Shawn Ryan Show - #140 Eli Crane & Tim Burchett - Two Things All Americans Want: Accountability and Transparency

Episode Date: October 21, 2024

In this gripping episode of SRS, we dive into the raw realities of American politics with special guests Congressman Tim Burchett (TN) and Congressman Eli Crane (AZ). Together, they unpack the Secret ...Service's failure to adequately protect former President Donald Trump and the conspiracies surrounding these incidents. They also explore the dark undercurrents of government corruption and how hidden agendas manipulate the corridors of power, impacting policy decisions and American lives alike. The congressmen also pull back the curtain on what really happens behind closed doors in Congress, exposing the unexpected alliances, the bitter rivalries, and the influence of special interests shaping key legislation. With firsthand insights and candid commentary, this episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking an unfiltered look at the inner workings of government—and the challenges of maintaining transparency and accountability in today’s political landscape. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: - USE CODE "SRS" | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Tim Burchett Links: Eli Crane Links: X - Support Eli Crane - Bottle Breacher - Instagram - Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Tim Burchett, Eli Crane, No Strangers this show. Welcome back. We got a ton to cover. I'm not going to do the typical introduction we've had because you guys have already been on multiple times. But want to talk to you about Trump assassination. Want to talk to you about, Tim, you've done a ton of work with the Afghanistan stuff. Want to talk to you about Trump assassination. I want to talk to you about, Tim, you've done a ton of work with the Afghanistan stuff.
Starting point is 00:00:27 I want to talk about that. And then I think all three of us want to talk about some of the government corruption in both parties that's going on inside of Congress. And then we'll see what we get into after that. I know you guys both have time constraints, but I just want to say, love you guys. Super happy to have you back here in the studio
Starting point is 00:00:50 to have this conversation and lots of important stuff happening in the country right now. And so let's just get to the bottom of some of it. But, you know, to kick it off, Eli, I know you've done a lot of work investigating, went on with the first assassination attempt on Trump's life. And just yesterday, we had another attempt.
Starting point is 00:01:19 And actually, before we dive into that, you guys both know we've got a Patreon. It's what enables me to be here, what you guys enables you guys to be here. They're our top supporters. And so I give them the opportunity to ask a question each interview. This question is from John Phillips. Since we're on the topic,
Starting point is 00:01:44 will anyone at Secret service be held accountable for the major snafu and Trump's attempted assassination? Plural. I think it's, uh, I think it's too early to tell you yet. I think it's going to largely be based on whether or not Trump becomes president or not. I don't have any faith whatsoever that with the people that we have in Congress now,
Starting point is 00:02:10 that anybody will be held accountable. I've just, you know, I'm only a freshman, but I've seen the game enough to kind of see how it plays out. I think if President Trump gets back into office, I do think that there's a really good chance that there will be accountability, but everything is so political up there, as you know.
Starting point is 00:02:31 I mean, one of the... And just on that topic, I volunteered to be on the assassination task force. I sent Speaker Johnson a text saying, hey, I was a NSW sniper. I think I could bring value to this investigation. And I wasn't put on it. Now, I get it. You were not put on it? I was not put on it.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Who made that call? Well, it's all. Why would you not have a former Navy SEAL sniper who is better than probably any of the secret service snipers out there. Why would they not have somebody with that relevant of experience on the topic inside Congress on the committee? So to be as transparent as I can be, to my knowledge, there's three snipers in Congress, myself, Morgan Littrell, and Corey Mills.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Not one of us was put on that task force. So you start asking questions right there. And then what- Who makes the determination? Leadership always makes the determination. Who's the leadership? Mike Johnson is the Speaker of the House right now. So Mike Johnson doesn't want the three most relevant individuals in Congress to be on
Starting point is 00:03:42 that committee. So what I was told is that he had to please the entirety of the conference, right? Because it was such a big deal and so many people other than myself volunteered to be on it, he had to make this group over here happy, this group over here happy, this group over here, happy, this group over here, happy, this group over here, happy. There's a part of me, because I work up there that understands that, but because the selection of that committee was political, once you start going down that rabbit hole, you start asking yourself, okay, so are the witnesses that we call, is that going to be political too? Are the findings and what we released to the American people, is that going to be political too? Are the findings and what we release to the American people, is that going to be political
Starting point is 00:04:27 too? And my answer to that is most likely yes. And that's why a couple of us- So this isn't about, sorry to cut you off, man. I'm just, I'm pissed. So this isn't about uncovering anything or getting to the root issue. This is about jerking people off and making people happy. That's Washington.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Yeah, I would say that they still wanna, they still wanna do the investigation. And there are a lot of people, whether they were snipers or not, who wanna get to the bottom of it. My point is, is they didn't pick the best people for the job and they know it. And that's what bothers me
Starting point is 00:05:03 because it doesn't stop there, Sean. Who did they put on them? Every committee that you look at up in Capitol Hill, it's not who's the best for the job. Who has influence, who has money, who can fundraise, who's been here longest. You see a lot of the same stuff in other committees as well. And often the higher you go, the more you're willing to play the game and be a yes man. And that's why often I think people like myself are given the Heisman and told, hey, no thanks, man, we're good. Who's on the committee?
Starting point is 00:05:41 Who did they put on there? You guys actually have a representative, pretty good representative here in Tennessee who's on the committee. Mark Green is on the committee. Chair of Homeland Security. Clay Higgins is on the committee who I think is probably, in my opinion, the best guy on the committee just because Clay. Clay is willing to, Clay's tough and he was in law enforcement and he was also in military
Starting point is 00:06:13 and he's already gone and done his own independent investigation. He's already released that to the public. So I'm glad that Clay got put on there. And I don't know all the other names, Tim, do you know? The other names? I can't know all the other names, Tim, do you know the other names? Are they utilizing you and the two other congressmen's expertise?
Starting point is 00:06:31 No, not at this point. But I don't think they've even, I don't even think they've had a hearing yet. So we did our own parallel, we called it a round table up in Washington DC a couple weeks ago with Eric Prince, Dan Bongino, and then one of the counter snipers who was there. Because I don't know about you, Sean, but I don't have a lot of faith in the federal government to get to the bottom of this. Even if they did get to the bottom of it, I don't have a lot of faith that they would even reveal it to the American people just like we still
Starting point is 00:07:05 don't have the Kennedy files. That's why some of us were like, okay, well, we might not be on the task force. We might not have subpoena power, but let's do everything that we can within our contacts and our intelligence to get as many answers as we can for the American people. Did you get any answers? Well, we've gotten some answers. I've actually been to Butler twice now. One of the things that I did a video about, you probably saw it was one of the first things
Starting point is 00:07:37 that Director Cheadle was saying was that we didn't put counter snipers up on that roof because it was too steep. So myself and other members from the Homeland Security Committee went and got up on that roof and I showed out. We were walking around on it right after me, a 70-year-old man named Carlos Jimenez, who's a representative from Florida, got up on it, walked right up it. No problem at all. You could see the water tower right over my shoulder that nobody got up on top of that
Starting point is 00:08:04 would have been a sniper's paradise or a counter sniper's paradise. Nobody got up on that. One of the things that I broke on with Dan Bongino on his podcast was that these pipe bombs that we were told Thomas Crooks had were built in ammo cans. Some of the other things that we've learned is that, and I know you've talked about it as well with Eric Prince, but the Secret Service is completely incapable of stopping a 20-year-old kid with no military experience from getting 150 yards from the president. What would that look like with a trained team, whether it's the Houthis, the Hamas, Hezbollah, whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:08:50 We had it, hold on, we had intelligence. Did we have intelligence that said that the, was it the Iranians that had put a hit out on Trump just prior to that? There is, yeah, there is intelligence that that's a very big threat as well. But some of the other things that we've learned, Sean, that's alarming is that the Secret Service seems to be completely allergic to innovating and adapting to modern warfare. Dan Bongino was talking about how when he was there, it took decades for them to even put slings on their primary weapons. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:25 They're primaries. They're M4s or whatever they were carrying. Anybody who's done, whether you're a police officer or you've been in special operations or you're a Marine, you know how important slings are because if you're shooting your primary and you go dry or you have a jam and then you need to transition to your secondary, what are you going to do with your primary? Are you going to throw it on the ground? Or what if you have to climb a ladder? What if you have to do some prisoner handling?
Starting point is 00:09:54 What if you have to process some evidence? You can't just be throwing your weapon on the ground. He was saying, the Secret Service was so backwards that it took decades for them to even get slings. He also said that they didn't want to transition to a higher caliber weapon, like an AR style platform that shot something that maybe some of the threats were carrying. You couple that with, oh, they didn't have a drone up on site. They even turned down a drone from some of the local authorities. You just got to wonder, why aren't they forward thinking at all?
Starting point is 00:10:32 Because our enemies most certainly are. One of the other things that we've learned is that the Secret Service is absolutely not in a better place with the new director. People are just like in every other government institution, they're failing up. Director Rowe probably had a lot more say over what security and what personnel and what assets were on site at Butler on that day than even Director Cheadle did. There's been a lot that we've uncovered and we found, but definitely, there's still a lot more to uncover.
Starting point is 00:11:07 And for those of us on the outs, it's going to be difficult because we don't have subpoena power. talk And let's be honest, the answer to your question is no. And the other question you asked is why is Eli not on there? He ruffles feathers. He votes his conscience, you know, we he and I both voted against McCarthy and you know deposing him and
Starting point is 00:11:29 That's that's what I think's at the bottom of it. That's the base of it. You've got a little leadership cabal that calls the shots on everything and How was there not even been a hearing on it? I don't know that. Have they had a hearing? They put a committee together. They went there. They went. Did they go to Butler?
Starting point is 00:11:49 Maybe I don't know. They did go to Butler. I mean, it's Washington. You know, they're going to it's just going to turn it out and then six months later, they're going to issue a report and somebody's going to get a nasty letter in their file. And it's just it Washington to it too. This isn't about daylight savings time. They tried to assassinate a former sitting president who's
Starting point is 00:12:11 running again. So how does this just go, well, guys, we don't have time. We don't have enough sessions. You've got to realize the machine doesn't want Trump. If he gets in there and he does what he says he's going to do and starts eliminating two thirds of the bureaucracy, the machine, the corrupt machine that, you know, they always come in and fire the top people or perplace the new people, old people. But it's that second, third, fourth tier that are in there for life that are just that infiltrated
Starting point is 00:12:41 our government that we've, we've allowed to be there. Department of Education, billions of dollars, stays in Washington. It seems to me it'd be easier just dismantle the whole department, send that money to the states and let them decide and let the locals have a say so. But no, you've got, I mean, how many, honestly, how many bureaucrats in Washington DC have taught a kid how to read in Claiborne County, Tennessee. Zero.
Starting point is 00:13:07 But that's part of the machine. That's part of the structure. And that's why every 100 days, we had another trillion dollars for the debt and neither party has a plan to pay it off and neither party wants to pay it off because all they're doing is buying votes. So maybe you can help me and the audience understand who makes the determination of when these hearings happen who... Ultimately it's the speaker who makes it. And you the speaker and they'll appoint a chairman and the
Starting point is 00:13:37 chairman will bring in the legal folks and then that's part of the problem because part of the problem is the staff machine that's there. You've got great staffers that work, but some of those folks have been there years and years and years and years and they don't get in any rush. They decide literally what, I mean, I've had chairman say, I've heard chairman say before, I can't get that bill to the floor because my staffers don't really like that bill. I'm like, what are you talking about? I had a bill that dealt with, well, for instance, the Chinese, these, you take
Starting point is 00:14:17 a swab and send it off. They're buying it, creating a genome. The Chinese are buying it legally from these companies and they're selling it to them. And they create a genome for say, say they'd like to come to imagine the Chinese creating a disease that could disable the entire world. But say they wanted to just take out females of childbearing ages in United States of America. Well, they could create a genome to do that. And apparently, that's what they're attempting to do.
