Shawn Ryan Show - #121 Cmdr. Ahmad Massoud - The Assassination that Changed the World

Episode Date: July 16, 2024

Ahmad Massoud is the Commander of the National Resistance Front (NRF) of Afghanistan. Massoud is the son of the late anti-soviet and revolutionary commander, Ahmad Shah Massoud, and hails from the Pro...vince of Takhar in Northeast Afghanistan. After the assassination of his father in 2001, Ahmad and his family settled in the UK, where he completed his higher education and military training at the Sandhurst Military Academy. Ahmad received his bachelor’s degree in War Studies from Kings College London and his master’s degree in International Politics from City, University of London.  After completing his education, Ahmad returned to Afghanistan and started his political movement. Supporters of his father declared him as the successor of the late Ahmad Shah Massoud. Now, he continues to advocate for the freedom of his people, appearing in the media and garnering support from allied nations. His vision for the country is reminiscent of his father's–decentralized, multicultural, and modern. Massoud recently authored In the Name of my Father: Struggling for Freedom in Afghanistan. This memoir explores his aspirations for his nation’s future and his commitment to the values of liberty, justice, and human rights. SIGN THE PETITION - Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: - USE CODE "SRS" | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Commander Massoud Links: X - NRF X - | Book - | Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips?
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Starting point is 00:01:05 Pre-911, the U.S. was given several warnings by a man named Ahmad Massoud, leader, commander of the Afghan National Resistance Front. Those warnings stated that there was an imminent terrorist attack that was going to happen on US soil. And his warnings were completely ignored by the administration at the time. And we all know how that ended. It ended with the World Trade Center falling to the ground, killing thousands and thousands of Americans, putting us in a 20 plus year war. Now, Massoud was assassinated two days before 9-11.
Starting point is 00:01:53 And he's survived by his son, also Ahmad Massoud, who's following in a parallel pattern of his father's footsteps, also now the leader of the Afghan National Resistance Front. And Massoud is once again warning the United States that there is an imminent threat for a terrorist attack to take place once again right here on US soil. And once again, his warnings are falling on deaf ears and being completely ignored. In fact, as DC tries to cover up
Starting point is 00:02:36 the way the Afghan withdrawal happened, they've blacklisted him from coming to the US. And so SRS has taken action. We've created a petition. The link is below in the description. And I urge every veteran who fought in the global war on terrorism to sign that petition. And if you have a family member who fought in that war,
Starting point is 00:03:09 sign the petition. And if you're a citizen who's concerned that what Massoud is telling us is actually true and there is an imminent threat to the U.S. that there will be a terrorist attack, I urge you to sign the petition. We're going to get the petition to Representative McCaul, who is chairman of the House of Foreign Affairs Committee.
Starting point is 00:03:31 He's over the State Department. He can get sued in front of Congress so Congress can hear what that man has to say about these threats and about the way that withdrawal happened. Trust me, this is in all of our best interest. Sign the petition. Link's in the description. Commander Massoud, welcome to the show. Thank you so much for having me. It's a pleasure. It's an honor to have you here.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Thank you. It's a pleasure, sir. We've been trying to piece this together for several months now, and I just kick it off. I want to say thank you to Legend for setting this all up, because without him it wouldn't have happened. And I personally believe this is the most important interview that I've ever done. And I'm really excited to get started.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Thank you very much. It's a pleasure to be here, and thank you so much for having me. And of course, thanks Legend and all the friends who facilitate for this. It means a lot and I hope for us to have a good time. Me too, me too. And I also wanted to say that this really pains me to say this, but I just want to apologize for the way that the United States has abandoned you,
Starting point is 00:05:08 the NRF, the people of Afghanistan, the way that withdrawal happened. And I want you to know that despite how it may look, a lot of veterans are rooting for you guys. We want to help. We don't necessarily know how to help. I'm hoping we can get into that a little bit in the interview. But I just want you to know that a lot of the American people
Starting point is 00:05:39 are rooting for you guys and want to support. And the way that that withdrawal happened and the way that we abandoned you is no representation of the majority of the American population. Of course. Well, thank you very much. First and foremost, you have nothing to apologize for. And also the great nation of the United States of America and the people of United States of America.
Starting point is 00:06:08 They have always supported the people of Afghanistan and they supported the refugees who went and stayed in America. So the people have absolutely nothing to apologize for and we are very much grateful for all the support. And of course the policies unfortunately in the past years it has not been in the favor of in my opinion both Afghans and Americans and so therefore that is questionable but that has nothing to do with the will of people of America. They are a great nation and great friend of Afghanistan.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Thank you. Thank you. Let's get in with the interview. I'd like to start with an introduction. Commander Ahmad Massoud, leader of the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan, son of the late anti-Soviet and revolutionary commander Ahmad Shah Massoud. After the assassination of your father by al-Qaeda just days prior to 9-11, Commander
Starting point is 00:07:14 Massoud eventually went on to the UK where he received military training at Sandhurst Military Academy. Also pursued war studies at King's College in London. In 2016, Mr. Massoud returned to Afghanistan and became the CEO of the Massoud Foundation, supporting top students across Afghanistan. In 2018, you officially entered Afghan politics and started a political movement that continued
Starting point is 00:07:42 in your father's footsteps of decentralized and multicultural Afghanistan. Following the Taliban takeover in August of 2021, you refused offers to evacuate Afghanistan and instead returned to your father's former battleground in Panshir Valley to form the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan. Despite overwhelming odds, you continued to lead the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan. Despite overwhelming odds, you continue to lead the National Resistance Front against the harsh rule of the Taliban, where they serve as a long vanguard against the growing influence of international terrorism. In fact, you have had multiple assassination attempts on your life.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Your hobbies include Persian poetry and astronomy, in fact, very much intended to pursue the field of astronomy until tapped on the shoulder to lead your country in the name of your father. And the title of your new book, In the Name of My Father. So one more thing we got to get out of the way before we get into the interview. I have a couple of gifts for you. Oh, thank you. Thank you very much. And so this is from Elma, Washington, and they are proclaiming September 9th, Masood
Starting point is 00:08:59 Day. Thank you. Thank you very much. You're welcome. And you're welcome. And I also want to say that my hometown in Franklin, Tennessee, has also done the same exact thing, which is very cool to see. And then one other gift.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Being who you are, I know you're very security conscious. This is a phone. So that phone, we took this very seriously and we set up this entire. Interview on that phone. That phone cannot be tracked by Google, Amazon, big tech. There's some secure messaging platforms on there. I think we both know Eric Prince. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:41 He developed that phone and he asked me to to gift you that. So thank you very much. You're welcome. So much. And please thank him as my behalf too. It's a great gift. I will privacy and security is always a concern these days. And so I thought, yes, there'll be nobody better to give that to than you. So thank you. Thank you very much. give that to than you. So thank you. Thank you very much. So to start off, I'm going to be honest, I was very surprised that you were that you took this interview knowing how your dad was assassinated for doing an interview.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Yes. Would you like to go into that at all? Well, there has been a lot of attempts on my father's life, throughout his life. From the time that probably the most notorious spy agencies at that time, KGB, was trying to assassinate him multiple times that he survived to after that the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, many times that finally they succeeded. Although there has been some warnings to my father that be careful with interviews, be careful with cameras, but my father always wanted to pass the message as broad as possible
Starting point is 00:10:58 and as far as possible to bring awareness to Afghanistan that Afghanistan needs to be paid attention to. So I believe he felt taking the risk was worth it in exchange for expanding the message and expressing the grave situation of Afghanistan. And that's exactly what I do beside that, that I know you so. This was not a question of risk or worry. So this was all just fine. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Could we get into a little bit, I want to give the audience some context that don't know much of the history about your father and the parallels that you have. And so I remember my first, I've been to Afghanistan more times than I can count. I remember the very first time I landed in Kabul Airport going through Masood Circle, an iconic circle, and so many things are named after your father. Can you go into a little bit of the legacy
Starting point is 00:12:02 of what your father was about? into a little bit of the legacy of what your father was about? Sure. Well, first and foremost, my father has been always very much famous for being a military genius. He managed to withstand multiple major attacks by the Russians and managed to withstand against the might of global terrorism. And he managed to bring unity against such a sort of chaos. And he was the centerpiece in fighting against the Soviet and fighting against the terrorism. And Afghanistan, he's very much famous for being the national hero of Afghanistan,
Starting point is 00:12:46 the saving country multiple times from such invasions, from such chaos and crises. However, at the same time, he proved to be a very political genius too. At his decisions, his foresight, for example, knowing what would happen with 9-11, for example, but months before this, he warned United States of America and he warned the world that the issue of Afghanistan would reach to the soil of America and it would be catastrophic. And exactly that happened. So his foresight, his charisma, his honesty to his people and his devotion that he never allowed himself to leave his country and he was ready and ultimately he did and now give the ultimate price, which was giving his own life. So that devotion and that sort of charisma and that love for his country and that hard work
Starting point is 00:13:51 is something that created not just a legacy of a genius, but a legacy of hope. So what I can basically conclude is that my father was a symbol of hope for us people. And his values was to the extent that people who were his enemies, like Russian generals, they admired him. His enemies admired him. And his fame and his sort of love went all the way from Argentina to South Korea to Japan to across the world, that the people who got to know him, they fell in love with that idea, with his cause and his determination to follow those values. He was a man of principle. It's my understanding he was he was assassinated on September 9th by Osama bin Laden, correct? Two days before 9-11 happened. Do you know why they assassinated him before 9-11?
