Sex With Emily - SWE: Threesome, Anyone?

Episode Date: November 9, 2013

So you want to have a threesome? I'm laying down the law on how to do it right. It has to be her idea, and I'll tell you how to make that happen. Do not casually suggest that you have a threesome with... her best friend. She's not going to like it. If you want to have a threesome, you must be extremely strategic and cunning. I'll show you how to do it without having it end in a jealous hot mess. Next, I talk about men who prefer to wear women's panties (have no shame, women's undies are just better). Then I answer the question of who I'd rather sleep with, Mike Catherwood or Dr.Drew? And lastly, I tell all the ladies how to have an incredible orgasm during sex, because that's what I'm here for. If women start having more orgasms, I know I'm doing my job. Enjoy your weekend whether you are having a Menage a Trois, exploding with orgasms, or traipsing around in ladies underwear. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Emily from Sex with What if giving oral sex tasted like strawberries or chocolate? Mask makes these delicious strips like a breast strip, only better. They make oral sex taste like chocolate, strawberry, watermelon, or mango. Make sex more pleasurable for you and your partner by going to Look into his eyes. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex Eyes that mock our secret institutions
Starting point is 00:00:29 Betrubized they call them in a bike on day. Hey, Emily. You got a boyfriend because my man E here He just got his heartbroken. He thinks you're kind of cute The girls got a hair stand. Oh my the women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common? No, what do you mean like laundry? It'sinks. Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm off here. So, I'm gone. Being bad feels pretty good.
Starting point is 00:00:50 But you know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to You can listen to all of our podcasts and sign up for our mailing list because you will get a report, the five biggest mistakes men are making, and women are making a bad but you'll also get our newsletters, you'll get to read our blogs.
Starting point is 00:01:16 It will send you a bunch of funny videos and things that will be funny but educational. We just want to be part of the Sex with Emily community. You can also subscribe on iTunes. We've got hundreds of podcasts and I'm also where I'll stitch or stitch or a great place download the stitch or app for your smartphone. So I listen to all my podcasts, not my own, but other people's podcasts as well. It's a you can just let's write men. I'm here with men. Hi. How you doing? We're in Los Angeles, California together. We are. It's beautiful. I'm here with menace. Hi. How you doing? We're in Los Angeles, California together. We are In town for the day. He's in town for the day. He gave me half his day a
Starting point is 00:01:50 gave me half the day. I'm so I'm there's a lot of people don't want me to hang out but you're always so popular You're so demanding demanding always. Oh, you're always here and you never hang out with me ever I know you're busy, but we have a job due, menace. We've got, we've got millions of listeners, literally, who are like, want to hear from you and me together. I do a lot of shows. I do other shows with guests when menace is not here. But I hear about them.
Starting point is 00:02:15 People, they do? They don't like it. What do they say? They're like, where? What's going on? Why aren't you on the show? Because you're not here. And we tried to do it with the me here.
Starting point is 00:02:24 In San Francisco, it sounds terrible. Yeah, I'm sorry about those shows. I mean The sound was not great. So, you know, yeah, it was it was a nightmare, but we Decided you know either Emily comes to San Francisco and we record a bunch of shows I'm doing or I come to Los Angeles and we record a bunch of shows Emily has to be the pain in the ass and live in Los Angeles But you know what she has to do it. I miss San Francisco. If she wants to be an entertainer, she has to be in Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:02:51 That's true. And I've been putting it off for many years. I wish I could live here, but no one will pay me. I've locked out in the entertainment. Oh, really? There's a question for you. Yeah. Would you really rather live here than San Francisco?
Starting point is 00:03:03 I would love to live in Los Angeles and try it out and see how it is. But I definitely, I would have to come here. I would have to have a job. I wouldn't, I can't live here. When everyone goes to buy my Emily and Tony dot com product, I'm not kidding you though, really. I want to hire you full time and I'll pay you more than all those other mother affors are paying you.
Starting point is 00:03:24 And I want, but I just want to make a little doing this a good one. And that's why I launched this product, Emily and Tony, if you've been listening to the last few shows, I'm so proud of it because I started it with my, my, my childhood friend who happens to be like a skincare guru. He's one of the most successful skincare people in the industry, He makes sales products that are sold everywhere. And we were having dinner a few years ago and we connected after 20 years and he said, I think, Loub, is so important.
Starting point is 00:03:52 I'm like, I think they need to do a lubricant and every night's down. Loub is like 70% of women say sex is better with Loub. People, women are more like an orgasm, the condoms are likely to break, which you'll appreciate. Condoms not breaking. That aren't you worried about getting women pregnant. Anyway, so anyway, I made these, so he's like, I'll do a loop with you. He's like, Emily, I'll do a loop with you. I'm like, because the loop shouldn't be stigmatized.
Starting point is 00:04:14 People think, oh, she's dry, but no. Put on your freaking eye exam. So I made this brand, Emily in, if you look at it, I have this loop. But I also have this, there's three products down under comfort for men, because sometimes men's balls get a little sweaty down there It's like a natural it's a vegan. It's a natural and it actually likes it and a persprent so you don't Has witch hazelnuts you don't sweat and you're fresh and dry all day long and how good does it feel?
Starting point is 00:04:36 It feels good and it smells good. It kind of smells smell the smells reminds me a little bit of CK1 What's that? Oh, Kevin Klein. Oh, interesting. It's like such a sea, but not too smell. Yeah. And like men are freaking out about it. Like my friend who's a trainer in New York was like, oh my god, he's like, he's like a train.
Starting point is 00:04:53 He teaches boot camps for men. And I had him test it out like six months ago because we went through so many tests. I'm like, it has to be perfect, has to be perfect. He sweats every day for living. Like that's what he does. He does boot camps and he was like, oh my god. And for the first time, it bulls and nuts sweating. Like he freaked out. So it He does boot camps and he was like, oh my god, I'm late for the first time.