Starting point is 00:14:47 That is what they're attempting to do. I can't even get the Chinese. I couldn't even get a hearing on the bill because the committee is just in total shutdown. And that's the way Washington works, though. They want to have hearings. They want to issue press releases. But the bottom line in Washington, DC is get your ass reelected. It's not fixing the problem. They go home to their MAGA dinners or their
Starting point is 00:15:09 their left does their Truman dinners and they throw out the red meat. How bad the Republicans are, how bad the Democrats, how bad Speaker Pelosi is, how bad Johnson is. They get reelected and they all come 98, 99 percent of them get reelected and hell they'll be right back doing the same stuff. Well, come 98, 99% of them get reelected and hell, they'll be right back doing the same stuff. Just, and that's part of the problem. As a longtime partner of The Sean Ryan Show, Hoist remains dedicated not only to supporting our show, but also U.S. military and first responders. Hoist is the real deal.
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Starting point is 00:17:47 Apparently they can't get Massoud in because there's no time. There's no time. To me that's- So what is more- You're rocking the boat, Sean. You're rocking the boat. My question is, they did agree to a 30 minute Zoom call. Yay. I don't know what the f**k that does. But why, what are the other hearings? And maybe there is stuff that's way more important than the fact that the US government's sending the Taliban millions of dollars, 40 to 87 million every week. I mean, we're literally f**ked. Do you know what the government would have done if I would have done a $5 donation to the Taliban 10 years ago?
Starting point is 00:18:29 Captain Stoich. They just admitted $239 million went to them. And it's a lot more than that. Oh, it's a lot more than that. So what are some of the upcoming hearings in Congress that are more important than the Trump assassination attempts and the fact that the US government's funding terrorism? Absolutely none. None. But that doesn't feed the K Street lobbyists. And that in turn... Seriously though, what are some of the subjects coming up on the plate?
Starting point is 00:19:07 I couldn't tell you. I couldn't even tell you. Could you? Every week there's a hearing on something. You'll bring in, I call on transportation, we'll bring in the And people don't understand in government that these committees of jurisdiction deal with those issues. And I do videos as soon as I walk out of the committee and I tell, because people don't realize that all that other stuff's going on. All they see is C-SPAN, what's going on on the floor, which is bogus. That's already been decided back in the back rooms. There's never really too many surprises on boats.
Starting point is 00:19:46 And it's just the committees of jurisdiction. When I asked the question on the Afghanistan issue of the Marine sniper, I said, do you have the suicide bomber in your sights that killed the 13 Americans? Staff Sergeant Ryan Canals. I live on the Ryan Canals Highway. Every day I drive out, there's his name. And yes, in fact, he had the guy two times in his sights. And we found that out. But what do we do with it? Nothing. Because we don't have the guts to go after anybody.
Starting point is 00:20:16 We can't...anyway. So it's nothing of any substance where you're talking to the railroad people? Well, we developed legislation because of that, allegedly, you know, it goes along that. And then of course, you've got, they bring in the lobbyists from on both sides, the Democrats, they're in the majority minority, so they get two, and then we get the Republicans bring in three witnesses on our side. You know, they're like have a pro-union and then a pro-business side. And nothing ever gets done though.
Starting point is 00:20:50 If you pass legislation, it goes to the Senate and Schumer won't bring it up or vice versa. And some of these hearings have been planned months in advance. But to your point, I don't know that any of them are as important as what you're talking about. None are as important. I mean, you think they would cancel, I don't know, the railroad meeting and bring in the fact that they're trying to kill a presidential candidate, former president, twice? You can still have them going on. Or yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Maybe do it two a day. Yeah. Is that impossible? They're going to assign staff to it and probably hire a lawyer. They did have, I think they did have what, Cheetalyn, was it judiciary or oversight? No, we had an oversight. That's where I told her she was a DEI nightmare. She quit the day after that.
Starting point is 00:21:40 They've already hit that one, but as far as this new task force goes, I'm hoping they're just trying to do as thorough of an investigation as possible. Honestly, Sean, even though I didn't get put on the task force, whatever, I'm rooting for them because at the end of the day, it's not about me. It's not about Corey Mills. It's not about any one of us. It's about, okay, how do we make sure that this never happens again, regardless of what the candidate is?
Starting point is 00:22:05 Right? But what happened yesterday? But they didn't do that because it just happened again. What happened yesterday? We found out once again that the Secret Service, because President Trump isn't the current president, they're not giving him the detail that he needs. So they're defaulting to historical norms instead of actually looking at the threat presence to this guy because he's clearly the most targeted politician, maybe besides
Starting point is 00:22:34 Netanyahu in the world right now. And so it's like, if I was the director of Secret Service, I wouldn't be going off of historical norms or what we did yesterday. I'd be going off of, hey, which one of these guys that I'm assigned to protect has the most threats? That's who's going to get the majority of my assets and the majority of my attention. I'm going to try and do as good of a job as I can across the board, but that's clearly not happening. And politics plays into it.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Because Robert Kennedy Jr., I mean, his dad was assassinated. John, I mean, there's no other family that's fallen to more assassins bullets than the Kennedys, obviously. I mean, historically in this country, I'm sure there's somewhere. But he was denied Secret Service by the President of the United States. And they made up all this BS. But Obama was given, when he was running, was given Secret Service protection early. And that was, and it's at the discretion of the President of the United States.
Starting point is 00:23:36 And so you've got to wonder, and at where Trump got shot, you know, there was the talk of Homeland Security was there and sent a Secret Service. Where Trump got shot, you know, there was the talk of Homeland Security was there and said a Secret Service you saw people That were too short and then you could they couldn't put their guns in their holsters and they were hiding behind the pile Yeah, I'm trying as somebody as somebody who's trained. What'd you think when you saw? One of the Secret Service agents up on you know on that detail that couldn't holster a weapon after three attempts? Yeah. I mean, I don't, honestly, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:24:14 I don't care what the sex is, man. I really don't. But at the same time, does that look like somebody who's well trained to you? No. No. And let me ask you guys this. You got these guys up there that were obviously too short. You wouldn't have somebody in that iconic picture, that should have never been able to have happened because the only way it was because there was an agent or whoever it was,
Starting point is 00:24:40 was head and shoulders short. They got a specific job. It's literally take's to take, it's literally take a bullet for Trump or whoever they're guarding. And they clearly failed at that. And then that frontal view was just awful. I mean, that was just, to me, I was shocked that they allowed that. And then if you ever, if you can listen to the audio,
Starting point is 00:25:00 he says, we're gonna move on my count, three, two, one. And they just stayed there. You know, the thing would be to get him off. If there had been a second shooter, all you'd do is just start shooting into that pile. From what I've been told, the job is to get his ass off the stage and get him out of there, get him in a secure environment. Yeah. I don't know what they're putting out at Secret Service, but it's against pretty much from everything I saw, it's completely against everything I've ever learned in the SEAL teams
Starting point is 00:25:31 or the agency's protective unit. I know they play by different roles because I've talked to other Secret Service agents because of the political ramifications of it. I've been told that these advances can come back with the recommendation that, hey, let's not hold this rally here, but even then it's up to the campaign. If a campaign decides, hey, we're going to hold the rally here regardless of what your recommendation was, they're going gonna hold the rally there. And so that was one of my issues when I went to Butler
Starting point is 00:26:08 and I was looking at how many threats there were on that site, how many rooftops, how many windows, how many trees, right? There were a lot of trees that somebody could have easily gotten up into and made like a hide site deer stand. And there were way too many threats for the amount of security they had to cover down on. And so that's another thing that we got to get smarter on.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Man, it seemed like a really basic target to me. Looking at it from the, I mean, you were there. If you would, yeah. But I mean, comparative to like, I mean, I remember being in the SEAL teams in 2004, there was a big NATO convention in Istanbul, and we did a ton of sniper Overwatch at that NATO convention and every, I mean, that was a nightmare. I mean, you're looking at 15, 20 story buildings with windows on every floor completely surrounding
Starting point is 00:27:03 the venue and thousands of people. Way too many avenues to cover with the guns that you have. And we felt like we had it covered. And so you take this, which appeared like it was in a rural setting, mostly farmland. I mean, a thermal imager could have covered those trees like, you know what I mean? Right.
Starting point is 00:27:27 And within five seconds. Yeah. And, I mean, stuff just doesn't get dropped. It just, it was impossible. It seemed impossible for any... No drones. That's what I asked about the golf course shooting. Sitting there, been a drone. Anytime he's out in the open, I would think there'd be a drone. And I went to a football game in Knoxville this past, I've been, every week I've gone to a football game, they've had multiple drones. I mean, it's just like they could, you can see the part in my hair from up there. I mean, you know, and again, we said that we needed drones the first time.
Starting point is 00:28:01 And then the second time, there's still no freaking drones out on the golf course. Yeah. Well, the other thing too, Sean, is that when you, my perspective and what I know now, and obviously this is a fresh story because it just happened yesterday, but when I look at the pictures of his hide site, if that's what it, or his final firing position as we would call it, one of the things I noticed based on this story that I'm hearing is that he was spotted because he put the barrel of his gun through the fence. Behind me, you have a picture of a legit sniper team on a rooftop and it looks like somebody blew a loophole or a hole in the wall, which most snipers want to use.
Starting point is 00:28:43 They want to be as far back from the actual hole they're going to be shooting at. And so I was looking at it and the Secret Service, in my opinion, got lucky again because this guy wasn't trained. And I could tell by if he was trained, he would have had a pair of $20 bolt cutters with him. He would have cut out his loophole or his line of sight through that fence and then he would have pushed back into the shady leaves so that he couldn't have been seen. The other thing that I noticed was he had his two ballistic plates up on the fence. What does that create? It stands out.
Starting point is 00:29:25 And one of the first things they teach you in sniper school is there are no straight lines in nature. And so, if a Secret Service agent is just scanning a fence line and he sees a bunch of leaves and then boom, he sees two dark plate looking things that have straight lines, it's going to catch his eye. And so it just showed me once again, how lucky we were that the guys right now that are being, you know, that are coming after the president or being sent after the president don't have a lot of training.
Starting point is 00:29:56 That's my next question. After everything that you've dug into both you guys. What was this? Is it lone wolves coming after him or is this orchestrated from the left? Yeah. I honestly don't know yet. And one of the things that I still want information on that I think is going to definitely help answer that question is these bank accounts and whether or not he did indeed have offshore bank accounts with a lot of money in them. Because based on
Starting point is 00:30:34 pattern of life and the type of job that he had and the family that he came from, I think he was just working at a little store. If he did have overseas bank accounts with a good amount of cash in them, that's going to be a massive red flag that he was working with somebody. We don't know yet, but again, without subpoena power, it's tough to get the witnesses in there that can answer questions. There's a thing called MKUltra. They used to say that it's bogus, but it's a reality.
Starting point is 00:31:12 It's been documented. I think there's been lawsuits because of it. They use psychotropic drugs to influence people and brainwash them. I think it ended in the 60s, maybe 63 or something. It was CIA operation. And they took people and just turned them into machines, basically, or tried to. And of course they said it didn't exist.
Starting point is 00:31:40 And then they got popped. And then they had their force that it did exist. And to me that begs the question, is something like that still going on? And then they got popped and they had their force that it did exist. And to me that begs the question, is something like that still going on? Because I don't trust them to tell me the truth. So many billions float. The Pentagon right now can't count for a half a billion dollars in assets. I mean, what is that, a battleship?
Starting point is 00:31:59 So we're awash with money to do something with, and there's some people in this world in this government that are pure evil. But on top of that, though, Sean, I do want to say, to answer your question, I do think that there is, at the very least, I do think there was a desire to weaponize the mainstream media outlets to radicalize American citizens against the president. I mean, come on, man. You can only call somebody a threat to democracy or he's like a modern day Hitler so many times before somebody feels the moral obligation to do something
Starting point is 00:32:45 about it. Yeah. Magazine cover of a national publication that has a picture of Trump with a Hitler mustache. Right. It just goes back to my point about MKUltra. Maybe they're not bringing in somebody off the street and doing this too, but they know if they put enough of this thought process out there, there's enough kids or misfits or something that are going to do something.
