Sex With Emily - The Deal with Divorce w/ Laura Wasser

Episode Date: December 11, 2021

You may think of her as divorce attorney to the stars, and Laura Wasser is certainly that. But Laura is also a sharp thinker on marriage and communication, and is here to tell us what every couple nee...ds to know before saying "I do." She says that couples who have the prenup conversation are actually more likely to stay together than those who don't, and that money is an even bigger conversational taboo than sex. She also tells us what it's like repping actor clients vs. musician clients, why we're seeing a celebrity-led trend of "gentle separations," and how social media has changed the game for divorce cases.Plus, I take your divorce questions! When is it time to say "I don't," and get the hell out? Or how about if you're single, and have a tendency to hook up with older, separated men -- are they just your type? Or...are there some deeper conversations you need to be having, with them, and with yourself? Let's talk dating as a divorcee: when is it OK to tell the kids you've met someone new? And finally, after being married for so long, how do you tell the difference between love and lust, when you're back on the scene? All this and more, on today's divorce show. For More Information on Laura wasser:Website | InstagramIt’s Over Easy: Website | Instagram | Twitter Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm going to be a little bit more honest. I'm going to be a little bit more honest. I'm going to be a little bit more honest. I'm going to be a little bit more honest. I'm going to be a little bit more honest. I'm going to be a little bit more honest. I'm going to be a little bit more honest. I'm going to be a little bit more honest.
Starting point is 00:00:16 I'm going to be a little bit more honest. I'm going to be a little bit more honest. I'm going to be a little bit more honest. I'm going to be a little bit more honest. I'm going to be a little bit more honest. I don't know that we could regulate that. I would sure love to see. I can't write that. I can advise it. People have more counseling beforehand. You're listening to Sex with Emily. I'm Jack Dremley, and I'm here to help you prioritize your pleasure and liberate the conversation around sex.
Starting point is 00:00:39 You may think of her as divorce attorney to the stars, and Laura Wasser is certainly that. as divorce attorney to the stars. And Laura Wasser is certainly that. But Laura is also a sharp thinker on marriage and communication and is here to tell us what every couple needs to know before saying I do. She says that couples who have the prenup conversation are actually more likely to stay together than those who don't, and that money is an even bigger conversational taboo than sex. She also tells us what it's like repping actor clients versus musician clients, why we're seeing a celebrity led trend of gentle separations, and how social media has changed the game for divorce cases. Plus, I take your divorce questions. Like, when is it time to say
Starting point is 00:01:20 I don't and get the hell out? Or how about if you're single and have a tendency to hook up with older, separated men? Are they just your type? Or are there some deeper conversations you need to be having with them? And maybe with yourself. Let's talk about dating as a divorcee. When is it okay to tell the kids you've met someone new? And finally, after being married for so long, how do you tell the difference between love and lust, especially when you're back on the scene?
Starting point is 00:01:50 All this and more on today's divorce show. Intentions with Emily, for each episode, I want to start off by setting an intention. It really works, I encourage you to do the same thing. Well, my intention is to empower you with data about divorce, whether you're married, about to get married or thinking about marriage in the future. Hey listen, relationships evolve and that's okay. So for this episode, I'd love to demystify divorce so you can live out your most informed, most fulfilling relationships. Please rate and review Sex with the Emily wherever you listen to the show and my new article Ask Emily.
Starting point is 00:02:25 How do I have good sex during menopause? And our holiday gift guide is up at and also check out my YouTube channel for more sex tips and advice. If you want to ask me questions, just call my hotline 559 Talk Sex or 559 825 5739. Leave me your questions or message me slash ask Emily. I would everyone enjoy this episode. Attorney Laura Allison Wasser is an author, entrepreneur and family law expert with over 20 years of experience.
Starting point is 00:03:09 She's also a guest lecturer at prestigious law schools, the founder of an accessible and affordable online divorce service, it's and has represented several well-known celebrity clients. Find Laura on Instagram at Laura Washer official and at it's over or on Twitter and Instagram. It's over easy. Talk about your own journey a bit. How you got into like, why family long? My dad is a family long journey. So I, even though I thought I would never follow in his footsteps. In fact, I didn't even think I'd be a lawyer, which is kind of a joke because my parents named me Laura Alice in Waster. My initials are law. I fought it so hard until basically I was
Starting point is 00:03:48 graduating from college at Cal and I was like, well, what else am I gonna do? Because I'm certainly not gonna go to medical school because I didn't have those kind of grades. So I was a rhetoric major in college. I went to law school. I still never thought I would be doing matrimonial law and I got married The summer before my final year of law school. I had a big wedding in 1993 Gorgeous whatever but I was 25 and so was he and we were clearly too young to be married So about a year after while I was waiting for my bar results I said, okay, this is probably not working and he's like, yeah, you're probably right But even as a first year
Starting point is 00:04:22 and he's like, yeah, you're probably right. But even as a first year associate filling out those forms by myself, and I'd been to law school and English is my first language, I was like, wow, this is really difficult. Why does it have to be so difficult? And that's why people get lawyers because it's a totally emotional time. It's so scary.
Starting point is 00:04:38 And then you've got all these forms and you don't understand them, and you're sure you're gonna be doing them wrong. And this is the next chapter, and you have to make sure financially recover you're covered and your kids are covered. So it's super scary. Anyway, I did that and in doing that, I did it at my dad's firm.
Starting point is 00:04:51 I said, can I work here for a while to get back at my feet and I never left. Because it's a really interesting field of law. Like you said, you get to know all kinds of people. You touch their lives, you get in there for like six to 12 months, and then you're done. And so all of these people who like told you everything. Everything, like they have to.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Everything about sexual proclivities, cheating, dreams, every financial issue that they have that they would never share with anyone, hey, I least support, but I really can't afford it like every month I'm scraping to make the payments or whatever it is, I know. And then poof, after it's done, they're done. I'll like run into them in a restaurant
Starting point is 00:05:22 and we're kinda like, hey, okay. 25 you got divorced. Now one of my things, and I've been saying this for years, I don't think anyone should get married, they're done. I'll like run into them in a restaurant and we're kind of like, hey, okay. 25 you got divorced. Now, one of my things, and I've been saying this for years, I don't think anyone should get married before they're 30. Right. I think we barely even know ourselves. Right. And even then, I know a lot of people who still don't, and they're in their late 30s, 40s.