Starting point is 00:14:58 Of course. Al-Qaeda had a plan to take over Afghanistan. And ultimately, their goal was to expand their sort of government across the globe and have that which is against all the values of Islam, their Islamic Khilafah, which is something they wanted. And they found out that there is an obstacle on their way. To do it, they needed a territory. And the best territory was a war-torn country called Afghanistan,
Starting point is 00:15:36 that they have already been there for many years because of fighting against the Soviets. So they felt this war-torn country is the best place that they can explore, expand, and train, and recruit, and from there make it a jumping ground basically to go to and spread to across the world. But one thing they didn't realize and they didn't take into account was the presence of a man called Ahmad Shumasudi that created a resistance against such idea. And he was a symbol of Muslim moderation, Islamic moderation, which is the majority of Muslims, that they do not share anything with those extremists like al-Qaeda and those terrorist groups. So when he stood against them, he was far more dangerous to al-Qaeda than American and the others. Because first, he was representing Islamic majority or
Starting point is 00:16:36 majority of Muslims. Second, he was on the ground fighting against them and he managed to defeat them time after time on battleground. We had video evidences that you can find it even on YouTube of these terrorists, al-Qaeda terrorists, that we captured them and they were detained in our prisons. And my father had them in his presence as a proof that al-Qaeda is alongside Taliban in this fight. And we had people from Chechenia, people from different parts of Africa. These global terrorism alongside the Taliban, they were fighting against my father. So all of the terrorist organizations were working together against your father's resistance. Yes, and they did not succeed. My father with his companion and with the rest of people of Afghanistan, they fought all alone
Starting point is 00:17:34 for many years against the Taliban and their allies, which was international terrorism like al-Qaeda. And he not only managed to resist and prevent it, that at later stages, the al-Qaeda and Taliban realized that he was undefeatable on the ground, just the way that the Russians realized he is undefeatable. So when it happened, al-Qaeda changed their tactic. Their tactic was that now that we cannot defeat him in the battlefield, on the ground, let's assassinate them.
Starting point is 00:18:09 And this was the second phase that they started planning. One plan failed, the second plan failed, the third plan failed, and the last plan. That the same group and the team of Al-QQaeda which managed to create the chaos and the tragedy of 9-11, same group planned my father's assassination. And this is why we believe these two were intertwined. So if one wouldn't happen, the other one wouldn't be carried away. So if my father's assassination wouldn't be successful, the 9-11 wouldn't happen, because they wanted that without Ahmad Shammasud. And with this creating this sort of hitting America
Starting point is 00:18:51 and telling all the sort of their companions that look, we even hit America, they would bring this sort of attention of their fellow comrades to come and Afghanistan, we are now here, Ahmad Shammasud is gone, this is our sanctuary. So when they assassinated my father, they carried out the attack at 9-11. But luckily the sort of intervention happened and the Taliban ultimately with the help of
Starting point is 00:19:17 international community and international forces and with the forces of National Front of Afghanistan, they were defeated. So that is what happened. Do you believe that they may have also assassinated him because they knew that US and NATO forces would ally with your father's resistance? Of course, one thing is that they knew that if without help, Ahmad Shah Massoud cannot be defeated. Imagine with hope. This was another thing that they knew.
Starting point is 00:20:02 First thing they had to do was to get rid of Ahmad Shah Massoud. Otherwise, Ahmad Shah Massoud, with empty hands, he can manage to do it. Not only to withstand that slowly, slowly, I remember at the latest years of first resistance against the Taliban, my father was actually training in preparing police officers. And that is not for attack, it is for capturing cities
Starting point is 00:20:27 and this is for maintaining order. So my father was preparing to regain the rest of the country and to establish order. And he knew my father and many of his interview he indicates and he states that now the Taliban will never be able to achieve military success no more. From now on, they will be on the losing side. But they came up with their assassination plan. And it was the first suicide attack in the history of Afghanistan.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Wow. Yes. It never happened before that. That's why it was something that we never been prepared with because we never knew such heinous attack can happen. We never had experience of it. It came to my attention before this interview that your father actually warned of imminent attacks on US soil prior to his assassination,
Starting point is 00:21:24 which to my understanding fell on deaf ears. Is that correct? Absolutely. Now you're here 20 something years later. Same deaf ears. Warning America that there's another coming attack. Is that falling on deaf ears as well? Unfortunately, yes. It's like history repeats itself. And we all know where Ayman al-Zawahiri
Starting point is 00:21:52 was hiding. And we all know what Saif al-Adda, leader of al-Qaeda, has been called his fellow friends and colleagues to come, which he said he clearly indicated, and he said, all of you come to Afghanistan, now Afghanistan is a safe haven for us. And we cannot ignore in the latest incident, very sort of scary incident that happened in America, that from the southern border, many terrorists, they went inside United States
Starting point is 00:22:25 and luckily they got captured. Imagine if they were a bit too late, what would happen? Well, my concern is it's only eight has been captured. Do you have any estimation on how many may have already entered the US and continue? When I was in the SEAL teams, I loved to dip. I spent a lot of time on operations and dipping was a ritual.
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Starting point is 00:26:27 today, order by 3 p.m. and your order will ship that same day in unmarked boxes. Well, I believe many. It's very concerning indeed. I know you have some very prominent intelligence officers under your command. Are they tracking any of that? Well at this stage, because of our limited resources, I'm very much focused on what's happening in Afghanistan. We are able to track a lot of these things in Afghanistan, but as soon as they go beyond the borders of Afghanistan, our resources do not allow us to operate in that scale, to be very frank and honest.
Starting point is 00:27:14 However, we are very much aware, and all day until it indicates, the people do come from outside Afghanistan for training inside Afghanistan. They do get training inside Afghanistan and they do leave Afghanistan. To where? We don't know. But those things that inside Afghanistan, we have sort of eyes and ears, we know that that process is happening. Coming, getting the training and going.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Where do they go? We don't have resources to track them. Why is Afghanistan the prominent training center for terrorism? Because it doesn't have a legitimate government, because the regime which is in charge right now in Kabul has the same ideology as the rest of the terrorist groups. Is that the only country that is like this? It's the main country right now in the world. Right now, there are more than 21 terrorist groups active in Afghanistan.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Al-Qaeda, Jaisal-al-Adla, TTP, Ansar-Allah, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, the EGOs, and many, many other terrorist groups, regional and international. They are active in Afghanistan. Is there a difference between ISIS, al-Qaeda, and Taliban? Yes. The difference is that ISIS is very young and they don't have the experience of al-Qaeda and Taliban. So they cannot hide their intention as well as al-Qaeda and Taliban. So they cannot hide their intention as well as al-Qaeda and Taliban.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Al-Qaeda and Taliban, they learned from the first time they came that if they explain, if they expose their true nature, there will be resistance against them internally and externally. So therefore they have to keep it local. They have to say that, no, we don't care about the other countries. We are just going to impose same ideology and mentality on people of Afghanistan and Afghanistan. We don't care about the rest of the country. But ISIS is too young and they are expressing their own sort of intention. However, on ideology, they are just two sides of one coin. Let me tell you something, Asham.
Starting point is 00:29:25 What is the difference in activity that ISIS do, which makes them worse than Taliban? I challenge whoever says that they are different. What is one activity or one action or one thing ISIS do that the Taliban doesn't, which makes Taliban better than them. I challenge whoever, just one. I can't think of anything.
