Sex With Emily - What Women Really Want

Episode Date: September 1, 2017

On today’s show, Emily is joined by three smart, sexy, and open women to talk about their sex lives–without sparing the details!  Sarah, Stephanie, and Mary are three women in their 30s trying to... have the best sex possible– just like all of you. Emily talks to them about everything, from fantasies to how they date to what they like in the bedroom, right down to how they orgasm! This show is like some good ole fashioned girl talk– amplified. Tune in to hear what women truly think about sex. Thanks for supporting our sponsors who help keep the show free: System Jo, Le Tote Select, and Magic Wand Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. On today's show, I'm joined by three smart, and sexually open women who let you inside their sex lives and don't spare any details. We're talking sex, dating, seduction, fantasies, and everything in between. Specifically, first time pegging, hot sex with the ex, female ejaculation, and ejaculation etiquette,
Starting point is 00:00:21 and the one thing men can do that really turns us on. All this and more, thanks for listening. They call them in a bag on me. Hey, Emily. You got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair stand. Oh, my. The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean, like laundry?
Starting point is 00:00:53 It shrinks. Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh, my God. I'm off here. I'm so proud. Being bad feels pretty good. But you know, Emily's not the kind of girl you just play good.
Starting point is 00:01:06 You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to and check out everything going on on our website. You can easily subscribe to the podcast and subscribe on iTunes. We're also on I Heart Radio now, which is very exciting and you can find us on Google Play and SoundCloud and Spotify. And yeah, we're putting up blogs every day that you will love on our site. And I'm so grateful for all my listeners.
Starting point is 00:01:31 And follow you listening and staying in touch on social media as well. It's all at Sex with Emily, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, all that stuff. You guys are awesome. I love hearing from you. My guests today are also awesome and I'm really, I'm already like giddy about this show and we haven't even started yet. I've got a group of women
Starting point is 00:01:51 in here and I don't know them that well. We've just recently met from what I know about them. They are going to be really open today sharing their experiences, sex, dating, relationships with you. So hello to my lovely women here. I would love you to start out by telling me your name, your age, your relationship status, and about the last time you had sex. Okay. That's not fun. I'll do it as well.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Well, not like, yeah. Okay. I'm Mary. I'm 32. I'm single. And the last time I had sex was with my ex. Okay, and how was anything you'd like to say if you've felt this is about that?
Starting point is 00:02:28 I mean, it's awesome. Exx is amazing, right? It's the best. Right. Yeah, we just know each other's bodies and we know what buttons to fashion, it's great. Okay, good, love it. Exx, we'll circle back to that perhaps.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Okay. My name is Sarah, I am 31. I am in a committed relationship for a little over two and a half years. And last time I had sex was yesterday. And where anything about the sex that you'd like to position or things you tried or where was it? It was kind of an all day thing.
Starting point is 00:02:57 You had sex all day? I love you. Like, you know, like sessions. Like, you know, morning, take a break, eat some breakfast, some eggs, you know, run some, like, you know, morning, take a break, eat some breakfast, some eggs, you know, run some errands, come back, more sex, and then you had to work. It was like Monday, so do you guys just like Tuesday, whatever day it was? Yeah, so it was like, I didn't have to work, so it was like an all day thing.
Starting point is 00:03:18 There was like four play in the morning for breakfast, and then you had like a lunch time or all or something, and then- It was kind of a combination of all of it, you know, just all day, and then you had like a large time oral or something and then. It was a kind of a combination of all of it, you know, just all day. And then basically, he just holds off on coming until when he's ready to at the end. So I get off multiple times the day, but like 10 p.m. I'm like actually sleep. Right. I'm exhausted just listening to it. I think that's amazing. Wow.
Starting point is 00:03:43 We're going to get back to that too. It doesn't have every time. He can hold off. He's like trained himself or I think that's amazing. Okay, wow. We're gonna get back to that too. It doesn't have every two. He can hold off. He's like trained himself or he's that's a whole thing. It's a whole, right? That is a gift. That is a gift. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I love it. Next, please.
Starting point is 00:03:55 As a follow-up that up. Hi, I'm Stephanie. I'm 33. And I had sex like three days ago, but I masturbated yesterday. Oh, okay. I feel like, yeah but I masturbated yesterday. Oh, okay. I feel like share that. How did you choose any toys or anything special? Yes. Which one?
Starting point is 00:04:12 The pure wand and the crave duet. Oh, the crave duet. That's a good one. Yeah. Yeah. Nice combo. Yeah. Great.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Yeah. Just curious. I get really granular. Okay. I said I was going to answer the same thing. So, my name. I'm Emily, and my age, whatever. I'm ageless and timeless. No, I'm relationship, so I'm single and dating,
Starting point is 00:04:32 and the last time I had sex, okay, so I was gonna answer this, I can't even, I think it was really mediocre. It's funny, you guys, you think I, I feel like I've been having some bad sex lately just to be able to talk about it on the show. No, I haven't talked about it yet. It was, oh my god.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Who did I have sex with? Hold on, hold on. You guys have been super busy lately. They didn't have sex in Santa Fe. Oh, no, okay. So here's what it was. It was with an ex and we had sex and it was, oh, okay. I got a backup.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Thank you. I'm so glad I talked to my producer, Lark, because she reminded me the last time I had sex. I was going to circle back to like a bad, this was a good sex experience. Okay, you know, they say that you kind of, you put things out there to the universe and you manifest what you want and you know, the more you talk about things are going to happen, right? The whole like, so you grow, they're like affirmations. So we have sex in the shower is this line from sports to to one of our sponsors and they make this this line of toys called sex in the shower. So it's because sex in the shower I think is kind of overrated and a lot of times you,
Starting point is 00:05:32 you know, you can't get into the position you think it feels like it's a great thing to do but you can't get the water ruins it and the positions are hard and like let's just do it on the floor. You get out of the bathroom. So we just shot a video in my house like showing this new sex in the shower line and I was like, I can't, I have this great shower. I just moved into this new house to shower heads and it's like the best part of my house. Yeah, steam showers and shower heads and it's whole thing. I was like, I can't believe I'm shooting this.
Starting point is 00:05:55 I've never had sex in the shower. So sure enough, I was having sex with a guy that I kind of a friend with benefits situation. And we were at my house and we fed sex a lot of times in my house. And he's like, let's get in the shower. And I was like, and didn't even told him I was like, yes, yes, let's let's do that I'm totally set up for that. I didn't say that. I wouldn't be like stop and be excited So we go up to my bathroom. We go in the shower and we had like the whole what did and we have some of you guys want
Starting point is 00:06:16 If this interest you we've got a box of sex in the shower products for you Yeah, we got the handles you put it up and there's like a suction handle so you can hold on to it And there's a foot like a stool like a step that's suction to the wall. You put your foot up anyway. And then there's a lufa sponge that has a mesh sponge that has a vibrator in it anyway. So we had amazing suction in the shower. That's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Yeah, it was great. And I was like, but I actually was able to turn around and use it not just talk about it. That's what happened. That was like a sexual thinking. My shower is actually big enough though, for you. What is? No, no, legitly, my shower is not good enough for two people.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Okay. Well, runs through this for just a minute and a half. But this makes it so you can move it. Okay, we're not going to get into that. I'll show you after you guys. We're going to go shopping. Don't worry. We've got stuff for you.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Okay, so thank you for all that, you guys. Very helpful. I feel like I know you. All right, I'm going to start with some sex in the news here. This came out today. I think this would be you. All right. I'm going to start with some sex in the news here. This came out today. I think this would be a great way to kick off our conversation here. 60% of women want more sex than their partner does.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Hey. legit. Yeah. legit. You think it sounds real? Yeah. Okay. All right, you guys.