Starting point is 00:05:34 So deep. Right. Exactly. They shouldn't have gotten married under age 30. I don't know that we could regulate that. I would sure love to see people have more counseling beforehand. If you're going to cast your lot with somebody, you need to know yourself maybe a little bit that we could regulate that, I would sure love to see. I can't regulate it. People have more counseling beforehand. If you're gonna cast your lot with somebody,
Starting point is 00:05:46 you need to know yourself maybe a little bit better, but most importantly, you need to know the laws in your state. Some of you will get married, they don't even realize that like in a state like California, that means half of everything you make is gonna be hers or his. People don't know that. Right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:06:01 So we're like brawls, like you know, the early start, the dopamine, the love hormones, we don't care about anything. It's all gonna work out, because I'm madly in love. But we're like, we're all like, you know, the early start, the dopamine, the love hormones, we don't care about anything. It's all going to work out because I'm madly in love. But have you found when people are sitting in your office, like, do you feel like there's certain types or like, yes, do you feel when they walk in, you're like, I've got this? Yes. And what are some common like, archetypes, would you say?
Starting point is 00:06:16 Well, it's interesting. I feel like most of my actor clients take direction very well. Like you have to really walk them through it. There's a lot of times that all write an email for them that they can then make a little bit more their own and send, but they definitely want a little bit more direction. I definitely think that my artists, like my musicians, are way more emotional about things.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I'll really have to explain things three or four times. And these are broad generations, but those guys are the ones that are a little more emotional, and I have to kind of hand hold a little bit more for them. And it's interesting, male, female, I don't necessarily see as many trends, but I definitely see trends in the breadwinners, the breadwinners, whether they're male or female, really want to make a deal. Because they know that
Starting point is 00:06:59 they're paying for everybody. The supported spouse is generally the one that feels like he or she doesn't have much to lose and we have to explain to them, yeah, you do because you are spending money that would otherwise be going to you or your kids on lawyers fighting over things that you may not care about. It's not just an bottomless pit. So let's have a finite number here and then come to it. What are just some of the common issues you see? I know it's a really broad question, but for example, I'm every hearing a few years ago that like in 8 out of 10 divorce cases right now, Facebook came up in the transcript. There's a lot of social media.
Starting point is 00:07:33 I mean, there's a lot of social media and there's a lot of online stuff. I mean, people will find their spouses, you know, having full online relationships, they've never even met the person, but whatever it is that they are not getting from their marriage, they're kind of putting into the computer to this person out there. People do online dating even when they're married. So that's a lot, but again, as you probably would agree, that's not the underlying problem. Back up to what are they missing in their marriage that causes them to whether it be online or just going to a bar and meeting somebody and
Starting point is 00:08:05 hooking up, where's the disconnect there? And that's age old. And so people probably don't do enough work to figure out how to communicate and instead of resenting and shoving stuff down, actually talking about it, working through it. And then there's also people to scroll apart. If you get married when you're 25, the chances are you're going to grow up and determine who you are. And it may not be the person that grew with this other person. So I don't know that human beings are really inherently meant to meet for life. I believe we like to be families. I have my family, I have my tribe, I have the
Starting point is 00:08:37 two dads to my two kids. I'm with you. I don't know that we're just to meet for life. I don't see many cases where it actually works. But what we can do is start talking about these things right away in the relationship early on. So how much do you see sex play a role in these things? Like, they're different sexual proclivities or they weren't having sex. Like, does it come up a lot? The weren't having sex comes up a lot. I think people that experiment have proclivities, they usually do okay because they are having some kind of communication, some kind of intimacy, even when things go horribly, horribly wrong, let's bring a third person
Starting point is 00:09:09 in their relationship and then they're like, whoa, that did not work out, we did not like how that felt, or I didn't like how it felt particularly since you're still sleeping with her or whatever it is. Those are less likely to show up in my office than the ones that go, I don't know what happened, we haven't had sex. I mean, and I will ask as one of the main questions,
Starting point is 00:09:26 like what's going on, how many kids, how long have you been married, are you in therapy? And I say, what's your sex life like? Because so many people will say, not good, we haven't had sex in like two years. I'm like, what? Or I can't believe that she's cheating on me. Really?
Starting point is 00:09:41 When was the last time you had sex? Like six months ago, well, believe it. Where do you think you're gonna go get it, right?. So, as your ever couples that come to you and say, actually, the sex is amazing, but we can't get along with anything else. We still want to have sex. Yes. I mean, it's interesting. Like you said, that first meeting, watching, remember, I don't usually meet with both couples unless I'm doing mediation. I mean, both parties. I'll meet with one or the other, but there are some that will say the sex was never the problem.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Sex is fine, that wasn't the problem, but our communication with regard to other things is the problem. And I've had people that I can't get a finite data separation, which is a big deal in California, because that's when you actually stop the clock running when you stop having to split proceeds from projects when you stop having to have a clock on spousal support because they keep sleeping together And that's one of the indicators of whether or not a person is a complete Irreconcilable, irremidable break in the marriage, but they're still having sex all the time Have you seen couples like what we're actually gonna get back together? We're calling this off
Starting point is 00:10:37 I see people get back together. I see people get back together because that chemistry is so amazing I see people work out other things. Okay, we're not gonna get back together, but we really still like dating. Or we like hooking up with each other, or whatever. It's rare, but it does happen. Going back to social media for a second, do you think that people are like using it as evidence? Do you have any advice for people
Starting point is 00:11:00 like what they shouldn't be doing, or what they should be doing online? Well, okay, so we usually, at the beginning of every case, we send out a letter saying, you must not erase or delete any of your drives or whatever else because a lot of that. And again, California's a no-fault state.
