Sex With Emily - The Best Oral Sex Tips You’ve Never Heard

Episode Date: October 25, 2014

This week Emily shares the best oral sex tips you’ve never heard, why you should date multiple people at once, how to approach a person successfully and why your phone might not only be ruining your... relationship but also preventing you from finding one. Also, watch us record live at every Thursday night, 8:30-9:30pm, Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, welcome to this episode of Sex with Emily. Tonight we're talking about two of my favorite topics and probably yours, oral sex and online dating. And a few other surprise topics that I think will rock your world. So thanks everyone for listening. Also thanks everyone for supporting my sponsors. Okay, good Good vibrations is also a brick and mortar store that you can find in San Francisco, but
Starting point is 00:00:22 at good, wherever you live in the world, they carry all the best sex toys. Meaning, you don't have to mess around with like, do I like this? Is this a good toy? This is not a good toy. I tell you all the best toys. If you go to, click on the Good Vibes banner. You will see my sex with Emily Store. And I've tried every toy in there.
Starting point is 00:00:42 I've been very busy lately. And you can get the Vibratex Girls, which are these cute little literal vibrators and they make a great gift for your partner. Also the Dalia, if you want some extra G-Spot simulation, and of course the most orgasmic vibrator of all time, the Magic Wand. So check it out, section of the, click on the Good Vibes banner, use coupon code GVMLE20, you get 20% off. And enjoy it, because I promise you I wouldn't not see you in the round
Starting point is 00:01:10 direction, and I'll try it out of my. Eyes that mock our sacred institutions. Betrubized, they call them in a fight on day. Hey, Evelyn, you got a boyfriend? Because my man, he here, he just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute. Hey girls, gotta have a stand. It's a lie. The women know about shrinkage.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Isn't it common, but only? What do you mean, like laundry? It shrinks. Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I feel so grown. Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with.
Starting point is 00:01:52 You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to where you can listen to all the podcasts. It's also easy to go to iTunes and subscribe because I do two shows a week and you'll never ever miss a show again. I've got hundreds of them on iTunes. You can also get a report if you just put in your email address.
Starting point is 00:02:18 You get the five biggest mistakes you're making in bed whether you're a man or woman because believe it, we've all made some mistakes. I've even made some mistakes. So got to check that out and also the first thing I have to say is that I'm so excited oh I'm here with Anderson that should be the first thing I say yeah that's why you're so lovely hair cut that's why you're so pumped up right I like your hair cut you look your eyes you're all you look you look young and happy and fresh why thank you thank you you're having a good week yeah so far so good the getting the haircut was kind
Starting point is 00:02:44 of a pain in the ass I I had to schedule it in. It's like five minutes, I mean. It's so busy. No, my lady, my girl, it does mine. Pretty slow. Really? Yeah, I think she smokes weed. She likes to take her time.
Starting point is 00:02:53 She likes to talk. I'm like seeing her hands come off my head. And she's like, you know, using them to explain a story. I'm like, all right, great. Why don't you? Dude, this happens to... This is back to the head there.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Oh my God, that is so funny because I hate that. I got my hair cut yesterday. And she was like, telling me the story. She goes, oh, wait, head there. Oh my god. That is so funny because I hate that I got my hair cut yesterday And she was like telling me stories. She goes oh wait. She's blow dry my hair. She looks at the show. No, you sure? Well, I just met her yesterday. Okay. She's like no, I love her. I love her. Brittany Jim Wayne salon awesome You asked in Beverly Hills and now you're putting her on blast and giving out her I love her but she you know, I told her this she put her phone and she's like, oh, let me show you, because I get very, you know, I love hearing stories and she was telling me about a dating story.
Starting point is 00:03:29 She was like, wait, I'm just gonna show you the text and she stopped putting her phone. I'm like, can we just keep blowing? There's no time for that. No time, I'm busy, but she's awesome. There's a few people. Look how good my hair looks. What's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Also, and Wolf, there does great hair too. Wolf does. Wolf, his name's Wolf. The guy's name is Wolf. Yeah, he's awesome. They're all awesome And so anyway today's show like I said, oh, this is exciting because Exactly today's show is exciting because this is the second time like guys. I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:03:59 Going back to what he does. Yeah, okay makes sense. Yeah, he's gay. This is boyfriend coyote No, but good question. I don't know his boyfriend's name. He's freaking awesome. But this is what I want to tell you that this is the second time that you can watch my show, streaming, live streaming. So if you're doing it, you can check it out at Hopefully it's working. Roon is setting it up now. You can check out Roon. He's also got a podcast, pretty podcast, and Anderson is a podcast as well after disaster
Starting point is 00:04:24 and the film vault. But now you can watch me. People have been like for years and if you do miss it though, if you, it's 830 to 930-ish Pacific Standard Time on every Thursday night. But also if you can't watch it at the time, it becomes live, it becomes a podcast. And you can, a video podcast living on my website or on new stream. And you can watch if you're interested to see what is going on in the Love Line studio. a video podcast living on my website or on you stream and you can watch if you're interested to see what is going on in the Love Line studio. You can see our Love Line haircuts. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:04:51 I think mine looks good. I'm very good. Roon wants to talk about how he has a haircut too. Okay, Roon, thanks. He does have haircut. I'm sorry I didn't mention that Roon. I noticed that. Today's show we are going to be talking about a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:05:03 You know, I get a lot of emails and I read them all and I love hearing from you because without you, I'm nothing. Feedback at Do you read them all? What about the one? Do you get those crazy ones that are like nine paragraphs long? Yeah, I'm so glad you said that because it's best for me if you just keep it sort and short and sweet.
Starting point is 00:05:21 A lot of people do give me a lot of background and I get it. You're like Emily, you won't understand if you don't know that the first time we met, this happened, and the second time, you know what? Let's just cut to the chase. And what is your real question and how can I help you? And I also get the people who like, I want sex you, you know, those people.
Starting point is 00:05:36 But I want sex you. Yeah, people say sex. Cave men text you. Yeah, cave men text me. Email you. Real quick update. You stream is up and running. So, go check it out.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Awesome. Okay, everyone, and it's from my website. Yeah, from quick update with you stream is up and running so awesome. Okay everyone. It's from my website And yeah from from Emily's website Go to sex with Emily calm and she is beginning to this robe at this moment. I'm getting naked Yeah, I am actually so that's pretty exciting and then also yeah, so we're talking tonight reading your emails some of the topics include oral sex how to give her multiple orgasms online dating and also what to do like how do you date multiple partners? And also a big announcement for me that I'm going to be in San Diego.
