, and I know the whole backstory
Starting point is 00:10:43 too. So, you know what Amy? Amy, Emily's crazy. Oh, but maybe that's why I liked him so much and that's a really sad statement. I mean, it really is and it's something that I'm working on with myself because for some reason, if I was working with a girl, I would never let her do that to herself. I would tell her, you are worth some, but for some reason, it's kind of sad that I want to do that for other people, but for some reason I can't give myself that.
Starting point is 00:11:12 But the first step is recognizing that that's the issue. You've got it all down. You know what to do. And now the fact that you realize that you're not doing it, you know that next time you will follow your rules. You'll do it. I think so. I think you will. Oh my god. Well, I love you, Amy. We just wanted to give you a shout out and say hi because we're
Starting point is 00:11:30 sitting here talking about the show and menace that he loved you. So I thought we should call it. Oh my god. And I love your glass. And it's like the hottest thing ever. I'm telling you, we should take a poll on that too. I love it. Thank you. I know she's like that guy with the glasses. He's really cute. And then we were kissing. He made me kiss him. Yeah, I'm rough. Yeah, he made me kiss him during the show. Okay, honey, I'm gonna call you later. I can't wait to see you next week, by the way,
Starting point is 00:11:55 at my eyes. I see you in LA, baby. I cannot wait. Okay, I love you. Bye, honey. Talk to you soon. Bye. That was Amy Lawrence.
Starting point is 00:12:04 She's also on the Miss Advice show, premiering on Bravo on Monday night at 10 o'clock. Yeah, it's crazy. I know. I want you to meet her. So anyway, okay, so it's funny that our topic is how your ex might be holding you back and some other sex tips because that's what she goes through in the show, but you're all going to see that. So Monday, Monday. So let's get in some sex in the news. All right. Okay. Do women have a sexual prime?
Starting point is 00:12:25 This is just a quick one. Love Honey did a survey and they came to the conclusion that women hit their sexual peak at the age of 28 and men hit theirs at 33. Now, I think that's interesting because I thought that men hit their sexual peak at 18 were always hearing or 21 or whatever, but they say that men and women hit them at different ages.
Starting point is 00:12:44 So I've already peaked, I don't understand. But that's what the study says. Okay, and then another study came out that said, the IUD are better at preventing pregnancy than the pill. The IUDs are those insertion things. Oh, no. The pill may be tried and true method for keeping those pesky pregnancies at bay, but apparently it's actually one of the most mediocre birth control methods on the market.
Starting point is 00:13:05 According to new research, long-term options such as intra- the IUDs that provera shots are more effective than the daily dose. Daily shots when they show you. Daily shots? Yeah, or no, no, you get a shot once and then it's like a daily dose gets released in your body. Oh, but it's a shot that has a thing in it, right? As a shot and then you get all the stuff shot into you
Starting point is 00:13:27 What you're getting it mad? What I'm what I'm gonna say anything bad about women who do this because you do that once and everyone got it What are you gonna say no okay? Go ahead? I'm just saying I think it's a good thing Just putting the statement out there that they do use birth control and all this stuff like that But for some reason out reason, out in the world, guys kinda bag on chicks that do that. They do the shit, what? They just do the shit. They do the shit. They peel every day.
Starting point is 00:13:56 But they just say, all those chicks are just mega sluts. Oh, that's so dumb. That's dumbest thing. Man, as you said this once, and we got 100 emails. Am I saying, or I'm not saying they're my words, I'm not saying it. I'm just saying. Those people are idiots. It means that the girl that you are effing
Starting point is 00:14:09 is not gonna get pregnant because she didn't forget to take her pill today. And I think that's a good thing. And I fully support that. I fully support the shot. So don't give me crap about it. I'm just saying what other people are saying. Well, you're other people that you're talking to
Starting point is 00:14:20 are idiots. Well, I'm sorry. You know what? Maybe I should not say anything, not to offend anybody. Actually, I'm sorry. You know what? Maybe I should not say anything, not to offend anybody. Actually, I don't care. I love you. That wouldn't be fun.
Starting point is 00:14:30 You can offend people. Okay, Courtney Kardashian and Scott Disick, their sex life reaches an all-time low. Oh, well, she's preggers. Oh, please never use that word ever again. I hate that word. I'm sorry, I've never used it, have I? Never. I just did. I never will. Stricken from ever again. I hate that word. I'm sorry, I've never used it, have I? Never. I just did.
Starting point is 00:14:45 I never will. Stricing from my brain. I hate that. I hate Uber. I hate Preggers. There's like a list of words I hate, but that's on top of it. Do you hate Toats? No, Toats.
Starting point is 00:14:57 We use Toats all the time. Okay, Cornier or Caradayashan is already publicly now. She has commitment issues, which is why she doesn't plan on marrying Scott Disix soon. But what she has, don't know, is what's really going on behind closed doors and it's not pretty. They have fought off and during the pregnancy with each other and the amount of sex they had during the pregnancy is astronomically low. They have definitely reached the point of their relationship or sex as a chore rather than
Starting point is 00:15:19 a fun and loving activity. However despite their dwindling sex life, a breakup between the two is unlikely. So that's good. Whatever, they'll get it back. She's pregnant. They're not having sex. That happens to a lot of people during pregnancy. I'm telling you, I would not want to.
Starting point is 00:15:33 If I can't imagine being pregnant, some women get really, you know, horny or whatever during sex, but some during pregnancy, but some women don't, and they just don't want to sex. So like the last thing I wanted is a penis on my vagina. Yeah, or, no, I heard some women don't, and they just don't want to sex. So like the last thing I wanted is a penis and a vagina. Yeah, or, no, I heard some, uh, women that are really just want to keep on doing, and the guys don't want to do it.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Oh, because they're like, yeah, yeah, I've heard mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed feelings. Um, okay, anything that you have got from celebrity gossip like, because we've been done a show in a week, which has been painful, I missed you so much. Um, celebrity gossip, there's nothing out there. There was, there was a rumor, there was a rumor picture that Connie West tweeted out of photo If you hear about this of Kim Kardashian naked, it is totally false. He didn't tweet this out I can't never do that. It was some porn star from like a year ago That put this picture out online and everyone thought it was Kim Kardashian. Oh, not
Starting point is 00:16:24 Kim Kardashian. So. It's not Kim Kardashian. Okay. So don't fall into theverse. Thank you for clarifying this. I appreciate it. But you go ahead and Google it. It's a nice photo. Oh, it's a nice hot chick who looks like Kim Kardashian.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Yeah. Do you think she's hot? Like would you bang her? Yeah, yeah. And, you know, I've met her before. She was very sweet. So why not, bang her. I would, I'd rather not know her past history
Starting point is 00:16:46 Right, right. I'm gonna go. I met on the street. I'm like, oh yeah, this school, but then you're like oh she the sex tape the whole thing Yeah, just knowing because you know again a guys don't guys don't want to know you're dating I know Everybody and that's why I feel bad for every boyfriend that you have because you love just bring flaunting every ex boyfriend You ever had in front of them. Right. Guys don't like that. I do.