Starting point is 00:33:15 And this guy though, he's a North Carolinian, lived in Hawaii, but comes down to Florida, sits on a golf course, and he's going to take out Trump. How does that happen? How does this guy do this? This guy's got all kinds of these international connections. He's been busted before for federal firearms violations. And then they don't even charge him with attempted murder. They charge him with possession of a firearm of a felon and then
Starting point is 00:33:48 I think altering the serial numbers on the gun. And so this is what they've just charged him with apparently. And the reports that I got, they have him charged with attempted murder. So, you know, again... They haven't even charged him with attempted murder? The last report I saw, that could change. And I don't know jurisdiction, or maybe they can get more of a charge out of an altered firearm by federal violation. I don't know. But, and two, I've always said this, Americans want their pizzas in 30 minutes, and that's
Starting point is 00:34:24 about our dad gum attention span. And they won't even talk about the first assassination to him. People are allowed to joke about how it was fake, and he didn't hit his ear, and how does he heal so fast, and all this other stuff. And they're allowed to talk about that and joke about it now openly. So this one, my local newspaper in Knoxville, it apparently wasn't even in it. It wasn't even on the front page of it this morning, which I don't take, by the way. I don't take that paper.
Starting point is 00:34:59 But they just want it gone and move on. Hey, I do want to say something about yesterday though, and the story that's been put out there because I know a lot of, and I'm sure you're probably in the same boat, probably you too, Tim. A lot of my best friends are in law enforcement, right? If the story that I heard yesterday was correct, that a Secret Service agent spotted this guy with sticking his weapon through the fence and then he was proactive and actually engaged this guy, I want to give that guy kudos and props.
Starting point is 00:35:37 100%. Because anybody who's ever had to like, you know, I know of instances where guys were shot at, and they'd never shot at anybody before. And so there was a pregnant pause, and it took them a second to actually do what they were trained to do because, you know, they knew, you know, it was so new to them. And so it's, it would be much different if you have to do that on US soiled in like Fallujah or Mosul or whatever it is. I know that a lot of people look at us going after the headshed of the Secret Service because
Starting point is 00:36:20 that institution clearly needs a massive overhaul. I just want to say that I know there's a lot of awesome men and women, not only in the Secret Service, but in many of our other institutions who are sick and tired of seeing these institutions become political, become biased, and not focused on what they're actually supposed to do. I want to make sure that that's said and clear, that we do appreciate you guys, those of you out there that are still trying to do a very difficult job. And you can help us. You guys can help us transform these organizations by whistleblowing to us. And I know it's not comfortable.
Starting point is 00:37:04 And I know that you're risking a lot when you do it. And I think you should be selective about who you talk to. But I just want to make sure that that's said because some of the best people out there. Here's a question for you then. Because a lot of people probably don't know where to go to blow the whistle. So if they do have information, Secret Service, FBI, CIA, whoever, where do they go to blow the whistle? Where do they go to get your attention so that they know they will be heard and somebody has their back? Yeah, they can call my office. We also posted a tip line when we did that hearing up in DC. I don't remember the name of it off the top of my head, but if they call my office, somebody
Starting point is 00:37:50 on my staff will take down their information. If they don't have the number to my office, there's an app called Bill Blaster, and you can get every single senators, every single member of Congress's information and call them directly in their office. That's called Bill Blaster. Bill Blaster. And it's a great, you don't have to just use it.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Please don't just use it for that. If you see a piece of legislation coming up that you're fired up about, or you want us to vote a certain way on, please engage your member of Congress. Because you'd be surprised, Sean, that actually does work. It doesn't work if five or 10 people do it, but if a couple thousand people do it, and we walk into our office from going from one committee hearing to the other and like, hey, we're getting blown up right now about this CR with the SAVE Act or this FISA bill or whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:38:39 And then it's like, okay, well, what are people saying? What are you hearing? There are members of Congress that listen to that. And for the ones that don't, you can apply enough pressure to where they'll think twice about selling you out if you get loud enough. And I would caution, though, on the whistleblower, just reiterate what Eli said.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Be careful who you talk to. And I would be careful about leaving messages. And I would face to face it if you get the opportunity. Yeah, I would think I'd just be cautious. I've been in Washington. I've, you know, I remember I always give the example of my wife and I were doing, a buddy of mine's in the trinket business, you know, whatever, I don't know what you call it, swag. We were talking about these little red Solo cups.
Starting point is 00:39:31 It had some made out of aluminum. I thought that's the coolest thing in both of us within 30 minutes, what we have on our phone, ads for red Solo Cups. And that's not so much when you call in your congressman's office, but I just think there's ears and eyes everywhere up there. I just don't think, I don't think we are scratching the surface. Finding a solid t-shirt that's good quality and fits right is almost impossible to do online. I looked everywhere until I found True Classic.
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Starting point is 00:41:31 I'd like to see those that made decisions based on where to put the counter snipers, I'd like to see them be held accountable. That has very... Accountability, whether you're in the military, law enforcement, that can be a myriad of different things depending on the severity of it. I'd also like to see, I think those who made decisions based on one of the decisions that was pieces of guidance put out was, hey, we're not going to send counter snipers anywhere unless they can drive there. Decisions like that.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Whoever made the decision- What does that even mean? We're not going to send counter snipers unless they can drive there? It sounds like a budgetary decision. We're not going to pay for our counter snipers and all their gear to get on a plane and fly somewhere. If they can drive somewhere to a location, then we'll send a counter sniper team. Whoever was denying, whoever made the decision to deny President Trump and his team, the
Starting point is 00:42:37 extra assets that they were asking for needs to be held accountable. I think if you started holding those at the top accountable, I think it would send a trickle down warning and effect to the rest of the service that, hey, the political games that have been going on here for the last couple of decades, they're done, they're over. Our mission is to protect these executives, these individuals. That's what our primary responsibility is going to be. If you don't do it, you're gone, you're gone, period, point blank. But what keeps happening, the same thing that keeps happening in every other major institution within the federal government, people just keep failing up. I Just had one thing very specific though is if it was a leak of how this latest sniper knew to be where he was oh
Starting point is 00:43:40 For sure That guys Whoever leaked that needs to go needs to go to prison. And they'll be covering their ass. That's why I say you'll never know. We will never know. And the only person who knew on the first shooting, I got his head split open. Rightfully so, but still.
Starting point is 00:44:08 What do you think he needs to watch out for moving forward? Well, I think he needs to be very careful about where he holds his rallies. I think that's a big thing. Obviously, risk mitigation needs to be a factor. I've gone to rallies in Arizona, out in rural country where it wasn't at an arena or a sports complex, whereas I'm driving up to it, I'm looking at rock piles here, this little hill over there. You know the deal, when you're trained in this stuff, you always think, and this
Starting point is 00:44:49 might sound alarming to people, but you always think, if I was going to do this job, how would I do it? And you start thinking that way. And I think that's why the guidance that Eric Prince put out on your podcast, why you need to send some shooters in on the advanced teams and not necessarily law enforcement guys who tend to be rearward looking is so important because if you start sending hitters in there and shooters that's how we think how would I do this job where would I be and then you work backwards from there to
Starting point is 00:45:21 start putting deterrents in place to where those spots, those strategies that I would use aren't going to work because of the deterrence that I've put in place now. Let me ask you two something. My dad, in the Pacific Marine Corps combat, nothing like you guys, of course, but it was his war, World War II against the Japanese. And he used to tell me, and the media has been critical of me saying this, but he told me this.
Starting point is 00:45:51 He said, look, buddy, he said, if somebody is willing to lose their life to take you out, there's not a whole heck of a lot you can do. I mean, you got to stop them out there. And if you get a suicide situation, or somebody's not a, you know, how would you protect him in an open situation? I mean, you've got the bomb dogs, you've got this, but, you know, they took down the World Trade Center basically with a couple, allegedly with a couple of box cutters, and somebody had snuck in the plane.
Starting point is 00:46:18 I mean, how do you, do you, you know, I would just think you'd have to isolate the president so far back and have so many bodies between him that knew the new mindset that Eli's been talking about. How do you stop that? The other thing I'd do is I would bring in some private guys just so I was covering my basis and I had guys that were more loyal to me than they were to an organization that might or might not be corrupted, a second set of eyes to fact check and look at everything that they're doing with a mandate to report back to me if they see anything that's shady, any practices that are obsolete or not productive. That's what I'd do if I were him.
Starting point is 00:47:17 I'd start bringing in some private guys to augment what's already going down, not only for the extra presence and deterrence, but also so they could report to me. That's interesting. You know, I mean, how do you do, how do you defend against that? This is how you defend against it. I mean, you have to have a lot of observers,
Starting point is 00:47:35 but there's always signs that you're looking for when it comes to suicide bombers. So, profuse sweating, are they dressed different than everybody else because they're hiding a vest. Right. Or they acted nervous, or they acted anxious.
Starting point is 00:47:49 I mean, all these type of things are things that you would look for as an observer to see who's out there. Are they interacting with other people? It's not somebody that currently thinks the way we think, though. I mean, you got to have somebody that thinks like y'all do. On that note, Sean, if he were to do that and bring in private guys to augment, and let's just say the Secret Service still hasn't gotten with it and they don't want to fly a drone, well, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:48:16 We're going to fly a drone. Or you guys aren't using thermals. Well, we're going to use thermals. Or you guys aren't taking the radio. We're going to take the radio. that just, just a bunch of things like that, you know, whether it's a four man team, you know, whatever it is, I mean, it can't, it can't hurt. Yeah. And then, and then the other thing is, you know, allowing bags, purses, things like that. And that way, if they do have some type of a vest or suicide bomb, then it has to be
Starting point is 00:48:45 on their person. And you know what I mean? So that's how you would do it. It's fairly, fairly simple, to be honest with you. Well, they actually spotted the guy in Afghanistan twice, so they weren't allowed to take him out. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:03 I mean, I don't think anybody has, I, I guess I can't say anybody, but seems like confidence in the federal government is just diminishing. It did very rapid pace. I saw DeSantis is starting his own investigation. Good. I just wonder how far he's going to get with that because the ego sees federal governments allowing him to move forward, you forward, having access to that. So they could shut him down?
Starting point is 00:49:27 I think so. I think they'll just shut him down because of... I mean, you used to see that a lot within the agencies, CIA, FBI, Secret Service. There was always feuds between them that wouldn't allow them. You saw under Obama's administration, some guy literally scaled the fence of the White House and they caught him inside the freaking White House. There was some sort of breach in security, obviously, but there was some miscommunication there.
Starting point is 00:49:58 I don't know if that was an instance for that. You had an instance at Oak Ridge National Laboratory where a group of nuns climbed over the fence and were painting a wall inside of a secure nuclear facility type situation. Nobody ever explained that. Somebody went to jail for it. I just don't think there's a seamless, it's not seamless between the agencies. Well, it's not seamless, but I think the good thing about it is when I saw that headline, I was glad to hear it because I think often-
Starting point is 00:50:30 Which headline? Even that DeSantis is going to have independent investigation. I think oftentimes if an agency like the FBI knows that Ron DeSantis is going to fire up a separate parallel investigation. Even the pressure of that and the pride of, hey, if these guys find something and expose it to the American people that you guys didn't or you wouldn't, I think that creates pressure right there because it'll put egg on their face and make them look bad. That's something they definitely don't want
Starting point is 00:51:08 So that's why that's why I like that one of the reasons I like that they're doing that I mean sitting in congress. Do you guys? do you guys see the The opposition or whatever you want to call it the left the democrat side is anybody concerned about this at all? I think that I think that there is a little bit of concern. And I think I don't I don't think it's I think definitely a part of them wants it to be a memory hold because of the fact that they called Trump Hitler
Starting point is 00:51:45 and they called Trump a threat to democracy so much. And so they know there's a possibility that they own a little bit of that. But they're also elected officials. Some of them see the correlation, well, if this could happen to the former president, it could happen to me too. And so I do see a little bit of concern there as well, because there are radical, wacky people on both sides of the aisle. They get death threats just like we get death threats. And so I do believe that there is some concern there. But I also believe that a lot of them would like to see this memory hold because of, I mean, after it happened
Starting point is 00:52:26 and Trump survived and had his historic fight, fight, fight moment, I think that really opened a lot of people's eyes. Because let's not forget, I mean, they tried to impeach this guy. They tried to bankrupt this guy. Then they were trying to throw him in jail for 750 years. What's the progression there? We all knew what it was. I mean, they silenced a sitting president.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Yeah. And two guys, you know, and I used to, I told people out on the campaign trail, you know, and people around me, don't be surprised if, you know, they take a shot at this guy. I know Steve Bannon publicly said they were going to try and kill him. I know Dan Bongino said they better tighten up their- They're going to go after him again.