Starting point is 00:06:14 I've never been this weekend. I'm teaching my hustler workshop. I taught it in LA. It's the Hussar Hollywood store in San Diego. They've got 11 stores in the country. And the first workshop was a smash success, and I was very excited that so many listeners came to me, that I had never, you know, they drove in,
Starting point is 00:06:31 it was exciting, I don't do a lot of live events, which I will be doing more of. And then this is in San Diego in the gas lamp quarter on Saturday, October 25th, from three to five PM. And it's like a party, like we're having refreshments, drinks, giveaways, and I'll be telling you how to blow his or her mind and bad. It's free. And apparently the Hustler Hollywood store in San Diego is even better than the one in Hustler Hollywood. It's like three stories of madness. It's like amazing stuff to do.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Not better for Larry Flint. Why not better? He's in a wheelchair. I know, maybe they've been elevated for him. And also, you get 20% off if you, that day. And also, any house or Hollywood store, if you tell him the Emily sent you. How have you never been to San Diego, Em? Okay, so this is what I don't understand. It's like down the street. Well, I just move.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Okay. It's filled with college folks. Good looking attractive beach time. Maybe I'll get laid this weekend. Oh, you can have all sorts of college dudes all over you. I have some good store. I think college dudes are sort of not my thing right now. When are they gonna be your thing?
Starting point is 00:07:31 10 years ago? They're not, I think they were my thing. And also I wanna say that, oh yeah, I don't know how I've never been there. Because to be honest, well I moved to Southern California almost two years ago. So I like Northern California, I can tell you anything. Southern California, I've been really busy. I can tell you anything Southern California
Starting point is 00:07:45 I've been really busy. You got any extra time when you're down there. Yeah, totally you should go hit to you Wanna? No, I went there what no, you guys are to you want to at least once scary Oh, it's terrifying. Yeah, take some college guys you meet while you're there go see the donkey show ping pong show I want to go to the beach and chill you can do that because I'm staying for two days and I haven't had vacation in 8 million years. And I want to run on the beach. Get a tan. I don't know what gas lamp quarters.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Run on the beach. I run. God damn, just settle down, honey. Go to the beach and lay down. That's how I relax. You relax by running. I'm going to run and then lay down. OK.
Starting point is 00:08:22 But speaking of relaxing, I'm glad you brought that out, because I might see you. You almost called me menaceous now, that was dirty. No, I didn't. Here I go, a little bit of time. I was speaking of relaxing, but I do to show us what the men are still, don't be mad. He's jealous of you, you're jealous, then.
Starting point is 00:08:36 I'm not sure if it's some fun. I'm kidding, so listen, I've been meditating a lot the last few weeks. I've started meditating when I was like 20, I don't know, years ago in Thailand, 10-day silent retreats, believe it or not, I did not talk, but it never worked because I could do that for 10 days, but when I came back, how do you integrate that? So now I'm doing it twice a day, 20 minutes, and I feel like I make my assistants, I make her, like I leave the office at 4 to do it
Starting point is 00:09:00 again. It's not my schedule. Do I seem to call her? Yeah, you seem good, actually. I know. Your head was not inside your bag today. I know. Did you even bring your bag? I did. I brought two bags. Yeah, okay. Well, your head was in neither bag.
Starting point is 00:09:12 I didn't see it in the way. I'm blowing away. I did not notice about you that you went on 10 days. We have them. I've been somewhere for 30 days. So there were three separate times where Emily didn't speak a word. Did you?
Starting point is 00:09:23 Did you cheat? You can't read. You can't make eye contact with anyone there and you meditate from 4 a.m. to midnight or to 4 a.m. to 9 o'clock p.m. every day. You just sit. With 4 a.m. to 9. You get breaks. What are you doing those breaks? Can you talk? No, no talking. What are you doing at breaks? You can't just read. You can't write. No, you can't make eye contact. Well, I can tell you got breaks. You want. You get you meditate for two hours. And then you get like a 15 minute break. You want, you meditate for two hours, and then you get like a 15 minute break, and then you go back for two hours and you've launched.
Starting point is 00:09:48 So you force yourself to do nothing for 10 days at a time. And it's amazing, and I feel such a transformation. I mean, I truly believe that meditation is curative for everybody. And I think that we wouldn't be such a jacked up society and anxious society and drinking caffeine, meds and all that stuff if people meditated more.
Starting point is 00:10:06 It's truly healing. My issue is that I was never able to integrate it because the meditation I was doing, they were saying that you have to do it twice a day for an hour each. So I always felt I was like failing meditation. Yeah, you need like a quick one, like a 10 minute, in a party and a row. These are pretty many minutes twice a day. And I go sit in my car at lunch and it's awesome. Do you play music or anything?
Starting point is 00:10:25 No, no, no, no, quiet. Breathe. What about people driving by and stuff? I'm in the garage, no one's there, it's quiet. I'm really glad it's in. No, and I do it when the first thing when I wake up, so anyway, if I seem calmer to you, I'm glad. That's very interesting.
Starting point is 00:10:40 I know that about you. I know 30 days in silence, but then I even stop talking. I think that's what it is, maybe. You're making up for those 30 days. I know, I don't know much. I think't stopped talking to them. I think that's what it is. Maybe you're making up for those 30 days. I know. I think you're ahead of yourself. I think you're winning. I'm winning.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Okay, so another thing I have to now, and I'll get all these announcements out of the ways so we can get to your sex and relationship tips, but this is very exciting. I am the spokesperson and giving a keynote for the sexual health expo. There has been nothing like this. It is January 17th and 18th in Hollywood, Los Angeles. Does that make sense? Hollywood, Los Angeles. In Hollywood, in Los Angeles, it's
Starting point is 00:11:13 And I'm giving away 25 tickets. And so if you email me at over the next few weeks, I will be giving away tickets to 25 people. And you can come and it's the thing that the will be giving away tickets to 25 people. And you can come and the thing about the workshop is there's nothing like this. It's for men and for women. And there's going to be the most like the leading sex educators in the world are going to be their teaching workshops during the day.
Starting point is 00:11:38 And there's also going to be like the latest and greatest sex products, sex type products. They'll be really fun parties. They'll be an award show. So everyone should join me. How are you gonna pick the 25 emails? 25 emails. I just wanna see people's compelling reasons why they think they want the tickets.
Starting point is 00:11:54 And like 150 words a less. And 150 words a less, thank you very much. Tell me why you need to attend this sexual health expo. And each ticket is worth, it's for two people. Also, they get a plus one. Oh my God, plus one. I would think that the stag people need more help than the people that are already couples, but.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Well, if you don't know if I'd, hey, this is a great way to invite that person you're interested in and be like, hey, I'm going to this cool thing, you want to check it out, right? Could be a good icebreaker. Speaking of icebreakers, Roon, you want to have a seat here for a second?
Starting point is 00:12:23 So Roon can cade, he does the stuff here at Loveline. He does the social media and all the audio video and he actually is in charge of this you stream stream that you're able to watch on my site. And before I get into your emails and stuff, he told me when he walked in that he did something that blew my mind and I'm hoping I had something to do with it, but that's just my ego. But I really want to understand what he did because it's really unlike him and I want to hear how it all went down. Rune, you can also find he was on my show like a month ago, but also he has a podcast called Pretty Adcast. Rune, Kincaid, and he's also Rune Kincaid at Twitter. Talk to me about what the hell you did tonight.