Starting point is 00:29:52 The only thing that I can think of is that they are new and they seem to publicly display the atrocities that they do to human beings on a global scale, a lot more than Taliban. But that's from my perspective. Of course. You're absolutely right, because they don't have the experience of Taliban and hiding and being patients and to have a strategic planning. But Taliban and al-Qaeda, because it's been more than 30 years they're fighting,
Starting point is 00:30:26 they possess that knowledge and they possess that skill to hide it better and to plan for long-term benefits and interests. So the United States is funding the Taliban, to my understanding, 40 million up to $87 million a week, going directly to Taliban, a terrorist organization that the US and the resistance fought for over 20 years, two decades. My question is, what is the,
Starting point is 00:31:06 what is the, looking at it from a 30,000 foot view, what is the goal of Taliban for Afghanistan? The goal is to have the ultimate sort of control in Afghanistan, to impose themselves on people of Afghanistan to tell them them you have no choice, you have to just accept us, to create their own radical extremist dictatorship in Afghanistan, and from that, create these sub-terrorist groups and export it under different flag. There are clear indication of cooperation between Taliban and TTP. There is clear indication
Starting point is 00:31:49 evidence of Taliban and Ansarullah for Tajikistan. There's clear evidence of Taliban and the other terrorist groups, Al-Qaeda for example. So what they do, they want to have a territory that they can operate, they can maneuver, they can recruit, they can train and they can export. So here to control and from there to export the same ideology. For example, according to all the evidence and the data which government of Pakistan shared, the attacks in Pakistan since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan increased 500%. The encouragement, such sort of in a victory of the Taliban to other terrorist groups,
Starting point is 00:32:40 it's unbelievable. So when they see that if we keep fighting, killing, commit suicide bombing, kill innocent people, commit all these atrocities, at the end, a superpower like America will come, a doha or somewhere else will sit with us, talk with us, accept us as the reality, accept us as the only choice, and give us $70 million a week so we don't kill the people or starve them to death. Why wouldn't TTP continue with their ambitious plan when they see their brother next door did the same thing and achieved it?
Starting point is 00:33:20 So why United States is doing it, I don't know. I heard today that the Congress passed a bill to stop the taxpayers' money to get to the Taliban. Very good news. I hope it happens and I hope it truly be implemented. And there's some sort of explanation that sometimes officials, they say, oh, we are not giving it to the Taliban. We give it to the NGOs so they help people. Since the Taliban takeover, 900 NGO has been created under the direction of the Taliban.
Starting point is 00:33:57 So on the other hand, it's the same thing. Another aspect, which is very important, in the time of the republic, with all the problems that the republic of Afghanistan had, any foreign support, especially American aid, was conditional that we give you this much aid, but you must tell us where you are spending your own internal income. Taliban right now are having $2.5 billion internal income, excluding the opium trade and all those incomes they're having from opiums. Just those legitimate incomes of the country
Starting point is 00:34:37 from ports and taxes and the other stuff. The Taliban are having $2.5 billion income annually. And the aid that is going to them, 70 million weekly, it is not conditioned that, okay, tell me where are you spending all of those money? All those $2.5 billion that they are getting annually is being expended on brutally destroy the people of Afghanistan, to more consolidate themselves, to consolidate their terrorist groups in Afghanistan, to more create
Starting point is 00:35:17 these jihadi madrasas, to radicalize people even more. So all of it are being used for consolidation of themselves and increasing their war power and helping their regional and international terrorist groups. To your knowledge, does the terrorist organization, the Taliban, have any other allies other than the United States? Well, I believe the Taliban at this moment, they do not have a strategic friend. Every relationship they are having so far, it has been tactical and they are seeing Taliban as a short-term partner,
Starting point is 00:36:05 not a long-term strategic partner. I don't think America is their ally. However, it is unfortunate to even think that America is in a sort of fruitful engagement with them, which so far for the past three years, I don't know what was the benefit that they give for America, but so far for the people of Afghanistan, it was zero and it was very destructive. But with the other countries, the Taliban's relationship, even with the Pakistan, which for many years they had a sanctuary over there, it turned sour because
Starting point is 00:36:46 the Taliban are trying to export this terrorism everywhere. So therefore, in my opinion, their relationship with other countries, it's not a strategic, it's tactical. Everyone is scared of what's happening in Afghanistan. However, indeed, those years that they fought against America truly created some, let's say, shared experience with many countries that they invested for killing Americans alongside the Taliban. What about China?
Starting point is 00:37:19 I know China is, when the withdrawal happened, China was there immediately to do negotiations in regards to some of the things called like lithium mines. They're obviously very interested in what they're, with the US importing all the green energy supplies from there. Do you have any knowledge of China becoming an ally with Taliban or any of the other terrorist organizations? Well, with Chinese, I'm very much disappointed with the sort of policies they are having. In my opinion, they're seeing Taliban as an alternative to presence of NATO in Afghanistan.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Even if they think Taliban are bad, but they see the presence of NATO in Afghanistan worse. So that's one aspect in terms of those geopolitical games. Secondly, of course, these resources of Afghanistan, which our position is very clear, any country that are trying to negotiate with Taliban or deal with Taliban to get rights of exploiting these mines and these treasures of Afghanistan, this is called theft. And we do not support it. And they will be held accountable by the legitimate government of Afghanistan. If they want to have a legitimate relationship with Afghanistan, they need to help for a
Starting point is 00:38:50 legitimate government to come in power. The Taliban are not legitimate. And it is very unfortunate that their policies regarding Afghanistan, it has been very shallow. Their strategy has been very shallow. Their strategy has been very shallow. It's very one sided and they have been only thinking about the Taliban and engaging with them. And they are seeing Afghanistan as a land that they can get their hands on the mines or treasures of Afghanistan. It's theft.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Are you seeing a lot of Chinese infrastructure being built? No, I don't see a lot of infrastructure in Afghanistan, but I see a lot of activity in prisons. And once again, it's a shame that China should know in the absence of a legitimate government that is not accepted. Let's move into the withdrawal, the withdrawal of US and NATO troops. Where were you when that happened? I was in Kabul. You were in Kabul?
Starting point is 00:39:55 I was in Kabul, yes. Did you have any warning that that was coming? I knew it for a couple of years before it happened. I knew that Afghanistan is on the verge of collapse because all the signs is indicating that such tragedy would happen. Sean, unfortunately, the thing is that it was sometimes when I'm hearing from Secretary
Starting point is 00:40:24 of Defense to others, they were saying that it was a surprise. I'm hearing from Secretary of Defense to others, they were saying that it was a surprise. I'm shocked. It was not a surprise. It was clear as a day that it was coming. And if nobody else, which I'm sure they did, I personally warned Mr. Khalil Zat, the US embassy, some presidents and officials which I met in Europe, and also regional players in countries.
Starting point is 00:40:55 I told them specifically that all the signs that indicates that Afghanistan is going to collapse. It is tragic, it is devastating, it will be a huge blow to everything we achieved for the past 20 years, all those sacrifices we made and we give with blood and sweat and treasure. It will be devastating, please pay attention. This peace process that you're going forward with, it is not a peace process. This is handing over Afghanistan to the terrorism.
Starting point is 00:41:31 The peace process is unconditional. The withdrawal is unconditional. And nothing is in the right place, and the Taliban are just waiting to take over. And everything so far has been doing a demoralized everything else. The best thing, at least if you wanted to leave, I told this specifically to Mr. Khalilzad, if you guys wanted to leave, if you guys wanted to leave people of Afghanistan behind,
Starting point is 00:42:00 very well then, at least do not elevate our enemy. Do not demoralize us with your negotiation with them. Just leave. It's okay. We fought before all alone like my father. We'll fight again. However, with what you do, you're holding our hands tight and you elevate them.
Starting point is 00:42:21 And I'm sure one day you will blame us. And that's exactly what happened. That's enraging. That's enraging. Did you have, were you previous to the date that we withdrew? I knew that it is happening on the, on September, 1st of September. I was aware when it was announced but before that I didn't know about the exact dates. But I knew in my heart that 2021 was a devastating
Starting point is 00:42:54 year for people of Afghanistan. It's my understanding that France offered you an extraction to go to France during that withdrawal. Why didn't you take that? Not just France, many countries they offered. Well, I remember the faces that I looked at those eyes and faces and told them about freedom, about my father, about democracy, about human rights, about women's rights, about fighting terrorism. How could I just leave them after all those things I was preaching to them? And what would I do outside? I gave it a very hard thought nights before the collapse, and I knew it would happen.
Starting point is 00:43:52 And just like my father, I was prepared to give the ultimate sacrifice. To be very frank, because I knew how everything is completely gone and how Taliban will be left with billions of dollars of equipment and at the end it will be a valley against basically a country and all odds would be pointing out to our demise and our death. I just didn't want to be alive to see my country go this path. And, but unfortunately, that didn't happen. And I was alive and I get to see what happened, which is heartbreaking and a much bigger pain to me than death occurred to me, which is witnessing my country going to this situation.
