Shizzy Lit Podcast 2024 - Freedom Of Speech For Black People

Episode Date: November 19, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yo, yo, yo, yo, it's your boy OG Shizzy Brickle. This is another Shizzy Lit Podcast, yo. I don't think for black people no more, yo, or maybe ever, was fucking freedom of speech, yo. Because you see how they doing these rap niggas all dirty and shit like, boom, yeah, they use this shit from interviews and shit. They use this shit from rap lyrics and all that shit. Even though niggas do be telling on
Starting point is 00:00:26 theyself now and shit but you just feel me you know that shit started back before all this era shit that's just started back with shine shine was the first nigga that went through that i think they did see murder dirty like that you just feel me all that shit like they just be doing dirty like now they use it uh they did bill cosby like they just be doing dirty like they use it uh they did Bill Cosby like that now they do uh Felicia Rashad like that and you know they did that shit
Starting point is 00:00:53 look at it Nick Canada lost his wife a TV show and wild and awful just expressing and it be don't even be no lie motherfuckers don't like the truth motherfuckers don't like the black people telling the truth for damn sure you know feel me they already mad at niggas because they successful and all that shit they can do a little bit more than the average black person and they spitting positive shit you notice all them ratchet motherfuckers and all that
Starting point is 00:01:18 shit really don't be going through this shit niggas that's you know feel me got a couple ears some money some power and all that shit. You know what I mean? And they be like, listen, nigga, listen, we'll pull you right back down. Don't forget. They basically saying, look, nigga, you know, we letting you get this money. Don't get above yourself and shit because you get the couple dollars and shit because we'll show you and bring your ass back to reality. Because as soon as a motherfucker try to pull some power moves, or they feel as though they can shit, by white people or something,
Starting point is 00:01:47 man, shit. Oh, TV shows gone, all that. We apologize for the sub-systematic race of all this stupid shit. As soon as a motherfucking white people get in, listen, man, miss me, Mr. Bush. Y'all can call us niggas,
Starting point is 00:01:58 bitch, and shit out of us, beat our ass all on TV, all that shit, and get away with it. This is the bullshit I'm talking about, man. I don't even be on no political type shit. I just be on some real time type shit. Real nigga time. Like, niggas blatantly, they do it
Starting point is 00:02:12 right in your face. They ain't hiding it no more. Shit is blatant in your face. Motherfuckers just done got used to it and that's where the problem at. Don't get used to that shit. No. Because we can cause some ruckus. They don't like when we start causing ruckus. They just like when we be dumb, ignorant, and just let them do anything we want shit? No. Because we can cause some ruckus. They don't like when we start causing ruckus. They just like when we be dumb, ignorant, and just let
Starting point is 00:02:27 them do anything we want to. No. That's why the motherfuckers that's trying to teach you to do, be independent, own your own shit, do this, education, they be sniping niggas. They gonna get you out of here some type way. Death, jail, slander,
Starting point is 00:02:44 fuck your money up, something. You know what I mean? DMX, Cat Williams, Tupac, Biggie. Motherfuckers like that. I mean, you know. They be wanting niggas to go. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:02:58 Even if they didn't orchestrate or have that shit done, you know what I mean? They ain't going to go and motherfucking give a fuck about finding a motherfucker that did it. They'll get to that when they get to it. This ain't no special shit because this cheap ass is another black motherfucker to be. That's how they say. This is another black motherfucker to us that had money and was famous.