Starting point is 00:07:19 That surprised you. Especially once it's in the relationship like that specific mention of it. Sounds very feasible to me. Okay. Right. When I started the show, you know, 12 years ago I wasn't in this realm of, you know, research. I believe that myth, I think that a lot of us are brought up with that,
Starting point is 00:07:31 like men want sex more than women, and that women are more frigid, and men are always like, you know, they got a bone all the time, which a lot of times they do, but they're always ready for it. And so this, I thought was interesting because they asked respondents
Starting point is 00:07:42 what they missed most about the initial honeymoon phase that occurs when two people are newly together. And they said that they missed the spontaneity and that the things they most argue about is money and sex. And they just said that they don't have enough sex now. It's not adventurous. And then he was the actual study. He said 59% of women said they wanted more sex
Starting point is 00:08:01 and they got only 40% of men felt the same way. So what's your thoughts on that? Have you guys ever been in a scenario like that where you feel like you just wanted more? And maybe it was even intimacy and not just sex but you just wanted more connection or just familiar to you in any part of your world. Well, I mean, I've been in a completely sexless relationship
Starting point is 00:08:21 before. So, and I remember the whole time, buying different lingerie sets and doing all these dopey useless things out of desperation, maybe he'll wanna fuck me then or whatever. And it was doomed from the start. And looking at hindsight,
Starting point is 00:08:39 I'm like, you are insane that you thought there were different tactics you could use in order to get him to want to sleep with you. And like the bottom line was like, it wasn't me. He just didn't want to have sex. Right. First of all, that's not insane. But like a lot of women, we try things, you know, lingerie, toys, you know, spicing
Starting point is 00:08:57 things, making dinner, whatever it is, and it doesn't really work. So do you know why he didn't want sex just because that's where he was at in his life or the fire had gone out in your relationship? No, it never really I mean, I've been in other relationships where you sure you go through a little lull and you tried different tactics that actually end up Working and things get spiced up again, you know, but if you never have it at the beginning You never have it. Yeah, I know. I know. I don't know going to start. Hey, what are you guys? Anything? Oh, definitely.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Well, one thing I would say, like, that's just a general, is I feel like women in relationships are often the ones who are expected to, like, keep things going, you know, and like, do the lingerie and make dinner and do the seduction and, like, give them a blow job when he least expects it. So I think that that can be part of then where when women feel like they're the ones like maybe driving that force, that then the paying attention to,
Starting point is 00:09:51 well, are we having enough? And I would like to have more, but then I need to instigate it. So maybe just even some of that stress is part of that feeling too. But yeah, I've definitely been in situations where I think like at first, they're like, oh, you're super sexual.
Starting point is 00:10:04 And like, this is fantastic. And then once it becomes like, first they're like, oh, you're super sexual and like, this is fantastic. And then once it becomes like, and you're all mine and I can have sex with you whenever I want to, it's sort of like, well, let's wait till the show's over. I'm not like that. I'm like, I'm like, oh, I'm- At that point, I'm like, oh, I'm- I'm like, I'm like, oh, I'm- I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I'm you're there. It's you become just kind of put on the back burner of it. And yeah, the
Starting point is 00:10:26 whole idea of you having to initiate, it's almost like, I don't know if you initiate it. You come at me. It's like you used to. You know, you used to kind of my door all romantic on Valentine's Day. And now Valentine's Day is like, oh yeah, did you want to go to dinner? Right. Exactly. I think we're talking about that road. Not that I don't like dinner. Right. No, I get it. I get it. So I think we're talking about that road. Not that I don't like it or everything. No, I get it. I get it. So I think we're talking about that loss of the romance, making it effort in the relationship. I think that we can all kind of relate to that.
Starting point is 00:10:50 And I'm not saying that men don't, the studies are saying that there aren't situations believing or what men want, more sex in their partners. I hate for men every single day who say that. I'm just saying, interesting. I thought it'd be a great way to jump off here. So I think we've all been in that honeymoon phase where things are amazing and you don't really have to talk about anything or work on it because it's like chemistry and it's the newness of it.
Starting point is 00:11:08 I already said to Stara as we can think about where you actually were able to bring it back or things that you've tried that sort of took you to the next level or helped you guys reconnect. One of the things that I think works and works pretty well is just like kind of building up that appetite again like where you're not necessarily instigating it but you sort of like look at your man, like he's a piece of meat and just sort kind of building up that appetite again, like where you're not necessarily instigating it,
Starting point is 00:11:25 but you sort of like look at your man, like he's a piece of meat, and just sort of like building that tension again, of just being kind of like, oh, I like, you know, the unexpected or something, like in the middle of the day or in the mornings, like I always feel like that's a good, easy way to just kick it off,
Starting point is 00:11:42 so it's not like this whole like, well, I have plans for us for Saturday night And you know, so I think like morning blowjob is a good one to just you know, just knock it out Yeah, right brush your teeth or something. Yeah, just wait before anybody can really think about Anything else that they might have to do that day. And so um those are things that I would like to know Would you have give a morning blowjob? Do you sex in the morning as well? Do you like how you sex? Oh, yeah. I'm kind of, um, like, I'm not always a fruition blow jobber.
Starting point is 00:12:10 I can. Okay. Okay. You'll be a fruition. Yeah. Like, so you started, look, yeah. And then you said, like, my turn. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Okay. Good. So, okay. Yeah. I like it because I think we're all keeping that like we're earlier to the seduction and how do you keep that? Interesting kind of like continue to seduce your partner. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Yeah, that's something. Guys definitely also feel that, like, they need to be seduced. They don't want to always be. So I think the communicating about it, like, if you're having a little like, hey, you have an sex with me in a few days, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:12:39 And like, the guys like, well, I've been stressed or you have an initiator, I felt that you were off and you're like, nah. And then, okay. Right, you know I think that's great that you guys talk about it just go for it then you're like nah it's not me too right you know I'm like I do Brito I'm so happy you know right and that's not that it makes it less sexy you actually talked about it because I think what we talk about a lot on the show is how do you communicate that in the moment because what could happen is you could resent that he hasn't initiated or you've initiated it in like months go by and you're like you can't even remember why you upset but all you know is you're not having sex and you're both angry at each other
Starting point is 00:13:09 for whatever. And I'm eating my feelings. Right. Right. Exactly. You don't want to eat your feelings. You want your feelings to be having sex towards sex. So I'm gonna profile you.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Yeah. I don't know. It's kind of weird. I'm single now, but in my last relationship, sex was never an issue. I think we had maybe a two week, lol, and we were together for four years. I think we had like a two week, low once when work was stressful
Starting point is 00:13:36 and a bunch of other stuff was going on. So it was very clear why we weren't connecting intimately and we communicated and that was, you know, understood so I didn't have to have that whole like, right. But is it me? Are you not attracted to me? Like, I didn't have any of those moments. And it's been a year that we've been broken up.
Starting point is 00:13:55 And if anything, our, like, our sexual compatibility is only getting better, which I realize is... That's right, because you've the time. Well, baby, it's so weird though. It's not like a hate sex or any, you know how like sometimes you have kind of like, or like makeup sex or you know, like anger. Like I'm gonna, I'm gonna fuck you better than anyone's ever for me.
Starting point is 00:14:22 She's like, no one is good as me. We don't even really do that. It's like something completely different. And it's a shame because as much as the relationship didn't work out, holy hell, I wish it could just for the sex. Right. Well, I mean, I can be learning from the sex
Starting point is 00:14:37 that maybe right now. Because you guys ever think about that. I was gonna say that if you've been, you guys are all in your 30s, which I love, like early 30s. So how do you feel that sex has changed now in your lives, like from 30 to when you first had sex? I think I'm more comfortable with it.
Starting point is 00:14:52 I think from being, from like when you first start having sex to your 20s to your 30s, you become more comfortable not only with sex and talking about it, but also with your body. And being like, you know what? No, it is what it is. I'm like, and accepting it, and actually it becomes sexier when you accept your flaws, and you become more confident,
Starting point is 00:15:12 when you become more confident in sex, you are better at it. So true, confidence is the thing. So I think, and I think a lot of people, not just women, I think people in general, don't really become confident in themselves until they hit their late 20s to 30s You could be confident in quotes at 24, but you're not really that that's confident as you are in your 30s I think that makes a big difference. It's a good point Sarah. You're right. I know I agree with you because the people think Yeah, there are 20s, but you haven't had enough life experience you probably haven't had enough
Starting point is 00:15:38 Partners and experience and community game stuff so community getting so for me. It's it's it's Mary This is pretty um. This is pretty embarrassing. But I had sex for the first time when I was 17, and I was considered in my group of friends, a late bloomer. How old were you? I was 17. So I was a senior in high school. That's normal.
