Shizzy Lit Podcast 2024 - OGS Brizzle - SLP 2024 EP. 145 JULIO FOOLIO KILLED!

Episode Date: June 26, 2024

🤦🏿‍♂️Unfortunately Everybody Knew It Was Only A Matter Of Time For Julio Foolio! All The Disrespectfulest Dissin Peoples Dead loved Ones, And Then Move Reckless and Drop Locations! Killed ...On His B Day Just Like His Opps Did, KARMAS A BIIIIITCH!! #JULIOFOOLIO #RESTINPEACE #NEWS

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yo yo yo yo, this your boy OG Shizzy Boy We podcastin' to the next episode, hey hey hey hey Podcast everyday Have you tuned in to Shizzy List Podcast lately? If you did, kill yourself Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, it's your boy OG Shizzie Brizle It's another Shizzie Lick Parcash 2044 to rock monster from your boys on Holla at Me! Anyway, listen, do your quick tip, seed in your brain and let it grow and all that type shit You feel me life insurance, right? It ain't just for your life
Starting point is 00:00:48 It's for your kids life and all that that's big investments and shit. Everybody need to go and get a million dollar motherfucking um Life insurance right now. Don't tell nobody leave you try to take you out early Hopefully your kids they will be putting a little pl plow on my nindez twins type shit. I don't know none of that little spoiled rich white kid shit. Take your parents out for the insurance money and all that and they go floss it on the internet and all that shit and get back don't do that. You just hire somebody that you don't feel be hold your will down for you and all that type shit. You don't bein' um, they don't know about it till you're gone.
Starting point is 00:01:26 And a little video pop on like I be on the movies and shit niggas with the estates and shit. Like, yes son you get this, all y'all split that, such and such ways and shit, it'll feel be equally. You get this, you get the jewels, you get the artwork, you get the house, you get the vacancy, all that type shit, split it up equally amongst the youngins and shit. You know what I mean? Definitely don't let them know.
Starting point is 00:01:49 You know what I'm saying? They gonna try to pull your funky move with money, have mouth like a thousand shit. Never never. You know what I'm saying? We done seen stories and shit. That's really white kids though. Black kids don't do too much shit like that. But I did see one.
Starting point is 00:02:01 It was a little mixed kid though. Any motherfuck away. I don't know. I think that shit might be like a hundred dollars a month if you old like me if you're old you like me it's gonna be a little higher so if y'all think about this shit back y'all y'all 20s early 30s and all that shit that's the perfect time to start get the life of sure pay that up pay it up quick pay it up month many months as you can and shit you know feeling and then still pay monthly if you can if you got miss
Starting point is 00:02:29 month you know you already banged out of couple joints or whatever whatever and shit in advance in the meantime you get your shit back on track in the main and numb just work with it whenever you get some extra money throw that shit on it shit you know feeling so and find one that kick right in get it for me So if you get that motherfucker and then three months your ass die You still get that cash and shit like that get a feeling and um yeah That's just one investment if you're thinking about more than just yourself What happened with you to me if you thinking about your kids after you gone shit?
Starting point is 00:03:01 You mean you thinking about you thinking about the next generation after you when they only they don't even exist yet It'll fit me so shit like that big boy bossy shit futuristic goals and shit. You need to do two of you one for life Million definitely need a million dollar one. That's the one you don't tell nobody about Then you get like a 50 hundred000 one you put that on front Street a by thing. All right, cool. Cool. Cool. Hold time There's a cool million sitting in the cut you defend and if you got a Grab some money out of it. You can't you know me sir You know just Lord that's just one more investment way from your boy. Oh, gee, she's a bristle. I told y'all Yo, I don't just make y'all laughing in pain. I learn y'all motherfuckers. I learn just. You know feel me. I learn just
Starting point is 00:03:50 and it teaches you new strategies and shit. Some people might have knew, some people didn't. You know feel me. Everybody can get with it. You know feel me. Ain't gotta be a million dollar one. That's just the alternate joint. You get a million dollar one, don't nobody know about it, then you get like a hundred and fifty thousand won't let everybody think that's the joint whole time they getting that too right if you don't go into it but I'm gonna have one for the kids that I go and one for me to just fuck with that's like putting your money in the biz like and then of course really put your money in the bank let that interest grow the more you got the quicker the interest Well, the bigger the interest going to be and that's extra money. That's like a
Starting point is 00:04:27 Passive income you put a hundred thousand and then let the interest add up over like 10 15 years You know if any of finally get interest rate she and you made a couple thousand a nice little chunk You know if any so it's all about free money. You mean get that free money You don't know who y'all heard it from your boy Oh, gee, she's a motherfucking Brown another Shizzy Lit podcast 2024 and a whole lot more y'all know that stop playing around like that any motherfucking I'ma holla at y'all later I'm out yitty

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