Starting point is 00:53:11 They're going to go after him. He said it before they went after him, the first time, and he said in our hearing, he said, if you think this is the last time this is going to happen, you're crazy. I think people realized that that was the progression and the track that we were on. Right? And so I think that the media and the Democrats know that they have ownership in that just because of how radical they got with the messaging they were putting out. was just lone wolf both times. You know, just the fact that that the first guy was 20 years old, I mean, we've seen eight, nine years, a year before he got elected, it kind of started, right?
Starting point is 00:53:55 Nine years of having that pushed down your throat. So that guy was what, 11 years old. Since he was 11 years old, that's all he's heard from the media. Yeah. And so I grew up listening to that. It's always a lone wolf until we find out later that it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Yeah. Always, every one of them, every one of our national, James Earl Ray, here's a guy that didn't have a pot to pee in, ended up catching, drove his brand new, they found his brand new Mustang at the airport I think, and then they caught him in London, England, making a crazy shot off of a commode and a bathtub through sideways, and you got Saran, what was the guy called, Bobby Kennedy, Saran Saran, whatever his name is. He was a lone nut. And then Oswald, lone nut.
Starting point is 00:54:54 And then, but you always, there's always the peripheral. But you find out about him later. And that's exactly what we're finding out. That's what nobody trusts the government. Kennedy killed 60. I just turned 60 two weeks ago. And he got shot before my birthday and they're still hiding it. They still won't release the stuff.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Yeah. Yeah. What do you guys think about the fact that RFK will have pretty much sounds like free reign to investigate all of the former assassinations and attempts. What do you think is going to come out of that? I don't know, but I love it. I love the fact that Trump is willing to bring in people even that he ran against who have
Starting point is 00:55:40 the courage to speak out against the power elites in this country, bring them on the team and whether it's Elon Musk, RFK, and let them go to work. Because obviously we have a ton of unpacking, we have a ton of house cleaning to do, and you're going to need people with that level of courage and strength. I mean, shit's going to come out. If Trump gets in there, and RFK gets access to this, there's going to be some shit that comes out. What does that look like?
Starting point is 00:56:13 What does it look like if the American people find out that the government is the one who orchestrated all these assassinations and assassination attempts? What does that look like in daily life? Right, Eli? I honestly don't know. But I do know this, if we're going to turn this country around, and I think that's what we all want, it's got to happen. We can't keep having a government that's supposed to represent the people working against the people
Starting point is 00:56:45 and trying to take out and silence political opposition and the people themselves. And so it's got to happen. So it could get really, really ugly. Obviously at the bare minimum, you're going to see trust that already is really not there, plummet even more. But it could get worse than that. What do you think, Tom? I welcome it. I think you're going to have to tear it down to build it back up because these agencies
Starting point is 00:57:19 have a history of this and they have a track record. I mean, we talk about the UFO stuff all day long, but these assassinations are just, you know, the way they put them together. And the gun that allegedly shot John F. Kennedy was a Mannlicher Italian carbine. It was written up as a gun that never won a war. He could gone into a Western auto and bought something much more precise.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Every one of these is just too much. And I think it needs to happen. We need the cleaning. And it should have happened years ago. And I think it's also going to put more people's trust in Trump, because on both sides, people don't trust the government for good reason. I think that could be a unifying factor. Well, I think so too.
Starting point is 00:58:13 I mean, who doesn't want to know what happened to JFK? But where I'm going is, if the government is involved, let's say everybody thinks it's CIA, right? Let's say that the CIA is 100% behind any one of those or all of them. What's the next step? Well, the people that did it are dead, but the channels are still there. The thought process is still there that allows that to occur. It allows them to step outside the Constitution and murder somebody. And so I think that needs
Starting point is 00:58:52 to occur before we have a cleansing. Nat. Does the organization get dismantled? Dr. I think it could. It's going to reemerge as something else. I mean, if it has a vital need, then yeah, it should reemerge. But if it doesn't, then it should be taken down. We didn't have an EPA and I think Nixon wrote the EPA in, Manual Protection Agency. So it's a Reagan, one of the Republicans did. I'm sorry, I'm losing my chain of thought. But yeah, I think it should. It'll be tough, Sean. It's like a lot of these things, a lot of it's going to depend to me on the people of
Starting point is 00:59:33 this country and whether or not they pay attention and they engage on it. We were talking at breakfast about just the primary votes that we just had. Only a little over 30% of people turned out to vote in our primary election. I was talking to my friend, Corey Mills. He's also been investigating this assassination attempt with myself and others. He said in his district, it was 19% of people. I'm as guilty as anybody at pointing the finger at politicians, but a lot of it is going to have to do with what they want and how they rise to the occasion. Because if you keep seeing numbers like that, nothing's going to change. And so a lot of it, like you can fire, they can fire me and Tim every two years if they
Starting point is 01:00:22 think we're doing a horrible job. Every two years, you can get rid of me. Because people don't pay attention, because they're complacent, and because we've had it so good here for so long, there's people in this country are pretty complacent, they're pretty checked out, and they don't really pay attention. I think that's what it's really going to hinge on is how fired up they get. If in a hypothetical that this stuff comes out, I think it's going to hinge on them. If they pay attention, if they coalesce together, and if they demand change.
Starting point is 01:00:56 Because if we see the same pathetic turnout that we see all the time and just a bunch of people that want to talk about it, but not be about it, nothing's going to change. Yeah. There's millions of Christians that won't vote right now. They won't vote. There's hundreds of thousands of outdoorsmen that won't vote. There's demographics that would usually identify in the two party system with the Republican
Starting point is 01:01:34 side of things that just don't participate and they don't vote and they have their own reasons for it. But to my point, we can sit here and let's do it. I'm all about it. Let's do it. Let's blame politicians. But who keeps sending in those politicians to Washington? I'm with you.
Starting point is 01:01:50 I mean, there's the old saying, Congress has a 10% approval rating and a 90% reelection rate. And that is lazy fucking citizens that can't get off their ass. It was just like when you were doing that survey. You got frustrated, didn't you? I did.
Starting point is 01:02:09 And then we got, I think we're getting close to 350,000 signatures now. Thankfully, you stayed after it. Go ahead, Tim. Yeah, I was going to say when we, my campaign manager, Thomas McAfee and I, we'd go out and knock on doors and we'd use a register voters list. And you go by a house that's and we use a register voters list. You go by a house that's got the don't tread on me, proud American, or a Trump flag. I said, pull up that, why aren't we stopping there?
Starting point is 01:02:34 He'll pull up the list, he'll double check it and triple check it. Ain't nobody there registered to vote. You'll see these guys riding down the interstate with an American flag, which I think is kind of disrespectful, on the back of their pickup truck flapping around all tattered. And you'll pull up and say, hey, where do you vote? I don't know. Hell, they don't even vote.
Starting point is 01:02:55 And that's the mentality. And the left understands that. And they've got these college campuses feeding into this and they've got this lifetime supply of voters. They just regenerate them every year. And we are very short-sighted on the conservative side, very short-sighted. And we're going to, as my dad would say, I'm afraid we're gonna get what we deserve. Yeah, I think talk is cheap, man. Talk is cheap, and there's a lot of talk. But let's move into Afghanistan and the, you know,
Starting point is 01:03:38 I'm starting to feel like I'm beating a dead horse here, but I mean, it's important to me. We're, I mean, we've fought these people for over 20 years. I don't know how many lives were lost. I don't know how much money was spent, how much equipment. I mean, and now we're funding the same people that we're fighting. The Taliban.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Upwards $40 million to 87 million dollars a week. IG came out and said, we accidentally gave 239 million to the Taliban. We already know it's much more than that. Tim, you wrote up a bill. What was that initial bill? Listen up. No matter who wins the election, I'm still buying gold and silver. We're $35 trillion in debt, and we have a government that none of us trust. So try to protect your money while you still can. Go to You'll learn about the top rated precious metals company, GoldCo, and how they can help you. They're a great company, top rated,
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Starting point is 01:07:20 and it's sitting there, Schumer won't even address it. And I've talked to multiple senators. They're going to try to attach it to this bill, attach it. Now, that should be, Americans should just come unglued. You think that'd be a number one story with the legacy media? They just say, hey, these guys, what are they thinking? The Democrats in the House, they didn't want to touch it. It went, again, it went, as I like to say, went like Grant through Richmond.
Starting point is 01:07:45 You know, it was unanimous, no discussion. How can they not be concerned that we, I mean, I've said this multiple times, I'll say it again. 9-11 was a $500,000 budget. Now they have 239 million at the minimum. But again, 9-11 was a $500,000 budget. Now they have $239 million at the minimum to make a move. We already know that the passport office is creating legitimate passports for terrorist after terrorist after terrorist, flying them down into South America, Central America,
Starting point is 01:08:20 and to funnel them up through here. We've already caught what? I don't know how many, I know they caught at least eight, eight terrorists. Right? It's more than that. That the FBI's picked up. They've turned them loose into the,
Starting point is 01:08:34 I think that many they've turned loose and they don't know where they are. They have no idea what's coming. No idea. And so how is anybody right or left okay with this? Because it is both parties. It's both parties. Both parties are crooked in this deal.
Starting point is 01:08:51 It's again, to the legacy media addresses it. When I was in the state house, state legislature here in Nashville, I voted against the oilers coming up here. I think there was probably three people in the House and the Senate, 99 House members. And I think two of us, three of us might have voted against it. I had three phone calls from home against it. That was a groundswell of support, you know, and that's why I voted against it. And people just, they were to light up their senators and say, hey, why aren't we funding the Taliban?
Starting point is 01:09:34 Where is that bill? Where's Birchett's bill? That's, you know, what Eli said, you get a couple thousand people call you at lunchtime, man, and you get nervous. That's what they need. They need to get nervous. This is just the tip of the iceberg. If it hadn't been for you and Legend and some others...
Starting point is 01:09:55 Scott Mann and Sir Adams. Yeah. If they hadn't have gotten involved with it, it would have not gotten anywhere. Because it's funny, we had that bill filed, and I get a call from leadership, say, hey, man, what's going on with this bill? I said, I don't know. I'm waiting on y'all to do something with it. He said, what's up?
Starting point is 01:10:16 It's going to be up next week. Get ready. I told my people, and I was like, I remember I got the text. And I thought, well, well, finally something's moving. Yeah. So only Schumer can do something about this at the Senate. In the Senate. That's where it's got to go.
Starting point is 01:10:35 Another senator needs to address it and put it on one of their bills, but yeah. Well, I spoke with Senator Haggerty. Yeah. He called me, he called me actually from Japan one day and said he was going to get working on it. But we got to get, you know, we got to get the pressure. I mean, he's got to that bill has to move in the Senate. And the only person that can allow it to move is Schumer. You wrote another bill up.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Did you write another one up? Yeah. What's the next one? The Vienna Protocol or whatever. What we do in government, we duplicate so many things. And what this is, is we're going to identify these other countries that consider the Taliban and those groups terrorist organizations. And we get together and we unify on the fight because what's happening now,
Starting point is 01:11:30 everybody hits one little area, this area, and we don't do anything with it. And this just forces our hand and exposes what we've been doing in the past. And that's where a lot of the discomfort is. But I don't care. We screwed up. We pay in these murders, literally, American tax dollars. And this formulates that and it keeps us from doing that in the future. And it also is kind of a buddy check with the other countries that they, you know, we sort of like what NATO was originally intended to do.
Starting point is 01:12:02 And it forms that basis for that. It's a lot of bureaucracy. I usually don't like bills like that, but this makes a lot of sense that we start talking to our friends about our enemies. It cuts the middleman out. It saves us a lot of money in the long run because we're not duplicating the process somewhere else. We're not just wasting funds or assets.