Starting point is 00:17:09 But that's not sleeping with them anymore. But you guys just don't even like that in general. They don't know. Oh, I've stopped telling like the guy that I'm dating who I've slept with out of my friends. Thank God. Because it's all of them. I had for the guy.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Just assume that I've banged on my male friends. But just once or twice. Okay. Communication, knowledge and open mind is the key to great sacks. Good communication, our personal knowledge and a willingness to be open-minded can keep the fire burning. That's all you need. Things may not look or feel or work the same way they do when you were 50 or 20, but that doesn't mean they can't still work the same way that's beautiful and pleasurable.
Starting point is 00:17:48 So you just need to communicate aloud with your partner and have an open mind. So it's a new book that came out called Sex Made Easy, your awkward questions answered for better, smarter, amazing sex. And she talks about how important is sex to the success of a relationship and it varies from person to person but sex is sex to the success of a relationship and it varies from person to person but sex is important to most people. So I think people are in a relationship and they say, oh sex was good but now we don't care and it's fine. That you're in trouble. If you stop paying attention to your sex life and you think it's totally fine they're not having sex anymore there is a
Starting point is 00:18:20 problem. It's okay for a few weeks or three months but if it's been going on for years and you never have sex and you think everything's fine, it's just some telling you. You need some therapy and you guys got to get your sex life back because couples who are not connecting sexually are not going to be connecting in other ways. At all. At all. You got to keep having sex. But it's hard. I get it. You like you boom to someone for a while. You have babies. It's hard to keep doing it, but you got to do it.
Starting point is 00:18:41 What, sorry to go back to the new story about Courtney Kardashian and Scott Disek. Okay. Can you read one part for me again and I wanna explain something? Yes. Go ahead and read why she doesn't want to. She has commitment issues. She doesn't want to. Courtney has commitment issues.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Okay. Which doesn't make sense because the past couple episodes of the Kardashians, I know you probably haven't watched it. But it's all giving Chris Jenner the mother crap for cheating on her husband. And Courtney is the one that makes the biggest issue out of it, right? Right. She's like, I don't know why you're bringing all this stuff back up and
Starting point is 00:19:25 right. Actually, the next episode is she's meeting up with that guy again. No way. to go like hang out with them and hang out with them and talk to them and stuff like that. Oh my god. And it just keeps on showing Courtney being pissed saying, you know, that ruined our family and all this stuff. Wow, that was her with her dad that she cheated on her dad. Yeah, so Courtney Kardashian's dad, which was Robert Kardashian, the famous lawyer, Chris Jenner, was cheating on him with this random guy. And so Courtney being the oldest, she knew everything that was going on. So all these episodes, just like how Courtney has all these issues. Oh, they all come up. I couldn't imagine.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Right. Someone did bring that up saying, you know what? Courtney's being kind of hypocritical because she's not married to Scott. Right. Just. And so she could just leave him at any time and not feel bad about it. Right. That's true. That's true. So they're saying she should be committed as well. She should be committed. I mean, if you're having two kids with somebody. I don't think you have to get married.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Oh, God. Oh, God. Well, don't take her advice on that. Mom, don't tell people that's a way of advice. I give them that a second thought there. I'm saying, if you don't want to marry the guy and you already had two kids with them, then you shouldn't be living with him. You shouldn't be.
Starting point is 00:20:42 She's my not want to get married. Not everyone has to get married. Like, I don't see why that's the end. I to get married. Not everyone has to get married. Like I don't see why that's the end I'll be all. Not everyone can get married anyway. But if she's not getting married to keep her options open, then just go keep your options. Don't you not keeping your options open? You think that's why? What is the effing point, man?
Starting point is 00:20:56 I don't know. I mean, maybe she's there on time. There's shit in marriage. Oh, see why? Are you making up all these excuses? I just can't, I don't know about it. You either commit if you have two kids together, you're living together, you're sharing your whole life
Starting point is 00:21:07 together, then commit to this person. If you don't want to commit, then just move on and find somebody to commit to. Don't just make this guy your own. Why are you saying a piece of paper is gonna make a difference in their relationship? It does make a big difference. It shows that I am committed to for the rest of my life,
Starting point is 00:21:23 which I know that scares you to death. I mean, I would get committed for the rest of my life, which I know that scares you to death. I mean, I would get committed for the rest of the week. See? So that's why I don't even want to hear your comments on this kind of stuff, because you're totally against it from the get-go. No, I mean, you can't even play devil's advocate when it comes to this conversation. No, I can. I totally can, but I don't feel like it. I just think that it's not weird that so many people are not getting married.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Like the marriage numbers have dropped. That's fine. I'm just saying, if you're not going to do that, then why even live together? Just go and keep your options open, stay in different houses, and just date each other and stuff like that. Just your logic makes no sense. How is it not make sense? Why are you saying because they're not married that doesn't make their union that she wants to keep her options open. I think she doesn't want to get married. Does he want to get married? Yes, I think he does he's already brought up where he wanted to get married
Starting point is 00:22:12 Well, she's not ready yet. She's gonna figure that out. Not ready. Okay. What then she's gonna be ready to someday to Just marry the guy that she's already been with and have to get with But they just don't have time to have a wedding. She doesn't want to have a wedding. A lot of people do that. Her sister had a $10 million wedding in like, I don't know, a couple months. Yeah, that went really well. A couple months. And then her other sister, who's already been married for,
Starting point is 00:22:35 I don't know, two and a half, three years now, had a wedding within 30 days. That's crazy. So come on. They have money and resources that have them. She She probably resources. And watching her family going, I'm not jumping in a marriage. It's not working for everyone else in her family. Okay. Bethany Frankl blamed herself for the miscarriage of her second child. So she had a miscarriage and she did. She did. She had a miscarriage and she went to the doctor and the doctor said at your
Starting point is 00:23:02 age and without busy you are, you've got to slow down. And apparently she felt that she brought on her miscarriage because she didn't slow down. And she continued to work with the doctor, assured her that it had nothing to do with that. But that's the headline is that she blamed herself. She's so crazy about it. She was so crazy about it.