Starting point is 00:15:58 It's normal, but it's so many. I'm so many. Don't feel ashamed about that one. Thank you. No, this is dead. That wasn't dead. It wasn't. Thank you. No, it gets, this is death. That wasn't it. It was so hard. I love women.
Starting point is 00:16:08 We're all like comforting. It's fine. It's fine. She's like, just wait. You ready for this? Yeah. I didn't masturbate for the first time until I was 24. I will fully admit that I was 21.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Really? Yeah. 23, right? Yeah. That's why I'm here. I'm like, I'm making up for it ever since. No, that's fine. I think there's a lot of women can relate to that. Yeah, I just and I it's not like I was grossed out by my body or anything
Starting point is 00:16:29 I more so is just kind of like I can't be bothered why would I master rate if I could just have sex right? You know like in my mind I was like why would I do that? I don't have sex with a real life penis right exactly right and then little did I know I'm the best I've ever Right, exactly. And then little did I know, I'm the best I've ever heard. Yeah. Exactly. You married.
Starting point is 00:16:48 I got it. So you knew about masturbation. I didn't even know about it. I was having sex and not having, or I've told, or having orgasms and my friends were probably like, what do you mean? Like, because I'm like, sex is an, you guys, like, what's the whole thing? And I grew up like in a liberal, I wasn't like, you know, they're a real home and they were like, you're not masturbation.
Starting point is 00:17:04 So I actually never even occurred to me to touch my body. So you actually knew it was an option. So my question for you then is, do you, you are the best you ever have, I'm sure. That's the thing you guys sex is masturbation. Sex was so many love. I love ourselves. Do you easily have orgasms?
Starting point is 00:17:17 Yes. Okay. Like within a minute. Like if I'm like ready, like if I like, I have a mission, I can do a masturbation. What about doing sex? And of course. Sex takes like a little bit longer than that.
Starting point is 00:17:30 But not much, it's a total obviously where like a giant, what is that? Like we're like a huge control board. Like we're like, no it's true, we're like the boobs keep of life. Like how do they figure out how we out work? They can be really fast if I'm not thinking about anything else, and I'm just right there, but if my mind wanders at all,
Starting point is 00:17:52 it could take a, it still will happen. It just takes a little bit, you know, a little round about. That's a, it's a duet. It's trash out. Exactly. That happens, that literally happens all the time. I think a lot of women do talk about the fact that they don't have the orgasm. They don't, during sex because they are distracted.
Starting point is 00:18:07 So you stay in the moment. That's great. Okay. So what about, what about both of you, during, what's your orgasm style? Is it during, can you have orgasms during, in a course? I have multiple and I'm really fast. I'm fast and plentiful. Fast and plentiful.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Yeah. So I can, and I think it's because, in this is something I have to say, I'm not fast. Fast and plentiful. Fast and plentiful. Yeah, so I can, and I think it's because, and this is something I actually just recently discovered with my boyfriend now, before my accident, I'm not gonna share with someone. But you were with someone, but you kind of say that you did share something with me, which I think is really interesting, that you were with someone for a long time
Starting point is 00:18:42 before your accident. And so you didn't, so now in your 30s, you learned a lot. Yeah, I became more comfortable with myself and the idea of sex. And I think also when my partner has made me very comfortable with myself. And so that makes a bit different. But how did he do it?
Starting point is 00:18:56 I don't want you to go, how did he make you more comfortable? I think appreciating my flaws or what I consider for Steven's flaws. What I perceive is my flaws. By appreciating them and really focusing on them and bringing them to light that like, he really appreciates them and he loves them and he likes them and that's what makes me unique
Starting point is 00:19:11 and being in love with my body. You know, not just saying it, but physically the way he looks at me, I think that's, that made a big difference in all of it. When we first started dating and having sex, I couldn't get off from the bottom only from the top, which is obviously I'm controlling situation. And as we've been having sex more and more and over the years, now I can get off from the bottom.
Starting point is 00:19:31 So we kind of practiced, made perfect. Right. Yeah, no, it's true. You know, in long-term relationships, that's one of the benefits. Yeah, and it was the right time. It was a goal for him. It was like a real goal for him. Like, I'm going to get you off from the bottom.
Starting point is 00:19:43 See, that's a great point because I feel like a lot of partners, you know, people, you know, who I talk to, they think it's their own, and all the times it is our own job, we got to like, masturbate, figure out our bodies. So when you were a partner who's like, I'm in it with you, like, let's figure out your, where your G spot is or how you can orgasm, you know, how you can orgasm in different positions. I love that.
Starting point is 00:20:02 I love that. Let's do it together. Yeah, it's team effort. Exactly. Well, that's her. Right there. Right. It is.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Yeah, he cares more. And like he won't orgasm unless I do first. Yeah. That's such a joke. I know you said you waited all day. Did he have to practice that? Do you think that we men can kind of play with a jacket or a control?
Starting point is 00:20:21 Well, I think he's older, so he's had practice with it. I'm assuming we don't really talk about our past experience. You were healthy. I don't think you need to. It's one of those things. Especially in STD or whatever. Some partners get off on it, and they really want to hear, but I'm a tread like that.
Starting point is 00:20:36 I mean, please tell me if you have ST or a child, and you said that's all I really am, that you're a sex life. I totally am down with that. It's such a good, that's great. Okay, so that's the orgasm question. But that my question, I know there's so much. Yeah, orgasm during intercourse,
Starting point is 00:20:50 or how do you orgasm? I have them frequently and easily, actually. Okay, you guys are rare. I know, I know, I know. I did not even know all these women here like what their history was, but this is rare. Yeah. I mean, it's 30, right?
Starting point is 00:21:03 It's 30% of women, maybe less, have it during intercourse. Oh, yeah, I mean, it's a bit crazy. So you guys were like, even I was thinking, I was like, this, because it's going around the table, like I was like, oh, this is going to sound please, please say that you can't. Please say the truth. No, okay, but I don't consider them all equal. Right. So I can't start with that.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Let's try a different kind of work. This is the same. I consider them kind of like earthquakes. Like, when I'm like, that's a little tremor, and that was nice. But then the more that those kind of build up, and I'm like, it's the big one. And so, you know, and then there's aftershocks. So it's like during...
Starting point is 00:21:32 Why do you have sex? I mean, yeah, yeah. So like I can have, you know, like where it's like a couple of little ones to kind of get things going. And then though, but then there's like that explosive sort of, like, oh my god. And that, I'm like, no, we have to get to there. So I'm not always, like, I'm satisfied,
Starting point is 00:21:49 but not in the same way where I'm like, come on, we can do better than this. Let's go there. I'm actually agree with you. Have you ever had a coming down? Yeah, we can have a few or one or not. You like it. So you're talking about, like, do you guys know
Starting point is 00:22:00 what kind of orgasms you're having? Like, G-Spot or Cedar roller, you do. Or you've ever had the ones where like, you get there, then all of that disappears. It's almost like you just went, I'm great. You're like, Don,ms you're having like G-Spot or Cudderall or you do. Or you've never had the ones where like you get there, then also it disappears. It's almost like you just went under it. You're like, you're like, you're like, fuck. It's a pair of orgasms. Yeah. You get it back though sometimes.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Sometimes, but then it's always like you just start all over again. It's like, it's like energy at that point. You're like, oh, you're like, I was so close. Where'd you go to the old? Okay, she could pour glass of wine. Let's talk about just the experience of having an orgasm. Like I think that's so, I would just love to hear
Starting point is 00:22:29 from all of you, like Stephanie, you were just saying your process of when you're having a second. And you were the partner and you been together a while and you know, we're gonna get back to that in a minute. We're gonna get back to that in a minute. Okay, because I love that. I love that we're gonna get into how we all feel. We orgasm.
