Simple Swedish Podcast - #258 - Att lära sig tala flytande
Episode Date: December 9, 2024Nivå: A2-B1 Ett av de mest populära ämnena är hur man når en hög nivå i svenska språket. Jag har sett det hända många gånger, och här ville jag dela med mig av vad jag har sett verkligen f...ungera. Både för mig själv och för andra. Projektet Language Gym är något jag är med och bygger med exakt det målet, och jag har sett hur bra det fungerar. Nu i december kan jag ge dig vårt bästa erbjudande hittills: Första månaden för 399 SEK (~35€) med obegränsade bokningar. Bestäm själv om du vill fortsätta eller avsluta efter det. Ordinarie pris per månad 1199 SEK, alltså 67% rabatt! 100 lektioner i månaden, livlig community med folk från hela världen och erfarna, engagerade lärare. Låter det här som något för dig? Klicka här för att ta del av erbjudandet! Viktigt: Language Gym är för dig som redan kan tala svenska, åtminstone på en grundläggande nivå. Perfekt för dig som inte längre är nybörjare, och känner att du behöver en plats där du får träna mycket på att prata. ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- Ett smakprov (sample) på transkriptet: Ja, men hallå, hallå på dig, det här är Simple Swedish Podcast och jag heter Fredrik. Och ja du, idag ska vi prata om hur man lär sig att prata bra på svenska. Eller på vilket språk som helst. Och kanske lite specifikt då hur man blir avancerad. Inte, så här, hur man börjar prata, inte hur man går från nybörjare till medelnivå. Utan mer hur man når en lite mer avancerad nivå. Hur man blir flytande, kan man väl säga. För att när man är i början, alltså när man är nybörjare, då går allting ganska fort. Man måste inte öva varje dag. Och man måste mest bara öva, öva och så. Och man avancerar. Men när man har nått en..ah, lite mer medelnivå och man vill nå en mer avancerad nivå. Man vill lära sig prata flytande. Man vill kunna bara prata med folk om olika saker utan att det är problem, problem, problem hela tiden. Utan att man känner sig stressad, stressad. Svårt att hitta alla ord och man förstår inte vad andra säger och så vidare. Den nivån är ganska svår att nå och det är väldigt många som ger upp innan man har nått den nivån. Så det har jag pratat om förut många gånger. Men jag tror att det är bra att prata om det många gånger och det verkar som att det är ett populärt ämne också. Och i slutet av avsnittet kommer jag att prata om någonting som jag tror kan vara väldigt intressant för dig. Så lyssna till slutet. Och först vill jag säga att, ja, jag som alla andra har kollat på min Spotify Wrapped för det gångna året. Och det är över 3000 personer som har haft den här podden som sin mest lyssnade podd. Så 3000 personer, eller mer än 3000 personer, har lyssnat mest av alla poddar på Simple Swedish Podcast. Så kul om du är en av dem lyssnarna! Tack ska du ha, och jag vet att du inte gör det för min skull men tack ändå. Och grattis till dig också för att det betyder att du tar det på allvar att lära dig svenska. Alltså att Att verkligen engagera sig mycket med olika resurser, det är ju en väldigt viktig del av att nå en hög nivå i ett språk. Att man verkligen liksom badar i språket och spenderar mycket tid med språket. Sen ska jag också tacka några nya patrons - Gabriel, Ehsan, Jazz, Séverine, Pedro, Andrew, Shu, Diana, Leo och Kristóf. Tack, tack till er för att ni stödjer den här podden genom att bli patron. Ja, så att nå en avancerad nivå där man kan prata mer eller mindre flytande. Alltså ‘flytande’ är inte någonting väldigt specifikt, utan ‘flytande’ kan betyda lite olika saker. ....för att läsa hela transkriptet till detta och alla andra avsnitt, klicka här!
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Hello, hello to you! This is Simple Swedish Podcast and my name is Fredrik.
Today we will talk about how to learn to speak Swedish well in Swedish or any other language well.
And maybe a little bit more specifically, how you get more advanced.
Not how you start speaking, not how you go from beginner to medium level but more how to reach
a little more advanced level
how to become fluent
you can say
when you are in the beginning
when you are a beginner
then everything goes pretty fast
you don't have to practice every day
and you mostly just have to practice and practice and so on and you progress
but when you have reached a more medium level and you want to reach a more advanced level. You want to learn to speak fluently.