Starting point is 00:05:05 It boils and not sweating. Like he freaked out. So it is a really good product. We also have massage candles, which is everyone's emailing. You know, there is one not a spice thing up. You can use these candles. They actually burn into luxurious massage oil and you pour it on your partner and it's really sexy.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Or I use it as a body lotion, body oil. It's luxurious. It's coconut oil, soybean oil, and it comes in three cents, which are amazing. Finale of Coco. Who's here? The point is, if you love me and you love the show and you want me to sue for Los Angeles so we can show you.
Starting point is 00:05:31 And literally, we will do them every day, then just go buy my products, they're not expensive. Seriously, the price points are really good and you would be supporting me in my life. And you know what? You're freaking love the product, you'll be addicted. So that's what I say. That's good. And I want to hire you, that's my end goal. My end goal is to hire my hands the products, you'll be addicted. So that's what I say. That's good. And I want to hire you, that's my end goal. My end goal is to hire my asses.
Starting point is 00:05:47 I would love to be hired. But you wouldn't want to work for me. No, no, no, no, I would love to be able to do this with you every day or be part of your Emily Empire. Right. I hope. I hope that you would be at a Bethany level one day and you would have a talk show or something like that.
Starting point is 00:06:04 And I could work on something. I'll be would have a talk show or something like that. And I could, you know, work on something. I'll be like your DJ on like Ellen or something like that. Yeah, I would totally do that. I would love to do that. Dementus. So that's what you have to have. But right now I have two jobs that pay me really well and what can I do?
Starting point is 00:06:16 I can't just give up everything. I know, but we're gonna work on it. That's like actually it's really good in life to have set goals about things and visualize what you want. And I would want you in Los Angeles. So that's my next goal. So go buy my products. And oh, oh, oh, oh, keep on quote Emily, because you get 20% off.
Starting point is 00:06:33 I'm so sorry to tell you that. And like, it's like $18 for the ball thing and the loo. And the candles are beautiful from France, but like $38, but it lasts forever. And you'll love it. Go ahead. What people always what? No, a lot of people want me to move here I mean
Starting point is 00:06:46 I'm sad that you're not here like I sing you that's why I didn't stop talking for an hour in the car Sorry, I was really excited. You got really anxious. He was like, oh my god This is why I don't see you every day because I was really as jump out of it today. No, I would yeah, I would love to be here But it's not in the cards right now. Okay, so today's show, I'm going to dedicate this show to you, my favorite listeners, your emails, feedback at, I get hundreds of emails to people a week and I really just want to answer them and help you and give you some advice.
Starting point is 00:07:17 So when it's great to have menace here because we've got the male female perspective going on, of course I'm always right, but I know some of you like to hear from menace as well. So. Yeah, and people don't I I'm sure large majority are happy not having me on the show, but a couple people don't be snarky just because I'm not on the show. Listen to the other shows. Look, this is this is sex. The show wants a week. We're doing two shows a week. So men's shows come out on Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:07:40 And then Thursday, I do a show with with a guest that's always in Nina Hartley who's a farm producer that show got a gazillion downloads porn stars experts funny Whatever you like those shows too menaces always missed we let a candle vigil for him A by 10 of me by a microphone and there's hundreds of menace and iTunes So do you go find it? Okay, so and find me and Facebook Instagram Twitterucks with Emily. Yeah, and menace is menace me and a C.E. On everything and everything. He especially likes Instagram and taking pictures of the food that he eats. Yes. I do eat a lot. I know I love it. Okay, so here is the very first email. It's a three-some question. Dear Emily, my wife and I have been married for 12 years and have a very healthy sex life.
Starting point is 00:08:28 A few years ago, my wife asked me if I wanted to have a threesome with another girl. I said heck yeah We had no idea how to fulfill this fantasy and quite honestly still have not been successful. We've tried online dating Swinger sites even tried going to a party where we didn't know anyone and it was quite repulsive. A party he put quote, so must have been like a swinger party. Do you have any advice on how to better pursue a third? Thanks, Brian. Okay, Brian, this is a great question. I actually did a show a few months ago with, check it out, it's called, with Holly and Michael, they're swingers. They're like literally like the, they have a TV show on Playboy called Swingers And they have this whole they have a podcast too Anyway, they gave some really good tips on there, but I'm gonna give you some more now
Starting point is 00:09:11 First of all, I'm so glad that you are in a healthy relationship and that you talked about and that you both want it the number one rule over three Some has to be her idea It always has to be the woman's idea if you if you guys bring it up up and he's like, oh, we should bring a third in, then she's just going to think you want to bang her hot friends. And you know, you can ask her, have you ever thought about having a threesome and see what she says, but if she doesn't want to do it, do not force on her. But once she goes on, she climbs on board like Brian's wife, I love this. So you've talked about it and you've discussed engaging threesome, so you both agreed and
Starting point is 00:09:43 you both think it's a good idea So if you want to know if she's keen on it, you could you could use some props So this is how you can figure it out if you don't want to ask her directly So whether it's a television a movie or play Wherever you see two women kissing or lo and behold a threesome taking effect ask her a favorite fan of size about it So maybe you watch porn together like oh or you can say my buddy Joe at a threesome, did you ever think about that? So that's another way to do it. Find out what she says.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Find out if she ever has. Did she ever visit her online school? And make it her idea. So never hound her about a threesome. I also think you have a problem with the relationship and you desire other women, like I said. If she never brings up the topic, there's no way you're gonna delve into it without starting arguing.
Starting point is 00:10:24 So tread very carefully guys and let her take the lead. So let's say she said yes, that's where Brian's at. His partner, she said yes. So you've discussed the idea and you want to know how you find a threesome. How do you find a third person? Well for starters, don't make suggestions. You don't want to say, hey, how about your hot friend Betty? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Yeah, because then Betty's not her friend anymore. And she's always going to be thinking that you're visually addressing her or worse. She's in your spank bank. She probably already is. So don't do that. If she asks where you can find a woman and highly encourages your participation,
Starting point is 00:10:57 don't get overly excited and start panting and salivating. Cowsley mentions in places, but here's some locales. Here's some good places to find a third. So you can try classifieds like alternative papers. I can San Francisco, we have the SF Weekly, the Guardian. There could be some things there in the back of those magazines or online, they sure now they buy websites, but they give us free papers in a lot of cities. Friends and other acquaintances, I know this is a location to find someone,
Starting point is 00:11:23 but if a female friend of your woman has shown some sexual interest in her or swings that way, then maybe your wife can invite her over for dinner drinks and a little party of three, see what happens. Also hotel bars. This might sound very clear to you, but you'd be surprised how many beautiful, experimental women on vacations?
