Sex With Emily - SWE: What Men Want

Episode Date: April 13, 2012

It's Friday the 13th - are you getting lucky or screwed? April showers bring May flowers - Emily lays out the facts about female ejaculation and orgasm. Menace is skeptical about female ejaculation an...d objects about the messiness of it. Emily tries to explore Menace's sex life and Menace turns the tables and analyzes Emily’s relationship. CEO's get greedy with girls and money, and the dangers of baldness medicine and boners. A newly divorced guy needs condoms, the straight talk about thread count and wine, and doing Reverse Kegels. Masturbating too much, Taco Bell's latest achievements, and the ten things all men want in bed. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Look into his eyes Then the eyes of a man obsessed by sex Eyes that mark our secret institutions Betrubized they call them a lie gone. Hey, Evelyn You got a boyfriend because my man E here. He just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute The girls got to understand it's a lie the women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common, all we? What do you mean, like, laundry?
Starting point is 00:00:26 It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm so dumb. Being bad feels pretty good. But you know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between welcome to our free
Starting point is 00:00:43 Friday show and we're happy to be here on Extreme Talk, XM 165. It's Friday of 13th. I hope nothing bad happens to you. I actually think Friday of 13th is kind of lucky. I don't really trip off at all. I don't trip off at either. But you just something to think about. I mean, when you were younger,
Starting point is 00:00:58 it was this whole spooky things people would talk about while they're in school, but then they're like, you're over. Okay, so forget it, I don't even bring that up. How are you doing today? I'm good, I'm full. I had a huge lunch and I'm having a hard time reading. What, you have a huge lunch?
Starting point is 00:01:14 I had the biggest lunch ever. It was like a bibimbap. Do you know what that is? It's Korean food. And it's rice and egg and vegetables and chicken and an egg, like a full egg and kimchi. It was just very fun. It was really good. It reminded me of my college days, so he's eating them. So anyway, that's all with me, but then I'm excited for the weekend.
Starting point is 00:01:35 I'm so freaking right. What do you got going on? I'm going to this fundraiser tonight. It's a casino night, so it's like gambling. It's for a friend's school that he's works out or something. And And we are going to that and going to that with some friends and then I don't really know what else. Hopefully it'll be nice outside. Go to the park again. See naked gay men running around. Yeah, I heard it might well, I know in Southern California It's gonna I heard it's gonna rain on Friday because I was supposed to actually be at Coachella this weekend. Are you sad you're not going? Uh, not kind of because they're doing this really cool thing, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:11 Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre, right? Well, there was a guy that like sung a lot of courses, hooks, they call him. His name was Nate Dogg and he died. Okay. Just this year. So what they're going to do is they're going to have a hologram of him performing the songs with them on stage. That's so cool. Yeah, now we really just want to see how it's done because I've seen this done before just put like on online. Right. Where they do with a band called the gorillas and stuff like that. And I think that's actually pretty amazing.
Starting point is 00:02:41 That's amazing. I like to see how it's executed. I don't get to see it. And they're not streaming it on YouTube over the weekend. Why? They're not streaming Coachella, you think they would. Well, they do, they do, but they're just not streaming the Doctor Drawer part. Because Doctor Raiders don't want to do it apparently.
Starting point is 00:02:54 That's what I heard from Through The Roof Fine. Whatever. But anyways, so this weekend, tomorrow, I'm going to a chocolate festival. Really where? Over at Pixar Studios. Okay, you love Pixar. Yeah, it goes all the time.
Starting point is 00:03:08 I go there all the time. Chocolate festival, I wanna go. It's one of the advantages of living where we live in San Francisco. We got all these amazing places around, like Zinga and Facebook and they just have like crazy parties and somehow we weasel our way in. That's great.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Chocolate festival sounds like a gastro- And then the day after that, I'm going to a taco festival. Chocolate and taco. Yeah, but it's not a vagina one, it's actual tacos. I wasn't thinking vagina, but things are fine. I mean, we do do a sex show, correct? We do do a sex show. People think tacos are like a little bit of a vagina, is that it?
Starting point is 00:03:41 Right. Yeah, you never heard? I really like the pink taco. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm down with that. Speaking of a gin as is that it, right? Yeah, you never heard. I heard of like the pink taco. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm down with that. Speaking of a gin as, today's show is about female ejaculation. April showers bring may flowers.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Have you ever heard that saying? Yes. So, April showers, we're talking about female ejaculation. And we've got some stuff on. That's when they pee on you. No, it is not urine. It's when they urinate. When a woman ejaculates.
Starting point is 00:04:02 When a woman ejaculates. It's when a woman ejaculates. It's when a woman ejaculates. It's when a woman ejaculates. It's when a woman ejaculates. It's when a woman ejac they urinate. When a woman ejaculates. It's in cold and cold showers. It's not urine. It's totally different than urine. And any woman can learn how to ejaculate and we're going to teach you how to get your urine. Why would you want to? A lot of guys think it's hot and a lot of women think it's hot.
Starting point is 00:04:16 It's messy as hell. Manus, you and your friggin OCD messiness is getting to be a problem with your sex life. Hold on, real quick, real quick. Ugh, what? Does it do anything for you? is getting to be a problem with your sex life. Hold on, real quick, real quick. What? Does it do anything for you? Does it give you an heightened orgasm? And don't just say just, yeah, because I just said that. What does it actually do for you?
Starting point is 00:04:35 It feels good. It feels good, okay. Well, it feels good then. Do you think it's hot? Well, you've ever had a woman in a jacket like? Yes, I do. I thought she peed all over the place and my sheet's all wet.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Okay, well that's what we're gonna talk about today. We get tons of emails about female ejaculation. I think it's hot, you've even had a woman in a jacket? Yes, I knew that she peed a little place in my sheet wall. Okay, well that's what we're going to talk about today. We get tons of emails about female ejaculation and it actually is not urine. I mean sometimes a woman can urinate on you, but it's clear fluid. It doesn't leave a urine stain on your bed. It comes from the urethra, the G-spot stimulation. So we're going to talk about that. And then we've also got a list of 10 things all guys want in bed.
Starting point is 00:05:02 We're going to see if that's true. We're going to talk to the other time to all right. You like that one? Yes. Better than female ejaculation. Yes, of course. And today's show is brought to you by Good Vibes. Good vibrations. Use coupon code GVMly15 for 15% off all your purchases at Good vibes is an amazing sex toy store based here in San Francisco, but they've got a wonderful online store with all the best toys. They only carry the best toys, like my favorite, the Mimi, which I've been talking about all week by Juju.
Starting point is 00:05:31 I love it. It's the most powerful handheld vibrator and it's great for couples to use. It's the Mimi by Juju. You should check that out and use coupon code GVM-Leen. 15. Good. Is that cool?
Starting point is 00:05:43 Are you been watching TV lately? Oh gosh, no, I haven't. Nothing? No, I have not watched one thing in like weeks. 15. Good. Is that cool? Are you been watching TV lately? Oh gosh, no, I haven't. Nothing? No, I have not watched one thing in like weeks. I fell off the wagon. I watched Subethany. And?
Starting point is 00:05:56 Ever after? Do you like it? On Bravo. And yeah, her assistant's leaving her. Why? Her assistant wants to go get, like, live with her boyfriend in another state. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:06:08 And she's like, I want to sell down a bubble. I think that, I think we could, her assistant's been with her since the beginning. Right. And I think maybe it's just like, it's awesome. Well, yeah, maybe that, or it also is, Bethany made like a ton of money and now successful. then maybe like she didn't, she's still probably getting paid the same rate.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Maybe. Maybe I don't. I don't know anything about the financial situations between it, but maybe I'm like, I was thinking to myself, why would she leave at this point where they're, you know, they still got TV shows going on. Bethany's about to get a talk show. Did you hear about that? I didn't hear. Ellen's producing it.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Wow. That is so cool. That's mega huge. And I'm thinking. I'm like, why would this chick leave in the maybe she's not as career focused? Just because you work for someone like that, maybe she really wanted to focus on her boyfriend and her life. But I haven't seen it.
