Simple Swedish Podcast - #239 - Breathwork

Episode Date: June 26, 2024

Jag berättar om ett event jag var på nyligen, där jag spenderade 3 timmar med andningsövningar, meditation och en ritual med kakao. Jag pratar också lite om hur man kan programmera kroppen med an...dningsövningar.  För early bird-erbjudandet om 10 000 SEK rabatt på vårt unika språkbad Language Lock-in Boot Camp, gå in på vår hemsida och registrera dig för vinterbootcampet! Endast de 3 första får detta erbjudande! För att stödja podden på Patreon och få transkript till alla avsnitt, klicka här och bli patron för bara 5€ per månad!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to Simple Swedish Podcast, episode 239. Damn, there have been so many episodes. Today I'm going to talk about an experience that I had recently, an experience I had last week. I was at an event where I did meditation, meditation, cakes and rituals, things like that. But first I want to say that our bootcamp, our summer bootcamp that we have now in August, it is now officially sold out. So fun fun, it's going to be really fun to do our second summer bootcamp. So welcome you who are with us in August. For our language lock-in bootcamp.
Starting point is 00:01:20 It will be great fun to meet you and to do our third bootcamp and our second summer bootcamp with you. And then I will of course also thank some new Patrons. It is Parmis, Alexander, Sam, Ronan, Dolo, Hamza, Suji, Steffi and Ozan. So thank you to all of you for supporting this podcast without the patrons, it won't be a simple Swedish podcast. So, yeah, just go to slash Swedish Linguist if you want to become a patron. I have started to make extra episodes for patrons on the 10 euro level as well. Otherwise it only cost 5 euros for a whole month. So it's still pretty cheap, I must say. So, what are we going to talk about today? I have to say it's cheap. So, what are we going to talk about today? We are going to talk about this event I was at.
Starting point is 00:02:32 It's called... What was it called? Breath? Right, it's called the Breath Act. It's in Spain. If you don't live in Spain, so I don't know if you live in Spain, it might not be so useful to know. But I know that there are many different people who are involved in this. So what is this? It was a three hour long event, I don't know if event is the right word. I don't really know what I should call this. It's three hours long
Starting point is 00:03:27 and the biggest part of the time is lying down and you have headphones on. Headphones, yes, that you put on or in your ears to listen to music or podcasts. You may have headphones on right now and listen to this. So you had headphones on and you hear their instructions and you hear music and sound effects and such. This is also based on neuroscience.
Starting point is 00:04:16 The goal is self-development, self-knowledge, to create the life you want, to become the life you want to have, to become the person you want to be, and things like that. And I am very curious about this. this on Instagram, I think. I thought, cool, I want to try that. So what happened? What did we do? So we entered a dark room, a rather large room, and it was illuminated by purple light and also electricity. So it was a rather cozy, a, mystical atmosphere. You enter the hall, you choose a place. The speakers were already placed on the floor. So you chose a place and you put your yoga mat there, so you would have a yoga mat with you.
Starting point is 00:05:54 I had my yoga mat with me. So you put your mat there and yes, you wait for it to start. And when it starts, you start by putting on your earplugs. And then the journey begins, you could say. So you close your eyes and first you sat down, but a larger part of this trip you lay down. It was also a part where you stood up and even danced a little. But a larger part of this time you lay down on the mat. In the beginning it was a lot about connecting the thoughts, connecting the head and being more in the body. So it was some kind of meditation and then it was meditation, different kinds of breathing exercises and instructions and a kind of music and sound travel. And then there was also a kind of ritual with cocoa. So that was
Starting point is 00:07:32 a bit cool actually, so you got to drink a kind of chocolate drink. But they said this is like a ritual. Apparently people drink cocoa as a kind of holy drink. A lot in South America apparently. It was pretty cool actually. I have quite a hard time, generally, to turn off my thoughts, to turn off my head, but it turned out pretty well. I think it was quite successful. I think it was thanks to these breathing exercises. Because it makes you get a different feeling in your body. And I came in... This was actually a pretty strong experience for me. shit. Ja, det här var faktiskt en ganska stark upplevelse för mig. Och ja, jag hade hört innan att vissa människor börjar gråta. Gråta, alltså det är när man är ledsen så gråter man. Jag hade hört att vissa människor börjar gråta and then you cry. I had heard that some people start crying when they do this.
Starting point is 00:09:08 I didn't think much about it, but... But my intention was that I would... What comes, it happens. And the instructions were, in the most intense phase, there were very strong breathing exercises, there was very strong music, the instructions were like, who do you want to be when you go out of this room, what do you want to leave behind? What do you want to let go of? What do you want to create? What do you want to create in your life?
Starting point is 00:09:53 And things like that. Very big things, big questions. And I just... I was totally involved in all of this. it became a very strong experience for me. The feeling I had in my body became very strong. I have never had such a strong feeling in my body without being affected by something, like something chemical. So this was a really cool experience. It was also a bit scary because for a while when it was very intense, it was as if my hands were completely stiff. Stiff means that they were paralyzed, I couldn't move them.