Starting point is 00:11:45 On vacation away from their family? We're not at his divorced. I don't know what hang out at hotel bars. So take your private air. Fellas, don't ever let your significant other go on vacation by yourself. Hi. Especially with our horror friends.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Oh honey, that's a big deal. So we're gonna get in some trouble. I know, it's true. I always travel and got into a lot of trouble. So take your woman there, rent a room, see what happens, hang out in the bar, you can just go out rent a room anyway because I always tell couples a great way to spice up the relationship is getting a room for a night. I mean really just changing, getting a sex outside your bedroom. Yeah and do you
Starting point is 00:12:17 know what's amazing now too? If you, I mean hotel sex is always the best sex you can agree right? I love hotel sex. I'm sorry. I'm just trying to run the room. Yeah. No, I love the hotel sex. I'm just getting wasted. Yeah, and you don't have to clean up anything after. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Hotel tonight is a great app. They're not a sponsor. I'm not part of the app at all, but I wish I was because hotel tonight is amazing. So it's like just a, it's just discounted hotels that are available that night. Like, and I was in Las Vegas and there was a lightning storm and I was like, at night on a Sunday and I was like,
Starting point is 00:12:59 oh man, you know what? I don't wanna fly in this lightning storm as I'm looking out in the disguise, just black and this lightning going everywhere. So I opened up hotel tonight and I found a thousand square, thousand square foot suite at Caesars for 90 bucks. Oh my God, Caesars in Las Vegas.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Yeah. That's amazing. So thatasers in Las Vegas. Yeah 90 dollars. So that's a really good website. Yeah, yeah, it's good for like hookup. Yeah, I mean like you know like damn I just met the chick we're gonna go to want to go back home Where you know, where's a quick quick place I can go? Just open up hotel tonight. So smart. They should be a new sponsor No, I know They're made in the San Francisco Bay Area. Oh, they're all the great apps come from the Bay Area. The course. We make everything right now. It really is. Okay. And I also have to
Starting point is 00:13:53 tell you about another thing, oh, no, I'll get to them. Okay. I'm looking at hotels. Oh, you are. Yeah. You're saying a nice place, right? Oh, yeah, yeah. Okay. Dear, you're just going to get an example of where I can go meet a guy in a hotel bar tonight. You can if I wasn't doing love line Radio. Dr. Drew everyone should check that out. Really all this luxury Luxury stuff. So well, I have a lot of hotel. That's pretty nice. Avalan's nice. I stay there. 189 Not bad for the night. 222 20. Yeah, this one you can say in Beverly Hills It's usually like 400 for like 250. I mean, that still sounds like a lot of money, but you know, we're in Los Angeles
Starting point is 00:14:33 but I'm telling you Hotel tonight. We just gave me a huge plug That's good. They should be on stage a lot of money. I love that you did that. I mean, that's great I'm always looking for that stuff. Okay. It's like pro tips, that's all. It's so good. Okay, Emily, dear Emily, I absolutely love when my wife wears silky lingerie.
Starting point is 00:14:51 However, she just doesn't do it. I've secretly been wearing her panties and find it highly sexual. I am not gay. I am not a cross-waster. Just a man that loves to wear silk panties. Many of the men's underwear have seems are just aren't sexy.
Starting point is 00:15:05 I have found many, many sites that provide support to men that do like this. For example, he wears What do you think of this? Any suggestions on how to bring this up to my wife so she can enjoy it with me? She's so conservative. I'm afraid of the consequences of asking her.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Love your show. Appreciate the advice. I say move on to soak boxers. I don't know that many women that are going to understand this. Well, it's his wife. And it's just something, you know, well, okay. It's his wife. I don't know how long you've been together. It might freak out if she's conservative.
Starting point is 00:15:40 I understand. But it's just like a fetish of yours. Do you can you just do it when you're masturbating or you really want her to be a part of it? She might not totally get it. That's true. Um, I get it. It feels, it feels good on your skin.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Yeah, I totally get it. Yeah, I just say it. I rather wear women's underwear, but I feel like this is, you got to try it lightly. So again, like I said for the previous thing, is there a way that you could kind of use props to get you to that answer.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Rather than coming out and saying, baby, when you're not home, I walk around in your silk pink nightie. You could say, you know, watch some porn together, be like, I had to think it's really sexy. Laundry is really sexy. Like, I actually, you know, or you could pull up this website and say, oh, my friend just sent me this site. He wears panties. You know, I always think you're under a real, so comfortable.
Starting point is 00:16:23 I mean, I know these are silly ideas, but I'm just saying there's other ways that you can get it out. And also, you can get it come across her, but if you guys are really close, you've been together a long time, and this is your thing, and you secretly yearn, like, how much is this hurting you, Jim, that you're not able to show or then I think that you kind of got to say something. But also, I want to take this one level deeper. If you guys are married and you've been got to say something. But also, I want to take this one level deeper. If you guys are married and you've been together and she's so conservative and you're on the other spectrum
Starting point is 00:16:51 and you really bring panties and you get really turned on, I'm just wondering if you guys are sexually compatible altogether. So I'm wondering if the conversation starts with you wearing sub panties or if the conversation starts with, you know, honey, I want to please you more in bed and find out what turns you on, and then you start growing, enhancing your sex life, and adding new things to your sexual bag of tricks.