You want to be able to talk to people about different things without having problems all the time.
Without feeling stressed, stressed, difficult to find all words and you don't understand what others are saying
That level is quite difficult to reach and there are many who give up before you have reached that level I've talked about that before, many times, but I think it's good to talk about it many times.
And it seems like it's a popular topic as well.
And at the end of the episode I will talk about something that I think can be very interesting for you
so listen to the end
and first I want to say that
I, like everyone else, have watched my Spotify rap for the first time this year and it's over 3000 people
who have had this podcast
as their most listened podcast
so more than 3000 people
have listened to most of all podcasts
on Simple Swedish Podcast
so fun if you are one of those listeners
Thanks for having me, and I know you don't want to do it for my sake, but thanks anyway And congrats to you as well, because it means that you take it seriously to learn Swedish
To really engage yourself with different resources
It is a very important part of reaching a high level in a language
You really bathe in the language and spend a lot of time with the language.
Then I would like to thank some new Patrons.
Gabriel, Esan, Jas, Severin, Pedro, Andrew, Shoo, Diana, Leo and Kristoff.
Thank you for supporting this podcast through Patreon.
I mean, fluent is not something very specific, but fluent can mean a few different things.
But that you can have conversations about many different topics with people in general,
that you can speak that language. So I would say that I have managed to do that
in two languages to a very high level
and then three more to a pretty good level of conversation
so you manage to do that pretty well.
And that is of course, first and foremost, English.
And yes, English, I learned to speak it, like, fluent in Australian, I would say. I could English before, but it was flowing in Australia.
And this was a journey that changed my life forever.
It was one part before Australia and the next part after Australia, of my life.
Because there, there was a lot that happened, a lot of things that I, like,
many experiences, many experiences, many very personal experiences and experiences,
many new contacts, and at the same time I only spoke English
so that has meant a lot to me as a person
and that this happened in English
that I had these experiences
that I changed as a person, I met many new people
and that was in English
and that of course makes English become a part of me
a part of my personality, a part of me so that also means that you can reach this higher level, that it becomes personal
that you really do things with that language or on that language
you use the language to develop, to talk to people, to learn to know new people, to build relationships,
to have experiences in that language.
So I had many new experiences in English.
And that has of course contributed a lot to the fact that I have such a high level of English.
And that it is a part of my personality, and my identity.
And then, for the rest of my life I have continued to use English a lot.
My last relationship was 100% in English.
And with Spanish, I live in Spain.
I have lived in Valencia for four years and I have lived in Barcelona for one year.
So I have spent a lot of time in Spain.
I have friends who I only speak Spanish with.
Spanish is an integral part of my life.
And there was a lot in Barcelona when it started.
And then my other languages, for example French, Portuguese, Czech.
I can't speak Czech that well anymore. But my then girlfriend was from Czech and I learned Czech a lot together with her parents in that family.
So it became very personal for me and I had a pretty strong and fast development in that language
So, I would say that it's about some different things
because partly you need a strong base. A strong base is that you get a lot of input, of course.
You try to integrate the language in your life as much as possible.
You do things on that language. you use the language for things.
And things that are personal, for me specifically. Because I need to get a personal connection to the language.
I need to have a kind of love for the language. it has to be close to me in some way.
So I have to find things that I can get in contact with, personal contact, and as much as possible of course.
And then this thing about speaking, that is often what is very difficult to really get started with, to really get to talk a lot Because you need, of course, a habit to speak in order to be able to speak fluently because to speak fluently means that
it just goes
you don't need to pause all the time
to find words
and you can only do that if
you have used the language a lot.
Both that you have listened and read and spent time, but also that you have spoken a lot.
And to be able to speak a lot, you need people to talk to people. And then it's also important to find your personal contacts in Swedish.
To find your own people.
I have to find my own people to use this language with.
So that I can create personal contacts and a personal connection to the language
and also build self-confidence because self-confidence is very important
You can learn many words, but if you are always insecure when you speak, if you are insecure and stressed in the situation and the people you talk to. Because often there are people you feel safe talking to people. Almost everyone, even if
you have trouble talking to people in general,
there is often someone
you feel a little safer with.