Starting point is 00:11:12 So it's not about the cheating, it's about like moving the money. We need to see the footprint of where the money went. Usually we'd have people coming in with forensic accounts and huge boxes of documents. Now it's all online, but people will try to delete stuff or get rid of stuff. And I also think that people getting divorced don't realize what it is that's important and
Starting point is 00:11:28 not important. I mean, I have so many people say, I need a good private investigator. I'm like, why? I need to see if he's cheating. Why? I mean, if you need to see for your own self-find, but for me, I don't need to see it because California is a no-fault state. So it makes no difference. But yeah, I think a lot of people are really not very savvy when it comes to what they're doing or if you're having a big dispute about child support. Oh, he really should be paying me more child support and I know that he's you know able to. Well, how do you know that? Well, I'm on his Instagram page. He's driving a new car. He's in Cabo with his new blonde girlfriend. Right. Now I'm on her Instagram
Starting point is 00:12:04 page and she just bought new boobs. And she doesn't have any money, so it must've come. That's so he can't pay a child's worth because he's doing this. Right, so then what do you do with that? Well, then you can use that for evidence, and you can say like, His evidence, that's the sort of,
Starting point is 00:12:15 like you, and you should borrow the test. Not the boobs, that's fairly, you gotta get some boobs back, but right, they'll make so much, I would think that that would be so much more incriminating evidence that you would not have seen in the past. You let people into your life when you make it public,
Starting point is 00:12:26 and so therefore you're open to that kind of examination. That is, that makes so much sense. Okay, so I always say, and what I believe to be true, is that the three main causes of divorce are typically arguments in a relationship, are sex and kids and money. I think that makes sense. I think I actually read an article the other day
Starting point is 00:12:45 that had like six of them, but those were the three. Okay. So you see the end, would you, is there anything that you see like, I know that you're not the therapist but in sitting in there that maybe this could have been resolved had they, I guess it's all about fucking therapy, having therapy early on or communicating about it.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Getting good communication. And I always say this to couples, like you should be doing therapy when you're getting along, when things are good, because that will help you get an erhythm and establish, it's like when to the gym. You want to start going to the gym when you're healthy. Then if something happens, you get an injury, whatever,
Starting point is 00:13:17 you know how to get back in there and get back into shape, it's the same with this. You learn those tools in therapy to communicate and for sure with the sex and the money. One of the reasons people have issues with those two items is that they don't know how to talk about them. Now, I will tell you this,
Starting point is 00:13:34 people are more likely to talk about sex than they are about money, particularly women. They will talk about sex. They do not want to talk about money, which I find so strange. You need to talk about these things. This is your spouse. Why do you think it is money?
Starting point is 00:13:46 Again, it's because of that hypothetical wife. She was the princess, and so she was in the castle, and she never had to worry about anything, and her prince would go out and shoot the deer and bring home the food and whatever it was. We'd come on. That is just not a good way to be. We would rise.
Starting point is 00:14:03 You need to know, you can be a princess and still know what bank accounts are. I have people that come in all the time. Sophisticated, gorgeous women, they have their personal shoppers at Neiman Markis, they could have a reservation at any restaurant in town. They go to the shows in Paris and I say, okay, so how much does your spouse make every or no idea? How much the mortgage obligation
Starting point is 00:14:24 if any on your home, no idea. And they say, I'm so embarrassed. I don't know any of this. I said, don't be embarrassed. It must be nice. It has to be really scary right now. Yeah. How do we have them just pull off the shield?
Starting point is 00:14:35 I know you're afraid about walking into this money conversation, but it has to happen. It would save us so much. It also, I feel, would keep people more together, because if you feel like you have a partner in these financial, you know, good times and bad times, okay? Because again, people go through good and bad. If you have a partner, this is the person whom you lay down to sleep with every night, who you are having intimate sexual relations with, hopefully, who you've raised children with, which are generally going to be the most important item in your life,
Starting point is 00:15:04 kids, how to raise them, keeping them happy. Why wouldn't this be the person that you say, hey, we just had a huge win, Volisier, or hey, I'm suffering. And I see so many people who argue because she's spending too much and I'm really, really stressed out about it. Well, how is she supposed to know that she's spending too much if you haven't let her in on any of the secrets of what is being earned? And it's community money. It's
Starting point is 00:15:28 her money. Every relationship, as you know, is a deal. Every relationship, both people have things that they bring to the table. That will change in the course of relationships, but that's the relationship. So you see these stereotypical older, wealthy Hollywood guy, not super attractive, young, trophy, what would it be? They have a deal, that's the deal. And if she does put on 100 pounds or he does lose all his money, it's not saying it's gonna end, but the deal changes.
Starting point is 00:15:55 It does change. What are the things that keep people should just figure out about each other before they walked on the aisle? Like, what should we know? I don't believe that everyone should have a prenup, but I believe that everyone should have a prenup conversation. But when you get married, you are entering into a contract.
Starting point is 00:16:09 You may not know the terms, because you don't know what the law is in your state, which baffles my mind, know the law in your state. But then the other thing, so you know without a prenup, everything that you earn, or if you're a painter and you paint a painting after you're married, that painting is half your spouses.
Starting point is 00:16:24 If you earn money, any of those things, but for what you inherit or is gifted to you, that's going to be community property in a state like California. You also are going to be responsible for paying spousal support to that person so that they can live in the lifestyle to which they became accustomed during the marriage for a certain period of time and child support. Okay, so now we know that if you don't ever pre-knop, that's the rules. What other rules do you need to know? Hey, my parents are older and I never want to put them in assisted living, so they're probably going to live with us when they get older.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Are you okay with that? Hey, it's really important that my kids go to private school. I don't want them going to public school. Are you okay with that? Hey, I want to make sure that you know that I'm probably not going to go back to work after I have kids. I just don't want to. I can't imagine, being a working mom, I wanna stay home. And again, it'll change. You may actually have kids and go get me the fuck outta here, I gotta get back to work. Having those conversations, those are things you should know. How much debt is there?
Starting point is 00:17:15 People get married, whenever pre-knop, you have to disclose everything. So you know, people get married. Ten years in, you go, oh, by the way, I've been using my community money that's whole time to pay down my law school debt. Nobody knew. And I'm telling you that the pre-knops I've done, oh, by the way, I've been using my community money that's hold time to pay down my law school debt. Nobody knew. And I'm telling you that the pre-naps I've done, even the really difficult ones, those people have stayed together.
Starting point is 00:17:31 They may not like what they're hearing and it may take the bloom off the rows a little bit, but by the time they get married, they have some truths that I think help them throughout their marriage. There's not any huge surprises. And there've been a couple where once you get into the weeds, they go, you know what?
Starting point is 00:17:45 I don't like what I'm seeing here and we're not gonna get married. But that's what I would think. I would think it could be that one next step. I just think it's way too easy to get married too. So why not have this pre-napped? Maybe we have to rebrand the name pre-napped. But just something about,
Starting point is 00:17:59 because you know in certain religions, like there's a counselor in the church, like it's an amazing thing. Absolutely. For eight weeks, there should be certain, like in the church, like in the afternoon. They've been over eight weeks, like there should be certain protocols that are required before you walk down the aisle. And I love that you've just asking those tough questions. So it was sex, do you ever find,
Starting point is 00:18:12 I don't know if they get in this to you, if you ever found that there's something, like somebody's got way into kink, like that way into BDSM or something else and they're like, I am not, this is not my jam, my mouth. Yeah, that has been an issue. And then, then he or she goes elsewhere. Now that's a question.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Can I put up with that? If I don't want to do this, but my spouse really does, and he or she is not having an emotional attachment, but once a week they go to the dominatrix, and that's really important and whatever. Sometimes they make it work. I know a lot of couples who have made that work,
Starting point is 00:18:43 and I feel like it's just getting past that fear, that this belief that we have that sex is supposed to be monogamous as one person for the rest of your life. For a lot of people, it's okay to say once a week, my partner's going to go to Dominatrix. I'm going to go get a massage or happy ending. And it seems so crazy to people, but how much better is it to get your needs met?