Starting point is 00:17:15 And then, once you guys get more closer, get into some more out there things, at least out there for you, or more things that turn her on, and you start to dialogue about fantasies, like couples that amazes me that they never talk about the fantasies then you could bring it to panties. What do you mean is you think this most women wouldn't fly? Um yeah I don't think a lot of women would get it they would understand. Maybe maybe. Right. Here's here's here's here's situation. I know you know, I don't want to say be a liar or anything like that but If you you bring it up and maybe if you're having sex or you're in a
Starting point is 00:17:54 You're in the act or you just got done. Why don't you jokingly put them on? Like oh, that's a good idea. I know it's kind of Deception or something like that, you know, but I'm saying? I know it's kind of deception or something like that You know, but I mean that could ease into it a little bit straight up just telling that right that's a good point Yeah, I think you got to ease into it because I think she just won't know understand it Yeah, well here let me tell I'll share a story so okay, I feel the last time you were under Last time I wore females under no so when I was a kid so my my parents got divorced when I was six years old and so I lived with my mom and And one day I didn't have any underwear. There was any the laundry wasn't done and my mom told me
Starting point is 00:18:38 She gave me a pair of underwear and she told me that they were unisex when they weren't They weren't What do you mean? They weren't They she said oh they're for boys and girls They're just like black female underwear and she said oh they're It wasn't to met oh my god. You know, I don't know like 11 or 12 And then how do you know and no one knowing I I've I realized later in life, but I mean Like no one at school. So I For like you be chandised for life if you're not already there something like that. Oh, he wears female
Starting point is 00:19:15 Female underwear always feels better than guys I know where it's like oh my god It's just like scratchy in soliloid place and then Since you know I I work like 14 hours a day and I never get to work out. When I walk around forever like at Disneyland and like, chafes like crazy, the underwear. Oh, honey. In saying,
Starting point is 00:19:37 No, do you know that my down under comfort is for chafing? That you were that, if underwear chafes you, if you get hot and sweaty, I already talk about down under comfort on the show earlier? I started I did yeah, yeah, okay, so it's this ball It may or start with the candles, but it's this ball ocean for men and women if you sweat and you're an athlete But but Mike cathar would from love line. He's the host of love line He said he uses it the gym where you always get chafed and now he doesn't get chaffed really so it's like an anti-chafing thing
Starting point is 00:20:03 And I don't even know I just use it for Sweating because I have SBR sweaty ball syndrome Okay, most men do and We're gonna work and tell you about it and guys don't know I told my brother this You're gonna laugh cuz you know my brother. I love your brother. I said to my brother Brother, no, I said I'm sorry, you know, it's ball ocean for me. He's like, why do you guys need that? I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:20:28 I'm like, really? He's like, you know, I'm clean. I mean, I shower every day. I'm like, no, no, no. You shower at 8 o'clock in the morning, 6 o'clock in the morning, whatever it is. And then you want to have sex with your wife or your, you know, whoever else. You're not married, 6 o'clock at night. Your balls are not that fresh and clean.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Women take, hopefully, they go to the bathroom if they know you're gonna have sex and we wipe off men just think, oh, I'm fine, I washed this clean this morning. That's what, you're not. And this maintains that your balls will be fresh and dry all day. It's not like, it just, it makes you not sweat because it has anti, which hazel in it,
Starting point is 00:20:56 which is a natural and a perspren, and you won't sweat anyway. Do you know what, you need come out with like those, a pocket version. It's a little travel size. Your rights, we will the little travel size. Like how they have a little hand sanitizer ones. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Just so you can like, because I can't tell you how many times where it would be in the afternoon, I'm not by my house or anything like that. And I just kind of used some soap and water in the bathroom. Right, right, right. This is by the, we will. Just clean up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:21:24 But what I was saying is my brother was so unaware of it. I forgot the other half of the story. The fact that he was so unaware of it, he goes, no, Emily, you know, you should do. You should make something for women. Because women are the ones who don't smell that good on them. I was like, oh my god, Michael, that is just, that is just not a good thing to say.
Starting point is 00:21:39 But it was so like, in and so. Sometimes they smell like snapper. Oh god. You know what, listen, if you're with someone, she showers, but she still smells. She probably she still has an odor coming from her that could be fishy. It could be just something that you're not used to. She might have a she might have something wrong. She needs to go to go to college.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Yeah, sexually transmitted disease. I can't you smell that too. Go to go sometimes they can't. So here's another thing though. So sometimes they can't. So that is about, oh god, I know. It happens. I don't know how they don't know, but some don't know. So you should just say, babe, I think something might be wrong down there.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Go see your guy. Okay. Another reason why she might not be giving you below job, I'm just jumping here because if your balls are not fresh and dry and you don't own down under comfort from Emily and, you just keep on going to Emily for 20% off. You can go to your mask. So, M-A-S-Q-E. So these are these strips that they're like those listarine breath strips and they take
Starting point is 00:22:36 the job out of blow job. They come in three flavors, four flavors, strawberry, watermelon, mango and chocolate and they're like listaringships of sheet. Okay. A lot of women not only don't think your balls don't earn fresh, they don't like the taste of semen, they don't like the gag, they don't like the taste of your penis or the smell or anything. If they put this strip in their mouth, it will mask the taste of semen and the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:22:58 And next time she gives you oral sex, she'll giving it, be giving it more because your penis in her mouth tastes like a chocolate milkshake or a mango sundae so delicious. So go to your mask if you want more blow drops. It's gonna stay like that. Okay. Dear Emily, who would you rather have sex with? Mike, Katherine would now or Dr. Drew during the 80s. I don't know what Dr. Drew looked like in the 80s.
Starting point is 00:23:27 I mean they're both hot now. I don't even know, but that's hilarious. So if you go- Do Dr. Drew is the silver fox, man. Oh my God. He's a handsome man. I'm seeing next to every night. So if you don't know love line, it's a nationally syndicated show.
Starting point is 00:23:39 It's been around since 1984. It's a podcast as well that you can download for free. I host it every Thursday night and my catharine would is the Host and dr. Drew who you hopefully you all know he's been around for a long time is he's been on It's an 84 he's a doctor or whatever and I'm there as sex expert relationship experts point is This guy's probably listening to me. I love lying and watching a hood or other sex with and I Honestly, I can't pick I I want to have sex with both of them. I kind of do.
