Shizzy Lit Podcast 2024 - OGS Brizzle - SLP 2024 EP. 96 SLP Show Line Up 2024-05-28 17_16

Episode Date: May 28, 2024

Calling All Podcasters & Podcast Lovers!! Can I Ask Everyone To Follow My Podcast On All Streaming Platforms?🙏🏾#podcast 🎧🎙  #entertainment...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Warning. No, I mean warning. This podcast is hosted by a podcaster that does not, I repeat, does not know what to say out his mouth- state, country, town or human being on this planet, even aliens. I warned all of yous. I'm out. It's your boy OG Shizzy Brizzy with this another Shizzy Liz podcast 2024 with a whole lot more What more can we be asking for since we both got a whole lot in store? Yeah, it's me Anyway, yeah, dig I'm about to get it all the way together this time. I'm talking about action packed shows I already told you all this shit, but I'm doubling down and standing on my business in my world So you know what's gonna happen shit shit. I'm bringing back WTF news starring Envy Allison and shit. You know, I've been out here making money moves and shit, but it's time for production time again
Starting point is 00:01:14 I'm ready Production time right go full swing and shit. I'm dropping Seasons and shows all crazy and shit. I'm dropping that shit like Netflix, and I'm driving whole seasons at a time and shit Ain't no one ain't no one or two episodes. I'm driving whole season. You won't go to sleep seasoning up wake up Season up either family you can binge listen You're the film you can binge listening glistening glistening. I don't know Paul whatever for this I don't know, but I know you can do what you want. It's gonna be available for you to do how you want You can abuse
Starting point is 00:01:48 My content how you want to you can rock it one show a day Two maybe one in the morning one in the evening You know film three main morning afternoon and night you to feel me something like that But it'd be available or you can binge listen like I say you can play it and keep playing it over and Over again, you know feel me that it definitely helped your boy flow out in a day Show me some little comment on my shit. Let me know the part y'all like Let me know what y'all want me to rap about listen. I'm a one-man missile launcher. Yeah that feel me so Send me some links or give me some suggestions
Starting point is 00:02:25 Send me some links or give me some suggestions ask me some questions or something You dig and I'm gonna hold it down and all that you to me, but these is just the lineup I'm going with this this what I'm giving y'all you know If I'm ready going to full swing and shit when I tell y'all I got no with the spec I don't know what order they driving or nothing, but I know this what y'all got to it's That coming in store. I got this in store and y'all can expect this shit soon. You hear me? I got the WTF news star, Envy Addison dropping. If y'all don't know what that is, go back and listen to all them joints we got so far.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Shit, you hear me? Top 10s coming back, you hear me? Top 10 whatever, you hear me? Did you know it's coming back, you hear me. That's a whole fact what I would have said You know me that's a whole other show right there. So what I name so far WTF news star envy Addison that's one you to feel me um of course she's a little pocket But that's like the umbrella all these shows are naming is under she's a little part cast and shit You don't fit me so she's a good partick Podcast that's one showing itself the entity then we got WTF News star Envy Allison that's my Lord AI
Starting point is 00:03:30 virtual assistant uh uh uh text speech app and shit gangster you know feel me the gangster is text to speech speech to text uh assistance you ever met nv adison and shit you know me and the mv stand for narrator's voice and shit so yeah um what else i said she's in the pocket wtf new star nv adison what i would have said you know for me that's when we look at clips and listen to clips and shit and uh i tell you what i would have said because i don't be liking these answers niggas be giving out sometimes and I'd be Upset with these niggas and shit. So if I was there this what I would have said, you know How that always happens so that's gonna be a fun show. Make sure y'all check it out then
Starting point is 00:04:15 Did you know that it's coming back? Y'all can go check out that first season if you didn't and all that type shit because of her. That's a very educational you didn't and all that type shit because of her that's a very educational show right there you feel me so I hold y'all down on that is funny educational and all that shit is never born on chili-lit podcast unpredictable never born and all that type shit like that then what else I got I think that's it so far I think that's it of course uh Y'all can check me out on my other pockets and high rise intellectual with me and my team with shape shop and uh Denise and shit my home girl Denise and shit chocolate chocolate chocolate
Starting point is 00:04:55 I just call it nice out out. That's my home girl and shit We go by many Monica's and names and shit, you know? And what else, what else, what else, what else? I think that's enough right there. And of course, little random shits here and there. Shit, I got the comedy special ready drive again. That motherfucker's a classic and shit, you know what I mean? And it's rare, it's hard to get. I made it like that, I ain't run it with me.
Starting point is 00:05:18 I'ma put it up for the public's consumption this time. I had the bus moves with it and made sure that I made the proper amount of cash off that That was a special project. I put a lot of work in the red You know me I'm about to start putting that premium content out. We ought to subscribe to even though my shit already premium That's why my shake on be super premium mega ultra premium. You know mean content you dig so Let me go with a joint one more time and shit in conclusion this is the lineup for Shizzy Lit Podcast 2024 and a whole lot more
Starting point is 00:05:49 Shizzy Lit Podcast is the umbrella the entity that's his own show on itself you know feel me the podcast the whole platform Shizzy Lit Podcast podcast then under that we got WTF news featuring NBS we got what I would have said did you know that and top 10s you know feel me top 10s or whatever top 10 countdown We might count them up top 10 something you know feeling and uh there you have it. You know means so With that being said make sure you subscribe follow share Inform people you know feeling tell the people to tell other people and shit and help your boy grow It's your boy OG Shizzie Brizle. You already know this another Shizzie Lit podcast 2024
Starting point is 00:06:30 I got a lot in store. So be ready. I'm out. Yitty

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