Simple Swedish Podcast - #232 - Handla kläder (lätt)

Episode Date: June 2, 2024

Nivå: A1-A2 I det här avsnittet går vi igenom ord som är bra att veta när man handlar kläder! -------------------- För att stödja podden och få transkript till avsnitten - bli patron för bar...a 5€ per månad – klicka här! Prenumerera på mitt nyhetsbrev och få mejl med artiklar, intressant information och uppdateringar varje vecka, allt på LÄTT SVENSKA. Dessutom får du en GRATIS PDF med de 20 vanligaste misstagen folk gör i svenska. Klicka här och prenumerera på nyhetsbrevet! -------------------- To support the podcast and get transcripts to the weekly episodes – become a patron for only 5€ per month - click here! Subscribe to my newsletter and receive weekly emails with articles, interesting information and updates, all in EASY SWEDISH. You'll also get a FREE PDF with the 20 most common mistakes people make in Swedish. Click here and subscribe to the newsletter! ------------------- Instagram: swedish.linguist YouTube: Swedish Linguist Website: Language Lock-in: ------------------- Ett smakprov (sample) på transkriptet: Tjenare! Välkommen till ett lätt avsnitt av Simple Swedish Podcast. Och idag ska det handla om att handla kläder. Ja, kläder är ju det man har på sig - t-shirt, byxor, klänning, vad det nu kan vara. Så jag tänker att ni ska få lära er några nya ord som har med att handla kläder att göra. Att shoppa.   När man handlar kläder så kan man ju antingen planera, alltså bestämma i förväg vad man ska köpa, eller så kan man bara gå och shoppa spontant. Att shoppa är ungefär samma sak som att handla. Men ordet ‘handla’, det känns lite mer som att man handlar mat. Och när man shoppar så känns det lite mer som att man köper kläder. Men man kan såklart säga ‘handla kläder’, man kan säga ‘shoppa kläder’ också.   ....för att läsa hela transkriptet till detta och alla andra avsnitt, klicka här!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to a light episode of Simple Swedish Podcast. Today it's about shopping clothes. Clothes are what you have on you. T-shirts, pants, clothes, whatever it is so, yes, I think that you will get to learn some new words that have to do with to shop so, yes, and when you shop clothes, you can either plan,
Starting point is 00:00:52 that is, decide in advance what to buy, or you can just go and shop spontaneously. go and shop spontaneously. And yes, to shop is about the same thing as to shop, but the word to shop feels a little more like you're shopping for food and when you shop it feels a little more like you're buying clothes. But you can of course say to shop clothes, you can say to shop clothes as well. But shopping is often an activity in itself. Like, yes, I'm going shopping. It often means that you're going to buy clothes, shop clothes. And you can do that in clothing stores. And clothing stores are often on a shopping street or in a shopping center.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Yes, a shopping center, that is a very big building with a lot of different shops. You can also say shopping center. And a shopping street, yes, it is a street that often has many clothing stores. Yes, and in the clothing store there are different divisions. So you have the male division, that is the men division. You have the female division, for ladies, that is, women. You have maybe a child division for children. So you go to the right division and you look and choose which plague you are interested in. So a plague is like, yes, clothes, but in singular. A clothing bag. Yes, and often you want to try your bags before you buy them. So to try the bag you need a test room.
Starting point is 00:03:22 And you can ask, for example example where is the test room? Ok, they are over there. So, in the test room, there you take off and take on what you want to try. So if you want
Starting point is 00:03:40 to try a pair of pants then you have to take off your pants that you already have and put on the pants you want to try Yes, and it is important to have the right size So if the shirt is too big Then you need to try a smaller size. So, you can for example ask the staff if they have this in a smaller size. For example, often you use the sizes S, M, L, XL and so on.
Starting point is 00:04:29 A coat can also be comfortable to wear. It can feel nice to wear these pants. They are comfortable, they are nice. Or they can be uncomfortable, for example too tight. If something is too tight, then maybe it is too small. It often doesn't buy that jacket. So, yes, you can say that this shirt is nice or nice or it looks good You can say it suits me
Starting point is 00:05:29 If you say it suits me, it means that it suits me It looks good on me That is my style So it fits me. Or it might not fit, it might be too tight, or too big, too puffy. So puffy is when it's very big and not... Or it sits badly, or it sits good So if something looks good, looks nice, fits you, sits good, is the right size and so on
Starting point is 00:06:16 Then maybe you go and buy the plug and yes, so you go to the cashier the cashier is, yes, where you pay for what you want to buy and, yes sometimes they ask are you a member? yes, are you a member?
Starting point is 00:06:44 yes, it means often you can be a member? Yes, are you a member? Yes, that means often you can be a member at different clothing stores and then you get special offers you might get discount collect points and so on
Starting point is 00:07:00 I am not a member at any clothing store, but often they ask me for a bag. A bag that you can put your clothes in and carry home. So often you need a bag. Yes, I hope you have learned maybe some new words so that it will be easier for you
Starting point is 00:07:38 to shop clothes in Sweden next time. So, yes, I hope hope you liked the episode. See you soon. Bye!

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