Starting point is 00:24:08 I want to bang both of them. Is that, too? I would bang both of them. I mean, Dr. Zarek. Good looking guys. I mean, he's married and I get it, but maybe in the 80s, if he wasn't married, I would have.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Why doesn't he even have to say the 80s? He's a good looking guy right now. I know. I don't think I would have liked him in the 80s. I think I would like him now. I got him flying for me. I mean, not really. We're your colleagues, and I hope have liked him in the 80s. I think I would like him now. I got my fun really, like we're your colleagues and I hope he never listens to my goddamn show, which probably doesn't.
Starting point is 00:24:30 But he's hot and everyone asks me, they're like, what about Dr. Drew? What's he like, everyone is obsessed with him. He's so good looking. And he's like the coolest guy ever. He's just salted the earth like the nicest man loves his wife and married for 20 plus years has three kids. I mean, he's just like a good man and he cares.
Starting point is 00:24:44 He cares about his, his, his patience. He cares about the. He's just like a good man and he cares about his patients. He cares about the listeners. I mean, the fact that he drives into love line every single night for five minutes a week since 1984, from 10 to midnight, to do this radio show when he doesn't have to, it's pretty amazing. Yeah. No, I'll tell you why. That's a really fun show.
Starting point is 00:24:59 This is when I realized that Dr. Drew was the real deal. So I had a drive up here from San Francisco and love line is broadcast in San Francisco on the radio station that I'm on, live 105.3. So tune in for that if you live in the area. Yeah, I'm on 7 pm to midnight every single day on Monday through Friday. And then after me is love line.
Starting point is 00:25:21 So we came down here to Los Angeles to tape a video, me in a video crew, waiting in the lobby of the love line studios with all of our equipment for Drew to show up. Drew shows up and he's like, hey, guys, come on in. Drew, let me tell you something real quick. Before this, when we were driving in, Dr. Drew had a billboard that was eight stories tall on the side of a building while we were driving to the Lovevine studios that night.
Starting point is 00:25:55 So this guy, multi-millionaire, there's everyone talks, you know, everyone knows that, nothing to hide. Right? He comes in, so, oh, hey guys. All right, come on in. He starts picking up some of the equipment to help us bring it into the studio. That is a legit guy. Like that shows that show is has not affected this at all.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Not at all. That he's like down the earth and he's cool. So down to earth and so cool. So what about my cathode though? What about that guy? I think he's what I think Mike is why why? No, I'm just kidding. No, I'm just kidding. I love I love He's married. I mean whatever. He's but but before he's married I would have yeah, and I still you know who was married
Starting point is 00:26:35 But I know he's adorable. He's they're totally different looking. It sounds like I want to bone these guys But like seriously like what I've ever seen have you seen mark him really weird. This guy doesn't, this guy is super freaking fit. I'm so jealous, right? I'm gonna tell you, he works out for hours. Yeah, have you ever seen him without a shirt off? No. Oh my god, so they're TMZ. So, my catholic did dancing with the stars.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Right. So during that time TMZ would like spot him places and they spot him at Muscle Beach with a shirt off. No way, in Venice, okay. In Venice Beach and like people are going crazy over it and he was embarrassed. For my, come on, do you flaunt that, dude? Come on.
Starting point is 00:27:11 That's so hot. I bet you, I know that he's always like, comes here from work and out every night, comes a love line studio. So I think they're both hot. I'll find it for you. And they're both great. That's the thing is, that's because they're good looking.
Starting point is 00:27:21 I wish I could answer this question for you. This is actually hilarious, Tom. Thank you for asking me this question, but I just can't answer it because I choose. I want both of them, but I don't really. I love them as colleagues. Are you finding the picture of my character? I got to send it to him.
Starting point is 00:27:34 No, he would hate it because he's embarrassing. Yeah, don't do it. Okay. I won't do it. I won't bring it up. All right, so you choose that for a threesome. That's what the final thing is. I want to see so with two men after them to
Starting point is 00:27:47 Yes, I mean that's a good answer, right? Yeah, but that would probably be awkward for them to I don't know I should talk to him about it tonight. Um, so so I was asked who I would I should tell them that I don't tell Joe Who I would I would bone and I decided that I would like to have a three-some would both of you. Exactly. They wouldn't mind. Okay, cool. Next question from our people. Uh, thanks for emailing me at feedback at Okay, Emily Menace.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I'm a big fan and listen to you guys on Stitcher while I'm at work. On my headphones, of course, ha. But I'm writing to ask your advice on breaking the stereotype and proposing to my boyfriend. We have been together for nearly seven years and have traveled and moved across the country together and I'm just sick of waiting for him to do it. We both talk about getting married and even go so far as planning what we would do at our wedding. We go to friends weddings so I know he wants to do it too but money is, he says when we
Starting point is 00:28:39 go to friends weddings, he talks about it so I know he wants it too but money is always an issue. So I think he thinks engaging rings are so expensive, but they don't have to be. We were young and in college when we started dating 18 and are both 26 now. And I want to take it into my own hands and do it right. What advice do you have for a woman in my position? Signed Alice. That is a great question, Alice. Gosh, I don't know. People, I've heard stories about women doing this all the time, I'm not inside of your relationship.
Starting point is 00:29:14 If you really think this is why he's not doing it because of the things that you need some big diamond ring and you don't, and you've been together seven years and it's how they relationship. I don't see what you've got to do. I think a lot Yeah, no, I think a lot of guys shouldn't do it. Yeah, well, no, is the male men want to hunt together and they wanted to find a lot of things. Also, it could be also what you brought up of financial thing too. Look, a lot of guys are like, damn, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:40 because girl, girls, and then their friends like get these giant rings and stuff like that They're like damn. I got a I got a somehow come up with something like that before I asked them to marry Exactly, you know, and so maybe you could let them know Alice I wonder if you've ever said to him babe. I don't I don't care about the ring I don't care about the wedding. I just want to get mayor. I just want you to be my husband Nobody yet, but Yeah, and then be Guys don't think that guys don't pay attention when
Starting point is 00:30:08 girls are with all their girlfriends and they're showing off their rings and like how big they are and how crazy that they really hard for men. I mean it cost them so much money to get a ring and I got it. I got it and a lot of men when they don't have the money, yeah he feels like he can't really. It's funny like this is It's funny that this amount is like nothing but My buddy like spend like 20 grand ring and that's like minimal. Yeah, that's me Yeah, it's crazy Crazy it's just so much money like you put that is down payment on the house and part of it Yeah, you can buy a Honda Civic a nice little
Starting point is 00:30:44 You want to see my cat the wood without a shirt on yeah, we don't really have good internet in here Yeah, you can buy a Honda Civic a nice little high-good. You can buy some of these products. You want to see my cat the wood without a shirt on. We don't really have good internet in here, so it's kind of blurry. There you go. Oh my god, he's like a bodybuilder. That was during dancing with the stars. Huh? He was wearing that.