Starting point is 00:07:00 No, I've got them all DVR'd. And it's on the list. Maybe I'll watch some TV this weekend. But I've met two. It's on the list of things to do. So that's pretty much what I watch lately. And then, cloning the more. I love watching. You love that? Yeah, because it's just a crazy transition to watch them, you know, just up and leave Los Angeles because he got traded and they don't know what to do and seeing them go through all that kind of stuff. That happens to people in everyday life.
Starting point is 00:07:26 We have big decisions. So it seems more relatable. Yeah, where people have big decisions. Oh, I got this huge job offer across the country. You know, I almost left you a long time ago. I don't know if you even know this. No. Well, no, I mean, we're really doing a lot of shows together.
Starting point is 00:07:42 It's when I got my night show, like a couple years ago. At the same time, a lot of shows together is when I got my night show like Couple years ago at the same time a lot of people don't know but I was getting offer To go work on a morning show in Chicago. Oh wow, I'm glad you didn't go because then we wouldn't be here talking about sex I know we wouldn't do you think you're gonna have sex this weekend? We would be nowhere Do you think you're gonna have sex intercourse this weekend? I'll probably have intercourse this weekend So there is someone that you're kind of seeing. No. Well, how do you know is the same woman from last weekend? No.
Starting point is 00:08:12 A different woman. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah, no, no, no, man. You can't hold me down. You can't hold you down. Just because you're all getting an exclusive relationship now, just because you're turning over a new leaf.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I'm not turning over a new leaf. I'm not turning over a new leaf. I'm not turning over new leaf. I'm just Exploring it. Oh really just because you got a boyfriend now doesn't mean you got to put it on me to get that down. I would not I should get it. I should get a boyfriend makes me tense. No, I'm just don't you shouldn't start saying boyfriend. So we should be all Everybody should be held down and Planning on the future and getting married. Correct. Because no, I'm dating someone regularly. And I'm not cheating on.
Starting point is 00:08:50 I'm not cheating on. Also, then it's your boyfriend. No, I mean, yeah, I mean, if you're in an exclusive relationship, this is a hard topic for me because it's really was never what I was about, but I really like this guy. That's cool. Yeah, it's awesome. He's really cool. When do you put it on Facebook?
Starting point is 00:09:07 Oh my God, never! I don't believe that you should share your relationship status on Facebook ever! Yeah, you should. If you really love the person you're with and who cares if people know, oh my God, I have a girlfriend. Or, oh my God, I have a boyfriend or my God, I have a husband. Put it on there. You should be proud that you have a significant other. No way.
Starting point is 00:09:26 What do you mean no way? What health? Oh yeah, just because the people that don't want to do that is the people that want to keep their options open for bigger, better picture. It's fine, whatever, just admit it. There's no other reason to do it. Every person that I talk to that does-
Starting point is 00:09:39 You can break up, everybody's like, oh, what happened? And then you got to changeun when you can change it back no no no no it doesn't yes it does with their like Emily's no long Emily's gone from you're trying to tell me about Facebook you're trying to tell me about Facebook you've gone from relationship to single and then everyone's like oh i'm sorry what
Starting point is 00:09:57 happened that you used to do that you know it doesn't you don't have to go to that you don't have to go through that no more no more unless people are like really stocking your page. He's actually already done it with a girl before. He's done the relationship status thing and he didn't really like it either. That's cool. She made him do it.
Starting point is 00:10:12 I got my options open baby. I never know who I'm going to be meeting. This, you know, lived a swing of life man. I'm not a swing or yet. Although I've been invited to a swinging. Do you want to go to this party I got invited to? Fuck no, no party that you get invited to. I would ever want to go to this party? I got invited to fuck no No party that you invite to I would ever want to come on. That's mean. That's a mean thing to say That you have described is a party that it seems like I would never want to go to you
Starting point is 00:10:35 You won't want to do this party for you then I would go to support it We're gonna have another intern party at my house and we'll do it on Friday or Saturday. Thank God That was fun the last one it was was, but fuck, man, I had to go home. I know, and I fell asleep on the couch. People don't know this, but I get up super early in the morning, every morning. And for some reason, every time Emily has an event, maybe, you know, going to Las Vegas or it is an event at her house, it's always in the middle of the week. So I can not-
Starting point is 00:11:02 I can not- So I can't- I can't- I can't- I can't- I can't- I can't- It's always in the middle of the week. So I suppose to revolve my schedule around you because you have to wake up at 3. Yes. Who has been around since the beginning of time? Who has never left you? You never left me. Yeah, so why can't you just plan something on a Friday so we can go together?
Starting point is 00:11:15 I'm going to plan something. I'm going to plan something. But you're out of town even we can evade this where I'm not invited. In May, but that's, you know, that's just business stuff. Oh, shut up, man. This is business too. It's all business. I don't know. You're not gonna want to go to the billboard awards. You don't care about that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Is it musicians? Yeah, you don't even know any of the billboard there. I don't want to go. See? But I would go to Vegas and just hang out. I was there. It's super fun. Yeah, but I don't need to be like doing stuff. I don't need to hang out with you the whole time.
Starting point is 00:11:41 They're why you even come with me. Because we have fun when we do get to hang out. Okay, whatever. Whatever. I'm going to move into some sex in the news. All right. Okay. Sex in the news.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Clean up on aisle three, best by CEO resigned after using company money for an affair. Oh, that's why he resigned. Yes. Oh my god. It's a problem even the geek squad couldn't fix. Why you heard about it. Well, no, I didn't know why he resigned. I was actually going to Best Buy yesterday. And I was walking in. I was with a friend of mine. I said, oh, I just read today that the
Starting point is 00:12:15 the CEO resigned. Right. And I go, why that's that's a new revelation. I did not know this. I love this. Listen to this. It's a problem even the Geeksquad couldn't fix. Best Buy's had Brian Dunn a broccoli quay yesterday when the Board of Directors began investigating him for an extended warranty to a female employee. According to Best Buy, an internal all that was called after the Board learned of Dunns and Dunn, a learned of Dunns, something, and Dunn controlled all controlled all deleted his career before the investigation was over. So whatever he was having, he was having using company money to for an affair. They're using all this terms, extended warranty.
Starting point is 00:12:51 If you're the CEO, you have enough money, you don't need to use company money for that. It's always the CEO who has the affair. And then I've just seen this morning that John Edwards, he's finally going to trial because of the affair he had with his campaign photographer and he was using campaign funds to fund the affair Like people are idiots if you're running a campaign you're running a company or an incorporation you're running the country With these are the people because they have the most power the most money that they think that they can have in a fair And no one's gonna know and they're untouchable because they have all this power Really your own money like you don't need to use company money
Starting point is 00:13:23 These are pretty pretty mofos super rich. You know who should're on money, like you don't need to use company money. These are pretty, pretty mofos. Super rich, you know who should get more money? Hill, me. The CEO of Taco Bell, love that guy. He only makes $2.5 million a year for Taco Bell. That's crazy. Taco Bell's huge. How do you know this?
