Shizzy Lit Podcast 2024 - Human Microchips!

Episode Date: November 19, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yo, yo, yo, yo, it's your boy OG Shizzy Brizle. This is another Shizzy Lit Podcast. She understands me. Everybody's scared to get these shots and all that shit because they think niggas trying to shoot the microchip up at them whole time. Niggas been had the microchip up on them. Niggas knew they wasn't accepting and going through all that extra shit. Letting niggas put motherfucking microchips and shit all in their bodies.
Starting point is 00:00:35 So what they do? They motherfucking came up with another way to do it. I don't see how y'all see it now. What y'all think it is? What y'all think? They got the chips on y'all. How? Y'all think it's a credit card? Huh? Nope a little that's that's a percentage of it it's the phone
Starting point is 00:00:49 a hundred percent for real it's the phone y'all don't realize that now you put sim cards in there you put chips you put your name in there your google profile is the motherfucking chip your apple your apple id is the chip you don't me, you know, if you lose one phone, all you gotta do is put your motherfucking account back in there, everything back to normal with your brand new phone and shit, how you feel when you lose your phone, you feel like the end of the world and shit, you don't know nobody, niggas by heart, you feel me, all your little apps banking, all that type shit being your phone, phone get hacked and all that type shit, you feel me, that's the chip, they say, look, we ain't
Starting point is 00:01:29 gonna be squabbling and arguing with these motherfuckers, trying to get these motherfuckers to take needles and get surgery procedures and shit to put the chips in there, we gonna do it a whole nother way, and we gonna make it so they always want the chip, we ain't gotta fight them for the chip, niggas, we gonna make them buy the chip. We ain't got to fight them for the chip. Niggas, we going to make them buy the chip. We ain't just going to, listen, hey, we going to make them buy it. Apple phones, phones period. You feel me? Niggas can't live without their phone.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Niggas feel like they lost their best motherfucking friend when their phone gone, boy. I know because I be losing phones left and right. That's why I don't buy Apple phones. The smarter the phone, the more shit going on with your personal business and shit. You don't notice if you just be talking to your man and all that shit, and you say, yo, I'm looking for such and such, then as soon as you look at your phone, the motherfucking ant right there, they listen to every motherfucking thing you say, they see everything you do, you think because your phone turned off, no power in it, they still can't see, if they want to
Starting point is 00:02:22 see you, they can see you, your phone is linked up to like a thousand something satellites up in space They can pinpoint your very motherfucking point. I'm talking about exactly where you at They can shoot a beam from the motherfucking satellite to you right now if you were showing the fuck off You feel me they ain't even got since snipers don't more They're sending a beam from space on your goofy ass cuz you got the phone game. You gotta know that You feel me? So if you won't go off the grid, you got to go off the phone. If niggas didn't know that, now you know your boy OG Shizzy Brizle and his Shizzy Lit Podcast told you that.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Shit. You know what I mean? I'm thinking we already knew these things and shit. All your business, all your shit. You know what I'm saying? What they say if a nigga try to be slick and shit. Yeah. Did you kill? Did you kill? Where you was at the night of the murder,
Starting point is 00:03:14 uh, I was at the crib chilling, I live all week cross town, nowhere, well, why the motherfucking your phone pinged off the same motherfucking tower that her phone pinged off if you live all week cross town, nowhere in there, all that shit, you know, feel me, TVs, all this smart shit is too motherfucking smart, you dig, all that shit looking you know, feel me, TVs, all this smart shit is too motherfucking smart, you dig, all that shit looking at you, you know, feel me, so if you're doing shit you ain't got no business doing, you think you're in the privacy of your own motherfucking home, you know, feel me, and you, let's say you beating your meat, you don't want nobody to see that, you're probably not ashamed, or let's say little chicks getting one off with the vibe bristle. You ain't necessarily
Starting point is 00:03:45 ashamed of the shit but you don't necessarily want to have no audience when you doing that shit unless you on your porno game. You know what I'm saying? But that big ass TV