Starting point is 00:30:57 No, no. Oh, that was years ago. That's just that's him by building. But there's one here like a couple years ago. Oh my god, He's so hot Holy so why is he see the the only thing that kills me me as being a fat ass like I I'm like dude. I would I would die to get to a level that fit that my cathode is Don't be embarrassed of that man. Flonsense. He really
Starting point is 00:31:23 No, I think no, I seriously think that he, he just does not want to flaunt it. I'm telling you Mike, embrace it dude. Like inspire other men like me like, damn, I want to get to that level. Don't hide it. Take it in. Wow, I mean, I seriously, yeah,
Starting point is 00:31:40 but they're really funny. I know, I know, but he's humble. I don't know, but if you work that hard in your body, I would want to be walker naked every day I would walk I'm gonna make him get naked every time he walks in the studio. I have to text him. This is pretty Take your shirt off. Okay another email dear Emily from listening to your show my sex life is improved 10 times 10x 10 times of what it was I got I got my girlfriend to give me the best lap dance ever to some old punk rock music in my living room this past began. She got so worked up midway through the dance,
Starting point is 00:32:13 she pulled my penis out and started slabbing like crazy. Then we effed on my coffee table. It was amazing. Ha-ha, best Andrew at Lamb Georgia. That's just someone who loves the show and their sex life is improved. So that makes me feel really good. I like it. That's why you do the show. That's you guys. That's why I'm here. I'm not believe I'm not here to get rich. I'm here to help everyone with their sex life and hopefully get rich. I would like to. I'm ready to start making some real money now. So you start by my products. Speaking of products support our sponsors. So another thing I want to tell you about is crazy girl. I go to, click on the Crazy Girl banner, and they have Firmone infused products. They've just got the most amazing, unique products for men and for women.
Starting point is 00:32:52 They also have Max for men and Crazy Girl, but you can find this on my website. They have this body lotion, body mist, diva dust that helps you like attract men, like whenever I wear their products, guys are like, oh, what are you wearing? You smell so good. And same for men. They have like Firmones, like they really wear their products, guys are like, oh, what are you wearing? You smell so good. And same for men.
Starting point is 00:33:05 They have like bare mones, like they really get, it's an attract sex attracted. And they just have all those cool products, like they have the anal e-sjel, they have blow jobs, they just have like the most unique, innovative products. So click on my website, click on Crazy Girl. And use coupon code Emily25 for 25% off. Thank you for supporting everyone
Starting point is 00:33:25 so we can get rich here. Okay. Wait, I just got inspired to ask a question. Oh, I love when you ask a question. So I absolutely hate this. Well, I'm in a chair that people might have noticed in like in other podcasts that's very squeaky. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Now when you're having sex, does it like annoy you if like the bed is like- Yes, it drives me insane. Hold on, I can't do it now. If the's creaky. It's just like like yeah if it's just like making see like that Yeah, if it's like just making noise. I have so distracted me too Getting you bed. So you just get like you go slower or something like that my bed's fine now But what kind of bet? No, you got to get new bed or get one of those My bads. Don't make noises the ones without spring. Have you ever had a bed like
Starting point is 00:34:06 break on you? I have broken a bed. In fact, my old bed used to always break. It was like a cheap akea bed before I went to LA. And the slats would always fall. It was one of those mom, everyone put a cat at the MALM beds. And like, I love akea. Don't get me wrong, but the slat, whatever, whenever I got it, I never put like one screw in or something. For the 10 years I had this bed, I'd be having sex and the freaking slats and the whole bed would tip, and so I broke it the first time,
Starting point is 00:34:32 was like really embarrassing, but then it kept happening because I never got a fix because that's just me. And then I've also think I've broken another bed at someone's house too, it's familiar. Yes, yes, why do you ask if you've broken a bed? I'm just asking, yeah. I've broken beds, I've broken beds. I've broken hearts.
Starting point is 00:34:46 No, but the other thing is that I don't like the squeaking. It's just even if there's no neighbors. It's not even because the neighbors can hear. It's just that it's distracting. Yeah. I like the squeaking is like I can't. It's necessarily with women since our orgasms are so mind-centric and we have to be in the right place and you know like everyone's ringing or the kids are screaming. If you have kids and the bed squeaking it makes me crazy or the TV's on like I knew I want no noise Yeah, except for the noise of your tongue on my clitoris. That's the only thing for real Okay, Emily I'm a long time listener and I loved miss advised Missed by this television show that was on bravo TV with menist and I last summer you can download it and iTunes if you missed it
Starting point is 00:35:26 Because it's awesome. Yeah, and it's been it's been broadcasting all over the world like we have to We'll get tweets from like the Philippines and just recently Australia Yeah, I love a lot of people so it's airing around the world good too Yeah, it's good. I mean we can cut out a couple other people other than anything. But not the other women, just watch us. Oh, no, I like them. I'm kidding. I love Amy and Julia.
Starting point is 00:35:48 And Julia just moved to you, Sarah Cisco. How do you know? I read on the internet. Did you see her? No. She wouldn't even know who I was. And I should probably fast forward it through my parts too. OK, so, um, Steinemdoy misadvised.