Starting point is 00:13:37 I know random facts. I know, you love. Like Napa, you're gonna Napa all the time, right? And my mom's coming out in a month and we're gonna Napa, yeah. You know Napa, California. I've heard of it. Nap California has over 400 wineries, but only produces 4% I know. I told you that right. California's why not put. I know. It's crazy. Yeah. Yeah. You told me that. I'll tell you.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Tell me one more thing. You told me that one already. Those are doesn't count. Okay. Uh, Clint Eastwood was born in San Francisco. Okay. Fascinating. How about that and recently oh interesting did know that okay that's some good news okay baldness drug link to sex problems that's a bummer uh... seat that damn it's like will give you full of hair but you can't get an erection
Starting point is 00:14:19 yeah like what what's up with pills man like oh will give you an erection but you'll go blind. Like I don't understand. It's so unfair for the antidepressants. Like, oh, make you really happy, but you can't have an orgasm. Yeah, you can have a bone or forever,
Starting point is 00:14:34 but you can't splooge. Exactly. Okay, so it sounds like a, would you rather question baldness or sexual dysfunction? But for hundreds of men who take propitia, which I know a lot of men do, a baldness drug, the choice is very real. As of today, propitia's packaging will now include warnings about libido, orgasm, and ejaculation disorders,
Starting point is 00:14:54 and reports of infertility that occur after patients stop using the medicine. Though casual links between propitia and sex problems are unclear enough reports have come in for the FDA to require new labeling Do you know how many friggin men use propicia a lot of some kind of hair growth drug? You're lucky. You're not losing your hair yet. You got a full head of hair a Lot of guys. I was actually making fun of some some DJ was trying to talk crap to me on Twitter Oh, right. You call them bald and like I started referencing Propecia and then I should
Starting point is 00:15:25 go back and say hey you know not only that how's your limp dick. Yeah how's your limp dick. Yeah. Propecia guy. Exactly. You're not only bald but you got a limp dick and you can't ejaculate. That is a bummer because you got to choose. Okay congrats to Mr. Mrs. Big Chris Noth Mary's in a Maui. So sex in the city star Chris Noth who was Carrie Bradshaw's Mr. Big Got himself a good wife when he tied the knot with his longtime girlfriend tower Wilson during a sunset ceremony in Hawaii The wedding was small and intimate with late 10 close friends and family members and tenants Chris is 54 and Tara is 30 Really they've been together since 2002
Starting point is 00:16:03 Well who cares? So that's 27-year difference. What if? Wow. Was it the embald when he just married what, a 26-year-old and he's 50-something? Guys are lucky. Yeah, we get better with age. Yeah, you do.
Starting point is 00:16:18 It's true. I'm attracted to older men a lot. And then I feel sorry for women that are attractive. You should, any woman that's like mild mildly attractive or, you know, you're just okay. You should. My outfit attractive. Yeah, you should just thank your lucky stars that you're not attractive because it's all just downhill from here.
Starting point is 00:16:36 You mean after you get past certain age? Yeah, it's just all downhill. Then everyone's going to be like, oh, I remember when she was so hot. But at least if you're like, just okay looking, you never have to worry about that. That's true. That's a good sign for all the ugly people. Um, people embrace because you know what? Everyone's gonna get ugly at some point.
Starting point is 00:16:54 I'm not busted. It's gonna suck. It's gonna happen soon. Okay, China's sensors, Kate Winslet's 3D breasts for fear audiences will try to touch them. The 3D revamp of Titanic is exciting news for a lot of people but especially for those who can't tell the difference between real and imaginary boobs the chinese government is taking measures to prevent any mishaps and theaters caused by the vivid three dimensions of roses of roses breasts and
Starting point is 00:17:20 the famous sequence in which jack sketches naked lover will only feature k-winds's head and shoulders. China figures. China is always trying to hold people down. China is a lot of censorship and stuff like that. Yeah, crazy stuff. Crazy. Any other sex in the news that you heard about today and your TMZ readings? No, I was hanging out with Skrillex's girlfriend today Skrillex is a big time producer world renowned DJ guy It's cool. Dubstep music and I was hanging out with his lovely lady. She's a huge singer in the UK her name's
Starting point is 00:17:57 Ellen Golding today and she was quite sweet. So I say support her music. Okay, Ali Golding. Yeah, but it was so funny because I guess she was just at Disneyland with him and in Los Angeles and she had a fly up here to San Francisco do some radio stuff. And she was wearing one of his jackets. Oh. It said, Skrillex on it. Oh, that's cute.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Yeah, that's cool, man. That is cool, man. Okay, well, I've got some emails. All right, what do you got? Thanks everyone for emailing us at feedback at you can also go right to the website and you can email straight from there where it does ask Emily. Our website is you can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, sexwithemily and you can follow menace at white menace. On everything. Everything.
Starting point is 00:18:41 On Instagram. Let's do Instagram. That's all you want to do I want to do Instagram and Tumblr all the other ones I can take care of You don't want people to follow you follow me on Twitter and Facebook. That's cool But you know Instagram. I share a lot of stuff on Instagram. That I don't show it way too much stuff No, I don't okay. We're talking about okay. You just don't follow enough people That's why so that's you only see my phone. I know I don't follow enough people because I don't have time I don't go on that much, but it's on my it's I'm gonna do it. You don't have time. What do you talk about? You always have your phone here. That's where it's on. I take a picture of you and post it after the show. Are you
Starting point is 00:19:12 feel like that? I am giving you too much crap right now. Are you giving it? No, no, no, no. I just can't breathe because I ate too much. I'm on buttoning my pants. Are you serious? No. No. You never on button your pants when you can't breathe. Nope. I don't do that, but I mean, I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better.
Starting point is 00:19:29 I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm so much better. I'm really horny right now. And then you would deny. I would put away any butter. I would deny, deny, deny, deny. I can't put anything else on my mouth right now. Damn.
Starting point is 00:19:49 If he wanted a bone, if he wanted a blowjob or something like that. I just feel like I can't. So, okay, dear Emily, as to why you should send me a condom care package, I'm recently divorced after 21 years. Think I'm gonna need them. Recently found your podcast on iTunes.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Actually, just what I need He didn't send his name and he wants he wants condoms We've got a bunch of lifestyle condoms to give away if you want condoms Dude said you were gonna bring me some man. I don't bring bring this up. I brought men It's a whole for impact and he gave him to his friend. It was going to some festival And he was going to sell myself west for two weeks and he thought his friend needed him more than he did Just come by the office. We'll give you a bunch of stuff. All right. I'm looking sell it by Southwest for two weeks. And he thought his friend needed him more than he did. Just come by the office. We'll give you a bunch of stuff. All right, I'm looking for, keep on reading,
Starting point is 00:20:28 but I'm looking for some tweets because I know some listeners are tweeting me lately. Okay. And I wanna reply. You'd like to read the tweets? Yeah. Okay. Dear Emily, I'm 40 years old.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Are there any supplements that can truly increase the female libido? I'm married and we have a good sex life, but sometimes I'm not as horny as I used to be. Always satisfied, but I would like to pump it up more, little thank you Amy from White Lake Michigan. White Lake Michigan. I have got a great one for you
Starting point is 00:20:53 because I've been taking it for the last six weeks. It is called Hot Rocks that's R-A-W-K-S, from Ron Nation, and it's a certified organic Afrodigiac for men and women. It intensifies pleasure and interest in sex. It increases libido, lubrication, and circulation. It increases sexual performance at peak levels, helps to balance hormones by producing the right amount of testosterone for women.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Women do not have enough testosterone. It doesn't mean you're going to grow a mustache or a dick. Prolonged use can cause sexually related dreams. That's awesome. So there's also some topical estrogen products available with application. Some women do go on prescription testosterone in hopes of experiencing like a rapid improvement
Starting point is 00:21:37 in their libido, but testosterone should only be prescribed ever careful, thoughtful evaluation and testing. For sometimes women, there isn't a simple for pharmaceutical fix for sex drive, but feel more sexually energized. You can try hot rocks. Again, it's, R-A-W-K-S, and I've been taking you for about six weeks. I love them, and if you go there and you get a, and they have a 30-day money back guarantee, which I think is amazing.