Starting point is 00:19:02 And then you still can come home with your partner and you have better. And also, if you think about it, a lot of this comes from the forbiddenness of it. So, if what it is, astro-paralda, the whole thing, when you're lying to your partner, there's something about it that feels good to you or whatever. I said to my boyfriend very early on, because it's true. I don't care if all of you go to strip clubs, it doesn't like offend me or bother me, and I also don't care if you go and get happy ending at any point. And he goes, you totally ruined it for me. I never want to do those things. And I was like, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:19:31 But again, if that's what it is, then that's a part of it too. Yeah, it's exactly. I had a friend of mine who was getting married like 10 years ago. And he said to me, I'm freaking out because I know myself. And I know I might be able to someday, I just might want to do something. I said, well, just tell her that you need a hall pass. The teller said, you know, I'm not saying right now, but at some point, maybe I'll be out of town or something going to happen. And she said, yes, she gave me a hall pass and he was like so much, he was able to like get married. I don't know
Starting point is 00:19:58 what to have and check in with him lately, but it was like something. I need an end of the story. I need to know what happened. Here's the thing I should, I should call him. I should ask him right now. But I think he end of this story. I need to know what happened. Here's the thing I should call them. I should ask them to show them right there. Thinking about it. But I think he has, you know, I think I did run two or a few years ago and he's like, it just been an idea. He was visiting Sanford, just kind of like,
Starting point is 00:20:13 whatever happened and because I used to live there. And he's like, yeah, I think he's done it when he's traveling. Or he's in Vegas, but she's cool. It was an arrangement, which kind of the opposite of what you're saying. But it's like you took it away from me. Right. But there's both sides of the go. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:20:24 This part though. I have had a lot of clients But there's both sides of the guy. Absolutely. This part though. I have had a lot of clients come to me and one of the other is cheating outside of the marriage. And as soon as it's disclosed and the dissolution starts, they come back. They go, this wasn't fun anymore for me. I don't wanna be with her. I wanna be with you.
Starting point is 00:20:39 And then what happens? Oh, can they get back together? Sometimes they can't, sometimes they can't. Sometimes the person who the cheated on party is like, I just can't ever be with you again after that. And sometimes they're like, okay, good, it just depends. So do you are the celebrity divorce attorney? Let's talk about celebrity divorces.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Because we're seeing them being a little more applicable. We're definitely seeing a trend with celebrities, really, whether it's true or not, putting on a great face and showing the rest of the world, starting with their children and working all the way out, that they are still going to be friends, that they are still going to co-parent, they can sometimes vacation together, they're not going to have a big, you know, war in court together, you're not going to read about this in the newspaper except that, hey, we really still love
Starting point is 00:21:22 each other and we're family, but what that does for our culture is it trickles down. We all want to be like the celebrities. So we're going to consciously un couple and we're going to, I think, was gently separate, was another one of them. I mean, and I think that's great for everybody. That's directly in line with what it is that I'm trying to do, which is be nicer to each other, be kind. Your culprit, it's true because I still hear these stories nowadays, even from friends
Starting point is 00:21:45 or people calling this show, they're like, one of the parents is trashing the other parent to the kids and that's just going to devastating impact on the kids. Like, my parents didn't do that. That was rare. That was rare at the time. So now it's good to see that the celebrity divorces are actually... Pretend you're that celebrity and fake it till you make it. And eventually, that you will start being like that.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Yeah, because you let, at one point, you love each other and you have a family, so don't make it hell. And I have five questions for you that we ask off our guests. Okay. Quicky questions. Okay, what is your biggest turn on? Kindness. Biggest turn off.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Cheapness. How would you describe your relationship, your inner relationship? Three words. Lots of laughs. Lapse. Lapse. Alright, I love it. One thing you would tell your younger self about sex.
Starting point is 00:22:25 Oh, keep it up. Keep going, keep doing it. I never wanted to relationship tip. Communicate. Even if it's not comfortable, communicate. All right. Thank you, Laura. We can find you at, we'll put this out the top of the show too, but it's over
Starting point is 00:22:42 Laura Wasser official is Insta. And the firm that I work with is Wasser Cooperman Mandel's Family Law But it's over Laura Waster official is Insta and the firm that I work with is Waster Cooperman Mandel's Family Law in Century City. And yeah, it's all for easy. Okay, this will be the show tonight. Thank you so much for being here. Thanks. Thanks for having me. After the break, I'm answering another Emily's email about what it means if you keep dating men who are separated. Oh, good question.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Hey, Dr. Emily, I keep biting myself and flirtatious relationships with older men, and sometimes this moves to the bedroom. I feel so desired and when I'm with older men and super turned on. The complicated part is if these men aren't single and they're separated and I don't know how I feel about it. At first I didn't think anything about it. They were separated, no big deal. That's their business. But I'm not hurting anyone if they're separated, right? What does separated mean exactly? I've never been married and I've no emotional tie to this category. Can you help?
Starting point is 00:23:46 Should I not sleep with men who are separated? I don't want to hurt anyone. Talk to me about it. Alright Emily, well this is really interesting that you keep finding yourself with men who are separated. They're not divorced. They're not living apart from their spouse. Maybe they're living apart.
Starting point is 00:24:03 But they are officially separated, which means they are not officially not together. It just means they're taking a break. Now, we don't know for sure, maybe they're separated and their partner doesn't know they're separated. This is a murky area, and you are right to have your antenna go up and think, Huh! What does it really mean? It's interesting they're not saying I'm in the middle of a divorce or I'm in a transition of you know moving out of my house but separated. My advice for you is to ask them what they mean by separated. You could just say separated, huh, tell
Starting point is 00:24:41 me more about that. And then you get to find out in their words what it means. Now, separated could be a stop on the way to divorce town. Separated could mean we got in a fight and I'm now like getting back at my partner or I'm seeing what it would be like to be single. But in any case, to answer your question, I am feeling like this probably doesn't mean these are guys that you should be baking your future arm, or really any sort of long-term future. Now if you just want to have some sex, have some fun, and you're in a place where you are not going to get emotionally attached or emotionally dependent on these guys, I think it's fine.
