Simple Swedish Podcast - #240 - Månader och årstider

Episode Date: June 30, 2024

Vad är skillnaden på "i sommar" och "på sommaren"? I det här avsnittet lär du dig prata om månader och årstider.  -------------------- För att stödja podden och få transkript till avsnitten... - bli patron för bara 5€ per månad – klicka här! Prenumerera på mitt nyhetsbrev och få mejl med artiklar, intressant information och uppdateringar varje vecka, allt på LÄTT SVENSKA. Dessutom får du en GRATIS PDF med de 20 vanligaste misstagen folk gör i svenska. Klicka här och prenumerera på nyhetsbrevet! -------------------- To support the podcast and get transcripts to the weekly episodes – become a patron for only 5€ per month - click here! Subscribe to my newsletter and receive weekly emails with articles, interesting information and updates, all in EASY SWEDISH. You'll also get a FREE PDF with the 20 most common mistakes people make in Swedish. Click here and subscribe to the newsletter! ------------------- Instagram: swedish.linguist YouTube: Swedish Linguist Website: Language Lock-in:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to a light episode of Simple Swedish Podcast. Today we will talk about months and seasons. So, how to pronounce the months and maybe especially how to talk about them. Months and seasons. So you know what months are, but what is a season? Yes, it is spring, summer, autumn and winter. We don't say season, because a season is, for example, a season of a series, or for example, a skiing season, or if you work in tourism, you talk about high season and low season. But spring, summer, autumn and winter we call the seasons. So a season.
Starting point is 00:01:18 So first and foremost we will go through the months and their statements. So we have first and foremost January So January February March, okay, not March, but March March, April May June July March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. Pretty easy, not so difficult. But then, how do you talk about seasons? So we have, for example, the expression together with i. So we say, for example, i sommar. I sommar betyder sommaren som kommer about something that I'm going to do this summer.
Starting point is 00:02:54 So I'm going to arrange a Language Lock-in Bootcamp in the summer, in August, more specifically. So yes, this summer I will be participating and arranging language lock-in bootcamp. I can say, I can talk about something that happens in autumn. I will, for example, work a lot in autumn. I will try to work a lot in autumn. jobba mycket i höst. Jag ska försöka jobba mycket i höst. Och jag kan säga också i vinter. Så ja, om det är en årstid som kommer relativt snart, då kan jag säga i sommar, i höst, i vinter. i sommar, i höst, i vinter. Om vi pratar om en årstid som var nyligen, till exempel våren som var, då säger jag i våras, i våras. So till exempel i våras åkte jag till Sverige. Eller i vintras gjorde vi vårt första vinterbootcamp, language lock-in bootcamp. Det var i vintras, alltså vininten som var. Vinten som var, nyligen.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Okay. Men om jag pratar om någonting som inte var nyligen. Om jag pratar om sommaren förra året, ja, då kan jag säga sommaren förra året. Ja, det var, det hände sommaren förra året. Yes, then I can say the summer last year. Yes, that was, it happened last summer. Or next summer. Yes, next summer we will also arrange a bootcamp, probably.
Starting point is 00:05:13 So if you want to specify that it's next year or last year, then you can do that of course. And that is actually the same thing as with weekdays. So if it's Wednesday today, veckordagar. Så om det är onsdag idag och jag vill prata om fredagen som kommer, alltså om två dagar, då säger jag på if I want to talk about Monday, two days ago, I say on Mondays. On Mondays, on Sundays, on Saturdays, in the same way as in spring, in winter. like in spring, in winter. Yes, in spring, the spring that was, in winter, the winter that was. And when we talk about months, it's even easier. You simply say, for example, in April, in January, in June, and that can be both something that comes and something that has been. For example, I turned year in April. I filled 35 years in April. Or, I'm going to travel a lot in July.
Starting point is 00:06:52 I'm going to travel a lot in July. So we, it's basically in and then month, anyway. In June, in July, in August, in January, in February. But what does it mean in the summer? In the summer it means in general in the summer. All summers in general. For example, it never rains during the summer in Spain. In Sweden, during the summer, it rains quite often.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Or, during the spring, I usually ski. Or, during the summer, I often been busy. So in the summer, in the spring, in the winter, in the autumn, this is how you talk about months and seasons. So, for a season that is coming relatively soon, we say in summer, in autumn, in winter, we say in summer, in autumn, in winter in a time of the year that has been relatively recent then we say in spring, in winter, in autumn So that's it. I hope you have found this useful. So what are you going to do in summer?
Starting point is 00:08:50 And what are you going to do in autumn? Take care and see you soon!

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