Starting point is 00:22:41 But first, I wanna give a shout out to our sponsors. Thank you everybody. Thanks for supporting them. You know that I never ever talk about a product or service that I have not used myself, that I've not tried, and that is amazing. So thank you for supporting them. Helps get to show free.
Starting point is 00:22:55 And I'll be right back, talk in orgasms. I love this, because I wanna hear about about that because we're all different. I always tell, you know, I can't emphasize enough that you know women are like snowflakes and we all orgasm differently. And I understand for men or for your partners are so confused by like each partner or I got to learn something new. Yeah, you do, but you got to pay attention. I hope you're with a partner and can help you explain what she needs or you learn together.
Starting point is 00:23:24 So let's talk about your process You said like do you require a lot of foreplay? Like what's the idea? How about this? What's your ideal sexual scenario? Well, it would definitely start like step in the morning in the morning. Okay, so I am a big believer in foreplay And I actually feel like the best time to start foreplay is right after you had sex and then until the next time so it should be Not should but oh my god. I've a quote on the wall that just four plays starts after the last orgasm. Yeah, I love it. Yeah, so just that it's like it's that tension and kind of the ongoing availability and I feel like that can be what makes it
Starting point is 00:23:59 easier maybe to have an orgasm so that you know it's already it's like the four plays built in. So you you know, starting with it, I really am a big fan of morning sex. Like I just think it's good and healthy and like just something that people consider that. It's like green juice. Yeah, it's like a breast is the juice. Oh my god, you guys.
Starting point is 00:24:21 But then, yeah, throughout the day. And I'm like, but what about, let's cut to you as having sex when you say that there's this build up. And then you're on top, or I don't know where you are, but you're having through your body, and then let's wait for the next one.
Starting point is 00:24:34 So I'll say it this way too, since I've been with my boyfriend for four years now. We have a definite rhythm. And so I tease, if you've never had vanilla, it's delicious. Like especially once you get into it. So starting with like oral always makes a big difference and that's for you.
Starting point is 00:24:53 I've gathered for four years. But he goes down on you. And it's amazing. Yeah, that's our thing. So he goes, that's who he's good at. And he goes, are you probably, was he great the first time or you probably had to guide him? Yeah, and we pretty much just had sex
Starting point is 00:25:05 for like, I think a week straight, and that's how we were writing and having sex and then we've been together since then. Oh my god, I love it. So he goes down on you typically for how long? I come pretty easily, so I would say like five to seven minutes within there. Also rare.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Great. You guys were all like bashing every day, right? But that's That's great. So it goes on and you have an orgasm. You not going out maybe. Or you start, you want to get you started. Yeah. So like if I start with him and then, you know, like starting with a blowjob or something to that effect, then he usually like turns it around. I'm kind of spoiled. And then after I've had like one or two from oral, then we have sex. And then from that point, it doesn't really matter.
Starting point is 00:25:49 If it's like a quickie, or if it's like then, let's see what kind of, let's use the whole surface of the bed, and then we can't. Then it doesn't seem to matter to me as much, because we'll then usually have a really big orgasm, and then you know me. And then that builds from your your, from your Gsp, oh you want to, I'm just trying to like, are you positions?
Starting point is 00:26:07 On top of you and bottom, is it different? I actually can, so Gspot orgasms are kind of what I consider to be like that big one. Like I'm not, I don't like, ejaculate every time or anything, but when I do, it's great. You do ejaculate. I have. Yes, good time. Yeah, it's like, it's, yeah, and it depends on the position.
Starting point is 00:26:28 And I tease that, like, I feel like ejaculation for women is like the being vegan where it's like, we'll tell you. We'll bring it up. Right. Yeah, so, um, G-spot orgasms are the ones that I think are ejaculation happens. And I feel like from anal, like orgasm from the back, like, with how it hits the G-spot and then depending on if there's literal stimulation doing that.
Starting point is 00:26:46 So I guess I'm all about the blended. The blended orgasm, like it's a very blended. The ADD orgasm, like little here, a little there there. Yeah. But you just put it all the way to the back. So anal, okay, that's good, okay. It's good. Who's not gonna turn on them excited, okay?
Starting point is 00:27:02 What about your orgasm style? My style? I don't know, how does it happen, okay? What about your orgasm style? Um, my style? I don't know, like, how does it happen for you? What's a great sex scenario? Um, okay, while I just explained- Best case scenario. Yeah, like the 12 hours, although we're like in your viral life. Please be so happy for you.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Um, please welcome to the morning, you know, you roll over, the dogs like in your face, and you're like, and so then you roll back over the other way, and there he is. Um, you know, and then honestly, it starts out where like in the morning, you're like, and so then you roll back over the other way and there he is. And then honestly, it starts out where in the morning you just roll over and cuddle, like, oh, you're here, hi. I missed you while I was sleeping for eight hours. And then I tend to sleep in either nothing
Starting point is 00:27:35 or very minimal clothing. And I think for him, and obviously he wakes up with wood because of every guy does. So as he's cuddling me, I literally can feel his penis on my ass. Right. And so then it kinda turns me on. The dick in the back. And then yeah,
Starting point is 00:27:50 well I kinda position myself and it's like fetal that way. You know, it's not like actually in my spine. And so then he's wrapped his arms around me and then all of a sudden his hands are my boobs and then it just kind of, a lot of the touching happens and then you start making out
Starting point is 00:28:03 and then you go into having sex. Sometimes we'll go down on each other and oral will happen. Sometimes he kind of just goes straight for it and just like takes the rest of whatever clothes I am wearing off. And there's a little more dominant in that sense, especially in the morning.
Starting point is 00:28:19 He's the one who's more dominant in the morning. Sometimes we finish, sometimes we don't. It depends on what the rest of our day looks like. If I have to work or he has to leave He's the one who's more dominant in the morning. Sometimes we finish, sometimes we don't. It depends on what the rest of our day looks like. If I have to work or he has to leave, then he'll finish because he knows he's not gonna see me. But if both of us are kind of home, he tends to work from home a lot.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Then, he might stop and then we're like, oh, it's gonna get coffee or I gotta go take the dog out. Oh, then you're continuing, can you just do that? And then we stop and then we go do the few things that we need to do to get done at that moment. And then we come back, maybe we have coffee, he'll be sitting at his computer, I'll walk up to him, like rubber shoulders, things like that. And then I'll just walk away.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Right. And then he'll eventually follow me. And so like that, things like that happen. It's kind of like what Stephanie was saying, but it starts after, it kind of keeps going all the time. How do you keep that pilot going all day long? So, you know, even after I orgasm, let's say in one of the sessions, we kind of still go.
Starting point is 00:29:11 And so what happens is sometimes after you orgasm, you're kind of like, oh, I'm satisfied. I'm good. I can relax. But if you keep going, it kind of starts the engine over again. And so then that's when he'll stop me. So that way, my engine has started, but I'm not to a point where I'm about to drive for a bridge or something. So now I'm back in the game and I want to tease
Starting point is 00:29:32 and I want to be playful. So then later on he can come back again. And then just make rounds. I just keep this going, I hope that it's. Yeah, and sometimes it gets really exhausting. And I'm going to admit there have been times where my vagina is raw and I'm like, I'm done. You need to come
Starting point is 00:29:49 Never come that's so that and for you it's like more of a blended you were saying when you have orgasms Or is it literal G-spot? It's both sometimes and sometimes you get like the literal ones that you're kind of like she said They're like the little trumbles, right and they're still good. They're still fine, but they're not the finale So you're like, oh, I can keep going. I can keep going. I can keep going. I can keep going. And then you have the finale. You're like, oh, let me just take that five. Exactly. Let me just breathe this back. And this wasn't the case in your last and your 20s. No, in my 20s, I was with somebody for a really long time.