Starting point is 00:03:21 You know what I mean? So, yeah. Who gives a fuck? You done feel me? We'll find the other motherfuckers when we feel like it. You done feel me? Hopefully he get killed before we find out how they think. You done feel me? They want to kill each other off and shit. Kill each other off. And the motherfuckers that ain't in
Starting point is 00:03:38 that, they go and slander their name, bust their reputation down. Bill Cosby was the most clean, wholesome motherfucking black motherfucker, period. If you look at it, he's leaning on other black motherfuckers like, get y'all shit together. They wasn't
Starting point is 00:03:54 never feeling that. Now, when they tell you, go in, get high, drink the drinks and pop the pills and sip the syrup and shoot at the nigga step on your shoe,. Yeah, feel me shoot the bitch Tell on a nigga them to the shoot everything That's the motherfuckers. They let broadcast the messages and shit motherfuckers like boy pull your pants up go to school get education
Starting point is 00:04:21 But it's gonna be learn the law shit like that gone to school get education but if you be learning the law shit like that gone you better believe man listen gone you got to say the ignorant shit in the broadcast get a buy and then you know what i mean you got to make some way behind closed door boy come to a private motherfucking concert or something we mean and didn't talk to the buffer like look man i gotta say this shit so these won't shut me down but this what it is for real something I say this shit so these motherfuckers won't shut me down, but this what it is for real. Something.
Starting point is 00:04:46 I don't know. This shit got to stop. That's all the fuck I know. This shit is ridiculous, man. Come on with the bullshit, man. Y'all can't see this shit or y'all just don't want to see it or y'all scared to admit it. It's there. You feel me?
Starting point is 00:04:57 It's there. And it means a nigga just got to keep that shit real. Niggas don't be keeping it a baby and shit. Niggas be too scared. Niggas got their little business dealings going on and all this type shit and all that type shit. That's cool. That's why you supposed to earn your own shit. You gotta know what's going on.
Starting point is 00:05:13 You gotta know the tricks and shit to counteract them. They've been showing us this shit for years. The disrespect and the blatant and just no love. And we know it ain't all love. You feel me, sir? Come on, man. Niggas gotta do better than this man niggas is doing all this come on all the positive black motherfuckers getting killed locked up try slander their name and shit take the credibility away and all that shit because
Starting point is 00:05:38 they know black people the quickest motherfuckers to turn on their own race motherfuckers ain't never for each other any motherfucker where it ain't really hard. You throw a little room out there real quick on motherfucking Facebook or Twitter, Instagram. That's all it really take. He ain't got to go as far as the news and shit. Black motherfuckers so quick. The motherfucker ain't no lawyer. Fucking black community.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Motherfuckers so quick to turn on their motherfuckers soul for self. Shit is ridiculous. They know they can do that shit because we show them that it's that fucking easy. So all I got to do is throw this shit out there. These niggas gonna let them deal with that motherfucker's soulful self. Shit is ridiculous. They know they can do that shit because we show them that it's that fucking easy. So all I got to do is throw this shit out there. These niggas going to let them deal with that. The court of public opinion, mostly black motherfuckers. And these motherfuckers do not roll
Starting point is 00:06:15 with they motherfuckers' peoples, boy. This shit is sad. This shit is sad. That's why we don't be getting a hit like this. You feel me? So, shit is sad. That's why we don't be getting a hit like that. You feel me, son? Shit is real out here, man. I just be feeling how I be feeling. I gots to show y'all and tell y'all how I feel.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Because that's what Shizzy Lit Podcast is about. So, yeah, man. I'm going to keep it coming, dog. But y'all let me know how y'all feel in the comments, man. Don't forget to subscribe, share, like, and all that, man. I need to get lit, man. Y'all get up in here and show me love. Y'all like anything you heard.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Learn from anything you heard. Did you get a laugh, a giggle, a sniggle? Anything like that, man. Subscribe to my YouTube channel, Shizzy Lit Podcast. Twitter, Shizzy Lit Podcast. Facebook is OG Shizzy Brizzle. You know what I'm saying? My business page is Shizzy Brownson.
Starting point is 00:07:07 You feel me? And everything else is Shizzy Lit Podcast, man. Everything. You dig me? I'm all everywhere. Spotify, Amazon, motherfucking Apple, motherfucking iTunes, all them shit. Shit you never heard of. I'm there.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Get with your boy, the real McCoy. I'm out. You dig?

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