Starting point is 00:23:17 She felt so bad. She said, she said, the doctor assured her otherwise, but the star-rearing heartbroken. There's something so sad about it that there had been a life in there, and suddenly it was not there. She explained in the article. During the grieving process, she eventually realized it wasn't her fault. She got over the guilt, but now I just felt bad
Starting point is 00:23:34 for whoever she was going to be. I felt bad for that heartbeat. Aw, that's sad. I'm pissed too about a talk show. What happened? So it's airing today or something now? So yeah, I think it's today. No, no, it's just the other day.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Okay. And they pumped it up. National news everywhere. Everywhere. She's treating it. Yeah, tweeting like crazy. You can't go anywhere without hearing about how she has a talk show. And only airs in eight cities and we're not one of them.
Starting point is 00:24:03 It's ever so. Really? Yeah, I mean it's in. I i mean it's starting rolling it out in the l.a. and your which are major liver and seven says go where the fourth largest market in the f in country man and we can't get some bethany in our lives jesus christ can who can we talk about that what do you airing fox that's so important right exactly jerry springer
Starting point is 00:24:24 exactly like Aaron Fox that's so important. Right exactly. Another Jerry Springer show. Exactly. Like Jerry. Jerry Springer's Bodyguard has his own talk show. No, really? Yes. Are you seeing it? Yeah, his own talk show. Maybe they just want to roll it out, build the Buz. There's probably some science to it. I don't know. They have some like Canadians that have a show that's a talk show that's airing here in Serim Cisco. Like why can't Bethany? I don't know, baby. You should write a letter to the people. I'm gonna write a letter to Foxe. I want some Bethany in my life.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Next time you sit down and write a letter to Taco Bell to bring back the double-decker triple alarm, maybe you should sit down and write a letter to Foxe. You gotta get it right. It's four alarm double-decker taco discontinued in 1997. Right. And I've been on set. But why don't ever say that?
Starting point is 00:25:10 It's not coming back. Why would people are like, oh, just get the volcano taco. No, I want the four alarm double decker taco. If you guys don't know, I've been missing this taco for what? Do the math. Do it the long time, 15, 16 years. I just want it back. I know he's been writing letters taco, but he's like the crazy person. They're like, oh, 15, 16 years. I just want it back.
Starting point is 00:25:25 I know he's been writing letters, Taco Bell. He's like the crazy person. They're like, oh my god, this crazy. I found the CEO on Facebook and I messaged him and he never wrote me back. And I said a nice letter. I'm sure you did. I'm sure you did.
Starting point is 00:25:37 I understand. It was the sweetest letter ever. I'm like, I used to love the four-month double-decker taco. I think your fame will just rise and they'll bring it back. No, you're the one that's going to be famous. Because of the minus double decked taco. You know, if you ever going to do ever anything for me, when you become famous, you got to get them to bring back the four long double decked tacos.
Starting point is 00:25:55 I will. Deal. I'll shake your hand a bit. And I'll take you to the playboy mansion. Please. I will. And if you know, and if you want, and if they're not too busy, maybe the rancho steak burrito.
Starting point is 00:26:04 That's it. That's all you need, maybe the rancho steak burrito that that's it That's all in here now the rancho steak burrito I mean just as a added bonus, but as long as you're bringing back the other one the main priority is the four alarm double Double-double you gotta stay focused on the four alarm. Yeah, okay You know if you want to slip in the rancho steak burrito, I can wait I mean there is no kind of fast food that I crave in that way that I would even know that it was gone or missing because I can't. Hey, little slippy slippy. I mean, there is no kind of fast food that I crave in that way that I would even know that it was gone or missing, because I don't eat fast food.
Starting point is 00:26:28 It's delicious. It's delicious. It still do, obviously. Hell yeah. Obviously. Okay, we've got some emails from the peoples. Love the people. Thanks everyone for emailing us at feedback at
Starting point is 00:26:39 and you can also email me right through my website, and go check out our new website. It's awesome. It's amazing. It's amazing. It's super clean. It's the best website,, and go check out our new website. It's awesome. It's amazing. It's amazing. It's super clean. It's the best website you've had so far.
Starting point is 00:26:48 It's taken me seven years to get a really good website, and so you better visit it. You better visit it, and you better put in your email address. I won't spam you. Okay. And the show's free now. The show's free. We mentioned that. We do few shows a week, and they're free.
Starting point is 00:27:01 We've got 400 million shows that you can't't do. And they'll improve your sex life. Okay, hello Emily. My girlfriend and I are big fans of the show and we listen to you guys whenever we get the chance. We have been an amazing sex life and we're madly in love. Recently though, we had a small disagreement about masturbation. My girlfriend gets bothered every time I want to masturbate when she is not around. We have a long distance relationship and it's hard for me to not release every once in a while. However, my girlfriend gets bothered when we haven't seen each other in a while and I chose to and I choose to masturbate rather than hold off until we see each other. She feels it is selfish of me to masturbate when she on the other hand chooses to wait until we see each other. She doesn't
Starting point is 00:27:43 enjoy masturbation herself and won't take that alone alone time to explore her body. And since she doesn't take that time for herself, I feel as if she's making me wait because she chooses to wait. She also feels that when I masturbate, the sex isn't as passion as it can be, but I assure her that it is. She feels like I can't wait for her and feels that she's now worth the wait, but I tell her it's not the case Please has help us out and give us your opinion on our situation. Thanks Alex from Los Angeles, California Alex. Okay, Alex. Here's a deal masturbation is completely normal and healthy in fact men men with the healthiest sex life masturbate even more often
Starting point is 00:28:22 You've got to tell your girl there is nothing wrong with you masturbating It doesn't mean that you don't miss her It doesn't mean that you're discounting her. It doesn't mean that you're discounting her. It doesn't mean anything at all. It just means that you are a man and that you need to masturbate. So, I mean, that is all you need to do. I'm telling you that masturbation is something that's totally normal for men and for women. And I've got to tell you something. She needs to masturbate.
