Simple Swedish Podcast - #235 - Optimera inlärning

Episode Date: June 12, 2024

Nivå: A2-B1 Jag läste en artikel av Dr Huberman, en framstående forskare som jag ofta lyssnar på. Artikeln handlar om hur man optimerar inlärning, och vi går igenom nio olika punkter. För att s...tödja podden och få transkript till avsnitten - bli patron för bara 5€ per månad – klicka här! Letar du efter en plats dit du alltid kan gå för att träna din svenska varje dag? Har du svårt att få tillräckligt med tid att PRATA svenska? Vi har löst ditt problem, och det heter The Language Gym! Klicka här för att läsa mer! --- English --- I read an article by Dr. Huberman, a prominent neurscientist who I often listen to. The article is about how to optimize learning, and we go through nine different points. To support the podcast and get transcripts to the weekly episodes – become a patron for only 5€ per month - click here! Are you looking for a place where you can always go to practise your Swedish every day? Having a hard time getting enough time to SPEAK Swedish? We’ve solved your problem, and it's called The Language Gym! Click here to read more! ------------------- Instagram: swedish.linguist YouTube: Swedish Linguist Website: Language Lock-in: ------------------- Ett smakprov (sample) på transkriptet:   Hallå, hallå! Välkommen till Simple Swedish Podcast. Idag ska det handla om hur man lär sig bättre. Jag är ju lite av ett fan av Dr. Huberman. Om du inte vet vem Dr. Huberman är, han är en forskare och han har en podd. Han pratar om väldigt många olika saker. Mycket om hur man mår bättre och hur man gör saker bättre. Hur man förbättrar sitt liv, sin hälsa och många andra saker.   Idag ska vi prata om hans protokoll för inlärning, alltså hur man gör för att maximera sin inlärning.   Jag ska som vanligt tacka några nya Patrons. Det är Miina, Danny, Katharina, Martin, Rafal, Nancy, manjak8, Ernesto. Tack till er för att ni stödjer den här podden. Det är väldigt fint att stödja den här podden tycker jag. Om det är någon annan som också vill göra det, gå till Där får du transcript till alla avsnitt för bara 5 euro i månaden. Okej, inte alla alla avsnitt, utan om du går till nästa nivå, alltså 10 euro i månaden, då får du också ett extraavsnitt varje månad, och tillgång till våra chattrum på Discord.   Där kan ni skriva med varandra, och med mig. Skriva dagbok, prata om olika resurser för att lära sig svenska, och så vidare. Så, för att maximera sin inlärning. Och det är ju någonting som är väldigt bra när man lär sig språk. Så vi ska gå igenom nio olika punkter för att maximera sin inlärning. Nummer 1 är att bli alert. Ja, att bli vaken, alert, uppmärksam. ....för att läsa hela transkriptet till detta och alla andra avsnitt, klicka här!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, hello! Welcome to Simple Swedish Podcast. Today it's going to be about how to learn better. I'm a fan of Dr. Huberman. If you don't know who Dr. Huberman is, he is a researcher and he has a podcast. He talks about many different things, and a lot about how to feel better, how to do things better, how to improve your life, your health and many other things. And yes, today we will talk about Hans' protocol for learning. How to maximize your learning. I will as usual thank some new Patrons. It's Mina, Dani, Katarina, Martin, Rafal, Nancy, Manjak8, Ernesto. So thank you for supporting this podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:19 It's very nice to support this podcast, I think. And if there is someone else who wants to do that, go to slash Swedish Linguist. There you will get a transcript for all episodes for only 5 euros per month. Okay, not all episodes, but if you go to the next level, that is 10 euros a month, you also get an extra episode every month and access to our chatroom on Discord. You can write to each other and me, write a diary, talk about different resources to learn Swedish and so on. So yes, slash Swedish Linguist. So, to maximize your learning. And that is something that is very good when you learn a language. So we will go through nine different points to maximize your learning. Okay, so number one is to be alert, to be alert, alert, alert, because we have to be alert to trigger neuroplasticity and learning.