And that is so important because
you really have to build your self-confidence
in the language
to feel comfortable and find your own way to use the language, your own way to be in that language. I'm talking about when you want to reach a higher level.
If you just need to communicate in business or communicate very openly, then you don't of course, no personal connection.
Then the language is just a tool for practical things.
But if you want the language to become part of you,
you want to reach a high level of the language,
when you want to be able to get to know people
and get a personal connection to the culture, to the language,
this higher level, that's when it's important that the language becomes more personal, something personal to you.
And other people are often a big part of that.
And I have seen how people have developed a lot
and how they have reached an advanced level in Swedish
and some things that they have always done together, things that all of them have done
For example, they have found the love for the Swedish language, for the culture
They have found a personal connection to it. And this makes you enjoy the process itself.
That you love the process itself.
And it also makes you want to be in the language.
You want the language, you want to have the language around you and do things in that language
Even if it's a little harder, and I want to relax, watch a series or read a book, it's harder to do that in this other language but since I love that language
I would rather do it in that language than in this one
so you find what you really love to do
and often it is also related to people.
You make personal contacts with people.
But also with other things, music, books and movies.
You may travel and have experiences in that language.
And then an important detail, that these people of course do not need to be Swedish.
So, for example with me and English, the English language,
with me and the English language, the majority of people I've spoken to and learned to know they haven't been native speakers, they haven't been British, Americans and so on. So it doesn't play a big role, but what plays a role is that you find your people,
find your personal connection and really spend a lot of time with the language and build a personal relationship, a personal connection, love for the language and culture.
And there are many ways to do this, and it is of course important that everyone finds their own way, their own way to do it.
And I think that you who are listening, you understand that for me personally, this is a very...
This is an subject that is warmly around my heart.
That something is warmly around my heart means that I know a lot about it, that it is important to me.
So it is warmly around my heart. I have dedicated a lot of time to create solutions for about this project that I'm building.
Because you've probably heard about Language Gym.
Because it's the project that I've dedicated most of my working time, the last year.
So this year that has passed, I don't know, maybe 80-90% of my working hours
I have dedicated to Language Gym.
And I have also really seen that this works.
Because this is an online place where you get a chance to really talk a lot.
And especially talk to other people.
Not so much with teachers.
Teachers, we are there, but the majority of the time you spend talking to other people
who are in the same situation as yourself and who are on a similar level in Swedish. And this really makes it possible to build these personal relationships,
you can get a lot of time to talk, so you get this habit,
and there is much less pressure in this situation
because you talk to people who are in the same situation as you are in.
People who are learning and want to get better and who also want to learn Swedish, who have this interest or this ambition,
who have something in common.
And I have seen how people have developed there, very much,
and many really build these personal relationships.
I have seen people who actually meet each other in real life as well.
So it's a very fun and cool project.
And if you feel that it's exactly what you need, we have an offer right now that might be our best offer ever.
This offer is only available in December.
So it's only for 399, so around 400 SEK Then you can be part of Language Gym
for a whole month
on unlimited lessons
for only 399 SEK
And we have 100 lessons every month
So that means that the price per lesson is only 4 crowns.
That is actually a very good price. So this ordinary price per month is 1199, so 67% discount on that price.
So 399, a whole month, all the lessons you want and if you don't like it, you can just stop after that month.
There is nothing that says that you must continue after that month.
If you like it, which I think you do, you can join one of our different plans.
If you don't like it, just leave it.
And this, only in December, can also be a great Christmas present for someone.
A Christmas present is a gift you give on Christmas.
So yes, 399, one whole month, unlimited lessons.
And it's only in December.
So I'll leave a link to this in the description.
So yes, sorry that it became a pretty long section with advertising. I usually don't do that, but as I said, this is a project that I know a lot about.
It's a little my baby, this language gym.
And this offer is, yes, If I learned Swedish, I would absolutely
agree with this.
I would like this to be in other languages that I learn,
but that might come in the future.
So, that was what I wanted to say today. I hope you found something useful in this.
I hope to see you in Language Gym, because I am also one of the teachers there.
See you in the next episode. Bye bye!