Starting point is 01:12:25 When is that going up? Well, I filed it, I think, two weeks ago. So we're just waiting. Again, these committee chairmen, it's like moving a freaking glacier. What committees are they going to? Let's see. Where would that go? I just, we put it in the hopper.
Starting point is 01:12:44 I haven't even heard back yet. I'll have to let you know. I would suspect it would have to be foreign affairs. I mean, what do you think in there when you found this out? Fought in those wars? Yeah. I mean, I hate to sound obtuse, but I feel like I've been desensitized to it a little bit. Almost nothing surprises me anymore. When you just get outraged hour after hour,
Starting point is 01:13:22 day after day, you get desensitized to it. For me, it's just like, not surprised, let's try and stop it. Tim, put me on your bill. There is a level of desensitivity that takes place when you're up in that place long enough. And you try and fight to not become that way to where you're so institutionalized that you quit carrying. But it's definitely a reality. And I try not to get super emotional
Starting point is 01:14:01 and just, all right, what's the problem? What's the mission? Who's got the bill? Let's go. Let's get on it. Let's start. Let's start applying pressure so that we can get this one fixed. Because it does. It feels like we're playing whack-a-mole up there. We're always 10 steps behind. And, you know, and we pass some good stuff and it just dies in the Senate. And I'm sure vice versa.
Starting point is 01:14:23 But Eli, I'll tell you, every day you're on the house floor and somebody says, and they always have their little rectangular cards. I might have one right here. Yeah. And they'll come up and say, Hey, my bill is, you know, the be kind to mother's bill or something. And yeah, sounds like a good bill. Would you sign on and say, sure. And then you don't ever, it never goes anywhere.
Starting point is 01:14:48 It just sits in these freaking committees. It's very frustrating because the money changers are in the temple, brother. They are in the temple and they pull the strings. And that's the bottom line. And until we get people that... Back to Eli's point, until these voters start recognizing that your congresspeople are feeding you a load of bull when they come home, follow up with them, find out why they voted for that 2000 page bill called the transportation bill that only 85% of it had nothing to do with transportation.
Starting point is 01:15:28 Say, what is it that I'm mortgaging my grandchildren's future financial well-being that's worth it in that bill? And if they can't give you an answer, vote them out. I don't care what party they're in. How do you educate your constituents on the latest bill agenda? I do my videos. My redneck ass, I get out there and I'm holding the camera and I tell what it is. That's how it's done. That's how I do it.
Starting point is 01:16:03 And I'm seeing a lot of people do it now that's well produced, but I just still just me, you know, because I'm too tight to hire anybody, obviously. There's no official presentation. Yeah, well, there is. But again, like the SAVE Act, and Eli and I have talked about how frustrating this is. You know, the SAVE Act prevents foreigners from voting in our elections. We already passed that in July. And now they're tacking it onto another bill, a spending bill, forcing E-Line out of vote
Starting point is 01:16:32 for terrible funding issues that are Pelosi-Schumer funding levels, so they can pass this thing again. So we're going to send it over to the Senate and force them to not do anything to shut the government down. And it just doesn't work because we're not putting out a message, unified message. We ought to hold a press conference every day. Every day, we ought to pass a bill dealing with the border. Maybe the same bill every day and force the Democrats. It's about getting reelected, Sean.
Starting point is 01:17:03 It's not about what's doing best for the country and both parties are guilty of it. And that's in lies a lot of the corruption that's within our government. Well, let's move into- I'm sorry. I was just going to say one of the ways that we do it with our voters, educating them on bills, policy, we do town halls, teletown halls, social media. I know Tim does all this stuff too. We also do a newsletter once a week. We put out everything that we're either voting for or voting against, any bills that we have
Starting point is 01:17:31 coming up. But it is important to make sure that you're staying in communication. Sometimes if I'm torn on a bill because it's got some good stuff in it, but some bad stuff in it. Sometimes I'll send out a poll to my district like, hey, how do you guys want me to vote on this? That's amazing that you do that. Yeah. What are, I want to move into government corruption, but real quick, what are some of the most
Starting point is 01:18:00 concerning things that you guys are seeing up there at the House. What's your primary concerns right now? Go ahead. I'll take this one first. If I was to look at all the issues that we're facing, the number one priority, I think, for us right now is getting President Trump back in office. I think that alone alleviates, and it won't happen overnight, it'll take time, but that alleviates and starts to turn back a lot of these horrible policies that are destroying
Starting point is 01:18:36 the country. That's number one. The number one thing I think that is going to stop that is illegals voting in our elections. Because if you look at Arizona alone, in the last election, it was about 10,000 votes, a difference between Trump and Biden. If you look at nationally, in the five swing states, I think it was a little over 40,000 votes. There was the difference in that election. Sean, they've let in over 10 million people and they are trying to register as many of them as they can.
Starting point is 01:19:15 They're also using all the agencies, like even the SBA, we've done a hearing on that. I just saw a clip of Harriet Hagerman and her committee. They're using all of these agencies through executive order to get out into communities, largely that vote Democrat, and using these agencies to register. They'll hold an event, like a small business event, and at that event, then they'll start registering people to vote. My biggest concern is that they're going to have a lot of these illegal aliens voting. That's my biggest concern right now. Because I think that's the number one thing. President Trump has never been up in the polls.
Starting point is 01:20:00 He's up in the polls now, but in the past, he hasn't been up in the polls. He's up in the polls, their candidate sucks. She just does. She's a Marxist. She's more left than Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. The reason that her campaign has shielded her from press is because they know the moment she opens her mouth and starts talking, this whole false identity that they've tried to create of her being a moderate problem solver goes away. And I will give her props for the debate the other night because she outperformed what any of us thought she was capable of.
Starting point is 01:20:36 But that being said, that's my biggest concern, is illegals voting in this next election? Well, I've got a question for you. I just interviewed this guy, Eric Bethel. He was at World Bank. He was our representative at World Bank. We were talking at dinner and he was talking about the swing states and how these aren't correct numbers, but it's somewhere along these lines. Like Pennsylvania, for example, the RNC has like three offices in Pennsylvania, but the DNC has like 40 offices. How do you, I mean, we're not even, take the illegal situation out.
Starting point is 01:21:27 It's like the RNC isn't even attempting to win the swing states. They're not deploying anybody in there. They're not expending any resources. I'm going to get myself in trouble for this, but I tell people, if you want to give money to somebody, give it to the individual candidates, you decide. You look at somebody, you say, man, that guy's, get on the internet and say, that guy's struggling out in Arizona or wherever, but he or she is a great candidate and looks like they're
Starting point is 01:21:56 close. I'm going to support that person. Because what we had in the past with our leadership is that it's no longer there, but they were given money to go after Democrats. And as it turned out, several good Republicans, Ana Polina Loonos, one of them, they used that money. Greg Stubbe, when he first ran, they claimed they weren't in those races. They're not supposed to get in the middle of primaries.
Starting point is 01:22:22 And they went after Thomas Massey, Thomas Massey because I was in conference and Liz Cheney said Thomas is a special case. That's how he is on my phone now, Thomas special case Massey. The rules don't apply to them. What they did was they went after conservative candidates. Who did? Our leadership did. They had $17 million.
Starting point is 01:22:54 Sorry, I'm pointing. They had $17 million. That was the money that was used against Eli in his primary. The money they used against Matt Gaetz, they might as well just throw that money down a well. The money they used against Matt Gaetz, they might as well just throw that money down a well. The money they used against Nancy Mace. Bob Good. Bob Good.
Starting point is 01:23:10 They beat Bob Good. They had a couple of people that I know of. One, they flew up to DC to run against me, and the polling data didn't show that they would fare very well against me and the polling data didn't show that they would fare very well against me. Yeah. I was telling you, Sean, when we were driving here, that's why a lot of Republicans... It's one of the many reasons a lot of Republicans won't do the right thing, represent their
Starting point is 01:23:38 voters and not the Republican Party, right? Because they don't want to get on the wrong side of that machine because that machine has a lot of money and they'll put a hit on you just like they did on me and Tim. Tim's so popular in his district, they weren't even able to recruit anybody running against him. The same thing happened with Andy Biggs in Arizona. They weren't able to find anybody to primary Andy Biggs because he's beat everybody that's running against him and nobody was like, I don't want to go tangle with that.
Starting point is 01:24:08 For a young freshman like me, they finally found somebody. They're vulnerable. They were just willing to jump in there. Thankfully, my voters had my back because I have their back up there. Absolutely. But a lot of politicians don't want to get on the wrong side of that machine and they want to stay there for a long time, and everything that goes with it. That's why you rarely see people go up there and kick the hornet's nest.
Starting point is 01:24:34 The old timers will tell you to compromise. That's what we need. That's what we're $35 trillion in debt. Every 100 days, we had another trillion. Neither party wants to want to address it. Because of the compromise, the Democrats will never talk compromise when they're in the majority, but they sure are now. What do you find the most concerning thing to be right now?
Starting point is 01:24:55 Obviously, on the short term, it's this election which would have long term effects on the future of our country, but the spending, we're addicted to it. We cannot address it. Both parties. Both parties. Both parties. The Democrats will, thank you for saying that, Democrats will use it for woke stuff. We'll use it for missile defense plans or something.
Starting point is 01:25:19 And that's why they pass these big humongous budgets, 3,000 pages. I read down to page 26, well, my wife or girlfriend or both is employed by this group. That takes care of them. And here's my bridge I need. I stop reading. There's 2,085 more pages of spending. And as long as they get their stuff, they're there.
Starting point is 01:25:43 But if they don't, and that's why we need single spending. In Tennessee, we're filming right now, our legislature, we have a balanced budget, zero debt, single spending bills. If the caption has about dog catchers, there's not going to be a dad gum pay raise in there for state legislators. It has to be about dog catchers all the way through. And that is why they don't want that in Washington. They don't want to pass a budget because if they did, every one of those jugheads up there
Starting point is 01:26:15 would have to come down on the House floor and explain why they're a bill. I can explain the funding in my bill, why we don't need to be funding the Taliban and why it's a... And I always want a clean bill. I don't want to attach anything else to it. I don't want any more garbage voted up or down. And eventually we're either going to go that route or we're going to become a third world country.
Starting point is 01:26:39 It's another one of their tricks, Sean. It's another one of the establishment's tricks. Because we've continually fund the government with CRs or continuing resolutions or omnibus bills that are like Tim said, thousands of pages, right? They got you between a rock and a hard place as a representative. Because if you vote no on it because you don't want to fund whatever agenda it is or some woke and weaponized- Oh, you can take that out. ... DEA program.
Starting point is 01:27:08 The first bill I had up there, first budget, sorry, I'm going to go back to you. First budget, I had three different studies on lobsters. It was in three different ranking member or chairman or leadership people, district, Republican and Democrat. It just continued. It was the same thing, but it was funding in there. And some of this funding, we've come to find out the programs don't even exist anymore. You know, where the hell does this money go? What?
Starting point is 01:27:36 So yeah, well, you have, you have arms situations in that way where they don't, but they're still they're funding this, they funding this. You'll build a military device that's outdated or antiquated, but they're still going to get in there. All they do is what they call it, mothballing it, and it's just going to sit out in the desert somewhere. You see this time and time again in government, and yet it just keeps happening. It just keeps happening. Then when you say something like this, when this comes out, then I'll get the, hey, big boy, you better
Starting point is 01:28:09 be careful. Talk on the house floor. It's the same old crap every time. But there's enough of it. There's a few of us that sit back there on centers row and right back in the back there about 25 or 30 after just tired of it and we called it out. I think people are paying attention, but just how long will they pay attention when it starts affecting their sweetheart deal or their families, little junkets or businesses. Let's move into the corruption inside Congress. You'd mentioned something about the whistleblowers and how they need to be careful with communications and who they communicate with and the calls.
Starting point is 01:28:52 And so I'm interested to hear how concerned are you guys with your communications to each other, your colleagues, me, anything. Every bit of it. Very bit. Very concerned. I think everything I do and say is, at some point, tracked. At least the cell phones are, you know, they gave us, they gave me a cell phone when I first got to Congress.