Starting point is 00:03:53 be sitting right in front of you off. Well you think it's off. It's off on your end. Anytime a motherfucker want to they can come check the situation out.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Cause your phone giving you the pinpoint. All these smart little wifi, all this type shit, yeah. Nigga, that's how they got us chipped up. And as soon as we lose the phone, we ready to break our neck to go get another one. So they ain't got a word about motherfuckers
Starting point is 00:04:16 resisting. The phone is the chip. I need y'all to motherfucking open your minds. Stay woke, man. They very smart. They take classes to motherfucking psychologically fuck niggas up, so when you thinking they trying to inject the motherfucking shit in you the whole time, they putting it right in your motherfucking hands, making you pay for it, you feel me, and made it so you can't live without it, so soon as you motherfuckers
Starting point is 00:04:38 drop a phone, and like the next week, and within that week, if you ain't got too much money, you gonna still get another phone, it don't matter if you get a track phone, a motherfucking, the bubbiest phone, if that motherfucker, a smart phone, take a SIM card, all that shit, it got Wi-Fi on it, that's the chip, they can get you whenever the fuck they want to, so don't think you doing nothing slick, you dig me, it's your boy, I be trying to get y'all this motherfucking gizzo and shit, man, like, I'm pretty sure a lot of motherfuckers thought about that shit, but, you know what I mean,
Starting point is 00:05:10 motherfuckers still saying, yeah, I ain't really trying to take the vaccination shit because of the chip, man, you ain't gotta worry about that aspect of it, if that's all you worry about, you might as well go get it, you know what I mean, because the chip is already there, we all chipped up, kids chipped up, everybody, niggas buy they little 5 year olds, 6 year olds, iPhones, phones, all this type shit, everybody chipped up, old ass people, all that, if a motherfucking hippie, a motherfucking, the motherfucking tribes that's over, and the motherfucking Amazon and all that shit that don't know what McDonald's and all that shit is, them niggas is literally off the
Starting point is 00:05:43 grid, you feel me, that's the only way you had to get rid of Your phone you to feel me niggas got all this smart home shit So now that shit all in your business and shit is about to be the terminator age in a few years We probably got did without keys probably got deal with it But like our great great great grandkids gonna be dealing with some bullshit. It probably do be like Terminator out here. They starting all this artificial intelligence shit. Everything turning to technology. Everything, Ray B.
Starting point is 00:06:11 You feel me? Computerized, technical, and all that shit. No paper money. It's going to be all cars, chips, and all this bullshit. So remember who told you all first. OG Shizzy Brizle. It's your boy. I'm out.
Starting point is 00:06:25 P.S. I forgot to mention. These motherfuckers got motherfucking fingerprint scanners already on the phone. Eye scanners and shit. So listen. What the fuck is going to be next? Y'all got to realize with this shit. I had to bring it back.
Starting point is 00:06:40 All this super technology shit that we were seeing back in the day. You know what I mean? Remember back in the day all we wanted to do was look at the person why we talking to him on the phone now we only pay that shit no mind that's some regular shit it if you can't open your motherfucker phone without your eye being scanned you don't think that's a chip now I forgot your whole eye purple situation fingerprint and all that shit if you're dumbass a convict, a felon, you don't want to run and all that shit, your dumbass get an iPhone and put the
Starting point is 00:07:08 motherfucking fingerprint unlock on your shit. You feel me? These motherfuckers going to see that shit, motherfucking fingerprint, they going to pinpoint your ass right where the fuck you standing and have the task SWAT team on your goofball ass, man. Listen, man. Shit is too technical and shit.
Starting point is 00:07:24 So, nigga, if you ain't legal, you better leave them motherfuckers' phones alone. You can't be slick and go get a flip phone. All phones is the chip. Give a fuck what you got. Anything with Wi-Fi, internet, you get a feel me? You chipped up. So y'all gotta
Starting point is 00:07:39 remember that shit, man. I'm out. These motherfuckers' satellites can pinpoint a dime on the ground in the hood somewhere. And that bitch can shoot a laser on that motherfucker directly. That motherfucker is crazy. The motherfucking satellite, boy, if you a motherfucking person of interest by like the motherfucking CIA or somebody like that, you'd feel me. They got all the pool, not even the president, the CIA, Secret Service and all that.