Starting point is 00:36:01 I really enjoyed this discussion about the double standard of women enjoying sex with multiple partners versus men. Anyways, I wanted to ask you about one of the questions that I don't think was addressed on the show. I'm paraphrasing, but how women wanting to try freaky stuff can't find men to do it with. I fall into this category and find it very difficult on a couple levels. Any info would be appreciated and welcome to Los Angeles, X-O-Rosa. Ooh, Rosa, okay, so you find, I do believe there's a double standard,
Starting point is 00:36:33 men think that women are slutty. If they are with more partners, men, it's totally acceptable. But if you want to get into the freaky stuff, I would say, you know, there are parties happening in LA, in fact, I would say, you know, there are parties happening in LA. In fact, I'm going to, I brought this in right now. Really? Yeah, look. What, what do you got? Los Angeles magazine. It is the October 2013 issue is called, the issue is called Sex NLA. And it's from Hot Neighborhoods, the Secretly Salt Tree Bars,
Starting point is 00:37:04 our guide to getting it on. So there's lots of sexy things in here and ideas and clubs. There's different swing parties. I mean, you can again read the alternative newspapers like the LA Weekly. They always have stuff like that. Go to their website, they have a classified online. And there's also, I'm going to tell you another place that I'm there probably gonna kill me my friend crashed a party the other night And it was like some exclusive like eyes wide shut. Oh my god people with masks on and everything
Starting point is 00:37:33 And she said it was really cool, and I'm looking up because she sent me the email and she's like, oh my god Like there was like a woman on stage with like blindfolded with the guy like spanking her and it was she said it was really sexy though And everyone was hot because of the LA. I can't forget fine. I think it was called sanctum or sanctuary or I don't know. Sounds familiar. Sanctuary. So I would say you know start looking around and go to good go to the sex go to pleasure chest. I believe it's a pleasure chest in West Hollywood. They also you could ask anyone that works there or they probably have flyers there for fun, sexy parties.
Starting point is 00:38:06 All I know is in San Francisco, there was all these different underground places where people had sex, but where people would either swear or clubs or people into bondage or kinky. And so I would just get into those worlds. I mean, I know that there's a few places in San Francisco that's hot like bondage 101
Starting point is 00:38:22 and look on Craigslist, but don't hire anyone from Craigslist but just look at that. So I think that you can find the resources if you really start. And also, I'm sure you have friends that would be into it too. Like your closest friends probably know someone, you know someone. So I would just start looking around and also yeah, check out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:37 And there's a, damn it. I need to ask, there's something where there's an app that matches you, that you use Facebook, you log in. I mean, not Ting, no. Tinder. Tinder, yeah. Tinder, Tinder is huge right now. Yeah, everyone's talking about it.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Everyone, it connects, I think, to your Facebook, and if any of your friends or friends are nearby, you can, um, a lot of people are using that. A lot of people are hooking a lot of people are hook it up In fact, I was on virgin America airlines a few months ago and this woman came so funny because like every Stortis has seen misadvised for some reason. Stortis flight attendant. Yeah, they come up to me on every flight I flown on they're like, you and misadvised or they'll I guess they watch a lot TV.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Mm-hmm. But so she said to me, do you know about Tinder? She said I've met it's a free app that you download. She's like, she's young, cute, adorable, girl, probably near 20-something, and she's always in different cities. So it's not even like she's looking for a relationship, she's looking for people to meet or have a drink with, and she's hooked up all the time. So it is kind of all the rage. Yeah, so check that out.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Okay. Tinder. So Tinder. Okay, so we've got another, some more emails here. Remember, you can always email me feedback at Okay, women who can't, this is about a woman who can't orgasm during sex. I know.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Dear Emily, I am 56 years old. Ben divorce 16 years. I have three children in college. I'm only able to reach an orgasm with a vibrator directly on my clitoris. My prior boyfriend, also my age, would go down on me every time we made love, but I only came once, even with my vibrator when I'm with him. Sometimes I don't come.
Starting point is 00:40:11 I'd say maybe 50% of the time, it's very frustrating for me. When I'm alone, I have no problem. I have two questions. Number one, is it normal to only be able to reach orgasm with a vibrator, the magic wand? And number two, do men have a problem with the fact that they can't make me calm unless I'm also using the vibrator? Does it make them feel less like less of a good lover? My boyfriend even said to me, you don't need me.
Starting point is 00:40:35 He was right, and since I've broken up with him. PS, I also went to University of Michigan, undergrad 1979. Go Blue, Diana. Diana. Okay, Diana. Diana. OK, Diana, this is a great, great question. Oh my god. I mean, I could talk about this for hours. First of all, completely normal, completely acceptable
Starting point is 00:40:52 that you can only have an orgasm with the vibrator. There are so many women who just are unable to get there on their own. The magic wand, which you mentioned, is the Cadillac of all vibrators. You can get one at Use coupon code Emily and you get like 20% off or something, 15% off? Something really, really freaking good.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Go to my website and just click on it. If you want to get one of those because that is the sure thing. However, you want to use different kinds of vibrators. You don't always want to rely. It's like you shouldn't have sex the same way every time. You probably shouldn't masturbate the same way every time. If you do, don't worry about it. Nothing's wrong, but you know, mix it up.
Starting point is 00:41:29 So, oh, it is you keep on going to L.L. for 15% off at Second, are you only using your vibrator during sex? Are you using your vibrator? I want to know that during sex, the same way you use it during masturbation. So sometimes the sex position that you're in doesn't allow you to try something like anvil, which is the missionary with your legs over his shoulders and him kneeling. In this position you have full access to your clitoris to use it the same way you do during masturbation. So that thing is that if you can't orgasm with him,
Starting point is 00:42:04 then I mean I know there's certain positions that I need. Like, a lot of women, for example, I mean, like, my legs closer together sometimes or I just need to be in certain positions. And so maybe you're trying to please your partner and you're like, oh, I don't want to get into that position. So maybe you see me like, babe, this is gonna have you an orgasm and you should move into that position
Starting point is 00:42:21 that is your orgasmic position. Also, make sure he knows that you're enjoying sex with him and that you just need a lot of clitorial simulation to get you over the edge. Nothing can replace human companionship. And any guy who's still afraid of a vibrator and thinks it's gonna replace you is ridiculous because vibrators are your new best friend.