Starting point is 00:30:14 And we just kind of become friends. Part of it was our work schedules were a complete opposite. Yeah, he couldn't stay home all day. And it was real. Yeah, that was part of the problem. And then instead of spending time with me, he had read us from time with his friends. We didn't have that connection,
Starting point is 00:30:27 but we were young and not aware. So I think it's just a good message to a lot of people listening who assume think that we put ourselves in our own box and we think, God, I can never orgasm that way. Or this can never happen. Or it's not possible for me. Especially in our 20s when sex were still figuring out.
Starting point is 00:30:40 So to see that like, that's professional. And people are always like, oh, you know, like I need to have the big dick. Well, to be honest, like, it's not, people always say size matters. No, it's really the size that matters in my vagina. Right. Because if my vagina is too small for your big dick,
Starting point is 00:30:54 that's not gonna work out. Exactly. And that way, actually a huge problem I had with my ex was like, I don't wanna have sex with that. It was too big, right? It was like, so I couldn't be on top because like, because gravity wise, like, if I'm sitting completely on it, it was like in my belly button. And now was like, so I couldn't be on top because like, because gravity wise, like I'm sitting
Starting point is 00:31:05 completely on it, it was like in my belly button and now it was uncomfortable. I was like, I love it. I love it. I love it. People, men obviously know it's like their biggest concern is like, I'm not big enough. And I'm telling you, I said in my 12 years I've been doing this, I've heard from more women who say it was too big and painful than his penis was too small. Not that we haven't had both their head that's in our eye maybe, but we're not as obsessed about your penis as you are.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Yeah. Figure out how to move around, right? Okay. So, Mary, okay, you're all up with orgasms. You're up. I don't know. Look at you, just got a bit of great scenario. Like, when you had great sex the other day.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Yeah, with my ex, it's like we know each other's bodies so well and we're also spontaneous sexers. That's huge. That's huge, very rousal. It's like, you know, mid afternoon weird scenario, cookies were really sneaking away, and just having a quick little sash. So as much as four play is awesome, it'll be like a really quick version of four play.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Listening to everybody's stories made me think of different moments in my 20s when I was single, and oh, I'm single now, but I had a lot more sex while of different moments in my 20s when I was single and oh, I'm single now But I had a lot more sex while I was single in my 20s before the internet But well, you know apps and all that anyway Made someone in a barn take them home. I lived in New York for 12 years I lived in New York for 12 years. Oh God, that's so interesting. I'm in New York.
Starting point is 00:32:23 That's like your second job. That's the best. But you know, I have so many stories of not horrible sex, but just like boring sex because someone would just want to rip my clothes off and start going at it right away. I would be like, you ruined it. I don't care how hot you are or like, how beautiful your penis is, you ruined it.
Starting point is 00:32:40 But you know, I think one of the most magical situations is when someone, whether you've known them forever, you just met when they worship your body, when like your body is a playground. And you can, yeah, and you can kind of see the excitement, you know, and it's being acted out and played out in front of you. And you're just like, yes, we're playing, we're vibing, like, right. It's so much more A, it's intimate and that's why intimate sex with a partner, like a consistent partner is so much more exciting,
Starting point is 00:33:10 then you know, random like getting to know you sex. But there's the diamonds in the world. Like the camera sucks, okay. But then there was the diamonds in the rough. Your body gesture, that. I wish you guys could see this. Well, we will have some videos online and pictures. These are beautiful, smart, tells you when you're in it.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Yeah. But yeah, it's just, I can think of certain lovers that I've had that are just, just blew my mind because I was like, yes, you love, it's so clear that you love women. Because you love our bodies so much. OK, Mary, what you're saying there is this is what I'm trying to say a lot to listeners
Starting point is 00:33:47 and to explain to men who I think don't quite get that yet is that it is about that worshiping or like that you see we want to be seen you know we want to feel like you are looking at my breast and you're like when you're we're having sex you're addressing me for the first time like it's a present like you've never seen this before and you're into it and you're not faking it. Maybe you've to fake it till you make it. That's fine as long as I don't know. You could fake it.
Starting point is 00:34:08 I mean, some guys are like, I don't get it. Like I just want to stick it in it. And I've had so many of those scenarios where it's just the biggest buzzkill. And I think that's most of guys go to move. And I can tell, there's like this moment, like what's a good analogy? Like when you just know someone's like on your page,
Starting point is 00:34:21 you're just like, oh, like they're looking at you and they're like going down to you. They're like, wow, it's so beautiful. Like your press is so great. I love it oh, they're looking at you and they're like going down to you, they're like, wow, it's so beautiful, like your breasts are so great, I love it. And they're like into it and they see you and they're taking their time. And they're washing your body and it feels just the way to be guys.
Starting point is 00:34:34 And it's not necessarily in what you say, you know, it's more, no, you don't. Like you look in their eyes, nothing. Right, it's exactly, it's curious. It's like they're unwrapping like this present and they're just like exploring. Men like to explore and they like new things. I think they like adventure.
Starting point is 00:34:49 If men could just look at women's, each woman's bodies that they're with, kind of like that. Like what, how does this thing work? And like it's really beautiful. Every woman's body presents you with a new situation, new scenario that you can like, you know, silly and pack.
Starting point is 00:35:02 And my heart goes out to men too because there's so much pressure for them to initiate. I think women, a lot of women do assume that guys, they know all the answers to our bodies, they are gonna figure it out. And then they get nervous in a fear, and then they just go back into the jackhammer, they go to move.
Starting point is 00:35:15 So I think that when men can just learn to like slow down in the moment, it won't be that hard. You've got a beautiful body in front of you. Like, you'll figure it out. I think men have just much pressure as women do to be good at it. Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:26 And they're like, oh, she's like the penis. What if it's not big enough? Right. It's too big. I think guys are just as insecure about sex as girls are. And I think that women need to remember that and not put so much pressure on them to be so good or amazing. I think we need to equally be sensitive to them.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Right. Mary, you were saying you're with those guys, you're like, why did you ruin it? And I've had more of those, and I'm telling you it doesn't end in your 20s, unfortunately. But how do you then guide your partners? Have you been in a scenario or can you just explain to you what you've done
Starting point is 00:35:54 when you're like, that's not quite working and how a scenario has actually changed or how you give feedback to a partner? You know, like, have you ever been in a case where like, this is doomed and then you're like, oh, wait, I actually can work this through. I think part of it is just taking over, just being a little dominant and almost being slightly,
Starting point is 00:36:10 it feels selfish, but also it's very generous to be able to just say, you know what? I'm gonna, you just go ahead and take a little break for a moment and let me take over. And I'll show you what I like. Right, you know. And then you like, yeah, then you take their hands or climb on top of them guys. So this is a gift for men like relax.
Starting point is 00:36:28 They're helping you. That's good. Good. I mean, obviously communications is a big part of it as well. I think women being confident enough to take over is also a big thing. Because I don't think a lot of women are, I think they feel that men should be the dominant ones in sex in that role play in the bedroom and life or whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:46 So they're so used to being more submissive in that role. So a lot of women don't take over to make sure guys know how to pleasure them. Whereas I think if you feel confident enough or communicating up with your partner, you can become confident to be like, actually, I'm going to step up to the plate and show you this is not comfortable. And this is or whatever. So I think that also, but I think that also comes with age as well. Does, does, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Well, I would actually say on this one, like thinking more to, like when I was in my 20s and at the various times. So looking at it is like a broad spectrum of like of all the men. Right. Exactly. But I would say that like like, I, regardless of, I guess, the length of time of the relationship, or like, if it was something that could have been just like a hook-up situation, I typically find myself in sexual situations with people that I feel really comfortable with.