Starting point is 00:13:07 I approached girls in a bar. Okay. And I was plural. Yeah, I haven't done anything like that in like eight years. Okay, and what motivated you to do that? Someone said something to me today. They said, you know, really attractive women hardly ever get approached. It's true. Yeah. The attractive woman sitting at the bar alone or with her
Starting point is 00:13:29 friends, she does not get approached. Yeah. Okay. So that's you. Does a friend. Oh, therapist. Oh, yeah. She's right. Okay. She is right. Tell me. So that was it. And I've been saying that if you ever listen to my show for a million years, but go ahead. Yeah. It happens. So you thought yourself, yourself you're watching you watching the game. Yeah, I was watching the Broncos game. And then you saw a pretty girl. So two two together. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:52 My good lesbians for all I know. Right, but you didn't care. No, I didn't. I didn't care. So you went off. Tell me everything. Just, you know, we have, we have kind of royalty at our Broncos bar where the guys who started the group have reserved tables all the time and
Starting point is 00:14:09 I knew that they weren't showing up tonight. They were otherwise occupied. Okay. All these empty tables right at the front They're so these two girls go to the back and then My other friend said hey, I'm gonna I'm gonna give these tables away and I said wait a minute I'm gonna go see if those girls want to sit up here. And. And they did.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Tell me how you did it. I just walked up to them and said, you want to sit up closer. I said, hey, you guys, I got an extra seat. I don't usually have this kind of power in the room. No, whatever, but then I don't have that much. I don't have that much to do. I don't usually have so much as open tables to offer to.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Do whatever you got to use what you got. So what happened? They said yes. Yeah, they said yes. They sat with me for about three quarters. And then the chargers were kind of a roll over for the Broncos And say they left because of the blow. Did you talk to them while you're watching the game? Oh, yeah They Bronco fan she thinks she might be a bigger Bronco fan than me What were they do they think you're like the hostess or something?
Starting point is 00:14:59 They're like you're showing them to their seats And then they're like why the fuck is the host sitting down with us and And eating food with us. Why is he putting more people on different tables? Maybe. Yeah, my friend Ross and I were kind of like receding the bar tonight. Okay, so tell me, did you talk to them? Like did you get numbers? No. Okay. I need to get numbers. But I feel like they'll be there. Let me tell you something. It doesn't even matter that you got numbers. All that matters is that you something. It doesn't even matter that you got numbers. All that matters is that you approached and you didn't die. Didn't die, yeah. I know that. Nothing bad happened. I mentioned that to someone. You started chatting with chicks and that and it's all about practice.
Starting point is 00:15:34 It's practice makes perfect and the more you do that and I love that your therapist said that. The more that you do that, the more comfortable it will be and you'll just see how girl you won't even think twice and you'll think of something to say. It's always about like observing something going on. I'll still probably think twice. Yeah. But maybe I'll think like nine times instead of ten. I mean you won't always have an open table but you know, that's the matter. You can just be like, hey, how you guys and you know, it's so loud in here. How you guys even hearing each other. You know, whatever it is you observe. That's a valid point to know. Or bars to laugh. No, but what I'm saying is if you see girls at another bar when you don't have the power
Starting point is 00:16:06 of a table master, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, I got to get these tables. More tables or whatever. No, no, whatever it is, it doesn't matter what you have, you just start talking to them. So I thank you for sharing that with me. There you go. I appreciate it. Thank you, Roon.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Take that to heart, except other guys shouldn't do that because they don't put down my chances. Okay. Okay, no, everyone should do it. And I love that you do that, and you've even done it in eight years. And you're a handsome, young, successful man. Oh, that's true. Ro Roon be honest here. How many beers had you been by before you asked them? Oh a quarter a quarter of a beer It's a quarter of a yeah, no a cord not a quarter of beer a quarter a quarter of a pint I don't know what that means, but it's like nothing. You're not drunk yet. Yeah four ounces I'm so proud of you. Yeah, and just keep doing it before the game after the game Everyone's focused how many did you and Bob with the young ladies? Are you drunk? No?
Starting point is 00:16:48 Two and three quarters. What the fuck is with his math? Well, I was I who do you know we met? I was a three total. I see a total and I had consumed a quarter before you're a girl No, he's he's a little looser that but he's not drunk. He can pass us feels a variety test But he's still he's got a little well, whatever need, liquid courage, I'm really proud of you guys. I also have to factor in Broncos victories makes me like kind of open up. Who the Broncos? Upady. That's a professional football team.
Starting point is 00:17:12 I'm kidding. I know. Yeah. I know that. I was very nervous. And they thrashed the charger. So the king, the king guys that own this table are they're usually there that the one, the royalty or are they not there because they're actually at the game down in San Diego? Uh, one, no, one was in Denver and the other is having a baby like this. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:29 I got bored. Well, I'm just proud of you that after eight years you did it and now do you feel like you're ready? It's kind of thing when you start doing it. I feel like it'll be the same battle all over again. You might have the anxiety, but you just go talk to them. Just start talking. I always tell and I was having this with my ex boyfriend who's one of my best friends.
Starting point is 00:17:44 This weekend, he's like, I don't know what to do. I always tell and I was having this with my ex boyfriend who's one of my best friends this weekend He's like, I don't know what to do. I he's really funny. He's extremely witty He great great texture great sex stir really great wordsmith But the approach kills him and he was like in yoga and he came out of yoga And he saw this woman. He's like, I'm in love Emily and he went up to her and he said hi I just I'd kill myself. I didn't say hello and I just want to I'm in love, Emily. And you went up to her and you said, hi, I just, I'd kill myself, I didn't say hello. And I just want to, I'm wondering if you want to go out some time. Or he said, you probably have a girlfriend, boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:18:12 And she said, yeah, I do, but thanks. And he's like, so was that okay? But I seem really nervous. I was like, well, no, that's great. I wouldn't lead with you probably have a boyfriend. But I would just, I think it's great that you went up with her because I was giving him feedback. Because typically, you just wanted to just observe, like God, that class was
Starting point is 00:18:26 hard today. How do you think that, you know, have you been to the classes here, like, who's your favorite teacher? Don't ever ask a yes or no question. So the first thing you do is observe something that you can both talk about. That was a really hard class, don't you think? What are the other teachers that you like in this studio? Because then she can't go yes or no.
Starting point is 00:18:43 And then you start talking and he's a great at talking. He just can't break the ice. So that's what I was telling him to do. And I'm glad that you did this too. And he's, you know, yeah. And he gets really hot, chicks by the time, but he usually he's drunk, but he's trying not, no offense, but he's trying not to drink as much and had lead a healthier lifestyle. So he's like, I don't know how to do it after yoga, you know, I don't know how to do it during the day. So I'm like coaching him. So I'm coaching everyone. I'm know how to do it after yoga. I don't know how to do it during the day. So I'm like coaching him. So I'm coaching everyone. I'm coaching everyone listening, men and women.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Yeah, getting better. OK, thank you. I appreciate it. And thank you for doing my use stream and for being so great. My pleasure. OK, so anyway, I've got a little bit of sex in the news here, which is one story actually that I think is enough, and then your emails.
Starting point is 00:19:22 One in five single men would rather have an iPhone 6 than a girlfriend. What do you think about that? Anderson. I think one of them might have just left the room. No, he wants a girlfriend. You take them out to dinner and never go on holiday without them. They're right beside you as you fall asleep and they're there to greet you when you wake. Without them, you feel confused, breathft, like part of you is missing.