Starting point is 00:28:44 She needs to masturbate. She needs to masturbate herself. She should probably spend time alone exploring her own body and then she would realize that maybe she'll start masturbating and you'll start masturbating and then she'll understand that it's fine. But right now I'm concerned that this is an issue for you, especially because you're having great sex and you have a great relationship, but it's like, it's almost, I would even say if you never masturbated, that was unhealthy. It flips on the side of being healthy to masturbate.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Maybe she should just get the rock box. Oh, Jesus, the rock box. Strongest vibrator out there. It's a news vibrator. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:29:21 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, is afraid of the rock box. It is sitting in my house. I got sent the rock box. I kind of want to use it. Are you serious? You want to use it? I don't know. I'm afraid we have a giant.
Starting point is 00:29:29 It's going to fly across the road. It looks like a power tool. See? Once you have the rock box, there's no going back. Like, you just have to go bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. And when you can buy the Adam and, check out Adam and Use coupon code, Emily. By that time, maybe my sex toy will come out the dump truck.
Starting point is 00:29:44 The dump truck. Jesus, that's a terrible name. But Alex, yeah, you guys got to do some reading on masturbation, totally normal, totally healthy. A lot of women, it's kind of like the porn argument that people guys, women get upset when men watch porn. Healthy. It's fine. Did you just burp in the microphone?
Starting point is 00:30:02 You didn't find that sexy? No, that was horrible. You don't, how do you turn offp in the microphone? You didn't find that sexy? No! That was horrible! Are you turned off by stuff like that? No, I burp all the time, but I... Hmm. I don't burp during the show, I just burp in the office. We're lucky enough to record at the Stitcher Studios in San Francisco, California. Download the app, it's totally free.
Starting point is 00:30:21 You can stream podcasts. Emily's giving me a jury look but they have free doctor peppering here I know I'm drinking I love Dr. Pepper okay so Emily yes it's 840 central time Friday and I'm masturbating and I'm listening to your show in XM really I think I just heard you argue that an extra marital relation affair is okay if it's safe sex. Did I hear you correctly? No you did not. I would never ever say that.
Starting point is 00:30:49 So he goes off. He says, I was married for 14 years to a woman that I worshipped and treated like a princess. She also loves me very much, but several I had, but her several extra marital fairs, just started her marriage. She has a similar attitude as you. It was only sex and it didn't mean anything. I disagree. Sex is one thing that a couple share between themselves.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Once a partner gives up their body to another sex is no longer special. The intimacy is gone. Sex becomes just pleasures of the flesh. Sex is no longer making love. It's just sex. James from Panama, city, Florida. James, I'm here to tell you that. He's my point exactly. What? What have I always said? People that listen to the show know that I say
Starting point is 00:31:32 that you can't just kiss a woman's ass 24-7 because they'll just walk all over you and do things like this that's going to upset him. You know? Oh, because you treat her like a princess and worship her. Yeah, you just can't. I'm not saying treat a woman like crap. That it's not what I'm saying at all. You should never do that. But you can't put women that you date upon a pedestal because then they have you in the palm of your hand and then they just take advantage. They might not even know that they're taking an advantage to be honest. They might not even realize it. I want to be put out in a pedestal. A lot of women want to be put out in a pedestal. Yeah, but then what happens when you do that? Here's the problem.
Starting point is 00:32:10 What do you go to when that happens? I don't do anything, but here's the thing. She had an extra marital fair and I would say that it's not because you treated her like a princess, but I would say you also, you can treat a woman like a princess, but also go down, you know, not go down and then it could be hard. Like, like give them when they screw up, you can treat a woman like a princess, but also go down, you know, not go down and then be hard like, like give them when they screw up, you can be. You can be. Yeah. Yeah. You put your foot down. Yeah. Yeah. You put your foot down. Like, I don't know if you had a lot. Maybe she walked all over you. I'm not sure what happened there, but I would say that you, you can say, it's okay to put a woman on a pedestal, but then to also be
Starting point is 00:32:39 real, if something's going on and be like, that's not cool. Like this guy that I'm currently dating, which I totally appreciate, he does not take any crap for me. That's good. He does not let me get away with anything. And he calls me and said all the time, it's almost like too much, but I totally appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:32:53 I bet you hate it. No, I love it. It makes me think he's even a hotter because he's like, I'm not putting up with that. This is a deal with me. I treat the women that I'm with like gold. I know it's surprising for you to even think that. Well the last time you were with a woman, it was like, you know, 2000. Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:33:15 I treat my goal, but if they're like, the moment they start taking advantage, I just pull the rug out from under them and they're like, man really want that guy that guy that really nice guy again So then they don't fuck around, you know, right right? They just they just don't they're like I want to keep the guy because I Know if I screw up that I'm gonna get the guy that I don't want to To mess around with you know right and that does just how you gotta be I'm sorry because It goes both ways too. If you're a woman and you just like
Starting point is 00:33:48 kiss your man's ass all the time and when he screws up, you don't call him out on it. He's just gonna continue to screw up and upset you. Right, that's true. You know, and it's not gonna be a good relationship. It has to be a healthy relationship. And the balance of power should be equal between both people and the relationship.
Starting point is 00:34:03 You gotta keep your hose in check. You feel me, Emily? Oh, God! Stop talking. Hi, Emily. After reading an article on Katy Perry, I realized how much Katy Perry and Zoe Dishonel look like. I know Menace has expressed his crush on Zoe in the past. So, I was wondering does he also have the hats for Katy Perry or is it Zoe's personality that wins him over? Michelle from Baltimore. Um, Katy's fun. Right. I can, I can see her being extremely high maintenance.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Right. Uh, I, I don't know if I want to have sex with a girl that had sex with a racial brand. Oh, okay. God, you're so funny like that. Why? I don't know. Just like so what? He's gone. They're all. And you don't care like, oh, maybe you're, you're, uh, uh, some guy that you're dating, uh, slept with some super skinky hoe. Like, I know you don't care about that kind of stuff, but I do. That's just me. I'm sorry. I'm like, uh, I think Russell brands of skinky hoe. Russell man is a admitted sex addict. Like, have you, remember you read that story about it? It was an amazing story.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Yeah. I can repeat it because I memorized it. You want me to tell you? You like sex with all these women? Yeah. He had sex with this writer. He's over from UK, whatever. So there's a news writer that wanted to do a story on him.