Starting point is 00:44:51 But in my opinion, because I believe I am a man of God and I believe in God, I believe that He kept us alive for a reason. And that's why ever since my purpose is to retake my country and bring back the integrity that has been taken from my country. I believe that too. I believe that too. Can we go into some of the things
Starting point is 00:45:21 that happened right after the withdrawal? Because Americans only saw, which was disastrous enough as it is, they only saw snippets of the withdrawal. They saw the Afghans falling from the C-17 planes, trying to latch on. They saw Americans that were blown up at Abbey Gate. They saw babies being killed on razor wire fences. They saw people giving up their kids, just trying to get their kids to safety. What we didn't see, and what nobody really knows about,
Starting point is 00:45:58 is what happened after the cameras left. What happened after the US was gone. Can you go into that a little bit? Well, four things happened, Sean. First, a nation got a devastating blow. dating below. 14th of August, a girl of Kabul and Afghanistan had a world of dreams and hopes for his for her future. She went to school and she came back and she was thinking, okay, tomorrow, day after tomorrow, five years, 10 years, I'll become doctor, I'll become engineer, I'll become politicians,
Starting point is 00:46:49 I'll become head of state, I'll be this and that. First thing happened, that the dream of my people got shattered. First. Second thing that happened, it was the trust. People of Afghanistan filled, filled with their heart and with their skin, how they can be abandoned overnight and be forgotten, and be handed over to the same enemy that we have been fighting for 20 years together.
Starting point is 00:47:27 The third thing that the world didn't witness was the catastrophic and terrifying terrors that Taliban did to the people. Girls went on the street, they brutally destroyed it. They threw them in jail, they raped them, they defamed them, and they destroyed something that even the communists, even the Russians didn't do such atrocity. But on the other hand, another thing happened. Some people didn't give up. Some people didn't care if they were alone. They fought. Even if they were little, if they had nothing,
Starting point is 00:48:20 they fought with their heart, with their soul. And still to this day they are fighting. Women on the street, even they were being thrown to jails, they continued protesting and standing to this day they are doing. And there were some guys, former Afghan army, special forces, and regular citizens. They went to the mountains. They didn't care if no longer there is a friend supporting them from the air or on the ground. They were with themselves, but they stood for the values
Starting point is 00:48:54 that the world left them and abandoned those values. They fought and to this day they are fighting all alone. So these four things happen when the cameras lift, when the attentions lift, but the people of Afghanistan with all those terrors, still very much hopeful, still very much passionate to take back their country and their fighting. How did the government take over? What was that process like when it comes to the Ministry of Defense, the NDS, the Afghan version of the CIA, the president? How did that process look when Taliban was taking over all these different sectors of
Starting point is 00:49:41 the Afghanistan government? Were those individuals assassinated? No. Unfortunately, one thing which was one of those signs which indicates the fall of Afghanistan was the poor leadership in Kabul. Mr. Ashraf Ghani created a situation that was impossible to rally around him and to rally around the government and to do something. Because we did.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Way before the collapse of Kabul, I rallied my people. I went to different provinces. I spoke to many people. They were ready to do something. And we passed this message to Mr. Rouhani, and we passed this message to the government that we already, we don't want Afghanistan to fall. They just didn't listen.
Starting point is 00:50:35 They didn't care. So this is another aspect that absolutely, I believe that our international friends must take responsibility for the catastrophe that happened in Afghanistan. At the same time, I blame us the most, the Afghan government, the politician and the leaders that they didn't have the foresight of Ahmad Shah Massoud and the former leaders, that they knew something that happened, they prepared.
Starting point is 00:51:07 They didn't have that far sight. They were very short sighted, that they didn't prepare, they didn't unite, and they didn't resist. So what happened? The president flee the country. As soon as he flee the country, everything collapsed. I was in Kabul. Everything collapsed with it.
Starting point is 00:51:32 And unfortunately, with that, the Taliban managed to get inside the city with almost no resistance inside the Kabul. Another aspect was that if there was a resistance happening in Kabul, probably it would be even successful, but with the cost of thousands and thousands and thousands of people of Kabul. So when the leadership didn't have a plan, when he left and ran away before anyone else, I was in Kabul and I witnessed everything first hand myself. When he left the night before and didn't even told his companion and his colleagues, even his chief of staff.
Starting point is 00:52:16 He told his chief of staff go and prepare a meeting for me. He lied to him and he ran away in another helicopter. So in such chaos, the collapse happened very quickly and there was almost no resistance because Mr. Ghani, with his policies, lost the legitimacy and the support of the people and with people like me that we wanted to stick to the values of the republic and to keep Afghanistan as a whole. He was very much against such idea too. He was a very egocentric person.
Starting point is 00:52:50 How fast did this spread outside of Kabul? Kabul was the second last, the last place that fell to the hand of Taliban was Pinsir. Before that, it was Kabul. Kabul, I was there and Kabul fell on the 15th of August to the hand of the Taliban. And the other areas, it was very rapid because three months before the collapse of Kabul, the Taliban didn't have control of even one district. Three months prior to the fall. As soon as this withdrawal, this unconditional withdrawal, with this negotiation and talks, it improved. The soldiers got very demoralized and the policy of the government and Mr. Ghani.
Starting point is 00:53:45 It was very, very, it was nonexistent basically, as I mentioned that Afghanistan didn't have a military doctrine. The leadership didn't have a military doctrine. And with such things, very rapidly, the demoralization occurred and collapse happened. The demoralization occurred and collapsed, happened. How much of the country is now controlled by Taliban? The Taliban are in control of the main cities and provinces and even central districts.
Starting point is 00:54:20 However, it is impossible for any country or any government to control the whole geography because it's very mountainous area. It is impossible to do so. So right now the Taliban are in control of most of the districts and provinces as you're speaking. Okay. And what province are you from? I'm from Panjshir myself and the resistance is happening.
Starting point is 00:54:43 It was started in Panjshir, but now it is in the 12 provinces across the north and northeast of Afghanistan. And we do not have the strategy to capture districts or provinces because we do not have resources to keep it. I can take over a district if I want tomorrow, but I don't know if I can keep it for the day after. So the lack of resources, it's something which is enabling us to have a strategy to take over a district or a province now. Before we get into the strategy, your strategy, I'd like to ask one more question about the US funding the Taliban.
Starting point is 00:55:28 We know that the US is funding the Taliban with 40 million to $87 million a week. Is there any other funding or aid that the US, NATO, any other countries is giving Taliban and or any other terrorist organizations? Well, there are many rumors about it that the Taliban's GDI are being funded. What is the GDI? GDI is the Taliban, this notorious KGB of the Taliban, basically CIA of the Taliban and this intelligence sector of the Taliban, which is very notorious for imprisoning people, torturing people, raping people, disappearing people, kids, women, men.
Starting point is 00:56:16 It's a very notorious entity. However, there are some rumors that it has been supported in exchange for information on Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups. Supported by whom? Well, there are rumors that it has been supported by the Western Fund. It's just a rumor. Once again, I don't have evidence to provide in this case. I'm very, one of the things that I always try to be is to be very honest about what I say. And the politic of honesty, I believe, is the best form of politic.
Starting point is 00:56:56 I don't have any evidence about it, but there are rumors that for cooperation there has been some funding. But apart from that, from World Bank to the Bank of Asia, which they are going to attend the Doha conference in a few days, there are sort of evidence in that regard that there are some supports given to the Taliban from those entities. So therefore, in terms of funding, directly that's almost 70 to 87 million weekly and this indirect settings and meetings that's happening regularly
Starting point is 00:57:39 and this engagement sharing of information that is happening regularly. And also according to SIGAR, that for the past three years, $17 billion has been sent to the Taliban. $17 billion? $17 billion, according to SIGAR, if I'm not mistaken. Let's talk about the Doha Conference when we're talking about support for the Taliban. Can you explain what the Doha Conference is?
Starting point is 00:58:10 Doha Conference was an initiative at the beginning to end war in Afghanistan and to bring Taliban to the table for negotiation and talk. The intention at the beginning or the... So the intention was serene, the intention was right. The way it was handled and managed, it was absolutely awful. And it made it in a way that today, when you mentioned Doha, it brings nightmares to the girls and women and men of Afghanistan. Because Doha, with giving Taliban office, it elevates them at one point, which providing them with sort of an opportunity to travel to Moscow, to attend the Moscow
Starting point is 00:59:05 conference and other areas. They flew from Pakistan and they flew from Doha. It was a second elevation. And the third was this peace process, this negotiation directly with America, which we always thought that Americans would never negotiate with terrorists. That happened. That negotiation and talk it elevate Taliban to another aspect. And because it was managed and handled in the worst way possible and with no condition
Starting point is 00:59:38 and with no regard to the people of Afghanistan, to the government of Afghanistan. At the end, single-handedly, the Doha Conference collapsed the government of Afghanistan and everything we achieved for the past 20 years. Single-handedly, the Doha is the reason for the Afghanistan devastation. How many, who is at the Doha conference? In Doha conference, which happened, it was first the negotiation talk, it was between the Taliban and it was between the United States of America. And then at later stages, they added some representatives from Afghanistan. In that deal, the Taliban promised on many things,
Starting point is 01:00:25 but the deal was made in a way that they did not hold Taliban accountable for anything. It was not conditional on anything. The Taliban were, okay, we hope or we promise or we do this. There was no condition in it. It was very one-sided, and it was in a way basically to elevate Taliban and hand them over the power in Afghanistan. That's what happened in Doha.