Starting point is 00:22:03 So if you don't like them, you don't feel a difference. Just get your money back. And when you go to their page, you just click on how you heard about it. You can say the section that I'm going to show. And yeah, I love for getting 30-day money back back guarantee. I almost buy anything that's a 30-day money back guarantee.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Because you're like, of course you would. This is all true and intensifies your pleasure. And I have been feeling a little bit hornyer and energized since I've been taking them. Women. Do you want a bottle? I have some. On you right now?
Starting point is 00:22:30 On your person. No, in my office. All right. Women return a lot of stuff though. You guys return stuff like crazy. Guys don't return stuff as much. I can't even remember the last time I've been doing stuff. I return everything.
Starting point is 00:22:41 I buy stuff. I return it to your mind. I get buyers remorse. I get buyers remorse all the time. I just don't even shop because it makes me tense. I'm like, what if I has another color? What if it can't? What if I don stuff I return it to your mind I get bars remorse I get bars remorse all the time I just don't even shop because it makes me tense I'm like what if it has another color what if it can't what if I don't really want it what if I don't wear it like I return everything I You're right though. It is kind of a chick thing. It's totally a chick thing. Yeah. What would you find on your Twitter? I'm on tweets. I
Starting point is 00:23:00 Can't find some questions I had but I had some people congratulate that we have you mentioned the TV show. We've got a TV show. Give it a quick mention. Okay, so I, Menace and I shot a reality TV show. It's your show. It's my show. It's not going to be.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Okay, Menace is in it. It's called Misadvised. It's going to be on Bravo Television, Bravo TV. You can check it out at and search for misadvised two words. And it is a reality show based on my dating life and my work life, and do I practice what I preach. So we shot it for actually two months in November and December. We couldn't tell any of you what was going on.
Starting point is 00:23:38 We were playing a lot of repeats of shows. People were upset. We're sorry, that is why. But there's a trailer. You can check it out. It's on my website and sexlamy com it's also on the bravo website and menace isn't it they love menace they kept saying can you you menace go out and have drinks stuff so it's awesome yeah it's really cool right have you got
Starting point is 00:23:54 any more feedback about it uh... no because there's only that quick clip that's been I know don't you want to see more footage I want to see more footage people talking about it here's a scary thing if you ever wonder about reality TV I I literally just shot it. I shot it for about two and a half months. I will never get to see the footage until it airs. Yeah. Like I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:24:13 They have the Kardashians the same way. They don't get to. I don't know how they're editing it together. I don't know what I'm going to look like. Yeah. A freak. No. I'll look amazing.
Starting point is 00:24:22 But do I practice what I preach? That's what they want to know. Ooh. What do you think? Anybody listening to the show, they would know the answer. I don't have the same thing And then I also got a message from listener saying that I should get 800 thread count sheets. Yeah, 800 thread counts. They said it feels like they said it's like they said it feels like lotion It does silk does the feeling yeah, no, they're eight, it's true, but thread counts are this kind of thing. As long as you get over 500 thread count, you're okay. They've made the 800 thread count because it's like everything.
Starting point is 00:24:52 They have like 1200 thread count, but I don't think you have to go that high. Go get that whole... What does it feel like? It feels good, but I don't think it feels any different than the 500, to be honest. And it's more sensitive to the washier dryer. I'm going 1200 then. What do you have now? I think I have 500. You probably have 500. Yeah. Go to bed, bed, and beyond. You can get them somewhere. For 12? 1200? I mean, you could try the 1200. I think you should get one of these things that...
Starting point is 00:25:16 All the best. Do they have... I don't know. My mom says, and she knows... Do they have 2400? No, I don't know. But my mom says that it's like after you get up, pass a certain thread count. it's all kind of BS. It's like, what other company does that? Like, like, like some protection. Like it used to be like 30, 30 SPF, and now you can get like 90 SPF, but they say like after 30 SPF or 40 SPF,
Starting point is 00:25:39 it's all the same thing. And I kind of think it's the same thing for thread count. Although I do think men should have nice sheets. Kind of like wine too. You can get two buck chuck and then I can put a hundred dollar bottle wine next to it. That is so not true. Wine is better, wine is wine than no.
Starting point is 00:25:51 I know a good bottle of wine when I know a good bottle. Oh really? Would you do a case test? I do know I still have two bottles of two buck chuck for next time you come over. If people don't know what two buck chuck is, it's this two dollar wine that you can buy at Trader Joe's. I don't know if they're Trader Joe's across the country.
Starting point is 00:26:06 There are a lot of places in Michigan. But they sell this $2 wine. It's amazing, but Emily will not drink it because it's $2 wine. It's something I won't drink it. I don't enjoy it. I'm not above it. I just don't enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Oh, but it's weird that they've done a taste test with prestigious wine tasting people and they didn't even get a good taste. Where the hell did you see these taste tests? It, Penn and Teller did it on their T-shirt call. So one person did it. It's called bullshit. Right, I mean, I'm not saying
Starting point is 00:26:36 that some people wouldn't think it tastes better, but they might not have it. They don't want to have a sophisticated palate like yourself. Right, I have a sophisticated palate. Okay. Right. I have a sophisticated palate. Okay. You do the taste test with me. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:26:48 All right. Next time we have our party at my house. Sounds good. Okay. Emily, I just want to know something. I masturbate every day. Is that okay or not? From Desmond and Brookhaven, Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Well, Desmond. Well, Desmond, that is totally fine. There is nothing wrong with you. Masturbating every day is completely normal and no problem, nothing to worry about unless it becomes a problem. When you have, you have to do it 15 times a day or it starts to increase.
Starting point is 00:27:13 But most of the things that you worry about if you're normal, you're normal. You're fine. Masterweighting every day is healthy. In fact, most guys, the lot of guys do masterweight every day. Every day. Do you? You don't masterweight every day, do you?
Starting point is 00:27:24 No, no, I don't have time. I wish. You don't, you wish you could. I wish I could. How many times a week do you masturbate? Ah. Right, two or three times a week. Oh, okay, that's good.
Starting point is 00:27:36 That's average. I mean, I don't know, whatever. I've been masturbating more because I have all these sex toys that I, all of a sudden I've got this like, delusion of sex toys that have been sent my way. And I have to these sex toys that I all the sudden I've got this like deluge of sex toys that have been sent my way and I have to test them out I feel that you're gonna I feel that you're gonna Wear out your vagina You think I'm gonna wear my vagina my vagina is gonna become like now I pause and re try to figure out a different way to say it
Starting point is 00:27:58 But you didn't work out. I've got this really cool vibrator another one of our sponsors is Jimmy Jane and I've got this really cool vibrator. Another one of our sponsors is Jimmy Jane. And you can go to and use coupon code spring. And you get $25 off purchases of $100 or more. And if you visit Emily's picks page right for my website, you can see my favorite products. And they have this form too. It's called the Jimmy Jane Form 2 vibrator.
Starting point is 00:28:21 And it's really powerful and it's really cool looking. And you can leave it by the side of your bed and people will use it. Be me, no one will know that it's a vibrator and I really like it. I've had it for a while but I've just been using it lately and I'm really into it. So go to, use coupon code spring, buy yourself a present, buy your girlfriend a present, whatever. They also have a really good ring for men's penises, a stretchy ring. Oh, you're really into that.