Starting point is 00:02:49 And neuroplasticity is that nerve cells, neurons in the brain can change and change shape and that the brain can change and develop. That is neuroplasticity. And to be alert involves many different mechanisms, but it is mainly the release of adrenaline. So, a simple way to be more alert is to do the following. First, take 25-30 deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. 25-30 times. After that, you breathe out completely and hold it.
Starting point is 00:03:54 And then you hold the breath with empty lungs for 15-60 seconds. And after you have breathed out and held the breath for 15 to 60 seconds you breathe in and hold the breath again. And you should not force yourself to hold the breath longer than it is comfortable. So when you feel that you need to breathe,
Starting point is 00:04:26 then you should start breathing again. So this is... I associate this with... with... what's his name? Iceman... what's his name? Vim Hoff, yes. Vim Hoff.
Starting point is 00:04:47 It's his signature exercise, you could say. This spiritual exercise. And I actually think that's a very good thing to do. Especially if I do that sometimes when I feel a little stressed or anxious. Yes, so that's point number one. To be alert. Point number two is to be focused. So, mental focus follows visual focus. So to increase focus,
Starting point is 00:05:26 turn on a wall or an object for 30 to 60 seconds. This is what you should do before you want to do this, before you want to have this learning session. So, turn on a wall in 30 to 60 seconds. It's okay to blink. And it feels like you feel that it is a bit exhausting. And it is exhausting because the brain is working on engaging your focus. So it is something you can do before you start learning. You just sit down, stare at a wall or an object for 30 to 60 seconds and then you start the task.
Starting point is 00:06:27 You can also do things like turn off your phone or put the phone in another room. You can turn off your web reader or at least just have necessary flyers open. So flyers are different flyers in your web reader window. Or simply turn off the internet. Yes, so that was to be focused. Number three is to generate repetitions. So when you learn, you should try to perform the maximum number of repetitions in each session. And when you do a repetition, try to do it a little faster than what feels natural. Because then it is easier to keep focus.
Starting point is 00:07:35 So you learn something and then you repeat it. And when you repeat it, try to do do it a little bit faster than what is comfortable. And you should try to repeat as many times as possible. Yes, it is generating repetitions. Then number four, and this is very interesting. Number four is to expect and also welcome wrong. Okay, so to do wrong when you learn is actually very positive. Why? Yes, because this increases the activation of nerve cells in the brain that makes you more alert. And that is actually quite reasonable.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Because if you do everything correctly, why would the brain notice that? Why would the brain become more alert if you do everything correctly? Because when you do something wrong, the stress level increases and then you get higher attention. You become more attentive, you become more focused and alert. And then you have a greater chance of succeeding on the next attempt. There are studies that show that a wrong frequency of about 15% is optimal, but we don't have to think so much about details.
Starting point is 00:09:30 so much on details, but the important thing is that you continue to do repetitions while the brain is in this optimal alert and noticeable state. Yes, so this is very interesting because people often think that it's bad to do something wrong, but number four, expect yourself to do something wrong and welcome to do something wrong because it increases the alert, focused state and makes you learn more effectively. Okay, so number five. Short, slump-like rest. Okay, so there are apparently studies that show that if we pause for 10 seconds and do nothing at all, the same pattern is activated in the brain as during the actual something, study or practice or train on something. If we take a short break for about 10 seconds and we do nothing at all. Then we activate these patterns in the brain, the same patterns as during the learning, but the activity goes ten times faster. So then you should try to take about ten 10 seconds long breaks about every minute but it can't be exactly every minute it has to be slump-wise
Starting point is 00:11:34 so that it's so that it's a little different every time I don't know exactly how important this is but it's interesting anyway. Number 6 is slumped reward. So these nerve circles that control reward in the brain, yes, it is probably dopamine and serotonin, I guess. So those nerve circles are close to those nerve circles that control motivation. So how are we going to reward ourselves for keeping our motivation high?