Starting point is 00:25:22 I think it's okay to go out and have some fun. But I also think you do run the risk of being hurt. What if they're really married and they're cheating? I would ask those questions. I think if you probe, you know, you shouldn't be able to get the answers and then you get to make your own decisions. I would say, yeah, if these guys are married, you know, you would be hurting the wife if she found out they're still together. Find out a little bit more, ask some questions and to go back to your point here, what does it mean for you, Emily, that you are finding yourself in flirtatious relationships with older men? Is this a pattern
Starting point is 00:25:58 that's been going on for a while? Is it satisfying you on a deeper level? Is it telling you something about what you really are attracted to? Is it something that you know, you actually are just friends with them and it becomes flirtatious and then when they make the advances your ego feels good and you think, okay, maybe I'll go have sex with them. What do you really want right now, Emily? What are you getting out of these relationships? Are you looking for a relationship? So I think for you getting clear, Emily, on what your intention is right now in this place
Starting point is 00:26:27 of dating in your life? Because if it is just to have some sex and figure things out, well yeah, then keep dating these separated men. Life is short. We all don't have a lot of time on this planet. We really don't. We never know what life's going to bring us. And so if you're someone Emily who is looking for a relationship, then I would say,
Starting point is 00:26:45 you know what, I'm gonna keep the friendship in these relationships with older men and take out the flirtatious part and see how I really feel about these relationships. Because remember, every time we let go of something that isn't serving us, it's not healthy, whether it's a person, place or thing, we're gonna fill it with something
Starting point is 00:27:03 that actually is going to help us to move us forward. It's true, that's just how it works. You make space for something else, it's gonna get filled. If you spend a lot of time with these ambiguous relationships with older men, then you're leaving less space for relationships with men that might really be a great compliment to where you are now. Only you know Emily what you're looking for, because I believe once we all get clear on it, we are all able to get it. Shane, 44 in Canada, okay, Shane, what is your question?
Starting point is 00:27:33 How could I help you? I'm married to my wife this October will be 20 years. We've been together for 23. Our relationship has been somewhat volatile, meaning, I mean, she has a pretty bad temper and it seems to have just gotten worse over the years and especially after kids really seem to pick up and it's killed my sex drive and it's killed my attachment or even just being you know emotionally present for her. I know that sex and connection is important
Starting point is 00:28:06 in a relationship and it's definitely important to me, but I have no desire to be with her. And we've seen a therapist before, we saw a therapist for over a year. And from the early meetings with that therapist, she told us that there was a ton of red flags that she had seen from our, you know, we filled in the original questionnaire
Starting point is 00:28:24 and just meeting with us a couple of times. But we went through, we met with her for a year and the way it ended was she was going on leave and she just basically said, listen, we've done a year, you know, I don't know if we're really in any better position than we were when we started, you know, I can refer you to someone else or, you know, you guys can maybe decide, this is not going to work, right? So it kind of caused my surprise when that happened, but we didn't see anybody else. And we've kind of just been, I would say treading water barely since then. And that was about a couple of years ago. And I don't know what to do.
Starting point is 00:28:56 I just don't know if this environment is, it's definitely not good for me. I don't think it's good for the kids because they're old enough now. When they say stuff to me, right? And I feel that's a lot of guilt that I feel because By not doing anything, I'm you know leaving them in this environment, which is Detrimental to them in the long run, right? So yeah, what do your kids say when they say that they know what's going on? What do they see? My daughter just turned 16 my son's 13 and a half and half, and they're like, why is mom yelling? Like yesterday, my daughter called me
Starting point is 00:29:28 because we had to drive her to work, and she's like, can you drive me to work? Is mom's yelling and cussing? And yeah, I don't wanna be around her. Has your wife ever gotten any treatment on her own? No. I mean, I've broached the subject with her. We've had times where I've said, listen,
Starting point is 00:29:44 I can't do this, right? Like I'm done, like I can't deal with your temper. Let's go back to the red flag because the therapist pointed out because that's pretty rare that a therapist is gonna say, doesn't look good. I haven't heard that that was so, how are those red flags going?
Starting point is 00:29:58 I can't remember exactly what it was. I know that, you know, probably know though, yeah. Oh yeah, I mean, I'm sure a lot of it had to do with just, there was a lot of anger on both sides, I'm sure, right? Different backgrounds. She came from a pretty conservative Chinese upbringing. I mean, even when we were dating,
Starting point is 00:30:19 like, we got engaged and I'd never met her parents or parents didn't even know anything about me. Wow. Yeah. So I mean, I was young. I was like 22 or something like that. So I mean, you didn't know at the time, you know, the significance of that. I mean, yeah, you can be scared because the cultural backgrounds,
Starting point is 00:30:33 right? Like my family's from Sri Lanka. So, you know, I'm brown in color and her family's Chinese. And so they're very strict that way, right? Like you don't kind of go outside the culture. I get that. Yeah. I mean, it's been 20 years now. So yeah, I guess I'm asking because you called in asking about like, now I don't want to have sex with her after all this long,
Starting point is 00:30:51 but all this while, which makes sense because if there's been yelling and screaming and in the home when it's temper that hasn't been resolved, she's repeating this, it sounds a little bit toxic and potentially abusive. And it doesn't't it would make sense that you wouldn't have such a high libido right now I understand the fears of not wanting to impact your kids But the fact that your kids are saying to you mom screaming. No, not that any kid want their parents to get divorced I just think that you went to therapy for a year that would be my suggestion for you Yeah, so then do you feel like you could see your life, you could see separating like a trial separation? Well, that's the thing, right? Like I, I mean,
Starting point is 00:31:30 I come from a divorce family. Both my parents have been divorced twice and you never want that for your family, right? I always want to try. Don't want to be another anecdote where you come from a divorce family. That's why you're divorced, right? So aside from that, like life-wise, like, you know, they go, oh, you come from a divorce family. That's why you're divorced, right? So aside from that, like life-wise, like, you know, we've cultivated, like, a good group of friends and we're in the community and stuff like that. And so it's a good life, except for the home life, right? Like, I feel a tremendous amount of guilt too, because I know that, like, by not being a husband
Starting point is 00:31:58 toward in the bedroom, that, I mean, it's not fair to her either, right? Like, you know, it's not fair to either one of you. And I feel like you've been taking a lot of the brunt of this over the last 20 years. It sounds like this has been probably going on for a long time. I understand that cultural differences and you come from different backgrounds, after 20 years, you pretty much know what the
Starting point is 00:32:18 challenges are and understand people staying together with little kids. I understand that, but I also know that kids know what's going on in the home and parents can stay together and that can be just as difficult for kids if the home environment isn't peaceful, that they're not actually seeing what it looks like to have loving parents. They're not seeing affectionate parents and parents who are supporting each other. Do you know what gets your wife to take action? Like, could you say that I don't, have you ever said to her,'m not sure I keep going like this because she probably needs therapy on her own. The fact that she went for a year is incredible with you. A lot of couples just bail on that but yeah. Even the therapist was there was no progress. I honestly don't know if she truly loves me or she's
Starting point is 00:33:01 just afraid of being labeled you know know, especially in her family, as being divorced and having a marriage that didn't work. And it's just she just says, oh no, I love you and why not? All right, see, you both have a fear that you're gonna be judged by your families and you're full on adults, you know? You have kids who are adults, you're 44 years old.
