Simple Swedish Podcast - #228 - Gammalsvenskby - svensk by i Ukraina (lätt)

Episode Date: May 20, 2024

Nivå: A1-A2 En svensk by i Ukraina? Där folk fortfarande har svenska traditioner och man kan hitta personer som talar en gammal, märklig form av svenska som med ursprung i dagens Estland? Lyssna p�...� detta avsnittet så får du veta mer om det här intressanta ämnet! En webbsida med information om Gammalsvenskby Vidor på YouTube om Gammalsvenskby -------------------- For English, scroll down! -------------------- För att stödja podden och få transkript till avsnitten - bli patron för bara 5€ per månad – klicka här! Tycker du redan att den här podden är ganska lätt, och vill nå en avancerad nivå i svenska? Då är kursen Strong Swedish för dig! Klicka här för att läsa mer! -------------------- English: A Swedish village in Ukraine? Where people still have Swedish traditions and you can find people speaking an old, strange form of Swedish that originated in modern-day Estonia? Listen to this episode to find out more about this interesting topic! To support the podcast and get transcripts to the weekly episodes – become a patron for only 5€ per month - click here! Is this podcast already quite easy for you, and you would like to reach a more advanced level in Swedish? Then the Strong Swedish course is for you! Click here to read more! ------------------- Instagram: swedish.linguist YouTube: Swedish Linguist Website: Language Lock-in: ------------------- Ett smakprov (sample) på transkriptet:   Hej där! Välkommen till ett lätt avsnitt av Simple Swedish Podcast. Visste du att det finns en svensk by i Ukraina? Det är faktiskt sant. Det finns en svensk by i Ukraina, och den heter Gammalsvenskby. En by är som en stad fast mycket, mycket mindre. Och ja, den här byn, Gammalsvenskby, det är en by med svenska rötter, och där vissa människor faktiskt fortfarande kan prata svenska. Så hur hände det här? Hur gick det till? Jo, den här historien börjar på Dagö. Och Dagö, det är en ö utanför Estland.   Och det här området, inklusive den här ön, det var faktiskt svenskt fram till år 1721 (sjutton-hundra-tjugo-ett). Ja, för ungefär 300 år sedan.   Och om du lyssnar på det förra avsnittet, avsnitt 227 (två-hundra-tjugo-sju), så får du höra mer om hur det området blev svenskt. ....för att läsa hela transkriptet till detta och alla andra avsnitt, klicka här!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi there! Welcome to a light episode of Simple Swedish Podcast. Did you know that there is a Swedish village in Ukraine? It's actually true, there is a Swedish village in Ukraine, and it's called the Old Swedish Village. A village is like a city, but much, much smaller. And yes, this village, the Old Swedish Village, is a village with Swedish roots, and where some people can still speak Swedish. So how did this happen? How did this happen? Well, this story begins on Dagö.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Dagö is an island outside Estonia. This area, including this island, was actually Swedish until 1721, about 300 years ago. So, if you listen to the previous episode, episode 227, you will hear more about how that area became Swedish. But until 1721, the area was Swedish. Then it became Russian. Russia won a war against Sweden and took over this area, which is then part of Dagö. So Dagö. And there lived at this time about 1500 Swedes. And then at the end of the 17th century there was a conflict between Swedish Bunder and Aden. A bond, it is a person who works with, for example, to grow vegetables or to keep animals, for example cows or pigs. You simply use the earth. And the Aden is like the elite, one might say.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Those people who had special privileges, extra power, they were rich and so on. The Aden. So there was a conflict between the Swedish country in southern Ukraine, what is now southern Ukraine. At this time, it was part of Russia, and they had recently taken over this area from the Ottoman Empire. So these bonds would get fertile land in this part of the Russian Empire dnip på svenska också. År 1780, då var det över tusen av de här svenskarna, och det var majoriteten av svenskarna på Dagö. De började vandra hela vägen från det som They started to walk all the way from what is now Estonia to what is now Ukraine. It was a long, long and difficult walk. They walked all the way. And there were many, many of them who died along the way, several hundred of them died and it took nine months for them to get there. And when
Starting point is 00:04:58 they got there, when they got there, there were no houses, because they had been promised houses. Not only land and land, but also houses. But there were no houses, and life was very difficult. And there were several hundred more who died, and after a few years there were only about 200 of these Swedes left. They kept the Swedish traditions, they kept their Lutheran faith and they kept the language. They had a so-called East Swedish dialect. This dialect is no longer there because it was spoken by Swedes in what is now Estonia. And I don't think there are any Swedish speakers left in Estonia. But in any case, in the 1800s, especially towards the end of the 18th century, life became better.
Starting point is 00:06:28 The Swedes became more, relations with Sweden were built. So the contact between this old Swedish village and Sweden became stronger. You got money to build a church and school. And the population grew. The population, the people who lived there. Many also moved to Sweden. And today what will it be, 230 years after this village was founded.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Founded, that is, they founded that village, they started that village. And yes, today there is still They started that village. And yes, today there is still this Swedish heritage. You can still see the Swedish roots. And some people still speak Swedish with a very, very strange dialect, because this is a kind of East Swedish dialect that has survived for 200 years. So it is very interesting. There are videos on YouTube YouTube, which you can see here. But unfortunately, since the war started in Ukraine, since the invasion of Ukraine in Russia, life in the old Swedish town has become very, very difficult. has become very difficult. Many houses are either damaged or completely destroyed by Russian attacks, including the school.
Starting point is 00:08:34 The school is destroyed by Russian bombs and only 70 people live in the village. Because this village is very close to the front. Very close to where the war is taking place right now. So of course it is very sad. It would be very sad if this ends the story of this special town. I hope not. I hope that it ends this. But yes, that is the situation right now. And yes, I wanted to make a little episode about this special village with strong connection to Sweden.
Starting point is 00:09:38 And I will link to some pages in the description. So that was about old Swedish village. Have a good one, and I'll see you in the next episode. Bye bye!

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