Starting point is 00:35:22 So he says, oh, yeah, yeah, come over to my house. And we'll talk about it, right? So she goes over to his house, answers the door, completely naked, right? Right. Invites her in. She's like, OK, whatever. She walks in, talks and goes, oh, would you like a drink?
Starting point is 00:35:43 And she goes, OK, I'll have a drink. And then he goes, oh, would you like a drink? And she goes, okay, I'll have a drink. And then he goes, oh, would you like to go down on me? So she started, because he's super famous, like he is like a rock star. She went down on him? So she starts going down on him while he's eating a plum, right? And then he goes, oh, would you like to go up to my room?
Starting point is 00:36:07 She goes fine. They walk up to the room. He opens the door. And there's already another woman in the bed completely naked. And she said that the other woman looked like she was shocked that she was there. Wow. Right. Like the other woman didn't even know that another woman was showing up. Right. So he asks like, Hey, since we're all here, would you like to have a three sum, right? Right. This is just a random writer that's never met. And the writer says, you know, whatever I was up for it, you know, because, you know, Russell Brandt's face.
Starting point is 00:36:40 It's a good story. Yeah. She said that the other chick wasn't down for it, right? so then Russell brand asked oh, can you wait while I have sex With the writer and the other chick just waited at the end of the bed until he was done. Oh my god Fond with his own interesting. It's not interesting when not hot so And then that's the time to do like she was sleeping with for like ever.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Like, now it's like ever covered, recovering sex, that's great, but she was still sleeping around. I'm not interested. I haven't even done anything in your past that you're not proud of. I'm sure I have. Shouldn't women like,
Starting point is 00:37:21 having you slept with some chicks that if your future wife knew about, she would never date. Yeah, so these are women that I'm never gonna tell her about Right, but since Katie Perry you know The public eye and don't get me wrong. I'm not hating on Russell brand. I love Russell brand I think he's hilarious and movies love the guy. I Love to hang out here saying you want're saying you want to sleep with chicks that does dude slept with. Okay, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:37:48 So fun, you don't want to sleep with Katy Perry. I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I I think that she's cute. She's cute. I only know one other guy that she slept with is some, the guy from Devcap for cutie that she was married to her. A while, but at least you know what, she was married to that guy. Okay. That guy's a 12 F and nerd and so am I. So it gives me, it gives me, it gives me, it gives me hope. You know that a nerd like that can get with a hot chick like that, who I believe is hot. Some girls always like to bash on her because guys love her. Who's that? Yeah. Why? I don't bash her. Why do women always just love to bash another? Women don't bash
Starting point is 00:38:34 other men. Bash another. You're bashing on Russell Brand. You guys are I'm not bashing on his sex life. Not him as a person. Oh, dude. What's the diff? I'm not. I don't bash another woman. You hang out with a different illot. You hang out with people who meet certain stereotypes that I don't experience in my world that in a bash other way that when it's all good is free. I'll sleep with everybody. He signs in flower children. That's not true. You know, I'm saying trash. Why you with that bitch? That bitch up bitch.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Oh my god. You know, whatever. with that bitch? That bitch, that bitch, oh my God. You know, whatever, like that's not what we talked about. Because you hang out with people that don't care. I was drinking wine and whatever. No. You guys just, I don't know, man, it's just, I think it's weird to me. And then, yeah, I may sometimes, yeah,
Starting point is 00:39:18 I hang out with hood rat people that, like, you know, they're ghetto and they love arguing and having drama about stuff like that too. But also hang out with people that are like passionate about other people and they do care at that person's sleep with another person, you know? I know, I understand. Okay, moving on, next email. Hi Emily.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Yes. I've been listening to Dan Savage, who's great but was looking for some female perspective on my relationship. And a good podcast with a straight female's perspective. I'm listening to the episode from September 2, 2011, understanding women and it's awesome. I'm a 30 old man dating a 45 year old woman. 30 old man dating for time of year on. She was a good friend of mine about a year ago. My friend and I have gotten through this issue, but I
Starting point is 00:39:58 still have some problems that I can't seem to get over. I drive myself crazy thinking I am not as good as my friend and that the experience she has with me or not as powerful as with him. I can't even stand to even think of her with him. It's worse that they are close friends. I want to be the most incredible lover she's ever had. We've been together six months, I know that she loves being with me. She is so responsive and reassuring and I am a really, really good stand of guy. But behind the confidence,
Starting point is 00:40:25 I have so much insecurity and mind-fucking. It's totally crazy. Is there any advice by just being present and dropping all this mental shit that just gets in the way? Is there any way to increase my trust in my girlfriend on what she says about how she behaves with more positivity and loving,
Starting point is 00:40:41 as she loving is how she truly feels? Do I need to be her best lover? Is there always something out there she remembers more than me because they were much so much better? Thanks, lad Emily. I look forward to listening to you some more Woody from Boston, Massachusetts.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Okay, Woody, here's a deal. Yes, there is advice about being present. You can be present right now in this moment. You can decide. You are in control of your mind. And every kind of your suffering right now is coming from your mind. In fact, 99% of the suffering that we all experience
Starting point is 00:41:11 comes from our mind. You're torturing yourself. You don't even know. She might have thought he sucked in bed. He might have a penis that she didn't like. We don't even know this. But and I assume that you do this in other areas of your life. So you do have to work on loving yourself. I feel like you don't love yourself
Starting point is 00:41:26 And you're not trusting of yourself. You say you're a stand-up guy But you're not sure that you're good and bad and the most important thing is before it is confidence But before you can even get that confidence you've got to love yourself And you've got to just start reaffirming every time one of those thoughts come in your head About feeling disgruntled or feeling worried that the last I was a better lover I need you in your mind just to push that thought away and replace it with two positive thoughts about yourself That's how you do it and then it becomes wrote and then you start to do it automatically But it takes time and practice, but I have to say if I read if you look at your whole situation here
Starting point is 00:42:01 You got a great relationship. She's reassuring and you're suffering. And your suffering is a result of you and you need to stop the suffering by being present. Maybe you need to meditate on it. I don't know what you need to do. Go to yoga, do some kind of thing, but stop tripping yourself out. And in fact, women don't sit around longing.