Starting point is 00:37:35 And so it's like the point of my personality isn't filtered. So I'm like, whoa, I called up like that's too fast. Or, you know, like, oh, I don't like that. Like, can you do this instead or just like physically moving around so I feel like that can actually make a big difference so even if it's somebody that you just met if you just are like vibing with them and you feel kind of like oh I just like could totally worship this person for the night and accept it and then those you know if it doesn't go quite as like you think it's going to because you're like,
Starting point is 00:38:05 oh, it's so turned on, but actually, I don't know this person. Then usually if you're able to just like stay being yourself, like, so however it comes out versus like, I really prefer it when it's like this, or like having like a cosmos scripted, like, exactly, you don't even script it. I'm just, yeah, like just be yourself,
Starting point is 00:38:20 even when you're having sex. Ask for what you want, and if you don't, yeah, I think you're obviously about, ask for what you want in the moment, because like I say, like, life's too short for bad sex,, I think you're obviously about ask for what you want in the moment, because like I say, like life's too short for bad sex. And I think of myself back in my 20s when I do the partners and they would say, so how is this?
Starting point is 00:38:31 Is it, you know, how do you feel? Do you like this? I'm like, it's good. I was like, what else do you want? And I'm like, nothing. Like it's perfect. Because I really, I didn't know. And I think like early 20.
Starting point is 00:38:39 And I was like, I didn't know an alternative, but I knew it wasn't great. And then there also might have been this like, I don't know. So I think if you're in that scenario, it's not like you just have to go through your 20s and having bad sex and I'm not saying that every woman is like this, but this would be a great time.
Starting point is 00:38:52 I'd be like, I'm not really sure, but let's figure it out together. Like I had a boyfriend when I hadn't found my juice pot yet. In my 20s that we like worked on it. Like I went to good vibrations and I got a vibrator and I, you know, good for my first time. I was like, oh yeah, this is how we do it. It was like a mission that we together.
Starting point is 00:39:04 We found it. we did it. I used to think that men, when they were born, they somehow, at some point, went away to some secret school where they got all the answers to women's bodies and how I worked and someone gave them the owner's manual and I didn't get it, so you must know, giving them a lot of credit for that. They kind of did, because they had the playboys and a lot of the porn for a long time was geared more towards men. And so I do think that guys get a little bit more visual exposure to sex actually happening
Starting point is 00:39:33 than girls do, especially at those younger ages. So I think sometimes it can just feel like they should never be like. But they don't, but each one's different. They don't, and you shouldn't always base what you're doing off of. Of a porn, that's a great topic. But you should get into. Of a porn. That's a great topic.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Exactly. But you should get into porn in a minute. Okay, we're gonna get into porn. We have to take about a Mary. She's awesome. So now I've got Sarah and Stephanie here. So tell me your thoughts about porn. Do you engage?
Starting point is 00:39:57 I'm a big fan of the porn gifts. I'll make a plug for her eyes only. I think it's on Tumblr. I have no affiliation. Okay. But I I like those little like just that kind of image. Yeah, it's like a it's enough to be erotic to me But it's not so long that I start like wondering like about other things that are maybe going on in the set production Or like the lighting's really bad, but um because like sometimes like I had a porn phase and it was like it's for research and then I was like, I love it. And then, it'll just be a thing for a little while, but the gifts, I think, like sending those back and forth, especially if it's kind of high art, like it's a little black and white and somebody's getting a tookus lingus,
Starting point is 00:40:39 and that just pops up on my phone. A tookus lingus, like, ain't it like it? Yeah, tookus lingus, I got this lingus. I don't like saying toss salad. just pops up on my phone. It took his lingoist, like, Ainalicke? Yeah. It took his lingoist. That's his lingoist. Yeah. I don't like saying toss salad. But took his, I mean, yeah, that's a get-ish. It is.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Do you know that? Well, I didn't know that. Actually, it was in Sex and the City. And they said, like, took his lingoist Latin for not without an engagement ring. That is so funny. Yeah. I mean, I believe it's a get-ish-ish.
Starting point is 00:41:00 I think that's the best thing ever. Wait, so you look, I don't think so. But you look at the images, and then you're kind of like, yeah, just find the rules. Yeah, they're a rosy, and my friend has a sight-lady cheeky too, which is also great. Oh yeah, okay. I don't watch her, Sarah, you don't have them.
Starting point is 00:41:15 No, in fact, I, how she said she pays attention to the lighting and things like that. I think I watch it and I'm like, yeah, those heels are just in the way. Like the whole, the story storyline is not realistic to me or like, I don't know, and I think I overanalyze it. Instead of just watching the act itself, I'm like, yeah, no, not, not, not, not, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Well, you guys are too busy having sex all day, so that's not the time to turn to TV. Let's be honest. Okay, so you guys, let's talk about your sexual bucket list. Like is there anything that you've been wanting to try? I think I want to peg someone. You want to peg someone? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:48 I say someone because I think that my boyfriend, like if I was like, I want to peg you, he'd be like, I don't like you. You ask. Is this men are really intense? Straight men are intimidated. Yeah, like sometimes teasingly and sometimes like, well, if there's ever anything weird,
Starting point is 00:42:00 that you're afraid to ask. Like if you're afraid to ask me to peg you, you can just ask. I mean, you should know. So I, for the theory of that, you try everything at least once or twice, once to try it, second time to make sure you don't like it. Right. I love it. And yeah, it's been my theory about anal my entire life and I every time I try it, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:42:19 no, I don't like this. Or it's from a time like, oh, I'm gonna try it. I'll try it again. I'll try it again. So I continually try it, even though in my mind I've told myself, no,, I'll try it again, I'll try it again. So I continually try it, even though in my mind I've told myself, no, but I continually try it. But either way, I think that yeah, so that's something you could say to him,
Starting point is 00:42:31 like, you know, live on the edge. Try it, try it at least once. Well, and I also think it might be something where I just like the fantasy of it versus, you know, but I'm not a finger in the butt. Do you replay with his anus at all? No, but mine is like, Yeah, you all the time. Right, he plays with you all the time.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Yeah, because you've like orgasms through anal. Yeah, I love it. I'm a big trade. I'm a trade, the anal girl. Yeah, I did really, I don't know, but I also just come back and be the anal girl, the show because we've got lots of questions. I feel like a lot of my, like some of the articles,
Starting point is 00:42:59 like, and there was, I did an masturbation one. Yeah, actually for another unbound and so, yeah, and then just this one that went up yesterday. Yeah, I think it's like Everything but can I Stephanie writes on our sites you check out her articles as well and our website blog She's been amazing blog Stephanie's yeah, they're all gonna be like stocking out But that's cool as we like you stock us on our website She's an amazing writer and I'm talented around sexual exploits and open Thank you. So, Annal, you're gonna be like,
Starting point is 00:43:26 and the anal girl. And the anal girl. Can we just say she's like, I feel like you shouldn't be like, you know, what you do to me, I should be able to do to you. So it's even and fair in the game of love and war and sex. That's true.
Starting point is 00:43:36 I should also say, I'm not like a giver by nature. Like, just say, I'm gonna be, just say, I'll be gentle. Yeah, okay. I like that. I think a lot of men are afraid of it. And they're missing out.
Starting point is 00:43:48 I feel like if they had a better excuse rather than like, it's gonna make me gay or only, you know, men like are like thick, I don't think there's any sensations there. It's dirty. I think that's not a good excuse. Because I feel like what, like we have enough evidence,
Starting point is 00:43:59 we have enough research to show that a lot of men derive pleasure from it. And I should be keeping your next level orgasm and you don't know why not try it. And it's good for them to prevent like any kind of like prostate cancer. Like that actually is a thing that, I think that they actually get more pleasure
Starting point is 00:44:15 than women would. The name, not for me, no. And so it's like, why would you want to? Unless you're 70. Yeah, unless you're 70. But you don't want to like, you know, why wouldn't you want to increase your orgasm? Like if someone said, hey, there's a magic button,
Starting point is 00:44:28 well obviously there's a magic button, but a better magic button, you're like a button plus a lever. Right. If you push one and pull at the same time to make it better, why wouldn't you do that? Would you want to peg someone? I have.
Starting point is 00:44:38 You've pegged. Okay. Let's talk about that. Peggy, does everyone know what pegging is? I'm wondering, does everyone know my list? I know you guys have. When you can tell us about what you use, did you use so for people they use, the woman would strap on a dildo and she would be wearing it like she has a penis, like a man,
Starting point is 00:44:57 she would penetrate. I think you would, however you would do it, he'd bend over, he would be lying on the bed. So I've done it in different positions. Oh my God. I knew it. So I know her. The styling peg right here.