Starting point is 00:12:22 The answer is, sl is vague but regular. So we reward ourselves and we do it So this is how the casino works. They sometimes reward you, but it's completely random. You have no you know when you get a reward, then you don't get as much motivation. Point number seven is that you should limit the learning sessions to 90 minutes. So studies show that 90 minutes is the longest time we can expect to be able to maintain such an intense focus to learn. So if you sit and try to train or learn for more than 90 minutes, then you will not be able to have this intense focus. So after 90 minutes, or max 90 minutes, let's say, take a break for two to three hours. And in total, most people can learn intensively in a maximum of four to five hours per day. So yes, we have a maximum limit for how much, how long, how intensively
Starting point is 00:14:33 we can learn in one day. So that was seven, limit the learning sessions to 90 minutes. Number eight, after the learning, learning sessions for 90 minutes. Number 8. After in-learning, do a so-called NSDR protocol. NSDR stands for non-sleep deep rest. Meaning a kind of deep rest, but not necessarily sleep. rest but not necessarily sleep. So, there are studies that show that short, easy sleep or such NSDs can make you learn faster and deeper. Okay, so after you have studied or practiced
Starting point is 00:15:32 within an hour, do an NSDR protocol. So within a maximum of one hour. And that can be, for example, a short sleepover for 20 minutes, meaning that you sleep for 20 minutes, a nap, or a sleepover, as it's called in Swedish, or listen to an NSD script, for example, Yoga Nidra. I don't know what Yoga Nidra is, but it's something that Huberman recommends. But yeah, yeah. And then the last point, number nine, sleep. So sleeping longva tillräckligt länge och att ha hög sömnkvalitet. Det här är också väldigt
Starting point is 00:16:30 intressant för det som gör att de här nervkretsarna kopplas om och att vi lär oss, det är sömn. and that we learn is sleep. And also this NSDR that we talked about before. So sleep, deep rest, yes. So you can think of it like this, that this learning session, it is like the stimulus or the trigger for learning. But what actually makes you learn, what actually makes the nerve cells in the brain
Starting point is 00:17:17 reconnect, is sleep. So it's like when you sleep that the brain changes. It's the same thing as when you train, you trigger the muscles to grow. But the muscles don't grow during training, they grow during rest. So it's the same with the brain. You don't learn when you sit and practice, study and so on. The change in the brain happens when you sleep. So I think that is very interesting. And Huberman says that
Starting point is 00:18:09 you should get quality sleep at least 80% of the time. So if you sleep well and long, 80% of all nights, then that's good. So sleep is really worth getting good. So that was the nine points for Huberman's learning protocol to maximize the learning. And before we end, I want to ask you a couple of questions. Do you have a hard time finding the time to practice your Swedish? Or do you have trouble actually talking to Swedes?
Starting point is 00:19:05 They might switch to English, you might switch to English or the level is too high, it's a bit too difficult to talk to Swedes So, regardless if you simply find it difficult to talk to Swedes or if you have it's hard to speak Swedish with Swedes or if it's hard to find the time or if you just want to get more training on Swedish every day then Language Gym is for you We have group lessons every day
Starting point is 00:19:40 with different topics it can be role playing we can maybe discuss a Swedish series or Swedish news or something from Swedish culture or we might have our own presentations. focus on conversation. So in most of these lessons, you have conversations and you use new words, you get help from the teachers and above all you get to know other people in exactly the same situation as you, people from all over the world. It's actually very, very fun. And if you're interested in this, go to and click on Language Gym. I hope I get to see you
Starting point is 00:20:40 in Language Gym, because I'm actually a teacher there together with a few other teachers. We actually have, how many do we have? We have like six different teachers there. So there is a lot of variation and we have lessons every day. See you there! And now this episode is over. Thank you for listening. Hope it was interesting for you. And I'll see you in the next episode. Bye!

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