Starting point is 00:28:47 A vibrating cock ring. I love them. If you've never used and you're looking for a sex toy for couples, the cock ring is amazing because it stretches, it has a little vibrator at the end of it, it's amazing. And it hits the woman's clitoris. You like it a lot. I like it a lot. Okay. Okay. Hi there, Emily. I like your iPhone app, Kagle Camp, and I'm using it daily along with my own routine. I think it's very nice to be able to keep track of what you're doing,
Starting point is 00:29:11 especially the vibrating with no sounds option, as it lets me do other things while doing my routine. However, I'd like you to introduce the reverse Kagle and integrate it into routines. Have a nice day and great sex. So, we're just... Exactly. I didn't even know. So, I have an app called Kagle Camp, and you can. So you're a jerk, Kegel. Exactly, I didn't even know. So I have an app called Kegel Camp and you can buy it
Starting point is 00:29:28 in the iTunes store and it is for men and women. It helps men have longer stronger orgasms. It helps men with premature deculation. It helps men stay harder longer and it helps women have stronger orgasms. Kegels do and they're free and easy to do and you just buy the app and it's my voice walking you through it.
Starting point is 00:29:45 But I've gotten the most lengthy detailed responses from people, requests from people, about what they'd like change in the app, because they love it, and they want even more. So reverse caggles are a type of caggle that helps maintain a longer erection and enjoy more intense orgasm. While regular caggles, strengthening eyes exercise exercise is helped to increase control, reverse kegels help to soften and relax the muscles, as well as push the blood in the penis so when they do become rouse the muscles will contract more easily. So how you do a reverse kegel is you contract the peanut muscles. Focus on contracting the muscles near the front of your penis while keeping the rest
Starting point is 00:30:22 of the pelvic area as relaxed as possible breathe and slow deeply We'll put this on the blog. I don't feel like reading right now I'm not in the mood, but go to my website. Okay. We'll post it Then you have like another app. What is it 101 sex tips from sex with Emily is another really good app that I'm gonna update soon You should check it out and you have a book out. I have a book called Hot Sex over 200 things. I love it. It's called Hot Sex over 200 things you can try tonight. You can buy it in Amazon.
Starting point is 00:30:51 It's selling really well. And here's why. If you are in a relationship or you just are not in a relationship that doesn't matter, the book really does give you 200 things that you can try that are easy to do, that will spice up your relationship or your sex life no matter what. So first time you're having sex with someone or the hundredth time you're having sex with someone and it has beautiful Illustrations that are kind of hot and sexy cool. Don't you think yeah it is
Starting point is 00:31:13 Illustrations should be at Comic Con. They're so good. I know. I know they really should be So I love my book. Yeah, and I've been working on the sex toy that I'm coming with, coming out with what's called the dumb truck in the scientists in Japan. I've been having some issues with overheating, but hopefully. Shut up, man. What the hell is the dumb truck anyway again? Have you even thought about what it is? I can't tell you until it comes out.
Starting point is 00:31:38 The dumb truck, it's so sensual. I love the sound of it. It's really hot. Okay. We are going to move into our topic. So we've got some top. We're going to talk about squirting a.k.a. female ejaculation. Oh My god. It's it's true that a lot of men think and women think that it's urine. It is urine. It's not
Starting point is 00:32:01 So here's a deal So here's a deal. You may not think it's real or a figment of someone's over-resilience imagination, but female ejaculation is real and possibly coming to a woman near you. Hasn't scientists, some scientists say it's not real. Just like the juice, but yes, there's always people debating that it's not real But I'm telling you because they go because people go against everything that they could go against But female ejaculation real I've done it. I'll be honest. It's it's it's not urine. It doesn't smell like urine It's it comes from a totally different place So where is this the urethra I'm gonna get into it. Fluids, located. Okay, it's okay, so female calculation, also known as squirting or gushing, is not urine.
Starting point is 00:32:50 That's insane. It is actually near the exact chemical construction as prosthetic fluid, so it's kind of like a male spluge, but it has enough sperm in it. Really? You may be thinking, but women don't have prostate, not true, only a couple of years ago, the medical establishment admitted but it has enough sperm in it. Really? You may be thinking, but women don't have prostate. Not true. Only a couple of years ago, the medical establishment
Starting point is 00:33:07 admitted the existence of a female prostate. The G-spot is the main ingredient for getting female ejaculate. For getting women to- They just found out women had a prostate like last year or something like that. They're serious? The G-spot is the main ingredient in female ejaculation,
Starting point is 00:33:20 and it's no coincidence that the G-spot is exactly the same spot as the male prostate. So they say the G-spot is exactly the same spot as the male prostate. So, they say the G-spot is like the male prostate. But first you have to find the G-spot. And men are often very proud when they're the catalyst for a squirt orgasm, and this is because it takes a certain touch to procure these special ejaculatory functions. Now, menis is like, why would you ever want to do that? But a lot of men think it's hot, a lot of women think it's hot,
Starting point is 00:33:48 but it's separate. If you have a, if you ejaculate, a woman ejaculate, it doesn't necessarily mean she has an orgasm, etc. Oh, that's cool. So I did all this work to make you ejaculate. And then you still have an orgasm. So now I gotta do that too. Yep.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Wow. Good time, son. Nice for making it easy. Because men, men were like, men that are listening right now, go, yeah, I'll jump it, I'll do that. But hey, dude, you wanna do that after like the third hundred time you've had sex with this chick, you know? What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:34:17 We don't wanna do what, the jackalicious? Because you see, we always get emails like, oh, because I say, oh, I don't wanna deal with the mess and you know Oh my god, I have to do all this work to To make a girl have an orgasm But do you think I had the attitude when I'm first having sex with the chick? Probably not you know And so these are the attitudes that people email us with Being all excited, but you got to think down the road
Starting point is 00:34:43 All right, you're for the third hundred time having sex with this person, you're not gonna be like, oh my God, okay fine, finally made her ejaculate. Now I gotta make her orgasm. It's a lot of work. No, they can orgasm and ejaculate at the same time. Okay, the one of them is doing it. They want to just do it.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Why do you make me do so much work? It's not that easy. It's not that easy, Mattis, but if you're playing with the woman's G-Spot, which is what you need to be doing to have her ejaculate, a lot of women orgasm through their G-Spot. So it's a lot of women do orgasm with it, but it is separate. A woman may have always been able to do it, but other women may deliberately learn how to do it, either alone or with a partner. So this is how you could do it, but other women may deliberately learn how to do it either alone or with a partner. So this is how you can do it, okay? If you want to get a squirt out of your lover, your lover,
Starting point is 00:35:30 this is for men, you will need to know the precise method and how to achieve the elusive female ejaculation. So here's a deal, not every woman kind of ejaculate, so don't be disheartened if it doesn't work as you expect, as you expect. But every woman has the biological anatomy to ejaculate, so it is possible in theory. It may be more difficult for some because of her physical makeup, weak pelvic floor muscles, which means she should be doing her chaggletri sizes, inability to relax. That's a big one. A lot of women don't have orgasms and don't ejaculate or anything because they're so stressed out or they're inside their head too much and women need to relax in order to have orgasms.
Starting point is 00:36:08 So it takes practice, you have to really practice to learn how to ejaculate and it's she can practice on her own, you can practice together. So before you start, she needs to go to the bathroom and empty her bladder. So there will be no concern that this is urine, okay? So she has to pee Then your job menace as a man is to turn her on Do it however you want use foreplay go down in her play with her breasts Kiss her neck stroke her thighs. Oh, you know some Christian Luba taunz out here. I go here you go bitch Whatever turns around enjoy your turned on now. Now could I receive? Can I receive Flasio now?
Starting point is 00:36:47 Come on, Menace. You like four play. I'm just kidding. I know. I know. And I know I can't breathe. Of course, I, you know, I set all the candles and I make out with her for at least 45 minutes. Good.