Starting point is 00:33:19 At some point in life, we gotta stop focusing so much and worrying so much about what our family's going to think and our neighbors are going to think People are so going to love you and they're still going to be your friends. You're an adult right now So I feel like a trial separation or doing something different needs to happen. I started seeing another Serpice on my own and I had my first session yesterday actually so so that's free literally Yeah, what he said is to you know, I would say, you know, offer her an opportunity to talk about the relationship and say, ask her, you know, like, what triggers her? Like, what is she trying to communicate when she flies off the handle?
Starting point is 00:33:56 I concur with your therapist that we have to change the conversation. Like, what is the fear on here? Let's talk about the same of this marriage. It's unhealthy in these ways and just have a real conversation with her. You're doing all the right things but I would definitely have it, and continue to have those conversations with her.
Starting point is 00:34:12 And if it's hard to get abusive and her yelling gets more intense, you have every right to leave that relationship. Bring your kids with you. Sounds unhealthy. Thanks, Dr. Mell. Thank you, of course, Shane. Have a great night.
Starting point is 00:34:22 I appreciate you. Thanks for calling me. Because I understand that there is this stigma around divorce. Iellon. All right. Thank you, of course, Shane. Have a great night. I appreciate you. Thanks for calling me. Thanks. Because I understand that there is this stigma around divorce. I hear this all the time. I understand it.
Starting point is 00:34:31 What about the stigma of staying in a relationship where you're not experiencing pleasure, where it's making you feel like you're a bad person. You're not lovable that you've created toxic behaviors that are making your life miserable. Why isn't there a stigma about staying in not healthy relationships? And also, if you're walking around with messages that don't serve you anymore from people who aren't in your life anymore, your parents, are they really going to leave you or they're going to judge you, your cousins, your neighbors?
Starting point is 00:34:58 Who really cares? And is their happiness more important than your own? So, once you tease all these things out and you realize what's important to you, you can even journal about it, then I think you can make healthier decisions coming from what's good for you and what you deserve rather than worrying about what everyone else thinks around you. Let's hear a quick word for our sponsors. Let's stick around. I'm talking all about how to dive into dating after getting divorced. This is from Alex44 in Texas.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Hey Dr. Emily, I'm curious if you could speak about the relationship between physical attraction and the emotion of love. I was married for 12 years before my wife and I divorced in 2018. In my dating experiences since, it's the more attractive women who seem to generate more emotions with me, despite the less attractive women, possessing far more attributes that I'm looking for, and are obviously a better fit for me.
Starting point is 00:35:59 This isn't making my dating life any easier, and it's really starting to tie my mind in knots. Also, as I'm open to accepting love and giving love, is it fair to compare the emotion I feel now at 44 to the emotions I felt that's a young, inexperienced 21-year-old where I could be swept off my feet and not touch the ground again for a year? In fact, I haven't had what people call a honeymoon period in any of my post-divorce relationships. These relationships have felt very mature and level-headed, but I can't help wondering if maybe this is a bad thing.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Should all good relationship experience the honeymoon phase? I wasn't afraid of being single again after my divorce. I just wasn't expecting such emotional confusion when everything seemed so clear and easy to translate when I was younger. It seems like I now question everything and oddly in my fourth decade of life, I'm questioning how love works. Hugs to you and your team from Texas. Thank you, Alex.
Starting point is 00:36:56 I love this email question. I think so many of us can relate. Once we've experienced deep love, marriage, a long-term relationship, once we get older, you have decades of dating now under your belt. We're less likely to experience the innocence and the naivete that we felt in our 20s. It was our first time being in love, feeling that our heart could never expand as much as it did, and that deep attraction we feel feel to somebody and we don't have as many concerns about kids or getting older or all the things. It's just a much more free time and
Starting point is 00:37:32 It doesn't repeat again. It doesn't but the good news about being in your forties is that you have experience You have more depth and you know what you want So at least you know better what you want. I hope So to answer your question about the honeymoon phase, it does look a little bit different in your 40s. I still think you should be feeling super attracted to people and excited and that feeling that you know you want to see this person a lot and you're really enjoying the sex you're having and you're enjoying the connection and every time you're with them, you're feeling this excitement to learn more and more about them. So that honeymoon phase does exist. It just might feel a
Starting point is 00:38:09 little bit different right now. When you're saying that these attractive women are generating more emotions, define the emotions. Is it emotions like I think this is my person forever or is it more of a physical attraction? Only you know the difference between that? I love that you're open to accepting love and giving love, but I think comparing it to what you felt at 21 is not realistic. Nothing's going to feel the same as it did at 21 in your 40s. And I think that's a good thing because now you understand more about what you want. You were married.
Starting point is 00:38:45 You did the work in a relationship for 12 years. And the fact that you're saying that these relationships have feel more mature and level headed, as long as you are attractive to the people and it feels beyond friendship, then I think it's okay. I think this is where you get to discuss what are your shared values? What's important to you? How do you want to live your life? How do you like to spend your free time? How important are kids to you? How important is marriage living together? Talk about money and how you guys do with debt.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Do you have debt? How about when your someone's parents get sick? Do you want them to come live with you? I think that these are the kind of things that we don't really think about in our 20s, which is why we have love so openly and honoring the fact that you're a 44-year-old man who seems like you've done some work and you have some thoughts around this. It's okay to be questioning it. Love isn't lust. And it sounds like maybe you're having some lust for these younger women, but you're also thinking to yourself, I think I want something with a little more depth and somebody you can kind of meet me where I'm at. There have been studies that show that an eight-year-age difference is about the maximum
Starting point is 00:39:54 age range that really works in relationships. Now, I know you've have stories about 20-year-age gaps and been working for a lot of people. That's great. Maybe it does. But for the majority of people, as science says, it's about an eight-year-age difference or fewer years than that that really make for healthy, sustainable relationships. So best of luck to you, Alex. Keep me posted. Next we're going to talk to jazz and this girlfriend Virginia. Hi, you two. Tell me everything. Okay. Uh, so we've been dating for just over, uh, 14 months. And at the time that we started, which was June of last year, I was seven months out of an amicable divorce.
