Shizzy Lit Podcast 2024 - OGS Brizzle - WTF News!! Man Ordered To Pay Child Support Kid not his tho!! 2024-06-09 01_19

Episode Date: June 11, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, everyone. This is another WTF News on Shazilit Podcast. Is WTF News. What's popping with everybody? It's your girl Envy, host of WTF News on Shazilit Podcast. Fuck with your girl. What's good, everybody? It's your girl Envy Allison, the hostess of WTF News on Shazzy Lit Podcast. I'd like to welcome everyone to the show, with you all, Bujubont on face having asses hahahahahahahaha laughing hard as shit, anyway. Let's go. Man order to pay 30k dollars in child support for kid who is not even his child, crazy. How is that even legal?
Starting point is 00:00:40 WGN9 News and WTF News posted, February 18, 2015 and updated, June 9, 2024. Detroit, a man who has no children has been ordered by a judge that he must pay child support. According to WXYZ, Carnell Alexander's ex listed him as father when applying for welfare benefits. Court documents indicate that a process server gave Alexander, in person, a notice of hearing at a house he once lived at. But Alexander says he wasn't at the house on the date he was allegedly served.
Starting point is 00:01:14 He in fact was incarcerated for a crime he committed as a young man. He asked a judge to remedy the situation, but got this response instead. I am outraged that Mr Alexander for two and a half decades failed to take this matter seriously," Judge Kathleen McCarthy said, explaining that Alexander should have filed a motion to set aside the acknowledgment of parentage long ago. That motion must be filed within three years after the child's birth, or within one year after the order affiliation is entered. The defendant has failed to timely file this motion setting aside the acknowledgement of
Starting point is 00:01:48 parentage, she said. Because this case is more than two and a half decades old, she ruled that he must pay indicate that a process server gave Alexander, in person, a notice of hearing at a house he once lived at. But Alexander says how no he wasn't at the house on the date he was allegedly served. He was incarcerated for a crime he committed as a young man. Alexander says he did not file that motion because he learned he was allegedly a father after being released from prison and he did not have an income or savings at the time.
Starting point is 00:02:18 He says he only. Had an 8th grade education and wasn't able to find an attorney to help him. He says he did make sure a friend of the court workers and judges on the case knew he was not this child's father, had never been in the child's life, and didn't want to be held responsible. Alexander says when he learned of the case against him, the court gave him an old address for the mother who claimed he had fathered. A child.
Starting point is 00:02:42 He went there hoping to get a DNA test to prove his story. She didn't live there. At that point he says the court told him it could not help him in any other way to locate the mother who said he was the father. His current attorney Cherica Harris believes that he should have been helped. The real father has been in the life of the now adult child, unlike Alexander. Although the court didn't go as she hoped, and he still owes more than $30,000 in child support, she says she will file other motions. Alexander says
Starting point is 00:03:11 he understands he may owe money according to the fine print of the law, but he will never believe it is right. The law is not going to fit into everybody's situation. Why don't they use common sense, Alexander told WXYZ, that's some petty ass shit if you ask me. Horrible. Now no one listened to a Detroit man fighting a $30,000 child support bill. He said it wasn't his. And then Action News got involved. Our Kim Russell tells us what's happening now.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Seven Action News exposed the story of a man who says he's being forced to pay $30,000 in child support for a kid that's not his and was never in his life. Now thanks to our story, he may finally be getting help. Over the years, while in court fighting failure to pay child support felony charges, Cardinal Alexander again and again showed his evidence to the court. DNA tests proved he's not the father to the child and the child's mother admitted she made a mistake when she named him as the dad in order to get welfare benefits decades ago. I had to turn to welfare to get a sister to take care of them and I had to put him down as the father that
Starting point is 00:04:18 was the only way I could get a sister. But the courts didn't care. I just don't understand what their motive or their aggressive action against me is when they know that it's not my baby. So he showed the evidence to our cameras and someone who does care took action. Actually I have to give credit to you. I do say thank you so very much for bringing Mr. Alexander's story forward. Attorney Cherica Harris is now working on motions she hopes will fix the many things that went wrong in this case.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I thank God for your presence. I thank God for me and you encountering. And I thank God for Ms. Harris who is helping me. Attorney Harris says she sees this all the time. She says the message people need to take home is if you're fighting a case through friend of the court, you need a good attorney. It makes you angry. It just makes you want to work harder to try to right wrong so that people can see, hey, it can be fixed. It may be a long process but we can't fix it if you contact the right attorney they can work it out for you. Carnel Alexander is not alone. Since our story aired we've gotten numerous calls and letters from people who say they've had similar experiences. We're going to
Starting point is 00:05:18 continue to follow this. In Detroit, Kim Russell, 7 Action News. Well you can help offset those legal costs. A legal defense fund has been set up for Carnell. Alexander if you would like to help out the link is posted on our website Damn bro. Whoever that woman is, she put bro through the most. Child support rules needs to be modified to protect fathers from the petty shit that women do when they are upset, and on some spiteful nonsense, for real. OG, how do you feel about this extra shit they doing to main man?
Starting point is 00:05:47 I know you not feeling the judge for her decision. Good looking out, good looking out, NV. I'm proud of you, shorty. That came a long way. Earned your old motherfucking short guy. Be co-hosting this shit. What I always say about main man is he fucking up because I'd have been down that bitch in 3.5 seconds 3.3 minutes. You feel me? Definitely not three hours if we're the same building I'm talking about three minutes boy
Starting point is 00:06:13 I'm gonna have a paper in the pen in my hand like I'm not the man Like I was on the Mario show fuck that Dancing and all that shit while I'm signing these papers and shit and I shouldn't have to pay shit I should get a check back bitch got me paying shit for that bitch I told y'all motherfuckers to book my mother fucker see the shit y'all motherfuckers make that bitch pay why I got to pay And I've been told y'all what the fuck the shit was going say so any but fuck away That's all my take is on it. You know, he definitely Dropped the ball and didn't stand tall.
Starting point is 00:06:47 You know, feel me? Motherfuckers, you know that's a nigga dream. The motherfucker proved that the motherfucking kid that he is, he ain't got to pay no motherfucking chance to pull. So what the fuck you procrastinating and waiting for? So like I said, I'm gonna turn it back over to you Envy. You're the man handing your business, yeti. Anyway, for more on this story, visit
Starting point is 00:07:08 Make sure you all tune in to WTF News on all your streaming platform of choice and listen to what the hood listening to, you hears me? I'll get with everybody on the next WTF News on Shazzy Lit Podcast, I'm out.

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