Starting point is 00:37:00 And then I go down on her for about two hours. That's awesome. It's so hot. Then I play with her breasts for another three hours before I even penetrate. Right. That's usual love making. Yeah, like six hours. That's really hot.
Starting point is 00:37:14 That's how I get down. I know that's how you get down. You better leave and get started now for your sex this weekend. And then I take a nap. And then you nap. That's so sweet. You're so giving. I am that giving.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Well, if you want to find her G- G spot, this is going to take some work. We have. Tell me about it. That's our next app is the G spot locator. Okay. So how you can do, how you find her G spot, and she might know where it is. Hopefully, if you're a woman, you are, you know what your G spot is and you found it. You can do this by feeling the front inside wall of her vagina with a lubed finger or
Starting point is 00:37:44 two, about one finger length up. The G-spot has a different texture from the rest of the vaginal muscles, and may feel rough or raised. It is easy to feel when she's around, because it swells with fluid and blood. So a lot of times, women in order to feel the G-spot, she needs to be already stimulated. So you need to already stimulate her clitorally or in other ways play with her breasts, because her neck, whatever turns her on. But you feel it, it's in the upper third of the vagina and it's against like, it's like a come-hither motion if you stick your fingers inside and it's like reaching towards her belly button
Starting point is 00:38:18 and it feels rough and raised. And so then you got to touch her G-Spot, focus on the front row of the vagina, export with loop fingers. Push under G-spot and see how it feels. A lot of women think that when they get pressure on their G-spot, it feels like they have to urinate. But as long as her bladder is empty, she won't, if this won't happen. And that's when she's feeling normal.
Starting point is 00:38:39 So go with it and don't try to stop. Okay, the next thing about female ejection, now you've found the G-spot, introduce a toy or keep using your fingers. G spot, introduce a toy, or keep using your fingers. So you can use a toy, or your finger. So this consists of keeping your rouse and firmly stimulating the G spot with either your fingers, or a firm toy with a curved end. They make a lot of G spot toys, toys just for the G spot. I just got one from Good Vibes, and I'm going to check that out. And until she feels she's ready, you can use your penis, but it's not a good idea to find it
Starting point is 00:39:05 the first time with your penis. So she needs to be relaxed and let it flow. It may help her push with her PC muscles. If she feels it coming on, but nothing seems to be happening, this will push it out. Keep stimulating her and keep communicating about how it feels.
Starting point is 00:39:19 So it's all about you keep putting pressure, pressure, pressure on the G-spot. And she might feel like she's to urinate, but then she can have an orgasm, and then she might ejaculate. How much pressure do you need on your G-spot? Not much pressure, but firm pressure, not hard pressure, but firm.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Firm. Firm. And consistent. It looks like you put your fingers out like you're doing a painting. Yeah, yeah, firm. Like this, like this, like consistent, consistent. So once you start to ejaculate a clear liquid A clear fluid will squirt or sprinkle out of her urethra
Starting point is 00:39:51 It can be a lot about a quarter cop sometimes or it may be good idea to keep it so it's a good idea to keep it I like a towel hand You got to keep a towel handy, manus A two-liter Okay, uh-huh, try cleaning that up Some women do I mean some women have a lot I know okay A two-liter, okay? Try cleaning that up. Some women do. I mean, some women have a, I know. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:10 I felt like I was in the deep end of a swimming pool. When what? If she was a jack- She was a jack-leading. Did that happen to you? Yes. I felt like I was drowning. Really?
Starting point is 00:40:21 Yes. What did you do? Did you wrap her up in the sheets and throw in the um what did you do? What is this? No, I'm just kidding. I didn't say anything. I want to get you to see that they make these sports sheets now. What you did? You're the worst kind of guy. Oh, I'm You're the worst kind of dude. I don't even know why I'm here. What? I'm just joking. God. I was thinking that stuff. I didn't say it out loud. But you didn't think it was kind of hot? No.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Because what if you weren't her bed and her bed got all wet? I still wouldn't think, oh my God, I am so erect because of it. No. I wouldn't think it was hot, but I wouldn't care. Okay. Well, a lot of men do think it's hot. I'm care. So just remember, use your toys or use your fingers. It might not happen the first time, but women can learn to ejaculate. And there's also like DVDs and you can watch online
Starting point is 00:41:13 and there's stuff you could do. I'm sure that's a good thing. There is squirting. I'm sure there is. Okay, next thing we're gonna talk about is things that all guys want in bed. And there's a ton of them.
Starting point is 00:41:25 I don't know if we're going to get to all of them. I'm going to tell you if they're true or not. Right, ready? He wants a girl who can turn herself on. As you know women need to get revved up, although your man may be more than willing to pull out all the steps to get you hot, he wouldn't mind if you gave yourself a running start. To give you a little bit of a boost draw on the same sources of inspiration you use during
Starting point is 00:41:48 your solo missions during masturbation. Once his seduction scheme begins, close your eyes, fantasize about a hat encounter you had with your man or even some other dude. So do you think that's true that a guy wants a girl who can turn herself on? You'd love that dude. Oh yeah. You'd love a girl who can have sex with herself, probably. Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Okay. He wants sex to be fun. Unfortunately, real life ramps aren't as seamless as they are in the movies. If you get hung up on a mishap, it will ruin the mood. But if you both laugh, it becomes a light bonding moment. So make a silly bet to be paid off by sexual favors or play a board game in bed. And then agree the loser's answer will ever. Guys want sex to be paid off by sexual favors or play a board game in bed and agree the loser's show ever. Guys want sex to be fun.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Do you think sex should be fun? That we're joking around stuff. Yeah. Frisky fun is more about dating. You know, it's like just like. Well, do you know what's funny? It's like when women try to be comfortable with someone. Yeah, I mean, I don't think I want to like, you know, do Dave Chappelle stand up while I'm having sex.
Starting point is 00:42:46 I don't. Right. You know, that doesn't really play sex games. But I, a woman trying to be sexy. I find hilarious. How does she do that? Where you know, she, she like does the porn star moan. Yeah, she just doing the porn star bone or like trying to give the, you know, sexy face and so on.
Starting point is 00:43:03 And you laugh at her. That's when you laugh. That's when sex is funny to you. What are you doing? Women cannot win with you. They can't ejaculate. They can't look sexy. They can't demand oral sex.
Starting point is 00:43:13 You don't want to find their G spot. Yeah. What do you make of order your pizza or something? Oh, yeah, that would be good. Change the channels. Delicious. Okay. No, I can have sex with them and have fun.
Starting point is 00:43:26 It's all good. You know. It's all good, baby. What if? OK. He wants you to drop hints. When it comes to pleasing the woman in their lives, every man he wishes he had ESP.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Correct. Extrosexual perception. But the truth is your libidenous longings can be baffling. Give a Rodic instruction with positive reinforcement. Correct. But the truth is your libidenous longings can be baffling give a rite instruction with positive reinforcement. Correct. Men all want.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Women should give instructions. Guys, do not know what the hell you want. Every woman is different. If a man has seen a heart of Regina's, those vaginas all want something different. It's true. And so you as a woman and you know what you want, you know what you need and you're like afraid because he's going to think I'm easy or he's going to think, just friggin tell him what you want already.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Just be like go to the left, go to the right, stick your mouth and it put your finger in it, do whatever. And like tell him, okay, next thing guys want, they say is he wants to watch. For men what they see is almost as good as what they get. So make sure to give them an eye-fall. Sex next to a mirror, you and girl on top position or if you're feeling brave touching yourself in front of them. So do you get turned on by like sex in front of a mirror or if she's touching herself? A lot of men do. Do I get turned on? No., do I get turned on now?