Starting point is 01:00:52 That's why people in Afghanistan do not trust the Doha process. It's very unfortunate. It could be something that truly turned a new page for Afghanistan and create a new era. Bonn Conference with all its flaws was a new beginning for Afghanistan. And they remember Bonn as a new beginning. But Doha, it is a very dark stain in the history of Afghanistan. You know, I'm surprised that... Let me start here. How many other Middle Eastern countries support Taliban and or other terrorist organizations? The reason I'm asking is because I'm surprised that
Starting point is 01:01:39 Taliban was even able to send representatives to Doha to meet. Well, there are some talks in Afghanistan among the politicians and the people that it would not be possible without the green light of United States of America. Qatar wouldn't be able to do it without a green light. Are there any Middle Eastern countries that support Taliban or terrorism? Well, the support can be defined in different ways and means. Just the fact that they have meeting, it can be translated and seen as a support. Well, it will be a shame to all those leaders of anyone in the Middle East or the region or the world to be seen with Taliban,
Starting point is 01:02:30 a group that in 21st century, go against all the values of mankind, go against all the values of the modern time, go against all the values of Islamic values. For example, preventing girls to go to school is against all the Islamic law. Even Boko Haram in Africa allow girls to go to school, but not Taliban. So it would be a shame to them that they try to show a different image of Islam, the leaders of Emirates, the leaders of Qatar, the leaders of Saudi or the other countries.
Starting point is 01:03:12 And just to be seen with a group that prevent girls to go to school, commit such heinous crime, which I just showed you, just few images of it, just few like, you know, sort of evidence of it. It is a shame and I hope for them to never do such thing. In terms of, like, proper support, in terms of funding and the rest, I don't know. I don't think the Taliban are in a position they needed because they have 2.5 billion internally
Starting point is 01:03:45 that they don't answer to anyone and spend it for their own expenses. And the world and America is providing them with 70 million weekly to spend for the rest. Well, let's talk about your support. Yes. Who is supporting you? God and people of Afghanistan. That's God and people of Afghanistan. Do you have any countries? That's just the people of Afghanistan.
Starting point is 01:04:09 And God. And God. Yes. Well, that's a good ally. Yeah, that's the biggest ally. That's the only one you need. That's all we need. That's why I'm very much positive and I'm very much always energized and I'm very much happy
Starting point is 01:04:25 because I truly believe that the path that we are taking is the right path. And I didn't wait for the permission of United States or Russia or China or Iran or any other country to tell me that, okay, you're allowed to fight or no, don't fight. I was at my home with my people. They came to kill me, my people, my sisters, my mothers, and to take my land and brought foreigners with them that had no relationship with my religion.
Starting point is 01:05:00 I had every right to fight them. My religious values allow me to fight them and I didn't need any permission for it. And that is why they are not supporting me because I didn't take any permission and I'm not aligned with any policies they have. But let's face it, Sean, I don't care actually to be honest, because for me what I care is my people.
Starting point is 01:05:23 And that's why almost nobody in Afghanistan is supporting Taliban. If truly they support Taliban, this is one of the main discussions that we have in the past two years, three years. Okay, Taliban say they are the most popular group in Afghanistan. Very well. Let's hold an election. Let's see who people of Afghanistan decide to support. If it's you, I'll be ready to be hanged in the center of Kabul. I'll be ready to be just a teacher in Kabul. I'll be ready to live on, I don't know, some island to be in exile.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Anything you say. If you truly feel that you have the popular vote, allow people to decide. Because one thing I believe, I love one thing more than anything. I have a sweet daughter that I'm in love with, but even more than my daughter. My family, and my father and his legacy, than my people and my country, Sean, I love freedom. I truly love it. Me too.
Starting point is 01:06:36 I just, it's the best and biggest gift of God to every human being is their freedom. Right? So if the Taliban truly say they should give freedom back to people, and that freedom can be defined, the people must decide what they want for their future. I'm not saying for the Taliban to allow me to rule. I'm just saying for the Taliban to allow me to rule. I'm just saying, let's people decide. And probably I won't even run for an election because there are very far better capable men and women
Starting point is 01:07:16 to be able to run the country. But all I'm saying is that freedom is worth dying for, and that freedom is something no one is allowed to take from another human being. Right now the Taliban have taken the freedom from 40 million Afghans, including myself. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it is my understanding that there are a number of neighboring countries who are completely against the Taliban and know better than to deal with them. My understanding, Pakistan, Iran, and Chezikistan.
Starting point is 01:07:56 Am I correct? Well, as I mentioned at the beginning, I believe no country is happy with the current situation. Because Pakistan, although they supported Taliban for almost three decades, but they got a taste of their own medicine. They took the American money for war and terrorism. They invested back in terrorism. The terrorism activity in Pakistan increased, according to their own data, 500%, as I mentioned before. So they realized this was not what we wanted.
Starting point is 01:08:40 They thought they could keep the control of the Taliban. You cannot control fire. Iran, after the collapse of Afghanistan government, they realized that the immigrants who were in Iran, which was about two million, increased to six million people. Iran is already having a very difficult time economically. So that was another six million on top of their own population, which needed to be fed, protected, supported, educated, and blah, blah. And the threats in terms of security and staff which was being opposing itself on Iran from
Starting point is 01:09:22 Afghanistan. Tajikistan, same thing. So I believe the current situation is not in favor of any other, any country. However, except Tajikistan, which is standing with the people of Afghanistan based on one demand, exactly what I just told you, election. People to be able to decide. The other countries, they are not being very clear. Not Pakistan, not Iran. Their policy is not only clear in terms of
Starting point is 01:10:00 a legitimate government in Afghanistan, but actually very vague. And engaging with Taliban, giving, for example, a legitimate government in Afghanistan, but actually very vague. And engaging with Taliban, giving, for example, Iran gave Afghanistan embassy to the Taliban, Afghanistan consulate to the Taliban. And Pakistan was one of the first countries which gave Afghanistan embassy to Taliban. Russians gave Afghanistan embassy to the Taliban. So therefore, this is very unfortunate that such countries are having such ties with the
Starting point is 01:10:26 Taliban and not realizing that such policies only involve Taliban and doesn't matter how much you bribe Taliban or give them something to appease the Taliban. Such mentality just wants to spread. And without a legitimate government in Afghanistan, all those issues they have in their head, it cannot be solved. Has the US discouraged other countries from aiding you and the resistance? With their statement and their policies, I believe so. And maybe not directly, but their policies is indicating that they do not want any insurgency or any freedom fighting to happen against the Taliban. Probably that is one of the things
Starting point is 01:11:26 they promised to the Taliban, that after our withdrawal, we were not going to support any opposition and we won't allow anyone to support your opposition. Probably it's one of those hidden parts of the Doha deal. History, economics, the great works of literature, the meaning of the US Constitution. Did you study these things in school?
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Starting point is 01:14:07 interview of my career thus far. It also is a lot of firsts. It's the first interview we've had outside of the studio, and it's the first interview out of the country. And so I brought a team to document the entire process. You can see over two hours of footage covering the entire experience over on Patreon. This experience captures everything from car conversations and the streets of Vienna to interview preparation in the
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Starting point is 01:15:15 Came out of it, got a ton of benefits, haven't had a drop of alcohol in almost two years. I'm more in the moment with my family, and that led me down researching the benefits of just everyday functional mushrooms. And I started taking some supplements. I found some coffee replacements. I even repped a brand.
Starting point is 01:15:33 And you know, it got to the point where I just wanted the finest ingredients available, no matter where they come from. And it got to this point where I was just going to start my own brand. And so we started going to trade shows and looking for the finest ingredients. And doing that, I ran into this guy, maybe you've heard of him, his name's Laird Hamilton and his wife Gabby Reese. And they have an entire line of supplements with all the finest ingredients. And we got to talking, turns out,
Starting point is 01:16:11 they have the perfect functional mushroom supplement. It's actually called Performance Mushrooms. And this has everything, it's USDA organic, it's got Chaga, Cordyceps, Lion's Mane, Miyataki. This stuff is amazing for energy balance, for cognition. Look, just being honest, I see a lot of people taking care of their bodies. I do not see a lot of people taking care of their brain. This is the product, guys. And so, we got to talking and our values seemed very aligned. We're both into the functional mushrooms.