Starting point is 00:19:49 But enough about your phones, let's talk about love. Apparently, nearly a fifth, 17% of single men would rather have an iPhone 6 than a girlfriend. One man who took part in the poll said, if it came down to a choice between going on a date or Cuing for the iPhone the mobile would win every time And two percent of men with partner said they would they would leave them if it meant they could get their hands on the iPhone Sex who the hell did this survey? But you know what this means ladies if you're listening Halloween's right around the corner. So dress up like a sexy iPhone dress up like a sexy iPhone I heard that this new release sold more iPhones than any other iPhone.
Starting point is 00:20:27 I think that's not true. Yeah, I heard it. I heard it in Howard Stern. Okay. So it must be true. And other slightly sad techno file news, three percent said they were closer to their mobile phones than their girlfriends. So the thing is, yeah, more people feel emotional attachment to a lump of glass stainless steel plastic and circuit boards than human. And it was, but here's the thing, I, this upsets me and I'll tell you why, not both personally
Starting point is 00:20:53 and globally, because I sleep with my iPhone on my pillow. Like I charge it every night, like I'm freaked out, like if it gets below 30%, I have anxiety. It's not good for your brain, leave it away from your pillow. You believe that's true? You should not. It's like on my pillow, it's like next time I'm feeling it. I do believe that. It's not good for your brain. Leave it away from your pillow. You believe that's true. It's like on my pillow. It's like next time. I do believe that. It's not on though. I'd hurt it off. Okay, but keep it away from like your crotch in your head. I don't put it in my crotch unless it was about. It doesn't vibrate. But not yet. But I will test if vibrates if you text me. No, the point is I'm very attached to my phone and I
Starting point is 00:21:21 would never replace it for sex or boyfriend, but I just kind of seemed to like, I don't know, I get it. I get it being the friggin' attachment. But there's a bigger picture, Em. What's the bigger picture? The phone represents everything that's not the girl. So it's their entire life beyond the girlfriend, is all the pictures, all their social media, all their contact, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:21:41 Yeah, I do. So it's not just that they're in love with the glass and the games on it These guys are saying they'd rather get the six than the dump their dump their girlfriend Yeah, that's what makes it creepy is when they're being so specific when it's such a specific question like a certain model Like they would rather have a girlfriend than a five, but they'd rather have a six than a girlfriend Exactly. What if I give you a brand new iPhone 5? You think that would change? Well, that means like a year from now the six won't be a big deal anymore
Starting point is 00:22:03 And they'll want the girlfriend again. Yeah, exactly, but then they'll be a seven. It just goes on and on and on. But you know, the iPhone, here's another dating tip for people who want to meet someone, get off your freaking phone. When you're in public, you're at a bar, you're, I always say bar, but like bars aren't the best place. We're on, wherever you are getting coffee,
Starting point is 00:22:19 you're on the elevator, super market. Get off your phone. I mean, I'm speaking, I'm trying to do that as well. I'm physically, I'm mentally, physically trying to remember to have time away from my phone. Because it's so consuming and you're not seeing the world and you're not meeting people if you're single and you're all on your goddamn phones.
Starting point is 00:22:42 What, what were you to say? I was gonna tell a quick story. It's a very upsetting story. I was at the Westside Pavilion a few months ago now. You know Westside Pavilion? No. I'm at San Diego or the Westside Pavilion. Westside Pavilion is a big, very popular mall out here. And they have this great bridge.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Actually, bridge is the two separate sections of the mall. And it overlooks like Wilshire Boulevard and Pico Boulevard. It's a beautiful view right? There's big billboards and you can see like half of West LA. It's a really great view I was sitting there watching it doing some writing, you know Just kind of relaxing trying to do my own meditation type thing and the these three teenagers walk by and they saw the view They looked at the view from maybe a half a second maybe a full second and then spent the rest of the time with their back to the view. It's glass, like, you know, ceiling to floor, taking selfies, not even looking at the view, they probably spent about two and a half, three minutes taking selfies of themselves, and
Starting point is 00:23:35 then they just put the phone in their pocket and walked away. They didn't even get it. They looked at the view with their actual eyes for probably a full second. And they were like, they would be a great light for us to get a great three minutes trying to like prove that they're there and you know with the cool. So it's like we have to document everything that we do. I mean, whatever, but follow me on Instagram,
Starting point is 00:23:53 I'm sacked with Emily. I don't do it in that. And check it only when there's no one around. Whenever I'm on my phone though, I'm conscious of it. And I feel like a douche. And I try and get off the phone. Do you? I try and like not look at stuff one-on-one public.
Starting point is 00:24:04 But then other times I'm lazy. I'm like, I don't care if people think I'm a douche. I want to look off the phone. I try not to look at stuff one-on-one public. But then other times I'm lazy. I'm like, I don't care if people think I'm a douche. I want to look at the scores. Yeah, but you're not looking to make new friends and pick up checks right now, either. But still, I just think it's so fun. I'm very, very proud of what I'm. I still think it's addictive.
Starting point is 00:24:16 And I do believe that I'm even during love line, we're all being drew and my ex-boyfriend can be a drew and I on our phones. I just really want to quit my phone. I wish I could quit you. I've had weekends where I've tried that. You actually feel like a physical change in your body when you're with me or phone.
Starting point is 00:24:34 I'd love that you quoted broke back now. Do I get to be on your podcast now? Can you tell me that your phone is a girl? Exactly. I'm going to get into some emails here from the people. So thank you for emailing me at feedback at And also speaking of Instagram, you can also follow me on Twitter, which is Sex with Emily, and like my Facebook page, which is, Sex with Emily, because that has a lot of
Starting point is 00:24:59 useful information for you, and it's fun as well. Okay, dear Emily, I absolutely love your podcast and it's totally changed my sex life for the better. I'm 21 male from San Francisco and I'm having a problem with staying hard during round two of sex. It's really been buggy me and why I can't keep an erection. I don't smoke, I'm not on any medications, I do drink but the problem doesn't occur after drinking. Can you help me out here? Thanks for your awesome podcast. I seriously, I'm not on any medications, I do drink, but the problem doesn't occur after drinking. Can you help me out here? Thanks for your awesome podcast. I seriously enjoy listening to it every week.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Thanks, Mike. Okay, Mike, here's a deal. First, let me just say congratulations that you even have the option of around to. A lot of guys don't, right? Like, refractory period, can you take a little longer? But here's a thing, maybe you need to, I'm not sure if you're like going right for round two, because there is the refractory period, could it take a little longer? But here's a thing, maybe you need to, I'm not sure if you're like going right for round two because there is the refractory period
Starting point is 00:25:49 and it might take you a little while to get hard again. And so what you can do during that time is to turn the tables and try to go back to pleasing her. So perform all sex, rubber breasts, for more for play. And so then you can build up the excitement again. And maybe you need a little extra stimulation. So maybe you need to start talking dirty door or watch some porn together. You know, women, women, a lot of people are into porn. Maybe you need something else to stimulate you again. And also I would say, do your sex or sizes?