Starting point is 01:29:22 I said, I don't want it. They gave you a cell phone. They gave us all a cell phone when I first got to Congress. I said, I don't want it. They gave you a cell phone. They gave us all a cell phone. They give everybody a cell phone. And I had got my own. I'm sure if they want it, they can get it. I'm pretty small potatoes. I'm the 435th most powerful member of Congress.
Starting point is 01:29:38 But the real corruption in Congress is in the structure. And Eli alluded to it very eloquently earlier about the funding, how you have to raise money. You raise money for your conference. You're issued a bill when you get there. Everybody is, the Democrats and the Republicans, everybody talks about it. They'll tell you, we're going to see how you do in your committee selections if you want to move up, how you do on your bills and how you do across the street. What that means is you're not supposed to be technically supposed to make fundraising
Starting point is 01:30:12 calls from the office. You have to go across the street, the Capitol Hill Club or someplace else. How much money you raise for the conference. Literally, we've had committee chairman that have written a personal check and been made chairman of committees. Personal check. So I've said this many times that if the NFL was Congress, Peyton Manning would still be waiting to get in.
Starting point is 01:30:38 It's not about putting the best player in because if it was, you wouldn't. I always remember this. Steve Cohen, across the aisle, don't agree on anything, but he's my friend. He called my mama when my dad died when we were in the state legislature. I remember one time we were looking at each other and this old chairman came up the aisle and he's no longer there. So he came up the aisle and they called for the vote. And he turned to the little girl that was beside him and said, how am I voting on this? She says, you're for this, Mr. Chairman.
Starting point is 01:31:09 He goes, oh, okay. Puts his card in, hits the green button. I remember looked at Cohen and we just shook our head because that structure is in place. You got to understand when you're a chairman, you'll have how many? 25 or 30 people maybe that work under you. And then all those people's jobs require, and they're out whining and dining. They're not supposed to be, but surely they are. Whining and dining, and they go on the junkets, and they go on the trips just like you are
Starting point is 01:31:36 as the chairman. And it's just constant, and they raise the money. And to get in that spot, they have to raise the money. And so they keep them in that spot because you're a chairman and you're the one who ultimately decides if your bill is going to have a rough go in your committee or not. And so it's just a completely corrupted system because of that because I'm not a billionaire, Eli's not a billionaire, and we don't represent a lot of billionaires or millionaires for that matter. It's just tough on people like us because I can't raise the money that some of these
Starting point is 01:32:11 guys can. Not that I'm... I told my wife the other day, if they begged me to be a chairman of a committee, I don't think I would do it just because of all the nonsense that's involved, all the stuff you're expected to do and the money. What if you had a billionaire to write that check for you? That's what happens. That's how they own you.
Starting point is 01:32:29 Well, I think he's saying if you had a billionaire that shared your worldview that it wanted you to fight, is that what you're saying? Yeah. Are you willing? Are you that billionaire? I wish I was, Tim. I wish I was. You got a soul.
Starting point is 01:32:44 You're a good chairman, too. I agree with you that. Yeah, if you had one that shared your values, but they get squishy, man. You know, you start, you get that phone call. What does that check look like? I'm just curious. What does the check look like to get you ahead of the community?
Starting point is 01:32:59 I think my dues are sure what? $250,000? I'm a low man, I mean, because I'm not in a wealthy. A check for $250,000 gets you in charge of a committee. No,000. I'm a low man, because I'm not in a wealthy. A check for $250,000 gets you in charge of a committee. No, that just gets my base dues that puts me in good standing and that I can continue in the committees I'm in. Probably a committee is probably five million, maybe something, three or four million. I don't know. Some of them raise a ton of money. Man, they come in there and they announce.
Starting point is 01:33:24 Three to four million dollars buys you a slot. I'm not making you uncomfortable, am I? No, no, no. I talked to one of our friends and he told me that when he first got to Congress, he was told that he needed to stroke like a $150,000 check if he wanted to be on a certain committee. And so he had to call some of his donors to fork up so that he could be on that committee. But to Tim's point, it's a big part of the corruption in the structure. And you can get to the bribery and all that other stuff and how people are compromised. And I've talked about that till I'm blue in the face.
Starting point is 01:34:03 But it's, and that's a reality too. People have family members that work for- I mean, I'm just thinking as concerned as people seem to be- And none of this is illegal though. That's the problem. Well, what I'm saying is, yeah, you're right. It's not illegal. But it's in more.
Starting point is 01:34:18 So how do we get you guys a couple of billionaires to fund you to be in charge of a committee? I'm not even fucking around here. I'm being serious. Yeah. That's a good question. Maybe some not even fucking around here. I'm being serious. Yeah. That's a good question. Maybe some of them watch SRSD. I don't know. Well, maybe that's why we're having this discussion.
Starting point is 01:34:31 Even then, you would probably still need leadership to sign off on it, wouldn't you? Yeah. Yeah. Since we've- So I don't think that's going to happen. ... voted against McCarthy, of course, and that upset a lot of the structure because a lot of people had a lot of money invested in that structure. Because that had never happened before, Sean.
Starting point is 01:34:49 Never. Not in the history of our country had that ever happened. So there's still a lot of butthurt about it. You know what I mean? Because they'd invested a lot in that structure and they could make the call and say, hey, I need some help with this. Can you pick up the phone and move this along? What committee would you want to be on?
Starting point is 01:35:07 It goes back to what I was telling you. It's why I believe you need people that don't want to be up there to go. And I think it's even healthy for me personally. I have this, I visualize the swamp finally getting me. At some point, I believe they're going to get me, they're going to get rid of me. That's okay, right? Because it's just like, I'm not there to be a career politician.
Starting point is 01:35:35 I'm there to try and change the system. In knowing that, I know that I'm going to face opposition and I'll have a lot of people that don't like me. One thing I hope that the example set is going to cause is I hope other people that are better, smarter, more talented than I am see that you can come into Congress immediately and you don't have to fall in line and do what you're told. You can actually represent the people that sent you there and try and change the system.
Starting point is 01:36:12 Move on here real quick. I want to, we were talking about the communications and we've had offline conversations with both of you guys about phones. So these are the ones Prince developed. So those you can have all your social media apps on. There's actually a quick menu on there that you can turn on a VPN, you can make it so that those applications on social media, any applications, all it is is you flip a switch and they can't access any of the rest of your phone
Starting point is 01:36:49 and suck that data out. There's a kill switch that actually puts something in between the battery and the phone so that you probably know this, maybe you do too. I mean, even when you turn your phone off, they could still listen, but if you separate the battery then they cannot and so there's a kill switch on those those things are the shit man so you can just take it to your provider and Get a sim card put in there. I have to make sure good to go. It fits the thing
Starting point is 01:37:19 Well, I mean I'll be listening to write you a check, but we'll probably have to write you a check Just for the record. We'll have to write you a check, but we'll probably have to write you a check. Just for the record, we'll have to write you a check on these. We're not allowed to receive gifts. It's probably over the limit. I'll have to find out. If you'll find out what they're worth, and then we'll write you a check for the difference. Another rule. I would love to catch him and I in this.
Starting point is 01:37:39 It's so crazy how many rules we have, but yet how corrupt the whole system is. Are you fucking with me right now? No. You can't take a gift over 25 bucks, isn't it? 25 bucks. I don't know. I just don't take anything. That's my rule.
Starting point is 01:37:56 They're definitely worth more than 25 bucks. We'll find out. I would love to have something like this because this is something I would really love to have. Yeah, Eric was just up in, he was just up in DC this week doing a foreign policy discussion with Mike Lee. It's pretty cool. I only got to sit in for like 30 minutes of it, but I guess Mark. Yes, yes he is. Back to corruption.
Starting point is 01:38:25 What else is going on up there? Why is everybody so concerned about reelection? Why are all these congressmen, senators, why are they terrified? The gravy train stops. The gravy train stops. And they're terrified of people like you because you've hit some crazy nerve across this country. My Mexican restaurant, some kids, the Mexon, Mexican restaurant attached to an Exxon is really not a Mexon. They went at my Mexican restaurant. Some kids, the Mexican restaurant attached to an Exxon is really not an Exxon. They went up on their prices. Margaritas are like six bucks
Starting point is 01:38:50 now. I'm not a drinker, but apparently that's not a very hefty price. Anyway, everybody's talking about you and people like you are a threat to them. I really feel like that because they hope you're a flick to them. I really feel like that because they hope you're a flicker in the pan and I don't think they understand the whole podcast situation. I was at the ball game yesterday and one of my biggest supporters grandson, he's like, Sean run really like that in real life? I said, that's the way he is. I was at a ball game and some young guy said something. So I think you've really struck a nerve in this country.
Starting point is 01:39:29 Got an answer for that. I think one of the reasons so many people are so worried about reelection is because this has become their identity. I think it's the same reason a lot of guys struggle when they get out of special forces or the SEAL teams or the NFL, because it's become their identity. It's who they believe they are. And I think anytime you put your identity in something that can be taken from you, you're in trouble.
Starting point is 01:39:57 And that's why for me, man, I always try and come back to what is my identity, man? And I'm an image bearer of God, man. I'm a son of God, I'm a husband, I'm a father. And that's what I try and put my identity in. I'm an American, I love my country. Those are things that are more foundational. Even some of those things can be taken from you, but anytime you put your identity
Starting point is 01:40:24 in something that can be taken from you, you're in trouble. And I think a lot of these people, they've never done anything really cool in their life or anything that they're super proud of. Some of them have, but I think some of them get caught up in the, oh, I'm a congressman or oh, I'm a senator. And they don't want to lose it. They don't want to go back to just being a regular old civilian. And they'll compromise everything they got. And I think that's what our founders wanted.
Starting point is 01:40:53 I think our founders wanted us to go into public service, and then go back home, and go back to whatever you were doing beforehand, and not become a career politician. You know what the worst? You know, Tim, you brought a great point up when you invited me, thank you, by the way, to the State of the Union. You had mentioned at some point, you had mentioned, you know, none of these congressmen go back to their districts. They all hang out here like it's a fucking club and they're not worried about what their voters want. They just want to be in the social club. And that really resonated with me
Starting point is 01:41:36 and I started paying attention. And it's, Eli's 100% once again, it is the identity. When I was in the state legislature, I remember guys would leave within six months. Maybe back up there. People become sergeant at arms because they just couldn't leave that. I remember one time a buddy of mine called a lobbyist. I knew his name was David McMahon. He said, David, I lost. He said, what? He said, I lost. He goes, I knew his name was David McMahon. And he said, David, I lost. And he said, what? He said, I lost.
Starting point is 01:42:07 And he goes, who is this? And he told him who he was. And he says, I've never heard of you. And he was joking. But the reality is, and David was friends with this guy till he died, but the reality is that you've got to realize that this is, everybody likes you up there. Hopefully they like you for the, you know, you got to realize that this is, everybody's like like ship there, hopefully they like you for the person you are,
Starting point is 01:42:28 but you have to sometime realize that that is what you can do for them. And then when you can't do that for them. And I, and I always talk about how, when I go back home after the election, I said, you know, I'll probably be mowing a lot of these people's yards. That's how I'll know. And that'll be the relationship because I won't be their congressman.
Starting point is 01:42:50 And you, I think too many of them don't realize that. And that's why you see them slip into depression, alcoholism, and everything else after military or NFL or what have you, professional sports, or the spotlight that we're in. Because nobody, unless you're a consultant or something, and that's part of the crooked nature of it. But yeah. Well, you had mentioned that the gravy train stops.
Starting point is 01:43:20 But I just gave you a cell phone, and you told me you're not allowed to take a gift over $25 So what gravy train I? Think going to the front of the line being invited to the concert sitting in the nice box Well there was just about the insider trading yeah for sure there was just how much is that going on? How about the insider trading? Yeah, for sure. I know it's just a- How much is that going on?
Starting point is 01:43:44 Well, that's a lot prevalent. There's a website, Wales or something, I forget what it's called, you can find it, get your kids to show you how to find it on the internet, Google it, but it lists all the legislators and their trades and everything. Heck, Pelosi, everybody rails on her and she's not even, she's about halfway up. Who's the number one? Forget his name, he's a Democrat. He had a 300% return.