Starting point is 01:16:52 And after a lot of back and forth, I am now a shareholder in the company. I have a small amount of ownership and I'm just, look, I'm just really proud to be repping and be a part of the company that's making the best functional mushroom supplement on the planet. You can get this stuff at You can use the promo code SRS, that'll get you 20% off these performance mushrooms or anything in the store. They got a ton of good stuff Once again, that's layered use the promo code SRS that gets you 20% off
Starting point is 01:17:34 You guys are gonna love this stuff. I guarantee it It's my understanding that the president of France wanted to aid you one way or another and was discouraged by the U.S. Is there any truth to that? I don't know about that. That was he discouraged or and also about the promising of support. The front has a very historical relationship with Afghanistan and in terms of basically supporting Afghanistan way before the wars even began in Afghanistan, and having many schools, French schools across Afghanistan, especially in Kabul. And my father actually attended one of these schools, and he could speak French, my father. So that was one of the reasons that he was very much actually a very popular figure in
Starting point is 01:18:38 France because he was speaking French. But in terms of support, there was nothing concrete and there was no such thing as talking in disregard or any promises for the support. Of course, they are supporting the human right and women right in one of the few countries in Europe which is very much advocating for such thing for Afghanistan, But there was not a promise in that regard to be discouraged by U.S. But unfortunately, the policies are U.S. and current administrations having. It is disappointing regarding Afghanistan. Let's talk about your strategy and the strategy of the resistance. Where do you even start with fighting these guys? Well, my first strategy was an emotional uprising in the face of a huge tragedy, which was my own sacrifice.
Starting point is 01:19:41 On 15th of August, Sean, when I was in Kabul, I gave it a long thought because before that we tried everything with the regional countries, with the Western countries, with Afghanistan government to prevent the catastrophe. I wasn't successful. So when I knew all is lost, I knew the only thing that can be saving us, it is a national uprising by all people of Afghanistan against a very small group called Taliban. To do it, I needed to empower people in a way.
Starting point is 01:20:21 The only thing was a thirst for revenge. And that could happen only if they could see a very, so to say, a painful tragedy. And so my first strategy was to go to Plainshore Valley, defend till the very last minute and have a very, how to say, a crazy end to give your life, die in the most painful way, being bombed, being destroyed and shattered. Maybe within that tragedy and that sacrifice, it would give my people a reason to rise. And because I knew African people are very much wanting it, but they needed hope. Because they felt lonely, they were hopeless,
Starting point is 01:21:32 they felt abandoned, and they have fought against the Taliban for many years. And also, there has been war going on in Afghanistan for many decades. So they were very much tired and they were lonely and hopeless. So I needed to give them something. Unfortunately, or fortunately, many things happened that luckily I didn't die. And I went outside Afghanistan to find support for my brothers and sisters who were fighting against them. I never had the intention to leave my country.
Starting point is 01:22:15 I just went out to find something. Because you are a man of war, you are a military man yourself. For fighting, you need resources. For your guns to fire, you need bullets. And we ran out of them. And I was surrounded in a valley with no support from anywhere. So I had to go and find something from somewhere. But as soon as I left, unfortunately, the frontline collapsed. The pressure was immense. Once it happened, we gathered all the military committee
Starting point is 01:22:56 and we said, okay, now that the pressure is too much, what should we do? And we exchanged our strategy and we changed it. And we knew that we are in a long term sort of strategy. Now we have to build everything from zero. That this is going to take longer than we expected and much harder work. There were many people like me that who were willing to give their life, not to witness such tragedy and not to be able to do all of this hard work. But God willed and also the people wanted us to take this hard path.
Starting point is 01:23:37 And so we changed the strategy from conventional warfare to guerrilla warfare. from conventional warfare to guerrilla warfare. And to create the narrative against the Taliban, to build, because the government collapsed, to build a system, to build something, basically a semi-government, to work with anything, right? An organization, that was it. And last, to bring support and to create a situation to be able to once again gain the trust and to find support.
Starting point is 01:24:11 So these were the strategies that we started after the collapse of Kabul. The narrative was created and that was resistance. We were very successful in it. Right now there's Emirate resistance and was resistance. We were very successful in it. Right now there is Emirate resistance and the resistance, and the Emirates narrative and the resistance narrative. We created the counter narrative, and we have so far been very successful
Starting point is 01:24:36 in winning the narrative war. The Taliban so far did not manage to get internal recognition. Every day that goes by, they're losing in that war. And more and more people are coming to our side. First, second, since the government collapsed and we had nothing, we built an organization. And from that came into existence the NRF,
Starting point is 01:25:00 National Resistance Front Organization. And third thing, it was to prove to ourselves, we can do it. It was continuing this fight, guerrilla warfare. And that was one of the reasons that the military committee, the military leadership told me that we have enough resources to either operate or protect you. So you need to leave the country
Starting point is 01:25:24 because we cannot exhaust our resources on protecting you because as soon as they know you're here, they're gonna all attack there and we have to exhaust all our resources in protecting you. So because of this, we encourage you to go and find the support. You'll be outside Afghanistan whenever necessary and we will do the fighting inside Afghanistan.
Starting point is 01:25:44 And one of the things that I have been very sort of honest about it with my people, the moment that I left my country, whenever I'm outside, whenever I'm inside, I've been very very honest with my people because one thing is the Taliban they had sanctuary in Pakistan for almost two decades. They never came in Afghanistan. They lied that oh we were always in Afghanistan, but it was a lie. We all knew they were like, you know, in Pakistan and different countries, hiding. One thing is that I have been very honest with my people, and this was the decision, and this was basically the strategy we had. And we proved after three years, starting only in Pineshear Valley. Now we are operating to 12 provinces.
Starting point is 01:26:26 And in the latest report of UN, Gutierrez himself even agreed and commented on it, that the NRLF operated and executed 20, more than 25 attacks only in Kabul in span of past three months, which is way more than that. But the reports that he gave, that even he admits it. So you see, we proved that even all alone with no support, we stand, we proved it to ourselves, to our people. We created a narrative, we created an organization, and for three years we have been withstanding
Starting point is 01:27:08 against all the might of the Taliban. Not only we have been successful, but we managed to expand. Yes, the warfare is guerrilla warfare, because it is a tactic against an enormous sort of group that has 70 million weekly handed over to them, that has $2.5 billion annually from Afghanistan income, that also have the backing of all the international terrorism and the biggest source of income they have, which is the narco trade.
Starting point is 01:27:39 And against such force, we cannot just go for a suicide attack. We needed to change the strategy and we managed to be very successful. But in the past one and a half years, after adopting this strategy, we didn't have even one prisoner and one person got killed. Wow. We have been very successful. We operated 500 meters from the Taliban's Ark Palace. We didn't have one person captured and one person killed. Very precise, very calculated, and very successful. Beside that, we have been so careful and so calculated that so far there has been, luckily, thank God,
Starting point is 01:28:21 no civilian casualties. Wow. No civilian casualties. Just. No civilian casualties. Just one person got a little hurt. We went to his home. This is interesting, Shah. We went to his home. I sent my people to his home
Starting point is 01:28:35 because we knew he got injured, a civilian. We monitored it. We gave him money. We gave him compensation. We gave him support. We gave him our care and love. Look what he said. After he got the money, we gave him compensation, we gave him support, we gave him our care and love. Look what he said. After he got the money, he gave it back.
Starting point is 01:28:49 He's like, what are you talking about? These things happen. Before, whenever Taliban was having these attacks in Kabul, we were always scared. And my kids, he had some of his daughters, my kids were always scared that, oh, again, the terrorists are attacking in Kabul. God knows how many innocent people died.
Starting point is 01:29:08 Now, whenever we are hearing a blast, we are happy like, thank God they had these monsters. They go hand it back, the money to us, like, don't worry, I'm all fine. Keep doing what you do. The people are with us. Don't worry, I'm all fine. Keep doing what you do. The people are with us. People are truly supporting, but they are alone. When they see from ministers to politicians to statements, all indicates that, oh, African
Starting point is 01:29:39 people, you have no choice but to accept your reality. What choice do they have? The Doha, Taliban say no opposition, no girls, no civil society, nothing. And UN backs down from their own mandate, which the Security Council passed a resolution about six, seven months ago, their own mandate, they backed down from it, and they give in to the will of Taliban. How people can trust the world. But we have an amazing people. Let me tell you a story, Sean.
Starting point is 01:30:15 It's something maybe you like. I spoke with a mother that at the beginning of war against the Taliban, three, two years ago, before adapting the new strategy, which was the guerrilla warfare, he lost five member of family in one hour. His husband, two of his sons, his husband's brother, and his son-in-law. Five men of the family gone in one hour. They were killed like Nazis.
Starting point is 01:30:52 Blindfolded, hands tied behind their backs and shot. Firing squad. And the Taliban released those photos publicly on Facebook. Publicly they released it. Exactly as the Daesh and ISIS killed their prisoners, they killed our people. And my valley, I called that lady, mother of one martyr,
Starting point is 01:31:21 wife of another, sister-in-law of another, and mother-in-law of another. I called and I said, Mother, I'm calling. My name is Ahmad Massoud. And I was weeping a little bit. I was terrified. How can I break this news to this woman? She already knew. She said, Why I hear a shake in your voice, Ahmad Masood? Don't you talk to me like this. We have a hope in you. Tell me when is the next
Starting point is 01:31:53 time that you give a call us, give a call. So this time I will go to the mountain. I was speechless. Wow. I was speechless. For good two minutes I was silent. She was speechless. For a good two minutes, I was silent. She was talking. Just some tears was coming. And I was like, if I give my life to them, that's not enough. These amazing people. This is the people of Afghanistan. What does that feel like to you to carry the responsibility of all the hope and trust that your people put into you?