Starting point is 00:26:22 Kegel exercises are for men and for women. Guys are always like, what? What are they? And they're not for me. Yes, it's those pea stopping muscles when you stop and start the flow of urine. Like, at, you know, I'm talking, like, you know, I just don't know how to stop and start the flow of urine. And if you do it for five minutes a day, and each time you hold it, like, for three, five, three to five seconds, your muscle, it'll help tighten your muscles responsible for your penis and for ejaculatory control, so you actually last longer the first time. And you become familiar with them by cutting off the flow of urine, like I said, and starting again.
Starting point is 00:26:55 And once you have the exercise down, you can practice them anywhere. I also happen to have an iPhone app called Kegel Camp that is super popular because you can download it and the thing about it is, because you're never going to remember to do these, you're going to be like, that's a great idea and you're not going to do them. But you can set a reminder on your phone like every day, 1230, I want to do my, it pops up and it says time for Kegel Camp. And it's actually my voice that walks you through it for five minutes and there are 20 levels that you go through. And it's fun. You can actually, you know, you can turn off
Starting point is 00:27:24 the volume if you want, but you know, you can just, it reminds you go through. And it's fun. You can actually, you know, you can turn off the volume if you want, but you know, you can just, it reminds you of doing it. So every day, on my phone at 11.30, I do my goddamn keg exercises. And they're for women, and it helps women have stronger orgasms, it helps women with urinary condoms, after childbirth.
Starting point is 00:27:37 They're just a great exercise. So do that. Do that, try that stuff and see how it works. But don't bump out my second round two. I just think that don't get in your head too much that you can't say hard during long two because you sound like a healthy male and I think if you try some of these things and you'll be fine. But let me know how it goes and thank you so much for the kind words. I love my San Francisco people. There's a good chance that he or she's not going to want
Starting point is 00:27:59 around to. Well, a lot of time the ladies are done. They're like, all right. Yeah, that's true. But maybe I'm wondering if he comes too quickly and he wants the last hard longer, in which case he should try to promise them, which is the only FDA-approved treatment for a premium chair ejaculation. It's a delay spray, whatever you heard about. So it's better than that stuff that you can buy in the bathrooms at dive bars for 50 cents. Please don't buy that stuff. What is that stuff?
Starting point is 00:28:19 Dude, it's just- You think it's safe to put on the old P in there? No, this is FDA-approved treatment forproof treatment for staying longer, last longer, and you just put a little bit on your penis and it's a delay spray and your penis will stay harder longer. It doesn't transfer to your partner. Do you want it? No, I want to do a test with the stuff in the dive bars and...
Starting point is 00:28:37 You're going to put it on your penis? And then you'll have to come in and have to do investigate it because your penis will fall on. Yeah. You want to try a promise on? I want to do like a taste test with my dick. All right, try it. It tries both.
Starting point is 00:28:48 It tries to do that. It tries to do that. Unless you can taste your own dick. I have one of these dive bars all the time. You go in the bathroom and they have a French tickler condoms. Yeah, like little pictures of actual naked pussy. It says, God, it's gross. And then they have a stale, harder, longer numbing agent.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Oh my God, people, please don't do that. Just do the one that's FDA approved pro mess and sound my website. OK, dear Emily, when you're single, what is the best way to handle going on dates with more than one person? Should you be upfront about going on dates with another person? What if you end up liking both?
Starting point is 00:29:20 Tips would be greatly appreciated, Chris. OK, Chris, this is a great question. Because I believe in this day and age, a lot of people are dating around and have so many more ways to meet people. Like you could be in a relationship, and then you're on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and you're on line dating and you're meeting so many more people, and I think people aren't settling down as quickly. And so there is nothing wrong at all with dating multiple people, and I don't think you should be guilty about it because I do encourage it.
Starting point is 00:29:47 And I also think that there's so many bad relationships that turn stale after all because it's pretty, you know, you have a good date with someone and the next thing you know, you're in a relationship and you don't really know the match about them because you had sex right away and then you're like, oh, I don't really like it. So I think it's better to date around. And so I think that the thing about dating more people is that you find out more about yourself. Like I think that through dating people,
Starting point is 00:30:10 I've learned more about what I want to partner, what I don't want, and more about myself, and how I want to be in a relationship, and how I want to be treated, and how I want to be loved. So all that's good stuff. But to answer your question, I, and Anderson, I want to say you think of this, I don't think that he's under any requirement to review of these
Starting point is 00:30:27 dating other people on the first few dates. I mean, until it gets like serious, are they having sex? Are you, a lot of times the women bringing up more than men, I think, typically. That's what I hear from guys that women bring up more. If it starts becoming really hot and heavy and you start having, I mean, then I would say, you know, bring it up. But I would just assume that- Bring it up? Well, okay, here's the thing. If she doesn't bring it up and you don't bring it up, definitely use protection and have
Starting point is 00:30:53 sex, but maybe after you have sex, I think that you'll know Chris the right time to bring it up. So, I would not bring it up in the first, second, and third date. So by the way, I'm dating other people because just to assume that she is too, I mean, just brace yourself for she's going to ask you like, uh, so you see the news. You don't think the women in your experience, and I've been guilty, uh, many times of, uh, accused of being dishonest by a omission, or I just don't say anything. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:31:21 Right. And so bring up something else. But when they ask you, do you say yes, and then they're like, why do you tell me? Yeah, that's that's been the case. There's some people have been fine with it, but usually if she's asking Because she wants you to be the one exactly so she wants to be the one for you that could happen to but I also don't think you want a prematurely reveal That you're doing other. Yeah, yeah, don't go out on like I'm your first date and you're a dinner You're like, how about I'm seeing like four of the girls? I've been on a date Saturday
Starting point is 00:31:47 and I've been to girl yesterday. Two red heads of blonde, now you. Yeah, like people don't need to know that. You don't need to delve into what is going on in your life and the first few dates. Again, if you start sleeping with them, you know, wants, twice, whatever, you know that you might start to get attached.
Starting point is 00:32:01 And then he also said, what if you like both people was a second question? And I've done that before. Br for it'll it's one of the worst things in the world Really what is when you like two people when you figure out that like There's two people in your life that you really care about and you know that you're gonna hurt one Right, it's awful, but then how do you decide? How do you cuz that's this question? Flip a coin. Yeah, you just flip a coin But I think that it's hard. I've had that problem too. I've had that challenge But I think you just think about it often, you just kind of know.
