Shizzy Lit Podcast 2024 - OGS Brizzle - SLP 2024 EP. 133 Maximize your passive 2024-06-07 13_52

Episode Date: June 7, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So I told the goofy lil bitch, look bitch, don't make me pull up on your goofball ass ass app, oh shit. I'm R have hit you back bitch. Yo yo yo it's your big sis Andrea Allison, my bad. I was telling my chick google about this one shit that was cracking slick with your girl earlier. Anyway that's another Shazzy Lit podcast hosted by the big bro OG Shazzy Brizle with his Who do the most pull up in ghost? Face looking ass. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Starting point is 00:00:26 laughing hard as shit, for real, anyway make sure you subscribe to our podcast on your favorite streaming platforms, make sure you all do that before i send the amazon squad through there and rock everybody, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, fuck on beans from state property and shit, that is too funny shorty, anyway, I'm out this drawn you digs me? Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo is your boy OG Shizzie bros with us another Shizzie lit podcast y'understands me 2024 listen to what I got in store Yedee shit, uh quick
Starting point is 00:01:02 quick advice Motivation whatever you call it and shit you want to take it you should take it motivational listen you got anything going on that generates some money i'm talking about if you ain't had no money and you did something and that shit generated one damn penny that motherfucker can generate you one million and keep going and keep going it depends on how much you put into it you water it and you water that seed and You know me and let that shit grow into a flower and let that bitch grow into a tree You know feel me a jungle or forest whatever you know me you got to just go at it once you see that that's passive income everybody want that so if you got a little job you got a
Starting point is 00:01:50 little side hustle you know feel me that you can set up and run that bitch run autopilot while you work and get in the other bag and you open a new avenues for you every time one business come you can you know what I, your brain a churn and think of another little sub business from that joint, you know what I mean? Like the podcast is audio. I'm getting the audio situation already and shit. Now I'm about to move it to the visuals and all that type shit.
Starting point is 00:02:18 You know they got the reels out here, TikToks, all that. You can generate some money. So all you gotta do is go at it, go at it, go at it, go at it, go at it Go at it go at it. Go at it. You know feel me like if you're um if all your content pieces like every individual content piece you make make 10 cent a day, right They could do the math. You know feel me? I'm gonna have a thousand I have a thousand pieces of content you know feel me and about a year So if them joints make it ten cents a day
Starting point is 00:02:49 You know me and maybe generate up the longer you go the more work you put it add up to a dollar a day So if you get it if you got a thousand pieces of content Individual is making a dollar a day what that mean you make it a thousand dollars a day And that's all in a just if it's making a dollar a day what that mean you make it a thousand dollars a day and that's all in adjust if it's making a dollar you got a motherfucking work up work it up work it up work it up you don't feel me and maximize your shit so it might have been you only making 50 cent every day you wasn't making shit and for you to me so you nourish it and you're watering and you're watering and you're watering and you're water it right and then water it and you water it and you water it and you water it right and
Starting point is 00:03:26 then It grows and grows so it grow from 50 cent might be 85 cent then a dollar You know fit so now if you make a dollar every day off your car tip in one year you to me 365 dollars off adjust either feel me Trying something so then they go to two dollars a day you do the math three dollars what about five hours a day about ten hours every day either feel me just keep on working it 20 30 40 once you get up to like 50 hours a day it'd mean every month you making a nice little chunk of change fifty dollars a day is 30 days in a month 31 days and some months and all
Starting point is 00:04:04 that yeah that's a nice little chunky change so in a month 31 days and some months and all that yeah that's a nice little chunky change so in a year and that's every year every year you still call pilot more episode more content whatever whatever you feel me getting more clout you to feel me more views more shares and all that so everything going up going up going up going up in the me once they go on autopilot that become a second lane of income then you're on to the next one on to the next one they say you need seven you know the feeling the feel like you at half
Starting point is 00:04:33 it you know what I mean but you know it's all about what you do your own strategies man just put that work and put that work and put that work and you did and um shit go happen to me I mean that's just the process man put your work and put your work It may some people put they working and don't even see no No way to make revenue yet They just know if you keep putting in work something go ahead in the world go open up a door for you So you know me you should always be working towards something it a meeting and sometimes When you just like doing something that it get you in the door more than just looking for
Starting point is 00:05:06 Money and shit and doing it for the money and all that you passionate You don't feel me and people see it motherfuckers got faith in your content and all that type shit They might want to put some money behind might want to sponsor you might want um, you know Put the uh Investing you and all that shit and help your money grow So there's always a good outcome for putting their work and shit They'll always be good or say like it's gonna be good But you gotta keep grinding keep driving stay consistent and all that type shit you defend because there's so many people out here
Starting point is 00:05:35 And you see the weird shit people like so you're fine the lane for you shit You gotta keep working keep honing and crafting your shit and all that good shit You feel me and that's just some good advice motivation from your boy you know man they set it up out here it's kind of easy to be a boss out here your shit it just be that first initiation maybe some paperwork you don't feel like doing maybe the first little fee payment you got paying all that shit is what got you procrastinating but once you do it you know feel me that shit might spark something Then you'll be then you'll stop procrastinating wondering how much money you would have made if you would have did it two years ago
Starting point is 00:06:13 When you first thought about it and all that type shit, so remember that keep that in your head and shit Let the seed grow grow grow grow and get that dough. It's your boy OG Shizzie Brizle. This another Shizzie Lit podcast 2024. Be ready for your boy, cause I got a whole lot in store. Yitty, I'm out.

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