Starting point is 00:44:45 You don't get turned on by sex in front of a mirror? No. I don't. How about if a woman is touching herself? Nope. That doesn't make you... Okay. I just feel like I'm on the blind eye.
Starting point is 00:44:58 I don't feel like you're the right guy for this job right now. Why? Why? Oh, I should be a guy that... Oh, yeah, you know what? I'm gonna do anything to get laid. everything you do is sexy and oh my god I'm so horny like go whatever just go find some Fucking purve then you know I'm being totally honest. I know you are honey. I'm just kidding
Starting point is 00:45:17 Yeah, teasing you can I tease you man? No, no, no, I'm just gonna see it. Hey look at the bizzabah look here essay I am just giving you the real deal. Okay, but I'm taking you from my experience and I've had sex with some men. A lot of men are turned on by women touching themselves in front of a mirror so you can see visual, men are very visual, so are women. So it can be very hot. Okay, next thing I want you he wants you to be naughty. Even if you're the bad girl at heart, you might hold back with your guy, but men want to
Starting point is 00:45:50 see that no holds barred side of you. They just don't want to offend you by asking for it. Yes. You wanted to be naughty. How? Give me an example of something a woman did that was naughty. That's naughty. Well, I don't even like that word. I know, but you want to be. But I mean, yeah, I have a girl, you know, is, you know, trying to grab my crotch at, you know, at the house or something like that. Right, right. Oh, she makes the news. Or she's a little aggressive, yeah. She's aggressive.
Starting point is 00:46:17 I think that one of the number one complaints I get I hear from men is that women don't make enough first moves. Yeah, they don't. Right? Is that true? Like do you feel like the burdens totally on you? Totally. And then you, you know, again, sometimes you feel like, it might be in a perv right now.
Starting point is 00:46:32 I don't know what am I doing. Right. She's not reacting and just waiting for you to make the move. Do I look like a weirdo or freak, you know? Right. I got it. So women should make the first move. And then they tell you later, it's like, like oh and then the women tell you later like a few years later when it's already over
Starting point is 00:46:48 Oh, you shouldn't made a move that night. I told you I told you wanted to bang you Well, but what's why don't you just tell me that you wanted to bang like why didn't we just go to the hotel first time women Why didn't you make the move oftentimes? Hors I mean lovely classy women Hors, I mean lovely classy women. I have nothing but respect. Okay. Another thing guys all want, he wants a wow.
Starting point is 00:47:14 What was that experience? To separate yourself from the pack, you'll need to pull a move so wild, he won't be able to stop thinking about it the next day. Now, you don't have to bust out a complicated trick by best used by yoga instructors, just tweak an old standby space, switching between oral sex and intercourse with him blindfolded. We know how you feel about blindfolds. But wouldn't you like to have an experience with a woman? Haven't you ever had experience with a woman where the next day you were thinking about it still? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:44 If you could remember, if you weren't blacked out. No, no, I saw. And were you thinking about it the next day? Yeah, I've had some experience where I think about it years later. Exactly. Exactly. So some of the things that women can do is blindfold him, give him amazing all-sacks, do a strip tease.
Starting point is 00:48:02 You love being like tied up and... But I never I am. I'm never tied up enough. Like a sex box. Do a sip, do a strip tease. You love being like tied up and put in a tee. But I never, I am. I'm never tied up enough. Like a sex box, like a box. You're just putting in like a little cage. You're like into all that kind of stuff. I've never been putting a cage,
Starting point is 00:48:15 but I would be into it maybe. I feel like. Like when those like masks that have zippers on the lips and stuff. No, I feel like though, I would like to try more of that stuff, but it just hasn't been happening lately for me. But I think I have done things to guys where they were like, holy crap, what did you just
Starting point is 00:48:32 do? Oh my God, that was so hot last night. And usually those things involve like dressing up or just giving them a killer blow job or, yeah, blindfolding them so he doesn't know what comes next. You know, the thing about blindfolding is blindfolding a man or a woman is that when you turn off one sense, all the other sentence become more heightened. So if you can't see, she can't see, then that means your touch is going to be more sensitive, smell, taste, sound.
Starting point is 00:48:58 So blindfolding is big. That's why I like it. Okay. He wants you to mix things up. Repetition can make once hot sex, sex sections, sex sessions seem ho-hum. Any change in speed, pressure, or position will make the act more interesting and pleasurable. True. Don't you want it to move up and be all different all the time? Yeah, totally. I don't want to do the same. The same old single.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Position the same, missionary style. In the same wrestling moves that I do. Right. Usually do the, it's called the moon salt. No, that is. No. Where I do a backflip off the corner of the bed and land on top of the woman. I cannot see you doing that.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Oh, really? Don't think I can pull it off. No, you might crush her or something. Oh, crush her. Okay, so you're saying I'm overweight. No, any guy would crush it. I'm not saying it. Just Mr. Taco Bell. Mr. Something.
Starting point is 00:49:56 What? Why can't I like Taco Bell? I was not talking about it all the other day. And how was it? I was listening to recognize me. Shut up. Yeah, as I was eating my Doritos locals tacos, you know what that is?
Starting point is 00:50:08 No. Not that I'm a stoner, but it's a stoner's paradise. It is a taco, a Taco Bell taco, and the shell is a Dorito chip. It sounds awful. It's an amazing, amazing, a Doritos chip is the shell of the taco. How is that? A Doritos should just be a Doritos. But there's fucking taco in the middle.
Starting point is 00:50:34 I know, but I don't even know. I like, I just, it doesn't sound good to you. Because Doritos are so flavorful and bursting with, like, like, taste, like,. Imagine not even a good flavor. Imagine some meat and some sour cream and cheese. I'm getting nauseous right now. I'm already full from lunch, Stella. If I told you that.
Starting point is 00:50:55 So a listener from this show recognized you? I know, my other show. And they were like a Kuzaryu Taco Bell. Yeah. You should be their friggin mask on. I want to be super bad. It needs to be that Chihuahua. Chihuahua is like 15 years ago, but yeah. because you're a Taco Bell. Yeah. You should be their friggin mask on, and said, I wanna be super bad. Didn't used to be that Chihuahua.
Starting point is 00:51:06 The Chihuahua was like 15 years ago, but yeah. Well, whatever, that you knew on, the Chihuahua probably died. I would love to be a spokesperson for them. I can't believe you're eating a Dorito taco. That's so good. Why? It's so good. It's so nasty.
Starting point is 00:51:19 You're high right now. I wish. Okay. He wants nookie out of nowhere. Oh, God. Where are you driving this crap? Nookie. I didn't. I'm just telling you for a spontaneous seduction, ask him to pull over to a deserted spot for roadside ramp when you're driving home one night or at a party, take him into the back bedroom and closet. I like this. I like that. Like that. She says nookie then it's out. I'm just saying it. I'm that. Like that. Like that. But if she says nookie, then it's out.