Starting point is 00:08:04 They got all the poor, not even the president, the CIA Secret Service and all that. These motherfuckers, these motherfuckers can put the motherfucking satellite camera right on your face and hear everything you say from space. These motherfuckers be in fucking D.C. some motherfucker way of looking at you, see everything you say, hear everything you say on the computer and shit. And then, you know what I mean, have the police in whatever other state you in, come ride up on you where you stand while you still in mid-sentence. Like, that's how serious this shit is, man. I be looking at this little all-official intelligence
Starting point is 00:08:37 shit and how they just be asking these motherfucking questions and these motherfuckers be saying some shit like the terminator shit like yeah we gonna take over they don't want no humans around and they the smartest shit so they saying one of the smartest motherfuckers say listen artificial intelligence is too motherfucking dangerous because you build a motherfucking robot with artificial intelligence and shit this motherfucker so
Starting point is 00:09:05 smart, this motherfucker tap into satellites, it's a fucking robot, you feel me, so it's smart enough to learn and shit how to hack, and tap into satellites and all that shit, this motherfucker can let nuclear missiles off, and motherfucking all the army, military shit, they can fuck it up, they can shoot a missile over to russia from america to russia and shit start a war all that type shit these motherfuckers can program themselves learn how to build themselves back so let's say a nigga come with a big ass bazooka boo blow half the motherfucker body off this motherfucker already smart enough and done programmed itself to start building itself right the fuck back it don't what happens. It ain't even no motherfucking limit.
Starting point is 00:09:46 To what the fuck they can think of. Because they just keep getting smarter and smarter. Anything they need to know. They can motherfucking scan all the motherfucking scientist books. That made all the scientists smart. All the classes and all that shit. They can scan that shit in like an hour. They know everything.
Starting point is 00:10:01 The most scholar-iest. Scholar-gur-iest. Guru nigga know. You hear me, you know what I mean, and they just start building mass motherfucking smart ass robots and shit that's just so smart, the stronger, they just get stronger, all types of shit like that, and these motherfuckers be laughing like it's a game, motherfucker tell you, look, we try and take over the world and shit. Simple as that. They got the Amazons and shit talking to each other.
Starting point is 00:10:30 These motherfuckers is really rapping and shit. Arguing with each other and all kinds of shit, man. Shit is crazy out here, man. So niggas got to watch that shit. Niggas going to be too smart for their own good. The motherfucking Terminator shit, ain't nobody think that up. You feel me? Something happened. A motherfucker just smart and know. Like that artificial intelligence shit, you feel me, happened or just smart and know like that
Starting point is 00:10:45 artificial intelligence you to feel me going get out of hand why would you build something that can be more smarter than us outsmart us take over everything don't make no sense it's been enough terminator movies for a to uh reverse that you better start reversing the artificial intelligence that these phones too, motherfucker, smart. Your TV too, got smart phones. I mean, cars driving by, they motherfucking self-parking.
Starting point is 00:11:10 All this shit, man. Come on, man. This guy get together, he ready to be a terminator world. But yeah, niggas worrying about chips and shit. They ain't injecting the chips in your ass no more. They putting the chips right in your motherfucker hand and making you pay for them.
Starting point is 00:11:23 So that's to summarize everything. All this technology shit is going to turn around and bite us in our ass. You know what I'm saying? Just imagine if niggas wanted to start a war with China or somebody. Blow the Wi-Fi. Niggas going to go crazy just from that. Blow the Wi-Fi. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:11:40 Cut all the Wi-Fi off. Niggas going to go fucking crazy out this bitch, shorty. ASAP. You know what I mean? Niggas ain't got to do nothing. Niggas going to go fucking crazy out this bitch, shorty. ASAP. You know what I mean? Niggas ain't got to do nothing. Niggas going to start going crazy themselves. Niggas don't know what's going on. You don't know nobody.
Starting point is 00:11:50 None of that type shit. You feel me? So, niggas got to get back to the natural, natural type shit. So, in case some shit do happen, the motherfuckers try to take the Wi-Fi and all that shit. You already know how to move. You was prepared for it. You got to think like that. You got to think like your boy OG Shizzy Brezel and shit, this been another Shizzy
Starting point is 00:12:10 Lit Podcast, you digs me, I'ma get with y'all my peoples, and later, you dig! Yo, yo, yo, it's your boy OG Shizzy Brezel, and everybody go check out Shizzy Lit Podcast on if you are rock with your boy when he go live. But you can also catch me on any of your favorite streaming platforms. I'm everywhere, baby. Shizzy Lit Podcast, Shizzy Lit Vlogcast 2021. Highlight it. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Yo, yo, yo, it's your boy OG Shizzy Brill. And everybody go check out Shizzy Lit Podcast on if you want to rock with your boy when he go live. But you can also catch me on any of your favorite streaming platforms. I'm everywhere, baby. Shizzy Lit Podcast, Shizzy Lit Vlogcast 2021. Holla at your day.

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