Starting point is 00:40:38 I was married for 17 years. And she was in her prior relationship marriage plus relationship for 17 years. So we both, but at the time we met, she was four years out of her divorce. So it was well along pass for her. And so for me, I just been tentative about when I'm going to let my son and my ex know that, like my ex knows I'm in the dating world. But as it now, it shows that I know that I've met someone that I've dated this long. And we have an analytical relationship with my ex and part of me
Starting point is 00:41:15 was like, like, I don't know how she'll take it that I met someone else so soon. Um, and my son who's 16, he's kind of sensitive. And like the last time I saw him, he was still kind of hard for him to even talk about the divorce. And he obviously he's living with it for over a year. Part of me is like, when's a good time to let them know? I think it's time. Would I get concerned about his couples? Like it's been three days come meet my child. I mean, the rule of thumb is about six months with somebody sure
Starting point is 00:41:45 You know what's gonna be solid relationship to introduce your new partner to your kids for Gina Do you have kids? Yeah, I have two twelve and fifteen got it I think that it's time you guys seem like you're together and loving and open and communicating I mean you already have the divorce settled, it's done. Oh yeah, yeah. Okay. Up to this point, I had been waiting because I just wanted to make sure like this was gonna last a long time because I don't want to get them.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Yeah, attached to somebody. Right, right. Yeah, that's really important considerations. And then a couple of weeks ago, we had sort of like a tiff that had that I think gave us both a little bit of pause like oh wow could we at some point break up that made me a little bit more nervous about laying it out. Um, but you're already like that already and he's already met my two kids he spends time with him we vacation together and I don't think it causes a huge strain
Starting point is 00:42:47 on the relationship, but a little bit, because like, I was like so too. I was very incorporated into my life, but I'm not as incorporated into it. Well Ron, what are you afraid of? I'm hurting people that I care about. Because I remember I was like, for me,
Starting point is 00:42:59 I was a lot younger than he was when I knew my parents are getting divorced. So there's a little bit of difference. So there's part of that. And I'm that kind of person who doesn't like to hurt people who I care about. And so a part of me still cares about my ex's feelings, not to the extent that obviously it would prevent me
Starting point is 00:43:17 from meeting other people or whether or not. But to say, hey, I've met someone else who is possibly gonna be permanent for the foreseeable future just so you know. Okay. Seems. But now your Virginia is ready for you. Now you're hurting someone that you love and that you've been with for 14 months and
Starting point is 00:43:39 she sounds like she's ready. Why am I here? Is this right? She's not going to come on. So we actually had a past fight about this. Oh, okay. Is this right? It's right, but... She's not gonna go ahead and say, Well, you actually had a past fight about this. Oh, okay, there you go. Because, I mean, this is months ago,
Starting point is 00:43:52 but I would say, oh, you would say, oh, I talked to my son, like, you know, because of COVID and stuff. And so, like, he was, he talks about on Zoom, because he lives kind of far away right now. And remember, I was like, oh, do, you know, when are you planning to tell him,'ll be like, oh, you know, when are you planning to tell him or when you plan? You know, and we kind of every time I ask that question, you get upset with me when I ask. I don't know if I've upset the right word. I just, I just would say that two things. One, I've totally
Starting point is 00:44:20 brought her into the lies of all the people who are close to me that that meet me like my best friends my family who's down here I care about if my son was down here it would be a completely different picture but he's living in another city right now so it's almost like going out of my way to introduce him to this new person who for all intensive purposes is not gonna be like a mom to him right and so that's I think for me that's part of the issue. I think it's a really important kids for kids to understand Their parents emotional life as well and to say to someone that's really special to me I really wanted to wait until I knew that it was because my you could even be honest my parents didn't do that They introduced me to people right away or it wasn't a great experience
Starting point is 00:45:02 So I've spent a lot of time really making sure that if I did introduce you to somebody, it was somebody that I really cared about. And you just said, one mom, one dad, like your mom and I love you and she's not coming in to be your mom and she's not coming in to take over your life. But I just want you to know something
Starting point is 00:45:17 that's making me happy right now. That's giving me a lot of joy. And I look forward to you both meeting one day and that like leave it at that. So it's mostly on Zoom is what you're saying. That most of this is on Zoom. I see my son, yeah. lot of joy and I look forward to you both meeting one day and that like leave it at that. So it's mostly on Zoom is what you're saying that most of this is on. That's my son. Yeah. I spent a few weeks with him last month.
Starting point is 00:45:30 I went up and visited him, but for the most part, we see each other on Zoom like once a week. So what do you guys talk about? I mean, this would be something great to talk about. He's like really into video production and Lego's and Marvel. So we talk about, you know, 16 year old stuff. Yeah. He really gets year old stuff. Yeah. He really gets into, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Okay. Yeah. And I think that would be nice for him to just to let him know a little bit about what's going on with you because what about his mother? He lives with his mother. Yes. And is she dating other people? I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:45:58 I got it, but I really don't know. But I would get it because I know she's put a lot of focus into being a mom to him. But to be honest, I don't know. Like we don't know. Because I know she's put a lot of focus into being a mom to him. But to be honest, I don't know. Like we don't talk about each other's. Yeah. Okay. Well, that sounds like how you have really healthy boundaries with her. And I love that it was an amicable divorce. But 14 months and you've been with someone that you really, you care about, I think it's time to at least to share that. I think in your mind, you're like, oh, it's going to be this like, oh, God, dads, you know, that I can't do that. I really hope that mom and dad would get back together, you know?
Starting point is 00:46:27 So I think that you're kind of creating these case in your head, which I think is so loving too in a way protective because you don't want to make the same mistakes that your parents said is what I heard you say. But it's a different time now. And you get to be Ron. He sounds like you're a really loving man, father, lover, ex-husband, all the things. And your son might want to know, like he might say, Dad, why don't you tell me? I'm really happy you found someone. And it's like, do I make a point to bring it up?
