Simple Swedish Podcast - #251 - Prata om känslor

Episode Date: October 9, 2024

Nivå: ~A2-B1 Är du trött på att bara använda orden "bra" och "dåligt"? Här får du lära dig hur man pratar om olika känslor och känslotillstånd! ------------------- För att stödja podden ...och få transkript till avsnitten - bli patron för bara 5€ per månad – klicka här! Gå med i vår GRATIS community på Skool. Där kan du skriva med alla andra, ställa frågor, och hitta läromaterial för att förbättra din svenska. Klicka här för att gå med! För att ta del av erbjudandet New Year New Me - klicka här och anmäl dig. Ett helt år av Language Gym inkluderat för de nästa 3 personerna som anmäler sig till nästa vinterbootcamp! ------------------- Ett smakprov (sample) på transkriptet: Hur mår du? Hur är det? Hur känns det? Hur känner du dig? Ja, de frågorna ska vi besvara idag. Välkommen till Simple Swedish Podcast med mig Fredrik. Idag ska vi prata om hur man pratar om känslor. Innan vi börjar ska jag tacka några patrons. Det är Fabrizio, Mahamad, Sergey, Darius, Rana och Cynthia. Tack till er för att ni stödjer podden. Alla som vill bli patrons kan gå till   Då får man transkript till alla avsnitt och man hjälper mig att skapa den här podden. Så vi ska prata om känslor.   Om man får frågan “hur mår du?” eller “hur är det?”, eller om man vill beskriva hur man känner sig, om man vill beskriva, ja, någonting. Man kanske fastnar med orden ja, det är bra, det är dåligt, det känns bra, det känns dåligt, ja, det är en bra känsla, det är en dålig känsla.” Så det kanske är lite tråkigt att bara använda orden “bra” och “dåligt”. Bra, dåligt, bra, dåligt. Nej.   Så vi ska lära oss lite fler ord, träna på lite fler ord så att man kan uttrycka sig lite mer nyanserat kanske. Och först och främst så finns det två sätt att säga, att prata om känslor, alltså två konstruktioner kan man säga.   Den ena är jag känner mig som någonting, liksom. Och det är ett känslotillstånd. Till exempel, jag känner mig glad, jag känner mig ledsen, jag känner mig arg, jag känner mig nervös, jag känner mig taggad.   ....för att läsa hela transkriptet till detta och alla andra avsnitt, klicka här!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 How are you? How is it? How does it feel? How do you feel? Yes, those questions we will answer today how to talk about feelings. Before we start, I would like to thank some Patrons. Fabrizio, Mohammed, Sergej, Darius, Rana and Cynthia. Thank you for supporting the podcast. All who want to become a Patron can go to slash Swedish Linguist Then you get a transcript for all episodes and you help me To create this pot and
Starting point is 00:00:58 Yes, so we're going to talk about feelings And yes, if you get the question, how are you? Or how is it? Or if you want to describe how you feel, if you want to describe something. You might get stuck with the words It's good, it's bad, it feels good, it feels bad It's a good feeling, it's a bad feeling So it might be a little boring to just use the words good and bad Good, bad, good, bad, no So we are going learn some more words, practice some more words so that you can express yourself more nuanced maybe. And first and foremost, there are two ways to say, to talk about feelings, two constructions, you could say.
Starting point is 00:02:06 One is, I feel me, as something. And that is a feeling condition. For example, I feel happy, I feel sad, I feel angry, I feel nervous, I feel excited So I feel me, it's almost the same as saying I am So you can say I am happy, I feel happy, I am sad, I feel sad, I am angry, I feel angry So I feel me is the opposite, I am angry, I feel angry, so I feel like I am responding like I am. It's a state of emotion. The other common construction is to say it feels like.
Starting point is 00:02:58 And it feels, it's almost the same as saying that it is And that's often used if something gives me a feeling So, you can say that it feels good, that it is good Or that it feels tough Or that it feels nice Or that it feels exciting Or that it feels embarrassing Or that it feels nice or it feels exciting or it feels embarrassing or it feels lovely or it feels fun
Starting point is 00:03:31 so it feels boring and there is a big difference between the feeling and the feeling of me because when I feel me then you talk about me I feel me Because I feel me, then you talk about me I feel me, I am For example
Starting point is 00:03:50 If I want to talk about that it's boring I say that it is boring, or it feels boring If I say I am boring Then it means, I am boring, then it means that I am boring, that others have bored me because I am a boring person. I am boring, yes, I say that it's boring, it feels boring to me. The word boring can be a bit tricky because when something feels boring, it often means that it feels a little sad or like you are a little sad that it feels sad, like, if something tells if someone tells
Starting point is 00:04:54 that something bad has happened for example, I couldn't pass the test and then I can say, oh how boring it feels. But that is the difference between I feel myself and it feels. So we will go through some common feelings and some variations on those feelings so first and foremost, joy yes!
