Simple Swedish Podcast - #244 - Byta vs Ändra vs Förändra (lätt)

Episode Date: July 24, 2024

Nivå: ~A2 I det här lite lättare avsnittet förklarar jag skillnaden mellan dessa tre ord, plus ett fjärde! Jag gör detta eftersom jag har fått frågan många gånger, bland annat på Discord. O...m du är patron på 10€-nivån kan du skriva till mig direkt på Discord och ställa frågor! Klicka här för att bli patron. Om du är med i Language Gym får du också tillgång till en massa chattrum på Discord - läs mer här! Ett smakprov (sample) på transkriptet: Hallå där. Välkommen till Simple Swedish Podcast. Och idag så ska jag prata om skillnaden mellan orden byta, ändra, förändra och flytta. För jag har fått den här frågan mer än en gång. Och det är också något som kanske är lite svårt att förstå. För de här orden kan ofta alla betyda ‘change’ på engelska. I alla fall de tre första där. Och ja, jag har fått den här frågan flera gånger ganska nyligen på Discord. Om du vill vara med och skriva med mig och andra personer på Discord så kan du antingen bli Patreon på 10-euronivån. För det går du till   Du får faktiskt också tillgång till Discord om du är med i The Language Gym.   För där har vi en väldigt aktiv server, där vi kan skriva med varandra och man kan ställa frågor till mig och till de andra lärarna på Language Gym.   Så ja, om du vill bli medlem på Language Gym, gå till och klicka på Language Gym. Men ja, som sagt, jag fick den här frågan fler än en gång. Så jag tänkte att jag ska förklara skillnaden mellan de här orden. Så först och främst ordet ‘att byta’. Alltså byter, bytte, har bytt.   ....för att läsa hela transkriptet till detta och alla andra avsnitt, klicka här!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello there! Welcome to Simple Swedish Podcast. And today I will talk about the difference between the words change, change, change and move. Because I have gotten this question more than once and it is also something that is maybe a little difficult to understand because these words can often all mean change in English. At least the first three. And yes, I have received this question several times quite recently on Discord. And if you want to be part of and write with me and other people on Discord, you can either become a patron on the 10 euro level. For that you go to slash Swedish Linguist. You will also get access to Discord if you are in the Language Gym.
Starting point is 00:01:33 There we have a very active server. Where we can write to each other and ask questions to and to the other teachers at Language Gym. So yes, if you want to become a member of Language Gym, go to and click on Language Gym. But yes, as I said, I got this question more than once, so I thought I would explain the difference between these words. So, first and foremost, the word to change. So, to change, to change, to have changed. And to switch means that you switch one thing against another thing. So you have one thing and then you switch it out against another thing.
Starting point is 00:02:37 So for example, you can switch languages when you talk. For example, we can switch from Swedish to English. So you switch from a language to another. Or you can change clothes. So you take off your clothes when you have them and put on other clothes so you change clothes You can also, for example, change a scheme So you have one scheme and you change it to another scheme So that is to change
Starting point is 00:03:22 You have two different ones that you change between. You change from one thing to another. Then we have to change. And that is something else. To change is to modify something. So it's still the same thing. You don't change it to something else. It's the same thing, but you change it, you modify it. So you can, for example, have a dress, a dress, and you can change the design of it, for example. That means that you modify it. You make a change, but it's still the same dress. You can also change your habits, for example, if I start getting up at half past seven instead of seven, I still have the same habit, but I have changed my habit so that I can get more time to study Swedish. I can for example, get up 30 minutes earlier. And you can change a schedule.
Starting point is 00:05:02 And then it's still the same scheme but you have made changes you have modified the scheme a little bit so there is a difference between changing because then you change it to another so then we have the word to change to change. To change something is that you change more deeply. You might change completely, you change deeper. For example, we have to change the way we live. And that means that we have to change it completely, or change many things, so that the result becomes a whole other. So it's like changing, that you change it completely, or that you change it in the depth. So, you can also say, for example, du har förändrats.
Starting point is 00:06:06 It means that you have become a different person. You have changed so many things with yourself that you have changed. You have become very different. And then you often use the S-form, that is to change. And that is roughly like to change yourself. To change yourself, to change. Roughly. And then we have the word to move.
Starting point is 00:06:42 I think it's a little easier to understand the difference, because to move something is simply that you take something from one place to another. You change place on something. That is to move something. So for example, can you move your car from one point to another? So, can you move your car, can you put your car in another place? Or for example, the city of Kiruna in Sweden. There is a city called Kiruna in northern Sweden, all along the north in Sweden. And that city was moved by the mine in Kiruna and then they moved the whole city so that they could continue with the mine drilling there. So yes, that is the difference between changing, changing, changing and moving. You change one thing against another, so it's something completely different. Changing is still the same thing, but you have modified it. Changing is changing something completely or change the depth.
Starting point is 00:08:29 And to move something is simply to another. It is to move too. Yes, that was what I wanted to say in this episode. It will be a little shorter episode here because I have recently been a little busy so I have not had as much time. But I still wanted to make sure that a podcast episode comes out every week. So, I'm in Sweden right now. I was in Sardinia for 10 days and learned how to kitesurf. It was fun and nice. About a week ago I came to Sweden and I spent a few days in my summer cottage in Dalarna. And yes, it is actually quite close to the place for our language lock-in bootcamp, because it's in Mora.
Starting point is 00:10:05 My summer cottage is in Malung, so it's probably an hour from Mora. So yes, the bootcamp will be in Mora in about three weeks. So that's going to be a lot of fun. And that was it for today, for this episode. So I'll see you again next week. Next week I'll have a guest. So that's going to be fun. So keep an eye out for that. Take care, and I'll see you next week.

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