Shizzy Lit Podcast 2024 - OGS Brizzle - SLP 2024 EP. 97 SLP Shout Out Good Fathers 2024-05-28 17_23

Episode Date: May 28, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Warning. No, I mean warning. This podcast is hosted by a podcaster that does not, I repeat, does not know what to say out his mouth- state, country, town or human being on this planet, even aliens. I warned, do you understand what I'm saying to you? But don't forget the 2024 and a whole lot more that I got in store So listen to your boy with him and hope you enjoy anyway Shout out to all the good fathers out there You know me not the bad ones and the sad ones shout out to all the good fathers out that motherfucker making shit happen You know me we'll do door for recognition or motherfucking praise We just do it because that's what we told to do We are our days if we make them it gots to take them we can't fake You mean that's a take care the kids and shit get a family. Well, I was always wondering this shit
Starting point is 00:01:19 Why you know me niggas wouldn't take care of a kid how you feel good out here doing anything? Yeah, how you feel good out here spending money or some shit like that? And you ain't spending it on your kid if you know your key is doing bad or some shit like that I ain't talking about the niggas that's trying and just doing rough You can feel me and can't hold it down at the time and shit try and figure it out I ain't talking about them talk about niggas that might be getting a couple out Might be fucking with another little chick with kids and taking care of them whole time your kids looking crazy out there You know feeling and it'd be bluffing ass excuses that nigga just got to get over like it don't matter if you beef with
Starting point is 00:01:54 Your baby mama. I ain't got nothing to do with the kid. You got to be grown about this You know what I mean? The kids shouldn't suffer because y'all motherfuckers can't handle that shit now I know that shit sound they sound good and shit It'd be more harder than it But no if you're honorable and official that shit should never be a problem You know feel and I know sometimes niggas be going through it with a goofy ass bitch They won't even let you see a kid, but you guys that keep on striving and survival in the family don't never Don't never do your kids dirty because you try to hurt the chick
Starting point is 00:02:24 I mean even if you gotta do the court thing and shit was real dick as though never want to do it Never try voluntarily go up in that motherfucker. That's an unacceptable situation But I'm saying that's how surgery gotta be about your kids Because we all know some chicks are played and use the kids against you and shit Especially if you take care of them. Let me just put this out there against you and shit, especially if you take care of them. Let me just put this out there. When a chick play with your kid, they only do that shit because they know you love them, and they know you take
Starting point is 00:02:55 care of them and shit. So they can't hurt a nigga that ain't shit, and don't give a fuck about taking care of their kid, so that shit don't work on them. So any time a nigga going through that shit, instantly know that's the nigga that take care of his kid you can't use that against a nigga that don't take care of their kids because you helping them the fuck out you're not letting them see the kid they got excuses not to give money and all that type shit no you still gots to give up you still gots to support your child so listen if you gots to
Starting point is 00:03:24 put yourself on child support don't you think that's a better situation than somebody telling you or making you do it make it make it on your own stipulations and shit especially if you don't got no problem with paying then you can go in there demand some shit when y'all go in the court because you already handling business you already taking care of you already doing your part so they gonna be wondering like why you want some petty shit you guys to do right to show the pettiness from the other person So if you talk about somebody on the other side being petty you guys to be doing right on your side Just for your credibility to be something in the family, so let's get that out there with that
Starting point is 00:03:57 But of course we know about these little chicks that play game But you gotta be ready to play games to fight fire with fire. You know me But you gotta be ready to play games to fight fire with fire. You know what I mean? So you just got to stand on that basis of a female cannot do that to a nigga that ain't shit Only niggas that take care of their kid that move work on them So once y'all realize that a whole lot of shit to be easier like you can't make me mad About not seeing my kid if I ain't shit and don't see my kid anyway about not seeing my kid if I ain't shit and don't see my kid anyway. That shit only work on niggas that take care of their kids and care about their kids so I need y'all to know that shit. Get a feelin? Which is the bullshit niggas
Starting point is 00:04:32 should have to go through that shit but the responsible grown thing to do get a feelin? Is go through that court system pay that child support because you shouldn't have no problem with taking care of your kid anyway and then you'll have some say you might get 50-50 custody the bitch might have been so petty or do some stupid shit You might get full custody and just you know, feel me Be you mean be all you can be like the damn army for all I know anyway I'm just giving you tips and all that type shit all the shit experience I never just speak on shit that I didn't go through or see closely and shit but a rough yeah man shout out to all the good fathers and shit even though it seemed like we
Starting point is 00:05:09 don't get no credit or no love into me even around father's day look we see one and a half commercials and is about a drill but when it's mother's day boy which I hate no one the mother's mother's definitely pulled to get extra special you to feel me love and shit. They don't nurture is and shit They don't want they got to deal with the kids more more than anybody except for a handful of Exceptional gentlemen out there you to fit that single male parents and shit that hold it down Extra shout outs to y'all you to feel me with a double salute You to feel me and a bag of gas for y'all to blow
Starting point is 00:05:43 You know me but good fathers and shit father's periodasses for y'all to blow. You know what I mean? But good fathers and shit, fathers period. Y'all see how they treat us on Father's Day and shit? Y'all see how we get done dirty and shit? It's set up for us to go down right now. But it's from you clowns that didn't go around and take care of your peoples and shit. Now that shit done spread out for everybody, boy.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Anyway, I just had to let y'all know that. Put on your brain throw that seed out there let it grow so you can know this another Shizzy Lit podcast 2024 on the whole lot boy holler at ya boy cuz I got a lot in store I'm out you digs me

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