Starting point is 00:05:32 positive, how good, I'm happy today I... I feel happy or maybe even stronger, I feel happy. Happiness is even stronger than joy. You can also be satisfied. It's just like, I'm satisfied. I don't need anything more. I'm satisfied. I feel satisfied now.
Starting point is 00:06:01 I don't need anything more. I feel satisfied with life. I have everything I need. You can also feel enthusiastic. You are excited about something. You are enthusiastic. enthusiastic in front of the concert maybe or maybe not in front of the concert but you can feel excited in front of a concert for example And it can also feel exciting It's like, ah, I'm excited, it feels exciting So I say It feels because Something makes it feel like that for me
Starting point is 00:06:49 So I'm going to an exciting concert So it feels exciting Because the concert is exciting So it feels exciting Or it feels fun Fun, it feels fun It's quite general Or it feels lovely It feels fun, it's quite general. It feels wonderful.
Starting point is 00:07:08 It feels wonderful, it's wonderful, it's very good, very nice, very wonderful. So, yes, it was a wonderful trip. It felt wonderful to be on vacation. It was so nice to be on vacation. We took it easy. So, there are some words you can use for joy. To be happy. Joy. To feel joy. To feel happy. I feel happy. Gladie, att känna glädje, att känna sig glad. Jag känner mig glad. Ehm, ja. Nästa är, ilska.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Åh! Att vara arg. Det är ilska, att känna ilska. Alltså att känna sig arg. Jag känner mig arg. Ehm, om man är lite arg bara kan man säga, jag är upprörd. I feel angry. I feel angry. If you are a little angry, you can say I am upset. I feel upset. It's like...
Starting point is 00:08:12 I am a little upset right now. Or irritated. I feel a little... Irritated. I can't take this. It's hard hard I feel like But if you're more and more irritated, then you can get angry So you feel angry, I feel angry, I am angry So, maybe you lied to me, so I got angry. So, it's mean to be angry.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Next common feeling is love. Very nice positive feeling. So, you feel love, it's a feeling. So man känner kärlek, det är en känsla. Och det finns olika, kanske relaterade känslor, som till exempel medkänsla. Ja, medkänsla är att man känner med någon. Om du är ledsen, okej, då kan jag känna med dig, liksom jag har medkänsla. If you're sad, I can feel with you. I have a feeling for you. There's also passion. Passion is a strong feeling of love and attraction. But you can also feel passion for a hobby or an interest such as language so I can say that I am passionate
Starting point is 00:09:50 passionate with... I don't even know how to say it I feel passionate in front of language Attraction Attraction is that something pulls you towards it so you can feel attraction to someone or something often maybe someone when you often talk about sexual attraction so you are attracted to a person
Starting point is 00:10:18 you can also long for a person I long for you. You feel the longing. You want to be with that person. And when you are not with that person, it feels a bit tough. And that is longing. You long for someone. You can also long for a place, for example, that you usually go to, but that you don't go to now.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Then we have sadness or sorrow. To be sad. I feel sad. So I feel sad. You are not happy. You are sad. You are a little depressed. You are a little depressed, but not as serious. You are depressed, you are down You are not so happy, not so enthusiastic Not so happy
Starting point is 00:11:33 You are a little sad, a little depressed, a little down You feel sad Yes, I feel sad I feel sad. I feel depressed. Maybe because I'm alone, I feel lonely me, or someone has left me, then maybe I feel hurt. Or I feel lonely. And then maybe I feel sad, down, wet and so on. So, yes, to feel hurt, to feel lonely, yes.
Starting point is 00:12:28 It can also be stronger feelings. So, if someone has gone away, if someone has died, then you feel sorrow. So, you are serving that person when you serve a person who is no longer around then you feel sorrow it can feel hopeless you can say that it feels hopeless it feels meaningless
Starting point is 00:13:03 you don't feel any meaning. It feels meaningless. It feels sad. And sad. Yes, so something is sad. Something is sad. A movie can be sad. film kan vara lässam. Och om en film är lässam, ja, då kanske jag känner mig ledsen. Så jag känner mig lite ledsen nu för att jag såg en ledsam film, eller en sorglig film. Så. Så det var ledsenhet, att liksom känna sig ledsen, att vara ledsen eller nere. So that was sadness, to feel sad, to be sad or down. Then we have fear. To feel fear is to be afraid. So you can feel afraid, like I'm afraid, I feel afraid.
Starting point is 00:14:03 I am scared, I feel scared Because there is a danger, a threat Something that can hurt me So if I think that something can hurt me Or make me feel bad, make me feel bad Or hurt me To hurt someone is more sensitive I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want I'm scared, then I feel scared. And you are scared of something. I can be, for example, scared of worms, I can be scared of spiders, I can be scared. For example, if I learn Swedish, that can make me scared.
