Simple Swedish Podcast - #243 - Kite-surf på Sardinien (svår)

Episode Date: July 17, 2024

Ett avsnitt där jag pratar i vanlig takt om min resa till Sardinien för att kitesurfa, och om att lära sig nya saker, inklusive nya språk. För att stödja podden och få transkript till avsnitten... - bli patron för bara 5€ per månad – klicka här! Prenumerera på mitt nyhetsbrev och få mejl med artiklar, intressant information och uppdateringar varje vecka, allt på LÄTT SVENSKA. Dessutom får du en GRATIS PDF med de 20 vanligaste misstagen folk gör i svenska. Klicka här och prenumerera på nyhetsbrevet! ------------------- Instagram: swedish.linguist YouTube: Swedish Linguist Website: Language Lock-in: ------------------- Ett smakprov (sample) på transkriptet:   Ja, men hej där och välkommen till Simple Swedish Podcast. Idag blir det ett lite improviserat avsnitt. Jag är nämligen på resa och ja, jag tänkte helt enkelt prata lite om det, och några saker som händer just nu här. Jag är på Sardinien nu, faktiskt. Här på en liten kite-resa med ett gäng. Bland annat min bror, min kusin och några vänner. Vi är på kite-resa, det betyder att vi kite-surfar. Så jag ska prata lite om det. För det är något som är nytt för mig. Först som vanligt, innan det så tänkte jag tacka några patrons. Och det var faktiskt ganska många nya patrons idag. Det är Flo, Krish, Andrea, Sarah, Rana, Ana the Wandering Tomato, Valeria, Hong, Cristian, Ari och Sara. Så tack till er för att ni stödjer den här podden. Och kul att det var så många den här gången. Så det är alltid kul. Om man stödjer podden på 10-euronivån så får man ju också tillgång till chattrummet på Discord och uttalsövningar. Jag har börjat med veckovisa uttalsövningar också, som man får om man är på 10-euronivån. Annars kostar det bara 5 euro. Vilket också..båda dem är ganska billigt måste jag säga. Så tack till patrons. Gå till om du vill bli patron. Idag ska vi prata om vad jag gör här på Sicilien. För ja, jag är på en kite-resa. Det är så att min bror är kite-surfing-instruktör. Och, ja, det är ett gäng som ibland åker på kite-resor. Jag har inte varit med förut. Jag har aldrig kiteat förut heller. Men jag tänkte att det skulle vara kul att prova. Och jag tänkte också att det skulle vara kul att hänga med det här gänget, för det är ett jävligt gött gäng. Så vi har hyrt in oss på tre stycken rum, på ett hus här, som är en..det är också en kite-skola. Så man kan boka kite-lektioner här. Det har inte jag gjort men det var en i vårt gäng som har bokat kite-lektioner här. Jag har väl då förlitat mig lite på att min bror ska lära mig att kitea lite.   ....för att läsa hela transkriptet till detta och alla andra avsnitt, klicka här!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi there and welcome to Simple Swedish Podcast. Today it will be an improvised episode. I'm on a journey and I thought I'd talk about that a few things that are happening right now. I'm in Sardinia right now. And here, on a little kite trip with a bunch of people. Among other things my brother, my cousin and a few friends. And we're on a kite trip, which means that we kite surf. So I'm going to talk a little about that, because it's something new to me. But first, as usual, before that, I thought of course thank you to some patrons, and there are actually quite a few new patrons today.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Patrons today. It's Flo, Krish, Andrea, Sara, Rana, Anna the wandering tomato, funny name, Valeria, Hong, Christian, Ari and Sara. So thank you for supporting this podcast and it's fun that there were so many this time. So it's always fun. And if you support the podcast at the 10 euro level, If you support the podcast on the 10 euro level, you will say. Thanks to Patrons. Go to slash Swedish Linguist if you want to become a Patron. Today we will talk about
Starting point is 00:02:04 what I do here in Sicily. I am on a kite trip. My brother is a kite surfing instructor. They are a group that sometimes go on kite trips. I have not been there before and I've never kited before either. But I thought it would be fun to try it out. And I thought it would be fun to hang out with this gang, because it's a great gang. We have rented three rooms in a house here. It is also a kite school, so you can book kite lessons here. I haven't done that, but it of our guys has booked kites here.
Starting point is 00:03:07 But I have trusted myself that my brother will teach me how to kite. I'm not directly on vacation, but I actually need to work at the same time. So now, for example, they are out on a nice beach somewhere and I'm sitting here and playing a pod. For example. So I didn't know if I was actually going to kite so much. But I've actually tried to kite twice and now I haven't't been on a board. The first thing you do when you learn to kite is to try to control the kite.