Starting point is 00:32:28 I mean, I think it becomes obvious after a while that you're just kind of like leaning towards one. And you will hurt someone, but if you know, like you can't like them exactly the same. And if you do a lot of the time, it's because you like them for completely different reasons. That's why you like both them at the same time. Give it a great job. And the other ones are great. Together, they'd make the perfect human being. You know what I mean? I always say I wish there was like a Mr. Potato Head man where I can have like the eyes of this
Starting point is 00:32:49 ex-boyfriend and put on the nose of this one but meaning more like this one had, this one was great and bad and this one was really fun to go out with and this one we had great vacations and this one was a great communicator. You know like Mr. Remember Mr. Potato Head? Oh yeah I picture him with the penis now. I just want to build him that way But you're not a control freak. Oh, yeah No, but I always think about like if you could just put them together and I could cut and paste all my ex-boyfriends together I'd have the perfect man, but that person doesn't exist
Starting point is 00:33:15 No, you just got to choose which flaws you can live within the other human and they're gonna choose that your flaws to and don't take the easy Choice, especially these guys a lot of time you're gonna go to the enabler. And I might be speaking from myself, but you know, you're going to go to the girl who's like more into your stuff or like willing to do something for you. And you think that's good, but long term that might not be so awkward. What do you mean the one who's more of a codependent? Codependent enabler, yeah. What do you buy enabler? Like she lets you get away with stuff? Yeah, like she doesn't call you on your shit. I mean, don't always take the easy choice. That's true.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Don't take the one that makes you feel the most comfortable and yet you aren't completely yourself. Think about yourself as a team with this person down the road if you are going to actually pick somebody. Think about someone you want to grow with, think about a woman or a partner that challenges you to grow as a human and that is emotionally evolved. And not just an involved.
Starting point is 00:34:03 And involved. OK, but we, and then then next thing is oral sex tips, but first a word From my incredible sponsors who help keep the show free and one of them is no-no I Love this no-no because Anderson I've not shaved since I got the no-no and not only have a nice shaved I haven't shaved for like months now. I just use it all over my body, my legs, my arms, my face, my back.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Like you could use it not my back. Men can use it on their back and their chest. Men can hair is in places and they're like, do I go to a waxing place? And it's long lasting. There is no pain. It's so easy to use and you've weeks of long lasting results. And it'll change your life, because you spend so much money and razors and waxing and you got to buy more into it.
Starting point is 00:34:49 And this way you just have it for life, you charge it and you can use it any time and the hair is gone, gone, gone, it's not stubbly. And I don't know. I just feel like you guys are not trying it, because I've been talking about it. And I, it's like I think to myself like, oh my god, I have in shape, it feels just, I feel so free. Like, I don't have to worry about shaving now. And I have so much more time to worry about other things.
Starting point is 00:35:10 So, go to That's You get 100% 60-day money-back guarantee, guarantee, and you also get a $50 gift card to an award-winning skincare, award-winning skincare line,, award-winning skin care line, which the skin care line rocks to. It's just all an amazing deal, Okay, also, flashlight, number one, sex toy for men.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Because men, you really don't, the thing is, there's a few other sex toys out there, but this really is the number one because the male masturbation sleeve. And I know you're like, I don't need a toy because I have my hand. But here's the thing, women have hundreds of toys to choose from. You use your hand, and of course it feels amazing. I'm sure it does. But what if I told you that something else
Starting point is 00:35:54 felt equally amazing, if not better, and it was a different sensation? The flashlight actually simulates the sensations of having sex. So you don't have to just rely on your hand. You put a little lube in it, and it feels amazing. And I've given it, I have the sentiment of my office and I've had a bunch of my guy friends try it and I've not had one guy friend. These are like straight friends, gay, whatever who are in relationships or not. And they're like, holy moly, this feels amazing. Can I get one for most one? I think someone coming and stealing from my office when I'm not there, which is hilarious. So check it out. The Flesh Night Standard Training Unit helps you last longer in bed. So if you go to, oh, here's a new deal.
Starting point is 00:36:32, click on the Flesh Night banner. They're giving their award-winning Flesh Loop to all my listeners. So use coupon code Emily, you get a loop, and a Flesh Light, and then tell me it doesn't rock your world because I'd be interested No, if you don't like it because I know you're gonna love it and when you love it you can email me about that as well So you've tried the hand Everyone's had the machine A lot of people have had the bum. Yeah, who hasn't had a mouth? Why limit yourself time to try something new exactly Like what if it's me it's a It's a spitball in here is this work I don't know
Starting point is 00:37:05 what you say I'm just going with that is does that work is that yeah well it's true you've had you tried four yeah why not yeah why not a fifth why not a fifth orifice and just just tell me hate right because men men stick their penis isn't everything anyway I love that we start the we start the struggle with like it's sickens me that these men want glass and and stainless steel instead I'm not saying the trade in your woman. I'm just saying that, you know, she can use it on you too. It's like every guy masturbates. So it's much from what I hear, much, much better. Yeah, and a lot of guys masturbate several times a day. So, you know, why not mix that routine people and learn how good your Prings can feel when we're doing it.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Imagine those guys that iPhone 6 came with a flashlight. We'd never see that. That's what I'm saying. I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm not mix that routine people and learn how good your penis can feel when you're having it. Imagine those guys that iPhone 6 came with a flashlight. We never see that. That's what the iPhone 7 would be. The world would be eradicated from men altogether.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Okay, so now I got to talk about oral sex. Probably because of my favorite topic. But Emily, hi, this is the weird question, but is there any proper way to go down in a girl or does it depend on the girl and what she likes? Thank you, John. Okay, John, I'm so glad you asked question and I don't think I can answer this topic nearly enough. First, I'm going to start with a quote that I heard today from the infamous Ron Jeremy.
Starting point is 00:38:21 You know who he is, long time porn star star famous infamous for his ten inch member and he said really are trained actor is he? no but he's he actually he's very educated I do know I've met him so many times he seems so not educated I mean not nothing that educated doesn't really talk much he's kind of grunts and grabs my breasts or grabs my waist he does he's kind of creepy but he's awesome he said this isn't this because all you men complaining that you have small penises and might don't have a Ron Jeremy tennis penis,
Starting point is 00:38:48 this is a quote from Ron Jeremy. More women have gotten off with my tongue than my penis, and he's done thousands of films, okay people. So this is why oral sex skills are so important. So the first thing I have to say is you have to tease her first. Do not go straight for clitoris. This is the thing that drives me so crazy. And I always talk about this at foreplay, not a suggestion, a requirement, because women
Starting point is 00:39:12 actually require it to get warmed up. So tease her, spend time kissing her, her breasts, you know, foreplay kissing her neck. And then when you have her really turned on, you can start to move down her body and then again, still don't go right for her hotspot. Tease, tease, tease as long as you can. And the ideal situation that you want guys, is that she's begging for it, that she cannot wait for your mouth
Starting point is 00:39:35 to get on to her clitoris vagina, the whole thing. So you can run your tongue along the inside of her thighs, gently flicking the tongue against her clitoris. That's part of what makes sex amazing, you know, is the anticipation. So make her wait. That is what's going to get her turned on. And I know that guys are always in a rush for sex, like they just, they get turned on. They're like, I'm hard.
Starting point is 00:39:57 And so I'm ready. And I got to go now. And women are like, sitting there like, what the hell is going on? I'm so not into this yet. And that's why they're rejecting you because you have to warm them up. And I'm sorry that's a bummer guy's, but it's biology. That's how we're built.