Starting point is 00:42:19 I mean, if she's not with this guy anymore, she was with them, but now she's with you. And she's been with you for a little while. So I wouldn't worry about this other stuff. I think sometimes we try to distract ourselves with things so we don't feel good, which is such a messed up way of being, but we all do it. So you've got to just be positive,
Starting point is 00:42:35 be present with her, and I think you'll be, okay. You'll be fine. You'll be fine, Woody. Okay, we can move into our topics. So, in the topics are, we've got some plural topics here. Okay, well first we've got why ways to forget your ex so you could move on. And this is funny because at the beginning of the show we were talking to Amy Lawrence who is my co-star on misadvised which is television show that's airing Monday night on Bravo Television
Starting point is 00:43:06 at 10 PM. And in the show, she's going down a date with an ex that's all I'm going to say. But some of us go on dates with exes and we have issues with our exes or we can't move on or we're always comparing other people to our exes and it just holds us back. So here's some questions for you. After your big divorce or break up, do you visit your ex's social media sites to see where your shears up to?
Starting point is 00:43:30 Do strong negative reactions when his or her name comes up in a conversation? If you can, let go of your ex, it will be impossible to find new love with a new person. Deforest single is who are able to say, I don't feel much of anything for my acts were more likely to find a successful long-term relationship than those were who are still grieving, held grudges, or worse, we're still in love. So here are
Starting point is 00:43:54 six ways to forget your acts so you can move on with a new partner. This is going under my office too. Some of my office keeps dating your acts, keeps dating your acts, can't move on. I mean, have you ever done this gone back to an accident? Are you the kind of guys like Don and Don? No, I did it one time and learned my lesson. It was a good life lesson. Usually you break up with somebody for a reason. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:16 And you gotta remember that reason. So first you gotta dial down your emotions. If you've unusually positive associations with your past, there's a good chance you're over romanticizing the relationship. So on the other hand, if you've unusually negative associations with that relationship, then you're carrying on emotional baggage that can be affecting your current behavior. You might have a lot of anger, you're afraid of commitment and closeness. An excessive positive or negative emotion towards your acts is a sign that you need to work on letting it go.
Starting point is 00:44:46 So I think that's a common thing that a lot of people do. They break up with someone and they either put them on a pedestal and they're like, oh my God, he was the best I ever had, she was amazing. And you forget all the bad stuff and the reason why you broke up or you hate them vehemently and you think they've ruined your life and you blame them not yourself.
Starting point is 00:45:03 And remember, it takes two to take a whenever relationship. You had some part to do it and it sounds like you need to dowd on your emotions if you're feeling that way about your ox. And how many times did you go back to your ex? A lot, I sat with my exes a lot, but I didn't have a lot of emotions around it.
Starting point is 00:45:18 I just had a lot of thoughts. That's what's good about you. That's different, I'm void of emotions. So. No emotion. It's weird. I don't have a lot of emotion. I'm just kidding. I do find now when it comes to Relationships everything else. There's a lot of my website's broke my website goes down
Starting point is 00:45:33 I literally you'd have to take it to the hospital I would have to be locked up in a mental institution to something you have in a website But like I can't turn on the Menace I called menace the other night to help me turn on my TV, but I wrote it down. It's it's power on cable on. You're getting so upset with me. I was like, because I was laughing at you and you're like, don't laugh at me. Don't laugh at me. Because I really wanted to turn the TV on. I had to do live tweeting for the day. And you just describe it wrong. It's pretty dumb.
Starting point is 00:46:06 I thought it turned it on. I thought it turned it on. What happens is people understand this. You know what they don't. They do, they do. They have cable television. Maybe you're gonna have people. Maybe you're gonna have people.
Starting point is 00:46:14 I probably can. So you have your cable television remote, right? Or maybe you're setting a light television remote. And the remote says all on, right? People you're listening. But what happens is, when Ellen wants to shut off her TV, she takes her TV remote and just powers off, okay? So what happens here is her cable box is still on,
Starting point is 00:46:37 but her TV is off. So when she goes to press that all on button again, what happens? Her TV turns on, right? Yet her cable box shuts off and she goes, right, right, right.. What happens? Her TV turns on, but yet her cable lock shuts off and she goes, oh my god, there's no signal. What's going on? So she hits power again and then her TV shuts off
Starting point is 00:46:52 and her cable box turns on. It's a vicious cycle, people. And she's just trying to figure it out. I'm still confused. So now I go, okay, look and see if her TV's on. If her TV's on, then you press the button that says cable and then you hit power. And power. That's it.
Starting point is 00:47:13 And then your cable box will turn on and you don't have to worry about the TV. And then oh my god, there's television, which you'll be on. I know. Imagine this, people. Imagine this. I'm trying to watch the show and I can't. Imagine if you are about to be on a national television show, right? On a huge network like Bravo, and you couldn't figure out how to turn on your own TV.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I can't even wear a house to watch it. How much would that suck? That would suck so bad. But luckily you're going to be out partying L.A. I'm going to be in L.A. Ashley Tisdale is the executive producer of our show. Love that. Do you? Yeah. She's amazing. I mean she's amazing but I didn't know you loved her. And where she's thrown as a party. It's crazy. In LA I'm on a night. So anyway I'm gonna watch
Starting point is 00:47:56 it live. But next time. Live? Well not live. We're playing it earlier than live. But yeah. Okay next thing we're talking about ways to forget your ex. You can move on. A lot of people are caught up in their ex either. They love them or hate them. No matter what it is, it holds you back for meeting someone new. So you need to find healthy ways to release these emotions that you have. You can engage in vigorous physical activities, make an effort to connect with other socially,
Starting point is 00:48:20 volunteer, engage in creative activities, write a totally truthful letter. For yours, eyes only, to your ex, and then throw it away or burn it. I know that sounds silly, but sometimes you gotta get out all your emotions to your ex, even though like, like people, I had a friend who was dating Guy for eight years. They broke up, it was horrible.