Starting point is 01:44:13 He left, though. I think he left early, actually. Shortly after that report came out, but still, I think he'd already had it in plans. And it's equally divided, pretty pretty much between Republicans and Democrats. I want to point the finger. I wished I could. Legitimately, some of them have a relationship with their broker where they say, I don't
Starting point is 01:44:33 want to know what you're doing and all that, but it's got to enter into it. There was just a senator that got busted for having that jacket given to him with gold bars in it. No bars in the pockets. That's extreme, but even stuff like that happens here. just a senator that got like busted for having that jacket given to him with gold bars. I mean, that's extreme, but even stuff like that happens. I mean, it isn't extreme. You don't know until somebody gets caught. And then they write the tell all books and you hear about stuff. Before I got to the legislature, you know, they would have a, everybody in Tennessee would, there was a liquor store across the street, caddy corner, and you'd go by and you'd hand them your
Starting point is 01:45:12 slip of paper and get your take home for the week, you know, and you could go on trips and it was unlimited and then they figured out a way to do, I don't know, $50 per person. So I was in high demand because they figured out an average. And since I didn't drink, I'd get like a hamburger and a sweet tea or something. And that would be around six or seven bucks. So bring the average down. So I got invited to every dinner in the legislature. The people that write the laws are the ones that are going to be breaking the laws, because
Starting point is 01:45:48 they've already figured out a way to get around it. That's why they're paid the big money. And there's the lifetime retirement after you get elected. That's just not accurate. It's not anywhere near that. And it's not a lifetime health insurance after one year kind of thing. I mean, how are they getting these guys?
Starting point is 01:46:15 Even a lot of the veterans that I had so much confidence in get into Congress. Obviously not you. But I mean, they just crumble. Because here's how it is. And I'll tell you how it was. When I first got elected to the state house, the best thing that ever happened to me growing up was we never had money, but we were around people with money.
Starting point is 01:46:34 So it wasn't, you know, I was a tea-toler. I didn't drink. When they started busting people with DUIs at UT college campus, I was always driving somebody's 260Z or their BMW or their Porsche because I get to smoke them out in market and get chili dogs after midnight because they were hammered drunk and they knew I'd be sober and I'd eat for free. So fast forward, I'm in the state legislature. I get elected and all of a sudden the ladies are laughing at my jokes and complimenting me on the way I'm dressing.
Starting point is 01:47:06 People tell me how that's a great story, man. Thank you. And invite me to dinner, introducing me to people. I'm told all these great things. And you just start believing it. And I've been doing this most of my adult life. And I just laugh at it because I see it because I've seen people commit suicide, ruin marriages, never talk to their kids again.
Starting point is 01:47:34 I go back to the suicide. That's happened more than once of people that I've served with because they got caught up in it and they were going to get popped and they couldn't take the heat. So they took their own lives. they got caught up in it and they were going to get popped and they couldn't take the heat. They took their own lives. You get elected, I remember I was first elected and I was sitting on the house floor and these guys were walking in and they're coming to their committee with their entourage. You think once you're elected, you're going to be asked to negotiate a trade deal with
Starting point is 01:48:05 North Korea or something by the president. That's just not the reality. But you get this reinforcement from the lobbyists and the public and everything, and you start believing your own press releases. I'm sorry I've talked too long. Go ahead, Eli. No. I think we might have discussed this before, but I think the biggest thing with military
Starting point is 01:48:26 guys from my perspective is we have courage. A lot of us know how to think outside the box. I think most of us know how to play on a team. And I think all those things are great skills that could be transitioned well into public service and Congress. I think where a lot of us get caught up is that we're so used to being a part of a chain of command that when we go up to Washington and we see a new chain of command, because they have speaker, leader, whip on down, they see a new chain of command that they've got to fall into and take orders. They also start to game plan, well, if I want to become a subcommittee chairman or then a chairman or then get into leadership, how do I do that so that I can affect the change that I want to see happen here?
Starting point is 01:49:19 I understand that mindset, but the way I always looked at it was that my chain of... First of all, that Washington, DC is completely busted and broken. Therefore, the chain of command is not doing a good job. Secondly, my chain of command is really the 750,000, 800,000 people back home that sent me there. That's my chain of command. I'm going to work for them. I'm going to try and bust this up as much as I can." I don't think that everybody comes in with that mentality. I also don't believe that many people, and maybe I'm wrong, Sean, but I don't think that everybody comes in with the mentality that a lot of people come in with the mentality of incrementalism. Well, back to Tim's point on compromise, if we can get one little good thing here, yeah,
Starting point is 01:50:11 I might have to vote for a lot of crap over here, but I'm willing to do it if we get a little win over here. I've looked at it as in we're in big trouble, we need to make big moves. That doesn't go over well in DC. Not one bit. You know, one thing I've noticed just from talking to you guys and some of the other congressmen and senators and being around a little bit, and I fucking hate politics, by the way, but you always hear that it's the one of the most elite social clubs on the planet.
Starting point is 01:50:49 And the observation that I have is that these people get in, they get elected into these social clubs, and then kind of what you were saying, they buy into their own bullshit. They start thinking they're too important for everybody else except the, in this case, the Congressional Social Club. And even when they know shit is wrong, they refuse to call it out because they don't want to be ostracized from the elite social club that they've just been elected into. Am I on the right track here? You are.
Starting point is 01:51:26 Then there's a step above it. They don't want to be ostracized from the elite social club, but if they want to be promoted within that elite social club, because I know members that are angling for bigger spots right now. They got to be very careful politically on not to piss off the wrong person that could cast a vote or even have a backdoor conversation that would keep them from that position. They're all working angles. There's a committee that feeds this to the speaker, if that makes sense.
Starting point is 01:52:02 That's the hierarchy. I forget the name of them, but it's what I call the selection committee. Or even if you wanted an appointment that had, you know, took Senate confirmation, right? A lot of these people are thinking about that. Like, if I want that spot where I need to get confirmed by the Senate, I can't vote against that Senator's bill because, you know, that's the one vote that I need to get over the hump, and that's politics. If somebody dies or somebody gets indicted, man, the ink's not even dry on it and they're
Starting point is 01:52:33 already figuring out a way to get to that position. Seeing how it moves them up, I can move up from nothing to be the third assistant to whatever. I forget, they've got all kinds of names, but to me, it's a bunch of BS. I can move up from nothing to be the third assistant to whatever. They've got all kinds of names, but to me, it's a bunch of BS. That's not unique to the government. People in corporate America, people in the military- People in church.
Starting point is 01:52:55 Deacon's committee. I think that's our nature to be selfish and to be self-serving. I think it's definitely elevated and escalated there just because of the power and the prestige of working in the federal government at those levels. More people have played professional baseball in this country than have been elected to Congress. Mm-hmm. That tells you how elite or whatever you want to call it. Yeah. Yeah. Is there anything else we're missing?
Starting point is 01:53:35 I'm sure, I mean, we could probably talk about this all day long, probably for a week. I just remember, I was at a YouTube football game and this chairman ended up, he ended up getting indicted. I remember he pulled up, I think he parked kind of illegal and he got out of his car and was strutting through the crowd and get his tickets to the ball game or whatever. My buddy said, who's that? I said, well, he's a pretty big deal in Nashville.
Starting point is 01:54:07 And he said, tell him he ain't in Nashville anymore. He's in Knoxville. He ain't nobody here. And I think sometimes we forget that. I see these guys come out of their district and I don't know anybody. Nobody knows me in Eli's district. And I think sometimes we forget that.
Starting point is 01:54:23 We're supposed to be back home representing that group. I do want to bring something back up about when we were talking about biggest threats. I said getting Trump in and then illegals voting. I don't know if I brought up the fact when we voted on the SAVE Act, which would keep illegals from voting, and I think this is so important, I think it was only five Democrats voted to support it. Only five Democrats voted to stop illegals from voting in our election. And I think that's so telling and so important,
Starting point is 01:54:56 because I know you have people on all sides of the spectrum that watch this show. Explain that one to me, right? Explain that one to me. Explain that one to me. You guys have created and orchestrated a system that has allowed over 10 million people within four years to come into the country, and now your party is fighting to allow them to vote. You call us a threat to democracy and You have the audacity to talk about foreign intervention in elections
Starting point is 01:55:40 Think about that. Do you know who the five were by chance? I don't It's public record Yeah, I'd love to know that. We'll find it out. Put it out on screen. Give them a little kudos. Yeah. Wow. You know, I know the super touchy subject, obviously, but people talk about it all the time. Civil war. Do you guys think we're headed to a civil war?
Starting point is 01:56:18 I think it's possible. I think at the very least, I think we're headed towards civil disobedience. I think that will come first. I do think we're headed down a track of towards totalitarian rule. I said that the other day, I was talking about the Kamala Waltz ticket. When he talks about, says publicly, one man's socialism is another man's neighborliness. Then she regularly talks about equal outcomes. That's the dialect. That's the code. That's the dialect of the socialist, the totalitarian 100%.
Starting point is 01:56:54 I think I was sharing with you that some reporter asked me, because I was talking about that at an event with Governor Greg Abbott. We were stumping for Trump a couple of weeks ago in Arizona. She said, what are you talking about, this ticket being totalitarian? I just looked at her and I said, well, what governments censor their own people? That was it. They're not even really trying to hide it anymore. Of all the things that Trump was fact checked on the other night in the debate, notice how
Starting point is 01:57:31 he wasn't fact checked when he talked about Kamala's dad being a Marxist professor. They got through that quick. Yep. She rebutted many things, but she didn't rebut that. It's just telling to me because the strategy of Marxism is divide and conquer. Back in the day, it was divide us all up economically, the haves and the have nots. Now they've employed an, I think, even more effective tactic here in the West, and that's divide us all up by race, ethnicity, gender.
Starting point is 01:58:10 Dr. Vodi Bakum would call that cultural Marxism. I think it's been very effective here, but instead of trying to unite us around the values that have made this country so great and have created so much opportunity and prosperity for us all. They try and divide us up on all these different metrics and barometers. It just makes it easier for them to conquer us and then to present themselves as the savior, as the solution. It blows me away that some people can still be gas-lit into thinking that the federal government would ever
Starting point is 01:58:48 be the solution for anything. I think the Civil War question is, I think it'd be more of a regional thing. I always remembered when Trump was giving a speech to the White House and riots were, remember where Rand Paul got attacked, him and his wife did. And then I was, I guess we were maybe 100 yards behind that. And so we went back the other way.
Starting point is 01:59:11 And I remember the police were, I remember Andy Barr from Kentucky, his wife had died and he had his two precious little girls there in these pretty little matching dresses. People were just saying filthy stuff, and I'd had enough. I asked that one little girl, I said, you want me to carry you? She said no, and I just held her little hand. I told her, I said, those people probably just needed Jesus, honey. I said, we pray for them. It seemed to give her a little comfort. Anyway, we had the girls. Mark Green was with me on one side. And I remembered the police. This town was boarded up.
Starting point is 01:59:51 And I'm not a big city guy. But the blocks on every corner, that's where the cops were. And they weren't allowed to go within the city, within the block. They were told where to be. And I just thought, this is what civil war looks like. I think it'll be a regional type situation where people will move out of the... The people who can will get out and they'll come to places like Tennessee, refugees, so to speak.
Starting point is 02:00:23 And then they will end up, when they leave their states though, they will turn them over to the cabal or whatever, the corrupt far left machine. And I think you'll see two Americas emerge more so than we have now. And also, but I'm at these gun shows, I hear these guys talking tough. And I said this at breakfast to y' I hear these guys talking tough, and I said this at breakfast to y'all that they're gonna, if a tank rolls down the street, they're gonna, hands will go up.
Starting point is 02:00:53 You guys don't know how to handle that, but people like me will not know how to handle that. I just can't see that being happening. I see somebody shoots a couple of shots and they get them fired back and they're throwing the white flag up. So I just, I don't know how you would, what that would look like. I think about it all the time.
