Simple Swedish Podcast - #238 - Att campa (lätt)

Episode Date: June 23, 2024

Nivå: A1-A2 Här kommer ett avsnitt om att campa. Lär dig ord relaterade till att campa och att tälta, och lär dig också lite om den så kallade allemansrätten i Sverige. -------------------- Fo...r English, scroll down! -------------------- För att stödja podden och få transkript till avsnitten - bli patron för bara 5€ per månad – klicka här! Prenumerera på mitt nyhetsbrev och få mejl med artiklar, intressant information och uppdateringar varje vecka, allt på LÄTT SVENSKA. Dessutom får du en GRATIS PDF med de 20 vanligaste misstagen folk gör i svenska. Klicka här och prenumerera på nyhetsbrevet! -------------------- To support the podcast and get transcripts to the weekly episodes – become a patron for only 5€ per month - click here! Subscribe to my newsletter and receive weekly emails with articles, interesting information and updates, all in EASY SWEDISH. You'll also get a FREE PDF with the 20 most common mistakes people make in Swedish. Click here and subscribe to the newsletter! ------------------- Instagram: swedish.linguist YouTube: Swedish Linguist Website: Language Lock-in: ------------------- Ett smakprov (sample) på transkriptet:   Ja, hej där! Välkommen till ett lätt avsnitt av Simple Swedish Podcast. Och idag så tänkte jag spela in ett avsnitt om att åka skidor. Men jag tänkte att det är ju sommar nu, så varför göra ett avsnitt om skidor på sommaren? Det är ju lite konstigt. Så då bestämde jag mig istället för att prata om att campa. För jag planerar faktiskt att åka och campa lite snart. Och det är också någonting som folk ofta gör på sommaren. Så jag tänkte att det passar för ett avsnitt på sommaren. Jag sitter och spelar in det här på midsommar faktiskt. Men eftersom jag sitter i Valencia i Spanien så kommer inte jag att fira midsommar.   ....för att läsa hela transkriptet till detta och alla andra avsnitt, klicka här!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to a light episode of Simple Swedish Podcast. Today I was going to record an episode about skiing, but I thought that it is summer now, so why make an episode about skis in the summer? It's a bit strange. So then I decided instead to talk about camping. Because I actually plan to go camping soon, and it is also something that people often do in the summer. people often do during the summer. So I thought that it would fit for an episode during the summer. I'm sitting and playing this during midsummer actually, but since I'm in Valencia, in Spain, I won't celebrate midsummer. But if you're in Sweden, I hope you celebrate midsummer.
Starting point is 00:01:37 And yes, to fight. What is it? What is fighting? What is it? What is camping? Well, I think you know what camping is. It's that you go to a camping site, often, maybe. And then you set up a tent or maybe you have a car or a car Yes, and this is
Starting point is 00:02:14 for having somewhere to sleep So you can sleep in, for example a tent Yes, then you first So, man kan sova i till exempel ett tält. Då behöver man först sätta upp tältet. Man kan också bo i en husvagn. like a little mini house that you can bring with you with your car. Or you have a
Starting point is 00:02:52 house car. You hear the word what a house car is. It is a car that you can live in. And then you are often at a campsite. So a campsite is a place where people can camp. where people can camp. And there, maybe there is, for example, electricity. There is maybe water, running water, and toilets and showers. There can also be, for example, a kitchen. So yes, there can be different facilities kök. Så ja, det kan finnas olika faciliteter och specifika platser där man kan sätta upp sitt tält eller där man kan ställa sin husvagn eller sin husbil. Och ja, om car and Yes, if you then
Starting point is 00:04:06 sleep in a tent Yes, then you probably often also have an air mattress with you so you blow up your air mattress or you may pump up your air mattress and you can sleep on it and often you also have a sleeping bag a sleeping bag is a bag you sleep in. It is common to have when you sleep in a tent. But you don't always have to camp in a camping site. Sometimes you can also camp in nature, or camp in nature.
Starting point is 00:05:12 In Sweden we have something called the right of all men. And the right of allten, you hear the name Allemansrätten, that is, everyone has the right to do certain things. For example, to camp out in nature. So in Sweden you can go out in nature and set up your tent where you want. So that is part of the right of every man. But you often do not get to set up your tent in a nature reserve or a nature reserve. You can also only sleep one night or maybe two. So you can only sleep one or two nights. And you have to show your own self-esteem. So to show your own self-esteem means that you behave well in nature.
Starting point is 00:06:38 That you don't throw the garbage in nature, that is, you keep nature clean, you take with you all the garbage, you take with you everything, so that it must look like when you came. So you destroy nothing in nature. So if you do that, show respect, that is, respect nature and so on, and do not destroy, do not destroy, then you can go out in nature and set up a tent, sleep one night, maybe two and that's totally ok. There are a few other rules, but this is something that I think is very nice in Sweden. Here in Spain you can't do that. It's quite difficult to find a good place to camp and you have to book a place there and those places are over. So yes, it's not easy to camp in Spain, but in Sweden it's much, much easier. So, what do you think about camping? I think a lot about camping. I think it is great to be out in nature and to get away from the city, get away from work and stress and so on. The best thing is if you get so far out in nature that you don't have a sign on your phone. Yes, a sign on your phone.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Sign is that you can call and use the internet and so on, but if you don't have drawing, then you can't call and use the internet and so on. That can be very nice sometimes. So what do you think about camping? Are you going to camp something this summer? I hope you have learned some new words. See you soon. Bye!

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