Shizzy Lit Podcast 2024 - OGS Brizzle - SLP 2024 EP. 131 Treat Good Fathers Right

Episode Date: June 7, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So I told the goofy lil bitch, look bitch, don't make me pull up on your goofball asses app, oh shit. I'm on have hit you back bitch. Yo yo yo it's your big sis Envy Allison, my bad, I was telling my chick google about this one shit that was cracking slip with your girl earlier. Anyway this another shazzy lit podcast hosted by the big bro OG Shazzy Brizle with his, who do the most, pull up in ghost, face looking ass, ha ha ha ha ha ha laughing hard as shit, for real, anyway make sure you subscribe to our podcast on your favorite streaming platforms, make sure you all do that before i send the amazon squad through there and rock everybody, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, fuck on beans from state property and shit, that is too funny shorty, anyway, I'm out this John, you digs me?
Starting point is 00:00:47 Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, it's your boy OG Shizzy Brizzy. This another Shizzy Lit podcast, 2024, and a whole lot more from your boy. Yeah, it is. So, uh, huh, this type of good a podcast situation that they is, you know, feel me? Everybody, you know, men, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:06 grown folks per men, you know. We gotta have to our business provide for the kids. If you got a woman you gots to provide and shit. You got a lot of expectations on you and all that type shit, you feel me? So, you know, you gots to get on top of that shit, man. You gots to motherfuckin' really, you know what I mean? Like, get man. You guys to motherfucking really you know me like Get it in come up with something you know me try stay home do shit legal provide you know me and um
Starting point is 00:01:35 For needs and wants and shit not just needs and shit you know feel me sir no father's day coming up and shit I don't be liking how they be treating us on father's day and all that shit, you feel me? Some niggas don't deserve to get that title and shit. I'm a father and a dad and a pops and a grand pops. You can holla at my kids right now when all that type shit, you feel me? And you'll get that same answer, you feel me? I don't really have no problems with my kids.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Of course a nigga be broke, you feel me? I came up as a hustler and shit. You don't feel me I probably could have been a lawyer doctor or something like that if that's what I had strive to be I was in them fucking trenches. I was looking up the niggas that was um Hustling this shit. So that's what I wanted to do So when I finally did decide to get legal the law later on you to feel me So I'm a little behind, but I'm on my grind you to feel me and I'll be fine You know me but my keys Ain't never had to worry about that shit that probably wasn't even never a thought in the head unless they were just looking at something
Starting point is 00:02:36 That made him think like that or put him in that little Mind frame and shit they watching a gangster movie and shit seeing niggas hustling and shit But they never have to, you know what I mean? Motherfuckers been through some shit and all that, but that's what makes, it builds character. If you just grew up rich and spoiled and all that shit and didn't go through some shit, you'd be ready to hop out the motherfucker window,
Starting point is 00:02:56 jump out the bridge and say, you don't even know how to deal or cope with the nonsense, the door and bag, the financial status, the highest and all that. So when you come from the trenches and shit, you're the filming and go through, go through the hardships and all that shit early. You appreciate money. Motherfuckers that's bored and just born in the money don't appreciate that shit.
Starting point is 00:03:16 They think that shit really grow on trees and just everybody got it. This is so what you mean. Come up from the struggle and grind your way into some money. You appreciate that shit boy It all that type shit, and they chose shit. You know me so it'll mean just you know We gotta get a little bit more love out here on Father's Day for the ones that deserve it and all that type shit Cuz a nigga be good like it's just set up for niggas that look rough out here shit You know feel me and it's equal it's equal 50-50 it ain't nothing that
Starting point is 00:03:46 niggas ain't do back in the day that these chicks saying dude that ain't shit because there's a lot of chicks that ain't shit just like it's a lot of niggas that ain't shit and a lot of niggas that's that's honorable just like it's a lot of chick that's honorable but you see how they carry the men out here boy from child support to you, you know what I mean, police treating you rough, everything, whatever you can think of, especially if you're black. Dude, let's throw that over there, and an extra little spice, you understand me,
Starting point is 00:04:13 so shit don't be good out here and all that. You know, these just be my outside thoughts, my thinking out loud thoughts and shit, and I be like, hey, y'all know why be feeling this shit Why be coming from and all that shit? Me that's the beauty of me having a podcast and all that I can say and do what the fuck I want to you dig And if I feel how I feel I'm a sad and all that type shit, so you know, but Shout out to all the good fathers and shit. Fathers they on his way and shit.
Starting point is 00:04:45 I only seen one and a half commercials and shit. And it wasn't nothing a nigga wouldn't want. They keep on trying to get you motherfucking power tools and all that goosey shit. One thing I can say about my kids and shit, they do get me some good little gifts. I got a bunch of good ass shirts and shit with like nice little sayings or like all my kids name on it.
Starting point is 00:05:03 I got this one joint. It looked just like the black pathing shirt, but it's a black father and they got all my kids name. They got a paw You don't feel me for each of my kids name So needless to say that shirt got hella paws on it if they got all my kids name on it You just feel me that's all I'm gonna say about this six paws, but fuck it to me But shirts like that and I got one little black history shirt, but it say black history, and they cancel the history out and say period. Because I'm black, that's all, this is just my history all the time. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:05:36 So yeah, shit like that. But other than that, I'm talking about like society. You know what I mean? And a lot, just a lot of motherfuckers out here, we don't get treated, you know what I mean? Like the mothers get treated, and I don't think we should. Some fathers is super exceptionally, but if you doing your thing and handling your business,
Starting point is 00:05:57 you know what I mean? You should be in there, but if you like a single father or something, you doing exceptionally more, you know what I mean? And you taking on all the shit as a father and a mother oh you yeah you're special type bother fucker we gots to show you love this shit it 'll feel me so you know I'll just be rambling and all that shit this is like more like a y'all need to show the father some more love I be saying some chicks out there showing his love cuz it'd be so bad for it even some of the chicks that's not bitches and thoughts and all that shit the real one
Starting point is 00:06:29 They see that shit and start feeling bad for us and show us a little love. So I appreciate y'all I ain't saying it's all you ain't never 100% Motherfuckers I'm talking about this shit. So I put my disclaim out there So I appreciate all the females they even just consider and think about that shit every now and then I say you don't get niggas problems But you're realist and shit You balance it out which works out you know if any sir it is what it is You know what you heard a furniture boy. Oh, Jesus. He's a bristle another she's a lit podcast 2004 and a whole lot more I just be giving y'all my thoughts on all this shit now
Starting point is 00:07:00 I'm ready going to super duper heavy production and all the series and seasons ready to start dropping and shit you feel me this just my warm up you know feel me I'm getting y'all back used to the littiness and shit y'all my little committee so come get with me your boy OG Shizzy I'm out yitty

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