Starting point is 00:03:55 A kite is like a sail that flies in the air, that you hold in and that gives power. So you hold in a kind of handle or a... And then there are lines, threads out to the kite, that is, to the sail. And there you get power from the wind. So the more it blows, the more power you get. So you're standing on a board, almost like a surfing board. And then you go, and you get power from the wind. So, yes, it's a bit like windsurfing, but with a smaller board
Starting point is 00:04:43 and that the sail is not stuck in the board. The sail flies up in the air and is attached with lines. And you hold a kind of handle or a kind of... I don't know what to call it in Swedish. But you hold the lines with a kind of handle. A bit like a bicycle handle. It actually works the same way as a bicycle handle. You control the sail by pulling to the right or left or up or down.
Starting point is 00:05:24 either to the right or to the left, up or down. So you can control the sail to the right by turning to the right, or you control it to the left by turning to the left, or you increase or decrease the power by pulling the steering wheel up and down. And then the lines go in different ways and the kite's position changes. That's how it works. My brother has been doing this for a few years now. He can do pretty well. He can go fast and jump several meters up in the air. It looks very fun. What I have done now, the first time, is that I have only stood on land or in the water, but I have not stood on the board, but I have stood and learned to control the kite. It's not easy in the beginning, but now I feel that I have pretty good control of it.
Starting point is 00:06:30 I understand how to pull in this steering wheel for the kite to go in different ways. That was pretty fun, but then you also look at those who are out and kiting in the water and that looks really fun. So now I'm actually pretty excited to actually learn to stand on the board and kite for real. So yes, that's the goal. I've been out with them two times now. I was going to talk a little bit about what attitude I have when it comes to teaching me things. There are different attitudes and ways of thinking.
Starting point is 00:07:25 You can have when you learn something, no matter what it is. For example, if you learn a language, and that is something that is relevant for you who are listening. So when I learn something new, for example now when I'm trying to learn how to control the kite. One thing that often happens when you learn something new is that it feels like there's a lot of new information and you can feel overwhelmed. Overwhelmed, that there's too much that comes, so you feel stressed because it's too much, then you feel overwhelmed. Yes, and then it's important to be calm and understand that you won't
Starting point is 00:08:15 learn and understand, you won't understand everything directly. So there will be a lot of things you don't understand, but right now, There will be a lot of things you don't understand, but right now you should just be calm, stay calm and just try things out and try different things. And just have fun with it too. But above all, just stay calm. Relax. And just, no, but... I'm a beginner. I won't understand everything now.
Starting point is 00:08:54 But it will come. Step by step you understand more and more. And this process goes much faster. If you stay calm. And it gets much more fun, of course, because it's not fun to stress yourself out. So it's also good to think about when you're learning a language. It's good to think about everything. I remember when I started with Jiu Jitsu two years ago,
Starting point is 00:09:20 it was also like, shit, I don't know anything, there are so many things I have to learn. And then you get overwhelmed and everyone else is much better and you don't understand anything. But you have to stay calm and take one thing at a time, focus on where you are right now, and give it time, and try to have fun with it. You can apply that a lot to language as well. And speaking of language, I'm in Italy right now. I can't speak Italian. But I feel a little bit now that I want to learn a little while I'm here. And it's, for example, those who work here. It's a fairly small house.
Starting point is 00:10:18 So it's just one person here at the time who works. And they are pretty nice, friendly, easy to talk to. I try to speak, to say a few things in Italian, so I maybe learn something every day. I can speak French, Spanish and Portuguese, so Italian is pretty easy when you can speak three other languages. I have used the app Link a lot. It's really good in general. I use it for reading Harry Potter in Russian. It's a great app, it's not free, but the free version is very limited.
Starting point is 00:11:19 I pay for it, it costs around 100 SEK a month. But I definitely think that's worth it. I think it's great and I use it a lot. So now, for the Italian, I've set up a medium level, so I can find material on medium level, because I need it to be a little, not a beginner level, because I think that since I can speak three similar languages, all grammar, for example, is very, very easy to understand for me since I know these similar languages. So it's actually, it's like similar words, but there are new versions of these words. So very often it's that you see a word and you think, oh, that must mean that.
Starting point is 00:12:12 So it's pretty fun, because it's a new language, but you understand a lot. And for me it feels very satisfying to go through texts in Italian. I found a podcast episode on this app, Link, so I can listen and read at the same time, and I can click on all the words. So I mark all the words I know, and the words that are new, I mark with yellow. There are many words that I understand, so it feels very satisfying to just understand this, understand this, understand this. So it gets pretty fun. And then I try to say some things to those who work here.