Starting point is 00:48:38 He left her, they were gonna have a baby, like the whole thing. And literally for a year, she was devastated about this guy, and she never once looked at her own part in it, she just had anger spewing out of her to this guy. And it's really destructive and you can't move on and you can't many rest of the sooner you follow these instructions, the sooner you'll be able to find someone. So you've got to also share your story with a friend. So 80% of divorced singles who talk through
Starting point is 00:49:03 their emotions found new healthy relationships. Find an empathetic friend to whom you can call and tell the whole breakup story starting from things went wrong to now. Next thing you got to do is blame the relationship not your partner. So people like my friend was blaming him. He did a hundred percent of the things wrong. And I mean, you know what? Like I said, two to tango. She was in that relationship. She must have done things that were wrong as well. So blame the relationship over 65% of people who ended up relationships, blamed their spouse
Starting point is 00:49:34 or their partner for the divorce. Here she did something wrong. Women blame their acts more than men did. What do you think about that stat? However, spouses who shared the responsibility for the breakup are blamed with a relationship itself like we grow apart, we were elmatched, fear it better in terms of emotional healing
Starting point is 00:49:52 and we're more likely to find a new partnership. So blame the relationship, not yourself, not your partner. So when you replace the eye to the he, she, to the we, so don't say eye or she, we did this we did that you're gonna be more likely to move on from the acts. Yeah I mean you know people get angry and they believe how many girls women do you know are like he did this and he did that.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Yeah yeah they don't take any of the blame. We don't see anything that they did but you know what I'm trying to think what I did wrong in the parts where I broke up. See, you gotta look at your parts. I think to the relationships where I broke up that I can think of, we're not my fault, but one, oh, huh. One, I'm trying to think, maybe I just didn't put
Starting point is 00:50:40 enough effort into like working something out. Because there was the thing with my schedule, you know me, I get up super early in the morning, go work every day. So I can't go out during the week and I was dating somebody that just, you know, I remember that's the party girl every night. Yeah, I wanted to just go party and hang out
Starting point is 00:50:55 and stuff like that. And I mean, we talked about it, you know? But like towards the end, I was just like, I was even putting any effort into relationship. I was just like, ah, right, You need someone who allowed you to be free. Yeah. Mark and do your thing. Just get out of here. Go have your fun. Game over.
Starting point is 00:51:14 And then the party girl ended up, uh, uh, totally, totally in her car like and getting a do like, just like once later. Uh, party girls. Is that part of boys? I've dated party just like months later. Oh, party girls. Is that part of boys? I did a party boys. Look, you did party girls. You can go have your fun when you're young, but once you're like starting older, like you got to be more responsible when you have like a good...
Starting point is 00:51:36 Did she have a job? Yeah, she had a really good job with a biotech company. Okay, but some people can party both ends when they're younger. They can burn the candle both ends. Yeah, but man When you have something good like an amazing boyfriend like myself and You have him. Do you have a great job? You have everything going for you
Starting point is 00:51:55 you I just don't I don't want to back on her friends, but her friends didn't have as much going on So they would just go like party. They're they're great girls. They're they're awesome But the thing is like they could go do that kind of stuff because they didn't have the responsibilities that you have. Right. Right. But if you want to go and keep up with them, then you're just going to get burnt, man.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Right. You got to mediate your type. You got to date someone who's in the same space that you are wants the same things. And I think so often we get into relationship with someone because the sex is great or retracted to someone but it doesn't mean you're good match. So recast the past in a neutral language instead of saying he left me for younger woman, find a way to rephrase this in a neutral way. He moves down, he moved on and so will I. This will help give your thoughts and perceptions in new form. It's all about the way you think about it and the way you talk about it.
Starting point is 00:52:45 So if you hear yourself repeating the story, he's a rat, he did that, he did that, you're gonna perpetuate it and you're never gonna let it go. You have to shift your thought patterns away from negativity to create new neural connections and replace feelings of pain, self-doubt, and distress with feelings of pommas. I've been working on this lately.
Starting point is 00:53:02 We're replacing negative feelings that I ever have and just being positive about the future. When do you ever have negative feelings? Well, I guess it's mostly because of the form of stress. I wouldn't have been used to have negative feelings. No, really? Not really. Really? I get stressed.
Starting point is 00:53:15 What's more like anxiety and stress? Yeah, I see you. And I'm out over nothing. Like on my website or whatever. But I just, I feel like I worry about work mostly and I just isn't healthy, I've just project all I've just have to know that everything's gonna work out, it's all gonna be good things, but you can control your thoughts like I told the last guy who wrote in that 99% think about it whatever you're pissed about right now if you're in a bad place I'm just
Starting point is 00:53:38 saying if you are and you're suffering in some way yes you might be sick and you might have some illness but 99% of things that most people suffer about is all created in our mind. And if you can change your thoughts and create new neural patterns with your thoughts and try to replace them negative with the positive, you will be much better off. And you will, you can change. You can be happy person all the time, like me, because I've worked on it. Okay, then you need to change the present. Remove emotional triggers from your life, scan your home for items that remind you of your ex and get rid of them.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Avoid places where the you and your ex used to go, at least until you've truly moved on. Keep contact with your ex and situations of shared custody, for example, to a bare minimum. Set boundaries with your ex's family. It may take some time, but once you feel a little about your ex, you will be moving on. What?
Starting point is 00:54:27 Did you, you didn't write this? No. You don't follow any of this. Well, no, but people who are angry, because I'm never angry with my ex. I'm always like, oh, you're great. I love you, but we're not together. But let's still have sex.
Starting point is 00:54:39 I don't date assholes or jerks that I hate. I don't hate anyone I dated except for maybe, I don't even know. The couple. But me, maybe a couple, but most of the guys guys I have to say that I don't have a pattern of dating bad guys or like douchebags. Yeah. Right? Maybe you have a douchebag meter. Maybe now and then maybe now and then I've dated douchebag or used car salesman that you talked about but he was a used car salesman. He wasn't. Not for the thing wrong but used car salesman and he looked like it but he was a used car salesman. He wasn't. Not for the thing wrong, but he used car salesman. He looked like it, but he wasn't.
Starting point is 00:55:08 That's all. He just was wearing a suit and he has hair. The only thing he was missing was a pinky ring. No. A pinky ring would have sealed the deal. It is so natural. Guys, I appreciate it. Guys, don't wear pinky rings.