Starting point is 00:45:07 That is just like, it kind of actually wasn't my idea. It was his. It was a guy that I was dating in between my ex and the man I'm with now. He backstories, really good chef. So he convinced me to start sleeping with him by cooking. I was really good pizza. And so I've month into it.
Starting point is 00:45:27 He decides like, hey, let's get creative. And I'm like, okay. And at this point, I'm like 28. I'm single, newly single, really skinny. So I'm feeling really good about myself. My hair was on point, just everything. So I was like, how it's experiments, do things. And so he brings up the idea of pegy. And I was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:45:46 And I was actually in the beginning, it was very indifferent to it. I was very much like, I've never done it, never thought about doing it. So I don't know. And I'm that person and you try everything once or twice. So I was like, okay, try everything once or twice. So I'm gonna try this. It was fun. He enjoyed it more than I did. And I have to say the reason why is because I didn't drive any physical pleasure from it. So he's getting a sensation or pleasure from it. But I'm not. So unless you have a part that's inserted in you during it, which they do have the double head. They do have a double head.
Starting point is 00:46:16 I think sport sheets makes one that's double headed and they also make one with a vibrator. Yeah. So it's a harness that we wear a harness and it's got a vibrator. So it's touching your clitoris while you're penetrating him annually also I was gonna Do you know if the dame is good for like an insert inside of any harness like the little hands free? I don't know okay, yeah, yeah, we vibe you could use a little literal vibrator next time Okay, so you didn't get a lot of pressure. So I didn't get a lot of pressure from it, but the funny thing is too is that the motion
Starting point is 00:46:48 that women make in sex with your hips for pleasure for yourself is completely different from the motion a man makes. So if you're pegging somebody, you obviously, the listeners can't see my hands. There's that guy's go in and out, whereas girls kind of go back and forth. So for a woman, we're like back and forth, but for a guy you're like, no, all you're doing is, like if this is his hole and this is, you're doing this to him, not this.
Starting point is 00:47:13 So you have to learn how to go front and backwards, right, which is a completely different motion. That should have hurt a lot of women. You've got to like, so then you're like, okay. It's so weird, like, that trusting. Yeah, it's a weird like torque torque move going on you're doing. So it's kind of awkward in that sense.
Starting point is 00:47:30 And then you realize how much corn in you is during sex. Yeah, because you're like, like, I'm sweating. Hold on, hold on. I'm like, yeah. And then there's a lot of corn. Yeah, so then natural. I've tried it where bent over and turned him over.
Starting point is 00:47:44 And this man was like six four. So he wasn't the tiniest of people either. So I had him on the edge of the bed and then he was facing me. So one point I was doing it, but I also like played with his penis at the same time. So it created that stimulation. And he must have what?
Starting point is 00:47:59 He was really good. He said actually what it did was it got him so aroused, but his body was confused. He was really, he said actually what it did was, he got him so aroused, but his body was confused. Like he was like, Mugh! She was like, she was like, she was too much, too much,
Starting point is 00:48:11 so his body, his whole entire body got really overstimulated. And so at that point, you know, after that, then we stopped and then we went back into having like, just your plan, we'll be in a little snack, snacks and things like that. So it was a fun experience. We did it more than once,
Starting point is 00:48:23 because he tried everything once or twice. I've been feeling that something that he probably will continue in his life because he got that pleasure and he got that sense of it. For me, unless my partner wanted it, I don't think I would do it again, but because I would have to find a way to make it pleasurable, physically pleasurable for myself. Right, just get, yeah. Yeah. So that's the thing, you know, and so I think that's the difference is, yeah, if my boyfriend, I was like, sure, I'm up for it, you know? He's probably listening right now, he's like,
Starting point is 00:48:47 I know. Yeah. So he's like, I'll be gentle. I'm so way. Have you guys ever had a guy ask you, do you say anything that you didn't want to do and how did you handle it? Or is there anything that you're like,
Starting point is 00:48:56 nope, I'm off limits that one that will never happen? And stuff. We're like, mm-hmm. No, there's stuff actually that I would say is not like the particular sexual act that I'm like, no, there's stuff actually that I would say is not the particular sexual act that I'm like, that's a no. But there have been times where certain things I'm not up for at that moment.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Just at that moment maybe. Yeah. I'm trying to think of an example, but I'm like, I feel like I've said no. I love these women. It's like no, I'm like you though. Try everything once or twice. I feel the same exact way.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Like why not? Life's too short. What if it is the most amazing thing ever? I do have to say one thing during sex that I always say no to. Is that like, if you're gonna come, please don't get it in my hair. Like, that's a tipping point where I get angry.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Like, I gotta wash my hair. Or like, you know, it's been a whole routine. It's just that I know that ejaculation of the kids Yeah, so like if you're gonna bust like and you want to like make a scene with it make a scene like from the shoulders down That's Impolic exactly dry under stomach. That's fine. Not the hair. Yeah, don't touch the hair or the eyes. I've had it That's why we're safety goggles Of course you do. You have a doubt.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Right. I might. Now I will. It's actually like every kind of hot. Like a little. It's like a toolbell. It's like a little bit too real play now. You want like a sexual tool, but I have all my toys and tools
Starting point is 00:50:17 around my waist. That's not a bad one. I'm too like here's the, yeah, the we've, I've touched. Too, you're a tango. I've got six shooters. I know. I'd love that. Okay, is there, um, you guys, is the main, how. Two, here's the tango. I've got six shooters. I know, I'd love that. Okay, is there, um, you guys, is the main, how about anything on your bucket list
Starting point is 00:50:28 that you're like, oh, I really wanna get down, do that. Oh, something that I really don't know. Oh, that's me, I wanna try. I don't know, I need someone to like give me something else to be like, have you tried this? No, I will. I'll be trying, like, I kind of have lost not necessarily creativity, but like at a point
Starting point is 00:50:44 where I'm like, I don't know where else to go with the voice. Have you just toys before? Oh yes. Okay. So, oh, I know something. I finally, I tried, it was on my bucket list. I tried was the, I don't know what they call it, the balls, the,
Starting point is 00:50:55 the cake of balls. Yeah, so I bought those and was like, I'm gonna play with these, see what happens. Two things happened, one, I was like, okay, man. Anything happened is I realized, this is gonna sound really conceited about my vagina. Play with these, see what happens. Two things happened, one, I was like, okay. Any other thing happened is I realized, this is gonna sound really conceited about my vagina. It's so tight that I didn't feel the amount,
Starting point is 00:51:10 like I wasn't holding onto them. They were literally just in there. Because my vagina is so tight. And I have had my, like my gunning gun just told me that I have a normally small cervix. Wow, okay. So I was like, hmm, that's probably,
Starting point is 00:51:23 that's probably what's going on right now. That's why the big penis too. Yeah, so the balls themselves kind of didn't. I was like, yeah, a lot of them. It depends which ones they are, but they're not nasty for a rouse, but they're for building like public farm muscles. So I was trying to do that.
Starting point is 00:51:37 I was like, I guess my, I guess my vagina's good. My vagina, speaking of giggles, I love them because my vagina is really big. No. I have balls bouncing. They fall out wherever I go. It's such a nuisance.
Starting point is 00:51:50 No, what I love is, I don't know, I don't know, it's having a year in this world, but the intensity by poor and why, which is the kegel electases electrostimulation to stimulate your kegels muscles, but you don't have to wear the balls. I think for women of any age, everything's going to drop over time and you're in your it atrophies and like you can sneeze in pee or you can have stronger orgasms for some women. And so I use the it's the intensity and it's it's by promotes on I have to have talked about this in a while, but it's been this amazing thing this year that I was like my resolution
Starting point is 00:52:19 this year, but I use it several times a week for like eight minutes at a time and it looks like a rabbit vibrator. It actually is a rabbit vibe and you put it inside you It has electrosimulation and you pump it up But it it just kind of like you lay back. It's kind of meditative and you don't even have to do your keg Electrocyzed it does it for you where you're lying back in your bed like reading a magazine It's like one of those things you spru on your abs. Yeah exactly It's kind of like if you could like eat pizza. I'm just like someone, I'm just like, I'm running on the treadmill for you.