Starting point is 00:42:38 If you don't wanna be trying to have a, like, menace and I talk about this another show that, do you wanna know, what menace wanna know is women understand how hard it is for men and my heart goes out to them all the time because Everyone is different You've been with a few women in your life. Yeah, any of them orgasm the same way. No, not one. Absolutely not It's totally different so I want it fast and want it slow some on fingers with that so So just let them know that you appreciate him. You love him and I have found that that any guy who's still intimidated by the vibrator
Starting point is 00:43:08 should get over it because again it saves you a lot of time and trouble and she'll have an orgasm and she'll be happy. But also it's really I think a lot of men like really just enjoy getting into it. They're like it's kind of fun like you can use a toy on her and there's a lot of different kinds of toys that you can try. And then also, if she's having sex on top of you and she's putting one on her clitoris, like the Mimi, M-I-M-I-I, go to, my favorite writer ever, for sex, for in her course, or the new Wevibe, the Wevibe 3 is, the Wevibe 4 is coming out, so to be amazing. But the point is, she can just hold it over clitoris. You won't even notice there. It's quiet, it's discrete.
Starting point is 00:43:44 She can just hold it over clitoris. You won't even know it's there. It's quiet. It's discrete and She'll it she'll have an orgasm and it'll feel great, but it's again. It can't replace you like women just I was gonna say about the Mimi. What was I where was I going with that? I said I got the Mimi was a sick the clitoris. Oh my god. So Hold on what was I gonna say I? I really, I don't know, it helps you. That's all I'm saying. It doesn't have to be the magic wand. It can be whatever the Mimi, which is great to hold over your clitoris because I talk about it all the time
Starting point is 00:44:11 and I love it. But what I'm going to say is that men just shouldn't be worried about, oh, this one is a say, sorry. I knew I was going to get around there. The Mimi, any vibrator, people think that women are the only one who like the vibrations. But I have to tell you in my experience and many other people I've talked to, that men like the vibration as well, it feels good on their penis, it feels good on their balls, that if he, if the
Starting point is 00:44:37 vibrators are clitoris and you're riding him, he can feel it. Like it hits his penis too and I've never met a man who didn't like that. They're like, wow, that's really cool because it's different and I think men like variety too. It's not like this one, it's going to hurt his penis. Have you ever had vibrations on your penis? Yeah, but it doesn't hurt. It feels like a lot of men like it.
Starting point is 00:44:55 So what I'm saying is bring him into your experience and I think that maybe the reason why you're not able to orgasm with him again is because with partners is because you're overthinking it and you're not doing what you normally do to have an orgasm and there's nothing wrong with that. So again, it's normal that you are not able to orgasm through oral sex or through intercourse. It happens. You've been with that. You've been in that issue, right, Ms. When I was thinking.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Oh, they think it every time. They think it every time. I make them get there every time. No. That's true. You do. Oh, they fake it every time I make them get there every time now But yeah, so that's what we got time for today and I enjoyed being here with you in Los Angeles, California I want you to get over the car ride. Yeah So sorry about the car. No, but my car was a mess. It's just like oh, but I was on you. Yeah, your car is absolutely Absolute mess, but I don't think I've ever met a woman in my entire life
Starting point is 00:45:48 that their car is immaculate. I haven't. Like, they're always just a mess, just destroyed. Really? I feel like. I'm sure there's women out there that keep their car a lot of mess. Yeah, they do.
Starting point is 00:46:00 My car is a mess because, first of all, and it's a problem in Los Angeles because everyone's so car, if there's a car wash in every corner of mine, so I haven't washed it in a month. And the bumper fell off two months ago. It's in my garage, there's no bumper. And now the glove compartment will close as there's duct tape on it
Starting point is 00:46:14 because the light keeps turning on. And- Isn't this thing a, isn't it at least? No, I own it, it's a mini Cooper. Oh my God. But it's all a misuse. It was brand new when I,
Starting point is 00:46:25 I know, LA has ruined it. It got keyed. I mean, literally it looks like I gotta get fixed, but I just, I just spend the money and do it. Oh my God. It's a, I was embarrassed. I'm like, it's a man. I'm picking up my cars and disaster.
Starting point is 00:46:37 It's a jalapie. I put it so, it's gonna make me know my little baby. I love her. I just, honestly, this is why I need a personal assistant. And if you're listening to the show and you know anyone, and please don't email me and you don't live in the city and you want I need a personal assistant and if you're listening to the show and you know anyone and please don't email me and that you don't live in the city and that you want a new assistant but if you if you I'm looking for a personal assistant to help me
Starting point is 00:46:50 with everything if you know anyone and I'm also looking for office space in Los Angeles. I just like put out there. Okay so menace I love you. We're gonna be doing shows with menace every week every Tuesday they come out and every Friday will be releasing a show as well. Menace, we can find you at Menace after Instagram and Twitter. Yeah, follow me on Instagram. I just- I mean, I see.
Starting point is 00:47:12 It's my favorite. And then tag me in photos that you want me to see. Oh. Yeah, it's like put a little at symbol. Can I do that? In your comments. I do that every single, even the ones with the big deal. Those that I'm waving on my Instagram.
Starting point is 00:47:21 No, I believe me. I see them all the time. Okay. All right, you can follow me on Twitter, Instagram, sex with Emily and like my goddamn Facebook page, Facebook, sex with Emily, slash sex with Emily. What else have I to tell you? I have a few iPhone apps. My I haven't talked about that. I wear keglet camp helps men and women have stronger orgasms.
Starting point is 00:47:39 People bring in love keglet camp. I've got one called sex drive and one called the hunter one sex tips and sex Emily. And I have a little hot sex over 200 things you can try tonight. Check it all out at I'm Dr. Emily Morse from Do you want to last longer in bed? Promessant is the only FDA-approved treatment for premature ejaculation. One of three men suffer from premature ejaculation, but they don't have to. Go to to give the desensitizing spray that will allow you to have the sex you deserve.

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