Starting point is 01:32:31 Two feelings. First, for example, I was with some colleagues today that they saw me from early morning, I'm going to this meeting to that meeting, basically running everywhere. And they were like, oh, how can you do it? And I said, because when I think of those people inside, it gave me courage. It gave me energy. And what I do, it's nothing compared to what they are going through. So first is hope. And second, to be very honest, it's so difficult that I'd rather not to be alive than to carry this responsibility.
Starting point is 01:33:16 It's that difficult. Especially if you have principle in your care. If you don't care about the livelihood of people, it's easy. But if you care, it's too difficult. If you care about those brothers you have in the mountains, you think about them. How are they? Are they hungry?
Starting point is 01:33:40 Are they fed? Imagine what you, because they have nothing. How can you give them something? Food, water, and I know why they are there. And those families who gave their lives for the causes that I told them and that we all believe in those noble causes. So it's extremely difficult. With all the love I have for freedom, for democracy, for my people, for my country, for my family, that they're willing to give up on all of that rather not to be alive than to bear this responsibility. However, with such huge responsibility and task at the same time.
Starting point is 01:34:25 Their courage gave me courage. Their hope gave me hope. And their will moves me every minute and every day. They are incredible. They are the true hero. I'm nobody. They are. Those women and those men
Starting point is 01:34:42 who are still fighting inside Afghanistan, they are the true heroes of Afghanistan. I'm just their voice. I'm just their mouth. That's all. I'd like to not that my opinion matters, but I just want to commend you for moving from more of a conventional tactics to guerrilla warfare. As you have, and I don't know what the percentage is, but I mean, you have some of the best trained commandos
Starting point is 01:35:13 in the entire world with more experience than anybody in the world to include all of the veterans who've been in the global war on terrorism for 20 years. We go home and then come back. You terrorism for 20 years. Yes, we go home and then come back. You fight for 20 years. Yes, longer than 20 years. And so to be able to utilize that experience and small tactic groups. I believe is a very smart move on your part.
Starting point is 01:35:42 And and where I'm kind of going with this is, and if you can talk and if you can't, that's perfectly fine, but what are some of the targets that you're targeting? I mean, we left, I don't know how many billions of dollars worth of ammunition, night vision, weapons, everything you can possibly imagine to create war. You had mentioned an operation close to the palace within 500 meters.
Starting point is 01:36:20 Yes. What are what are some of the targets that you're going after using guerrilla warfare? Well, the targets, of course, at all of it, they are being identified and picked and by our military committee and the military leadership. And all of them, 100%, they are the military targets. And they are... Are they individuals? Like leaders?
Starting point is 01:36:48 Individual convoys and sort of checkpoints and many other sort of targets that are crucial to the Taliban or they are, for example, we knew about the existence of this person from GDI, the Taliban's intelligence service, that had hand in torturing women, raping women, kidnapping women, killing prisoners, and all these atrocities, from the likes of him to many other sorts of opportunities, based on the opportunity, how it is, and the warfare. But this is something that the military committee has been
Starting point is 01:37:28 deciding and our personal insight and our heroes inside Afghanistan, they are deciding and they have been incredibly successful and they have been incredible. They are doing incredible job because. It is easy when you have all the support in the world. Let's not forget when the Taliban did it, they had the support of many countries and they had a country to have sanctuary in it, to be trained in.
Starting point is 01:38:00 And there were tons and tons of materials and goods that could make like, you know, their equipment was being transferred to them from the borders of their country and Afghanistan to the Taliban. So they had huge support, but we had, and we have nothing. So with all that taken into consideration what they are achieving it is incredible That would agree. Have you been able to Or have you thought about trying to secure some of the equipment that the United States left? The equipment that you're speaking
Starting point is 01:38:47 Well, the equipment that you're speaking, they're all across Middle East and they're all across maybe even South and Central Asia. And it is not all of it. It's not state in Afghanistan. Definitely TTP have some of it. Definitely many other terrorist groups had their hands in it. The Taliban are selling them. The Taliban are basically sending it in support of their fellow friends who have the same ideology. So some of those equipments that you mentioned, it is in the wrong hands already.
Starting point is 01:39:22 It happened in the past three years. The Taliban are using most of it. And the amount that we have, it's not a lot. It's very limited amount that we have. And even some areas, our people and our personnel are using the old Soviet guns that they captured in the time of fighting against the Soviets. And so unfortunately, I can say that at this stage, it's quite difficult for us to possess
Starting point is 01:39:51 the American equipment. Do you have a more of an intelligence side branch to the NRF? Yes, because in such warfare, the intelligence part is the key component, in my opinion. How are you conducting that, if you can say? Well, I can say that if you see that we have not had any casualty nor we had any prisoners for the past one half years, and also probably I can say that there is, And also, probably I can say that there is, except some small areas and some very hidden details, the Taliban do not possess a secret that I don't know.
Starting point is 01:40:38 Let's say it. Of course, there are some areas and cases that it is. But to say how they're operating and how they're working, it is a bit of confidentiality for their security. I wish not to speak of it. Have you, switching gears a little bit, have you thought about going to the US to personally ask them to stop funding the Taliban? the US to personally ask them to stop funding the Taliban? I don't think they like me to be in the US. Otherwise not to just ask those questions, but to let them know how their policies is affecting the people of Afghanistan.
Starting point is 01:41:27 And how it is probably it will affect a lot of aspects of people's life in America. You know how 9-11 changed the political even social landscape of America. Imagine what would happen if something like that would happen again. So therefore not, it will happen, but it is your question that there are a lot of concerns, there are a lot of policies that they're having
Starting point is 01:42:01 which will have a huge impact. Forgetting about Afghanistan has always proved to be a wrong decision. But it is happening. To bring that awareness, it's something that needs to be done. But so far I don't see any interest in accepting me in America and listening to what we have to see. It's been my understanding that the current administration has kind of blacklisted you from coming. And what a disgrace. But you know, the US has a long history of lying to its own people and to the rest of the world. And some examples are the funding of the Taliban.
Starting point is 01:42:51 Another is Hakeeni, Akani. Yes. And I think maybe another one of the big ones is when we lied and let everybody assume that Hamza bin Laden is dead. Yeah. Which it turns out he's not dead. What is he doing in Afghanistan? Well, one thing is that
Starting point is 01:43:15 Al-Qaeda for the past 20 years with their relationship with the Taliban. They complete each other. This is something that might interest the people of America, They complete each other. This is something that might interest the people of America that al-Qaeda and Taliban lived so close with each other and so integrated with each other for so long that it is almost impossible to differentiate them now. For the past 20 years, there's a lot of weddings and marriages happen within them.
Starting point is 01:43:55 Now they turn into a family. How can you break a family apart? It is proven that there has been marriages between them. So that's one aspect. The second aspect, the shared interest. Al-Qaeda helped them intellectually and helped them with experience and knowledge, helped them with the technical aspect of making bombs and expertise, and of course helped them with the presence of the Al-Qaeda fighters.
Starting point is 01:44:27 For example, we showed you a video of the Taliban alongside Al-Qaeda fighters attacking Panjshir Valley on August 21. So they had so many shared experiences that it is impossible to differentiate them now. It's just like how we mix sugar in a water or salt in a water. It's almost impossible if you keep like in a swirling it for 20 years, how will you take the sugar or take the salt out of the water. the sugar or take the salt out of the water.
Starting point is 01:45:08 So that's one aspect of Al-Qaeda. Let's not forget it. The second aspect is, sometimes I hear that they say, oh, Al-Qaeda doesn't exist in Afghanistan. And yet, U.S. fails to ask a very simple question from Taliban. What was Ayman al-Zawahiri do in Kabul? Mr. Biden said, we killed Ayman al-Zawahiri, the mastermind of 9-11 in Kabul,
Starting point is 01:45:35 under the protection of Taliban. Very well. I have a few questions. What was he doing in Kabul? Ayman al-Zawahiri, the mastermind of 9-11, the leader of al-Qaeda. Second, how he could be in Kabul without the Taliban knowing about it? Third, how he was shot down and killed? Either the United States administration is lying to its people and he didn't exist, he just said we killed someone in Kabul, or he did.
Starting point is 01:46:09 If he did, it means Taliban are completely integrated and in cooperation with al-Qaeda, and they need to be held accountable. Because it means a breach in the Doha agreement. Because in Doha agreement, the Taliban promised to completely disconnect themselves from the rest of terrorist groups. They did not. And that is the proof. So there's a lot of question in this regard. And the latest gift in this marvelous story is the call of Saif al-Adl, the leader of Al-Qaeda, upon all people to come to Afghanistan for training, for experience, and learning from Taliban, and of course, go back and do the same atrocity. The US just, it's getting very hard to find any truth coming out of the current US administration.
