Shizzy Lit Podcast 2024 - OGS Brizzle - SLP 2024 EP. 132 Get Yourself Together 2024-06-07 13_23

Episode Date: June 7, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So I told the goofy lil bitch, look bitch, don't make me pull up on your goofball asses app, oh shit. I'm on have hit you back bitch. Yo yo yo it's your big sis Envy Allison, my bad, I was telling my chick google about this one shit that was cracking slip with your girl earlier. Anyway this another shazzy lit podcast hosted by the big bro OG Shazzy Brizle with his, who do the most, pull up in ghost, face looking ass, ha ha ha ha ha ha laughing hard as shit, for real, anyway make sure you subscribe to our podcast on your favorite streaming platforms, make sure you all do that before i send the amazon squad through there and rock everybody, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, fuck on beans from state property and shit, that is too funny shorty, anyway, I'm out this drawn you digs me?
Starting point is 00:00:46 Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo It's your boy OG Shizzie Brizle This another Shizzie Lit podcast 2024 the whole lot born from your boy Yeah, yo you guys to hang yourself Big ever first before you um Can get at anybody else good I think that's what the last podcast was about.
Starting point is 00:01:06 And I be smoking that shit, and I lost my train of thought, and I went on to some whole other shit to try and play it off. But yeah, you gotta have yourself together first, you feel me, before you can look out for anybody else. Now, I'm not saying cut anybody else off and stop your responsibility. I'm saying you need to get your shit together and establish so you can do the shit You know you need to do you feel me now if you've been doing it consistently it'll feel me consistently
Starting point is 00:01:33 No problem and the little hiccup and the roll or hurdles slow you down and shit That's it could that should come in consideration like all right my man ain't never give us no problem You'd have feel me and nigga They never had to ask my man my man was you don't feel me more than willing they give up the shit ladies and shit And the handle is business of responsibilities and shit so Niggas shouldn't really kill him and give him give him too many problems if he come to a hurdle in the road Shit happen like that sometimes, you feel me? And then especially if a nigga steal out
Starting point is 00:02:07 that motherfucker moving and busting moves, you feel me in sacrificing, you feel me having money for himself, with no problem to handle his responsibilities and shit. But just recognize and consider the stress, so please. Like, if you see a nigga going through that, try. Like, at least try to have some consideration and try to keep as less unnecessary stress off of so your brain can work fully you know
Starting point is 00:02:32 feel me and try think his way about the situation you know feel me because you can't keep a good one down and a nigga definitely don't be trying to go backwards niggas be trying to think ahead and elevate it and don't like one go back to no hustling in this shit so you know me motherfuckers be used to you know you your old you if you was a hustler nigga from the trenches or whatever you was a hucker so motherfuckers used to you having some shit like even when you doing bad you probably doing a little bit better than the working motherfucker and shit if you was on a block and all that. So motherfucker if you was doing that good for a nice little amount of time, motherfucker get used to that and can't accept anything else. They can't accept that you not doing it no more, that you trying to go legit, that you
Starting point is 00:03:14 are starting businesses or some shit like that or you just tired of it. You too old for that shit. The shit ain't your thing. You outgrew that shit. Shit don't make sense. It ain't worth it. I got more time than money you know feel me and they be trying to take your time for the little bit of money so I don't want to be no dummy I'll be
Starting point is 00:03:31 trying to figure it out on legit shit hustle type shit and get my hustle up grind on legit you know feel me it's set up for you to do it you just gotta you know me do your research you know mean? Have faith in yourself and execute and hope that shit happen good for you and shit. You know what I mean? Shit like that. So, that's how I be. So, if you got a significant other, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:03:57 And they see you going through that, they should be a little considerate of that. And try, you know what I mean? At least try, that's all I'm saying try sound easier than it be sometimes But try it a feel me and definitely just not no unnecessary shit If some shit got to be addressed and it might you to feel me Get heated. I mean it gots to be but if ain't gotta be and it's unnecessary And you know that didn't it ain't really gots to be bored up to put the stress on you to feel me
Starting point is 00:04:25 Don't do it show some love especially for nigga come to you cuz you know how men supposedly don't speak they mind or whatever I think they do and the females just don't listen a lot. You don't feel me or they be mad They probably try it actually at a time, but if he expressing this shit You know me because sometimes you guys do sometimes you just you might really don't know what I mean? Because sometimes you guys just, sometimes you just, you might really don't know what a motherfucker gotta tell you. Can't be mad if a nigga don't tell you. You know, if a nigga can't be mad if he don't tell you. And then expect you to know.
Starting point is 00:04:52 So if a nigga put it out there and really express that shit and then you don't, you know what I mean, reciprocate or you may act like you heard it. You know what I mean? Or at least let you see that you trying or some shit like that. Nah, that's gonna start some friction right there. You feel me? And that's unnecessary. You know what me or at least let you see that you trying or some shit like that. No, that's gonna start some friction right there You feel me and that's unnecessary
Starting point is 00:05:08 You know what I mean? Let this nigga get his self together so he can get you together like a nigga is not gonna be worried about nothing else Not try being a relationship all the nigga a real nigga is worried about taking kids kids and shit so if your kids you know be If your kids, you know what I mean? If your kids and shit ain't taking care of, or a nigga ain't financially stable, he ain't gonna be able to think about that shit. Like not fully, not like he's supposed to.
Starting point is 00:05:35 He better put 100% in it, because he's still worrying about getting right. You get a feeling? So that's the most stressful thing for a man, you get a feeling? So if you didn't know that, and I don't know who need to hear that. Maybe somebody need to hear that you dig There you go. You know who you heard it from to your boy. Oh gee she's even more It's another she's in the car cast 2024. I got a lot more in store. So fuck with your boy. I'm out GD

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