Starting point is 00:13:05 And generally, I would say that if I actually started with Italian, or if I started with a new language, generally, I can tell you what I would do in that case. So, if I started with a new language now, for example Italian, then I would first and foremost start with listening a lot. I would try to find a podcast for beginners so that I start by listening and learning the sound. I thought, for example, that Italian had the same vocal sound as Spanish, so only five vocal sounds, but they actually have seven vocal sounds.
Starting point is 00:13:56 So I was going to start by listening, so I'm a great poddier. Then I usually write down new words and phrases, the most important ones. I try to think about what I would like to say now. So now, for example, in the situation I'm in right now, I live in a kind of hotel, you could say. But it's very little space and it's like a house with some kind of mix, some kind of between between a villa and a hotel. And so I might want to learn, like, is it too late to order breakfast? Because I sleep for quite a long time in the morning, I've noticed. And sometimes I get up quite late and I'm a bit scared that it's too late to order breakfast.
Starting point is 00:14:57 So I've learned how to say, is it too late to order breakfast? Yesterday we wanted to watch the game, the Spain-Frankish game. And then I learned how to say how long have you been working here? And so on. So those are the things you can use, but the basic thing is to understand. So I wouldn't really start talking until after several months. The first months I would probably just focus on understanding and especially on learn the sound. It's very important to focus a lot on the sound, especially in the beginning, because it can be a bit difficult, but it's also important to listen a lot, not only in the beginning, but all the time. But if I were to start with a new language now, I would absolutely start with listening a lot.
Starting point is 00:16:30 So I would try to find a podcast, as I said, for beginners, where they might go through things for beginners. So you get to learn some phrases and things like things and hear them. And then I would take notes, but not like the spelling of that language. When I start with a language, I take notes that I think sound. And I don't think many people do this. Unfortunately, when you learn a new language, it's quite hard to learn the sound. It's also hard to learn the spelling. So why do you try to learn both at the same time, right at the beginning? That's actually quite difficult. And also, you'll mix up the sounds and the staves and stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:37 So the best thing is to start by learning the sounds. And then you can write down words that you think they sound. Because then you will focus more on the pronunciation. If you were to start learning Swedish, and you hear the word, for example, Fortsätta, think about how I would spell that word, if I spell that word myself as it sounds. Okay, fortsätta. You might spell it like, it depends on your mother tongue of course, but say that your mother tongue is English. Then you would write it like F O O T S H E T T A. Like, foot, ketta. But that's not at all how you spell it in Swedish.
Starting point is 00:18:48 But if you start reading without having learned the sound, you will probably remember the word wrong. So it's important to focus a lot on how these words sound before you focus on how you spell them. So that's what I usually do when I learn a new language. I listen a lot and I write down words and such that I think sound think sounds. And then when I've gotten a little feeling for how the language sounds, then I start reading more. And so. So I would start listening a lot, and then I would start reading, and then I would try to understand the grammar and so on. So you focus a lot on understanding.
Starting point is 00:19:49 And then, when you have understood, like, how the language works, you haven't understood all the grammar, but you have understood, like, roughly how the grammar works, the most basic words and things like that. Then you can maybe start talking a little. But the thing is that you can start talking when you want to and feel for it.
Starting point is 00:20:18 I would probably start talking after I have started to understand the language a little better. But right now I have a different situation, because I'm actually here now and I don't think I'll continue to learn Italian afterwards. So yeah, I just think it's fun to learn a little bit. to learn a little bit. But that's probably how I would start, if it wasn't for a specific situation right now. But right now it's mostly just for fun. So I try to learn to understand, to read in Italian through the app Link. I try to learn put something together and it was a a more difficult episode. The episode where I talk in a normal pace. The episode where I don't talk any slower.
Starting point is 00:21:53 So if you are one of the people who like it when I talk faster, here you have an episode where I talk a little faster. So, I also want to mention this, maybe you know, but I have a newsletter. And I usually send out this newsletter once a week. And I write that on easy Swedish. And I also write a small word list at the top, with words that that are a bit more tricky and difficult. So it's pretty much the same concept as this podcast, but in the form of a newsletter about... what did I write about? Oh right, I wrote about how to maintain routines during the summer.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Yeah. And last week I wrote about how to get better tips on how to get better pronunciation, for example. So I write a lot of tips and it's a great way to get more input in Swedish. When you first register for the newsletter, you get a specific sequence of mail to present me and my projects and also a special gift for the course Strong Swedish. And then when it's done, you get these weekly news letters. So that's a tip, please subscribe to that to find the news letter, just go to my website That was all for today. Have a good one. See you in a week, maybe. Bye bye!

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