Starting point is 00:10:50 So I couldn't move my fingers, they were completely stiff and I didn't feel my hands either. They were like paralyzed. So I didn't feel my hands, they were completely stiff and very strange. Quite uncomfortable actually. But in the instructions they said all the time that this uncomfortable thing will pass, it will go over. So this unpleasant thing will go over, it will go over. And I relied on that and yes, it went over. So, yeah, I and I... What kind of intention did I have? It's a bit private maybe, but... But I decided that I should always trust myself fully.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I had no intention when I got there. I didn't know that I would have an intention. So I got a little panic. Shit, I have no intention. But I thought, okay, it will come. And then it came. And that was really cool. And I cried a lot of things, you let go of a lot of things. And after that I modded really well after this. after this one.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Well, it felt very good, you could say. So, yes, I am absolutely curious about having more of these experiences and maybe not three hours very soon again because it was very, very exhausting. I was very tired afterwards because it simply required a lot of energy. But it is very interesting, this with breathing exercises, breathwork. So... And I... Yes, many people know Wim Hof. Wim Hof is the ice man, Iceman. A Dutchman who is over 60 years old and he has this Wim Hof method.
Starting point is 00:14:12 He has 21 world records, this man, so that's crazy. But his thing is these breathing exercises. He has climbed Kil in ice for two hours. Also completely insane. He has gotten bacteria ingested in him. and in a way controlled his own immune system to manage it. So there's a lot, and what he does, his main thing is breathing exercises. man gör är ju liksom andningsövningar. Och jag har ju också lyssnat mycket på Dr. Huberman. Och jag har pratat också om Dr. Huberman i den här podden förut. Och han har ju också pratat en del om andningsövningar. En sak som man kan göra till exempel om We have talked a lot about breathing exercises. One thing you can do, for example, if you want to calm down a little, if you feel stressed, you can do a physiological suck. A physiological suck. To suck is like...
Starting point is 00:16:06 It's to suck. Okay. So a physiological suck. Then you first inhale through the nose. So quite a lot. A big inhale through the nose without breathing out first. So you fill the lungs to the max and then you breathe out everything through the mouth. And then a shift in the nervous system occurs from stress to calm. So first you breathe in deeply through the nose, and then immediately after you breathe in again, without breathing out first. So it's two inhales after each other, without any inhales between the nose.
Starting point is 00:17:16 And then you breathe out everything through the mouth. A physiological suck. Try it if you feel stressed. You may need one, two or three. It's just pure programming of the body. For the breath, you can control different things with the breath. You can also affect the heart rate with your breath. How fast the heart beats. and get a release of adrenaline through breathing. That is a lot of what you do with these breathing exercises.
Starting point is 00:18:15 You do cyclical hyperventilation. Cyclic hyperventilation is when you breathe in and out pretty fast and a lot You breathe in through your nose, then out through your mouth In through your nose, out through your mouth 25 times After that you breathe out completely, you empty your lungs and then you hold your breath for 15-30 seconds. This can be done a few times and then you become much more alert, because you release adrenaline. Interesting, interesting, this with the breathing exercises.
Starting point is 00:19:39 It's important to get a big effect when you combine meditation, intention, music, instructions and a ritual. Rituals are also quite powerful so yes you combine these things so you get a pretty strong effect and yes before we end I just have to talk a little about the bootcamp because as I said just talk a little about the bootcamp because as I said the summer bootcamp is now sold out but there are places for the winter bootcamp and then it is like this if you are interested in this bootcamp then we have the first three places will be given 10 000 SEK as an early bird gift. That's a lot of money, 10 000 SEK, but only for the first three places. So if you are interested in this bootcamp and you think it costs quite a lot of
Starting point is 00:20:50 money, because it does, it is a big investment, then this is the offer for you. So go to go to and register there. I have recently seen that earlier participants have had re-meetings, so they have met again and they are still friends and I think that's so funny if any of you listen to this. So, yes, it's fun that you still have contact and meet each other. This means that this type of experience makes you friends for life. So very, very nice. And when you learn a language, it Because to reach a high level, the language has to get close to you, close to your personality. That's when the language really becomes a part of you. And then it starts to feel natural. That's why we really focus on the social aspect of bootcamping. But the absolute most important thing is of course that you bathe in 100% Swedish for 9 days and you can't use any other language than just Swedish.
Starting point is 00:22:47 So it's a completely unique program that doesn't exist anywhere else, simply. So, that was today's episode. I hope you found it interesting. See you next week. Bye!

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