Starting point is 00:40:09 There's nothing I can do to change a situation for you, except for to give you help here like I'm doing. So when you do begin licking a clitoris after she begs you because she's so wet and excited, start off slowly. Focus on the clitoral hood which is located just above you know just above it which is above a dry little pink bump alternate between wide licks and small licks to see what she likes use your fingers some women like
Starting point is 00:40:35 their fingers some don't while your tongue explores the outside of a vagina so let your fingers bring it home you can use two fingers you can try to find her g spot and also keep a steady rhythm because once you find the right technique, you're going to know you're going to be able to tell that she's really, really into it. She gets her breathing heavier. She might be grabbing you. She's bucking her hips. The whole thing. Keep it up. Keep going and be patient. I'm sorry. It doesn't happen in three minutes. It probably doesn't happen in five minutes. I mean, if you really get it for a play and turn it around
Starting point is 00:41:07 like kissing her and all that, she'll be really turned on already because if oral sex isn't your thing for 20 minutes and I know a lot of guys are like, they're next, they complain, the whole thing. So turn it on in other ways. But also ask for what she likes and encourage feedback to ensure the best oral experience possible.
Starting point is 00:41:29 So I'm actually gonna get into another question which is about multiple orgasms and I'm going to include in here a guy I want to know a little bit more about oral sex. We have time for one more. Absolutely. Real quick. Ron Jeremy. I figured it out. No, no. He's here.
Starting point is 00:41:41 I was at a little small house. I've got him like six times. Or like five or six people one night and knock at the door and he just rolled in yeah, he's like friends with I himself. Yeah, he's like scruffy and He talks shit. I he's been on love line a number of times. Yeah, I don't think he shares much Doesn't shower that's a thing out of a fan of it But he actually has his masters in special education and he actually taught special education for well. Yeah, great He just very nice. He's like get run down. I shouldn't judge, he just went, he's like, yeah, run down. He looks special.
Starting point is 00:42:05 I'm sure he's very smart. It's okay. Ten inch penis, you know, large brain, large penis. Hate soap. Not that that has to do with your brain being large. Okay, so Emily, can you advise me the best, okay, no, that's the one. Oh, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Dear Emily, can you advise me the best way to get a woman to orgasm or better yet multiple orgasm? And what would you recommend for the best sexual position to achieve this? Thanks again, Emily, I love your show. Kind regards Ron. OK, so this is similar to what I was just saying a little bit. But here's the first tip I want to tell you
Starting point is 00:42:36 is that because you want to know about multiple orgasms, I think that Loub is the most underrated, I want to say, condiment, accessory for sex on the planet. And there was a study that came out that said nearly 50% of women who use Loub say it's easier to have an orgasm. So Loub gets a bad route. There's a stigma to it. She's dry, there's this comfort. I'm not turning her on enough. But even if she's already wet and you added drop or two of lube, she will be more likely to orgasm. So get some lube that will help. Also, I love, I'm obsessed right now with uber lube. It's a silicone lube, you can get it at good vibes, like I was talking about earlier, good vibes, click on the good vibes banner on my website. But that's a silicone lube that you can't really
Starting point is 00:43:23 use, really use these with condoms. So it's's if she's on the pale and you're not using condoms, but there's amazing water-based loops too out there like Slickwood and Please Me Loop. They're all in my good vibes page. Okay, also if you want to give her multiple organisms you have to become clitorate. Not all guys are clitorate. Most guys know more about what's under the hood of a car than what's going on with the clitoris. Well, there's a lot more on her hood of a car. That's not true. A lot more parts. Not true. Well, a lot more different parts. Okay, yeah. But because the clitoris has what I eat billion sensory things or whatever.
Starting point is 00:43:58 8,000 nerve endings twice that of the penis. Thanks for asking. But they're all the same, kind of. What do you mean? Well, there's like pistons and Johnson rods and belts and fans. There are 18 parts, the Clitoris, I'll have you know. Twice as many nerve-wracking. 18 parts and that little bean? Yeah. 18. 18.
Starting point is 00:44:15 There's quadrants. Who studied that? Me. I'm telling you, how much does it sex? Did somebody really like dissect it and figure it out? Yeah. Oh my god. There's quadrants of her Clitoris.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Yeah. You could have a field. That's why she can have so many guided orgasms. And the only reason the clitoris exists is for female pleasure. I'm thinking of a filthy version of hunting eye-trucks of kids, where he shrinks himself down and then he can figure it all out on his own wife. You know what I mean? Because he gets down there and out. Because he's so small.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Yeah, it's too small to be able to figure out. Get a friggin' microphone. What's it called? They're called microscopes. You're just speaking to figure out. Get a friggin' microphone. What's it called? We're called microscopes. You're just speaking to no microphone. So listen, so when pleasureing a woman, there are multiple methods for multiple orgasms. So first, ladies first, again, I'm gonna bring it up.
Starting point is 00:44:55 When it comes to satisfying woman, a little old-fashioned chivalry goes a long way. And here's another quote that I love. Lorraine Obobit. Remember Lorraine Obobet? Oh yeah. She cut off her husband's penis. I do recall.
Starting point is 00:45:08 She threw it out the window of a car, I believe, right? Yeah, exactly. She was pissed off him. Was that in the 90s? Early in the 90s. It was whenever that song, I'm a half a man. I used to be. I remember.
Starting point is 00:45:17 I always thought that was his song. Okay, listen up. But then they started back on and then he made that porn. Oh, okay. All right, good. At least he made a career out of it. So I'm back it out. Listen, Lorraine Obobet, at who when questioned by police as to
Starting point is 00:45:27 why she cut off her husband's penis she responded he always had an orgasm and didn't wait for me it's unfair i don't know if that's really it's true good enough reason no but she cut off his freaking pants really were other things going on like maybe you didn't do the dishes and you know but he didn't wait for her to finish and a lot of guys don't because you guys finished before women because you take four to six minutes to orgasm if you're lucky and we take like 18 to 45. You guys are scary. I know I'm telling him.
Starting point is 00:45:53 What about the girl? What about the lady? I'm sure that she learned from Lorraine Bobbitt's mistake or she threw it out the window. So this other lady she got out the penis. I don't know if it was for the same reasons threw it down the garbage disposal so you can't sew that back on no you can't no I don't know what you should interview these women. No, I don't want them anymore Fucking near me. I'm so sorry. Okay, so the thing is the male orgasm comes easier and you know There's like and there's like an ejaculatory like in an inevitability with men like you're just gonna have an orgasm But women are not as lucky.
Starting point is 00:46:25 So think outside the box. No pun intended. So listen, and here's one thing, where is the man who's like in the locker room going, oh, I made love to her as suddenly and lightly as a feather or I grazed her vulva with the delicate wings of a butterfly. They don't talk about that. They're like, I thrust it or pound it or like a jackrabbit.
Starting point is 00:46:44 But here's the thing. This would be appropriate because the inner two thirds of the vagina are the most sensitive. So before you go pounding away, that's another way that you can learn to turn around. So think about the box. And I mean this pond as being very intended. Also avoid her genitals first and try her breasts
Starting point is 00:47:01 because for good 15 minutes, you can lick them, you can touch them because a breast gasm is actually the second most common type of orgasm. So that could count as one of the, what before? What? Breast gasm. You have it?