Starting point is 00:15:03 For example, when I speak Swedish. If I speak a language I'm not very good at, then I can feel scared. to feel nervous or worried You feel worried, you feel nervous, you feel scared Worrying is not feeling calm Calm, then you feel calm You are not worried, not nervous You feel calm, you are not worried, you are not nervous, you feel calm and at peace. Yes, calm. But if you are not calm, you are worried, you are nervous.
Starting point is 00:15:57 And if these feelings get stronger, then you can feel anxiety Anxiety is a tough feeling a feeling that is not so pleasant it feels like in the body All people have anxiety sometimes Speaking new languages often gives anxiety. And if the anxiety gets very very strong, then you can get panic. Panic anxiety.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Panic is when you get very very scared and don't know what to do. Then you have panic and not so good So Yeah So that was different different feelings related to fear
Starting point is 00:16:55 to be afraid So the last feeling is shame also a hard feeling shame to be ashamed. So when you are ashamed, you feel ashamed.
Starting point is 00:17:12 For example, that something feels embarrassing. For example, if you have done away with yourself in front of a lot of people, for example if you have stood on a stage and done something wrong and people are laughing at you embarrassing You can feel, oh how embarrassing, how hard Then you feel a kind of shame You feel ashamed You feel ashamed Because it feels embarrassing Often when you are a teenager You think that your parents are embarrassing You just, oh mom stop being embarrassing in front of my friends
Starting point is 00:18:09 for example if mom comes and hugs and kisses you in front of your friends yeah, that's embarrassing a stronger type of shame is maybe guilt. So if I have hurt someone, especially if I have hurt a person I love, then I can feel guilt. I feel guilt and that is a very tough feeling. skuld och det är en väldigt jobbig känsla. Och när man känner skuld, då kan man också säga jag har dåligt samvete. Att ha dåligt samvete för någonting betyder att det liksom man har gjort någonting fel, man vet att det var fel och det känns väldigt
Starting point is 00:19:03 jobbigt. Man känner skuld, man känner skam, man har dåligt samvete. Och för att know that it was wrong and it feels very hard. You feel guilty, you feel ashamed, you have bad conscience. And in order to get good conscience again, you probably have to say sorry, you have to ask for forgiveness in order to get rid of your guilt, in order to get rid of your guilt, to get rid of your bad conscience. So that was related feelings to shame. And a word I have used a lot is the word jobbigt. A very very good word. so try to use this word It can be hard when you're angry, it's a hard feeling Being sad is a hard feeling
Starting point is 00:19:51 Being nervous is a hard feeling Stress is also hard, so it's very hard It can be very broad Like, I'm going to do a test tomorrow I'm nervous, stressed, it feels tough. It feels tough. It's tough to be stressed. It's tough.
Starting point is 00:20:16 It's a tough feeling. Anxiety, guilt and shame, it's tough feelings. Like, it's so tough, I can't take it anymore. Yes, the opposite of hard would maybe be nice. So if it has been hard and then it stops being hard, then it feels nice so nice nice that that the two of us are friends again or oh so nice to be on vacation no stress
Starting point is 00:20:58 no job oh so nice so nice that the move is over, that we have done everything we need to do, we don't need to stress. Ah, how nice. So that is the word. Nice, it's like, ah, how nice. It's like a good feeling, a nice feeling. Love is a nice feeling. Enthusiasm is also a nice, lovely feeling. And I also want, before we end, I want to... first of all there is a meaning that is hard to translate from English
Starting point is 00:21:52 And that is I'm so excited So what does I'm so excited mean? In Swedish, don't say excited, okay? Because excited has pretty sexual connotations So, if you want to say excited, it's better to say for example, it feels exciting So not me is exciting, but it feels exciting And it feels so exciting To do this trip Or It feels exciting that we are doing this
Starting point is 00:22:33 Or I am so excited I am so excited for this I am excited, it feels exciting, it feels fun It feels fun, you could say Yeah And Lastly, I want to say that
Starting point is 00:22:52 If you haven't heard of it We have a very very good Offering for Language Locking Bootcamp So if you've learned Swedish for a long time good offer for language lock-in bootcamp. So if you have learned Swedish for a long time, but it's just so hard to really start using the language in your everyday life, start using the language with Swedes, or you might not live in Sweden,
Starting point is 00:23:21 but you have learned Swedish for a long time, you can speak, but you just feel that you have to challenge yourself and really speak Swedish every day. Language Lock-in Bootcamp for you with 9 days of total language learning total immersion in English with lessons, activities, friends and in the beginning of January If you are one of the next three people who sign up for that Then you get one year of Language Gym included. One year of Language Gym is over 10.000 SEK worth of it. So go to and register for our bootcamp. That was it. I hope you have learned to talk about emotions. I hope you have learned to talk about emotions It was fun to make this episode
Starting point is 00:24:49 Today is a nice day, it feels nice Because the weather is nice outside It's sunny and warm It's nice in Gothenburg I hope you don't have it hard Gött på Göteborgska Hoppas du inte har det jobbigt Så ses vi snart eller hörs snart igen gör vi. Tja på dig

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