Starting point is 02:01:15 And I mean, I don't think it looks like how traditional civil wars look. I mean, I mean, look, we saw we saw a 17 year old kid and an entire city of riots with what three bullets done immediately stopped. I don't think that's what it looks like. I think it's like what you're talking about. And I think it's already starting. I mean, you see, you see there's a massive migration happening in the US right now. You see red states going farther red. You see blue states going farther blue. I think that some of that, I mean, like, let's for example, and I'm not asking what your guys' stance is on it or anything, but abortion, for example. Like, personally, I think it's a little out there to be hunting women down that have had an abortion and throwing them in prison, but
Starting point is 02:02:19 I don't think that's actually gonna happen. I think that that is a deterrent from getting lefties to move into the state. I think that some of these other things that are far left are deterrents for people on the right to move into the state. And I think it's dividing right now. On top of that, you see these governors starting to align. I mean
Starting point is 02:02:47 That event that we went to in Nashville what a couple weeks ago, maybe a month or two ago It was what the governor of Louisiana and governor of Tennessee talking about how they are aligning on all these issues and sending in the National Guard to help on the Texan border. Yeah, I mean This is kind of how it starts It's kind of how it's it's not kind of how it starts. It starts. Yeah 15% of the population voting too. Mm-hmm. So The war who's gonna notice almost kind of thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:27 Yeah. I mean, does there talk about this up in Congress? Not really. I don't hear a lot of talk about it. Maybe a joke here or there, but I do think there's a level of detachment up there, clearly. I do think there's a level of detachment up there, clearly, and just not representatives picking up on the frustration of the American people and the frustration of the continuance of the status quo. Do you think, I mean, what would it look like?
Starting point is 02:04:03 You guys seem like pretty forward thinkers. Well, of course. What does it look like? Man, you guys seem like pretty forward thinkers. Well, of course. What does it look like? We lose our firearms. We fooled him. He thinks that we're forward thinkers. Yeah, forward thinkers. I know.
Starting point is 02:04:14 Our evil plot has worked. Thanks. I worry about... It makes a lot of people uneasy, but Kamala Harris has said that she'd like to get the guns. What does that look like? How do you get the guns? Do you feel like state?
Starting point is 02:04:39 That's the start of it. You got a second amendment and then without a second amendment, it was clearly put in there for a reason. Clearly people abuse it. There's no question there. Do you feel like state government's becoming more important than federal? I think it originally was designed that was set for national defense. That was it.
Starting point is 02:05:06 I think that's important. Unfortunately, not a lot of people pay attention on the federal level or the state level, but I think you're seeing now, especially post-COVID, how important it is to have a strong state government. So many people benefited by being in a red state. Many people fled out of blue states to go live in red states just because they could still have some level of freedom. It goes back to something I was talking about earlier, how important it is that people actually pay attention and do the bare minimum of what it means to be a citizen and be engaged, be educated,
Starting point is 02:05:48 vote, be an activist. There's so many ways you can participate in this government, but here's the key. What happens when you don't? You're seeing it right now. There's always a vacuum, and that vacuum is filled by something. What's it being filled by right now? Bob Dylan had a song. He became a Christian for a while. I'm not sure if he still is or not.
Starting point is 02:06:11 I don't know what his faith is, but it was called, You Gotta Serve Somebody. And it was in the line of, you gotta serve somebody, be the devil or the Lord, but you gotta serve somebody. And what I think he was saying was, if you're not filling that gap, the other side is. It's just a vacuum. There is no vacuum in politics. It's either at the table or you're on the dad gum menu. And right now America is on the menu because the fat cats are getting fatter and all they're concerned about is keeping in power and keeping that that cash machine rolling.
Starting point is 02:06:47 How much do you think the states can shelter its citizens from the federal government? Depends on who's in the White House. Yeah. And up to this point, I think quite a bit, when you look at just going back to COVID, what life was like when you had a governor who wasn't enforcing any of the mandates that other states were enforcing. Even in Texas right now, you have a governor that's willing to actually, if the federal government won't protect the people, which is one of its primary responsibility from the invasion coming over our southern
Starting point is 02:07:29 border, that governor there has actually erected walls, barriers, Constantine wire to protect his own citizens. And so up to this point, I think they have been able to play a very big role on the prosperity and safety of their citizens. To Tim's point, though, how long does that continue based on where we're headed and the type of candidates that we have now that are running on the other side of the ticket who are way too cozy with totalitarianism. And one of the things you've got to realize too with the illegals is that who supports that?
Starting point is 02:08:09 Who supports that issue? The national chambers of commerce do. The national chamber of commerce did. Every time there's a bill, they're always mucking it up. You've got to remember, they're your little local chamber of commerce. Well, they give 1% or something to the National Chamber of Commerce. But you got to realize they endorsed about first time I ran six years ago about 14 or 15 of Pelosi's closest allies.
Starting point is 02:08:33 And they kept the Democrats in power. And that was obviously against small business. But large business loves it. They love the fact they have some guy on their roof, your roof that doesn't speak English, and when he falls off, he's not going to do anything because he's afraid he's going to get deported. They're going to take him down to the emergency room and then you and I are going to pay for it.
Starting point is 02:08:53 And the big boys, they're still going to be making their cut. And the working class people are going to suffer. And they continue to rise. My daddy used to always tell me, I said, why are these people, why would they be for communism? He said, because they're the ones that'll be in power. They will be in power. Well, what's the answer? What's the answer? I'll tell you what the answer is, revival.
Starting point is 02:09:17 That's right. As a Christian, that's got to be the, at the first and foremost, I think we got to realize where we are as a nation and preachers got to start preach preaching the gospel again and not be afraid of it. Be bold. I spoke to a group of preachers a couple of weeks ago. I said, y'all just got to be bold. Quit being afraid.
Starting point is 02:09:36 Man, we got your calling is bigger than the United States government. And I think we've allowed them to get in their comfort zones too much. We got to call them out. And they've got to, and that's where it's got to start in this, in my opinion, there's other areas, of course, and people are going to say, oh, but you know, I'm an atheist or whatever. But as a Christian, I think that's where it's got to happen. We have failed, we have turned from God, and we've allowed this transgender thing. I mean,
Starting point is 02:10:07 good gosh. We're allowing kids to permanently scar their bodies. Their testicles removed, little boys and little girls getting their breasts removed. And we're celebrating that. On that note, Sean, there's a... You might want to edit all that out. I apologize. There's a scripture in 2 Corinthians and it says, I don't know it by heart, but it says something to the fact of, if my people who hear my voice will humble themselves and pray and repent, then I will heal them and I will hear them and I will heal their land. I think that is the biggest, most important thing going on here. I think everything that you see is just a ramification of, like Tim said, pushing God out of everything. And I think that you're seeing God be like, okay, you don't want
Starting point is 02:11:06 me? Okay. Well, and I think that's the key, a people that have turned their back on God. And every time that happens throughout the scriptures, it's always the same cycle. It's always the same cycle. And it never ends well until it gets so bad that people finally are willing to humble themselves and turn back to God. And so I hope we do it. I hope we do it before it gets much worse. But based on what I'm seeing in the culture, I'm not, I'm concerned. I don't think Trump's the Messiah. I don't think he's, you know, I was asked on the BBC,
Starting point is 02:11:49 they were making fun of something I said about God's will. And I said, yeah, I'm a Christian. I believe the scripture says a sparrow falls from the sky. I know it. I know how many hairs are on your head. Of course, on yours are a few less than are on mine and Eli's. But my point was, is that, you know, we have, every time God
Starting point is 02:12:12 puts his hand out, we've swatted it away. It's the old adage, you know, this old redneck farmer's on a roof on his ladder and he starts falling. He says, Lord, help me. And then a nail catches his pant leg or his overalls and he starts falling, he says, Lord help me. And then a nail catches his pant leg, or his overalls, and he says, nevermind Lord, I got it. Well, in minding Eli's and your minds, that God put that nail there.
Starting point is 02:12:35 And you know, and I'm a big believer in that. When I was county mayor, we had a, I used to ride around in these ice truck, the snow trucks, and they'd go out and salt the roads there in Knoxville, Knox County, and we hit this black ice spot. I'll never forget it. It just, this just almost, it just went slow motion and we were just sliding.
Starting point is 02:12:57 I looked over and we were going off a cliff and I looked down there was a dead deer carcass. I thought, how ironic is that? And that thing, that truck goes like this. It just goes, and it just stopped. And there was one tree there. And the press asked me about that. What'd I think about that? I said, God planted that tree 60 years ago,
Starting point is 02:13:18 knowing that my dumb ass was gonna, would've died probably. I could've, we literally, cause it was, and I'd probably end up with a jack stand impaled in my head or something. But continuously in this country, we swatted away when Trump, that bullet, and what they were making the point was with us, that it was God's will that Trump missed. I don't think he's, I don't even know if he's a Christian or not, but I know what he'll
Starting point is 02:13:43 do if he's in power. King David, for instance, terrible guy. I mean, he sleeps with Bethsheba, his best general, his best buddy's old lady, has the general killed, sends him out in this area, and then he pulls everybody back and leaves him in there and he gets killed. But God had favor on him and he led the Jews through it all. To this day, he's remembered as one of the greatest. As a matter of fact, I think he's one of the only non-American in the capital there. He's got his face up on the wall up there. And so he's not a perfect vessel. Trump isn't.
Starting point is 02:14:28 But I think for some reason he is our best choice right now. Man. Well, it's funny you mention that because me and Eli were talking about that on the way over here too that I think the left versus right thing is, it's not working. No, it's not. But also it keeps the big boys in power. You don't think that they're not just laughing. They're at the end of session, they had a lot of the head boys in both parties, they're up at Kenny Bunkport or someplace drinking a expensive glass of wine or something, toasting each other, laughing at us.
Starting point is 02:15:13 And I think we've got to realize that these parties are leaving us, man. But to that point, that's why I love, even though I know this title, the America First Movement, I know it's been hijacked and turned into some white supremacy, nonsensical thing, but I love the movement because it puts Americans of all political parties of every color first. And I think that's what we've been missing. That's what the uniparty think that's what we've been missing. That's what the uniparty, that's what the cartel, the establishment, whatever you want to call it, that's what it fails to do on a daily basis. That's why I love that movement because regardless of whether you're talking energy policy or
Starting point is 02:15:56 border policy, that movement is based on putting Democrats, Republicans, independents first if they're American citizens. That would be nice. It would be. That would be nice. Well, gents, I know you guys are on a time crunch, so I'm going to wrap this up. I just want to say, we talked about the voting, only 15% of the people vote. Most people are too lazy. I would say
Starting point is 02:16:28 Just grab a buddy Drag their ass to the pole and make them vote We all did that Then we get double the numbers. So on that note, I just want to say once again It's an honor to have you guys. You are, there's not very many people in Congress that still have control of their soul. And I think you guys do. And I just really appreciate both of you, you know, with the Afghanistan stuff, with the Brad Geary stuff, all, I mean, you guys are just always doing the right thing. And which appears to
Starting point is 02:17:10 me and it's an honor for me to be here with you two guys. Y'all served our country and that in my family that goes a long ways. And I'm, I'm always, it's an honor for me to call you two guys, my friends, because I'm in public a lot and people ask me about you all and And I don't tell you that enough that how much I appreciate you guys because it's a it really is an honor for somebody that because you know my dad served and my mama flew an airplane and My wife's deceased husband the biological father my child served, you know, and I never did. My brother-in-law's a marine sniper. I never served my dad come country.
Starting point is 02:17:48 And you guys did. You weren't drafted. You chose. And you were called on to do incredible things. And I'm in honor. I'm in awe of you guys. And it is an incredible honor to call you guys my friends. And I appreciate it.
Starting point is 02:18:01 And y'all let me hang out and say stupid stuff and I appreciate it. Thank you, it's a good note. God bless. Check out the podcast that inspired Taylor Sheridan's latest series, Landman. There's a stretch of road in a real rich region of West Texas. This region of West Texas, known as the Permian Basin, is in the midst of the biggest oil boom in history. This is a story of roughnecks, billionaire wildcatters, and wannabe dreamers. My name is Christian Wallace. From Texas Monthly and Imperative Entertainment, this is Boomtown.

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