Starting point is 00:47:13 No. I think I made it up. You have to be lactating for this. So also, so we got, you tell me about the cladrin? I'm sorry, would you say about the two thirds? Two. Okay, the inner two thirds of the world is a dryness, so, so, so again, small, if you have a smaller penis it doesn't matter
Starting point is 00:47:27 because that's the most sensitive. Okay so like if you if you're divided into the thirds the first two thirds. First two thirds. Yeah when you want you under or the most and then beyond that it's like yeah no it feels good too I'm not saying all that doesn't feel good but they're really sensitive so your penis just rubbing the inner two thirds can feel great. Also let your fingers do the walking. I'm telling you and this is from a lot of women I know that told me that their best orgasms came from their boyfriends giving them manual stimulation and talking dirty and looking around the eyes. Because women, we are visual as well just like you were intimate. If you look us in the eyes and you talk dirty, not
Starting point is 00:48:04 every woman likes talking dirty, but if you don't have to be like filthy, but you can be like, you're so hot, the way you, you know, I love it, you're so wet, whatever. You don't have to go all crazy, but you know, find out if you're part of the like so dirty talk, that can really turn on because words, like the brain is our largest, our most effective sex organ. And so what, it makes sense that words turn out women like for years I was dating writers because I loved like the emails and the text they sent me but then I realized
Starting point is 00:48:30 when I was with them like if they really turned me on and they were not even just sex. I just loved writers. But then I realized like in person they weren't as great but not all of them some of them were. But the point is that the words can really turn us on. So try talking dirty and also again your fingers on here's a great tip. Okay? How to give an orgasm? Because you know the other way, and I mean, it gets the position a minute. Let your fingers, and I love that people can watch right now on
Starting point is 00:48:56 use-train. Drape against the full expanse of her vulva or her vagina, like a thick curtain, right? So let her, let your her push against your palm and use your index and middle finger to make, okay, so here's her pubic curtain, right? So let her push against your palm and use your index and middle finger to make, okay, so here's her pubic mound, right? So I'm facing, so pretend this is like her stomach. Okay, you gotta at least explain for those who can't see.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Okay, so what I'm explaining is your hands are, your hand is on her pubic, like her pubic region where she would have hair. And your fingers are reaching towards her vaginal opening, okay? So let your fingers drape against the full expanse of Regina like a thick curtain. Oh God, curtain.
Starting point is 00:49:31 I made me think of what men like to say, okay, whatever. Let her push against your palm and use your index and middle finger to make rhythmic up and down, come Heather gestures along the vaginal entrance. So her hands on the pubic mound, you're rubbing her vaginal entrance. You're not even going inside with your fingertips,
Starting point is 00:49:47 really, really lightly. And for variety, you can reach in and out with two fingers and press against her vaginal ceiling as though you were lifting her off the bed. So like you're on the mound and you're touching, just opening and you're rubbing them lightly, like the lips of her vagina, and it'll feel freaking amazing.
Starting point is 00:50:04 And guys don't do that enough, because you go really slow. And then there's a G-spot and the best way to find it, having them lightly, like the lips of a vagina, and it'll feel freaking amazing and guys don't do that enough, because you go really slow. And then there's a G-Spot, and the best way to find it is by sticking two fingers in and doing the come-hither motion towards her stomach. And also remember, like I just said about Rolsec's, the tongue is my dear, and the sword. It's true, it's a powerful tool. But now when you use it like a like lashing like you know at a Mangause or something seriously, man go down there like that doesn't feel good. It's better to go
Starting point is 00:50:31 slow, always go slow. And you rarely like a skilled Colonel linguist is going to be extremely appreciated by a woman. And this is something you can learn. So if you're not really sure where to do, go slower than you think, five times slower, and also press a flat still tongue against her vagina and let her do the work. So if your tongue is flat, it's the cuddling that's equivalent to like getting her get on top like if your tongue is flat against her. And also you can use the rope adope. That's another technique. Do you know about that? Let her push and grind against your flat, still tongue and take it all in, spring back with a series of fast vertical
Starting point is 00:51:10 and diagonal tongue strokes. Oh my God, I know these are so many details, but what I'm telling you is, you gotta mix up your tongue, so make it flat, make it go on the side, and go slow, and look at her response. You ask me for the best position. Honestly, typically you hear women on top are able to orgasm more on their on top. And I can't say that there's one that is
Starting point is 00:51:31 best because it's different by every woman. So you just got to figure it out with her. The reason why it's on top, why women on top is easier for because she can grind against you. She can control the depth and the motion and movement and all that stuff and the speed when she's on top So she knows what she likes hopefully and that's how she's gonna have an orgasm so Those are some good tips did you get those all in those are fantastic tips I like that you said get them all in too. I can't help it. So now it's like the box. You're just a punful tonight I know I love it. I'm in the best mood ever. Okay, Anderson. Thank you so much for everything tonight and
Starting point is 00:52:04 I want to say I want to thank everyone for listening to show and there's one more thing I have to tell you I hope you see everyone in San Diego first of all Tomorrow's 25th October 25th and then what else I have to tell you did I say everything else? Okay, yeah and subscribe on iTunes and Thanks everyone for listening was it good for you? email me feedback at Okay, everyone. I know I told you a little bit about foreplay and how to spice up your relationship. Well, here's the deal. Massage candles, those work really well too.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Candles are great for ambiance. I hate guys when you go to the house and they turn the lights completely off or women. And you can't see thing. I want to see the person I'm having sex with. So candles are great for ambiance, but these candles, Emily and Tony candles that I made, they instantly turn into this warm, luxurious massage oil. So you blow them out and you pour it on your partner's body and it's not hot or waxy or sticky or messy and it feels amazing and luxurious and you can give your partner a massage.
Starting point is 00:53:02 And one of my listeners emailed me this. My girlfriend was skeptical at first, but agreed to try the warm oil on me first and gave me a backrop. Then I reciprocated, we had amazing sex. She can not stop talking about how good the candle smells and how great the massage oil feels. And I am convinced that the scent and the candle
Starting point is 00:53:21 helped us through some of the barriers to sex that we have faced lately. So I created these candles so you can have the best sex of your life. Go to Use coupon code emily for 20% off. That's Okay, so Anderson, I'm getting a new car and in the past, I have to tell you that I, when I got my last car, I was actually dating this guy.
Starting point is 00:53:40 I didn't like him very much, but I kept sleeping with him just so he ran out by the car. No, I needed a new car and I'm not great at car shopping. I'm a chick. They want to take advantage of me. I don't like him very much, but I kept sleeping with him just so he got the car. No, I needed a new car and I'm not great at car shopping. I'm a chick. They want to take advantage of me. I don't know the time. Oh, they'll see you guys coming. I know. So I said to him, I was like, hey, would you take me car shopping?
Starting point is 00:53:52 And he was like really into it because he wanted to date me. He wanted to prove that he's a man. Exactly. So did he get you a good deal? He got me. No, he got me a really bad deal. You thought it was a good deal at the time. I thought it was a good deal.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Everyone thinks it's a good deal. At one point or another, when the guy's going back and he's like, oh, we talked to my manager and see if that's doable. And then they come deal. Everyone thinks it's a good deal at one point or another when the guy is going back and he's like, I don't know, talk to my manager and see if that's doable. Then they come back like it's doable. You have no idea. You have no clue. And then you're going crazy and you're talking to million places. So is changing car buying forever.
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