Starting point is 00:46:54 When you're going to see him again. Probably either this weekend or next. I mean, is it important to you Virginia that he tells him this weekend or soon enough for? I don't necessarily need for this weekend, but I mean, at some point, I think it would be important. I've been trying to be patient about like the timing. Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:13 I think what I am most worried about is like, you know, especially if you want to have a really solid relationship with your child, you don't want to, that's also feel like you've been hiding things from them. So like we're already at 14 months If he waits another like year like he'll be like oh by the way I've been dating this person for two years But I've never mentioned you know, I mean yeah, I mean you might be broaching at point But I also understand these 16 year old boy and he's probably concerned with himself more than like what's dad doing because at that age You still think your parents just live for you right your parents just live for you
Starting point is 00:47:43 Yeah, it takes a long time to get out of so he So you might be like, okay, cool dad, whatever. Let's get back to talking about video games, you know? Yeah, yeah. So I see what you're saying with the emotional maturity level of 16 year old boys, not, you know, or girl, even at that point. It's just, I don't know. I mean, I think it's just what is telling me that there's some more connection that you might maybe have. There's other things to share with them first or I don't know. mean I know it's rough with kids because they don't really they will you will get to a point where he's dead how are you doing what's going
Starting point is 00:48:10 out with your life he's out there yet I think there are a lot of kids don't get there maybe till they're 20s I can tell you like a lot of my friends kids are my nieces like they probably never said how are you and I'm until like they were like 20 what's going out with you right So I just think this is about your dynamic with them, but if it feels more important to you, I'm giving you the overhead, I'm saying it's okay because I think that we hide so much from kids. And I think it's really healthy to let them know. Be real with them.
Starting point is 00:48:38 I waited because I didn't want to hurt you, but I really think it's someone special. I think you'd like to meet her. It's not like it's been to mom. Like, my mom, oh, she'll tell me she hates what I bring this up. My parents got divorced and my mom got remarried like six months later and moved someone with us. Like that was bad. That was like the 80s, whatever.
Starting point is 00:48:54 What I'm saying is that wasn't she's not me. We talk about all the time. Point is, that's not ideal. That was like six months. This is like 14 months, you're being careful. There's some middle ground there where you just gotta be honest and treat your kids are 16 year old man. He should know. He should know what's going on with this bad and teach him something about relationships
Starting point is 00:49:13 that really. Gips can end, but you can find love. And you should probably talk about masturbation too, but that's another show. I don't think my ex would appreciate that. Why? You're the other person in the family with a penis. No, I'm sure. Absolutely, absolutely. And then just not be worried about that conversation with my ex.
Starting point is 00:49:34 I think you should tell your ex maybe for the same time. Say, I want you to know I'm seeing someone. She might have been too. I think you should tell her, like you guys are divorced, fully, it's amicable. I think that couples who break up, like she should be happy for you, that you've got, are at least like, great. You're, you're in a place with someone and if she's not, that's another, it doesn't sound like it was that amicable. But after four years apart, eventually you just want someone to be happy, right?
Starting point is 00:49:56 Yeah. I don't know her. I don't know her emotional, say to her mental state. You say it's just why you know that I've been seeing someone and I'm going to tell our son about it. When you do decide to tell your son, that's I think they order because you don't want him to misinterpret it and say, hey, mom dad That's not there. Tell her first. Yeah, Sam talking to our son today And I just want you know that I'm gonna let him know that I've been seeing someone and I want you to know too Clearly there the fact that it's so hard for you makes me feel like there's something there that it'll be really important for you to do So what you're telling me is it's amicable. We've been divorced like there's something there that it'll be really important for you to do so. What you're telling me is it's amicable, we've been divorced, we don't talk, it's been
Starting point is 00:50:29 a few years, we're living apart in different cities, why wouldn't you tell her? So it's all to make me think it's either I'm missing something here, but otherwise those are all the facts. Let her know. What are we missing? I'm not missing anything. It was just, there was an like, there was an awkward point when we were, when we had decided to get the divorce,
Starting point is 00:50:51 but we were still together. At that point, we were going through a lot emotionally. I was learning where we'd be like to be out in the dating world again. And make a long story short, we were sharing passwords because we were really splitting up our passwords since we were separating, and my bumble password was in the total list
Starting point is 00:51:11 and she came across it. So she actually took it pretty well, but it's kind of awkward, even though again, we had decided we were getting into words, we were already separated, but it was just, so this is awkwardness of like me getting back into the dating scene so quickly.
Starting point is 00:51:27 You did nothing wrong here. I think you have some, I don't know, maybe some shame where you feel bad, you feel like you were really big of heart. I can't be a guy. I know, and I love that about you. And now you're in a loving relationship with a woman and I think maybe this will help you maybe separate from that and realize that it's okay.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Like a lot of people are on Bumble the next day after they break up. It happens all the time. Really? You're like, we just broke up and now it's a Bumble. She's by hope she's on Bumble. I hope she's somewhere. I hope she's, don't you hope she has that. It was fun because we were traveling or brought at the time, but I had my VPN set for
Starting point is 00:52:02 the city we were going back to. So I thought I would only find people in the city we were going back to, but apparently Bumble can go pass or VPN so it's still finding people local to the city we were in at the time. I get it. I think you got it. It's time for you to be your own best advocate here. It sounds like you really want to like please her and you're really careful about everyone's feelings, but I want you to kind of think about what's good for you.
Starting point is 00:52:24 And when it feels good to have all this out in the open and have your partner happy here and have your kids know who you are and have your ex-girl that you're doing fine and I hope you let her know that you hope she is as well. It's okay. You're all adults and I would think that our higher selves all want everyone in our lives to be happy and to fight love, especially the father of her child. Well thank you for calling in. It was really great to see both of you. Now I've got to know what happened, so you have to let me know.
Starting point is 00:52:50 We will. Okay, thank you so much. Thank you. Great to see you both. Have a good night. Bye. I think this one is we've got to take a check for, trying to protect others around us, protect their feelings,
Starting point is 00:53:01 maybe it's a little bit of people pleasing. We try so hard to make sure that everyone around us is okay, but we're not really standing up for ourselves, advocating for our needs. And I think it's perfectly okay. And probably time, if you have a relationship with your ex, are you sharing a child together that it's okay to let them know that you have a life outside the relationship.
Starting point is 00:53:19 And if anything, I think it is important to show our kids our emotional states about what we're going through. And I think all of that is valid and an important part of feeling that we are showing up as our authentic selves all the time. That's it for today's episode, See you on Tuesday. Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. Be sure to like, subscribe, and give us a review wherever you listen to the podcast and share this with a friend or partner.
Starting point is 00:53:50 You can find me on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter at Sex with Emily. Oh, I've been told I give really good email. So sign up at And while you're there, check out my free guides and articles for more ways to prioritize your pleasure. If you'd like to ask me about your sex life, dating or relationships, call my hotline 559 Talk Sex.
Starting point is 00:54:12 That's 559-825-5739. A go to slash askemily. Special thanks to A-Cast for powering the Sex with Emily podcast. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at

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