Starting point is 01:47:06 I mean, even during the withdrawal, I remember right away, I believe they claimed to have killed the, was it the ISIS fighters that blew up Abbey Gate with a drone strike and a taxi that actually wound up being, they just killed a bunch of USAID workers. I mean, the incompetence is just astounding. But moving on, because we're on a time crunch, I wanna talk to you about the continuation of the withdrawal. And there are a lot of veterans, US veterans who are very involved in extracting our former
Starting point is 01:47:49 allies the resistance. And I would imagine, I understand why they want to leave, so I don't want to say I'm not, I don't want to come across as not sympathetic. But what I do want to come across and say is, the more US veterans get involved in extracting men with war fighting experience that we train, that you could be using, the percentage of you coming out on top diminishes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:48:23 And so what would you like to see happen? Would you like to see veterans, US veterans, continue to extract our former allies? Or would you like that to stop and those fighters start fighting with the N.R.F.? Well, as you mentioned, first and foremost, it is, once again, it proves that the defeat in Afghanistan was political. It was by the politicians.
Starting point is 01:48:57 It was not by those who fought in Afghanistan. This is crystal clear now. Well, because of the atrocity that Taliban are committed, how they are very much focused in targeting those who fought against them. It's very difficult for me to say no, don't evacuate them. Morally, it is wrong because I know in what grave danger they are at. Of course, absolutely I would rather them to have them in Afghanistan because sooner or later the support will come because the Taliban did not change and the terrorist attack only increased.
Starting point is 01:49:40 Pakistan, Iran, Russia, United States. You see how it is increasing. Germany. So the support will come, but I hope it's not too little too late, first and foremost. Second, I cannot put myself in a position to decide for those veterans, because they are in such a terrifying situation. Constantly Taliban are looking for them. And unfortunately, one thing happened that United States and Afghanistan government,
Starting point is 01:50:18 they did, they took their fingerprints and they saved it all and servers and everything and they lifted all to the Taliban. So now the Taliban, they have all the sort of, they know the scanners and everything. Biometrics. Biometrics, exactly. They have in biometrics. And as soon as they put their fingers anywhere, if they enter from any point from Afghanistan,
Starting point is 01:50:49 from the borders, if they go anywhere inside Afghanistan, as soon as they do the biometric, they will know who was who. Unfortunately, one thing that happened that our international friend and also the Afghanistan government, they didn't have the decency to destroy all those servers and those equipments to make it harder for Taliban to identify those who fought against them. So now even worse than women of Afghanistan are those who fought against Taliban, those special forces and commanders and Afghan people who are in army,
Starting point is 01:51:22 because they have been fingerprinted, like now they know their identity. So now they can't go anywhere, they're imprisoned in their home. As soon as they go anywhere, one fingerprint, they will know who is he and he disappears. So I cannot put myself in that position. However, the messaging of those veterans
Starting point is 01:51:44 are different to you and to me. To United States, because they know they don't have any intention to support them, to help them, and to fight. So their request is, then if you do not have that will, then save me too. But you know what they said to me? They never asked me for evacuation even once. Nobody asked me. Categorically, to whoever I spoke, said, sir, give me equipment, give me gun, give me support.
Starting point is 01:52:25 I'll go to the mountain. I'm gonna take my revenge. I do not allow this because this defeat, it was not militarily, it was political. I didn't lose. They made me lose. This is their message. So if the world behavior and messaging changes,
Starting point is 01:52:50 they do not want to leave Afghanistan. They want to stay and fight. And we have enough credible and talented and experienced and trained personnel to take back Afghanistan and bring back order. However, when they see the messaging of the world is that we don't care, given to the will of Taliban, now the Taliban are our new besties,
Starting point is 01:53:14 and they have no choice to say that, and at least save us too. When it comes to US veterans that want to help, and there's a lot of us. And I can't speak for everybody, but we are not a representation of what our current administration and government is about. Is there anything that US veterans
Starting point is 01:53:42 or anybody that doesn't like what happened and what's happening, how they withdraw one, is there anything we can do to help? Well, first and foremost, once again, I need to emphasize that paying attention to Afghanistan and what, for example, the veterans are doing, it's something that will decrease the feeling of people toward America. That they will know that the politicians failed them, that those who fought alongside them didn't forget. So it's something very important.
Starting point is 01:54:22 And secondly, I believe it is very much beneficial for the people of America to know how policies affect the people thousands of miles away from them. And I believe that veterans can be that voice to tell because of their experience, because of their knowledge, what happened and what is happening, how the policies are affecting, how the world sees America. And they can help in the future policies. We are on the season of election. I believe it is veterans are always being held very high in the eyes and mind of people of America.
Starting point is 01:55:08 They always hold them in high status because of what they have done for their country. And I believe it's important for the future of America as well, that for the politicians, those who want to come and those who are at, to listen to these veterans and to know their feeling and to know what they say, because they're in touch with their counterparts in Afghanistan and they have the experience in Afghanistan. And I believe that ignoring them, it's a grave mistake that not only affect Afghanistan,
Starting point is 01:55:50 but will affect the future of those who want to join army, who want to join the Navy, and who want to join the Air Force, that they will see that, okay, all these values that we have been preached to, we are going to Afghanistan for this. It was nothing but a lie. Our administration will keep lying to us. So I believe the veterans are very important. Well, we're also extremely concerned because we have sons and daughters.
Starting point is 01:56:22 You're warning us something's coming to the U.S. I think a lot of us have a very strong belief that we're going to wind up in Afghanistan again and it'll be my son and my daughter doing this all over again and that scares the hell out of me. But I will say that what we're doing right here and what me and Legend did and what me and Sarah Adams did, it is creating waves. And just on the flight over to Vienna, I saw that one of our representatives in Tennessee,
Starting point is 01:57:00 Tim Burchett, has proposed a bill to stop all funding from the Taliban. I can't believe there's not more congressmen that wrote that bill, but credit to him and this is going to spread. And Commander, I'm so glad we met. It was an honor to have this interview. And I'm praying for you. God bless and I hope to see you again.
Starting point is 01:57:26 Of course, and thank you very much. I hope that we never see any tragedy, not in America, not in Afghanistan, not anywhere in the world, because what we want is to see peace and prosperity for all. And let's not hope that Afghanistan needs my son and my daughter, or your son or your daughter to once again to do what we did. And there is one thing to prevent that we need to
Starting point is 01:57:57 listen to Ahmad Shah Massoud. In 2001 when he came to Europe, he said, I'm here. We are enough to defend our country, to fight for our freedom, to fight for democracy on those values we share. Support me, support us, and we will not allow Afghanistan to be a threat not for ourselves, not for anyone else. And I will have allow Afghanistan to be a threat, not for ourselves, not for anyone else. And I will have the same message. Right now, the thing is, I'm not asking United States or any other country to send troops to Afghanistan. I'm enough, and we have enough to fight, to defend ourselves, to defeat the terrorism,
Starting point is 01:58:43 and to make Afghanistan a safe haven for its people, and a threat to terrorism, not the other way around the way it is right now. But we have that opportunity now. The exact message that my father said. So we need attention to Afghanistan. We need support for Democratic force of Afghanistan. And we need awareness. Let's not forget Afghanistan. Unfortunately, it proved that the world cannot hold or cannot handle two crises at a time,
Starting point is 01:59:20 the Ukraine, the Gaza. While we understand all of that. However, the crisis of Afghanistan has always been an underlying sort of pain and problem that always affected in the long term. And I hope that the help and support for people of Afghanistan can come and we will see the end of the terrorism because right now the people are ready to do it more than ever. If the people give in, then it will be very, very hard and very, very difficult.
Starting point is 01:59:59 Five years time, ten years time, let's not forget the Taliban are building madrasas, jihadi madrasas, with the U.S. money to create more suicide bombers and brainwashed people. Imagine what will happen in five and 10 years time that they, because right now they have created according to themselves 2,000 schools. If 2,000 jihadi madrasas release 1,000 or 100 students annually, imagine how many brainwashed foot soldiers will be ready for recruitment of Taliban, al-Qaeda, ISIS, any other terrorist groups in five years' time and five years' time, and 10 years' time. Maybe even then, if any other country, if U.S. or any other country comes to our assist, assistance and support, maybe it will be ever too late.
Starting point is 02:00:55 That is terrifying to think about, but we'll end it here. Thank you very much, Ron. It was a pleasure meeting you, brother. You too. Thank you. You take care of here. Thank you very much, Ron. It was a pleasure meeting you, brother. You too. Thank you. You take care of yourself. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:01:08 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
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