Starting point is 00:51:45 I'm just saying it. You can't even get the point out of nowhere. It's a little race. It's a little race. Nookie, nowhere, whatever. Okay. I forgot. So the point is that I know a lot of men, and you've said this before, like you want a woman to walk in the door,
Starting point is 00:51:58 pull it on your pants and give you a blowjob. Yeah. Like without even saying hello. Yeah. So these are the kind of things we're talking about that men would like women to be more spontaneous, maybe a moral sex, a more aggressive pullover in the car, you know, pull the car over and take down his pants or what to do so like that. But guys can also give roadhead too, you know. What as they're driving? No, she's driving. Oh, okay. Yeah, I'm just saying you can do both What what we can say about that one
Starting point is 00:52:32 Done that what I was trying to think how this is possible Man going down in a woman as she's driving. How is that even posted? No, I've not that But I've had a guy's fingers inside me as I was right. Yeah, of course, everyone's done that. Everyone's done that. But anything spontaneous that you could just, just like, when he's least expected. I just hear this from men all the time
Starting point is 00:52:55 that when you're least expecting sex to happen and she takes you, it's again, it's what happens. Yeah, I want to check that this picks me up and say, hey, I got this hotel room, we're going to go party in it right now. My, oh my God, I'm in love. Right. So you have to do all the work because men are left doing the work all the time. All the time. Don't you see why I'm exhausted? I cater to you guys all the time. You don't give me the Dorito Taco Bell. That's not good for your health. That's in good. Okay. I was thinking of Taco Bell's back.
Starting point is 00:53:25 I was thinking of Taco anytime. Really? That was turning on. Ugh. What if she stuck your dick in a taco and then she sucked your dick without a taco? I would be jealous because I would want some of the taco. Oh, you'd be pissed.
Starting point is 00:53:39 You'd want to suck your own penis. That was a bad analogy, excuse me. It was. Okay. I bitch eat my taco. I wanna eat the taco while getting phlegs. Oh, you've been having that. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:53:51 And then what in Jersey Shore on television? Fuck yeah, dude. And I would know that I could marry the chicken if I'm eating the taco because you know when you eat a taco, like, chicken goes all over a place like, uh, you know, some of this, you know, lettuce and cheese and stuff like that. If I was eating that and she was giving me filetio and the taco with pizzas of the taco was falling on her head and she wasn't
Starting point is 00:54:13 tripping, she just kept on going, then that's a chick you should marry. What if the pieces of taco are falling on your bed? Oh, on pissed. Right, because you're such a need-free. Yeah, well, we would have to be doing this over our tarp. You need to get a tarp. I need a tarp. I need a tarp.
Starting point is 00:54:29 They make sex tarps. Sex tarp? Like, they're like called sport sheets, and they're just for like crazy sweat, sex, lube. I'm a huge fan of lube, as you know, lubricants. I think everybody should have lube on their nightstand. It makes sex in advance. Well, they made this they made a spray
Starting point is 00:54:45 That's totally waterproof. They've put made Levi's jeans. They put it all over the fabric. Oh, right I'm you can throw a bucket of water at these plants and they don't get wet the water just falls right off What does it have to do with lubricant though? No, I'm saying that I guess you put those on my sheets Oh, oh, yeah. You should get a bunch of string together, a bunch of Levi's jeans. And then I can just vacuum it. Yeah, you could vacuum it off. You could use lube. You could have women ejaculate all over you. And you could eat, talk about all you want. And then you could just shake it off and get bed. I think you should do that. But they make these things called sport sheets.
Starting point is 00:55:20 And they're just for messy socks. Sports. I'll get you one. I promise. Okay, the next thing guys, all guys want, but I don't know if we all agree with this, is okay, we're going through him. He wants to take you. The best way to bring out the sexy beast in a guy is to initiate some take me, I'm yours action or allow him to rip your clothes off. Yeah, and then he can just do what he wants. Do you want to just take a girl and just be able to do whatever you want? You want a rip taker? Yeah, some types. These are all about Friday. This is about Friday. This is this is what I want sometimes, okay? All right. Sometimes I'll put in the work and make you happy. I'll do that most of the time. Let's say 80% of the time. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:05 But what do you mean we put in the work and make her happy? Go down and earn or whatever? Yeah, and make sure you orgasm and all that stuff. The other 20% of the time, sometimes I just want to take you and have sex with you. And not worry about her pleasure. And worry about your pleasure. I just want to be able to orgasm super quick.
Starting point is 00:56:24 And that's it. Let me do that sometimes. Not just like every single time I have to be able to, you know, orgasm, super quick. And that's it. Let me do that sometimes. Not just like every single time I have to. I know. And women want that sometimes. I think this is a really interesting point that we're bringing up that women and men sometimes, sometimes it should just be about her.
Starting point is 00:56:38 And sometimes it should just be about him. And that is such a pleasure if you're like, like I think it's hot when I, like if it's five-mimics, I'm like, you no, I just want you to have an orgasm. Like I don't worry about me or vice versa. He's like, I'm just going to go down on you and I don't care about sex. Like it's such a relief because often we think that we got to get what we give, we got to get back, he's going down to me, I got to go down to him. But to make it like no babe, this is just about your orgasm and it kind of exaggerates you from all other kinds of pressure to perform and to this, this person happy.
Starting point is 00:57:08 I think it's a good thing. We should all practice that in our relationships. Like tonight, men is so about you. I'm going to bring you a nice fresh Dorito taco. I love that. I'm going to, you know, perform all sex and you. Oh, my God. I'm going to let you watch TV all night long.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Yeah. Right? And nothing about me. Like, I'm'm just gonna be your indentured servant. Good. And does that ever happen with you? Would you ever do that? No. To a guy?
Starting point is 00:57:31 Yeah, I would. No, you wouldn't. I, for sure, had sex with a guy where I'm like, I don't even care if I orgasm right now. I'm not gonna orgasm. All right. Yeah, but you say that in the middle of sex, but it wasn't like in the beginning.
Starting point is 00:57:41 No, right. It should be more intentional. No, I've given guys blow jobs and just said, I, this is just about you having a blow job. And I don't really want to do that. Well, you're doing the Lord's work then. I am doing the Lord's work. I'm a good person like that.
Starting point is 00:57:52 I'm very giving. Hey, you know what? Hey, what? A little off topic. But do you think this would give me laid? My listeners on the other show you do are actively pursuing To get me the key to the city of the town that I grew up in Okay, so do you think that would give me laid if I walked around because I was thinking if I got I get laid in the town
Starting point is 00:58:16 You grew up in no, no, but I got a key to the city If I got a key to the city and I wore around like on a chain and stuff do you think they'll give me like a big old chain? No, and especially or if I California, yeah, it's like you look I got a key to the city Yeah, and I got a key to the restroom around the corner like who cares? You're not impressed that I got a key to the city. Did you get it? Or you're working on it and no I'm not impressed. It's a hypothetical key. It's not even a real key. It doesn't open anything It's just hypothetical key. It's not even a real key. It doesn't open anything. It's just it's just it's just I got an email from the mayor. The mayor said I'll give you a key. Well, he said he's looking at
Starting point is 00:58:48 He's got several keys. No, he said they've only done it twice in the history of the city Only done it twice. You even like the city you grew up in. I love Newark. What are you talking about? I love I love the two places like yeah, okay. There's never been Once you know, man, it's then you'd really get laid if you just bought that key around, put in a big gold chain or something. You're not impressed with the man that got a key to the city. Nope. Well, what city?
Starting point is 00:59:12 Maybe a San Francisco. Wow. But not in Newark. You know Walt Disney, he got a key to the city of San Francisco. Just thought of throwing it out there. You and your San Francisco back. So one more thing we got to say is he wants the number 10 thing he wants is number 10th, number 10.
Starting point is 00:59:26 He wants you to do just do nothing sometimes. And the flip side meant before when you take over, lying back, we'll check whatever. So sometimes she just wants you to take over. That's what we got to say. That's good. And you want to be able to take over sometimes. Everyone should share and do everything. Okay, we, that's sex for today.
Starting point is 00:59:43 We learned a lot. Thanks everyone. Happy Friday. Have a great today. We learned a lot. Thanks everyone. Happy Friday. Happy Friday. Have a great weekend. Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. Was it good for you? Email me.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Feedback at And follow you on Twitter. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook. Sex with Emily. Love you. You mean it? See you next week.

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