Starting point is 00:55:19 I'm done, you know. Who wears a pinky ring? What plan are you on? Guy. I'm sorry, you don't travel outside the city. I do, I don't like going over the bridge. I'm telling you, I went to Oakland, I got lost. I had a photo shoot, I get lost like,
Starting point is 00:55:32 I go over the bridges. Unless you're a rapper, okay? That has a lot of money in the bank. You can't wear a pinky ring. I'm sorry guys. You can't do it. Every guy is dismantling his ring right now. Take the pinky ring away. Melt the down, maybe can't do it. Every guy is just manitling his ring right now. Take the pinky ring away.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Melt the down, maybe get a gold tooth. A gold tooth is better than a pinky ring. I'm telling you right now, yeah. Okay, thanks for that tip. I've got a little bit of some few sex tips to sprinkle in here. Really? Yeah, because it's sex with emelies. You're listening to sex with emelies, by the way.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Have you just tuning in? Sprinkle me. Sprinkle you. It's good to be in. Just sprinkle me. Sprinkle you. It's good to be here on Extreme Talk XM 165. It's a Friday show. They're all free now from now on. And if you're listening to Extreme 165, tweet at sex with Emily.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Yeah, do it. Do it now. Let us know that you're listening. We just want to know who's listening. And say you're excited that misadvisors coming out pound sign. Pound sign, Mrs. Bye. I love you. I love that you do that. Yeah. And say you're excited that Miss Advise is coming out pound sign. Pound sign, Mrs. Vi, I love you.
Starting point is 00:56:26 I love that you do that. Yeah. I wonder if something's really funny. Go ahead. I've been training Amy on Twitter. That is frightening. So I'm like, no, you gotta put a space by the ad and you gotta do the hashtag. Is she the hashtag Miss Advise two words?
Starting point is 00:56:41 I'm like, it's gotta be one word. Like every time she tweets, she calls me and she's's like is this right? So that means that I know what I'm doing now. Menace with tweets with the Twitter. If I meet sex then we can't believe you're giving people directly. I thought you think that was funny. This hilarious. Okay, so here's a few little tips here for men and women I'll start with because we don't block them up. But for men and women have a fetish or a sexual fantasy. A good way to keep the sex interesting is to always have a fetish in mind during sex or a fantasy.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Depending on your sexual partner, you can sometimes try your sexual fantasies out. So this is something we always talk about on the show that if your sex life is waning or you're not, you want to spice it up, talk about your fantasies. Just say, hey, babe, what do you fantasize about? See what they say. You might learn a lot about your partner.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Right now, this 50 Shades of Grade book is just taking out. It's huge. If you've heard a 50 Shades of Grade, right? Mommy Horns. It's everywhere in the world. So, you know, she might have a fantasy to be tied up. You never know so you need to talk about it.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Another thing is you've got to be spontaneous. It's the weekend. Monogamy and sex can get boring. So you got to add variety, doing something you will never do and keeping an open mind with each other's sexual fantasies. We'll keep the relationship alive and you'll have great sex. So you have to remember to be very spontaneous. Like for example, and if you always have sex in the bedroom, you know, have sex in the living room, have sex in the car. I don't care where you have sex, but do something different do it in a surprising place
Starting point is 00:58:05 Don't do it in the same way the same time the same places that you do everything else and What if you want to talk about something what you were talking about 50 shades of gray early stuff You got a you got to check out this show on HBO people this called girls. Oh, right. It's still playing Airy yeah, that's on demand just watch it. Oh, okay I'm telling playing. Eric. It's still playing. Yeah. That's on demand. Just watch it. Oh, okay. I'm telling you right now, the first episode probably will scare you a little bit. You're like, this is freaking awkward, but it's so realistic, real life situations, you know? So watch it. Okay. How many episodes have you seen all of them? I've seen probably six episodes. How do you have time to watch all this
Starting point is 00:58:41 goddamn television? Because I get home and I turn the TV on. You do. I get home and I try to turn the TV on, but I can't. What do you do? I'll be pulling out my mind. I work. I work another stop. Work on what? Website. Like you have the TV on in the background. That's what I do. I can't ever turn it on. Every time I walk home and I want to turn the TV on, I'm like, fuck, this is going to be stressful. I'm not going to be able to turn the TV on. But now I've wrote it down when you're taking notes. Okay So another a tiff of women is if you've issues with orgasm you can add a pillow To your sex to your to the sex pillows to the rescue as with any non-standing sexual position a strategically placed pillow can provide better access to her genitals or in some cases a pillow can be used in another way
Starting point is 00:59:24 can provide better access to her genitals or in some cases a pillow can be used in another way. So it can help elevate you, your back, your pelvis so it can hit the right spot. You might really like it that way. Tongue action. Here's some tonne nice for men. When you're going down in a woman, keep your tongue wet. It might sound crazy, but when you're doing it, it's good to some saliva in your mouth for starters to prevent drag and friction, keep your tongue hard and not soft while deep inside and softening what we're playing with our lips. So keep your tongue wet. What? Some people's tongue are dry. What are you laughing at?
Starting point is 00:59:56 No, laughing at your description. Am I all upset? Okay, well we've got to wrap up this pony up. All right, good. It's been awesome. And thanks everyone. Check out my book hat sex over 200 things you can try tonight. My app is Kegel Camp.
Starting point is 01:00:09 It will improve your sex life. Download Kegel Camp for your iPhone today. And subscribe to my podcast. It's free. And check out the all new All new And check out my show, Bravo TV Monday night at 10 p.m.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Thanks everyone for listening. Was it good for you? Email me. Feedback at and check out my show, Bravo TV Monday night at 10pm. Thanks everyone for listening. Was it good for you? Email me. Feedback at Oh, and don't forget, check me out on Facebook, sex with Emily, Twitter, sex with Emily, and Instagram, sex with Emily. And you can always email me and check out my brand new website, Time What You Think. So you know I'm obsessed with candles, right?
Starting point is 01:00:42 Have you ever heard of misogyny candles? Okay, so get this. I always like candles when I'm enjoying glass of wine with friends. obsessed with candles, right? Have you ever heard of misogyny candles? Okay, so get this. I always like candles when I'm enjoying glass of wine with friends, and recently they were over and I lit three candles for my new line called Emelene Tony. My skin felt really dry, so I went ahead and poured some of it on my hands, and I gave myself a quick massage. My friends were stunned that I did this, and immediately were obsessed.
Starting point is 01:01:02 And here's why. See, these candles are really aroma therapy massage oils that when warmed like a candle, they melt into the most luxurious body oil that is super hydrating, leaves your skin feeling and smelling amazing, and it's perfect for massaging your partner or yourself. You can use it during for play, and you know me. I'm a firm believer in for play.
Starting point is 01:01:21 They come in delicious flavors like creme de vanilla, cocoa, and fujero. Not just that, they look great in your home. So help us keep this podcast free. Check them out today at And you're welcome.

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