Starting point is 00:52:45 And you literally back, and I feel like, I mean, I like wearing the ball sometimes too, but for me it was like this miracle, like why can't everything else in life just happen when you're lying down. And then it's a rabbit vibe. It's really cool. So you can have like, literal stimulation.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Exactly. Exactly. It's amazing and it can fit every vagina. You can pump it up to, you can actually fit your vagina and there's all these different ways to use it. It's the, it's amazing. Anyway, I got excited. It's Pormois, right?
Starting point is 00:53:08 Pormois, I love that. That's for me. Pormois, I know that. Exactly. I'm gonna try Poffal say it. I'll put Zipa up. Okay, bucket list, girlfriend. Well, I was thinking of the, the paging thing, but more realistically, I would say. I'm curious about going to like, like, getting into, like,
Starting point is 00:53:28 a tantra thing together, you know, like, having sort of this, like, let's get spiritual in the bedroom sort of thing. Like, I don't know how I'd feel about going on a retreat, but some of those things, like, staring into your partner's eyes for a minute, like, I feel like just knowing what I know about this sex industry and how the body works, that it's inevitable that a lot of that stuff would be so beneficial and then especially on a beach. And so I think that that would be, yeah, like, so much on beach. And so having that specific intention of like, we're going to align our chakras.
Starting point is 00:53:59 No, I'm with you. That's kind of my next doing like some more courses on taking a course on that. Tantra like breathing, masculine feminine. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, October. You should do. I am a retreat.
Starting point is 00:54:13 I am. You're gonna go to one or you're gonna host one. Oh, well, I'm gonna be hosting a retreat too soon, but I'm gonna first go to this one. I mean, I'm gonna be doing my own kind of retreats. Everyone pay attention. It'll be coming up soon, but I'm also gonna be attending. I just love always learning stuff.
Starting point is 00:54:27 We did a great show a few weeks ago with John Wyneland. Do you know John? I do a little bit. I know about that spiritual warrior and the mask. Yeah, way, the superior man. Yeah, that's the way the superior men are. The superior men. He was amazing, you guys.
Starting point is 00:54:40 People really love the show. Came out a few weeks ago. But he talks a lot about the mask and the mask and the energy and how the different polarities between keeping attraction and all that stuff. So it's interesting. I think that's one of my bucket lists. But also, what else do my bucket list?
Starting point is 00:54:53 Tonto would be cool. I feel like, I don't know. We were talking about having three sums earlier about having two men. And that's kind of sometimes, I think, for women harder to tap. And I don't think I've ever had two men. I don't think I have. I feel like that's a Remember I do. You know the two men who are confident enough in themselves and their sexuality
Starting point is 00:55:10 Right. I think not that men aren't but to bring those both into the bedroom I think is a unique situation. I have to actually applaud any man who is Confident up in his own sexuality and sex to do that. Exactly. I didn't know that I had had opportunities to until it was like after the fact where it was like, oh yeah, we totally thought and I was like, you know, it's true what they say, you regret the things you don't do. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:55:35 People smell the never expect. Yeah, go for it. Go for it. Go for it. Okay, there's, we have to wrap up. I have a quick, five quicky questions and I'm just gonna wrap it up and ask you guys. So you gotta, can you answer?
Starting point is 00:55:46 Okay. We'll go back and forth. Like I'll ask you each one. Here we go. Sexiest part of a man's body. I would say shoulders, arms. Okay. Stephanie, my first thought was penis.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Okay. That's totally fine. That's okay. Okay. What's the one thing you wish you could tell your current and all future partners about your body and needs? It's really ticklish Mine is like it's literally gonna be different every day and I apologize in advance, but like what you're desires
Starting point is 00:56:17 Yeah, like just the stuff that might feel good like something that might have been painful One day like too rough and like oh oh no, then you know, a couple of days later, just depending on my sensitivity level, I'm not going to go at it. So for one, see this is how it's going to touch. It's a bit of a little bit lower than that. Yeah, and with the cycles and everything. The cycles, it's very different. There's some things I can't do right before.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Sometimes I'm like, I'm pretty sure you're in my cervix. Yeah, exactly. And you were not invited. Okay, crazy place you've gotten busy. Oh, I can't remember the name of this place. It was in Vegas. It was a... Hanzo wasn't on a bathroom floor in Vegas. No, I wouldn't have actually used the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:56:55 It was like a swingers club. Do you know what's called the green room? No. But I want to. Oh, yeah, yeah, I have. Yeah. So, that was cool, actually. Yeah. It's sex with people around. No, yeah, yeah, I have. Yeah. Yeah. So that was cool, actually. Yeah. It's sex with people around. No, no, just this one bartender. But you know, we're very good friends after that.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Awesome bartenders. The bartenders in Las Vegas are very nice and they're kind of like your security like they can keep you safe. You you know because they know the places to go They got Vegas more By myself I was bartenders. I like it. Yeah, so um, but it was it was a different like you bartenders You what they had fake viruses like in the place like it looked like like a tan Yeah, like I was again distracted by the on view Fake-ficus you had sex in there.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Like hiding behind a ficus. It's not very much like actual sex in there, but it was like, it was just a trip. It was, it was a really bad place. Being in that place. Way drunk. But it was fun. Yeah, like, but that was a, I like it.
Starting point is 00:57:58 I actually don't think I've had sex in here. We're really creative outside of like trying in a car, but it's just, it's more of a hassle than it is at anything else sometimes. So I just am like, no. So yeah, I'm. Okay. Okay. Finally, favorite sex position. If you had to choose one, I know it's hard. You can only do one for the rest of your life. I'm like, no, I'm just fantasy. I'm not even trying to answer the question. I'm just enjoying what's in my head. Gosh, I feel like the rest of my life, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:58:25 I just made that a part of my life. You can only avoid it. It's a desert island. I have to choose on top because then I know I could get off. Sure thing. And I know it's pleasurable. If we're saying for the rest of my life, I'm stuck in this position, I'm going to go with that one.
Starting point is 00:58:40 I don't know. The reason that it's hard is because I feel like I couldn't not have doggy style, but because I feel like I couldn't like not have doggy style But then I Kind of like you have because that one always comes up like no matter how like how this like goes I feel like the doggy style I should be just a strap. I keep like patchy eyes up a choice Have you tried the doggy style strap? Sportsheets like it makes the position more yeah, Yeah, let's get you one of those anyway, because you love doggy stuff.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Yeah, so I like missionary too. Yeah, just with ankles up kind of a thing. Encles up to get more deocletatration. Yeah, so like a high V missionary. Yeah, I love it. Okay, you guys, this was thank you so much. Is there any questions for me and any final words? What would be your one position on a desert island?
Starting point is 00:59:25 My one position on a desert island. That's your question. For the first time. I know. I would say does like me lying back and getting receiving oral count on this position? I would just think that actually. Receiving?
Starting point is 00:59:38 I changed my answer. I didn't know that was that. I mean, it was an option. It's an option. Hey, anything can go here. That would be my option. Good question, though. Anything else you guys?
Starting point is 00:59:49 Thank you. You're amazing. I really, this show is, I love you all. Thank you. It's great. And thank you to my amazing team, Ken, Jamie, or interns, producer, Lark, and Michael. And thank you all for checking out the show and subscribing and telling your
Starting point is 01:00:04 friends. And you can also send me questions if you have them. You can text them. Ask Emily one word to 7979. You'll get a bounce back link and then you can ask questions there and also file me on social media. I love talking to you guys there. I do answer most of the most your questions unless they're way too long and then you just got to email me.
Starting point is 01:00:20 So anyway, thank you everyone for listening. Was it good for you? Email me. Feedback at

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